<p> FREMANTLE & DISTRICTS PHILATELIC SOCIETY STAMP AUCTION 9 APRIL 2014</p><p>Fremantle & Districts Philatelic Society (Inc) STAMP AUCTION</p><p>WEDNESDAY 9th APRIL 2014</p><p>Something for Everybody</p><p>VIEWING FROM 6.30 pm</p><p>SALE STARTS 8.00 pm</p><p>VENUE – Fremantle Tennis Club Parry Street, FREMANTLE</p><p>(ed) D:\Docs\2018-04-20\09a0e3c9c5777a364320bd9597572360.doc FREMANTLE & DISTRICTS PHILATELIC SOCIETY STAMP AUCTION 9 APRIL 2014</p><p>CONDITIONS OF SALE </p><p>1. RESERVES</p><p>The figures quoted in the catalogue are the RESERVES. They are the starting price for each lot. The minimum reserve for this sale has been set at $5. It is strongly recommended that lots set at this reserve be viewed as this is effectively NO RESERVE and potential bargains exist.</p><p>2. AUCTIONEER</p><p>The appointed Auctioneer (Trevor Lacy) will decide the work program for the Auction.</p><p>3. DISPUTES</p><p>In the case of a dispute the decision of the Auctioneer will be final. He may, if necessary re-offer the lot.</p><p>4. BIDDING</p><p>The successful purchaser shall be the highest bidder. The Auctioneer will determine the bidding advances (approximately 10% of the last amount bid).</p><p>5. VIEWING</p><p>On the day only, prior to the Auction from 6.30 pm. </p><p>6. PAYMENT</p><p>Cash preferred. If payment by cheque – identification may be required etc. Mastercard & Visa Credit Cards will be accepted but are subject to a 5% surcharge to cover costs.</p><p>7. INSPECTION OF LOTS</p><p>Bidders will be deemed to have inspected lots before the auction. Purchasers will be deemed to have inspected and accepted lots before leaving the auction, otherwise lots are not returnable.</p><p>8. DESCRIPTION OF LOTS</p><p>These have basically been listed as described by the vendors and vary widely. Lots are not inspected prior to preparation of the catalogue. Therefore, it is essential that bidders inspect lots prior to the auction. The society shall accept no responsibility for any errors/ omission associated with lot description.</p><p>9. COLLECTION OF LOTS</p><p>Following payment, lots may be collected at any time during the auction. Otherwise it is expected that they will be paid for and collected immediately following the auction. </p><p>10. POSTAL BIDS</p><p>Further to point 8., postal bids are not encouraged. If you cannot attend the auction and wish to bid it is strongly recommended that you make appropriate arrangements with somebody attending the auction to act on your behalf. If necessary, please ring Mike Kouwen on (08) 9384 4981 to discuss.</p><p>(ed) D:\Docs\2018-04-20\09a0e3c9c5777a364320bd9597572360.doc FREMANTLE & DISTRICTS PHILATELIC SOCIETY STAMP AUCTION 9 APRIL 2014</p><p>RES LOT COUNTRY DESCRIPTION ($) 1. Australia 5d Green QE II i) imperf left, ii) imperf at right & base MUH SG354 (2) 10 2. Faroe Is 1984 & 1985 Christmas seals in MUH sheets of 30 10 3. Australia FDC Album with 40 pre-decimal FDC’s & covers with special cancels 15 4. Mauritius 1969 Sealife Pictorial set of 18 MUH SG 382/99 10 5. Great Britain 2003 Prince of Wales 60th Birthday sheetlet with 10 Welsh 1st stamps P & S MUH 10 6. Cook Is 1949 Pictorial set of 10 mounted Mint SG 150/9 Cat £48 5 7. Germany 1947/8 – 3 sets with souvenir postmarks mounted on souvenir cards – vg condition 5 8. Jersey 1976 / 80 Pictorial set of 19 MUH SG 137/55 10 9. Great Britain range of MUH QEII Wildings issues various wmks – little duplication Cat £50 + (50) 10 10. Australia 1932 1/- Green Lyre Bird MLH well centred SG 140 10 11. Australia 1932 6d Red-Brown large Kookaburra MLH SG 146 5 12. Australia 1934 Macarthur set of 3 SG 150/2 M/MLH 15 13. Australia 1935 1/- Black ANZAC MUH SG 155 25 14. Australia 1934 No Wmk 1/6d Hermes Mint Hinged SG 153 15 15. Australia 1935 Silver Jubilee set of 3 MLH SG 156/8 15 16. Australia 1938 Robes set of 3 Mint Hinged SG 176/8 30 17. Australia 1948 10/- Robes thin paper well centred MUH SG 177a 25 18. Australia 1956 3½d QEII No Wmk Booklet pane of 6 MUH SG 262a 5 19. Australia 1930 TWO PENCE surcharge on 1½d Red KGV – left stamp with variety BW 101h 10 ‘sliced ‘O’ of TWO’ well centred Mint Hinged 20. Australia 2000 Olympics 49c Shot Putt in MUH strip of 3 with