Addendum No. 1 Dtd 9-6-07

Addendum No. 1 Dtd 9-6-07

<p> Thursday, January 10, 2008 Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport Board ADDENDUM NO. 3 THE ABOVE IS HEREBY To the Invitation for Bids Contract No. 9500313 ATSAC II IN-LINE EDS</p><p>THE REQUEST FOR BIDS (IFB) FOR REVISED AS ATTACHED: </p><p>GENERAL</p><p>1. Clarification: CN# 9500313 Sec 01200 (12/05/07) specifies Project Meetings with a weekly frequency. Please reply with DFWIA's Date of Substantial Completion that we may project accordingly or direct me where/how to obtain this information? Response: DFW: Schedule details provided on Bid form 3.</p><p>2. Clarification: CN# 9500313 Vol 2 presents the following statement: "This was produced under the direct supervision of Registered Architect Ralph Bauer, #7484. This document is incomplete and may not be used for Regulatory approval, permit or construction. Date of Issue: November 5, 2007" Is a complete document available or will Addendum(s) address incompletions? Response: The addenda will address incompletions.</p><p>3. Clarification: CN# 9500313 Vol 2 Table of Contents references CN# 8500225 SA 12 in the footer with updated variables thereafter, ex: 9500313 SA#12 - all other volumes show CN# 9500313 Response: The correct reference is 9500313 SA 12</p><p>4. Clarification: Reference Page 3 of the Special Provisions, Item 1.B. This section places a total of $2,500 LD per day value for loss of use by the owner for not achieving substantial / final completion within the specified time. a) Please confirm that loss of use – “Owner’s inability to use the Work” – includes the financial and non- financial loss of use damages for the Owner and the Owner’s tenants, customers and other end-users. b) Please provide a cumulative per day value for the other damages contained in items 1, 2, and 3 of this section. Response: a. The "Owner's inability to use the Work" does not include: 1. Any damages, additional or extended costs, incurred by the Owner, for extended administration of this Contract, or by the Owner's agents, consultants, or independent contractors for extended administration of this Contract. 2. Any increases in financing costs resulting from the delay in completion of the Work. 3. Any additional services, relating to or arising as a result of the delay in the completion of the Work.</p><p>The Owner shall be entitled to claim against the Contractor for its actual damages and amounts not specifically included within the liquidated damages as set forth herein. Such costs shall be computed separately. Together with liquidated damages, they shall be either deducted from the Contract Amount or billed to the Contractor.</p><p>All other costs are included in the "Owner's inability to use the Work".</p><p> b. The cumulative per day value of the other damages contained in items 1, 2, and 3 of this section can not be determined at this time. ATSAC II Terminal A In-Line EDS – Contract No. 9500313 01/10/08 ADDENDUM No. 3 Page 1 of 23 5. Clarification: Please clarify any requirements for Security Guards. Response: Any work that will take place which may create a security issue will need to be addressed with a security guard hired by the General Contractor. The contractor will need to provide access into the train right of way from the landside for access to the work areas. This access will need to be gated and guarded to prevent unauthorized entry during working hours.</p><p>6. Specification General Conditions Section 01500 – Replace previously issued section 01500 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS dated November 5, 2007 with revised section 01500 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS dated January 10, 2008 Addendum No 3. “Section 4.0 TRAFFIC CONTROL” has been included. </p><p>REQUEST FOR ALTERNATE</p><p>1. Alternate Pricing for Reduced Work Schedule Provide alternate pricing for completing the project within 365 calendar days for Substantial Completion and 90 days for Final Completion.</p><p>BAGGAGE HANDLING SYSTEM</p><p>1. Clarification: The bid form has 405 days for substantial completion and 90 days for finial (sic) completion. The BHSC section does not have EDS testing complete for two years after NTP. Which requirement is the correct requirement that governs the schedule? If the Bid form dates are correct, how is the testing going to be adjusted to meet the schedule and the specification requirements? Response: Overall construction duration for the project is 405 calendar days for substantial completion followed by 90 days for final completion. All equipment will need to be tested and ready by substantial completion. Refer to General Requirements Section 01010 Summary of Work Part 1 – General 1.5 - HOURS OF WORK. </p><p>2. Clarification: Reference page 14520-5, Item 21. Does this standby period apply to the re-control scope of work, or the EDS scope of work, or both? Please clarify the standby requirements. Response: Both, BHSC will be responsible for personnel in the Control room to perform immediate repairs to the computer and PLC code or field trouble shooting needs as required for that operational day. </p><p>3. Clarification: Reference page 14520-197, Item B.2.c. Typically, shaft encoders are not used on queues and merges. Please confirm whether or not this is acceptable. Also, is a shaft encoder with 3 pulses per revolution acceptable? Response: Bid per Contract documents . System design must pass required tests for CAGE and Battelle.</p><p>ATSAC II Terminal A In-Line EDS – Contract No. 9500313 01/10/08 ADDENDUM No. 3 Page 2 of 23 4. Clarification: Reference page 14530-261, Item 3.7.B. Is this support required for the entire operational day, or only for a certain period of time? Please clarify. Response: Day time system operation consists of the entire operational day.</p><p>5. Clarification: Reference page 14530-261, Item 3.7.B. Is this support required after a night of testing, when no changes are made to the MCPs, other than switching from one I/O system to the other? Please clarify. Response: Yes</p><p>6. Clarification: Reference page 14530-272, Item 8. This phasing plan outlines an overall schedule in excess of 2 years (exact duration is unknown, since details are not provided for phases 5 and 6). In the bid form and at the bidder’s meeting it was indicated that the schedule was 405 days long, with an additional 90 days for standby. Please clarify the schedule for this project. Response: Overall construction duration for the project is 405 calendar days for substantial completion followed by 90 days for final completion. All equipment will need to be tested and ready by substantial completion. </p><p>7. Clarification: For the re-controlled MCPs, is it sufficient to provide markup sheets for the new I/O or will completely new MCP schematics be required? Response: BHSC will receive Auto Cad drawings that must be updated with the changes. Mark-up sheets will not be accepted.</p><p>8. Clarification: Do motor disconnect require an auxiliary monitoring contact? Response: If devices are supplied with auxiliary contacts on disconnect switches they must be used. See spec section 3.6.H.2.through .5</p><p>9. Clarification: Per item 3 in Addendum 2, “The BHSC shall contract TransSolutions to model their design changes to the legacy system. The minimum requirements developed in the models shall be met.” Please explain what changes are expected to be made to the legacy system that will require system modeling? It will be difficult to define a scope of work to TransSolutions in order to obtain accurate pricing for this work if we do not have a description of the changes to be performed. Response: It is up the BHSC to determine changes required</p><p>10. Clarification: Since TransSolutions has been specified by the Owner to perform the work and have already performed the original system modeling, will they provide an identical fixed price to all BHSC contractors to perform this modeling? Response: The BHSC will be required to provide modeling for the project. An allowance of $50,000 is to be included in the base price for this work. The BHSC may, but is not required to use TransSolutions for modeling.