<p> MENMEN WITHWITH AA MISSIONMISSION 11 A Men’s Discipleship Class</p><p>TEACHERTEACHER COPYCOPY</p><p>Dr. H. Wallace Webster Senior Pastor Mount Airy Bible Church</p><p>MEN WITH A MISSION 1—A Men’s Discipleship Class Copyright ©2009 Men with a Mission, published by Mount Airy Bible Church, 16700 Old Frederick Road, Mount Airy, Maryland 21771. </p><p>This material is provided for students and instructors in the Men with a Mission program. Use of this material is encouraged for personal study and for use in preparation of lessons, sermons, or other oral communication. This material may be quoted so long as the material is unaltered and credit is given to the Men with a Mission program. The purchasers of this product are allowed to make unlimited copies so long as all copies are used only within the organization for which it was purchased.</p><p>Certified instructors in the Men with a Mission program are allowed to add to the material so long as approval is granted by the Men with a Mission program developers. Pastors and teachers are encouraged to use the material in their teaching, but it must remain unaltered. </p><p>Unless otherwise noted, Scriptures are taken from the KINGS JAMES VERSION, public domain. </p><p>Table of Contents</p><p>Introduction...... 4</p><p>A Call to be a Man with a Mission...... 5</p><p>First Year Schedule...... 6</p><p>Getting Started...... 7</p><p>Your Personal Testimony...... 8</p><p>A Personal Evaluation...... 9</p><p>Session One – Introduction...... 10</p><p>Session Two – Assurance of Salvation...... 19</p><p>Session Three – What is a Disciple?...... 27</p><p>Session Four – How to Study the Bible...... 33</p><p>Session Five – Prayer...... 43</p><p>Session Six – Church...... 51</p><p>Session Seven – The Commands of Christ...... 59</p><p>Session Eight – Dying to Self...... 77</p><p>Session Nine – Evangelism...... 85</p><p>Session Ten – Accountability...... 95</p><p>Session Eleven – The Christian Life...... 101</p><p>Session Twelve – Overcoming Habits and Developing Purity...... 107</p><p>Session Thirteen – Surrender and Humility...... 113</p><p>Session Fourteen – The ‘Whys’ of the Christian Life...... 121</p><p>Session Fifteen – The Problem of Pride...... 129</p><p>Session Sixteen – Understanding My Gifts...... 135</p><p>Session Seventeen – The Difference of Joy and Happiness...... 141</p><p>Bibliography...... 149 Table of Contents Scripture Memory</p><p>YEAR ONE</p><p>1. 2 Timothy 2:2; Matthew 22:37-40 2. John 1;12; Romans 10:9-10 3. John 8:31; 13:35 4. 2 Timothy 2:15; 3:16-17 5. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, 22 6. Hebrews 10:25; 2 Corinthians 5:10 7. Matthew 28:18-20 8. Romans 8:1; Colossians 2:10 9. 2 Corinthians 5:17-19 10. Colossians 3:16; Romans 12:3 11. 2 Peter 3:17-18; Galatians 2:20 12. Romans 6:11-14 13. Ephesians 4:1-3 14. Romans 8:28-30 15. Proverbs 6:16-19 16. Ephesians 4:11-13 17. Philippians 4:4-7</p><p>All Scripture must be memorized before the class. Sometimes we will quote them orally. Every member will quote at least two times in a year.</p><p>You may use any of the following translations for memorization purposes: KJV, NASB, NKJV, NIV. Introduction</p><p>THEME VERSE: “And the things that thou hast heard from me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also” (2 Timothy 2:2).</p><p>For the next several months, we will be attempting to fulfill this passage, along with many others whereby Scripture teachers the importance of training up faithful men. This is a serious call to commitment, dedication, and sacrifice. Yet, the time will be well invested if you heed the seriousness of the call.</p><p>Be diligent in your attendance as well as in the completion of the assignments.</p><p>PURPOSES:</p><p>1. help fulfill 2 Timothy 2:2 2. help develop godly men 3. help build strong leaders 4. help build godly homes 5. help with the basics of the Christian life 6. help fulfill Jesus’ last command</p><p>REQUIREMENTS:</p><p>1. Commit to every meeting. If you must miss, it is your responsibility to meet with your prayer partner and make up the meeting. You are not to attend the next class until you have done so. 2. Do all work carefully and completely. 3. Develop a prayer and accountability partner. 4. Have an approved ministry in MABC 5. If you miss more than two meetings, you must repeat the entire year. 6. Supply your e-mail address.</p><p>9 A Call to Be a Man with a Mission</p><p>I’m part of the fellowship of the unashamed. I have the Holy Spirit’s power. The die has been cast. I have stepped over the line. The decision has been made. I’m a disciple of His. I won’t look back, let up, slow down, back away, or be still. My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, my future is secure. I’m finished and done with low living, sight walking, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tamed visions, worldly talking, cheap giving, and dwarfed goals. </p><p>I no longer need preeminence, prosperity, position, promotions, plaudits, or popularity. I don’t have to be right, first, tops, recognized, praised, regarded, or rewarded. I now live by faith, lean in His presence, walk by patience, am uplifted by prayer, and I labor with power. </p><p>My face is set, my gait is fast, my goal is heaven, my road is narrow, my way rough, my companions are few, my guide reliable, my mission clear. I cannot be bought, compromised, detoured, lured away, turned back, deluded, or delayed. I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of the enemy, pander at the pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of mediocrity.</p><p>I won’t give up, shut up, let up, until I have stayed up, stored up, prayed up, paid up, preached up for the cause of Christ. I am a disciple of Jesus. I must go till He comes, give till I drop, preach till all know, and work till He stops me. And when He comes for His own, He will have no problem recognizing me… My banner will be clear. </p><p>Written by a young pastor before his martyrdom in Zimbabwe for his faith. This article is public domain. 1</p><p>1 (Unknown, Leadership U, n.d.)</p><p>10 First Year Schedule</p><p>1. Introduction – We will introduce the three-year program titled Men with a Mission. May our lives never be the same.</p><p>2. Assurance of Salvation – There will be no need to study further the disciplines of the Christian life unless we are sure of our salvation.</p><p>3. What is a Disciple? – We will study the basics of Jesus’ statements regarding discipleship.</p><p>4. How to Study the Bible – We will examine methodologies of Bible study to make the believer more dependent on the Lord, and not others.</p><p>5. Prayer – The fundamentals of prayer will be examined and measured by our own prayer life.</p><p>6. Church – The essentials of the church will be evaluated as well as membership, commitment, and authority.</p><p>7. The Commands of Christ – What did He command and why?</p><p>8. Dying to Self – What does it mean, and what is a healthy self esteem? Who am I in Christ?</p><p>9. Evangelism – We will discover how to be more lost-people sensitive and how to reach them.</p><p>10. Accountability – We will examine biblical accountability and why it is essential.</p><p>11. The Christian Life – We will show the need to be dead to sin and to grow as we go, avoiding the trap of mediocrity.</p><p>12. Habits and Purity – We will discover how to break the bondage of sin, especially in the area of morals.</p><p>13. Surrender and Humility – What is the importance of brokenness?</p><p>14. The “Whys” of the Christian Life – We will attempt to know our God better in the midst of the unknown.</p><p>15. Pride – What is the big deal?</p><p>16. Spiritual Gifts – Understanding my role in the body is essential to church life.</p><p>17. Joy and Happiness – What’s the difference?</p><p>11 Getting Started</p><p>If I were to commit to meet with one man for one year, studying together, praying together, walking in accountability, we would both grow and be strengthened. At the end of that year, I release him to disciple another man, and I find a new disciple myself. At the end of two years we have three new disciples. Having encouraged, trained, equipped, and discipled these men, we all four venture to disciple four more men. So, at the end of the three years, seven new disciples have been nurtured in Christ.</p><p>Watch this… At the end of ten (10) years, we will have 1,024 disciples At the end of fifteen (15) years, we will have 32,768 disciples At the end of twenty (20) years, we will have 1,048,576 disciples and At the end of thirty (30) years , we will have Over one billion disciples for Christ.</p><p>So, what are we waiting for? </p><p>First, a couple of assignments:</p><p>1. Write out your personal testimony (page 13). 2. Do a personal evaluation of where you are today (page 14).</p><p>12 Your Personal Testimony</p><p>Briefly write your story of how you came to faith in Christ. Explain what life was like for you before Christ, and then how things have changed since Christ. Include a brief description of your walk today.</p><p>13 A Personal Evaluation</p><p>It is extremely important that we keep a close look out for ourselves concerning where we are spiritually. Jesus made it clear that there are those who will say they are in the faith, and yet He never knew them (Matt 7:21-23). Below, you will find a list of the characteristics that Jesus described as essential for those who call themselves followers of Him. Rate yourself on a scale of one to ten (ten being the highest), as to what degree you most reflect these traits.</p><p>One who loves the Lord with all of his heart 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Luke 14:26</p><p>One who bears his cross (dies to self) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Luke 14:27</p><p>One who has counted the cost to follow Christ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Luke 14:28</p><p>One who has forsaken all to follow Christ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Luke 14:33</p><p>One who has lost his life to follow Christ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Matt 10:39</p><p>One who continues in the Word 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 John 8:31</p><p>One who loves the brethren 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 John 13:34-35</p><p>One who bears much fruit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 John 15:8</p><p>Some of these may be hard to measure, so here is another list: (Use the same numbering system)</p><p>1. Are you regularly in the Word? ______regularly—almost every day 2. Do you have a concern for the lost? ______praying/witnessing 3. Do you desire to serve in the church? ______are you looking for opportunities 4. Are you faithfully attend the church services? ______Sun a.m., Wed 5. Do you lead your family? ______prayer, etc, 6. Do you give to the Lord’s work? ______10% 7. Are you easily offended? ______turned off 8. Are you able to work through spiritual problems?