variety missing Tasmania MUH 10 21. Queensland 1908 1d Vermillion x 2 with varieties BW Q12d ‘white gash left frame’ & BW Q12f 10 ‘white gash right frame’ both Fine Used – cat $60 22. Indonesia 1955 Mother’s day MUH/MLH block of 4 SG 667 Cat £80 15 23. Korea 1949 Railway Centenary MLH SG 129 Cat £160 20 24. Lebanon 1947 Air set (6) Fine Mint Hinged SG 352/7 Cat £27 5 25. Lichtenstein 1934 Air set (5) Fine Mint Hinged SG 145a/9a Cat £100 15 26. Macao 1956 map set (8) Fine Mint Hinged SG 470/7 Cat £103 15 27. Portugal 1956 Railway Centenary set (4) Fine Mint Hinged SG 1136/9 Cat £140 25 28. Romania 1931 50th Naval Anniversary set (4) Fine Mint Hinged Cat £70 10 29. Russia 1927 Air Post Congress Fine Mint pair SG 499/500 Cat £48 10 30. Saar 1949 Horse Day Fine MUH pair SG 262/3 Cat £37 10 31. San Marino 1932 Electric Railway set (4) Fine Mint Hinged SG 179/82 Cat £100 15 32. ??? Surprise Lot 5 33. Argentina 1944 Eathquake relief set (4) Fine Mint Hinged SG 736/9 Cat £64 10 34. French Guiana 1947 Airs – 3 top values SG 241/3 Fine Mint Hinged Cat £82 10 35. Yugoslavia 1949 railway Centenary set (4) Fine Mint Hinged SG 631/3a cat £58 10 36. Yugoslavia 1950 Chess Championship set (5) Fine Mint Hinged SG 647/51 Cat £68 10 37. AAT 1966 Decimal set (11) Fine Mint Unhinged 10 38. AAT 1966 Decimal set (11) very Fine Used 10 39. WA Postmark Crown Registered handstamp on 2 WA Swans on piece 15 40. WA Postmark Gunyidi B28 on 1d Red KGV 13 Oct 15 (PMI early date 11-06-17) 15 41. WA Postmark Konongorring D29 on 1d Red KGV with 1 ‘N’ (not 2) – not listed PMI but is in PMC 15 42. WA Postmark Nangeenan A26 on 1d Red KGV 13 Oct 15 (PMI latest date 10-03-15) 10 43. WA Postmark Aberdeen Street Perth D27T-b on 1d Red KGV 22 Mar 18 (PMI latest date 16-02-16) 10 44. WA Postmark Waverley 3b on 5d Olive-Green Swan (noyear line in date) – very scarce 30 45. WA Postmark (Yalg)oo (Post & Tel)egraph Office part strike on KGV 1d Red 1915 - scarce 10 46. WA Postmark Yerilla A25 on 1d Red KGV 10 Nov 1915 (latest PMI date 9-02-10) – very scarce 20</p><p>(ed) D:\Docs\2018-04-20\09a0e3c9c5777a364320bd9597572360.doc FREMANTLE & DISTRICTS PHILATELIC SOCIETY STAMP AUCTION 9 APRIL 2014</p><p>RES LOT COUNTRY DESCRIPTION ($) 47. Australia WW II Military Mail 22 Dec 1940 (Salvation Army) censored cover Palestine to 10 Australia. Fine condition. 48. New Zealand 1969 Cook Mini Sheet on unaddressed FDC in Fine condition 10 49. New Zealand 1938 KGVI Definitive set of 17 MUH SG 603/9 & 680/9 Cat £60 20 50. Australian States in a small box (100’s) 20 51. West Aust 1000+ plus used Swans - as accumulated not checked by vendor 50 52. Australia 1000+ plus used KG V - all sorts - good mix of values - as accumulated 50 53. Australia 80 Pre-Decimals MUH on Hagner 8 54. Australia Used High & non letter rate values on & off paper 10 55. Australia 78 Larger Type Official APO FDC's 1980's : Face Value $130+ 40 56. Australia 50 small type official APO FDC’s 1970’s/80’s 5 57. Accessory Second Hand FDC Album with 20 pages – good condition 15 58. Australia 100 x 50c uncancelled on paper 15 59. Australia 100 x 60c uncancelled on paper - all different 15 60. Carton Commercial Mail ex Bencubbin / Mt Marshall Shire Office 1980's 5 61. Australia Pre Stamped Envelopes : 152 different to 1989 cancelled First Day of Issue 10 62. Norfolk Is MUH range of decimals on stock sheets - face value $20+ 10 63. Papua N Guinea MUH range of decimals on hagner sheet - face value K$20+ 10 64. Christmas Is MUH range of decimals on stock sheets - face value $20+ 10 65. Cocos Is MUH range of decimals on stock sheets - face value $20+ 10 66. Great Britain 1971/5 Commemoratives MUH - 24 sets & 3 singles Cat £30+ 15 67. Australia 2001/2 $5.00 & $7.00 International Post Booklets SG SB144 & SB152 12 68. Australia 2001/2 Centenary of Federation, Lighthouses, Bush Tucker $4.90 Booklets 10 69. AAT 1979 Flight Anniversary blocks of 4 FDI cancelled at the 4 Bases (different dates) 5 70. AAT 1979 Ships Series I blocks of 4 FDI cancelled at the 4 Bases (different dates) 8 71. AAT 1971 10th Anniversary Treaty on 4 FDC's cancelled at the 4 Bases (different dates) 10 72. AAT 1983 Regional Wildlife strip on 4 FDC's cancelled at the 4 Bases (different dates) 5 73. AAT 1983 Antarctic Treaty single on 4 FDC's cancelled at the 4 Bases (different dates) 5 74. AAT Seven Seas Hingeless pages to 2005 (no stamps) 8 75. Australia 1971 Christmas Official APO Unaddressed Block of 7 FDC 8 76. Kiribati 1983/5 range of 12 complete sets MUH Cat approx £33 15 77. Australia & N Z 2008 - Folder with Mini Sheet from each country commemorating the end of WWI 5 78. Australia 2000 Sydney Olympics sheetlet of 17 Gold Medallists ex Yearbook MUH 15 79. Iraq 100+ different to 1970 - mixed Mint & Used 10 80. Accessory 50 Assorted Hagners in Binder 30 81. Accessory Seven Seas Australasian Stamp Catalogue - current 10th Edition 10 82. Australasia (mainly) M/MUH/Used in Stock Book 20 83. Australia 1994 Life Saving Set in Gutter strips (5 stamps each side) with Logos etc in gutter 30 84. Australia 1994 Childrens Book Council Gutter strip (5 stamps each side) with Authors etc in ... 5 85. Australia 1995 WW II Heroes Gutter strip (5 stamps each side) with Medals etc in gutter 5 86. Australia 1995 WW II Heroes (2nd Series) Gutter strip (5 stamps each side) with Medals etc in 5 87. Australia 2000 Victoria Cross in Gutter strip (strip of 5 stamps each side) with VC Winners in .. 5 88. Australia 2000 Arts Festivals in Gutter strip (strip of 5 stamps each side) with Art Symbols in .. 5 89. Australia 2000 Korean War Gutter strip (5 stamps each side) with Medals etc in gutter 5 90. Australia 2000 ANZAC Legends Gutter strip (5 stamps each side) with 'ANZAC' etc in gutter 5 91. Br Solomon Is 1940 Postage Dues SG D1-D8 Mint 40 92. Norfolk Island 1970/71 Birds SG103/17 MUH 10 93. Cocos Islands 1979 Fish SG 34/47 MUH 5 94. Turks &Caicos Is 1983 Ships SG769/83 Mint 15</p><p>(ed) D:\Docs\2018-04-20\09a0e3c9c5777a364320bd9597572360.doc FREMANTLE & DISTRICTS PHILATELIC SOCIETY STAMP AUCTION 9 APRIL 2014</p><p>RES LOT COUNTRY DESCRIPTION ($) 95. Australia Year of Friendship Aust/Korea Sheetlet MUH 8 96. Bahamas 1948 KGVI Pictorials SG 178/93 Mint 35 97. Bahamas 1967 QEII Pictorials SG295/309 Mint 15 98. Barbados QEII Pictorials Mint. 1c & 48c are CA watermarks 35 99. Canada Se-tenant strips MUH & F/U (8) 23 100. Australia £1 Robes (thick paper) FU 20 101. Australia 1969 50th Anniv of Flight block of 9 MUH 7 102. Australia 1971 Xmas Block of 7 MUH 8 103. Seychelles 1948 Silver Wedding MUH 10 104. AAT Whales M/S Capex 96 o/print MUH 22 105. AAT Whales M/S Singapore 95 o/print MUH 30 106. Cwlth Omnibus 1963 Freedom from Hunger complete MUH 95 107. Cwlth Omnibus 1965 International Co-operation year complete MUH 70 108. Malaysia 2003 Shells Sheetlet MUH 6 109. Australia 1971 Xmas sheet of 25 MUH 50 110. Great Britain 1948 £1 Silver Wedding F/U 30 111. Seychelles 1893 Queen Victoria SG 22/25 Mint 20 112. Hong Kong 1966 Churchill Commemoration Mint 16 113. Basutoland 1933 KGV 5/- Crocodile SG 9 F/U 55 114. Solomon Islands 1972-3 Butterflies,fish,flowers & birds SG219/233a MUH 22 115. Solomon Islands 1976 Birds & shells SG305/20 MUH 9 116. Solomon Islands 1979 Amphibians & reptiles MUH 7 117. Gilbert & Ellice 1935 Silver Jubilee MUH 21 118. Gilbert & Ellice 1948 Silver Wedding Mint 11 119. New Zealand SG 434 6d Carmine sideways watermark U 50 120. New Zealand 1929/30 Anti-Tuberculosis Fund SG544/5 Mint 15 121. New Zealand 1940 Centenary of Proclamation SG613/25 Mint 25 122. Australia 2009 Micro Monsters Pictorial Gutter Strip MUH 7 123. Australia 2009 Classic Toys Pictorial Gutter Strip MUH 7 124. Australia 2003 Blooms Sheetlet of 10 MUH 6 125. Australia 2002 Winter Olympic Gold Medalist Sheetlets (2) MUH 11 126. Australia 2004 Olympics Gold Medalist Sheetlet from year book MUH 12 127. Australia Signs of the Zodiac Presentation Pack 8 128. Australia $10 Wetlands M/S Pacific 97 & Italia 98 o/prints (2) MUH 30 129. Christmas Island 2012 Zodiac Sheetlet MUH 7 130. Antigua 5/- KGV SG 51 MUH 65 131. Cinderella (USA) Sheetlet of Book Stickers - colourful 5 132. Revenues Selection of Hungary, Turkey, Austria etc 5 133. Cinderella Malaya – Railway Advertising sticker 5 134. Cinderella Malaya – 2WW Patriotic Labels Mint (3) 10 135. Cinderella Canada – 2 sets MUH Tourist issues (Kaulbach Is) 5 136. Cinderellas Australia – Rainbow Creek / Bumbunga sets etc 5 137. Cinderellas Australia – Hutt River sets MUH 5 138. Cinderellas Albany Whale Sheetlet (4) No. 2 set 6 139. Print Hobart Town (Clean & Interesting) 8 140. Norfolk Is Set Birds FDC (4) 5 141. Great Britain Cinderellas – 50th Anniversary 1st Aircraft landing on ship – all MUH – 1917 to 1967 10 142. Great Britain 1883/4 SG 178 2/6 Used Cat $200+ 15 143. Great Britain 8 items Postal Stationery KGV (6), KEVII (1), QE II (1) 5</p><p>(ed) D:\Docs\2018-04-20\09a0e3c9c5777a364320bd9597572360.doc FREMANTLE & DISTRICTS PHILATELIC SOCIETY STAMP AUCTION 9 APRIL 2014</p><p>RES LOT COUNTRY DESCRIPTION ($) 144. Great Britain 12 First Day Covers 5 145. Great Britain Selection of MUH Commemorative sets (8) about Face 10 146. Great Britain Cinderella – National Trust set MUH 5 147. Channel Is Selection of MUH Commemorative sets - about Face 10 148. Lundy 1974 & 1990 Definitive sets MUH 5 149. Lundy 1197 Church set & Lundy Lighthouse set MUH 5 150. Iraq 1958 / 60 Republic Overprints SG 418/58 + 1 inverted overprint MUH 45 151. Japan Selection of MUH Commemoratives & mini sheet 10 152. Lebanon SG 129 Double overprint Mint 30 153. Sweden MUH blocks – half face 9 154. Nigeria Selection of Mint Die II (9) 1921-32 issues to 5/- 20 155. Circuit Sheets Returned unsolds – could be anything 5 156. Auction Lots Returned Lots, Covers, Cinderellas, GB sets (10 Lots) originally reserved at $20+ 5 157. Auction Lots Returned Lots, Covers, Cinderellas, sets etc (12 Lots) originally reserved at $20+ 5 158. Auction Lots Returned Lots, Covers, Cinderellas, GB sets - originally reserved at $20+ 5 159. Shoe Box brim full of stamps 5 160. USA 1995 Marilyn Monroe Sheet (below face) 6 161. Bahamas Birds 2 sets MUH 5 162. Norfolk Is Selection of FDC / PSE’s 5 163. South Africa 1993 Sheetlet Aviation in South Africa MUH 6 164. USA Eatons Fine Letter Papers set MUH 10 165. Exhibitions Anpex 1955 block of 4 MUH + 1972 Sheetlet MUH 7 166. Butterflies 1987 Pr Japan Booklets unused (2) 8 167. Ryuku Is Selection MUH (7) 5 168. Hutt River Fish & Animal sets MUH 6 169. Hutt River 1984 Christmas Gutter strip MUH 5 170. Stockbook Clean 5 171. Papua N Guinea 1982 Annual Stamp Pack 15 172. Papua N Guinea 1984 Turtles Stamp Pack 5 173. Papua N Guinea 1986 Sea Shells set Fine Used 5 174. Papua N Guinea 1958 SG 21/3 Fine Used 20 175. Papua N Guinea Selection of Mint Stamps (50) 5 176. Zimbabwe 6 FDC’s 5 177. Australia 1972 Primary Industries set (4) Fine Used 5 178. Australia Hagner Album U/FU stamps 1500+ 25 179. Australia Hagner Album U/FU stamps 1000+ 25 180. Australia 1969 Primary Industry set (4) Used 5 181. Australia Booklet 10 x 37c stamps – Leigh Mardon printing 5 182. Australia 1987 PO Packs (5) 5 183. Australia 1983 PO Packs (5) 5 184. Australia Set of 16 FDC’s covering 1982 Brisbane Commonwealth Games 5 185. Australia 1974 $5 McMahon’s Point MUH 5 186. Br Honduras SG 161 MUH 10 187. Great Britain Lighthouse Stockbook of Stamps U/FU – approx 700 10 188. Oman 19 FDC’s 5 189. Sundry 6 Phonecards 5 190. Assorted Box of all sorts 5 191. Australia Collection of Postal Stationery – 2 files with dozens of used & unused preprinted 35 envelopes plus 60+ not filed</p><p>(ed) D:\Docs\2018-04-20\09a0e3c9c5777a364320bd9597572360.doc FREMANTLE & DISTRICTS PHILATELIC SOCIETY STAMP AUCTION 9 APRIL 2014</p><p>RES LOT COUNTRY DESCRIPTION ($) 192. West Aust over 400 10 193. Accessory Australian Commonwealth Specialist Catalogue Seven Seas 42nd Ed 1913 - 1981 5 194. Accessory Australian Commonwealth Specialist Catalogue Brusden & White Decimals to 1975 5 195. West Aust 4d Brown Wmk Crown/A 2 colours SG 142a & SG 142b 5 196. Accessory USA – Scotts Specialist Catalogue 2004 Edition Well Used. 5 197. West Aust Flaws, Errors & Anomalies – 1902 1d Carmine, Rose Wmk V / Crown 10 198. West Aust Flaws, Errors & Anomalies – 1898 1d Carmine Wmk WcrownA 15 199. West Aust Flaws, Errors & Anomalies – 1905-12 1d Rose Red. Pink & rosine Wmk Crown/A 10 200. Australia Mint Unhinged blocks 10 201. Australia National Museum of Native Animals Envelope with 12 Postcards 5 202. Australia Selection of International Post Used (20 different) 10 203. Australia KGV Album page illustrating 8 of the major varieties