</p><p>11. Clarification: Spec 14520 Section 2.3 E.13.6 specifies the following “6) Photocell reflectors shall be mounted using a pocket that keeps the reflector tight to the side of the conveyor. a) The reflector shall be sized as such to fill the side guard opening. Could a detail be provided of what is expected and how the ATSAC II Terminal A In-Line EDS – Contract No. 9500313 01/10/08 ADDENDUM No. 3 Page 3 of 23 reflector is to “fill” the opening? Is it expected that the reflector will be flush with the face of the side guard with no gaps? Response: Pocket should be designed to allow minimal movement of the reflector. Holes for reflector and photo eyes are to be dimpled.</p><p>12. Clarification: Spec. 14520 Section 3.1.3 calls for “Vibration Abatement-The BHSC is required to submit specifications for vibration dampening and isolation material that are planned for use on this project to the Owner's Representative”. Does the Owner have a requirement for vibration isolation on all conveyors, both floor supported and ceiling supported? If so, please provide the method for measuring successful vibration isolation? If the BHSC determines that there will not be vibration in excess of the specified level, could vibration isolation be eliminated? The specification only requires the identification of conveyors in the frequency range of 8 to 20 Hz. This does not necessarily mean that this frequency will be transferred to the building therefore a measuring criteria would be helpful. Response: Refer the spec section 1.8.M.3</p><p>13. Clarification: It is identified that the BHSC is responsible for employee parking and transportation. Does the Owner have any available off-site parking areas which may be used to for workers to park and where the contractor can transport the workers to the site? Response: Parking will be available to the contractors at the ADE Building at no cost. The address is 3003 South Service Road, DFW International Airport.</p><p>14. Clarification: Spec 14520 Section 2.3.K.6 states “Spares – the BHSC shall supply spare processors and memory modules for the type of PLC used, programmed with the actual operating programs for each PLC and memory module in actual use of the operating controller”. This appears to require that a spare PLC is required for every PLC. We request a clarification as to the number of spares required and is this paid for separately under spares or to be included in the base price? Response: Change 2.3.K.6 to read: Spares-the BHSC shall supply spare processors and memory Modules for the type of PLC used at a minimum of 10% see Section 2.5.J.1.f.9</p><p>Minimum stock levels will be kept at the Airport to insure effective and efficient repair of any equipment. The BHSC through its warranty agreement must be able to provide spare parts for all equipment in a short time frame, in order to replenish this stock as well as have parts on hand which the Owner did not choose to purchase. An allowance of $500,000 is to be included in the base price for spare parts. </p><p>15. Clarification: Spec 14520 states that “conduit mounted below seven feet – six inches in height must be of the rigid type”. Does this mean only from the ground surface and main platform, or is conduit running along a catwalk also considered to be below 7’-6”? Please clarify where the 7 ‘-6” will be measured from. Response: 7’-6” will be measured from finished floor. </p><p>16. Clarification: Spec 14520 Section 2.2.I.4.b states “conveyor identification must be stenciled on a minimum of ten foot centers. How is the ten foot centers measured? Does this mean there cannot be greater than 10 feet between conveyor IDs? Does this mean that it must be every 10 feet on both sides of the conveyor? This is abnormal for a typical BHS project and would essentially require that every 10 foot conveyor bed must be labeled on both sides if strictly interpreted? Response: ATSAC II Terminal A In-Line EDS – Contract No. 9500313 01/10/08 ADDENDUM No. 3 Page 4 of 23 Remove 2.2.I.4.b Conveyor identification must be stenciled on a minimum of ten foot centers.</p><p>Change 2.2.I.4.c The identification must be located on the conveyor where it is easily viewed from the ground, catwalk or platform. Minimum ID placement is on drive sections and head and tail ends of each conveyor.</p><p>Change 2.2.I.4.d On queues and taper rollers the ID shall be in two inch characters in a conspicuous location on the conveyor or device.</p><p>17. Clarification: Specification 14520 states “All conveyors shall be adequately sway-braced in lateral and longitudinal directions, and in a manner that meets or exceeds local seismic regulations and codes. a) Spacing-must-not exceed 20 feet. b) All sway bracing connections and points or attachment must be through-bolted rather than through-welded.” Will the Owner accept as an alternate a detail for a welded connection for the sway bracing provided it is performed by a certified welder? Also, will it be acceptable to use a cutting torch to make the holes for the through-bolted connection? Response: No follow specification 2.2.D.4.b</p><p>18. Clarification: Spec 14520 Section 2.2.B.3.C states “All conveyor bed section Horizontal and Vertical butt coupling joints shall be bolted together”. Will the Owner accept as an alternate a Horizontal joint which is not bolted, but rather has a chamfered edge on both of the adjoining conveyor beds? If accepted, it would be certified that the conveyor would carry the specified loads. Response: Follow Specification section 2.2.B.3.d and e.</p><p>19. Clarification: For the sort controller application, what will be the source of the BSMs and the FIDS (ie. ARINC, SIDA, SABRE)? Response: EDS/SABRE</p><p>20. Clarification: Spec 14520 Section 1.1.I 18 states “The BHSC shall ensure that the overall BHS operates efficiently and effectively in concert with the EDS screening matrix. There are potential differences in baggage processing rates between the existing BHS conveyors feeding the EDS matrix and the EDS matrix itself. Changes will be required to the larger, legacy BHS such as, additional queues, brake motors, clutch/brakes or VFDs, or other modifications”. Through the bid process, it is impossible for the BHSC to determine if any additional equipment will be required as stated above. It would be expected that the BHSC would bid the project per the equipment on the bid drawings. If it is determined at a later date that additional equipment is required, will the Owner cover this as a change order? Response: The BHSC is responsible for providing a Bid inclusive of any modifications.</p><p>21. Clarification: Spec 14520 Section 1.1.J.9 states “The re-control process of the existing system shall be completed and tested to meet all specification requirements prior to any tie-in's or interface with new systems. All system issues and deficiencies shall be resolved before any interfacing to new system shall be corrected”. Can it be clarified that the existing legacy system is currently operating to the new specification requirements? Otherwise, if the system is not meeting the new specification requirements, could the known deficiencies be identified (such as throughput rates, merge logic, baggage jams, etc.)