<p> Volume 1 COASTAL CREW Onslow Classic Soccer Association</p><p>Team Manager Handbook O N S L O W C L A S S I C S O C C E R A S S O C I AT I O N Team Manager Handbook</p><p> Onslow Classic Soccer Association 2221 Belgrade-Swansboro Road Maysville, NC 28554 Phone 910.595.4303 • Fax Table of Contents</p><p>Mission Statement...... 1 Introduction...... 1 Level of Play...... 2 Contacts...... 3 Overview/To Do’s of Year...... 4 Late-May...... 4 June...... 4 July...... 4 August...... 4 September...... 4 October...... 4 November...... 5 December...... 5 January...... 5 February...... 5 March...... 5 April...... 5 May...... 5 Supplies...... 6 Intent to Play (ITP)...... 6 Adding Players/Player Transfers...... 7 Scheduling...... 7 Rescheduling...... 8 Inclement Weather...... 8 Team Budget...... 9 Travel...... 9 Game Day...... 9 Tournaments...... 10 Appendix...... 11 Pre-Scheduling Grid Registration Form Medical Waiver Sample Budget Match Report Reschedule Form Rainout Form O C S A T E A M M A N A G E R H A N D B O O K</p><p>Mission Statement</p><p>OCSA</p><p>Nslow Classic Soccer Association (OCSA) dedicates itself to developing athletes who desire a higher level of soccer competition within the framework of good O sportsmanship, ethical behavior, individual development and personal growth. OCSA stresses skill development while teaching both the tactical and technical aspects of the game. The Club makes it a priority to utilize qualified coaches who share these beliefs to instruct our players in this intricate and team-oriented game.</p><p>Introduction</p><p> elcome to the Onslow Classic Soccer Association, “OCSA”, and the game of soccer in Onslow County! OCSA was formed in 2003 as an association of W soccer enthusiasts who wanted to provide the youth in Onslow County with a structured, organized and competitive soccer experience in a fun environment. OCSA provides the highest level of competitive classic soccer, all under the sanctioning of the North Carolina Youth Soccer Association, “NCYSA”, and the United States Youth Soccer Association, “USYSA”. We are a non-profit organization supported by an eleven member Board of Directors, a full-time Director of Coaching, Staff Coaches, and a full-time Office Manager. Our coaching and training staff is made up of a strong group of professionals, many of whom played at the college level or higher, are currently high school and middle school coaches, and, on occasion, volunteers. Staff credentials include many nationally licensed coaches through the USSF and NSCAA. OCSA is committed to the growth of soccer in our community through the development of its players.</p><p>OCSA continues to provide a positive environment for young players to learn, play and compete in the world’s most popular game. The Club has positioned itself to become the CLEAR choice for youth soccer in Eastern North Carolina.</p><p>1 O C S A T E A M M A N A G E R H A N D B O O K</p><p>Level of Play</p><p>Classic Soccer</p><p> he OCSA Coastal Crew teams (Academy and u11-u18) play in the classic division. It is a year-long commitment with two seasons for the u11 to T u14: a fall season beginning in September and running through early November, and a spring season beginning in February through late April. Female players U15 to U18 play only the fall season, and males play in the spring season only.</p><p>Classic level of play is a statewide league. The NCYSA Classic Program is a state- wide competitive league administered by the NCYSA State Office, the VP of Classic and the Classic Council. It is the highest level of play offered within NCYSA.</p><p>The Classic League has multiple divisions: Premier (state-wide); Elite Division (U13G/B Spring Only - East/West); First Division (East/West) and Second Division (East/West/Piedmont). Regionalization is dependent on the number of teams entered and their geographic location.</p><p>Academy Soccer</p><p> he OCSA Academy participates in the state-wide North Carolina Youth Soccer Association (NCYSA) Academy Program. The program is T designed to focus solely upon the individual technical development of the player. Players will be grouped in a pool from across U9 to U10. The players will be placed for weekend games/events in which no standings and no scores will be kept. The OCSA will have licensed, professional-age coaches who will run the training sessions and attend the games. OCSA Academy training sessions will focus on the fundamental skills needed as well as a strong emphasis on conditioning and small sided games. Players are expected to play a minimum of 50% of the game. Each player will receive two player evaluations (fall and spring seasons) Because of OCSA’s participation in the NCYSA Academy Program, OCSA will have control over scheduling and team formation. Hence, each week a player may play with a different team. Teams may also be rearranged and mixed over the course of a season. Players