of the 1d 25 204. Australia Selection of Framas (15 mint, 4 used) 6 205. Australia 4c Red MUH Booklet pane SG 385a (5 stamps, 1 label) 5 206. Australia 4c Red MUH Booklet pane overprinted 5c SG 414 (5 stamps, 1 label) 5 207. Australia Selection of International Post Used (12 different) 6 208. Great Britain 6d lilac SG70 fine numeral ‘26’ cancel Cat £110 15 209. Great Britain 3d Lilac SG191 fine Earls Court cancel Cat £100 14 210. West Aust Swans 5d Bistre Used SG99 & SG155 5 211. West Aust Swans on album pages – not checked by vendor (41) 5 212. South Aust QV on album pages – not checked by vendor (57) 5 213. Victoria ½d Rose-Red Used (3) & Mint (1) 5 214. Victoria 9d Rose-Red marginal Mint SG393 5 215. New Zealand Album pages mainly early used – not checked by vendor (82) 12 216. Pandora’s Box A magnificent mixture of the ‘Good, Bad & Ugly’ 25 217. Australia 1935 Silver Jubillee set Fine Mint 28 218. Australia 5/- Roo 3rd Wmk Fine Used – centred slightly left 35 219. Australia Postage Dues – Fine Used 1938 Bi-coloured New Design set of 7 Cat £80 SG D112/8 35 220. Australia Postal Stationery 1930 KGV 2d Red-White Letter Card Unused – very good condition 30 221. Australia 1913 1/- Emerald Roo 1st Wmk Mint – well centred 28 222. Australia 1931/47 6d Chestnut Roo C of A Wmk well centred Mint 18 223. Australia 1914/15 9d Violet Roo 2nd Wmk off centred MLH 45 224. Australia 10/- & £1 Robes Thick paper Fine Used well centred 25 225. Australia 6d Brown Roos (2) ovpt ‘OS’ Small Mult & CofA Wmks – Fine Used & Used 38 226. Australia 1938 NSW Sesquicentenary set MUH 19 227. Australia Pre Decimal blocks of 4 – 10 different MUH 14 228. Australia Postage Dues – 36 different ½d to 5/- all postally used 40 229. Australia 9 different Imprint blocks of 4 KGVI era MUH/Mint 20 230. AAT 1966 Definitive set (11) MUH 16 231. Christmas Is MUH Collection (incomplete) 1969 to 1996 in Seven Seas Hingeless album. Face 115 Value approx $185 232. Tasmania 1853 Imperf 4d Yellowish Orange Courier SG12 Fine Used – minor defect (small 40 pinhole) Cat £350 233. West Aust Revenue Bi-coloured Swan Used : 1904 £25 London printing 80 234. West Aust 1945 Receipt – 1d & 2d Duty stamps affixed 12 235. West Aust 1944 Receipt – WA Trustees 3d & 1/- Revenues affixed 12 236. West Aust Tombstones – 6 impressions on 1 piece : 2 each of 5/-, £4 & £30 – unusual 14 237. West Aust Tombstones : 22 impressions on 8 pieces – range 1/- to £100 38 238. West Aust Tombstones : 15 impressions on 4 pieces – range 1/- to £100 38</p><p>(ed) D:\Docs\2018-04-20\09a0e3c9c5777a364320bd9597572360.doc FREMANTLE & DISTRICTS PHILATELIC SOCIETY STAMP AUCTION 9 APRIL 2014</p><p>RES LOT COUNTRY DESCRIPTION ($) 239. Accessory 20 second hand Hagner pages in Hagner Binder (some double sided) 25 240. Norfolk Is 1953 Pictorials (6) Fine Mint 15 241. Norfolk Is 10/- Tropic Bird opt SPECIMEN (15 ½mm at base) MUH 20 242. Norfolk Is 1960 Pictorial set (13) Mint 28 243. New Zealand 1925 Dunedin Exhibition set Mint – fresh appearance 20 244. Tasmania 1875 1/- Orange-Red perf 11 ½ (rough perfs) SG 141 Fine Used Cat £60 20 245. Austria 1950-53 Airmails Birds 5S Brown Fine Used (Scotts Cat US$110) 15 246. Great Britain 1841 QV 1d Red-Brown Imperf Maltese Cross postmark with ‘10’ in centre Cat £250 30 247. Great Britain 1840 QV 1d Black Imperf 3 margins – other just touching - Used 45 248. N W P I 9d Violet Roo Mint 2nd Wmk well centred 15 249. Germany 1915 WWI Picture Post Card War Scene – good condition - Used 15 250. Germany 1929 Special Flight card with arrival postmark 20 251. Papua N Guinea 1958-60 Definitive set (7) 4d to 5/- MUH 26 252. Christmas Is 1968-70 Fish Definitive set 24 253. Malta 1956-57 QEII set 17 Fine Mint (Scotts Cat US $156 as MUH) 36 254. Falkland Is Dep 1954 QEII Pictorial set 15 Fine Mint (SG Cat £225 as MUH) 48 255. Foreign accumulation (approx 290) in Stockbook – mostly Egypt & Spain MUH/Mint 20 256. Papua N Guinea Chinese s/book with many 1960s/80s MUH sets and dupl u clean lot (1000+) 20 257. Australia 2010 Legends APO book with blocks and colour separation prints. RRP $24.95 10 258. Australia 2010 Legends in 'Novel Lives' APO book with stamps RRP $19.95 5 259. Australia 2009 Screen Legends 