? ATSAC II Terminal A In-Line EDS – Contract No. 9500313 01/10/08 ADDENDUM No. 3 Page 5 of 23 Without identifying any deficiencies, it would be expected that the existing PLC ladder logic will be acceptable to re-use. Response: Refer to Specification section 3.6 for system functionality, both the re-control and EDS portions of code will be consistent to this Specification section.</p><p>22. Clarification: Clarification is requested on the intent of the “Re-control Project”. The understanding is that Re-control refers to replacing the legacy system hardware with matching PLC and PLC I/O hardware used in the new project. This does not mean that the BHSC is expected to “Re-program” the existing legacy BHS. Please verify that the existing PLC ladder logic will be available to download to the new PLC hardware? Response: Refer to Specification section 3.6 for system functionality, both the re-control and EDS portions of code will be consistent to this Specification section.</p><p>23. Clarification: Spec 14520 Section 3.7.A states “The BHSC shall be responsible for field verification of existing site equipment, configurations, MCP wiring identification, conditions, and controls prior to starting design, manufacture, modification and installation activities. The BHSC shall be responsible for ensuring current control drawings are correct and Final As-Built drawings after re-control activities are accurate”. Does this mean that the BHSC is responsible to verify the conditions are accurate prior to placing our bid? How is the BHSC to identify the potential scope of work required to correct drawings that may not be accurate at this current date? Will the Owner accept a change order if the drawings are identified to be incorrect? Response: American Airlines has contracted G&T Conveyor to update all out-bound MCP drawings; these updated drawings are available through MS Dallas. BHSC will be required to update these drawings for re-controls. The owner will not accept change orders if drawings are incorrect.</p><p>24. Clarification: Spec 14520 Section 3.7.A.12 states “The BHSC is responsible for reprogramming the integration of the existing system. The BHSC will provide a comprehensive report detailing any deficiencies, if any, in the existing system, be it mechanical or electrical hardware.” Could you please provide clarification as to what the first sentence requires - “responsible for reprogramming the integration of the existing system.” Does this infer that the BHSC is responsible for reprogramming the entire legacy BHS, or does this infer that the BHSC is responsible to reprogram the integration between the existing and the new systems? Response: Refer to Specification section 3.6 for system functionality, both the re-control and EDS portions of code will be consistent to this Specification section.</p><p>25. Clarification: Section 3.7.A.12 states “The BHSC is responsible for reprogramming the integration of the existing system. The BHSC will provide a comprehensive report detailing any deficiencies, if any, in the existing system, be it mechanical or electrical hardware.” With respect to the second sentence where “The BHSC will provide a comprehensive report detailing any deficiencies”, after this report is prepared, and if there are deficiencies that are found, will these deficiencies be requested to be fixed? If so, will the Owner pay for the correction to these deficiencies through a change order? Secondly, does this require that the BHSC spend extensive time observing the system before beginning the Re-control Process so as not to be responsible for existing deficiencies? Does this mean that it would be best/required to first perform a full system test of the existing legacy BHS before beginning the Re-control process? If we are to use the existing PLC ladder logic, a simple replacement of the PLC hardware would not cause deficiencies to the existing system performance. Response: Refer to Specification section 3.6 for system functionality, both the re-control and EDS portions of code will be consistent to this Specification section.</p><p>ATSAC II Terminal A In-Line EDS – Contract No. 9500313 01/10/08 ADDENDUM No. 3 Page 6 of 23 26. Clarification: If it is the intention that the existing legacy BHS is to be re-programmed, then will the Owner provide a full set of detailed BHS drawings for this system? Also if there is a detailed written Description of Operations for the existing system (as described and required in the current specification), we would also request it be provided so that the system could be re-programmed. Response: Refer to Specification section 3.6 for system functionality, both the re-control and EDS portions of code will be consistent to this Specification section. American Airlines has contracted G&T Conveyor to update all out-bound MCP drawings; these updated drawings are available through MS Dallas. BHSC will be required to update these drawings for re-controls.</p><p>27. Clarification: Spec 14520 Section 3.10.10 requires a video on DVD of all subjects covered in the on-site training sessions. Is it acceptable to have the on-site training classes recorded and turned into a training video? Response: Yes, editing will be required to keep video on a professional level. </p><p>28. Clarification: Spec 14520 Section 1.11.D.4.c states “If the baggage handling contractor has cause to believe item(s) may require stocking pursuant to the terms and conditions of warranty provisions that the Owner and/or Owner's Representative declines to stock, the BHSC shall stock such long lead items separately at no cost to the Owner and/or Owner's Representative. In no case shall the absence of appropriate spare parts be construed in any way to abridge or interfere with the responsibilities of the BHSC for warranty services as defined herein”. It is nearly impossible to estimate which spare parts the Owner will purchase. This places the burden on the BHSC to purchase and stock parts for the Owner’s benefit with no clearly defined value. We request that the Owner give an allowance for the spare parts that the BHSC should carry. If no value is given, is it possible for the Owner to identify what has been purchased for spare parts on previous projects in comparison to the recommended spare parts list? In Section 3.11.B.3, it is stated that the BHSC may not receive Conditional Acceptance until the BHSC has stocked the spares that the Owner does not purchase. Response: The BHSC needs to stock a full compliment of spare parts for all equipment during the warranty period. </p><p>29. Clarification: When the warranty period is over, will the Owner purchase the spare parts from the BHSC that the Owner did not purchase initially? If not, then these parts will be out of warranty with the manufacturer and would no longer be considered as new on a future project. Under these circumstances, will the Owner consider deleting this requirement of “Unknown Quantity” as this will only raise the bid by an amount to cover this estimated cost? Response: Minimum stock levels will be kept at the Airport to insure effective and efficient repair of any equipment. The BHSC through its warranty agreement must be able to provide spare parts for all equipment in a short time frame, in order to replenish this stock as well as have parts on hand which the Owner did not choose to purchase. An allowance of $500,000 is to be included in the base price for spare parts. </p><p>30. Clarification: Reference page 14520-62, Item O.6. Can the disconnects for the motor and clutch/brake be two separate devices or must they be combined into one disconnect? Response: Motor and clutch/brakes shall have separated disconnects.