will be registered with NCYSA through OCSA. An Academy schedule typically includes opponents from Jacksonville, Wilmington, Wilson, New Bern, Rocky Mount and Roanoke Rapids. At the end of each season the NCYSA holds an Academy Festival (location varies); all teams from across the state are invited to participate. </p><p>2 O C S A T E A M M A N A G E R H A N D B O O K</p><p>Pool training is an essential element of OCSA Academy. These teams are trained (practice) in a “pool setting” where they are grouped among players of similar ability within their age group. Pool training takes place under the direction of the Academy Coordinator and is assisted by NCYSA-certified coaches. </p><p>Contacts Office Mailing Address & Location: 2221 Belgrade-Swansboro Road Maysville, NC 28554</p><p>Office Phone Numbers: 910-595-4303 (weather hotline – ext. 2) 910- - (fax)</p><p>Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 10:00am – 3:00pm Closed on most major holidays.</p><p>Website: www.ocsa-nc.com </p><p>NCYSA Classic Website: www.ncysaclassic.com Registration, schedules, documents, fields, etc.</p><p>NCYSA Website: www.ncsoccer.org Forms and other information</p><p>US Club Soccer : www.usclubsoccer.com </p><p>Director of Coaching (DOC): Cam Ormsby 828-773-2095</p><p>Office Manager: Joe Cash 910-595-4303</p><p>Referee Assignor: Cliff Clement</p><p>Registrar: Diane Krueger</p><p>Field Coordinator Cam Ormsby 828-773-2095</p><p>All OCSA Board Members, Coaches, and Staff may be contacted through the OCSA website. Managers and coaches will be given a detailed direct contact list prior to the start of the season.</p><p>3 O C S A T E A M M A N A G E R H A N D B O O K</p><p>Fees: Application to Classic League $90/year Referee Fees dependent on age group; see grid in Budget Coach Expenses (gas/lodging) see information in Budget section</p><p>Overview/To Do’s of Year</p><p>Late-May Assessments/Tryouts for all players. The open Academy Assessments and Classic Tryouts will occur over a two night period in which the OCSA staff will evaluate players to determine selection of each age group U9-U18 boys and girls divisions. This open format will help the OCSA staff provide the best environment and opportunity for each individual player striving to be a part of the soccer excellence that OCSA has to offer.</p><p>June Meet with the coach re: roster, practices, tournaments, bye dates Complete registration process (birth certificates, medical waivers, player pictures) Determine player jersey numbers Open team checking account Facilitate ordering of uniforms from Eurosport. DOC will provide link to managers. OCSA Registrar will NCYSA “Intent to Play” online and provide team point of contact. Review Classic Handbook; become familiar with the information. Prepare budget July Attend Manager’s Training Session Classic registration due to State for ALL teams – handled by the Head Registrar Confirm orders are placed for jerseys and all other required (and optional) gear Register for any pre-season tournaments in which team may be participating Schedule fall season games. Hold team meeting (if desired) August Notify parents of practice beginning – days/times Receive stamped player cards from Registrar. Have signed by player, if required.</p><p>4 O C S A T E A M M A N A G E R H A N D B O O K</p><p> Pick up match reports, official rosters, notarized medical waivers from registrar. Confirm team has received uniforms. Distribute fall season schedule with field locations to team and coach. September Fall season begins Watch for State Cup/Directors Cup applications for women. Become aware of tournament deadlines. October Practices and games continue November Fall season ends in early November Practices continue until end of November/beginning of December when schedules reduce. Intent to Play forms submitted online for Spring Season. December Post-Season tournaments Spring season scheduling January NCYSA Southern Soccer Show Receive player cards for new players, updated official rosters and match reports from Registrar Pre-season tournaments. February Become aware of spring tournament deadlines. Spring season begins March State Cup/Directors Cup applications for men. April Season continues May Spring season ends Post-season tournaments (including Kepner Cup, USYSA Snickers State Cup) Return player passes Tryouts/Assessments (end of the month)</p><p>5 D E S I G N C U S T O M I Z A T I O N Supplies</p><p>Binder: 3-hole binder that zips up, so all the paperwork won’t fall out. All of the team’s information will go into this binder. Take binder to every game and tournament.