Wapakoneta City Council January 20, 2014

Wapakoneta City Council January 20, 2014

<p>WAPAKONETA CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 20, 2014</p><p>President Steve Henderson called the meeting to order at 7:30pm on January 20, 2014 at 701 Parlette Court with the following members present: Jim Neumeier, Dan Lee, Bonnie Wurst, Chad Doll, Randy Fisher, Rachel Barber, and Dan Graf. Also present were Mayor Rodney Metz, Service Director Bill Rains and Law Director Dennis Faller. There were 3 visitors present. </p><p>Mr. Neumeier requested the following corrections be made to the January 6, 2014 Council Meeting Minutes: in the Service Director report, final sentence should read “…Power Supply 101” and in the Miscellaneous Business, voting for Chad Doll to the WAEDC Board should read “…4 yeas, 2 nays (Graf, Lee).” Motion by Fisher, second by Lee to approve the minutes of the January 6, 2014 council meeting as corrected. Vote – 7 yeas, 0 nays. </p><p>Finance Committee – a meeting was held on 12-26-2013 and the following was discussed: General Fund will most likely be less for 2014. The estate tax was eliminated for 2014. Roll back and homestead tax will change and will probably be less. The first estimate is $4.2 million in 2014. Various Purpose Debt fund will show an assessment for the bond counsel in 2014. 333 – Capital Emergency Fund – set aside for a fire truck and possibly and ambulance 311 – Issue 2 – Transportation – the city may be able to apply for this in 2014. No Issue 1 in ’14. 680 – Guaranteed Deposit Fund – for refunds of utility fees after final settlement with customers leaving the system. Renters are charged $200 to start utilities. 801 – Swimming Pool Trust Fund - $0 814 – Ambulance Trust Fund - $0 expected income, a small amount is left (exact $s not reported) 818 – Rudd Park Trust Fund - $1000 spent in 2013. About $300 is left in 2014. Funds come from dividends through the Wapakoneta Foundation. 822 – Police K-9 Trust Fund - $1698.24 carryover 850 – Dependent Coverage Insurance Fund – employees pay in to this, then city pays it out. 852 – Police Auxiliary Fund – there was more expenses in 2013 as the auxiliary covered more activities such as the various runs held in the city. 853 – Unclaimed Trust Fund – has about $39,000, no activity in 2013 900 – Cash On Hand Accounts - $0 209, 210, and 212 – Law Enforcement Fund, Enforcement and Education Fund, Drug Law Enforcement Fund – money comes to these from the courts from DUI’s and other fines. These are used to pay for officer continued education. Fire, EMS and police department proposals are in progress and should be available for the next meeting.</p><p>Ms. Barber asked how the ‘Swimming Pool Trust Fund’ generates money. Mrs. Wurst replied, with donations. Ms. Barber also asked for further explanation of the ‘Unclaimed Trust Fund’. Mr. Neumeier replied, explaining that the fund is for monies owed to someone, such as deposits or payroll checks, that have went unclaimed. </p><p>Finance Committee – a meeting was held on 01-09-2014 and the following was discussed: *101- General Fund – Police Department – the need for exams and assessments were discussed. Rains will report the cost for these tests to the committee at a later date. Requests include – a) leasing 3 new cruisers was made. The cost is $33,205.50 each year for 3 years. With additions, the cost will be $45,530.50 in 2014. One current cruiser will move to the auxiliary and one of theirs will be retired and sold, and b) computers for $2400 for use in the satellite offices in the schools. There is a grant to purchase one computer. No explanation was certain to explain why overtime was higher than in the previous year, but many more events were held in 2013 that required police presence. Discussion about creating a fund to pay for future employee retirement costs. The question is – can there be one fund for all employees or will each department need a separate fund? *101 – General Fund – Fire Department – Negotiations are continuing, so salaries will likely increase in 2014. A firefighter 1 class will be offered to all firefighters. All will be eligible for the captain’s test. A detailed budget was presented by Chief Krites requested only minimal increases for 20014. Several items were discussed. The committee liked the form Chief Krites used for this budget proposal. *101 – General Fund – EMS –Chief reported that the administration assistant is a needed position. Collections for EMS service go into the general fund, then to EMS/Fire line items. This fund will be discussed more at another meeting. The solar cells were discussed. There are meters recording the output, but that information was not available at this meeting. Rains informed the committee that only one company quoted a price to take over city garbage collection and that this cost seems too high. Waste Management will not give a quote unless the service is sent out to bids.