I CBOBOAAASVOBODA І Ж Щ УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОДЕННИК ^IBF UKRAINIAN DAI L\ Щ Ukrainian Week ENGLISH-LANGUAGE WEEKLY EDITION VOL. LXXXVI. No. 73 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 1,1979 25 CENTS Vins released, beaten up Oles Berdnyk arrested KESTON, England. - Petro Vins, MOSCOW, USSR. - A young NEW YORK, N.Y. - Oles Berd­ 22, was released from a one-year labor Ukrainian human rights activist from nyk, one of the original members of camp sentence on February 15 and re­ Kiev has been beaten up for the second the Ukrainian Public Group to Pro­ turned home, reported the Keston time in a week by a man believed to be a mote the Implementation of the Hel­ News Service on March 15. KGB agent, dissident leader Andrei Sa­ sinki Accords, was arrested earlier this Vins, one of the youngest members kharov said on March 28. month, reported the press service of of the Ukrainian Public Group to Pro­ Dr. Sakharov said that Petro Vins, the Ukrainian Supreme Liberation mote the Implementation of the Hel­ 23-year-old son of imprisoned Baptist Council (abroard). sinki Accords, was arrested on Feb­ leader, Georgi Vins, was set upon Dissident sources in Ukraine feared ruary 15, 1978, on charges of para­ March 27 on the streets of the Ukraini­ for several months that the authorities sitism. Vins's arrest then was his an capital by four men in plain clothes. were preparing a new case against Ber­ second in three months. The same four men picked up Vins dnyk. In early March the homes of He was brought to trial on March several days ago, drove him 40 miles several dissidents were searched by the 28, 1978, and sentenced to one-year in­ outside the city and beat him up after secret police in connection with the re­ carceration. He was the fifth member he tried to see an American consular newed harassment against Berdnyk. of the Kiev group to be sentenced. official. At that time Reuters reported that Dr. Andrei Sakharov told Western uIam sure these men are from the Berdnyk had not been seen since the correspondents then that the trial was KGB," Dr. Sakharov said. secret police entered his home. held behind closed doors. Vins's family The Moscow human rights leader Berdnyk was born on November 25, said the men also threatened Vins that 1927, in the Kherson oblast of (Continued on page 3) he and his family would be killed. Ukraine. He is a veteran of World War II. Oles Berdnyk In 1945-1949, Berdnyk was a theater student at the Ivan Franko Institute in Berdnyk is the eighth member of the 10 Ukrainians elected to Kiev and later he became an actor. In Kiev group to be arrested. Others were: 1949-1955, he was incarcerated in a Mykola Rudenko, the head of the concentration camp. group, Oleksa Tykhy, Lev Lukianen- provincial legislature in Alberta Following his release, Berdnyk ko, Myroslav Marynovych, Mykola began to publish his works. In 1972 Matusevych, Petro Vins and Vasyl EDMONTON, Alta. - Ten Ukrai­ According to the Ukrainian News Berdnyk was expelled from the Union Striltsiv. nian Canadians were elected to the ("Ukrayinski Visti") of March 15, a of Writers of Ukraine for his civic Gen. Petro Grigorenko, a member Legislative Assembly of Alberta on weekly newspaper published here, work and for his deviation from soci­ of the group who served as liaison with March 14 during the Progressive Con­ other Ukrainian Canadians who unsuc­ alist realism in literature. the Moscow group, was given an exit servative Party's landslide victory in cessfully ran for legislative seats were: visa to the United States in November In November 1977 Berdnyk became that western Canadian province. 1977 and in early 1978 he was barred (New Democratic Party) William D. one of the co-founders of the Ukraini­ from returning home. Nine of the 10 Ukrainians who won Kobluk, P. Opryshko, M. Seredniak, an Helsinki monitoring group. Out of Berdnyk, a writer, poet and futur- the elections are members pf the Pro­ S. Leskiv and H. Babchuk; (Social the original 10 members of the group, gressive Conservative Party and one is ologist, is also a member of the Alter­ Credit Party) V. Nakonechny; and only three have not been arrested or ex­ native Evolution Initiative Council and a member of the Social Credit Party. A (Liberal Party) R. Kharuk, R. Pisetsky iled - Nina Strokata-Karavanska, Ivan total of 19 Ukrainian Canadians the council of the Ukrainian spiritual and Orest Boyko. Kandyba and Oksana Meshko. campaigned for seats in the provincial republic. legislature. The Ukrainians who won the elec­ tions are: (Progressive Conservative Party) Bill Wasyl Diachuk, Dr. Ken­ The Ukrainian Museum hopes to increase membership neth R.H. Paproski, Katherine Chi- JERSEY CITY, N.J. - The Ukrai­ chak, Julian G.J. Koziak, I. Zaozirny, nian Museum in New York City will S. Kushnir, George Topolinsky, I. Ba- begin a new membership campaign in tiuk