______disciplines 9. Do you have a heart of forgiveness? ______hold no grudges 10. Do you have a regular time of prayer? ______daily</p><p>14</p><p>SESSIONSESSION ONEONE INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTION</p><p>We will introduce the three-year program titled Men with a Mission. May our lives never be the same. INTRODUCTION TO MEN WITH A MISSION</p><p>A. What This Class is Not</p><p>1. This class is not the end of all things.</p><p>2. This class is not the perfect fix for all issues.</p><p>3. This class is not the solution to all problems.</p><p>4. This class is not the answer to all questions.</p><p>B. What This Class Is</p><p>1. It is a tool.</p><p>2. It is a biblical approach to what Jesus called us to do.</p><p> a. Matthew 28:18-20</p><p> b. 2 Timothy 2:2</p><p>3. It is a possibility.</p><p> a. You are only going to get out of this class what you are willing to invest into it.</p><p>II. WHY MEN WITH A MISSION?</p><p>A. Reason</p><p>1. This class was birthed out of a genuine need for a discipleship program to train up the men of the church.</p><p>2. It can also be adapted to include ladies, but it was birthed out of a men’s need.</p><p>3. Many of us are familiar with Promise Keepers</p><p> a. This was a men’s ministry that began in the 1980’s or so and was designed to challenge men to be men of God.</p><p> b. This call was necessary because the church was not doing what it was supposed to do. Session One—Introduction</p><p> c. I am not trying to validate or criticize Promise Keepers</p><p> d. An observation: Had the church been doing what Jesus called it to do, Promise Keepers would not have been necessary.</p><p>B. The Challenge</p><p>Over the next few months, you will memorize Scripture, study Scripture, pray, discuss, and fellowship in a way that few of you have ever done before.</p><p>1. This class has the potential to revolutionize your life, as has been testified by the number of men who have taken this class before you.</p><p>2. Truly you are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses.</p><p> a. Hebrews 12:1-2</p><p> b. Run the race well.</p><p> c. There will be a tendency to shirk, be lazy, and fall short.</p><p> d. Would you commit now to finish the race?</p><p>Here is the challenge: Would you sign on below to do all you can, with God’s, help to finish this class and finish it well?</p><p>I, , do promise, with God being my helper, to attend every class, memorize every verse, and do all I can to complete every lesson to the best of my ability. If I miss a class or a lesson, I will make up the time and class before the next class, and I will not let my work get behind by more than one lesson. If you make this commitment, God will help see you through.</p><p>18 Session One—Introduction</p><p>C. The Concern</p><p>1. Men often do not finish well.</p><p>2. Can you think of any men in Scripture who did not finish well?</p><p>3. Can you think of any men that you know personally who either are not finishing well or did not finish well? Discuss</p><p>4. What are the main reasons some Christians do not finish well? Discuss</p><p>5. Does it concern you that this might happen to you? Discuss</p><p>6. What safeguards are you willing to put in place to protect you so you can finish well?</p><p>III. HELPS ON THE ROAD TO FINISHING WELL</p><p>A. Divine</p><p>1. A day of accountability</p><p> a. Romans 14:10-12</p><p> b. 1 Corinthians 3:11-17</p><p> c. 2 Corinthians 5:10</p><p> d. How does this help us finish well? Discuss</p><p>2. The Holy Spirit</p><p> a. We are led by the Spirit (Rom 8:1-17).</p><p> b. He will guide us daily as to what we ought to do.</p><p>3. Conscience</p><p> a. 1 Timothy 4:2</p><p> b. Our conscience is a gauge to help us see that we are either doing what is right or not on the path.</p><p>19 Session One—Introduction</p><p> c. The key is that we must be sure that our conscience is daily being fed with the truth.</p><p>4. The Scriptures</p><p> a. So that we may be perfect (2 Tim 3:15-17)</p><p> b. Hebrews 4:12</p><p>5. Jesus</p><p> a. We have His example.</p><p> b. We have His companionship.</p><p>6. Other believers</p><p>7. Pastors/teachers</p><p>B. The Church</p><p>1. We offer this class.</p><p>2. This class is designed to help you mature on your journey to Christ.</p><p>3. Within this class are several key components:</p><p> a. Scripture memory</p><p>(1) Psalm 119:11</p><p>(2) Scripture will be brought to our minds when needed.</p><p>(3) Scripture must be in our minds and hearts in order for the Holy Spirit to bring it to our attention.</p><p>(4) He is not going to help us when we are neglectful of what Scripture has told us to do.</p><p>(5) You will be asked to publicly recite several passages throughout the course of the class.</p><p>20 Session One—Introduction b. Bible study</p><p>(1) 2 Timothy 2:15</p><p>(2) We are to study to show ourselves approved to God. c. Prayer</p><p>(1) Each class will end with a time of prayer.</p><p>(2) You will also be assigned a prayer partner. d. Accountability partner</p><p>(1) You will be assigned an accountability partner for the year</p><p>(2) In some cases, accountability partners will remain the same throughout the entire three-year program</p><p>(3) An accountability partner’s role</p><p>(a) Encouragement</p><p>(b) Challenge</p><p>(c) Support</p><p>(d) Love</p><p>(e) Prayer</p><p>(f) Accountability</p><p>(4) If he does his role well, you will enjoy the fellowship and accountability.</p><p>(5) Remember: It is better to deal with things now than to have to face them later (standing before Christ).</p><p>21 Session One—Introduction</p><p>C. Your Responsibility</p><p>1. It comes back to your own personal responsibility.</p><p>2. You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink.</p><p>3. This class is for your benefit.</p><p>4. You must take it seriously.</p><p>5. Many have traveled this way before you.</p><p>6. Our prayer is that you will run it well.</p><p>22</p><p>SESSIONSESSION TWOTWO ASSURANCEASSURANCE OFOF SALVATIONSALVATION</p><p>We will be taking a close look at the marks of the true believer in Christ and evaluating whether we are in Christ. I. WHAT ARE NOT THE MARKS OF A CHRISTIAN?</p><p>A. What are often assumed to be the true marks of a Christian?</p><p>1. Goes to church</p><p>2. Baptism</p><p>3. Membership</p><p>4. Communion</p><p>5. Commitment</p><p>B. Why do you believe there is confusion in this area?</p><p>Satan – great deceiver Jesus warned of this in Matthew 7:21-23</p><p>II. WHAT ARE THE TRUE MARKS OF A CHRISTIAN?</p><p>A. List at least seven marks that you believe to be true marks of a Christian and support with Scripture.</p><p>1. Those who have made a clear confession (Rom 10:9-10)</p><p>2. Those who continue in the Word (John 8:31; 1 John 2:3)</p><p>3. Loving others (John 13:35)</p><p>4. Fruit (John 15:1-8)</p><p>5. We have a walk to prove it (1 John 2:6)</p><p>6. We do not love the world (1 John 2:15-17)</p><p>7. Continuing in the faith (1 John 2:19)</p><p>B. What if someone claims to be a Christian and yet does not have these marks?</p><p>They may not be saved Profession does not mean possession. Do we need all seven? Session Two—Assurance of Salvation</p><p>III. HOW TO BE SURE YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN</p><p>A. Understanding Your Need</p><p>1. Were you born with and in sin? yes</p><p>Prove: Psalm 51:5; Romans 5:12; 5:19; 3:23</p><p>2. Have you ever sinned? yes</p><p>Prove with Scripture why it was sin. James 4:17; 2:10; Romans 14:23</p><p>3. Can you get to heaven in this sinful condition? no</p><p>Prove: Romans 6:23; 5:18</p><p>4. Draw a diagram explaining a man’s position before God before salvation.</p><p>S MAN I GOD N</p><p>26 Session Two—Assurance of Salvation</p><p>5. Some Scriptures to read</p><p>John 1:12 John 3:16 Romans 3:23 Romans 6:23 Romans 10:9-10 2 Corinthians 5:17 Ephesians 2:8-10</p><p>B. Understanding the Savior </p><p>1. Why did Jesus come? To remedy our sinful condition (Rom 5) To demonstrate the Father’s love (Rom 5:8) To defeat Satan (1 John 3:8)</p><p>2. What was the purpose of His death?</p><p>A propitiation for our sins (1 John 2:1)</p><p>3. How was He able to be a sacrifice for sin?</p><p>Perfect and without sin (Heb 9:14; 1 Pet 1:19)</p><p>4. Why did God require His death?</p><p>God is holy (1 Pet 1:14-20) Without shedding of blood (Heb 9:22)</p><p>5. What is the significance of Jesus’ resurrection?</p><p>Complete our faith To give us hope 1 Corinthians 15:12 ff</p><p>27 Session Two—Assurance of Salvation</p><p>6. Define these terms (use a Bible dictionary if you have one):</p><p>Redemption - The deliverance of the people of God from the bondage of sin by the perfect substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus and their consequential restoration to God</p><p>Atonement – The reconciliation between God and man affected by the work of Christ</p><p>Justification – A declaring of the believing sinner to a state of righteousness</p><p>Depravity – In a position of lostness in which man cannot remedy</p><p>Propitiation – To appease God’s anger over sin – done by the cross</p><p>C. Understanding the Father</p><p>1. Who receives the gift of eternal life?</p><p>To those who believe (John 1:12; 3:16)</p><p>2. How can a Holy God let sinful men, like us, into heaven?</p><p>Grace (Eph 2:8-9) Work of Christ, whereby He is appeased (1 John 2:1-2)</p><p>3. What are the conditions for allowing one into heaven? This is a tough question. Faith (Eph 2:8-9) Believe (John 3:16) Confess (Rom 10:9-10)</p><p>4. What happens to those who do not make it to heaven?</p><p>Hell (Luke 16)</p><p>28 Session Two—Assurance of Salvation</p><p>Perish (John 3:16)</p><p>5. Why does anyone end up in hell?