</p><p>Ms. Barber asked if the Police Department has satellite offices in all of the schools. Mr. Rains replied yes. Mr. Neumeier asked Mr. Rains to obtain details on connectivity and whether the officers could use school computers to cut costs. Mr. Neumeier advised that the decision to purchase 3 new police cruisers is not yet set in stone. Mr. Rains clarified that 2 Police Department vehicles will be eliminated and replaced, and one additional will be added to the fleet. Mrs. Wurst reminded Council that these are only initial proposals. Mr. Graf asked if these proposals will be settled prior to Council voting on the budget. Mrs. Wurst advised that this is the goal of the Finance Committee. </p><p>Health & Safety Committee – a meeting was held on 01-06-2014 and the following was discussed: This meeting was called at the request of SSD Bill Rains to discuss the implementation of snow route for the City of Wapakoneta. Mr. Rains indicated that he would like this committee to research the possibility of what snow routes would do for the safety of our employees and the effect it would have on getting our snow removal completed in a timelier manner. He would also like us to talk about the positive and negative results of a snow route upon our residence. Many routes were discussed during the meeting. It was determined that we as a committee should go out and view the routes as a group. The committee decided that we will gather and tour the routes on January 27, 2014 at 4 p.m... The committee will report more after this tour is over. The committee then talked about the possibility of installing cameras at Veterans Park to provide a permanent presence at the park and give the Wapakoneta Police another tool to help keep our park safe. We instructed the Chief to continue to investigate the possibility of placing cameras there and to include a cost estimation. This committee then discussed wanting the cameras to be visible and labeled so as to be a deterrent to crime.</p><p>New Business – Motion by Doll, second by Fisher to appoint Bonnie Wurst as President Pro Tempore. Vote – 7 yeas, 0 nays. Motion by Doll, second by Fisher to appoint Terry McDonald as Clerk of Council. Vote – 7 yeas, 0 nays. Ms. Barber requested information about the Human Rights Board, Sewer Commission, & Park Commission. Mayor Metz replied that he will try to obtain this information.</p><p>President Henderson asked Clerk to read ORD 2013-35 for the third time re: AN ORDINANCE ENACTED BY THE CITY OF WAPAKONETA OF AUGLAIZE COUNTY, OHIO HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS THE LOCAL PUBLIC AGENCY (LPA), IN THE MATTER OF THE STATED DESCRIBED PROJECT. Motion by Graf, second by Fisher to adopt Ord 2013-35. Mr. Neumeier & Ms. Barber asked for a list of the streets involved in the Ordinance. Mr. Rains advised that the Engineering Department would have this information. Vote – 6 yeas, 1 nay (Barber). Motion passed. </p><p>President Henderson asked Clerk to read ORD 2013-36 for the third time re: AN ORDINANCE ENACTED BY THE CITY OF WAPAKONETA OF AUGLAIZE COUNTY, OHIO HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS THE LOCAL PUBLIC AGENCY (LPA), IN THE MATTER OF THE STATED DESCRIBED PROJECT. Motion by Fisher, second by Lee to adopt Ord 2013-36. Ms. Barber & Mr. Neumeier asked that additional information be supplied for this Ordinance. Mr. Doll and Mr. Graf clarified that the Ordinance is for the resurfacing of 25A at the 33 bypass. Vote – 7 yeas, 0 nays. Motion passed. President Henderson asked Clerk to read Ord 2013-39 for the third time re: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF WAPAKONETA TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT AND TO COMPLETE THE CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 204 EAST AUGLAIZE STREET AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Doll, second by Lee to adopt Ord 2013-39. Mr. Neumeier asked if anyone had expressed interest in purchasing the property. Mr. Rains replied, no. Mr. Neumeier asked if the City’s intent was to sell the property. Mr. Rains replied, yes. Mr. Fisher also expressed concern for the City to sell the property quickly. Ms. Barber asked for the City’s plan in reselling the property. Mr. Rains and Mayor Metz replied that WAEDC would assist with this, as well as the Lands & Buildings Committee. Ms. Barber asked how the purchase price was reached. Mr. Rains & Mr. Neumeier advised that the price was reached over negotiations with the seller during the course of a year, and that the seller (Marathon Gas) had restrictions that eliminated other interested buyers. Mr. Rains also advised that the City will clean up the property. Vote – 7 yeas, 0 nays. Motion passed.</p><p>President Henderson asked Clerk to read Ord 2014-01 for the second time re: AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING PRELIMINARY LEGISLATION FOR THE CONSENT OF THE CITY OF WAPAKONETA TO THE OHUO DIRECTOR OF TRANSPORTATION FOR REPAIRS ON STRUCTURE FILE NUMBER 0602159, BRIDGE NUMBER AUG-75-0545 AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY PID NO. 97172 AUG IR 75 5.45.</p><p>President Henderson asked Clerk to read Ord 2014-02 for the second time re: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF SAFETY AND SERVICE TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS AND ENTER INTO CONTRACTS FOR CERTAIN MATERAILS, SERVICES, AND EQUIPMENT RENTAL REQUIRED FOR THE OPERATION OF THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY OF WAPAKONETA.