and Peter Trynchy; and (Social hopes of increasing the number of mu­ Credit Party) V. Buk. seum members from the present 350 to The Progressive Conservative Party at least 1,000, and, thus, broaden its won 74 out of 79 seats is the legislature financial base, reported the museum's or 93.5 percent. Four seats went to the board of trustees at a recent meeting Social Credit Party and one to the New with UNA Supreme Officers and Svo- Democratic Party. boda and The Weekly editors here at The landslide victory of the Progres­ the UNA building. sive Conservatives is a record in The scope of the museum should be Alberta. In the last elections, the Pro­ expanded, according to Dr. Bohdan gressive Conservatives won 69 out 75 Cymbalisty, president of the museum's seats, or 92 percent. recently elected board of trustees. Among the new Ukrainian Canadian Among the plans for the future, legislators are S. Kushnir, who noted Dr. Cymbalisty, are the acquisi­ campaigned instead of his father, I. tion of a larger museum building which Kushnir, and I. Zaozirny. could accommodate new divisions such The board of trustees of The Ukrainian Museum met with UNA Supreme Offi­ After the elections, provincial Pre­ as exhibits of folk art, religious and cers and Svoboda and The Weekly editors during their visit to the UNA building. mier Peter Lougheed said that the new ecclesiastical art and Ukrainian history Seated, left to right, are: Lubov Drashevska, Supreme President Dr. John O. government has a mandate from the with a subdivision for the history of Flis, Dr. Zofia Sywak, Dr. Bohdan Cymbalisty, Maria Savchak; standing: editors people, Mr. Lougheed pledged that his Ukrainian settlement in America. The Eugene Fedorenko, Zenon Snylyk and Roma Sochan-Hadzewycz, Supreme government will represent all Alber- museum should also include a gallery Organizer Wasyl Orichowsky, Supreme Treasurer Ulana Diachuk, Dr. Klemens tans, no matter where they come from Rohozynsky, Natalia Chytra-Rybak, Supreme Secretary Walter Sochan and editors or their ethnic heritage. (Continued on page 5) Basil Tershakovec, Lubov Kolensky and Wolodymyr Lewenetz. THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 1, 1979 No. 73 No hope'of release for Plakhotniuk, says samvydav Radio Moscow NEW YORK, N.Y. - For Mykola would raise the question of his release attacks Lukianenko Plakhotniuk, a Ukrainian physician before the committee. imprisoned in Soviet psychiatric insti­ The conditions are very harsh in this JERSEY CITY, N.J. - The Soviet tutions since 1972, there appears to be hospital. Plakhotniuk is constantly in government recently began a new at­ no hope of release, according to infor­ the company of genuinely ill persons. tack on the Western press, citing the mation circulating in the samvydav. They are taken for walks very rarely West's campaign against the Soviet A samvydav document received in during the summer, and during the Union, reported the Ukrainian Central the West and made public here by the winter — not at all. That is why Pla­ Information Service. press service of the Ukrainian Supreme khotniuk's state of health is poor. While Radio Moscow condemned the Liberation Council (abroad), noted he was still free, Plakhotniuk had Toronto Globe and Mail for publishing that Plakhotniuk's doctor said there is tuberculosis. an advertisement in defense of Ukrai­ no reason to release Plakhotniuk be­ nian political prisoner Lev Lukia­ fore the conclusion of the Olympic nenko. Games, Radio Moscow said that Lukianenko The full text of the samvydav docu­ The press service added that Pla­ was engaged "in terrorist activity in ment follows. khotniuk was a physician at a chil­ Ukraine with the goal of destroying the dren's sanatorium and a senior labora­ Soviet system there and bringing about The full text of the samvydav docu­ the secession of Ukraine from the ment follows. tory supervisor at the Kiev Medical In­ stitute. KGB repressions of Plakhot­ USSR." niuk began in 1969 in connection with It also reported that Lukianenko Mykola Plakhotniuk the publication of a "Letter from the "propagated the hate of Ukrainians for Russians and disseminated printed Plakhotniuk, Mykola Hryhorovych, Creative Youth of Dnipropetrovske," works of nationalistic character." born 1936. Ukrainian. Since January is no hope of his release. The doctor which documented Russification in 12, 1972, he was under surveillance for who is treating Plakhotniuk said in a that city. Poets Ivan Sokulsky and article 62 of the Criminal Code of the conversation that there is no reason to Mykola Kulchynsky and engineer Ukrainian SSR. Since May 12, 1972, he release him before the beginning of the Viktor Savchenko, who were respon­ Chernivtsi Baptists was undergoing examination at the Olympic Games. sible for the letter, were sentenced in Serbsky Institute.
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