</p><p>Unbelief (John 3:18)</p><p>6. Can anyone be sure that they are going to heaven? Yes (1 John 5:11-13)</p><p>7. Why would God let anyone go to hell? It is our choice. He is not willing that any should perish.</p><p>D. Understanding Your Salvation</p><p>1. Are you sure that you are saved? </p><p>2. What are the evidences that you are a Christian (list at least five)?</p><p>Discuss</p><p>29 Session Two—Assurance of Salvation</p><p>E. Read 1 John carefully and list as many proofs of our “sonship” that you can find.</p><p>Example: 1 John 1:6 – If we say that we have fellowship with Him and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.</p><p>Fellowship (1:3) Joy (1:4) Do not walk in darkness (1:6) Walk in the light (1:7) We confess (1:9) Not habitually in sin (2:1) Keep His commands (2:3, 4, 5) To walk as He walked (2:6) Love the brethren (2:9-11; 3:14) Forgiven (2:12) We know Him (2:13) We overcome (2:13; 5:4) We don’t love the world (2:15-17) Continue in the faith (2:19) The Hoy One (2:20) We confess His Son (2:23) We are learning (2:27) We do righteousness (2:19) The world doesn’t know us (3:1) Purified (3:3) We care about other (3:17) An uncondemned heart (3:20-21) Answers to prayer (3:22; 5:14, 15) Confirmation by Holy Spirit (3:24 * Rom 8:16) Discernment (4:6; 5:20) We confess Christ (4:15) Absence of fear (4:18) We have the Son (5:11-12) Believe (5:13) Wicked One can’t get us (5:18)</p><p>30</p><p>SESSIONSESSION THREETHREE WHATWHAT ISIS AA DISCIPLE?DISCIPLE?</p><p>We will be studying the basics of Jesus’ statements regarding discipleship. Before we can live like a disciple, we need to discover what that is, based upon the teaching of the Master Disciple-Maker. I. INTRODUCTION TO THE WORD “DISCIPLE”</p><p>A. Definitions</p><p>1. Give a clear biblical definition of “disciple.” to learn, but also adopting the philosophy, practices—lifestyle of the teacher</p><p>2. Find a secular definition. a pupil or follower of any teacher or school of religion, learning, art, etc.</p><p>3. The teacher will give a definition. A disciple is a learner (Matt 11:25-30), a follower (Matt 2:14; 3:14) and a reproducer (Matt 18:19-20; 2 Tim 2:2)</p><p>B. A Look at the word “Disciple”</p><p>1. There are two verbs in the New Testament. 2. One occurs four times. How do you think it is translated here?</p><p>Matthew 13:52 – instructed</p><p>Matthew 27:57 – disciple</p><p>Matthew 28:19 – teach</p><p>Acts 14:21 – had taught</p><p>These are all the same Greek word.</p><p>3. The other verb occurs 25 times. Find the ones in the Gospel accounts by using a concordance and put on a separate page. (In the English, it is translated as learn)</p><p>4. The one noun occurs 268 times, mostly in Matthew and John.</p><p>C. A Disciple is another name for Christian </p><p>1. Study Matthew 28:17-20 and Acts 11:26 to see if you can discover the answer. You might need the KJV. You also may need to use a concordance for the Greek word. Session Two—Assurance of Salvation</p><p>2. List how disciple and Christian are used interchangeably. </p><p>This is the same Greek word but different than the one earlier.</p><p>Matt 9:13 But go ye and learn what (that) meaneth 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; 24:32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; Mark 13:28 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; John 6:45 that hath heard, and hath learned of the 7:15 How knoweth this man letters, having never learned? Acts 23:27 having understood that he was a Roman 1 Cor 4:6 that ye might learn in us not to think 14:31 that all may learn, and all may be 14:35 And if they will learn anything, Gal 3:2 This only would I learn of you, Eph 4:20 But ye have not so learned Christ; Phil 4:9 which ye have both learned 4:11 for I have learned, in whatsoever Col 1:7 As ye also learned of Epaphras 1 Tim 2:11 Let the woman learn in silence 5:4 let them learn first to show piety 5:13 withal they learn to be idle, 2 Tim 3:7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowing of the truth 2 Tim 3:14 whom thou hast learned Titus 3:14 And let our’s also learn to Heb 5:8 yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered Rev 14:3 no man could learn that song but Matt 11:29 learn of me (The call to come and learn of Him. This is what a disciple does.) Matt 28:18-20 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, (Why? So they can teach others.) Matt 24:1-3 And Jesus said unto them, (Jesus teaching the disciples.) 24:32 Now learn John 6:45 And they shall all be taught of God (Coming to Him and learning.) Eph 4:20 learned Christ (This is what a disciple does.)</p><p>These words can be used interchangeably because they basically mean the same thing. A disciple is a Christian.</p><p>34 Session Two—Assurance of Salvation</p><p>II. LOOKING CLOSER AT THE WORD “DISCIPLE”</p><p>A. What are the seven qualities of a disciple according to Jesus?</p><p>1. Luke 14:26 – We are called to hate (2 Tim 4:8)</p><p>What does this mean? loves the Lord first</p><p>2. Luke 14:27 – Bears His cross and follows ( 2 Tim 2:3-10)</p><p>What does this mean? endures hardships</p><p>3. Luke 14:28 – Counts the cost (2 Tim 3:1-14; 4:5-8)</p><p>What does this mean? wax worse</p><p>4. Luke 14:33 – Forsakes all (1 Tim 6:6-8)</p><p>What does this mean? food and clothing</p><p>5. John 8:31 – Continues in the Word (2 Tim 2:15; 3:15-17)</p><p>What does this mean? “word”</p><p>6. John 13:35 – Loves one another (1 Tim 1:5, 14; 2:15, 4:12; 6:11; cf. Matt 22:36-40)</p><p>What does this mean? love</p><p>7. John 15:8 - Bears fruit (2 Tim 2:2; Matt 28:19)</p><p>What does this mean? makes disciples</p><p>35 Session Two—Assurance of Salvation</p><p>C. Examine these passages for character traits of a disciple.</p><p>1. Matthew 5:1 – disciplined learner</p><p>2. Matthew 10:1 – powerful missionary</p><p>3. Matthew 10:24 – submissive servant</p><p>4. Matthew 10:25 – loyal learner</p><p>5. Matthew 10:42 – gracious giver</p><p>6. Matthew 11:1 – commanded follower</p><p>7. Matthew 12:49 – family</p><p>8. Matthew 13:52 – mature manager</p><p>9. Matthew 16:13 – alert listeners</p><p>10. Matthew 16:24-28 – dead to self</p><p>11. Matthew 27:57-60 – sacrificial servants</p><p>12. Mark 6:1 – faithful followers</p><p>13. Mark 8:1 – near to Jesus</p><p>14. Luke 11:1 – teachable spirit</p><p>15. John 9:28 – witnessing worshipper</p><p>36 Session Two—Assurance of Salvation</p><p>16. John 20:2 – beloved believer</p><p>17. John 21:24 – careful communication</p><p>18. Acts 9:10 – willing worker</p><p>19. Acts 9:36 – cares continually</p><p>20. Acts 16:1 – pleasing person</p><p>21. Acts 21:16 – consistent Christian</p><p>37 SESSIONSESSION FOURFOUR HOWHOW TOTO STUDYSTUDY THETHE BIBLEBIBLE</p><p>We will examine the methodologies of Bible study so that we can become more confident in the Word and more dependent on our quiet time for our walk. I. INTRODUCTION TO BIBLE STUDY</p><p>A. A Tragic Choice</p><p>The Holy Bible vs. the TV Guide</p><p>On the table side by side, The Holy Bible and the TV Guide. One is well worn and cherished with pride, But that one is not the Bible, it’s the TV Guide. As the pages are turned what shall they see? It doesn’t matter, just turn on the TV. Then is the confusion started for they can’t all agree, What they shall watch on that old TV. So they refer to the Book in which they all confide, But it’s not the Bible, it’s the TV Guide. The Word of God is seldom read, Maybe a verse or two just before bed. Exhausted and sleepy, tired as can be, Not from reading the Bible, but from watching TV. Then back to the table, side by side, The Holy Bible and the TV Guide. No time for prayer, no time for the Word. The plan of salvation is seldom heard. Forgiveness of sin so full and free, We find in the Bible and not on TV.</p><p>Author Unknown2</p><p>B. What the Scripture says about the Scripture. 2 (The Holy Bible vs. the TV Guide) Session Four—How to Study the Bible</p><p>Look up the following verses and discover what God says about His Word. Write out the principles you discover.</p><p>1. Genesis 1:26 – His Word is so! What He says will happen.</p><p>2. Isaiah 40:5-8 – Word stands forever.</p><p>3. Isaiah 55:11 – His Word stands and will not return void; it will accomplish what He pleases</p><p>4. Jeremiah 15:16 – The Word brings us joy.</p><p>5. Acts 17:11 – Receive the Word when taught and search it daily.</p><p>6. Ephesians 6:17 – It is the Sword of the Spirit.</p><p>7. 1 Timothy 4:13 – Make it a priority.</p><p>8. Hebrews 4:12 – The Word is living, powerful, sharp which can divide and discern</p><p>9. James 1:18 – We were born by His word.</p><p>10. James 1:21 – It is able to save our souls</p><p>40 Session Four—How to Study the Bible</p><p>C. What have you discovered to be some of the hindrances to Bible study? List up to ten, if you can.</p><p>- Priorities - Concentration - Not sure how - Time - Distractions - Hard to understand - Reading level</p><p>D. Why Study the Scriptures? (Probably a better question is, why not?)</p><p>List the reasons from the verses.</p><p>1. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 – perfect (maturity)</p><p>2. Hebrews 5:11-14 – discern good and evil</p><p>3. 1 Peter 2:2 - growth</p><p>4. Can you discover any other reasons from Scripture?</p><p>Psalm 1 2 Timothy 2:2 Deuteronomy 8:3</p><p>41 Session Four—How to Study the Bible</p><p>II. A SIMPLE PROCESS OF BIBLE STUDY</p><p>A. Observation - Step One (What do I see?) 1. It is imperative that you saturate yourself with the passage.</p><p>Read it over many times.</p><p>Memorize key verses.</p><p>Write out the passage in your own words.</p><p>Outline the passage.</p><p>Pray over the passage and ask the Lord’s guidance.</p><p>2. Some suggestions in this process. Note any words that are clearly emphasized.</p><p>Look for the main verbs.</p><p>Notice the overall context.</p><p>Notice his overall argument.</p><p>Are there any parallel passages?</p><p>Are there any Old Testament quotes if you are in the New Testament?</p><p>3. The key to this section is careful observation and asking the right questions that will provoke more in-depth study.</p><p>Who?</p><p>What?</p><p>When?</p><p>Where?</p><p>Why?</p><p>How?