<p> Page1 Convention. representvolunteered to Palomar and District election will committee serve the at CFWC Convention in Irvine 19-21, (May 2016). Nancy has Jones ElectionCFWC Committee. Ifat elected D AREA the at May 28-30, 2015Convention in San Jose, the Resolutions, Election, Nominatingand Committees. Executive may Board recommend candidates forconsideration as ofmembers the Bylaws, State COMMITTEES CFWC CONVENTION CFWC a is income and unanimously approved. Prize Opportunity Budget; Convention the shared accept to motion Committee budget. the on Barbara item separate 15. April by Barbara a.m. to 9:15 due at be are Reservations will person. per Order $28 total to for $8 registration Call and $20 and is Lunch am, out. sent 8:45 been have Flyers at starts registration a.m., 8 at delivered be to need entries Art soon. out coming is CALL The Escondido. in Charro del Cocina at Convention District Palomar CONVENTION DISTRICT PALOMAR CFWC Myrna participant by LEADS Training and Mini-LEADS Mattox Reggie wasVP Binford well-received. p.m. D 12:41 Area CFWC at Ament, order Pam to Chairwoman Leadership meeting the called Bridges Linda President 3/26/15 amendmentsProposed will be theconsidered at Convention. changes affiliatesto and adding sections cover to district districtmembership and responsibilities. Convention. shouldQuestions directed to be Bylaws Committee the beforehand. include Revisions will COMMITTEEBYLAWS LauraSiegfried, Dolloff,Jane Shirley Voltmer, Ledda,Myrna and Binford Debbie Bainbridge. District.Palomar She asked Club to Presidents whothank members served the on workparty Sharon - 31May AT HOME TEA STAY FUNDRAISER DISTRICT meeting. Districtthe Convention. nominateto members forthis committee; qualifications are included in Bylaws. PALOMAR DISTRICT COMMITTEES committee 2016). Susan Fowler Diana and Smith CFWCSan Jose, the Nominating Committeewill serve theat State CFWC in Board (Feb. 26-27,San Diego servedpreviously the on CFWC Board.State Ifat elected D AREA the at May 28-30, 2015Convention in st NOMINATING COMMITTEENOMINATING ELECTIONCFWC COMMITTEE . She suggested. that clubs collect donations members from and one write check club to .</p><p>ELECTION COMMITTEE ELECTION PALOMAR DISTRICT FEDERATION CFWC NOMINATING COMMITTEE NOMINATING CFWC CALIFORNIA FEDERATION OF WOMEN’SCLUBSCALIFORNIA District Palomar RuleStanding #14 reads: At annual Districtthe Convention, the meeting Area for Area willThursdayD be afternoon.</p><p>Rosalia ZamoraRosalia will send proposed out Bylaws amendments a before themonth Woman’s Club of Woman’s - 26, March Oceanside 2015 (Thursday) Palomar District ExecutiveBoardMeeting MINUTES District Palomar will be at Aprilelected 29 the (non-election Convention year). Pat Harveyhas volunteeredto on committee.serve the Clubs need Convention Chairman Barbara Lerma presented plans for the April 29April the for presented plans Lerma Barbara Chairman Convention are the members District only eligible for Nominatingthe There no are criteria forthe from representative D AREA theto will be appointed at October the 2015 Executive Board</p><p>Linda encouraged clubs and tomembers return donations by will need be to elected The District Palomar candidate have must cost of lunch and registration and lunch of cost</p><p> will be nominated</p><p>Election will be atheld at at 29 April was seconded was Page1</p><p>CHAIRMEN AND CHAIRMEN AND FOR 2015-16COMMITTEE MEMBERS NARRATIVES WINNING 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. dates and locations: Linda asked Club to andPresidents respondreview Lindaprior to June to 1 PROPOSED CALENDAR 2015-16 proper the form. need Clubs to the use Palomar which form District Palomarincludes dues $5.00. of Linda re-send will report the be for will filed audit. InformationClub Forms (“Data Blanks”) are at Convention.due 4/29 TREASURER’S REPORT 3/26/15 -Phyllis Audiss Fallbrook -Evelyn Madison Escondido President’s Aide Lerma Barb Poway– PatAuditor Harvey– Bonsall Parliamentarian Zamora Rosalia Inland– Valley Recording Secretary - Jones Nancy Vista 3 2 PresidentDistrict LindaBridges CWONC - ATTENDING: read Also Rosaliaby Zamora highlighted (corrections in blue). wereMinutes approved by M DeanDistrict for District Palomar for2015-16. DISTRICT DEAN Committee Members willing are do to same the job in 2015-16; please contact her. rd nd eeting was eeting was atadjourned p.m. 1:18 VP Programs Binford Myrna Fallbrook - VP Membership Doc Hensel Oceanside – April April 26, 2016 toOceanside host 22,March 2016(Tuesday) Leadership - Workshopmini-LEADS followup mini Exand Board asking - February 22,2016(Monday) and Art - Craft Judging - Poway asking at host to Templars Hall -Directors Carlsbad asking to host January 26,2016(Tuesday) – Workshop Membership Area VPwith D Reggie BoardMattox, of November 20,2015(Friday) - Day Gaming - Fundraiser District asking - to Fallbrook host October 27,2015(Tuesday) may be cancelled asking - Bonsall to athost LaSala Room asking- host Julianto 22, September 1015 (Tuesday) Dean’s - Workshop Report on Judging,Writing and of Board Directors Encinitas Bank August 25,2015(Tuesday) - Ex meeting- Board approve asking budget- San Dieguito to at host the Budget Meeting-Shirley Ledda choice)(location may be August in early</p><p>Linda President announced that June on sheappoint 1 Myrna will to Binford FirstVP- PALOMAR DISTRICT FEDERATION (Tuesday) Convention/Art - -Display location be to determined CALIFORNIA FEDERATION OF WOMEN’SCLUBSCALIFORNIA</p><p> willCFWC winning post reports the on website after the May Convention. President LindaPresident Ledda’s presented Shirley report.There were questions, no so Woman’s Club of Woman’s - 26, March Oceanside 2015 (Thursday) Palomar District ExecutiveBoardMeeting MINUTES District Palomar</p><p>Pat Pat Harvey, LermaBarbara Vossekuil and . Loni</p><p>President President Linda is asking Chairmenif and </p><p> st to confirmto these meeting Page1 Loni – Loni Vossekuil San Dieguito LouMary Voigt - Oceanside -Sue Colby Fallbrook 3/26/15</p><p>PALOMAR DISTRICT FEDERATION CALIFORNIA FEDERATION OF WOMEN’SCLUBSCALIFORNIA Woman’s Club of Woman’s - 26, March Oceanside 2015 (Thursday) Palomar District ExecutiveBoardMeeting MINUTES District Palomar</p>
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