</p><p>31. Clarification: ATSAC II Terminal A In-Line EDS – Contract No. 9500313 01/10/08 ADDENDUM No. 3 Page 7 of 23 Reference page 14520-102, Item 3.a. Is the Warner CBC-150 conduit mounted clutch/brake power supply acceptable for this project? Response: No</p><p>32. Clarification: Reference page 14520-123, Item I. This item states that communication cable must be redundant. Does this require the use of redundant media Allen Bradley CNBR ControlNet adapters and redundant ControlNet coax for all remote I/O? Response: Redundant cables are required. Labeling and testing of these cables must follow specifications.</p><p>33. Clarification: Reference 14520 and Drawings. The description of operation describes illuminated start pushbuttons on all control stations. Also, all current new designs at DFW utilize illuminated start pushbuttons on all control stations. The control station details on the contract drawings show non illuminated start pushbuttons. Please confirm that illuminated start pushbuttons are required for all control stations. Response: Existing control station start push buttons will remain non-illuminated. All new start push buttons will be illuminated. Drawing change required B7.003</p><p>34. Clarification: Addendum 2, Page 1, Item 3. part 37 adds the requirement to utilize TransSolutions to provide modeling services of the existing system. Our interpretation of this requirement is that this is an extension of Item 18 on page 5 for the ticket counter feed conveyors. Please confirm our interpretation of this. Also, please confirm that this new requirement is not part of the outbound sortation re-controls work. Response: This requirement applies to the entire system. Required changes determined by BHSC engineering staff will be modeled by the BHSC and is not required to use TransSolutions for modeling. .</p><p>35. Clarification: Spec section 14520, page 4, Item 7 states, “It is the responsibility of the BHSC for this project to identify and report any obstacle involving the building or other relevant infrastructure that may adversely affect the completion of this project. Any modifications or other changes to these facilities that are necessary must be reported to the Owner in the contract bid. Failure to do so will result in the BHSC taking full responsibility, financial and otherwise, for the modifications.” We have not found a vehicle within the bidding documents to provide this. Also, it seems that the architectural and structural drawings have performed the requested obstacle identification. Response: This is the vehicle to notify the owner of such obstacles. First sentence states “It is the responsibility of the BHSC” Reference drawing B9.002 detail for obstruction free zone as one of the guidelines. </p><p>36. Clarification: Reference Page 8 of Addendum #2, Clarification # 58 and Specification section 14520, page 272, item 8. There is a discrepancy between these 2 specification sections. Spec section 14520 places the BHS / Battelle testing after substantial completion of the Baggage Handling System’s (24 months after NTP). Please confirm whether or not the testing is to occur after the 405 substantial completion time indicated in the Summary of Bid. Response: Overall construction duration for the project is 405 calendar days for substantial completion followed by 90 days for final completion. All equipment will need to be tested and ready by substantial completion. </p><p>ATSAC II Terminal A In-Line EDS – Contract No. 9500313 01/10/08 ADDENDUM No. 3 Page 8 of 23 37. Clarification to Add No. 2 Per item 3 in Addendum 2, “The BHSC shall contract TransSolutions to model their design changes to the legacy system. The minimum requirements developed in the models shall be met.” Please explain what changes are expected to be made to the legacy system that will require system modeling? It will be difficult to define a scope of work to TransSolutions in order to obtain accurate pricing for this work if we do not have a description of the changes to be performed. Response: The BHSC will be required to provide modeling for the project. An allowance of $50,000 is to be included in the base price for this work. The BHSC may, but is not required to use TransSolutions for modeling.</p><p>38. Reference page 14520 Change 2.5.J.1.f.1 to read: All development software and licensing rights. (Password protected)</p><p>39. Reference Section 14520 Add to 2.5.j.1.f.9: All PLC programs will have the current loadable programs stored on this machine and a soft copy will reside in the control room during the warranty period. It will be the BHSC responsibility to maintain these back-up copies.</p><p>40. Substitution Request by Glidepath – Queue and 45 Merges Response: Not approved</p><p>ARCHITECTURAL / ENGINEERING</p><p>MODIFICATIONS TO SPECIFICATIONS PACKAGES 1 AND 2</p><p>1. TOC-3 Add line 44 “Metal Wall Louvers – Package 2”</p><p>2. 10210, Metal Wall Louvers Refer to specifications section 10210, Metal Wall Louvers, attached, to be added to the specifications.</p><p>3. 10400, Part 3, 3.5 Refer to specifications section 10400, Identifying Devices, and add a paragraph C to subsection 3.5, SCHEDULE, to read: “Refer to Room Finish Schedule for signage for Package 2. Furnish and install a sign for each Room shown on the Room Finish schedule. Room signage shall be Type A as shown on sheet A01.420”.</p><p>4. 10400-4 Replace line 4 with “B. Refer to Package 1 drawing A01.420 for signage schedule for Package 1.”</p><p>5. 01400-4 Include the following on line 6: “C. Refer to Room Finish Schedule for signage for Package 2. Furnish and install a sign for each Room shown on the Room Finish Schedule. Room signage shall be Type A as shown on Package 1 sheet A01.420.”</p><p>6. Section 15010.1, page 15010.1-1 Add the following at line 40: “c. Furnish a properly signed and notarized certification that materials furnished for use and installed under Division 15 for this project are to the best of the certifying firm’s knowledge, free of asbestos in any form.” ATSAC II Terminal A In-Line EDS – Contract No. 9500313 01/10/08 ADDENDUM No. 3 Page 9 of 23 “d. Furnish a properly signed and notarized certification that materials furnished for use and installed under Division 15 for this project are to the best of the certifying firm’s knowledge, free of lead in any form.”</p><p>7. Section 15010.1 page 15010.1-9 Add the following sentence at line 9: “Comply with Sections 01565 and 01566 for the requirements for waste management of petroleum contaminated materials.”</p><p>8. Section 15010.1, page 15010.1-9 Add the following sentence at line 17: “Comply with Section 02056 for the requirements for soil management.”</p><p>9. Section 15050.1, page 15050.1-7 Add the following sentences at line 13: “Capture all water in piping systems being removed or drained and arrange with the Owner’s Authorized Representative for testing of the captured water. For water found to be suitable for discharge into the terminal’s sanitary drainage system, dispose of carefully. For water not suitable for such discharge, arrange for collection by and delivery to appropriate disposal facility after prior approval by DFW Airport’s Environmental Affairs Department (EAD).”</p><p>10. Section 15060.1, page 15060.1-11 Add the following sentence at line 17: “Obtain prior approval from EAD for any chemicals used.”</p><p>11. Section 15075.1, page 15075.1-3 a. Revise line 26 to read as follows: “with nylon strap fasteners.” b. Delete the word “major” in line 32 and revise line 33 to read as follows: “mechanical rooms or exposed areas at a maximum spacing of every 20 feet. Label piping in concealed spaces at a.” c. In line 34, change 30 feet to 10 feet.