</p><p>42 Session Four—How to Study the Bible</p><p>4. Let’s practice on a passage - James 3:6-8</p><p>Draw several observations from each verse.</p><p>Tongue is a fire Tongue can defile whole body Tongue is fueled from hell Tongue – no man can tame Tongue is an unruly evil Tongue is full of deadly poison</p><p>Ask several questions from these verses.</p><p>Does “whole body” mean church? What does “hell” have to do with it? What does “tame” mean?</p><p>B. Interpretation - Step Two (What does it mean?)</p><p>1. It is in this section that you attempt to answer your thoughtful questions from step one. Obviously the more questions you ask, the better. There is no foolish question except the one you don’t ask.</p><p>2. How to answer the questions.</p><p>Pray and meditate again on the passage.</p><p>Begin looking carefully at the key words.</p><p>Concordances – How many times are the key words used, where, and by whom? Look for patterns.</p><p>Dictionaries - What does the word mean? Try to see if different authors use it differently. For example: Paul versus Peter.</p><p>43 Session Four—How to Study the Bible</p><p>Examine the cross references to the passage, especially the Old Testament.</p><p>Make conclusions regarding the author’s main points for the text.</p><p>Compare other major translations, and then paraphrases.</p><p>When your research is over, consult commentaries.</p><p>Pray and meditate on the passage again.</p><p>Draw what you believe the Lord has shown you to be the conclusions regarding the passage. Remember, Bible study is a life-long endeavor.</p><p>3. Let’s practice interpretation on James 3:6-8.</p><p>Key words defined:</p><p>Tongue Defiles Hell Tame Unruly evil</p><p>Parallel passages and insights:</p><p>Overall thought of the passage:</p><p>The danger of the tongue</p><p>Other key insights from Scripture:</p><p>44 Session Four—How to Study the Bible</p><p>Proverbs 13:3 29:20 18:13 15:23 21:23 15:1, 4 17:28 18:8 Matthew 12:36 Ephesians 4:29 1 Peter 3:10 James 1:26</p><p>C. Application - Step three (What am I to do?)</p><p>1. Once you have correctly interpreted the passage, the next step is to put into practice all that you have learned.</p><p>2. Make it relate to you personally. What are you to do with this truth?</p><p>3. Here are some suggested areas to ponder:</p><p>Faith – What does the passage teach me about personal faith? What do I learn about the Trinity, the Word, and the overall sovereignty of God?</p><p>Attitudes – What do I learn about my attitude? What steps ought I to take to correct improper thinking?</p><p>Actions – What should be my actions regarding this passage? Is there anything to change, avoid, add, etc.?</p><p>Sins – What particular sin does this passage convict me of? Do I need to go to a fellow Christian and confess, or just to God?</p><p>Examples – What models does this passage provide for me to better help me walk like Christ?</p><p>Challenges – What are some specific admonitions I need to make? In what areas of my life are these new challenges?</p><p>Promises – What can I claim from this passage for my life? Are there any conditions to these promises? NOTE: This is just a suggestion. Do not take this as an absolute </p><p>45 Session Four—How to Study the Bible</p><p> standard.</p><p>4. Practice this step on the passage in James that we are studying.</p><p>I need to realize the danger of the tongue since I can’t tame it. I need to seek Him. Don’t underestimate the poison.</p><p>III. IMPORTANT TOOLS FOR BIBLE STUDY</p><p>A. Some Helpful Books</p><p>1. Concordance - You will need an exhaustive concordance in addition to the one supplied by your study Bible. I would suggest that you buy either Strong’s or Young’s.</p><p>2. A good study Bible - The sky is the limit here. The MacArthur Study Bible is excellent, yet there are many more out there. </p><p>3. Dictionary - You might want to purchase a good English dictionary along with a Bible dictionary. The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible is also an excellent tool. Vines’ Expository Dictionary is very helpful. </p><p>4. Atlas - This will help you locate key places and the overall geography. </p><p>5. Systematic Theology Books - It would be helpful to have on your shelf theologies that you can reference when you are studying. </p><p>6. One volume commentaries (over the whole Bible) can be helpful. </p><p>7. Individual commentaries by good scholars can be a great aid. </p><p>B. Where to Find Some of These Tools?</p><p>46 Session Four—How to Study the Bible</p><p>1. Used book stores 2. Yard sales 3. Newspaper ads 4. Auctions 5. Christian Book Stores 6. Secular Book Stores - often on their sale racks 7. Christian Book Clubs Christian Book Distributors: 1-800-247-4784 www.christianbook.com Cumberland Valley: 1-717-249-0231 www.cvbbs.com Call for a free catalog.</p><p>Note: This is only a start. Make your library a very serious part of your life. Have family members give you gifts like these for birthdays, Christmas, and special events. Next to your Bible, these books are indispensible.</p><p>47 SESSIONSESSION FIVEFIVE PRAYERPRAYER</p><p>We will examine the fundamentals of prayer and use them to measure our own prayer life to motivate us to be men of prayer. Session Five—Prayer</p><p>I. THE IMPORTANCE OF PRAYER A. A Story: John Duckworth - Discipleship Journal - Issue 50 - 1989 HAILING THE CHIEF He sat at his desk in the Oval Office, waiting. He waited, even though there was a stack of letters to sign, a cable to read, a press conference to prepare for, a briefing with the cabinet to attend, a tea for an ambassador in the Rose Garden…. Looking up from his schedule, he smiled. Yes, there was a lot to do. But first some people were coming — some very important people. At least he thought they were very important. That was why he kept inviting them to come to the Oval Office and talk with him. He longed to hear what was in their hearts and minds, to talk about how they felt, what they needed, how they could help him accomplish his goals…. “Mr. President,” said a voice on the intercom. “They’re here, sir” “Ah,” he said. “Send the first one in, please.” He leaned forward on the edge of his chair, waiting. The door opened, and a housewife ushered herself into the room. Without acknowledging the President’s smile or outstretched hand, she plopped down in a chair. Then she shut her eyes tight. “Dear Mr. President,” she said in a nasal, singsong voice. “Thank you for the world so sweet, thank you for the food we eat, thank you for the birds that sing, thank you, sir, for everything. Goodbye.” Before the President could say a word in response, the woman opened her eyes, got up, and walked out the door. He sighed. Why did it always seem to go like this? He pushed the intercom button. “Next please,” he said. The door opened, and in came a stout man who wore a tuxedo. Again the President’s hand was ignored. “O thou chief executive who art in the White House,” said the man, clasping his hands and looking at the ceiling. “O thou in whom so much doth constitutionally dwell, upon whose desk hath been placed a most effective blotter; incline thine ear toward thy most humble citizen, and grant that thy many entities may be manifoldly endowed upon the fruitful plain…” Wincing, the President closed his eyes and rubbed his temples. “And may thy thou dost harkeneth whatly didst shalt evermore in twain asunder,” the man concluded in a loud monotone. “Excuse me,” said the President, “but what…?” “Goodbye, said the man, seeming not to hear, and walked out. The President sighed again. “Next, please,” he spoke into the intercom. This time when the door opened, there seemed to be no one there. Then the President looked down and saw a man crawling through the doorway on his hands and knees. “Oh, Mr. g-great and awful P-president,” blubbered the man, not looking up from the carpet. “I am but a disgusting piece of filth in your presence. No, I am less than that. How dare I enter here? How dare I think that you would do anything but grind me into the floor?” “Please, get up,” said the President, offering his hand. “You don’t have to do that. I want to talk with you.” But the man went right on groveling. “I deserve only to be squashed under the weight of your mighty desk,” he whined. “I could never have gotten an invitation to talk with you. It must have been a mistake. How can you ever forgive me for breaking in like this? Oh, I’m so sorry, so sorry, so sorry….” Still on his hands and knees, he crawled out. The man’s groaning faded down the hall. The President shook his head, then slowly pushed the intercom button. “Next,” he said, sounding tired. In moments a young man entered. He was wearing headphones and bobbing up and</p><p>49 Session Five—Prayer down to the music of his pocket stereo. “Hey Prez,” the young man said, ignoring the offered hand. “What’s happening?” He looked out the window. “ Nice place you’ve got here. I’m, like, so glad we could have this little chat, you know? You’re not bad for an old dude, I guess. You don’t bother me, I won’t bother you, okay? Well, I’ve gotta go. Hang in there.” He walked out. The President drummed his fingers on his desk. “Next, please,” he said wearily. An elderly man marched in, staring at a piece of paper in his hand. He, too, ignored the President’s greeting. “Mr. President,” he declared, keeping his eyes on his list. “I want there to be a parking space waiting for me when I go downtown this afternoon. Not a parallel parking space, either - one I can drive right into. Not one with a parking meter. You can see to it that none of those meter maids gives me a ticket. Now, this is important!” The President cleared his throat politely. “Speaking of important,” he ventured, “how do you feel about my program to feed the hungry? Would you like to have a part in….” “And another thing” the man continued. “I lost my best golf club. A putter. Can’t remember where I put it. Now, you find it for me, will you? Got to have that club before Saturday. I know you can do it. Goodbye.” With that the old man got up and shuffled out the door. The President slumped in his chair. “Next,” he said. There was a pause. At last a young woman entered slowly. She looked like a sleepwalker - eyes nearly shut, jaw slack, her feet dragging. She yawned and slid into a chair. “Dear… Mr.