</p><p> Team contact information Fall/Spring Classic Division contacts Field Coordinator and Referee Assignor/Weather Hotline contact information Printouts of maps/directions of fields from the Classic site Team schedule Match reports NCYSA red-stamped roster and copies (official, red- stamped roster must be in your possession for all games/tournaments. Do not give it out or give a copy to anyone except game referee or at tournament check-in) Official NCYSA player passes Medical Release forms Copies of all information/documents that are pertinent to seasonal play (i.e. completed/signed match reports for games played, copies of Rainout Makeup Agreements, Reschedule Forms, blank Match Reports, etc.)</p><p>Have access to copies of all Intent to Play paperwork/forms from online submissions;; current copy of Classic Handbook/NCYSA Rules, current copy of the Discipline and Appeals Manual.</p><p>Intent to Play (ITP) Teams are required to submit, before each season (both fall and spring), an Intent to Play form for the Classic league. This form is completed and submitted online at www.ncysaclassic.com. Intents to Play will go live via the dates posted on the Classic webpage. NOTE: Your association must complete your Association Commitment Form before you can complete your ITP. O C S A T E A M M A N A G E R H A N D B O O K</p><p>If an association fails to submit their online Intents to Play by the deadline, a $100 late fee per team will be assessed, and their teams may or may not be accepted into the Classic League. It will be up to the discretion of the VP of Classic whether these teams will be allowed to be in the schedule.</p><p>The person submitting each ITP is affirming that they have read the most current publication of the Classic Handbook and Discipline and Appeals Manual, and will share the contents of both documents with their team. The fee per team for application to the Classic league is $90 per year which was set by the Board of Directors. </p><p>If you play/pay in the Fall, then there is no fee for the Spring, but the Intent to Play form must still be submitted online BOTH seasons.</p><p>Adding Players/Player Transfers No coach/manager/parent is permitted to speak with any player from another association during the seasonal year with regard to joining OCSA. This is considered illegal recruiting and is not permitted by OCSA. If a player/parent from another association approaches you, please contact the DOC immediately.</p><p>In the event your team decides to add a player or drop a player from your roster, you will need to give the DOC/Registrar the following:</p><p>Player adds: Player/coach status form – located on the NCYSA website, notarized Medical Waiver form, birth certificate should be submitted to the Registrar</p><p>Player Releases: Player/coach status form – located on the NCYSA website, notarized, player pass, the Player’s signature on the form.</p><p>Scheduling Coaches will do their own team scheduling.</p><p>All matches must be played or made up so that all teams have played an equal number of matches in the division.</p><p>U11 and U12 teams are allowed to play 2 games in one day, as long as there are 90 minutes between games. U13 and older will have one match scheduled per day.</p><p>1. Go to Classic Home Page at www.ncysaclassic.com and access the final brackets for upcoming season under TEAMS> TEAM LIST. Go to DOCs and INFO to get all of the needed scheduling information and to download all materials related to scheduling. 2. Contact the teams within your bracket and complete the pre-scheduling process.</p><p>7 O C S A T E A M M A N A G E R H A N D B O O K</p><p>3. Once your schedules have been confirmed, contact your Association Field Assignor, who will then place you onto fields for your HOME MATCHES. There will be no time at the meeting to complete this as there has been in the past. You must have all pre-scheduling and pre-assigning complete before you walk into the scheduling meeting. 4. Submit preliminary schedule to DOC. 5. Schedules will be confirmed during an online meeting hosted by NCYSA. THERE WILL BE MINIMAL CHANGES MADE TO YOUR SCHEDULES AFTER YOUR DOC LEAVES THE ONLINE MEETING.</p><p>Travel Guidelines in Scheduling: </p><p>The nature of Classic play is being able to play soccer at the statewide level in order to experience a higher level of competition. Travel is a part of this experience. NCYSA provides guidelines to be referred to concerning travel: </p><p>1. Approximate earliest departure time from the home city is 7:00 a.m. so that a team can arrive at its match site thirty minutes (30) prior to game time. </p><p>2. The guideline for maximum travel distance is 250-260 miles and 5 hours (+/-) one way. </p><p>Neutral fields may be scheduled for matches between teams that meet the travel guidelines at no cost. If teams do not meet the travel guidelines, there is a minimum $80 fee ($40 per team) for the use of the neutral site that may be charged by the host association. This fee is to cover field use and referee assignor fees. </p><p>The neutral site “host” Association will bill the teams directly and are responsible for collection of this fee within ten (10) days of the played match. If associations cannot collect the neutral fee, NCYSA Classic will be contacted for assistance in collection and appropriate action. </p><p>The neutral site association will be responsible for the condition of the grounds, the proper field markings and proper equipment. Nets and spectator lines are required. It will be the responsibility of both teams to have a game ball and to see that their fans behave in a proper and respectful manner.