</p><p>12. Electrical Table of Contents – Package 1 Insert the following after line 16: “16427.1 Circuit Breakers – Low Voltage”</p><p>13. Section 16010.1, page 16010.1 Revise Paragraph 1.1B to read as follows: “B. Work Included: Provide complete electrical items where shown on Drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for complete and proper installation including, but not necessarily limited to following summary of Work. 1. Demolish the existing power and lighting in Terminal A as shown on the drawings and the scope of work. 2. Provide new power and lighting in Terminal A as shown on the drawings. 3. Add new breakers in existing distribution panel (in Vault BG Room) to serve new power to the new shop area. 4. Provide power and lighting to the new A23 Gatehouse. 5. Provide power and lighting to the new laundry room. 6. Provide power to mechanical equipment and devices as shown on the drawings. 7. Other items and services required to complete systems.”</p><p>14. Section 16010.1, page 16010.1-6 Add the following at line 12: “15. Submit all documents associated with commissioning.”</p><p>ATSAC II Terminal A In-Line EDS – Contract No. 9500313 01/10/08 ADDENDUM No. 3 Page 10 of 23 15. Section 16010.1, page 16010.1-9 Add the following at line 24: “B. Excavation and Backfilling</p><p>1. Perform all excavation and backfilling necessary for the installation of the work. This includes shoring and pumping in ditches to keep them in dry condition until the work has been installed. Properly perform all shoring required to protect the excavation and to safeguard employees.</p><p>2. Perform excavation and backfilling in strict accordance with the provisions of these specifications including trench safety requirements. Comply with Sections 01565 and 01566 for the requirements for waste management of petroleum contaminated materials.</p><p>3. Make all excavations to the proper depth, with allowances made for floor slabs, forms, beams, etc. Properly compact ground under conduit before installing conduit.</p><p>4. Install exterior conduits with minimum of 24 inches of cover below finished grade, unless otherwise indicated or required by local ordinance. Install exterior conduits with minimum of 12 inches of cover below finished paving grade, unless otherwise indicated or required by local ordinances. </p><p>5. Provide backfilling with 6-inch layers of clean sand to 6” over conduit and with selected soil, free from rocks and debris in successive 6” layers, each layer pneumatically tamp to secure a field density ratio of 95 percent as defined by ASTM Designation D698 (Proctor Soil Compaction Test). Comply with Section 02056 for the requirements for soil management. </p><p>6. Remove from the site, excavated materials not suitable and not used in the backfill.</p><p>7. Field check and verify the locations of all proposed underground utilities. If existing utilities are damaged, they shall be repaired at no cost to Owner.</p><p>8. In a lime-stabilized area, fully restore the lime stabilization after the excavation is complete. </p><p>9. Replace concrete, curbs, paving and other surface improvement cut during excavation to original condition.”</p><p>16. 16110 – Raceways, Conduits and Boxes Section 3.2 Installation – Conduit H. Lines 6 and 7 have been added. (This only applies to the main power feeder run from the vault to the electrical room)</p><p>17. Section 16191.1, page 16191.1-1 a. Change the section number in line 20 to 03100. b. Change the section number in line 25 to 07900.</p><p>18. Item 11, Section 16191.1, page 16191.1-2 Delete lines 26 and 27 and revise item number in line 28 to 1.</p><p>19. Section 19425.1, page 16425.1-2 a. Revise paragraph number in line 15 to 1.4. b. Delete line 19.</p><p>20. Section 16427.1 Add new specification Section 16427.1 Circuit Breakers – Low Voltage, which is attached.</p><p>ATSAC II Terminal A In-Line EDS – Contract No. 9500313 01/10/08 ADDENDUM No. 3 Page 11 of 23 21. Section 16780 – SECURITY SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM PACLAGE 2 Replace Section 16780 Dated November 5, 2007 with attached section 16780 SECURITY SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM PACKAGE 2 Dated January 10, 2007 Addendum No 3. </p><p>22. Section 16915.1 Replace Section 16915.1 Acceptance and Field Testing, Adjusting and Balancing – Package 1 with issue date: November 5, 2007 with new section with issue date: January 10, 2008, which is attached.</p><p>MODIFICATIONS TO DRAWINGS: PAGKAGE 1</p><p>Item # Drawings#</p><p>ELECTRICAL DRAWING LIST</p><p>The following sheets are issued with this addendum and will replace any sheets previously issued.</p><p>1. EL02.110 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL SECTOR 10 ELECTRICAL DEMOLITION PLAN</p><p>2. EL02.112 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL SECTOR 12 ELECTRICAL DEMOLITION PLAN</p><p>3. EL02.115 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL SECTOR 15 ELECTRICAL DEMOLITION PLAN</p><p>4. EL02.116 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL SECTOR 16 ELECTRICAL DEMOLITION PLAN</p><p>5. EL02.117 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL SECTOR 17 ELECTRICAL DEMOLITION PLAN</p><p>6. EL02.118 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL SECTOR 18 ELECTRICAL DEMOLITION PLAN</p><p>7. EL02.119 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL SECTOR 19 ELECTRICAL DEMOLITION PLAN</p><p>8. EL02.123 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL SECTOR 23 ELECTRICAL DEMOLITION PLAN</p><p>9. EL05.110 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL SECTOR 10 ELECTRICAL LIGHTING PLAN</p><p>10. EL05.111 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL SECTOR 11 ELECTRICAL LIGHTING PLAN</p><p>11. EL05.112 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL SECTOR 12 ELECTRICAL LIGHTING PLAN</p><p>12. EL05.116 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL SECTOR 16 ELECTRICAL LIGHTING PLAN</p><p>13. EL05.118 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL SECTOR 18 ELECTRICAL LIGHTING PLAN</p><p>ATSAC II Terminal A In-Line EDS – Contract No. 9500313 01/10/08 ADDENDUM No. 3 Page 12 of 23 14. EL05.119 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL SECTOR 19 ELECTRICAL LIGHTING PLAN</p><p>15. EL05.120 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL SECTOR 20 ELECTRICAL LIGHTING PLAN</p><p>16. EL05.123 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL SECTOR 23 ELECTRICAL LIGHTING PLAN</p><p>17. EL07.110 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL SECTOR 10 ELECTRICAL POWER PLAN</p><p>18. EL07.111 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL SECTOR 11 ELECTRICAL POWER PLAN</p><p>19. EL07.112 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL SECTOR 12 ELECTRICAL POWER PLAN</p><p>20. EL07.114 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL SECTOR 14 ELECTRICAL POWER PLAN</p><p>21 EL07.115 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL SECTOR 15 ELECTRICAL POWER PLAN</p><p>22. EL07.116 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL SECTOR 16 ELECTRICAL POWER PLAN</p><p>23. EL07.117 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL SECTOR 17 ELECTRICAL POWER PLAN</p><p>24. EL07.118 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL SECTOR 18 ELECTRICAL POWER PLAN</p><p>25 EL07.119 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL SECTOR 19 ELECTRICAL POWER PLAN</p><p>26. EL07.121 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL SECTOR 21 ELECTRICAL POWER PLAN</p><p>27. EL07.122 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL SECTOR 22 ELECTRICAL POWER PLAN</p><p>28. EL07.123 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL SECTOR 23 ELECTRICAL POWER PLAN</p><p>29. EL10.A01 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL ELECTRICAL PANEL BOARD SCHEDULES</p><p>30. EL10.A02 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL ELECTRICAL PANEL BOARD SCHEDULES</p><p>31. EL10.A03 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL ELECTRICAL PANEL BOARD SCHEDULES</p><p>32. EL10.A04 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL ELECTRICAL PANEL BOARD SCHEDULES</p><p>ATSAC II Terminal A In-Line EDS – Contract No. 9500313 01/10/08 ADDENDUM No. 3 Page 13 of 23 33. EL12.A01 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL ELECTRICAL DETAILS</p><p>MECHANICAL-PLUMBING DRAWING LIST</p><p>The following sheets are issued with this addendum and will replace any sheets previously issued.