…President…” she said, her head drooping. “I know I should talk to you when I’m more…awake…but I’ve got so many things to do…so sleepy…. There was something I was going to say…what is it…? I was going to say…uh….“ She started to snore. The President buzzed his secretary, who stepped in. “Could you help this young lady out?” he asked, sighing again. “Certainly, Mr. President,” said the secretary as she helped the dozing girl to her feet. The President gazed sadly out the window. “How many do we have left?” he asked. “I’m sorry, sir,” the secretary said. “But as usual, most of the people you sent invitations to said they were too busy to talk. They had to watch TV, wax the car, do the dishes….” “Oh,” said the President, dejected. “Isn’t there anyone out there?” “There is one, sir,” she said. “But you wouldn’t want to talk with him.” “Why not?” “Because he’s just a child, Mr. President.” The chief executive shrugged. “May as well show him in,” he said. Moments later a little boy entered shyly. He looked around the room, his eyes wide. “Are…are you really the President?” he asked. The President smiled. “I really am,” he answered, offering his hand. The little boy reached up and shook it. Then he sat down, folded his hands in his lap, and waited. The President watched amazed, as the boy sat politely for nearly a minute. “Isn’t’ there…something you want to tell me?” the President asked finally. “Something you have to recite, to ask for, or say?” The little boy looked down for a moment, thinking. Then he looked up. “Yes,” he said. “I guess there is.” “Well, what is it?” the President asked. “Thank you for inviting me,” the boy said. “That’s all.” When the President heard that, he couldn’t seem to say anything for a while. All he could do was smile. But then they talked and talked and talked for the longest, most wonderful time.3</p><p>3 (Duckworth 1989)</p><p>50 Session Five—Prayer</p><p>B. Some Questions Regarding Prayer</p><p>1. Give a definition regarding prayer: </p><p>Communion with God</p><p>2. Give at least five reasons why we should pray. Support with Scripture.</p><p> a. It is commanded – 1 Thess 5:17</p><p> b. It was modeled by Christ – Luke</p><p> c. Jesus taught His followers to pray – Luke 11</p><p> d. Prayer works – Luke 18:1-8</p><p> e. The early church preached prayer – Acts 1f</p><p>3. Is there a proper position for prayer? Explain.</p><p> Pharisees were condemned for standing prayer (Mt. 6:5) (yet Jesus mentions praying and standing (Mk 11:25) Jesus never taught a specific position In the garden, Jesus may have been prostrate (Mk. 14:35) He kneeled down (Luke 22:41) Jesus lifted up His eyes in prayer (Jn. 17:1)</p><p>Why is a proper position specified? The issue is the heart.</p><p>51 Session Five—Prayer</p><p>4. What are some of the hindrances to prayer?</p><p> a. Laziness</p><p> b. Unbelief</p><p> c. Lack of commitment</p><p> d. Fast paced society</p><p> e. Distractions</p><p>5. What time of the day is most often associated with prayer in Scripture? (Support with Scripture. This can have two answers.)</p><p>` Ps 55:17 evening, morning, noon Jesus – all night Hour of prayer – Acts 3 (3 p.m.) Jesus woke early</p><p>6. Is it sin to pray just a little or not at all? Explain.</p><p>Prayerlessness is called a sin (1 Sam 12:23)</p><p>7. Does prayer change anything? Give some biblical examples.</p><p>Yes – Daniel – Daniel 10:10-13 (21 days) Peter – Acts 12:5 James 5 effectual prayer avails much</p><p>8. Why did Jesus pray?</p><p>To have communion with His Father To be a model</p><p>52 Session Five—Prayer</p><p>9. Why is prayer meeting the less attended service?</p><p>Discuss.</p><p>10. What do you believe is the secret to an effectual prayer life? (support with Scripture)</p><p>Purity – clean heart (Ps 24:3-4) Obedience (John 15:6-7)</p><p>II. A BIBLE STUDY ON PRAYER</p><p>A. Use a concordance to find all the times prayer occurs in Luke.</p><p>(at least 20 times) 3:21 4:1f – wildness 5:16 6:12 6:28 9:18 9:28 9:29 11:1 11:2 18:1 18:10 18:11 19:46 20:47 22:40 22:41 22:44 22:45 22:46</p><p>B. What conclusions have you made about your prayer life? Do you have any suggestions? Discuss</p><p>53 Session Five—Prayer</p><p>III. A FINAL ASSIGNMENT</p><p>A. A Sweet Hour of Prayer</p><p>1. Have you ever spent an hour of prayer, uninterrupted, before God?</p><p>2. We believe that it will revitalize your prayer life if you take it seriously.</p><p>3. Write down some observations about prayer when you are finished. </p><p>B. Details</p><p>1. Take about ten or so minutes and adore the Lord.</p><p>Worship Him.</p><p>Sing to Him.</p><p>Use the alphabet and say something about Him with each letter.</p><p>Mention His attributes.</p><p>Read a Psalm or other Scripture back to Him.</p><p>2. Take about ten or so minutes to praise Him for all He has done.</p><p>Answers to prayer</p><p>Blessings</p><p>Faithfulness to you</p><p>3. Take about ten or so minutes and confess sin.</p><p>Sins of omission</p><p>Sins of commission</p><p>4. Spend the last 30 minutes letting Him evaluate you with the questions.</p><p>Is God first in my life? Do I love Him with all my heart and soul?</p><p>54 Session Five—Prayer</p><p>Am I sinning the sin of prayerlessness? Have I neglected the Word of God? Have I chosen to not forgive someone? Is there any resentment in my heart? Am I impatient? Am I irritable? Am I offended easily? Do I bear grudges? Am I living a holy life? Is there any known sin that I continue to enjoy? Am I willing to pay any price to be right with God? Am I using my spiritual gift in the church? Am I under authority? Am I dishonest with others? Do I try at times to leave a wrong impression? Do I covet? Do I lust? Am I too concerned about things? Is there anything I am holding on to, and is it in the way with God? Do I deny myself to follow the Lord? Have I paid all my debts to others? Do I have any habit which I should forsake? Is there jealousy in my heart? Do I have sinful pride in my heart? Have I wronged anyone and failed to try to make restitution? Am I a tale bearer or gossip? Are my motives pure? Are my thoughts pure? Am I a good testimony for Jesus? Do I have the right attitude regarding the church? Do I worry? Do I complain? Does the Pastor know that he can count on me? Would you like for Jesus to follow you every day? Am I deceptive? Does Jesus have my money? Do I tell others about Jesus?</p><p>55 Session Five—Prayer</p><p>Note: Please do not let this assignment overwhelm you. Most everyone who does this comes up rather short. The goal is not to discourage you, but to motivate you. You can’t do anything about what your prayer life used to be. You can do everything about what your prayer life can become. </p><p>Ask Him to make you a man of prayer. But get ready—He will take you up on your prayer.</p><p>56 SESSIONSESSION SIXSIX CHURCHCHURCH</p><p>We plan to cover the essentials of the local church and evaluate from a biblical perspective the role of the church and the church members. Session Six—Church</p><p>I. ANSWERING THE KEY QUESTIONS REGARDING THE CHURCH</p><p>A. What is the Church?</p><p>1. When did the Church begin?</p><p>Matthew 16:18 – I will – future Acts 2:1 – Pentecost 1 Corinthians 12:13 – the placing into the body of Christ.</p><p>2. How is the church different from Israel?</p><p> Israel is a nation from all peoples while church is a people from all nation Israel is God’s wife while the church is the bride of Christ Israel’s head is Abraham while the church’s head is Christ Israel’s relationship is based upon the physical (born a Jew), while the church is based on the spiritual (born again) Israel has the Law, while the church is under grace Israel existed since Abraham, while the church exists since Pentecost</p><p>3. What are the key ingredients of a church?</p><p> believers the Word leaders What else?</p><p>4. Give a definition for “church.”</p><p>A called out assembly of believers in Jesus with divinely appointed leadership by the Holy Spirit under the authority of God.</p><p>B. Why should a believer join a church? List as many reasons as you can.</p><p>1. Early church model – connection (Acts 2:41-47)</p><p>2. Membership was kept – Acts 2 and the rest of Acts that mentions the numbers of those who are saved, etc.</p><p>3. Commitment</p><p>58 Session Six—Church</p><p>4. Doctrinal purity</p><p>5. Church discipline</p><p>6. Biblical unity</p><p>7. Other churches model it</p><p>8. Protection</p><p>9. Family connection</p><p>10. Submission to leadership</p><p>C. What are the key ingredients of a local church? List as many as you can.</p><p>1. Evangelism – missions - outreach </p><p>2. Edification – ministry - fellowship</p><p>3. Exaltation – majesty - worship</p><p>4. Education – maturity - teaching</p><p>D. What is the purpose of the local church?</p><p>In a real sense, to be sure the above is accomplished.</p><p>59 Session Six—Church</p><p>E. What is the church’s responsibility to me as a believer?</p><p>1. Protect (Acts 20:28)</p><p>2. Equip (Eph 4:11f)</p><p>3. Disciple (Matt 28:18-20)</p><p>4. Ordinances (1 Cor 11)</p><p>5. Rebuke (Titus 1:9)</p><p>F. What is my responsibility to the local church?</p><p>1. Pray (1 Tim 2:1f)</p><p>2. Follow (1 Cor 11:1)</p><p>3. Submit (Heb 13:7, 17)</p><p>4. Be taught (Eph 4:11f)</p><p>5. Hold in esteem (1 Thess 5:12-13)</p><p>G. How is a local church to be governed? Prove with Scripture.</p><p>Elders – 1 Timothy 3 Acts 20:28f 1 Peter 1:1-5</p><p>60 Session Six—Church</p><p>H. When is it ever right to leave a local church?</p><p>This is a difficult subject; here are some thoughts: Leaving a local church is a serious decision. It ought only to be done under the strictest prayer and Godly counsel. Remember you are modeling for your children.</p><p>We suggest two reasons to ever leave a local church: 1) Doctrinal purity 2) Moral issues that cannot be worked through We ask that before any member leaves the church, they sit down with an elder or more and discuss the issue. This is a God-honoring approach. Leaving without this action is not Christ-like.</p><p>I. What steps ought a believer take before leaving a local church?</p><p>Realize how serious of a decision this is. Pray hard. Do not gossip or seek counsel at this time from those outside the church. Go to the spiritual leaders of your church (elders only). Attempt to let your issues be clear and make your points to them. Make a Godly appeal for a change. You might be the one God uses to fix the problem. Leave only after you have made every possible attempt to change what is contrary to the Word. To leave over preferences is a poor way for the family of God to work.