February 3, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E67 Francisco, and Joe Alioto was a product of that convulsed a number of other major Amer- ANDERSON HIGH SCHOOL INDIANS that culture. The son of a Sicilian immigrant ican cities at that time. Jerry Carroll and Wil- BASKETBALL TEAM fish wholesaler, he was born in 1916 in North liam Carlsen in The San Francisco Chronicle Beach and grew up in that area. He attended said his legacy as mayor was ``an explosion of HON. DAVID M. McINTOSH San Francisco schoolsÐGarfield and Salesian downtown growth that changed the city's sky- OF INDIANA Schools and then Sacred Heart High School. line, helped cement San Francisco as a player IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES He graduated from St. Mary's College in on the Pacific Rim and stirred up the neigh- Tuesday, February 3, 1998 Moraga, and then received a law degree from borhoods in a way that has altered the city's Catholic University of America in Washington, political landscape to this day.'' Mr. Mc. MCINTOSH. Mr. Speaker, I want to D.C. take this opportunity to recognize the boys' As an attorney, Joe Alioto had a highly suc- He seized national attention as San Francis- varsity basketball team of Anderson High cessful career, both before and after his two co's mayor. In 1968, just a few months after School. These distinguished and courageous terms as Joe Alioto's mayor. After completing he was elected mayor, he was considered a young men traveled to Washington D.C. and law school in our nation's capitol, he accepted leading candidate as runningmate of Demo- won an exciting game against Dematha High a position in the Antitrust Division of the U.S. cratic presidential candidate, Hubert Hum- school in the Washington Classic right here in Department of Justice. In 1945 he returned to phrey. Though ultimately he was not selected our nation's Capitol. San Francisco to establish a highly successful as the vice presidential candidate, he did The determination shown by the team is a private antitrust legal practice, one of the first make the speech nominating Senator Hum- tribute to the rich tradition of Hoosier basket- such practices in the country. After retiring phrey at the Democratic Convention. ball. The Indians demonstrated a level of from politics in 1976 upon the completion of His career suffered from a libelous story achievement which can only be attained when two terms as mayor, Joe Alioto returned to his about him in Look Magazine in 1969. Although individuals dedicate themselves to a team ef- antitrust practice, which for a time was our na- fort. Their awesome victory was indeed a re- tion's largest such law practice. He estab- he eventually won a substantial libel judgment against the magazine in the courts, his politi- markable performance. lished a distinguished record as a determined The game also had special significance for cal career did not recover. He easily won re- advocate for such clients as Walt Disney, the two coaches. Both men have undergone election as mayor of San Francisco in 1972, Samuel Goldwyn and Al Davis, the owner of successful liver transplants and the tour- but he lost the Democratic primary for gov- the Oakland Raiders football team. nament raised awareness for this important His career in public service began shortly ernor of California in 1974. When his second procedure. The evening was a true testimony after he returned to San Francisco in 1945, term as mayor was completed in 1976, he re- to the fact that anything is possible with a after spending eight years in Washington, D.C. turned to his legal practice, which he contin- positive mental attitude. at law school and at the Department of Jus- ued until a few months before his death. Let me join everyone involved with the tice. In 1948 Joseph Alioto was appointed to Joseph Alioto was a larger-than-life person- team's trip and winning seasonÐthe fans, par- the San Francisco School Board, and seven ality. Ken Garcia in The Chronicle said, ``On ents, teachers and students in saying that we years later he became a member of the board so many levels, Joe Alioto was San Fran- are all very proud of you! Congratulations. of the City's Redevelopment Agency. ciscoÐoften vain and parochial but unerringly f The decision to run for mayor of San Fran- charming and sophisticated, and always ready cisco was not a part of a calculated or long- CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE for a good fight.'' Carroll and Carlsen, also in term plan. In 1967, Joe Alioto was chairman of KYOTO PROTOCOL the mayoral campaign of Eugene McAteer, The Chronicle, called him ``bold, tireless and who died suddenly from a heart attack just two articulate, combining a boundless self-con- HON. LEE H. HAMILTON months before the election. After a few days fidence with a buoyant charm and erudition OF INDIANA of reflection, Alioto made the decision to run in that enabled him to dominate any gathering.'' McAteer's place. He waged a lightning 