</p><p>34. ME03.119 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL SECTOR 19 MECHANICAL DUCTWORK PLAN</p><p>35. ME04.119 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL SECTOR 19 MECHANICAL PIPING PLAN</p><p>36. ME10.A01 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL MECHANICAL SCHEDULES</p><p>37. PL03.112 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL SECTOR 12 PLUMBING PLAN</p><p>38. PL03.123 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL SECTOR 23 PLUMBING PLAN</p><p>39. PL07.A01 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL PLUMBING DETAILS</p><p>FIRE PROTECTION DRAWINGS LIST</p><p>The following sheets are issued with this addendum and will replace any sheets previously issued.</p><p>40. FP01.001 GENERAL NOTES AND SYMBOLS</p><p>41. FA04.111 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL SECTOR 10 FIRE ALARM PLAN</p><p>42. FA04.119 TERMINAL A RAMP LEVEL SECTOR 19 FIRE ALARM PLAN</p><p>MODIFICATIONS TO DRAWINGS: PAGKAGE 2</p><p>Item # Drawings#</p><p>ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING LIST</p><p>1. AR01.002 Refer to Sheet AR01.002 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet AR01.002 dated January 10, 2008. Addendum No 3.</p><p>2. AR01.003 Refer to Sheet AR01.003 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet AR01.003 dated January 10, 2008. Addendum No 3.</p><p>3. AR01.004 ATSAC II Terminal A In-Line EDS – Contract No. 9500313 01/10/08 ADDENDUM No. 3 Page 14 of 23 Refer to Sheet AR01.003 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet AR01.004 dated January 10, 2008. Addendum No 3.</p><p>4. AR04.104 Refer to Sheet AR04.104 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet AR04.104 dated January 10, 2008. Addendum No 3.</p><p>5. AR04.106 Refer to Sheet AR04.106 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet AR04.106 dated January 10, 2008. Addendum No 3.</p><p>6. AR04.108 Refer to Sheet AR04.108 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet AR04.108 dated January 10, 2008. Addendum No 3.</p><p>7. AR04.110 Refer to Sheet AR04.110 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet AR04.110 dated January 10, 2008. Addendum No 3.</p><p>8. AR04.112 Refer to Sheet AR04.112 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet AR04.112 dated January 10, 2008. Addendum No 3.</p><p>9. AR04.112A Refer to the attached 8.5” x 11” sheet AR04.112A for information to add concrete Utility pads in the Electrical room. Level tolerance for the Utility Pads is 3/16” over the length and width of the pads.</p><p>10. R04.112.1 Refer to Sheet AR04.112.1 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet AR04.112.1 dated January 10, 2008. Addendum No 3.</p><p>11. AR04.114 Refer to Sheet AR04.114 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet AR04.114 dated January 10, 2008. Addendum No 3.</p><p>12. AR04.116 Refer to Sheet AR04.116 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet AR04.116 dated January 10, 2008. Addendum No 3.</p><p>13. AR04.118 Refer to Sheet AR04.118 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet January 10, 2008. Addendum No 3.</p><p>14. AR04.120 Refer to Sheet AR04.120 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet AR04.120 dated January 10, 2008. Addendum No 3.</p><p>15. AR04.210 Refer to Sheet AR04.210 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet AR04.210 dated January 10, 2008. Addendum No 3.</p><p>16. AR05.001 Refer to Sheet AR05.001 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet AR05.001 dated January 10, 2008. Addendum No 3.</p><p>17. AR05.112 Refer to Sheet AR05.112 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet AR05.112 ATSAC II Terminal A In-Line EDS – Contract No. 9500313 01/10/08 ADDENDUM No. 3 Page 15 of 23 dated January 10, 2008. Addendum No 3.</p><p>18. AR11.002 Refer to Sheet AR11.1002 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet AR11.002 dated January 10, 2008. Addendum No 3.</p><p>19. AR11.003 Refer to Sheet AR11.003 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet AR11.003 dated January 10, 2008. Addendum No 3.</p><p>20. AR11.005 Refer to Sheet AR11.005 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet AR11.005 dated January 10, 2008. Addendum No 3.</p><p>21. AR13.001 Refer to Sheet AR13.001 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet AR13.001 dated January 10, 2008. Addendum No 3.</p><p>22. A02.104 Refer to Sheet A02.104 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet A02.104 dated January 10, 2008. Addendum No 3.</p><p>23. A02.106 Refer to Sheet A02.106 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet A02.106 dated January 10, 2008. Addendum No 3.</p><p>24. A02.108 Refer to Sheet A02.108 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet A02.108 dated January 10, 2008. Addendum No 3.</p><p>25. A02.110 Refer to Sheet A02.110 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet A02.110 dated January 10, 2008. Addendum No 3.</p><p>26. A02.114 Refer to Sheet A02.114 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet A02.114 dated January 10, 2008. Addendum No 3.</p><p>27. A02.116 Refer to Sheet A02.116 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet A02.116 dated January 10, 2008. Addendum No 3.</p><p>28. A02.118 Refer to Sheet A02.118 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet A02.118 dated January 10, 2008. Addendum No 3.</p><p>29. A02.120 Refer to Sheet A02.120 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet A02.120 dated January 10, 2008. Addendum No 3.</p><p>30. A02.210 Refer to Sheet A02.210 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet A02.210 dated January 10, 2008. Addendum No 3.</p><p>31. A11.200 Refer to Sheet A11.200 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet A11.200 dated January 10, 2008. Addendum No 3.</p><p>ATSAC II Terminal A In-Line EDS – Contract No. 9500313 01/10/08 ADDENDUM No. 3 Page 16 of 23 ELECTRICAL DRAWING LIST</p><p>32. EL07.106.2 Refer to Sheet EL07.106.2 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet EL07.106.2 dated January 10, 2008 Addendum No 3.</p><p>33. EL07.108.2 Refer to Sheet EL07.108.2 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet EL07.108.2 dated January 10, 2008 Addendum No 3.</p><p>34. EL07.110.2 Refer to Sheet EL07.110.2 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet EL07.110.2 dated January 10, 2008 Addendum No 3.</p><p>35. EL07.110.3 Refer to Sheet EL07.110.3 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet EL07.110.3 dated January 10, 2008 Addendum No 3.