</p><p>Rescheduling All teams will be given the option to initiate one rescheduled match per season, using the 2-part rescheduling form. Classic teams who find it necessary to request a reschedule are urged to submit Part A of the new Rescheduling Form to the state office no later than one week prior to the scheduled match or asap, even for the first</p><p>8 O C S A T E A M M A N A G E R H A N D B O O K and second playdates of the season, since schedules have been released earlier. Part A must be approved by NCYSA, Team Officials will receive email notification once Part A has been approved. At that point, teams will finalize the reschedule and submit Part B. It is strongly recommended that team coaches and managers poll their teams to find out when there are school breaks/functions and should plan tournaments in advance to avoid having to reschedule matches. FIFA Laws of the Game state, “a match may not start if either team consists of fewer than seven players”; therefore, if you have 7 rostered players available, your team should play the game as scheduled.</p><p>Inclement Weather If it has rained on Thursday and/or Friday or it is raining on the game day, then NCYSA encourages teams to use the following procedure to determining if games are to be played. </p><p>1. CONTACT THE ASSOCIATION HOTLINE (located on the website). That hotline message should give you information regarding that Association’s fields. Please note: Associations are NOT responsible for placing a message on the Hotline before 6:00 pm on Friday. Associations can actually wait until Saturday, but a message should be on their hotline number by 7:00 a.m. on game day, even if it says that a decision will be made at the field. Associations are asked to update their HOTLINES continually if weather issues could prevent teams from reaching their locations or if associations are forced to close fields at any time on game days. </p><p>2. CONTACT THE HOST TEAM. More than likely, you are playing a team from that Association. Make contact with that team’s manager or coach. In most cases, by establishing that contact, the host team will contact YOU if they have information before you do. (These numbers can be found in your classic team directory. Team managers should have these with them during travel.) </p><p>3. If it is still raining and the message is to travel, then use a cell phone, stop and use a pay phone, but keep in periodic contact with the hotline number AND your host team contact. </p><p>4. As unfair as it may seem, some teams will travel and not play, but we hope to minimize that scenario. If an Association is to do “everything it can” to get in these matches, then they may want to wait until the last minute to cancel. Only with open communication, can we minimize that scenario of needless travel. If possible, the team manager may set up a phone tree with the use of cell phones while the manager checks the weather line on the way to the match.</p><p>The home team is responsible for contacting the Field Coordinator to reserve a field and the Referee Assignor to secure referees for make-up games. After the make-up date, time and location has been agreed upon, referees and fields assigned, and the</p><p>9 O C S A T E A M M A N A G E R H A N D B O O K arrangements confirmed with the other team, complete the Rainout Form or Reschedule Form, have both managers sign and submit to the State.</p><p>Team Finances Team Account It is recommended that the manager open a team account in the team’s name. Due to new laws for bank accounts instituted by Homeland Security, in order to open a checking account, it is recommended that teams that want to open a bank account do so by contacting a representative at XXXXXX. They have the OCSA documentation that Homeland Security requires to open a team checking account. Your team name should read Onslow Classic Soccer Association dba Coastal Crew ‘(Yr). </p><p>Budget As team manager, you will collect “team dues” from each player to cover referee fees, tournament entrance fees, and coach’s travel expenses. “Team dues” are different from “Club dues,” which each player pays directly to OCSA. Club dues cover the cost of coaching salaries, practice fields, etc. Make sure your team parents understand that the team dues are separate from club dues. Before the season starts, prepare a budget, estimating the amount you will need for refs, tournaments, and coach’s travel and divide that amount by the number of team members. See sample budget at the end of the manual. Deposit team dues in your team’s checking account. Set a payment due date and send reminders to players who have not paid their team dues. The average amount of team dues per season is $350. If your team is going to more than three tournaments per season, your team dues will be higher.