<p> PENNSYLVANIA LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD INVITATION FOR BID 260327 2017 “HOLIDAY” GIFT CARDS - SPECIFICATIONS</p><p>OVERVIEW The Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (PLCB) is seeking a Contractor to provide four (4) different versions of branded gift cards. The required versions and quantities are listed in the specifications below. The cards will be used in over six hundred (600) Fine Wine & Good Spirits stores throughout the 2017 Holiday Season. Attached to this bid, you will find the outlines of each card. ISSUING OFFICE This Invitation for Bid (IFB) is issued by the PLCB, Purchasing and Contract Administration Division, Room 316, Northwest Office Building, Harrisburg, PA 17124- 0001, telephone: (717) 705-2238; email: [email protected] . Tanya Readinger is the Issuing Officer and the sole point of contact at the PLCB for this IFB. PLCB CONTRACTING OFFICER The PLCB Contracting Officer is the PLCB official authorized to enter into and administer contracts and make written determinations with respect to contracts. The PLCB Contracting Officer is Melinda John, Manager of Purchasing and Contract Administration, Room 316, Northwest Office Building, Harrisburg, PA 17124-0001, Email: [email protected]. ADDENDA TO THE IFB If the Issuing Office deems it necessary to revise any part of this IFB before the bid response date, the Issuing Office will post an addendum to the DGS website at www.emarketplace.state.pa.us. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to periodically check the website for any new information or addenda to the IFB. RESPONSE DATA Bids must be signed in ink by an official authorized to bind the Contractor to its provisions. Failure to sign the Bid Form BOP-1206 shall disqualify your bid immediately. For this IFB, the bid must remain valid for at least sixty (60) days. The contents of the bid of the successful Contractor will be incorporated into the contract. Bid must be sealed and hand carried or mailed (U.S. Postal service, Fed Ex., etc.) to: PLCB Purchasing & Contract Administration Division Invitation for Bid #260327 Northwest Office Building, Room 316 Harrisburg, PA 17124-0001 Bids must be received on or before August 7 th , 2017 no later than 1:00 PM. Bidders mailing bids should allow time to insure timely receipt of their bid. If a receipt is desired, send by U.S. certified or Registered mail. Bid #260327 must be on the outside of the envelope. Faxed or emailed bids will not be accepted. The following documents must be included with your bid. Failure to include these required documents will be considered a non-responsive bid and result in bid rejection. 1. BOP-1206 Referenced on Page 1 2. Attachment #1 – Cost Sheet Referenced on Page 2</p><p>COST SHEET Complete ATTACHMENT #1 COST SHEET, in its, entirety with no variations or conditions. This cost sheet is the only acceptable cost sheet for your bid. 1 BID TABULATIONS RESULTS Results of this bid will be posted within 48 hours to the DGS website at http://www.emarketplace.state.pa.us/. Bid results do not confer any contractual rights until a formal written contract has been executed by all necessary PLCB and Commonwealth officials. Any additional information will require a Right to Know request found at http://www.lcb.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/bidopportunities/19114. REJECTION OF INVITATION FOR BID QUOTES The PLCB reserves the unqualified right to reject any and/or all bids received as a result of this IFB, to waive technical defects or any informality in bids and to accept or reject any part of any bid if, in its judgment, the best interest of the Commonwealth is thereby served. PRIME CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITY The selected Contractor shall be required to assume responsibility for all services offered in this IFB. Further, the PLCB will consider the selected Contractor to be the sole point of contact with regard to contractual matters. SUBCONTRACTING Any use of subcontractors by the Contractor must be identified in the bid. During the project period, use of any subcontractors by the selected Contractor not previously identified in the bid, must be approved in writing by the PLCB prior to any work being done. The selected prime Contractor shall be responsible for all services offered in its bid whether or not it produces them. The prime Contractor shall be the sole point of contact with regard to contractual matters. INCURRING COST The PLCB is not liable for any cost incurred by anyone prior to issuance of a contract. The PLCB will pay the