'Shining Lights' APO book with stamps . RRP $19.95 5 260. Hungary 1988 Ducks prestige booklet and 1989 surcharged similar booklet (2 booklets) 10 261. Hungary 1982/90 MUH pairs & 70+ m/sheets in stock book. Majority with tone spots (100s) 30 262. Austria 1985/7 MUH near complete on 2 Hagners. All diff and face value 460sch (c$40) (100) 20 263. Germany (DDR) 1984/9 MUH on double sided Hagner. All diff with many sets (112 + minisheet) 10 264. Switzerland 1980/99 MUHall different range on d/sided Hagner. Face value 97 Sw francs (130) 25 265. Ireland 1984/99 MUH all diff range on Hagner (37, block, 2 minisheets) 10 266. Danzig Stockbook with Mint/u range. Extensive, but most affected by toning (100s) 20 267. Australia 2006 World Cup 'Squad', 'Qualifiers' and 'Dream' sheetlets Minor margin damage (3) 10 268. Australia 2007 ICC World Cup & 'Australia Wins' Ashes sheet, latter with small tear and bend 10 269. Malta 2002 EUROPA clown sheetlet of 10 MUH 5 270. Malta 1999 Exhibitions sheetlet of 10 (2 strips of 5 inc Australia'99) MUH Cat.£15.60 5 271. Austria 1850/1937 ex dealer in stockbook, mainly u definitives in good condition (100s) 10 272. German States Stockbook (Lighthouse) - good range, mixed condition. Much Bavaria, Wurttemberg 35 273. Liechtenstein 1982 'LIBA82' Exhibition - 2 x sheetlets of 8 MUH showing Royal family members 5 274. Netherlands 1974/82 official NVPH FDCs unaddressed all diff range inc m/sheets (79 covers) 15 275. Argentina & Uruguay - dupl range mainly pre 1940 in old stockbook. some toning (100s) 10 276. Australia 1935 Anzac set (2) Fine Used SG 154/155 10 277. Australia Decimal Off Paper – including high values 10 278. Australia Pre Decimal Off paper – no roos, or KGV 10 279. Australia Decimal on paper – shoe box 5 280. Australia Stock book, heavy duplication 1950’s and few decimals 5 281. Australia Stock book, decimal duplication 5 282. Australia Mail coach re-enactment Albany to Perth (x2) FDI + WAPEX II Cover 5 283. Australia Stock book, KGV used and later mint range, incl. imprint blocks 20 284. Australia Box of pre-decimal on paper, used 5 285. World On paper, used 5 286. Australia Used pre-decimal definitives, 1930 to 1960 mainly non-letter rate (approx. 20,000) 50 287. Australia Box of decimal on paper, used 5</p><p>(ed) D:\Docs\2018-04-20\09a0e3c9c5777a364320bd9597572360.doc FREMANTLE & DISTRICTS PHILATELIC SOCIETY STAMP AUCTION 9 APRIL 2014</p><p>RES LOT COUNTRY DESCRIPTION ($) 288. Australia High value, incl. International, used 5 289. Australia 1938 1d green QM coil join strip of 4 MUH (Uniform large holes) 50 290. Australia 1941 2d mauve KGVI, inverted wmk coil pair MUH 100 291. Australia 1941 2d mauve KGVI, inverted wmk coil single, used 15 292. Australia Coil selection, 7 blks 4 + 13 pairs 25 293. Australia ½ d Roo, no wmk foggy hills retouch coil strip 4 40 294. Australia ½ d Roo, no wmk coil perf varieties; 180d, g & h + weak entry TRC 25 295. Australia 1940 3d blue KGVI, Die III, block 4, 2 units MUH 15 296. Australia 2002 Winter Olympic Gold Medalist Sheetlets (2) with FDI Cancel in selvedge 10 297. Australia 2002 Lleyton Hewitt Souvenir Sheet with FDI Cancel in selvedge 5 298. Australia 2004 Australian Open Souvenir Sheet with FDI Cancel in selvedge 5 299. Australia 1994 Self Adhesive ATM stamps Advance Bank sheetlet of 20 x 45c 10 300. Australia 1996 Centenary of Football sheetlet of 16 8 301. Australia 1984 Barred Edge Framas Postcode set 7 x 30c 5 302. WA Postcards Old Fremantle Series 1 & 2 - Reprints ex Lombardos (20 cards) 5 303. USA Veterans of Foreign Wars Christmas Seals 5 304. West Aust 1979 set of 17 History of PO Folders each with unique postmark 8 305. Australia 5/- Yellow & Grey Kangaroo - 3rd wmk Used : rough perfs but a sound spacefiller 20 306. Papua N Guinea 1977 Headdress Definitives set MUH (12) SG 318/29 5 307. Norfolk Is 1973 Architecture Set (16) MUH SG 133/48 5 308. New Zealand 1964 Health Miniature Sheets MUH - couple of minor gum wrinkles 20 309. Australia / WA 13 Sep 1967 Cover with unusual North West Cape US Cancel - franked with 1960 5d 5 310. Australia 1972 ANPEX Souvenir Folder with £1 Roo, 5/- Bridge & £2 Roo Facsimiles 5 311. Australia 1969 Flight block of 9 