<p> Current as of February 2015</p><p>1000 University Drive, E #801 College Station, Texas 77840 [email protected] Ph. 301.803.0100 Edward Lamont Tarlton </p><p>EDUCATION: Urban and Regional Science, Doctoral Studies, Present Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas (TAMU) Emphasis Area: Housing and Community Development Dissertation: “When I Don’t Know Isn’t Good Enough: Factors Influencing College and Career Readiness Among High School Students In Hope VI Mixed-Income Developments In Texas”</p><p>Master of Science in Land Development, 2008 TAMU, Department of Landscape Architecture & Urban Planning Professional Paper: “Multi-Family Development”</p><p>Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, 1991 University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia School of Environmental Design</p><p>ADMINISTRATIVE APPOINTMENTS: Texas A&M University Graduate Assistant, The Association of Former Students, 2013-present Advisor, Future Former Student Organization, The Association of Former Students, 2013-present Graduate Assistant, College of Architecture, 2009-present Member, College of Architecture Diversity Council, 2011-present Recruiter, College of Architecture & university-wide, 2011-2013 Teaching Assistant Training Specialist, Center for Teaching Excellence, 2011 Teaching Assistant Mentor, Center for Teaching Excellence, 2011 Recruiter, Office of Graduate Studies & university-wide, 2010-2011 Student Representative, College of Architecture, Difficult Dialogues Program, 2010-2011 Athletic Assistant, Learning Specialist & Tutoring Program Director, Athletic Department, June 2008-Jan 2009</p><p>ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS: Department of Landscape Architecture & Urban Planning, TAMU Teacher of Record, Spr. 2011-present Teaching Assistant, Spr. 2009-Fall 2010 Research Assistant, Center for Housing and Community Development, TAMU, Jan 2009- Nov 2012</p><p>COURSES TAUGHT: Texas A&M University Teacher of Record Introduction to Landscape Architecture-(LAND) 200: Spring 2011, Fall 2012-’14 Urban Planning-(URSC/URPN) 483: Studio in Urban Regional Science, Spr 2012 - ’14 Teaching Assistant Landscape Construction I-(LAND) 329: Principles of Land Manipulation, Fall 2009-11 Landscape Construction III-(LAND) 331: Const. Documentation & Irrigation, Spr 2009-11 Landscape Design II-(LAND) 319: Design of Natural and Man-built Systems, Spr 2009-10 Landscape Design-(LAND) 602: Application of Design Concepts to Site Planning, Spr 2009 Landscape Construction-(LAND) 614: Basic Landscape Architectural Construction, Spr 2009</p><p>Atlanta Metropolitan College Landscape Architectural Design for Residences and Neighborhood Parks. Atlanta Metropolitan College, Atlanta, Georgia, Summer1997</p><p>1 Edward L. Tarlton</p><p>REGISTRATIONS: Registered Appraiser, State of Georgia, 2005 </p><p>PUBLICATIONS: Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles Planning Jourdan, D.E., S. Van Zandt, and E. Tarlton. 2013. Coming Home: Resident Satisfaction Regarding Return to a Revitalized HOPE VI Community. Cities Vol. 35: 439-444. </p><p>Education Flowers III, Alonzo M., P. Robinson, F. Bonner, R. Harper and Tarlton. 2014. Still leaving Black Males behind: Revisiting Debunking the Myths of Meritocratic Education: A Policy Focus on Black Males in P-20 Schooling Contexts. The National Urban Education & Practice. Volume 7, Number 3.</p><p>RESEARCH REPORTS: Van Zandt, S., E. Tarlton, D. Jourdan, and J. Martin. Final Report for Beaumont’s HOPE VI Project. Prepared for the Beaumont Housing Authority. February 2012.</p><p>Van Zandt, S., E. Tarlton, D. Jourdan, and J. Martin. Interim Report for Beaumont’s HOPE VI Project. Prepared for the Beaumont Housing Authority. December 2010.</p><p>Van Zandt, S., E. Tarlton, D. Jourdan, and J. Martin. Interim Report for Beaumont’s HOPE VI Project. Prepared for the Beaumont Housing Authority. December 2009.