</p><p>36. EL07.112.2 Refer to Sheet EL07.112.2 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet EL07.112.2 dated January 10, 2008 Addendum No 3.</p><p>37. EL07.112.3 Refer to Sheet EL07.112.3 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet EL07.112.3 dated January 10, 2008 Addendum No 3.</p><p>38. EL07.112.4 Refer to Sheet EL07.112.4 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet EL07.112.4 dated January 10, 2008 Addendum No 3.</p><p>39. EL07.114.3 Refer to Sheet EL07.114.3 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet EL07.114.3 dated January 10, 2008 Addendum No 3.</p><p>40. EL09.105 Refer to Sheet EL09.105 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet EL09.105 dated January 10, 2008 Addendum No 3.</p><p>41. EL10.101.2 Refer to Sheet EL10.101.2 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet EL10.101.2 dated January 10, 2008 Addendum No 3.</p><p>42. EL10.101.3 Refer to Sheet EL10.101.3 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet EL10.101.3 dated January 10, 2008 Addendum No 3.</p><p>43. EL10.102 Refer to Sheet EL10.102 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet EL10.102 dated January 10, 2008 Addendum No 3.</p><p>44. EL10.103 Refer to Sheet EL10.103 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet EL10.103 dated January 10, 2008 Addendum No 3.</p><p>45. EL10.104</p><p>ATSAC II Terminal A In-Line EDS – Contract No. 9500313 01/10/08 ADDENDUM No. 3 Page 17 of 23 Refer to Sheet EL10.104 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet EL10.104 dated January 10, 2008 Addendum No 3.</p><p>46. EL10.105.2 Refer to Sheet EL10.105.2 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet EL10.105.2 dated January 10, 2008 Addendum No 3.</p><p>47. EL10.106 Refer to Sheet EL10.106 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet EL10.106 dated January 10, 2008 Addendum No 3.</p><p>IT/COMMUNICATIONS DRAWING LIST</p><p>48. C04.112 Refer to 8 ½” x11” sheet C04.112 dated January 10, 2007 Addendum No. 3. Conduit size increase.</p><p>FIRE PROTECTION DRAWING LIST</p><p>The following sheets are issued with this addendum and will replace any sheets previously issued.</p><p>49. FP01.001 Refer to Sheet FP01.001 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet FP01.001 dated January 10, 2008 Addendum No 3.</p><p>50. FA04.104 Refer to Sheet FP04.104 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet FP04.104 dated January 10, 2008 Addendum No 3.</p><p>51. FP04.111 Refer to Sheet FP04.111 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet FP04.111 dated January 10, 2008 Addendum No 3.</p><p>52. FP04.112.1 Refer to Sheet FP04.112.1 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet FP04.112.1 dated January 10, 2008 Addendum No 3.</p><p>53. FP04.218 Refer to Sheet FP04.218 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet FP04.128 dated January 10, 2008 Addendum No 3.</p><p>54. FA02.104 Refer to Sheet FA02.104 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet FA02.104 dated January 10, 2008 Addendum No 3.</p><p>55. FA02.218 Refer to Sheet FA02.218 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet FA02.218 dated January 10, 2008 Addendum No 3.</p><p>ATSAC II Terminal A In-Line EDS – Contract No. 9500313 01/10/08 ADDENDUM No. 3 Page 18 of 23 56. FA04.104 Refer to Sheet FA04.104 and replace it in its entirety with the accompanying 30” X 42” sheet FA04.104 dated January 10, 2008 Addendum No 3.</p><p>IT/COMMUNICATIONS</p><p>1. Clarification: Will conduit be required for all communication cabling? The specifications seem to suggest that all communication cables are to be installed in conduit raceways. However, the communication drawings for Package 1 has a legend that calls for new CAT5 cables in J-hooks which are shown at all the outlets and the specifications describe J-hooks as a ceiling pathway system. Please clarify whether or not communication cables need to be installed in a conduit system or if they can be installed on J-hooks. Response: Both communication pathways described above are used dependant on the owner’s requirements. Drawings and specifications clearly specify which pathway to use in each area.</p><p>2. Clarification: Communication specifications for Package 1 and 2 vary as far as conduit labeling is concerned. Package 2 requires a label at both ends and Package 1 requires a label every 5 meters. Which is correct? Or will different labeling be required depending on the Package? Response: Both are correct and it is Package dependant. </p><p>FIRE PROTECTION</p><p>1. Clarification: The Package 2 Fire Alarm drawings call for EMT conduit yet EMT is not mentioned in the Package 2 conduit specifications. Will EMT conduit be allowed for the Fire Alarm system conduits? Response: All fire alarm wire is to be installed in EMT conduit per the drawings and Airport Design Criteria (Division 13, paragraph F (11), 2003 edition) as referenced in the “Fire Alarm System” specification 13910-3, paragraph 1.4 (A) (4). </p><p>ELECTRICAL</p><p>1. Clarification: Drawing EL07.110.3- Reference column line 64 Three MCP’s (?) are shown being fed. What are the designations of these MCP’s a. Reference MCP-N8  Shows feeder of 3#10 + 1#10  Schedule on EL10.105.2 shows 3#250 + 1#4 b. Reference MCP-N9  Shows feeder of 3#4/0 + 1#4  Schedule on EL10.105.2 shows 3#8 + 1#10 Response: The three (3) MCP's are MCP 1, 3 & 4. MCP 1 & 3 is being fed from panel 10DP1; MCP 4 is fed from panel 9DP2. These panels will be rewired to be fed from a different according to the schedule below:</p><p>MCP1 279.4 amps ATSAC II Terminal A In-Line EDS – Contract No. 9500313 01/10/08 ADDENDUM No. 3 Page 19 of 23 MCP 3&4 313.2 amps each</p><p>MCP 1 & 3 will be fed from 9DP2 MCP 4 will be feed from 10DP1 The contractor will need to add new breakers to each panel for each MCP. Drawing EL07.110.3 will be corrected to show this change.</p><p> a, b The drawing has been revised to show the correct wire sizes. See drawing EL07.110.3 and EL10.105.2</p><p>2. Clarification: Drawing EL10.106 Reference Detail 03, keyed note 6 shows to be fed from DPS2. This feeder does not show on 1-Line diagram (EL10.103) or in the schedule for DPS2 (EL10.101.2) Reference Ventilation System Control Panel and Ventilation System MCP Who furnishes these panels? Response: The ventilation control system is being feed from panel DPS4. Detail #3 will be modified to reflect this on EL10.106. In reference to the second question, the contractor is to supply/build the ventilation MCP and control panels.</p><p>3. Clarification: Drawing EL07.114.3 Reference MCP-S8  Shows feeder of 1 ½”c with 3#1/0 + 1#6?  Schedule on EL10.105.2 shows 2”c with 3#2/0 + 1#6? Response: The schedule on drawing EL10.105.2 is correct. See EL07.114.3 for the corrected wire size.</p><p>4. Clarification: Drawing EL07.112.3 Reference MCP-N5  Shows feeder raceways size of 2”?  Schedule on EL10.105.2 shows 1 ½”? Response: Drawing EL10.105.2 is correct. Drawing EL07.114.3 will be changed to reflect the correct information.</p><p>5. Clarification: Reference grouping of raceways down column line 74  Quantities of raceways shown when grouped do not match the quantities of feeders? Response: Drawings have been modified to show the correct number of conduits and feeders. Refer EL07.112.3</p><p>6. Clarification: Reference grouping of raceways down column line 75  Quantities of raceways shown when grouped do not match the quantities of feeders? Response: Drawings have been modified to show the correct number of conduits and feeders. Refer EL07.112.3</p><p>7. Clarification: Reference grouping of raceways down column line 77  Quantities of raceways shown when grouped do not match the quantities of feeders? ATSAC II Terminal A In-Line EDS – Contract No. 9500313 01/10/08 ADDENDUM No. 3 Page 20 of 23 Response: Drawings have been modified to show the correct number of conduits and feeders. Refer EL07.112.3</p><p>8. Clarification: Drawing EL07.112.4 Reference VAV-E1  Cannot find where this VAV is fed from. It is not scheduled out of either panel LPS1 or LPN1 like the others are? Response: VAV- E1 is fed out of panel LPS1 Circuit 34.