MUH 5 312. Hutt River 7different FDC's and 2 sets 5 313. Australia 13 Decimal FDC's 1960's to early 1970's 5 314. Australia 18 Pre Decimal FDC's 1950's & 1960's 5 315. Australia 11 FE 1953 Produce Food FDC with strips of 3 cancelled Wooroloo 5 316. Australia 1937 New South Wales Sesquicentenary FDC with set of 3 stamps 5 317. Australia 1940 Armed Forces Registered FDC with set of stamps 5 318. Japan 10 FDC's - 1960's era 5 319. Australia 4 different Replica Cards No's 3, 6, 7 & 8 5 320. Great Britain 2 packs & £4 booklet 5 321. Tasmania 4 items of Postal Stationery - Mint 5 322. Australia 1972 WAPEX Souvenir Cover - signed by Walkley - various cachets etc 5 323. Various Shoebox of Bits & Bobs 5 324. Australia 60th Anniversary Australia's 1st Official Air Mail - 3 PSE's carried on commemorative 5 flight signed by Sir Norman Brearley 325. West Aust 1879 ½d Chestnut Postcard on salmon stock PC1 Fine Unused 5 326. West Aust 1889 2d Carmine Postcard PC3 Fine Unused 10 327. West Aust 1889 3d Green Postcard PC4 - fine appearance but light stains on reverse 5 328. West Aust 1892 1½d surcharge on 3d Green Postcard PC5 Fine Unused 10 329. West Aust 1908 2d Ultramarine Lettercard LC5 Fine Unused 40 330. West Aust 1912 One Penny surcharge Lettercard LC6 Fine Unused 40 331. West Aust 1902 1½d + 1½d Blue on green Reply Postcard RPC2 Fine Unused 20 332. West Aust as above with UPU 4 ring concentric circle postmark - very good condition 40 333. West Aust 1902 2d Orange Envelope EN3 with UPU 4 ring concentric circle cancel - few tones 5 334. West Aust 1902 2½d Blue Envelope EN4 with UPU 4 ring concentric circle cancel - few tones 5 335. West Aust 1912 One Penny surcharge on 2d Orange Envelope EN8 Fine Unused - marks on rev 30</p><p>(ed) D:\Docs\2018-04-20\09a0e3c9c5777a364320bd9597572360.doc FREMANTLE & DISTRICTS PHILATELIC SOCIETY STAMP AUCTION 9 APRIL 2014</p><p>RES LOT COUNTRY DESCRIPTION ($) 336. Aden 1948 Silver Wedding SG 30/31 Mint 25 337. Aden Kathiri State : 1948 Silver Wedding SG 14/15 Mint 12 338. Aden Qu'aiti State : 1948 Silver Wedding SG 14/15 Mint 10 339. Basutoland 1948 Silver Wedding SG 36/37 Mint 28 340. Bahrain 1948 Silver Wedding SG 61/62 Mint 20 341. Fiji 1948 5/- Silver Wedding SG 270 Mint 8 342. Great Britain 1948 Silver Wedding SG 493/494 Mint 20 343. Grenada 1948 Silver Wedding SG 166/167 Mint 15 344. Accessory Lighthouse Deluxe 64 page stockbook - New 40 345. Accessory Lighthouse 32 page stockbook - New 20 346. Norfolk Is. 1953 Pictorial set SG 13/18 Mint 25 347. Rhodesia & Nyasaland : 1960 Hydro-electric scheme SG 32/37 10 348. South W Africa 1952 Tercentenary of Landing SG 144/148 Mint 2d is full moon variety 7 349. Gold Coast 1935 Silver Jubilee SG 113/116 Mint 16 350. Ceylon QV 48c rose inverted watermark SG 130w Used 27 351. Ceylon 1890 5c overprint with variety "Post age" SG233i Used 36 352. India 1909 15r blue & olive brown Edward VII SG 146 Used 24 353. Malta 1965 Malta History SG 330/348 MUH 12 354. Malta 1981 History of Industry SG 667/682 MUH 16 355. Samoa 1967-69 Birds SG 280/289b 20 356. Samoa 1983 Fruit SG 647/665 15 357. Seychelles 1890-92 Queen Victoria SG 1/8 Mint 110 358. Seychelles 1902 Local Surcharges SG 41/45 Mint 45 359. Seychelles 1952 KGVI Pictorials SG 158/172 Mint 55 360. South Arabia Kathiri State : 1966 New Currency Issue SG 42/54 MUH 23 361. Great Britain 1878 Mourning cover with 1d QV red Plate 210 10 362. Great Britain 1866 cover with 1d QV red Plate 185 with original letter 50 363. Great Britain 1877 cover with 1d QV red Plate 182 5 364. Great Britain 1853 cover with 1d red-brown 25 365. Great Britain 2d blue Plate 15 SG 47 Used 20 366. Great Britain 9d straw Plate 4 with wing margin C/V £550 SG 98 Used 100 367. Great Britain 6d grey Plate 12 SG 125 Used 50 368. Great Britain 25th Anniv. Battle of Britain block 6 SG 671/676 Used 5 369. Australia 25 different FDC's 5 370. Australia Boxing Kangaroo Prestige book 9 371. Australia Rugby Worl Cup Prestige book 9 372. Australia 150th Anniv. New South Wales SG 193/195 Mint 15 373. Australia Endangered Bird sheetlets with Birth & Death Anniv o/prints 7 374. AAT 2001 Centenary sheetlet of 20 MUH 10 375. Gibraltar KG VI 1½d carmine P14 Mint SG 123 (cat £35) & 1/- green P13½ U SG 127a (cat £6) 6 376. Gibraltar Uniforms 3rd & 5th Series sets used - Centenary of Naval Aviation set mint (cat £22) 5 377. Australia 'OS' Perfins V (37), SA (1), T (1), VG (1), WA (2) - (Total 42) 5 378. Australia 'OS' Overprints SA (27) NSW(3)with different sizes etc - not checked by vendor (30) 5 379. Australia KG V 3d blue (die 1a) mint SG 168b (cat £140) 22 380. Australia Selection of G VI with Perf. 13½ x14 incl. 6d (cat £50) 5 381. Queensland 1d rose used with variety 'Full stop after Penny' 5 382. Queensland 2/- turquoise-green used SG 254 (cat £28) 5 383. Victoria 3d orange-yellow mint SG 308 overprinted 'STAMP DUTY' (cat £60) scarce 20 384. Victoria 2/- Light and Dark blue / green used SG 129 &129a 8</p><p>(ed) D:\Docs\2018-04-20\09a0e3c9c5777a364320bd9597572360.doc FREMANTLE & DISTRICTS PHILATELIC SOCIETY STAMP AUCTION 9 APRIL 2014</p><p>RES LOT COUNTRY DESCRIPTION ($) 385. Victoria Numeral Cancels on Hagner Sheet (28) 8 386. Victoria Selection of T.P.O's (3) 5 387. Victoria 10d purple-brown/pink used, with overprint '9 NINEPENCE 9' 5 388. Victoria 2/- green STAMP DUTY used 5 389. Victoria Selection of ½d QV green incl. some mint and pairs (19) 6 390. Victoria Selection of ½d QV red used (14) 5 391. South Aust 2/- Rose-carmine mint (cat £65) 10 392. South Aust QV on Hagner Sheet not checked by vendor (144) 8 393. West Aust 10d rose-orange used with part cancel 'PERTH' 5 394. Great Britain Selection of Sideways & Inverted Watermarks KG V, KG VI and QE II (16) 5 395. Australia 1936 Tasman Cable pair in Imprint blocks of 4 MUH / Mint 14 396. Australia 1930 Sturt pair in Imprint blocks of 4 MUH / Mint 14 397. Australia BCOF Japan 3d & 1/- blocks of 4 Used SG Cat £106. Sound – in need of a clean 15 398. Australia 5/- Robes Thick paper – Imprint pair MUH centred left 14 399. Australia Imprint pairs – 16 different MUH 15 400. Australia Imprint blocks – 9 different MUH 20 401. New Zealand 1935 Silver Jubilee set Fine Mint Cat £20 16 402. Papua N Guinea 1963 10/- Rabaul & £1 Queen Fine Used 14 403. Papua N Guinea 21 different Definitives 1952 & 1958-62 Mint. Values to 10/- 20 404. Papua N Guinea 23 different Definitives 1952 & 1958-62 Used. Values to £1 28 405. Tasmania 1857-69 QV 1d Red-Brown (36) Imperf & Perf fiscally used – research? 18 406. Great Britain 10 different Commemorative sets MUH 12 407. Great Britain 11 different Commemorative sets MUH 12 408. Great Britain 2/6 Brown Seahorses – group of 15 Used – research material 35 409. World 28 different Mini Sheets / Sheetlets MUH (no Australia) 18 410. West Aust 1854 4d Blue SG 3a - 4 Margins - Fine Used 40 411. West Aust 4d Carmine perf 12 (SG84) with 15 Bar 1 cancel (Cat £55) 20 412. West Aust 12 Bar 11 cancel on 2d Yellow swan 20 413. West Aust 15 Bar 19 cancel on 2d Yellow swan 10 414. Australia 1968 Post Office CTO & SPECIMEN set folder - as issued incl Navigators MUH 50 415. West Aust Motor Spirit Ration Ticket Series B - 2, 5 & 10 galls endorsed Mount Marshall Shire 40</p><p>END OF SALE THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT.</p><p>------</p><p>(ed) D:\Docs\2018-04-20\09a0e3c9c5777a364320bd9597572360.doc FREMANTLE & DISTRICTS PHILATELIC SOCIETY STAMP AUCTION 9 APRIL 2014</p><p>FREE TRIAL OFFER</p><p>YOU OBVIOUSLY HAVE AN INTEREST IN STAMPS !! AND NOW YOU KNOW WHERE WE ARE WHY NOT CONSIDER JOINING THE CLUB ??</p><p> for FREE</p><p>TRY US OUT FOR A YEAR AT NO CHARGE & THEN YOU CAN CONSIDER FORMALLY JOINING (NORMAL SUBSCRIPTION $12 PER YEAR)</p><p>The FREMANTLE & DISTRICTS PHILATELIC SOCIETY meets at 8pm on the 2nd WEDNESDAY of EACH MONTH at THE FREMANTLE TENNIS CLUB (PARRY STREET)</p><p>(best to arrive at least 15 minutes before) – Doors Open 7pm</p><p> at each Meeting you will have the Opportunity to increase your Knowledge as well as be able to Buy & Sell Stamps</p><p>All you need do is just turn up on the night and you will be made most welcome. </p><p>If you do require more information please call Ross Edwards on 9284 7125</p><p>Feel FREE to extend this offer to anybody else you know who might be interested</p><p>(ed) D:\Docs\2018-04-20\09a0e3c9c5777a364320bd9597572360.doc</p>
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