</p><p>Van Zandt, S., E. Tarlton, D. Jourdan, and J. Martin. Magnolia Gardens Hope VI Evaluation, Special Report on HOPE VI Collaborators, August 2009. </p><p>ACADEMIC SPEAKING & PRESENTATIONS: Invited Presentations “Leadership: It starts and ends with me” Cultural Awareness and Diversity Emersion Team (C.A.D.E.T.) Texas A&M Corps of Cadet. February 4, 2015.</p><p>Graduate School: How to best prepare yourself for acceptance, funding, and expectations if admitted. Texas A&M University’s Southwestern Black Student Leadership Conference. January 2010-’15.</p><p>Creating a Roadmap for Success: Getting the most out of high school and preparing for college. Round Rock ISD. New Directions/New Horizons Program”. May 20th and 21st, 2014.</p><p>My experiences with service in the non-profit arena. MSC LEAD. Aggie Vision’s 2014 Conference. Texas A&M University. April 2014.</p><p>Maximizing Your Scholarly Experience and Dissertation Pursuit: Things I Wish Somebody Would Have Told Me. Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs, Department of Urban Planning and Environmental Policy, Texas Southern University. Ph.D. Colloquium. February 21, 2014. </p><p>What leadership looks like beyond high school, and how it relates to college applications and success. Building Young Leaders Together Conference, Student Government Association, Texas A&M University, November 16, 2013.</p><p>What Graduate School can offer Architecture students. Tuskegee & Auburn University’s 2013 SouthQuad Conference, Montgomery, Alabama</p><p>Getting the most out of college & positioning myself for graduate school. Nu Alpha Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi, Texas A&M University, 2012 & ’13 </p><p>ACHIEVEMENT: From home and high school to college, graduate school and life. Kappa Kamp at Paul Quinn College, Dallas-Ft. Worth are Alumni Chapters of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. 2013</p><p>2 Edward L. Tarlton</p><p>You can’t lead from the back, nor do you want to be loud and wrong: Maximizing your undergraduate experience, and positioning yourself for success, so YOU can Lead out Loud! 2013 Student Conference on Latino Affairs, Texas A&M University, April 5-6, 2013.</p><p>What Graduate School has to offer Landscape Architecture Students. LA Bash 2013 National Conference, University of Georgia, College of Environmental Design, Athens, GA, March 23, 2013.</p><p>Are we prepared? Millennial Students and the High School/College Disconnect. American Association of Blacks in Higher Education National Conference, Atlanta, GA, March 1, 2013.</p><p>Choosing a Graduate School & Career Planning: Preparing for the Next Step. 67th United Negro College Fund National Leadership Conference, Atlanta, GA, February 15, 2013.</p><p>Mentorship and Applying for Graduate School. Auburn University, Auburn, AL. Sponsored by the CADC Office of Multicultural Affairs and the National Organization of Minority Architects and Designers, October 29, 2012. </p><p>Decisions, decisions: Professional Practice vs. Graduate School. College of Environmental Design, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, October April 12, 2012. </p><p>College & Graduate School: How to best prepare yourself for acceptance, funding, and expectations after admission. 2012 Student African American Brotherhood National Conference, Indianapolis, IN, March 29, 2012.</p><p>Millennial's: Are We Helping Students or Holding Their Hands? Texas Association of Black Personnel in Higher Education and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Conference, Dallas, TX, March 1, 2012. </p><p>Housing and Healthcare Issues: A Transdisciplinary Opportunity. Texas A&M University’s Center for the Study of Health Disparities Transdisciplinary Roundtable Seminar, February 9, 2012.</p><p>Graduate School: Your Career Coach. 66th United Negro College Fund National Leadership Conference, Disney Orlando, FL, February 3, 2012.</p><p>Financing Your Graduate Education. Bloomfield College, New, Jersey. 2nd Annual McNair Scholars Retreat, May 17, 2011.</p><p>Businesses Development & HOPE VI Redevelopment: Beaumont Texas. A Case Study. 41st Urban Affairs Conference, New Orleans, March 17, 2011.