</p><p>President Henderson asked Clerk to read Ord 2014-03 for the second time re: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF SAFETY AND SERVICE TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE DUCHOUQUET TOWNSHIP TRUSTEES FOR FURNISHING OF FIRE PROTECTION AND AMBULANCE SERVICE.</p><p>President Henderson asked Clerk to read Ord 2014-04 for the first time re: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN ESTABLISHING AN INTERSTATE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT WITH THE OHIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORATION FOR THE MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND OPERATION OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY IR 75 AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Mr. Neumeier asked if the Ohio Department of Transportation was responsible for the lighting in this area. Mayor Metz replied, yes. </p><p>The Mayor gave the following report: 1. Attended one Department head meeting. 2. Participated in County wide planting meeting. Topic of discussions were Auglaize river cleanup which is taking more time than expected due to Ash trees. Discussed upcoming ditch project within the county none within the City of Wapakoneta. 3. Attended City Council’s Health & Safety meeting. 4. Participated in City Council’s Finance meeting. 5. Met with prospective new industry in a group meeting with Fire Chief Krites, Engineering personnel and Mr. Myers for WAEDC. The meeting went very well. The existing building needs to be look at by the State Building Department so that the building is in compliance for its new use. We look forward to them becoming a part of our community. 6. Attended Sister Cities fundraising organizational meeting. Sister Cities will be doing a German meal in honor the German Mardi Gras. 7. Participated in WAEDC’s’ budget meeting.</p><p>Mr. Neumeier asked for an update regarding the citizen complaint about Koneta Rubber. Mayor Metz replied that a Code Enforcement Officer was sent to the location again, and the City’s next step is to proceed with fines. Mayor Metz explained that the supervisor who previously promised compliance has since resigned from Koneta Rubber, and that the Corporate Office is not cooperating. Ms. Barber asked for further explanation of the violation. Mayor Metz explained that raw materials from the factory are being stored facing Maple Street. Mr. Fisher asked if Koneta Rubber is in violation of any code. Mayor Metz replied that they are in compliance with the Fire Code, but that there may be a health concern. Ms. Barber asked for a plan and a timeline for a response from Koneta Rubber. Mayor Metz replied that citations would be the next course of action and any timeline would be given by the Police Department. </p><p>The Service Director gave the following report: City workers have been busy clearing snow, and that we have already used as much salt as was used all of last year. Measures are being taken to conserve salt by combining it with beet juice or a grit mix, but that nothing helps in the recent record low temperatures. The City is inquiring bids for trash and recycle service. Mr. Neumeier pointed out that $160,000 of the budget was recently used to supplement the Recycle Department, and that he is glad the City is investigating other options. Mr. Neumeier asked for an update on the Solar Field. Mr. Rains replied that he will be meeting with Solar Planet regarding metering, putting information on the web, and the cleaning of the solar panels. Mr. Neumeier asked if snowfall affected the panels. Mr. Rains replied that there is no significant change due to snowfall, but more will be known once Solar Planet completes the work stated in their contract. </p><p>SCHEDULING OF MEETINGS: Parks & Recreation Committee will meet on January 23 at 6:30pm at City Hall. Finance Committee will meet on January 23 at 7:00pm at City Hall. Health & Safety will meet on January 22 at 4:00pm and January 27 at 4:00pm at City Hall. Utilities Committee will meet on January 27 at 5:00pm at City Hall. Streets & Alleys will meet on January 29 at 7:00pm at City Hall. </p><p>MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS: Mr. Neumeier asked for an update on the City checking with the State Auditor regarding invested monies. Mr. Rains advised that this request is complete. Ms. Barber advised that she was asked to sign a ‘Release of Information Agreement’ by the City of Wapakoneta which would permit a background check on financial, criminal, or legal information. Ms. Barber asked why an elected official would be asked to submit to a background check, and advised that she has no intention of signing the forms. Mr. Faller had not seen the referenced forms and therefore could not advise further at this time. </p><p>Motion by Fisher, second by Doll to enter into Executive Session at 8:19pm to discuss pending litigation. Vote – 7 yeas, 0 nays. </p><p>Motion by Fisher, second by Doll to come out of Executive Session at 8:25pm. Vote – 7 yeas, 0 nays. </p><p>Motion by Fisher, second by Lee to adjourn at 8:26pm. Vote – 7 yeas, 0 nays. </p><p>President Clerk of Council</p>

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