</p><p>J. What are some of the problems in a local church?</p><p>Miscommunications Morals Trust Others?</p><p>K. Why are some believers reluctant to join a local church?</p><p>Burned out Distrust Society is a non committal society The enemy</p><p>61 Session Six—Church</p><p>L. What is the connection of the local church and the family?</p><p>Put God first and He will balance the rest of your life. There is no such biblical order as God first, then… It is God first, foremost, and only. He will sort the rest out on a daily basis, and as the need arises.</p><p>II. ANSWERING THE KEY QUESTIONS REGARDING AUTHORITY</p><p>A. What is the church’s authority over its membership? Support with Scripture.</p><p>To oversee (Acts 20:28) To shepherd (1 Pet 5:1-4) To rule (Heb 13:13, 17)</p><p>B. What are the benefits of being under the authority of a local church?</p><p>1. It helps the believer obey Scripture.</p><p>2. It helps the believer learn how to be submissive.</p><p>3. It helps the believer to lead in other areas of his life.</p><p>4. It helps protect the believer from the attacks of the enemy.</p><p>5. It enables the leadership to fulfill Scripture.</p><p>6. It will enable the believer to have more guidance.</p><p>7. Can you think of more?</p><p>62 Session Six—Church</p><p>C. What are the authorities that Scripture outlines for a believer?</p><p>God Government Church Home Business</p><p>D. How does one make an appeal to authority? </p><p>1. You must determine when it is right to make an appeal. The Lord may have you under this particular authority for a specific benefit to you that could only occur in this place and at this time.</p><p>2. If it doesn’t violate Scripture, be very cautious. Are you resisting submitting because of your selfish desires?</p><p>3. What if you have another more legitimate problem with authority later? Will this appeal weaken you to the place of a complainer?</p><p>E. The Proper Steps - Study the life of Daniel in Daniel 1 and see if you can discover the proper approach to making an appeal to authority.</p><p>1) Take personal inventory (1:4) 2) Check motives (1:5) 3) Have convictions (1:8) 4) Request – don’t demand (1:8) 5) Work diligently at being in favor with those over you (1:9) 6) Consider carefully your authority; the predicament (1:10) 7) Design a creative alternative (1:12) 8) Give God time to change their hearts (1:12) 9) Expect God to work (1:15) 10) Make sure God gets all glory (1:17)</p><p>63</p><p>SESSIONSESSION SEVENSEVEN THETHE COMMANDSCOMMANDS OFOF CHRISTCHRIST</p><p>We want to take a closer look at the phenomenal statement by our Lord in Matthew 28:18-20. What did He mean when He said we are to teach “whatever He commanded”? I. A LOOK AT MATTHEW 28:18-20</p><p>A. The Understanding of the Passage.</p><p>1. What is the main verb of the passage?</p><p>Teach, make disciples Four times in New Testament (Matt 13:52; 27:57; 28:19; Acts 14:21) Disciple occurs 268 times</p><p>2. What are the main points of the passage?</p><p>As you go ( which you will), disciple (which involves teaching content and teaching obedience).</p><p>3. Who is the teaching for?</p><p>The church – all of us!</p><p>B. What commands do you believe He is referring to?</p><p>The commands in Matthew through John transfer time. Session Seven—The Commands of Christ</p><p>II. MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE, AND JOHN</p><p>A. Directions:</p><p>1. Read over one of these four books carefully.</p><p>2. Identify every command that Jesus gave. Hint: last count – 410 in all four books.</p><p>3. Some of the commands were rather time-oriented. For example: Matt. 14:16, “…give them to eat.”</p><p>4. I do not believe these time-oriented commands are the commands He is referring to in Matthew 28. You can skip these.</p><p>B. List the commands that have direct relevance to our time (use the following three pages and the space below).</p><p>67 Session Seven—The Commands of Christ</p><p>THE COMMANDS OF CHRIST</p><p>MATTHEW 43. 6:16 86. 10:5 1. 3:15 44. 6:17 87. 10:6 2. 4:10 45. 6:17 88. 10:7 3. 4:17 46. 6:19 89. 10:7 4. 4:19 47. 6:20 90. 10:7 5. 5:12 48. 6:25 91. 10:8 6. 5:12 49. 6:26 92. 10:8 7. 5:16 50. 6:28 93. 10:8 8. 5:24 51. 6:31 94. 10:8 9. 5:24 52. 6:33 95. 10:8 10. 5:24 53. 6:34 96. 10:9 11. 5:24 54. 7:1 97. 10:11 12. 5:24 55. 7:4 98. 10:11 13. 5:25 56. 7:5 99. 10:12 14. 5:29 57. 7:6 100.10:13 15. 5:29 58. 7:6 101.10:13 16. 5:30 59. 7:7 102.10:14 17. 5:30 60. 7:7 103.10:14 18. 5:31 61. 7:7 104.10:16 19. 5:37 62. 7:12 105.10:17 20. 5:39 63. 7:14 106.10:19 21. 5:40 64. 7:15 107.10:23 22. 5:41 65. 7:16 108.10:26 23. 5:42 66. 7:20 109.10:27 24. 5:44 67. 8:3 110.10:27 25. 5:44 68. 8:4 111.10:28 26. 5:48 69. 8:4 112.10:28 27. 6:1 70. 8:4 113.10:31 28. 6:2 71. 8:4 114.10:34 29. 6:3 72. 8:4 115.11:4 30. 6:5 73. 8:13 116.11:4 31. 6:6 74. 8:13 117.11:15 32. 6:6 75. 8:22 118.11:28 33. 6:6 76. 9:5 119.11:29 34. 6:7 77. 9:6 120.11:29 35. 6:8 78. 9:6 121.12:13 36. 6:9 79. 9:6 122.12:33 37. 6:9 80. 9:9 123.12:33 38. 6:10 81. 9:13 124.13:14 39. 6:10 82. 9:13 125.13:14 40. 6:11 83. 9:24 126.13:14 41. 6:12 84. 9:30 127.13:14 42. 6:13 85. 9:38 128.13:14</p><p>68 Session Seven—The Commands of Christ</p><p>129.13:18 174.19:5 219.22:38 130.13:30 175.19:5 220.22:44 131.13:30 176.19:5 221.23:3 132.13:30 177.19:6 222.23:3 133.13:30 178.19:12 223.23:3 134.13:43 179.19:14 224.23:8 135.14:16 180.19:14 225.23:9 136.14:18 181.19:17 226.23:10 137.14:27 182.19:18 227.23:11 138.14:27 183.19:18 228.23:26 139.14:29 184.19:18 229.23:32 140.15:4 185.19:18 230.24:4 141.14:4 186.19:19 231.24:6 142.15:10 187.19:19 232.24:15 143.15:14 188.19:21 233.24:16 144.15:28 189.19:21 234.24:17 145.16:6 190.19:21 235.24:18 146.16:6 191.19:21 236.24:20 147.16:11 192.19:21 237.24:23 148.16:23 193.20:4 238.24:26 149.16:24 194.10:7 239.24:26 150.16:24 195.20:8 240.24:32 151.16:24 196.20:8 241.24:33 152.17:7 197.20:14 242.24:42 153.17;9 198.20:14 243.24:43 154.17:17 199.20:27 244.24:44 155.17:20 200.21:2 245.25:6 156.17:20 201.21:2 246.25:8 157.17:27 202.21:2 247.25:9 158.17:27 203.21:3 248.25:9 159.17:27 204.21:13 249.25:11 160.17:27 205.21:21 250.25:13 161.18:8 206.21:21 251.25:21 162.18:8 207.21:28 252.25:23 163.18:9 208.21:28 253.25:28 164.18:9 209.21:33 254.25:28 165.18:10 210.22:4 255.25:30 166.18:15 211.22:4 256.25:34 167.18:15 212.22:9 257.25:34 168.18:16 213.22:9 258.26:18 169.18:17 214.22:13 259.26:18 170.18:17 215.22:13 260.26:26 171.18:26 216.22:19 261.26:27 172.18:28 217.22:21 262.26:36 173.18:29 218.22:37 263.26:38</p><p>69 Session Seven—The Commands of Christ</p><p>264.26:38 308.5:36 353.10:19 265.26:39 309.5:41 354.10:19 266.26:41 310.5:41 355.10:21 267.26:41 311.6:9 356.10:21 268.26:42 312.6:9 357.10:21 269.46:45 313.6:11 358.10:21 270.26:45 314.6:11 359.10:44 271.26:46 315.6:31 360.10:49 272.26:52 316.6:31 361.10:49 273.28:9 317.6:37 362.10:49 274.28:10 318.6:38 363.10:52 275.28:10 319.6:38 364.11:2 276.28:10 320.6:50 365.11:2 277.28:19 321.6:50 366.11:2 278.28:19 322.7:10 367.11:3 279.28:19 323.7:10 368.11:17 280.28:20 324.7:14 369.11:22 MARK 325.7:27 370.11:23 281.1:15 326.7:29 371.11:23 282.1:17 327.7:34 372.11:24 283.1:25 328.8:15 373.11:25 284.1:25 329.8:26 374.11:29 285.1:41 330.8:33 375.11:30 286.1:44 331.8:34 376.12:7 287.1:44 332.8:34 377.12:15 288.1:44 333.8:34 378.12:17 289.2:9 334.9:19 379.12:29 290.2:9 335.9:25 380.12:29 291.2:11 336.9:25 381.12:31 292.2:11 337.9:35 382.12:36 293.2:11 338.9:39 383.12:38 294.2:14 339.9:43 384.13:5 295.3:3 340.9:45 385.13:7 296.3:5 341.9:47 386.13:9 297.4:3 342.9:50 387.13:11 298.4:9 343.10:7 388.13:11 299.4:23 344.10:7 389.13:14 300.4:24 345.10:8 390.13:15 301.4:39 346.10:9 391.13:15 302.5:8 347.10:14 392.13:16 303.5:19 348.10:14 393.13:18 304.5:19 349.10:19 394.13:21 305.5:34 350.10:19 395.13:23 306.5:34 351.10:19 396.13:28 307.5:36 352.10:19 397.13:29</p><p>70 Session Seven—The Commands of Christ</p><p>398.13:33 442.6:8 487.9:44 399.13:33 443.6:8 488.9:50 400.13:35 444.6:10 489.9:59 401.13:37 445.6:23 490.9:60 402.14:6 446.6:23 491.9:60 403.14:13 447.6:27 492.9:60 404.14:14 448.6:27 493.10:2 405.14:15 449.6:28 494.10:3 406.14:22 450.6:28 495.10:4 407.14:32 451.6:29 496.10:4 408.14:34 452.6:29 497.10:5 409.14:34 453.6:30 498.10:7 410.14:36 454.6:30 499.10:7 411.14:38 455.6:31 500.10:7 412.14:38 456.6:35 501.10:7 413.14:41 457.6:35 502.10:8 414.14:41 458.6:35 503.10:9 415.14:42 459.6:36 504.10:9 416.15- 460.6:37 505.10:10 417.16:15 461.6:37 506.10:10 418.16:15 462.6:38 507.10:11 LUKE 463.6:42 508.10:20 419.1- 464.6:42 509.10:20 420.2- 465.7:13 510.10:28 421.3- 466.7:14 511.10:37 422.4:4 467.7:22 512.10;40 423.4:8 468.7:22 513.11:2 424.4:8 469.7:40 514.11:2 425.4:12 470.8:18 515.11:2 426.4:23 471.8:39 516.11:3 427.4:23 472.8:39 517.11:4 428.4:35 473.8:48 518.11:4 429.4:35 474.8:50 519.11:5 430.5:4 475.8:54 520.11:7 431.5:4 476.9:3 521.11:9 432.5:10 477.9:4 522.11:9 433.5:13 478.9:4 523.11:9 434.5:14 479.9:5 524.11:35 435.5:14 480.9:12 525.11:41 436.5:23 481.9:13 526.12:1 437.5:23 482.9:14 527.12:4 438.5:24 483.9:23 528.12:5 439.5:24 484.9:23 529.12:5 440.5:24 485.9:23 530.12:7 441.5:27 486.9:41 531.12:11</p><p>71 Session Seven—The Commands of Christ</p><p>532.12:13 577.15:19 622.18:16 533.12:15 578.15:22 623.18:16 534.12:15 579.15:22 624.18:20 535.12:19 580.15:22 625.18:20 536.12:19 581.15:23 626.18:20 537.12:19 582.15:23 627.18:20 538.12:22 583.16:2 628.18:20 539.12:24 584.16:6 629.18:22 540.12:27 585.16:6 630.18:22 541.12:29 586.16:6 631.18:22 542.12:29 587.16:7 632.18:22 543.12:31 588.16:7 633.18:42 544.12:32 589.16:9 634.19:5 545.12:33 590.16:24 635.19:5 546.12:33 591.16:24 636.19:13 547.12:33 592.16:25 637.19:17 548.12:35 593.16:29 638.19:19 549.12:39 594.17:3 639.19:24 550.12:40 595.17:3 640.19:24 551.13:8 596.17:3 641.19:27 552.13:9 597.17:4 642.19:27 553.13:24 598.17:5 643.19:30 554.13:25 599.17:6 644.19:30 555.13:27 600.17:6 645.19:30 556.13:31 601.17:7 646.19:31 557.13:31 602.17:7 647.20:3 558.13:32 603.17:8 648.20:24 559.13:32 604.17:8 649.20:25 560.14:8 605.17:8 650.20:42 561.14:10 606.17:8 651.20:46 562.14:10 607.17:8 652.21:8 563.14:10 608.17:10 653.21:8 564.14:12 609.17:14 654.21:9 565.14:13 610.17:14 