</p><p>Graduate School: How to best prepare yourself for acceptance, funding, and expectations if admitted. Texas A&M University’s Southwestern Black Student Leadership Conference, January 21, 2010-2012.</p><p>Housing and its link to the Health Care Problem. Texas A&M University’s Center for the Study of Health Disparities Visionary Scholar Seminar Series, January 26, 2011. </p><p>Requested Speaking Engagements Topic: College & Graduate School Preparation: Positioning yourself for acceptance, funding, and expectations after entrance.</p><p>Presented at: Colleges & Universities Spelman College, Atlanta, GA University of Georgia, Athens, GA Albany State University, Albany, GA Alabama State University, Montgomery, AL 3 Edward L. Tarlton</p><p>Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, TX Texas A&M University, College Station, TX Auburn University, Auburn, AL Morgan State University, Baltimore, AL Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL North Carolina A&T University, Greensboro, NC Mississippi Valley State University, Itta Bena, MS Alcorn State University, Lorman, MS The Atlanta University Center, Atlanta, GA</p><p>Colleges & Universities cont. Jackson State University, Jackson, MS Tugaloo College, Jackson, MS</p><p>High Schools -Lovejoy High School, Hampton, GA -George Washington Carver, School of the Arts, Atlanta, GA -Frederick Douglass High “Engineering Program”, Atlanta, GA -Wootton High “Coalition of African-American Students” Program, Gaithersburg, MD -Pebblebrook High, Mableton, GA -Highland Springs High, Highland Springs, VA -Benedictine Military Prep, Richmond, VA -St. Gertrude, Richmond, VA -Clarke Central High, Athens, GA -James Earl Rudder High, Bryan, TX -Bryan High, Bryan, TX -William H. Spencer High, Columbus, GA -George Washington Carver High, Columbus, GA -Beauregard High, Opelika, AL -Campbell Middle School, Houston, TX</p><p>Organizations -Leadershape, Texas A&M University, TX -Aspire Solutions Group, Inc., Fall Education Forum, Atlanta, GA -Boy Scouts of America, Richmond, VA -Cub Scouts of America, Atlanta, GA -Kappa League program -Athens Alumni, Athens, GA -Prairie View Alumni, Prairie View, TX -Bryan/College Station Alumni, College Station, TX -Houston Alumni, Houston, TX -Boys & Girls Club of Central Florida, Orlando, FL -100 Black Men of Dekalb County, Atlanta, GA -Student African-American Brotherhood, Indianapolis, IN -Bryan Independent School District, GEAR-UP Program, Bryan, TX -Teach for America, Houston, TX</p><p>ARTICLES & INTERVIEWS: Texas A&M speakers help UGA students discover the value of their degrees. The Red & Black, November 26, 2013. http://www.redandblack.com/uganews/texas-a-m-speakers-help-uga-students-discover-the- value/article_4abf01c4-2657-11e3-9fcd-0019bb30f31a.html</p><p>12 Under 12. The Association of Former Students and the Young Alumni Advisory Council first 12 Under 12 Young Alumni Spotlight Award. http://www.aggienetwork.com/12under12spotlight/applications.aspx </p><p>4 Edward L. Tarlton</p><p>Affordable Housing: A Rarely Mentioned Factor Influencing Healthcare. Texas A&M University News and Information services. March 10, 2011. http://tamunews.tamu.edu/2011/03/09/affordable- housing-a-rarely-mentioned-factor-influencing-healthcare/</p><p>A Little Rusty. New York Times, By Kathleen McElroy. Published: July 22, 2011. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/24/education/edlife/edl-24continuinged-t.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0</p><p>Tips on Turning Back the Clock. New York Times, By Kathleen McElroy. Published: July 22, 2011. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/24/education/edlife/edl-24contedBOX-t.html</p><p>Urban and Regional Sciences Ph.D. students provide school supplies. Fall 2010. http://archone.tamu.edu/college/news/newsletters/fall2010/stories/URSSO_schoolsupplies.html</p><p>Doctoral student wins Weirus Spirit Award for participation in student life activities.” Spring 2009. http://archone.tamu.edu/college/news/newsletters/spring2010/stories/Weirus_award.html</p><p>AWARDS: Texas A&M University FISH Camp Namesake, 2014 Association of Former Students, 12 Under 12, Young Alumni Award, 2013 Association of Former Students, Distinguished Graduate Student Excellence in Teaching Award, 2012-13 Association of Former Students, Academic Excellence Award, 2010 & 2012 Association of Former Students, J. Malon Southerland Aggie Leader Scholarship, 2012 Department Head Prize for Academic Excellence and Exemplary Leadership, 2008 & 2012 Association of Former Students, Buck Weirus Spirit Award, 2010 Office of Graduate Studies, Diversity Fellowship, 2009 College of Architecture, Tau Sigma Delta-Architecture and Allied Arts Honor Society, 2008</p><p>SERVICE & ACTIVITIES: Department and University Texas A&M University Fellow, Graduate Teaching Academy, 2011 Member, Center for Housing and Urban Development, 2009-present President, Urban and Regional Science Student Organization, 2009-2010 Regent Scholar Mentor, School of Architecture, 2009-present Student Representative, Urban and Regional Science Doctoral Committee, 2009-present Guest Lecturer, TAMU Student Chapter, American Society of Landscape Architecture, 2008-2010 Member, TAMU Real Estate Development Association, 2007-2008 Mentor, TAMU Black Male Initiative, 2007-present Member, Black Graduate Student Association, 2007-present Member, African American Professional Organization, 2007-present Mentor, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., 2007-present </p><p>Professional Memberships American Association of Blacks in Higher Education, 2012 Texas Association of Black Personnel in Higher Education, Life Member</p><p>5 Association for the Study of Higher Education, 2012 American Educational Research Association, 2012 Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Student Representative, for the Executive Committee of the ACSP Planners of Color Interest Group, 2010-2012 Bryan/College Station Area-Black Former Student Network, Regional Director, 2011-present Brazos County A&M Club, 2010-present Texas A&M University QB Club, 2012 African American Professional Organization, TAMU, 2007-present Edward L. Tarlton</p><p>Urban Land Institute, 2007-2009 American Planning Association, 2008-present American Society of Landscape Architects, 1991-present Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., Life Member Board, Old National Merchants Association, 1999-2002 Board, University of Georgia School of Environmental Design Alumni Steering Committee, 1995-1997</p><p>Member of Jury Design Week. Landscape Architecture & Urban Planning Dept., TAMU 2013 Student Research Week. TAMU, 2010 University of Georgia Student Design Competition. Georgia ASLA, 2010 </p><p>Seminars Attended Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, TAMU 2009 On Being a Mentor to Students in Science and Engineering, TAMU 2009</p><p>Community Service and Volunteer Activities Mentor, Bryan ISD, Gear-Up Program, 2010-present Mentor, Bryan, TX Boys and Girls Club & College Station Lincoln Center, 2007-2009 Mentor, Rudder High School, College Station, TX, 2009 Assistant Coach, Basketball, Bryan Boys & Girls Club 2008 </p><p>Athletic Membership Member, University of Georgia Football Team, 1986-88</p><p>SPONSORSHIPS: E. L. Tarlton & Associates, Inc. Shirley D. Tarlton “Enlightenment Through Reading Scholarship” (2 x $500), 1996-97 E.L. Tarlton & Associates, Inc. “Books for Kids’ Christmas” 1995-98</p><p>EDUCATIONAL CONSULTING: Founder, HELP Consulting, Inc., 2011-present</p><p>Academic Institutions HELP has worked with: -Texas A&M University: Office of Graduate Studies, College of Architecture, College of Agriculture & Life Science, Corps of Cadets & Mays Business School -Auburn University: College of Architecture Design & Construction -University of Georgia: School of Environmental Design -Tuskegee University: Department of Architecture -Rutgers University: Graduate School of Education & RiSE Summer Scholars Program -Prairie View A&M University: College University & STI Summer Engineering Programs -Texas College: Office of Academic Affairs -Paul Quinn College: </p><p>6 7</p>
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