Contractor only for services rendered at the rates stated in the contract. OFFSET PROVISION The Contractor agrees that the Commonwealth may set off the amount of any state tax liability or other debt or obligation to the Commonwealth or its subsidiaries that is owed to the Commonwealth and is not being contested on appeal against any payments due the Contractor under this or any other contract with the Commonwealth. SUPPLIER REGISTRATION All suppliers doing business with the PLCB are required to register with PLCB’s Supplier Unit and have their information entered into PLCB’s Oracle systems database. To obtain this supplier number, the Supplier Registration Form PLCB-2348 will need to be completed and submitted in accordance with the instructions included on the form located at the following link: http://www.lcb.state.pa.us/PLCB/About/WorkwithUs/ContractOpps/index.htm After supplier registration is completed by the PLCB, access to the iSupplier Portal will be automatically granted with the ability to view purchase orders, invoices and payments online. An auto-generated email will be sent from the PLCB’s Supplier Unit granting administrator rights with logon credentials and further instructions. It is the supplier’s responsibility to ensure that the supplier information contained in the Oracle system is accurate and complete and keep the PLCB updated with any data changes, including bank data. Failure to notify the PLCB of any changes to supplier information may result in delayed payments. INVOICING Upon award of the Contract, a Purchase Order (PO) will be issued. Invoices must include the PO number and all charges must be itemized, providing the description and date. Amounts charged must match the charges referenced on the IFB and the PO line 2 item. Invoices will only be paid if record of services and/or materials provided is documented and confirmed by the PLCB. Invoices shall be forwarded to Comptroller Operations LCBS, PO Box 12025, Harrisburg, PA 17108-2025.</p><p>3 INVITATION FOR BID 260327 2017 “HOLIDAY” GIFT CARDS – SPECIFICAITONS</p><p>CARD MATERIAL AND THICKNESS: 30 mil PVC CARD QUANTITY: 176,100 total. Cards are to be delivered in full to three (3) different PLCB locations (see “Shipping Information” below). FOUR (4) FINE WINE & GOOD SPIRITS (FWGS) VERSIONS: PLCB #322627 – FWGS Holly 2 – single card 46,750 each @ 25 cards/pack PLCB #322628 – FWGS Champagne 2 – single card 44,875 each @ 25 cards/pack PLCB #322629 – FWGS Happier Holidays 2 – single card 39,100 each @ 25 cards/pack PLCB #322630 – FWGS Snowflakes 2 – single card 45,375 each @ 25 cards/pack FINISHED CARD SIZE: Single card – Standard CR80 (2-1/8” x 3-3/8”) CARD FEATURES: Finish: laminated, glossy, 2 sides. High-Coercivity encoded 2 track magnetic swipe which meets ISO/ANSI standards. Gift card number printed on back of card above magnetic swipe (see “Gift Card Numbering” on page 5). The full 19-digit card account number for each gift card in Code 128 UPC format needs to replace the existing UPC printed on back of card below magnetic swipe (see “Gift Card Numbering” on page 5). Back of card verbiage (see last page of Appendix 1). Generate a 4 digit randomly generated numeric number for each gift card. Supplier will securely send a Customer Verification Value (CVV) file (or other secure method approved by the PLCB) that lists the CVV code associated with each gift card number to the PLCB’s vendor processor (currently ACI Worldwide). CVV number is to be covered with a safe industry standard scratch off covering. (For placement of CVV number, please see shaded box provided on last page of Appendix 1)</p><p>PRINTING: 4-color offset printing; 4-color process front/1 color back. Full bleed on all 4 sides. Inkjet imaging for variable information only. ARTWORK: Artwork to be provided in any of the following formats: CDR (CorelDraw 9), EPS, PS, JPG, GIF, PDF, AI (Adobe Illustrator 9.0.1).</p><p>Color values will be CMYK. Fonts will be converted to curves or provided electronically. Artwork is done on a PC in CorelDraw9 and can be provided on a CD-R disc. Color proof sized at 100% from a color laser printer. PROOFS: Matchprint of each version must be provided to the PLCB Issuing Officer for approval within one (1) week of receipt of a purchase order. PACKAGING: Pack = 25 cards each Sleeve = 20 packs of 25 cards each (500 total cards/sleeve)</p><p>4 Carton = Six (6) sleeves of 20 packs of 25 each (3,000 total cards/carton) 3,000 cards/per carton in sequential order and sleeves of 20 packs of 25 cards each within carton. Sleeves are to be labeled with the first card number in that bundle. Cartons to be labeled as follows: PLCB Purchase Order Number Description 1st Card Number – Last Card Number Quantity Company Information (i.e., inventory #, job number, run date, etc.)