655.21:14 566.14:17 611.17:19 656.21:19 567.14:18 612.17:19 657.21:20 568.14:19 613.17:21 658.21:21 569.14:21 614.17:23 659.21:21 570.14:21 615.17:23 660.21:21 571.14:23 616.17:31 661.21:28 572.14:23 617.17:31 662.21:28 573.14:35 618.17:32 663.21:29 574.15:6 619.18:3 664.21:31 575.15:9 620.18:6 665.21:34 576.15:12 621.18:13 666.21:36</p><p>72 Session Seven—The Commands of Christ</p><p>667.21:36 711.4:16 756.14:8 668.22:8 712.4:16 757.14:9 669.22:8 713.4:21 758.14:11 670.22:10 714.4:35 759.14:11 671.22:11 715.4:35 760.14:15 672.22:12 716.4:50 761.14:23 673.22:16 717.5:8 762.14:27 674.22:16 718.5:8 763.14:27 675.22:17 719.5:8 764.14:31 676.22:17 720.5:14 765.15:4 677.22:19 721.5:28 766.15:7 678.22:32 722.5:39 767.15:9 679.22:36 723.5:45 768.15:18 680.22:36 724.6:10 769.15:20 681.22:36 725.6:12 770.16:24 682.22:40 726.6:20 771.16:26 683.22:42 727.6:27 772.16:33 684.22:42 728.6:34 773.17:1 685.22:46 729.6:43 774.17:5 686.22:46 730.7:8 775.17:11 687.22:51 731.7:24 776.17:17 688.22:67 732.7:37 777.18:8 689.23:28 733.7:37 778.18:11 690.23:28 734.8:7 779.18:21 691.23:30 735.8:11 780.18:23 692.23:30 736.8:11 781.20:17 693.23:34 737.9:7 782.20:17 694.24:39 738.9:7 783.20:17 695.24:39 739.10:24 784.20:22 696.24:39 740.10:37 785.20:27 697.24:39 741.10:38 786.20:27 JOHN 742.11:39 787.20:27 698.1:39 743.11:43 788.20:27 699.1:42 744.11:44 789.20:27 700.1:43 745.11:44 790.21:6 701.2:7 746.12:7 791.21:10 702.2:8 747.12:26 792.21:12 703.2:8 748.12:27 793.21:12 704.2:16 749.12:35 794.21:15 705.2:16 750.12:36 795.21:16 706.2:19 751.13:27 796.21:17 707.3:7 752.13:29 797.21:19 708.4:7 753.14:1 798.21:22 709.4:10 754.14:1 710.4:16 755.14:1</p><p>73 Session Seven—The Commands of Christ</p><p>DISCIPLESHIP COMMANDS “IMPERATIVES”</p><p>Reference Tense NASB Translation</p><p>1. Matt 3:15 AA Imp Permit 2. Matt 4:10 Pres. Be gone 3. Matt 4:17 Pres. Repent 4. Matt 4:19 Aor. Follow Me 5. Matt 5:12 Pres. Aor. Rejoice 6. Matt 5:12 Pres. Aor. Be glad 7. Matt 5:16 Aor. Let your light shine 8. Matt 5:24 Aor. Act Leave 9. Matt 5:24 Aor. Act Go 10. Matt 5:24 Aor. Be reconciled 11. Matt 5:24 Aor. Then come 12. Matt 5:24 Aor. Offer 13. Matt 5:25 Pres. Make friends quickly 14. Matt 5:29 Aor. Tear it 15. Matt 5:29 Aor. Throw it. 16. Matt 5:30 Aor. Cut it off 17. Matt 5:30 Aor. Cast it away 18. Matt 5:31 Aor. Let him give 19. Matt 5:37 Pres. Let your statement be yes 20. Matt 5:39 Aor. Turn to him 21. Matt 5:40 Aor. Let him have 22. Matt 5:41 Pres. Go with him 23. Matt 5:42 Aor. Give to him… 24. Matt 5:44 Pres Love 25. Matt 5:44 Pres Pray 26. Matt 5:48 Pres. Be perfect 27. Matt 6:1 Pres. Be aware 28. Matt 6:2 Pres. Do not sound 29. Matt 6:3 Pres. Do not let known 30. Matt 6:5 Pres. Do not be 31. Matt 6:6 Aor. Go 32. Matt 6:6 Aor. Shut 33. Matt 6:6 Aor. Pray 34. Matt 6:7 Use not vain repetitions 35. Matt 6:8 Be not like them 36. Matt 6:9 Pres. Pray 37. Matt 6:9 Pres. Hallowed be 38. Matt 6:10 Thy kingdom come 39. Matt 6:10 Thy will be done 40. Matt 6:11 Give 41. Matt 6:12 Forgive Session Seven—The Commands of Christ</p><p>42. Matt 6:13 Lead us not 43. Matt 6:16 Pres. Be not 44. Matt 6:17 Aor. Anoint your head 45. Matt 6:17 Aor. Wash your face 46. Matt 6:19 Pres. Do not lay up 47. Matt 6:20 Pres. But lay up 48. Matt 6:25 Pres. Do not be anxious 49. Matt 6:26 Aor. Look at the birds 50. Matt 6:28 Aor. Observe how 51. Matt 6:31 Be not anxious 52. Matt 6:33 Pres. Seek first His kingdom 53. Matt 6:34 Be not anxious 54. Matt 7:1 Pres. Do not judge 55. Matt 7:4 Let me pull 56. Matt 7:5 Aor. First take 57. Matt 7:6 Give not 58. Matt 7:6 Cast 59. Matt 7:7 Pres. Ask 60. Matt 7:7 Pres. Seek 61. Matt 7:7 Pres. Knock 62. Matt 7:12 Pres. So treat others 63. Matt 7:13 Aor. Enter 64. Matt 7:15 Pres. Beware 65. Matt 7:16 Know 66. Matt 7:20 Know 67. Matt 8:3 Be thou clean 68. Matt 8:4 See 69. Matt 8:4 Tell 70. Matt 8:4 Go 71. Matt 8:4 Show 72. Matt 8:4 Offer 73. Matt 8:13 Go 74. Matt 8:13 Be 75. Matt 8:22 Pres. Aor. Follow Me … allow the dead 76. Matt 9:5 Rise up 77. Matt 9:5 Walk 78. Matt 9:6 Arise 79. Matt 9:6 Take up 80. Matt 9:6 Go 81. Matt 9:9 Pres. Follow Me 82. Matt 9:13 Aor. But go 83. Matt 9:13 Aor. Learn 84. Matt 9:24 Make room 85. Matt 9:30 See 86. Matt 9:38 Pray</p><p>75 Session Seven—The Commands of Christ</p><p>87. Matt 11:28 Aor. (Come…) 88. Matt 11:29 Aor. Take 89. Matt 11:29 Aor. Learn 90. Matt 16:24 Aor. Deny himself 91. Matt 16:24 Aor. Pres. Take up his cross 92. Matt 18:8 Aor. Cut it off 93. Matt 18:8 Aor. Throw it 94. Matt 18:9 Aor. Pluck it out 95. Matt 18:9 Aor. Throw it from you 96. Matt 18:15 Pres. Aor. Go and reprove 97. Matt 18:16 Aor. Take 98. Matt 18:17 Aor. Pres. Tell … let him be to you 99. Matt 19:12 Pres. Let him accept it 100.Matt 19:14 Aor. Pres. Let the children alone…do not hinder 101. Matt 20:4 Pres. Go 102.Matt 20:7 Pres. Go 103.Matt 20:8 Aor. Call 104.Matt 20:8 Pray 105.Matt 20:14 Aor. Pres. Take…go 106.Matt 21:21 Aor. (2x) Be taken up and cast 107.Matt 21:28 Pres. (2x) Go…work today 108.Matt 21:33 Aor. Listen 109.Matt 22:4 Aor. Tell those 110.Matt 22:9 Pres. Aor. Go…invite 111.Matt 22:13 Aor. (2x) Bind…cast 112.Matt 26:26 Aor. (2x) Take, eat 113.Matt 26:27 Aor. Drink 114.Matt 28:19 Aor. Go…make disciples…(baptizing) 115.Matt 28:20 Pres. Ptc. Teaching… 116.Mark 1:15 Pres. (2x) Repent and believe 117.Mark 1:17 Aor. Follow Me 118.Mark 2:14 Pres. Follow Me 119.Mark 8:34 Aor. Deny himself 120.Mark 8:34 Aor. Take up his cross 121.Mark 8:34 Pres. Follow Me. 122.Mark 9:39 Pres. Do not hinder him 123.Mark 9:43 Aor. Cut it off 124.Mark 9:45 Aor. Cut it off 125.Mark 9:47 Aor. Cast it out 126.Mark 9:50 Pres. (2x) Have sale in yourselves…Be at peace 127.Mark 10:14 Aor. Pres. Permit the children to come…do not hinder them. 128.Mark 11:22 Pres. Have faith</p><p>76 Session Seven—The Commands of Christ</p><p>129.Mark 11:23 Aor. (2x) Be taken up and cast 130.Mark 11:24 Pres. Believe 131.Mark 11:25 Pres. Forgive 132.Mark 14:22 Aor. Take it 133.Mark 16:15 Aor. Preach 134.Luke 5:10 Pres. Do not fear 135.Luke 5:27 Pres. Follow Me 136.Luke 6:23 Aor. (2x) Be glad…leap for joy 137.Luke 6:27 Pres. (2x) Love…do good 138.Luke 6:28 Pres. (2x) Bless…pray 139.Luke 6:29 Pres. Offer…do not withhold 140.Luke 6:30 Pres. (2x) Give…do not demand 141.Luke 6:35 Pres. (3x) Love…do good…lend 142.Luke 6:36 Pres. Be merciful 143.Luke 6:37 Pres. Do not condemn, pardon 144.Luke 6:38 Pres. Give 145.Luke 9:23 Aor. Let him deny himself 146.Luke 9:23 Aor. Take up his cross 147.Luke 9:23 Pres. Let him…follow me 148.Luke 9:50 Pres. Do not hinder 149.Luke 9:59 Pres. Follow Me 150.Luke 9:60 Aor. Pres Allow the dead to bury…proclaim 151.Luke 11:2 Pres. Say 152.Luke 11:2 Aor. (Let be) hallowed 153.Luke 22:10 Aor. Follow him 154.Luke 22:12 Aor. Prepare it there 155.Luke 22:32 Aor. ‘Strengthen your brothers’ 156.Luke 22:36 Aor. (3x) Take it along…sell…buy one 157.Luke 22:46 Pres. Aor. Rise and pray 158.Luke 22:51 Pres. Stop! No more of this 159.Luke 24:39 Aor. (3x) See…touch…see 160.John 1:39 Pres. Come 161.John 6:10 Aor. Have the people sit down 162.John 6:12 Aor. Gather up the left-over fragments 163.John 6:20 Pres. Do not be afraid 164.John 13:27 Aor. Do quickly 165.John 13:29 Aor. Buy 166.John 14:31 Pres. Arise 167.John 18:11 Aor. Put the sword into the sheath 168.John 20:27 Pres. Aor. Pres. Reach, see, reach, put, but not Aor. Pres. Unbelieving 169.John 21:6 Aor. Cast 170.John 21:10 Aor. Bring 171.John 21:12 Aor. (2x) ‘Come and have breakfast’</p><p>77 Session Seven—The Commands of Christ</p><p>DISPENTIONAL COMMANDS “IMPERATIVES”</p><p>Reference Tense NASB Translation 1. Matt 10:6 Pres Rather go 2. Matt 10:7 Pres. Preach 3. Matt 10:8 Pres. (4x) Aor. Heal, raise, cleanse, cast out, give 4. Matt 10:11 Aor. (2x) Inquire…abide 5. Matt 10:12 Aor. Give 6. Matt 10:13 Aor. (2x) Let your greeting of peace come upon it…let your greeting of peace return to you. 7. Matt 10:14 Aor. Shake off 8. Matt 10:16 Aor. Pres. Behold…be 9. Matt 10:17 Pres. Beware of men 10. Matt 10:23 Pres. Flee 11. Matt 10:27 Aor. (2x) Speak…proclaim 12. Matt 10:28 Pres. (2x) Do not fear…but rather fear 13. Matt 10:31 Pres. Do not fear 14. Matt 13:18 Aor. Hear 15. Matt 13:30 Aor. (4x) Allow both to grow…gather, bind, gather 16. Matt 13:43 Pres. Let him hear 17. Matt 17:7 Aor. Pres. Arise and do not be afraid 18. Matt 24:4 Pres. See to it 19. Matt 24:6 Pres. See that you are not frightened 20. Matt 24:15 Pres. Let the reader understand 21. Matt 24:16 Pres. Let those… flee 22. Matt 24:17 Aor. Let him…not go down 23. Matt 24:18 Aor. Let him…not turn back 24. Matt 24:20 Present But pray that 25. Matt 24:23 Aor. Do not believe 26. Matt 24;32 Aor. Learn 27. Matt 24:33 Pres. Recognize 28. Matt 24:42 Pres. Be on the alert 29. Matt 24:43 Pres. Be sure of this 30. Matt 24:44 Pres. Be ready 31. Matt 25:6 Aor. Pres. Behold… come out 32. Matt 25:8 Aor. Give 33. Matt 25:9 Pres. Aor. Go… buy 34. Matt 25:11 Aor. Open 35. Matt 25:13 Pres. Be on the alert 36. Matt 4:24 Pres. Take care what you listen to 37. Mark 6:8 Pres. Take 38. Mark 6:9 Perfect Wear 39. Mark 6:9 Aor. Do not put on two tunics</p><p>78 Session Seven—The Commands of Christ</p><p>40. Mark 6:10 Pres. Stay 41. Mark 6:11 Aor. Shake off 42. Mark 13:5 Pres. See to it 43. Mark 13:9 Pres. But be on your guard 44. Mark 13:11 Pres. Do not be anxious 45. Mark 13:14 Pres. Let the reader understand 46. Mark 13:15 Aor. (2x) Not go down…or enter 47. Mark 13:16 Aor. Let him…not turn back 48. Mark 13:18 Pres. But pray that 49. Mark 13:21 Pres. Do not believe him 50. Mark 13:28 Aor. Now learn 51. Mark 13:29 Pres. Recognize 52. Mark 13:33 Pres. (2x) Take heed … keep on the alert 53. Mark 13:35 Pres. Be on the alert 54. Mark 13:37 Pres. Be on the alert! 55. Luke 8:18 Pres. Take care what you listen to 56. Luke 9:3 Imperf. Take nothing 57. Luke 9:4 Pres. (2x) Stay … take 58. Luke 9:5 Pres. Shake off 59. Luke 10:2 Aor. Beseech the Lord 60. Luke 10:3 Pres. Go 61. Luke 10:4 Pres. Aor. Carry no … greet no one 62. Luke 10:7 Pres. (2x) Stay in that house, do not keep moving 63. Luke 10:8 Pres. Eat 64. Luke 10:9 Pres. Heal … say to them 65. Luke 10:10 Aor. Go 66. Luke 10:11 Pres. Be sure of this 67. Luke 10:20 Pres. (2x) Do not rejoice … but rejoice 68. Luke 21:8 Pres. See to it 69. Luke 21:9 Aor. Do not be terrified 70. Luke 21:14 Aor. Make up your minds not to prepare before hand to defend yourselves 71. Luke 21:19 Fut. Gain your lives 72. Luke 21:20 Aor. Then recognize 73. Luke 21:21 Pres. (3x) Let them flee … depart … let not 74. Luke 21:28 Aor. (2x) Straighten up and lift up your heads. 