</p><p>Tournament Fees To play in tournaments, your team must submit the required entrance fee along with your application; all of which can typically be done online. Tournament entrance fees typically range between $325-$600 and are due by the deadline given by the tournament hosts. </p><p>Referee Fees There will be three referees assigned to all matches, consisting of one center ref and two assistant referees (or linesmen). Each team is responsible for paying for the referees at each regular season game. At tournaments, the tournament entry fee covers the referee fees. Your team splits the total cost of the referees with the</p><p>10 O C S A T E A M M A N A G E R H A N D B O O K opposing team The amount you are required to pay varies, depending upon the age group of your team, and is determined by NCYSA. The amount is in the Classic Handbook. Cash is the only method of payment; the exact amount for each individual ref. Three certified officials should be used for all Classic matches. Only pay for the number of officials that are there. Referee fees are subject to change at any time.</p><p>Using envelopes is a great way to keep ref fees organized ahead of time. Get all your cash and put the correct amount for each of the three refs in each envelope. Put the game date and opponent’s name on each envelope.</p><p>Coach’s Travel Expenses</p><p>Fundraising</p><p>Season Wrap Up Any excess monies remaining in the team account should be returned to the parents along with a copy of the season budget. Some teams choose to use their left over money for coach’s gift or end-of-season outing. </p><p>Travel Team Account</p><p>Game Day Reminders to parents/players Two Jerseys</p><p>Player Passes & Roster (no pass, no play) Have your player passes available for the referee to see at the beginning of each match. Referees are required to check them. After checking the passes against the players (if they do so), the passes will be returned to you. All passes should be laminated. At the end of the year, all original player passes must be returned to the OCSA office.</p><p>11 O C S A T E A M M A N A G E R H A N D B O O K</p><p>Team Roster You will receive several red-stamped Match or Team Rosters along with your one official roster. The official roster MUST remain in your binder. Make copies of the Team Roster to be given to the head referee at each game. The red-stamped Match Rosters will also be used for tournament applications and permission to travel – but it must have a red stamp. If you have player(s) missing for certain matches, mark their name out on the Match Roster copy you are giving to the referee.</p><p>Pay Referees Just before game time, you should take your referee fees, along with the Match Report (if you are the home team) and the copy of the Team Roster, and give them to the referee when you present him with the players’ passes.</p><p>Match Report At the start of each season, if you are the home team, you will receive a computer generated, 3-part Match Report from the State. They may be picked up at the OCSA office. Bring the match report to the game and give it to the referee before the game when you present the players’ passes. After the game, the referee and both coaches (or team manager) must sign the Match Report. Before your coach or you sign it, verify that the score is correct. After all have signed, the referee will give the white copy to the home team and the yellow copy to the visiting team. Usually, the referee submits the score to the state by the following Monday. You may also record the result online by going to www.ncysaclassic.com. Click on Teams/Schedules, go down to Rcrd Results Referee Only. Enter the game number (found on the schedule and the Match Report) and follow the instructions. The result will be listed as unverified until the referee and/or other team confirm the result.</p><p>Medical Release Forms</p><p>First Aid At no time should any coach or manager administer medical help or drugs to a player. Any questionable injury should be treated with a phone call to 911. Some teams may wish to have on hand the following items: latex gloves, gauze pads, chemical ice packs, clean towel, safety scissors, bottle of water, band aids. You may also wish to have on hand – sunscreen, chapstick, insect repellant, extra shoe laces, black and white electrical tape (for temporary jersey #s), and a ball pump.</p><p>12 O C S A T E A M M A N A G E R H A N D B O O K</p><p>Tournaments Team Account</p><p>13 D E S I G N C U S T O M I Z A T I O N</p><p>Appendix Team Account</p>
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