</p><p>GIFT CARD NUMBERING: PLCB #322627 – FWGS HOLLY 2 CARD STARTING WITH:</p><p>918820250000060301X to 918820250000107050X PLCB #322628 – FWGS CHAMPAGNE 2 CARD STARTING WITH: 918820260000060301X to 918820260000105175X PLCB #322629 – FWGS HAPPIER HOLIDAYS 2 CARD STARTING WITH: 918820270000060301X to 918820270000099400X PLCB #322630 – FWGS SNOWFLAKES 2 CARD STARTING WITH: 918820280000060301X to 918820280000105675X </p><p>SHIPPING INFORMATION: The cards shall be broken down and delivered to three (3) different PLCB Locations.</p><p>LOT #1 – REGION 1</p><p>PLCB – Facilities Maintenance 4750 Wingate Street Philadelphia, PA 19136 – 2989</p><p>ATTN: Charlie Myles PHONE: (215) 708-3130</p><p>LOT #2 – REGION 2</p><p>PLCB – Facilities Maintenance Unit C, 990 Briarsdale Road Harrisburg, PA 17109-5905</p><p>ATTN: Rodger Love PHONE: (717) 558-6480</p><p>LOT #3 – REGION 3</p><p>PLCB – Facilities Maintenance Purity Plaza, 140 Purity Road Pittsburgh, PA 15235-4441 5 ATTN: George Cheberenchick PHONE: (412) 731-5376</p><p>PRODUCTION TIME: Delivery of cards must be within 2 weeks of final approval of artwork and proof. SUPPLIER MUST AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING: a. Prior to production, Supplier must provide sample cards for testing magnetic swipe of each version to the PLCB Issuing Officer for approval within two (2) weeks of receipt of a purchase order. PLCB written approval must be provided before order production begins.</p><p> b. Supplier must agree to remake damaged or missing cards and replace in sequential order prior to shipping.</p><p> c. Supplier must have a quality control procedure in place to ensure accuracy and integrity during the gift card production. This quality control procedure must include scanning of cards to ensure no duplicate cards, no missing cards, or out-of-sequence cards. </p><p> d. Supplier provides a sample and testing proof of the CVV printed on the card that is random and listed correctly on the file sent to the payment processor.</p><p>ATTACHMENT #1 COST SHEET 2017 “HOLIDAY” GIFT CARD IFB 260327</p><p>PRICE EXTENDED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PER PRICE PACK</p><p>LOT #1 – REGION 1</p><p>FWGS HOLLY 669 Packs $ Click $ Click here here to to enter *16,725 cards – 25 cards per enter text. text. pack*</p><p>FWGS CHAMPAGNE 657 Packs $ Click $ Click here here to to enter *16,425 cards – 25 cards per enter text. text. pack* FWGS HAPPIER HOLIDAY 574 Packs $ Click $ Click here here to to enter *14,350 cards – 25 cards per enter text. text. FWGS SNOWFLAKE pack*</p><p>6 639 Packs $ Click $ Click here here to to enter *15,975 cards – 25 cards per enter text. text. pack*</p><p>LOT #2 – REGION 2</p><p>FWGS HOLLY 666 Packs $ Click $ Click here here to to enter *16,650 cards – 25 cards per enter text. text. pack*</p><p>FWGS CHAMPAGNE 633 Packs $ Click $ Click here here to to enter *15,825 cards – 25 cards per enter text. text. pack* FWGS HAPPIER HOLIDAY 526 Packs $ Click $ Click here here to to enter *13,150 cards – 25 cards per enter text. text. FWGS SNOWFLAKE pack*</p><p>659 Packs $ Click $ Click here here to to enter *16,475 cards – 25 cards per enter text. text. pack*</p><p>LOT #3 – REGION 3</p><p>FWGS HOLLY 535 Packs $ Click $ Click here here to to enter *13,375 cards – 25 cards per enter text. text. pack*</p><p>FWGS CHAMPAGNE 505 Packs $ Click $ Click here here to to enter *12,625 cards – 25 cards per enter text. text. pack* FWGS HAPPIER HOLIDAY 464 Packs $ Click $ Click here here to to enter 7 *11,600 cards – 25 cards per enter text. text. FWGS SNOWFLAKE pack*</p><p>517 Packs $ Click $ Click here here to to enter *12,925 cards – 25 cards per enter text. text. pack*</p><p>TOTAL $ Click here *SHIPPING CHARGES SHOULD BE INCLUDED IN UNIT PRICE* to enter text.</p><p>Contractor’s estimated time of delivery from date of order is Click here to enter text. days.</p><p>NOTE: Gift cards must be delivered no later than C.O.B. Friday, September 29th, 2017. </p><p>Bid Submitted By: Click here to enter text.</p><p>Company Name: Click here to enter text.</p><p>Company Address Click here to enter text.</p><p>Contact Phone Number Click here to enter text.</p><p>Contact Email Address Click here to enter text.</p><p>Company Billing Contact Click here to enter text.</p><p>Billing Contact Email Click here to enter text.</p><p>8</p>
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