</p><p>9. Clarification: Reference VAV-D3 this VAV is scheduled to be fed from LPS1-33  Cannot located this VAV on the plans? Response: VAV-D3 is no longer in the design and has been deleted from all drawings.</p><p>10. Clarification: Reference circle note three Circuits LPS1-31, 32 and LPN1-31, 32 homeruns show circle note 3.  Circle note 3 is not defined on the drawing? Response: The Circle should read 8 instead of 3. The drawing has been changed to reflect circle 8.</p><p>11. Clarification: Reference Ventilation Control System:  Are the two panels shown with raceways along the top and lower drawing referring to the Ventilation Control System on EL10.106?  Raceways show from the above to Louvers L1 and L2. None are shown for Louvers L3 and L4. Do they require controls? Response: Yes, it is referring to the Ventilation Control System. All louvers are to be connected to the Ventilation Control System; the drawing has been modified to reflect this. See drawing EL10.106 for circuit numbers.</p><p>12. Clarification: All Lighting and Power drawings in general:  The drawings show homeruns to a multitude of panel boards. The following panel boards are not located on the drawings. Where are their locations?  7H2, 7L2, 5DPF, 6HH, 3LKS2, 3LBA, 4HE, 62LH and 4HD</p><p>Response: Panel locations:</p><p>7H2, 7L2 Ramp Level Col 81 Room A21A105 Sht EL07.114.3 5DPF FIS Mechanical Room 6HH, 62LH Concourse Level Col 127 Room A37A108 3LKS2 Ramp Level Col 68 Room A21A108A Sht EL07.112.2 3LBA Ramp Level Col 68 Room A21A102 Sht EL07.114.3 4HE Ramp Level Room A29FIS101 4HD Ramp Level Col 72 Room A22A107A Sht EL07.112.2 </p><p>13. Clarification: Drawing EL07.106.2, EL07.108.2 and EL07.110.2 Reference receptacles along column “A”. No homerun is shown? Response: The homerun is shown on drawing EL07.110.2, a note was added to the continuation sheets with a reference to the homerun circuit. ATSAC II Terminal A In-Line EDS – Contract No. 9500313 01/10/08 ADDENDUM No. 3 Page 21 of 23 14. Clarification: Drawing EL07.112.4 No power circuits are shown for the following motors:  EF-1 thru EF-10  UH-1 thru UH-3  WF-1 thru WF-6b  L-1 thru L-4  D-1 thru D-10 Response: All of these devices, L-1 thru L-4, EF-1 thru EF-10, and D1 thru D10 are feed from the Ventilation MCP and Control panels. </p><p>UH1 thru UH3 and WF-1 thru WF-6B are feed from electrical panels located in the electrical room, See drawing EL07.112.4 for circuit numbers.</p><p>15. Clarification: Power outlet at column lines  71-B EL07.001 shows as NEMA 6-20R  EL07.112.2 shows as NEMA 18-20 Response: The NEMA 6-20R is the correct part number. Drawing EL07.112.2 will be corrected.</p><p>16. Clarification: Power outlet at column lines 79-E  EL07.002 shows as NEMA 6-20R  EL07.112.2 shows as NEMA 18-20 Response: The NEMA 6-20R is the correct part number. Drawing EL07.112.2 has been corrected. </p><p>17. Clarification: Drawing EL09.105  Circle note 5 is not defined Response: Note 5 has been removed from the drawing.</p><p>18. Clarification: CTX UPS and Baggage Control Room UPS  Drawing EL10.103 shows three UPS. These are not located on the drawings  We need specifications for these units  Do we furnish these units?  Are the CTX UPS the emergency source feed to the transfer switches shown on EL10.104? Response: The CTX UPS’ are future equipment that may be added to the project at a later date. They are currently shown in the single line as place holders and to facilitate project electrical load calculations. The UPS for the Baggage Control will be supplied by the BHS contractor, and will be connected to main power supply by the electrical contractor.</p><p>19. Clarification: CTX feeders  Size of CTX machine feeders  EL10.104 shows them as #4 wire  EL10.103 shows them as #6 wire Response: Drawing EL10.104 is correct; drawing EL10.103 will be changed to agree.</p><p>ATSAC II Terminal A In-Line EDS – Contract No. 9500313 01/10/08 ADDENDUM No. 3 Page 22 of 23 20. Clarification: Panels feeding the CTX machines EL10.104 shows them to be fed from DPS1 and DPN1. b. EL10.103, E10.101.1 and E10.101.2 show and schedule them to be fed from DPS2 and DPN2. Please clarify. Response: The CTX machines are being fed from DPS1 and DPN2, these changes were made at customer request to refine the overall power plan. Drawings EL10.101.1, EL10.101.2, EL10.103 and EL10.104 will be changed to reflect these changes.</p><p>21. Clarification: Specification section 16111 for Package 1 calls for EMT conduit and describes where it can be installed. Specification section 16110 for Package 2 does not include EMT and it reads as if only rigid metal conduit can be installed. Will EMT conduit be allowed under both Packages? Or only in Package 1 work? Please define where EMT can be used on the ATSAC II project in Terminal A. Response: EMT is allowed under Package 1 in accordance with Specification Section 16111.1 except where installed in the former tramway or where rising from underground along column G between 74 and 75 or where noted otherwise on the drawings.</p><p>22. Clarification: Terminal A Vault BG switchgear information; need information off of it in order to price the breaker we are supposed to install in it. Response: The new electrical service and the equipment revisions shown on Drawings EL07.114, EL07.116, EL12.A01 and EL12.A02 are no longer applicable. A new breaker in the switchgear in Vault BG will not be required. Revised drawings to be issued as part of Addendum No. 3 will show the work that is required.</p><p>23. Clarification: With regard to the Vault BG Switchgear, we will need all nameplate information on the equipment in order to price the 600 amp circuit breaker we are to install. Response: The new electrical service and the equipment revisions shown on Drawings EL07.114, EL07.116, EL12.A01 and EL12.A02 are no longer applicable. A new breaker in the switchgear in Vault BG will not be required. Revised drawings to be issued as part of Addendum No. 3 will show the work that is required.</p><p>24. Clarification: On drawing EL07.123, the feed to the new panel 'HB' is described as TBD (to be determined?). We need to know where this is fed from and if we need to install a breaker to feed it, we need to know all information about the panel it is going to be fed from. Response: This new panel is no longer applicable. The electrical power for the laundry room is to be provided from a different source. Revised drawings to be issued as part of Addendum No. 3 will show the work that is required.</p><p>25. Clarification: Expansion fittings for conduit are only mentioned in the Package 2 specifications, section 16110. Are they required for the entire project? Also, the specification calls for them to be installed at expansion joints AND in straight runs in excess of 100 feet. Will we need to install an expansion fitting at 100 feet intervals even if the conduit does not cross an expansion joint? Response: No, the use of expansion fittings is required for the main power feed from Vault BG to the electrical room. The specification has been revised to reflect this response. End of Addendum #3 ATSAC II Terminal A In-Line EDS – Contract No. 9500313 01/10/08 ADDENDUM No. 3 Page 23 of 23</p>

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