55-day In an editorial paying well deserved tribute to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES campaign and won, overcoming the lead of his the former mayor, The Chronicle called Alioto Tuesday, February 3, 1998 ``a man who embodied boundless ambition, opponent in the early polls of 44 to 17. Mr. HAMILTON. Mr. Speaker, I would like to The two terms that he served as mayorÐ high self-regard, operatic conduct, and the bring to my colleagues' attention my monthly from 1968 to 1976Ðwere a critical time, and city's immigrant character'' and dubbed him ``a newsletter on foreign affairs from December his administration left a positive and a lasting San Francisco story, a local boy who made 1997 entitled Climate Change and the Kyoto imprint on the City that he loved. He became good, charging through life in high style.'' Protocol. mayor during a politically unstable periodÐ He was larger than life. As The Chronicle I ask that this newsletter be printed in the hippies dominated Haight-Ashbury; dem- observed editorially, ``He gave speeches in CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. onstrations, some of which turned violent, Italian. He wrote poetry that he spouted in The newsletter follows: were taking place against the Vietnam War; North Beach coffeehouses.'' Carroll and and racial tensions reached a fever pitch fol- CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE KYOTO PROTOCOL Carlsen added that, ``in addition to everything lowing a series of street killings known as the The United States and 150 other countries else, Alioto was found of quoting Dante and Zebra murders. met in Japan this month and agreed to re- Mayor Alioto largely succeeded in keeping St. Thomas Aquinas to illustrate his points.'' duce global greenhouse gas emissions. Sci- entists believe that these emissions, pri- the city at peace during the turbulent period of His last press conference as mayor in 1976 marily carbon dioxide, trap heat and cause domestic protests against the Vietnam War. gives some of the flavor of the man. He spent warming of the Earth's atmosphere. This He fought racial violence and intolerance, tell- more of the time at this final press conference new treaty, called the Kyoto Protocol to the ing black militants ``come to me with your savaging the media; nevertheless, the next 1992 Climate Control Treaty, launches a problems before you take them to the streets.'' day, The Chronicle called him a ``colorful and lengthy political debate over science, sov- He was a strong advocate of civil rights, and zestful man, who roared into office literally ereignty, economics, the environment and America's leadership role in the world. Many he was also a strong opponent of violence. As bursting with energy and imagination'' and fur- our current San Francisco mayor, Willie are skeptical about scientific evidence of ther said he was ``one of the most energetic, global warming or the need for action. Brown, said, he was ``a champion of racial di- entertaining and stylish of mayors.'' Strong Presidential leadership will be nec- versity long before it was fashionable.'' Mayor Willie Brown observed that ``Joe's essary if Congress and the American people Mr. Speaker, the tenure of Joseph Alioto as are to support measures to curb greenhouse mayor has had a permanent impact upon the two great loves were his family and the city of gas emissions. physical appearance of San Francisco. He San Francisco.'' Mr. Speaker, I invite my col- Global Warming. There is broad scientific was largely responsible for the building boom leagues to join me in extending condolences consensus that the presence of greenhouse that created the downtown city panorama as to Joseph Alioto's familyÐhis wife Kathleen gasesÐproduced by the burning of wood and we now know it, including the TransAmerica Sullivan Alioto, and his children Lawrence M., hydrocarbons such as oil, coal, and gasÐis Joseph M., John, Michael, Angela Mia, Thom- increasing in the atmosphere, and that the Pyramid, the Embarcadero Center, the Golden Earth's temperature has warmed by about 1 Gateway, and a number of skyscrapers that as, Patrick, and Domenica. He will be missed, degree Fahrenheit over the past century. still dominate the city's profile. Hunters Point Mr. Speaker. He was a great mayor, a dedi- There is no clear consensus about the link renewal programs began under his leadership, cated public servant, and a great San Francis- between global warming and greenhouse gas and the city escaped the destructive rioting can. emissions, or the effect of global warming on E68 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks February 3, 1998 human life. There is also no consensus about to cut greenhouse gas emissions ``regardless She was the proprietor of Flint's first African the cost or effectiveness of measures to re- of what other countries do,'' the question of American entertainment agency, played a key duce emissions.
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