75. Luke 21:29 Aor. Behold 76. Luke 21:31 Pres. Recognize 77. Luke 21:34 Pres. Be on your guard 78. Luke 21:36 Pres. Keep on the alert at all times.</p><p>Note: There are 99 dispensational commands found in the Gospels.</p><p>79 Session Seven—The Commands of Christ</p><p>HISTORICAL COMMANDS “IMPERATIVES”</p><p>Reference Tense NASB Translation</p><p>1. Matt 14:16 Aor. You give them 2. Matt 14:18 Pres. Bring 3. Matt 14:27 Pres. (2x) Take courage … Do not be afraid 4. Matt 14:29 Aor. Come 5. Matt 15:14 Aor. Let them 6. Matt 16:6 Pres. (2x) Watch out and beware 7. Matt 17:17 Pres. Bring him here to Me 8. Matt 17:27 Aor. (4x) Throw … take … (open) … give … 9. *Matt 21:2 Pres. Aor. (2x) Go … (untie) … bring … 10. Matt 21:3 Fut. You shall say … 11. Matt 23:3 Aor. Pres. (2x) Do and observe, … do not do 12. Matt 26:18 Pres. Aor. Go … say 13. Matt 26:36 Aor. Sit 14. Matt 26:38 Aor. Pres. Remain here and keep watch 15. Matt 26:41 Pres. (2x) Keep watching … praying 16. Matt 26:45 Aor. Behold … 17. Matt 26:46 Pres. (2x) Aor. Arise, let us be going; behold 18. *Matt 26:52 Aor. Put 19. *Matt 28:10 Pres. (2x) Aor. Do not be afraid … Go and take word 20. Mark 6:31 Aor. (2x) Come away by yourselves and rest awile 21. Mark 6:37 Aor. You give them 22. Mark 6:38 Pres. Go look 23. Mark 6:50 Pres. (2x) Take courage. Do not be afraid 24. Mark 8:15 Pres. (2x) Watch out … beware 25. Mark 8:33 Pres. Get behind me 26. Mark 9:19 Pres. Bring him to Me 27. Mark 10:49 Aor. Call him here 28. Mark 11:2 Pres. Aor. Pres. Go … untie it and bring it here 29. Mark 11:3 Aor. You say 30. Mark 12:38 Pres. Beware 31. Mark 14:6 Aor. Let her alone 32. Mark 14:13 Pres. Aor. Go … follow him 33. Mark 14:14 Aor. Say 34. Mark 14:15 Aor. Prepare 35. Mark 14:32 Aor. Sit here 36. Mark 14:34 Aor. Pres. Remain here and keep watch 37. Mark 14:38 Pres. (2x) Keep watching and praying 38. Mark 14:41 Pres. It is enough 39. Mark 14:42 Pres. (2x) Arise, let us be going 40. *Luke 5:4 Aor. (2x) Put out … and let down</p><p>80 Session Seven—The Commands of Christ</p><p>41. Luke 9:12 Aor. Send the multitude away 42. Luke 9:13 Aor. You give them 43. *Luke 9:14 Aor. Have them recline to eat 44. *Luke 9:41 Aor. Bring your son here 45. Luke 9:44 Aor. Let these words sink into your ears 46. Luke 19:30 Pres. Aor. (2x) Go (untie it) and bring it here 47. Luke 19:31 Fut. Thus shall you speak 48. Luke 20:46 Pres. Beware of the scribes 49. Luke 22:8 Aor. (2x) (Go) and prepare 50. Luke 11:2 Aor. (Let) come 51. Luke 11:3 Pres. Give us 52. Luke 11:4 Aor. Forgive us 53. Luke 11:5 Aor. Lend me 54. Luke 11:7 Pres. Do not bother me 55. Luke 11:9 Pres. (3x) Ask … seek … knock 56. Luke 11:35 Pres. Watch out 57. Luke 12:1 Pres. Beware 58. Luke 12:5 Aor. (2x) Fear the One … fear him 59. Luke 12:7 Pres. Do not fear 60. Luke 12:15 Pres. (2x) Beware and be on your guard 61. Luke 12:22 Pres. Do not be anxious 62. Luke 12:27 Aor. Consider the lilies 63. Luke 12:29 Pres. Do not seek 64. Luke 12:31 Pres. Seek 65. Luke 12:32 Pres. Do not be afraid 66. Luke 12:33 Aor. (3x) Sell … give … make 67. Luke 12:35 Pres. Be dressed in readiness 68. Luke 12:39 Pres. Be sure of this 69. Luke 12:40 Pres. Be ready 70. Luke 15:6 Aor. Rejoice with me 71. Luke 15:9 Aor. Rejoice with me 72. Luke 15:22 Aor. (3x) Quickly bring…put…put 73. Luke 15:23 Pres. Aor. Bring…kill 74. Luke 16:2 Aor. Give an account 75. Luke 16:6 Aor. (2x) Take your bill (sit down, ptc.) write 76. Luke 16:7 Aor. (2x) Take…write 77. Luke 16:9 Aor. Make friends 78. Luke 17:3 Pres. Be on your guard 79. Luke 17:3 Aor. Rebuke 80. Luke 17:3 Aor. Forgive 81. Luke 17:6 Aor. (2x) Be uprooted and be planted 82. Luke 17:7 Aor. Sit down…(come immediately, aor. ptc.) 83. Luke 17:8 Aor. Pres. Prepare…(clothe yourself, aor. ptc.) serve me 84. Luke 17:10 Pres. Say</p><p>81 Session Seven—The Commands of Christ</p><p>85. Luke 18:3 Aor. Give me legal protection 86. Luke 18:6 Aor. Hear 87. Luke 18:16 Aor. Pres. Permit the children … do not hinder them 88. Luke 22:17 Aor. (2x) Take this and share it 89. Luke 22:40 Pres. Pray 90. John 1:43 Pres. Follow Me 91. John 4:35 Aor. (3x) Behold … lift up your eyes and look 92. John 6:27 Pres. Do not work for the food 93. John 12:26 Pres. Let him follow me 94. John 12:35 Pres. Walk 95. John 12:36 Pres. Believe 96. John 14:1 Pres. (3x) Let not…believe…believe 97. John 14:11 Pres. (2x) Believe Me…believe 98. John 14:27 Pres. (2x) Let not…nor let it be fearful 99. John 15:4 Aor. Abide in Me 100. John 15:9 Aor. Ask 101. John 15:20 Pres. Remember 102. John 16:24 Pres. Ask 103. John 16:33 Pres. Take courage 104. John 21:15 Pres. Tend My lambs 105. John 21:16 Pres. Shepherd My sheep 106. John 21:17 Pres. Tend My sheep 107. John 21:19 Pres. Follow Me 108. John 21:22 Pres. Follow Me</p><p>Note: There are 204 discipleship commands found in the Gospels.</p><p>82 SESSIONSESSION EIGHTEIGHT DYINGDYING TOTO SELFSELF</p><p>We will attempt to discover in this section the principles surrounding the teaching of dying to self. What are the key ingredients of such a truth? I. AN ARTICLE A. The following is an article by G. D. Watson, 1845-1924. He was a Wesleyan Methodist minister and evangelist based in Los Angeles, California. His evangelistic campaigns took him to England, the West Indies, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, and Korea. He also wrote several books. B. Read the enclosed information prayerfully.</p><p>If God has called you to be really like Jesus, He will draw you to a life of crucifixion and humility, and put upon you such demands of obedience, that you will not be able to follow other people, or measure yourself by other Christians, and in many ways He will seem to let other good people do things which He will not let you do.</p><p>Other Christians and ministers who seem very religious and useful may push themselves, pull wires, and work schemes to carry out their plans, but you cannot do it; and if you attempt it, you will meet with such failure and rebuke from the Lord as to make you sorely penitent.</p><p>Others may boast of themselves, of their work, of their success, of their writings, but the Holy Spirit will not allow you do any such thing, and if you begin it, He will lead you into some deep mortification that will make you despise yourself and all your good works.</p><p>Others may be allowed to succeed in making money, or may have a legacy left to them, but it is likely God will keep you poor, because He wants you to have something far better than gold, namely, a helpless dependence on Him, that He may have the privilege of supplying your needs day by day out of an unseen treasury.</p><p>The Lord may let others be honored, and put forward, and keep you hidden in obscurity, because He wants you to produce some choice, fragrant, fruit for His coming glory, which can only be produced in the shade. He may let others be great, but keep you small. He may let others do a work for Him and get the credit for it, but He will make you work and toil on without knowing how much you are doing; and then to make your work still more precious, He may let others get the credit for the work which you have done, and thus make your reward ten times greater when Jesus comes.</p><p>The Holy Spirit will put a strict watch over you, with a jealous love, and will rebuke you for little words, and feeling, or for wasting your time, which other Christians never seem distressed over. So make up your mind that God is an infinite Sovereign, and has a right to do as He pleases with His own.</p><p>He may not explain to you a thousand things which puzzle your reason in His dealings with you. But if you absolutely sell yourself to be His…slave, He will wrap you up in a jealous love, and bestow upon you many blessings which come only to those who are in the inner circle. Session Eight—Dying to Self</p><p>Settle it forever, then, that you are to deal directly with the Holy Spirit, and that He is to have the privilege of tying your tongue, or chaining your hand, or closing your eyes, in ways that He does not seem to use with others. Now when you are so possessed with the living God that you are, in the secret heart, pleased and delighted over this peculiar, personal, private, jealous guardianship and management of the Holy Spirit over your life, you will have found the vestibule of Heaven.4</p><p>II. EXPLANATION OF “DYING TO SELF”</p><p>4 Watson n.d.)</p><p>85 Session Eight—Dying to Self</p><p>A. Research</p><p>1. Find all the places in the New Testament where dying to self is specifically taught. Use a Topical Bible, or Encyclopedia, etc.</p><p>You should be able to find at least 25. For example: Carry one’s cross Living sacrifice</p><p>1. Matt 6:19-33 15. 1 Corinthians 6:19- 2. Matt 8:18-22 20 3. Matt 10:32-39 16. 2 Corinthians 4:7-18 4. Matt 16:24-28 17. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 5. Mark 10:17-22 18. 2 Corinthians 12:10 6. Mark 10:35-45 19. Galatians 6:14-17 7. Mark 14:36 20. Philippians 2 8. Luke 6:20-45 21. Colossians 3:1-3, 5f 9. Luke 9:23-26 22. 2 Timothy 2:11-12 10. Luke 14:25-33 23. 2 Timothy 4:6-7 11. John 13:13-17 24. Titus 2:14 12. Acts 5:41-42 25. Hebrews 12:1-2 13. Romans 6:6 26. 1 Peter 2:21-25 14. Romans 12:1-3 27. Revelation 7:9f</p><p>2. What does it mean to “die to self”?</p><p>To be fully surrendered to Christ and His all.</p><p>Not me, but Christ</p><p>3. List what may be the process (steps) whereby one dies to self.</p><p>86 Session Eight—Dying to Self</p><p>1. Salvation 2. Recognize the bondage of the will to self-centeredness 3. Dedicate self (Rom 12:1-2) 4. Actively pursue action which promotes a. Death to self b. Dignity to Him 5. Expect a lifelong battle</p><p>B. Conclusions</p><p>What are your specific conclusions regarding dying to self?</p><p>III. OUR IDENTITY IN CHRIST</p><p>A. In Christ, I am Significant</p><p>Matthew 5:13- I am the salt of the earth</p><p>Matthew 5:14- I am the light of the world</p><p>John 1:12- I am a child of God</p><p>John 15:1, 5- I am part of the True Vine</p><p>John 15:16- I am chosen by Christ to bear the fruit</p><p>Acts 1:8- I am His witness</p><p>1 Corinthians 3:16- I am His temple</p><p>1 Corinthians 12:27- I am a member of Christ’s body</p><p>2 Corinthians 5:17, 18- I am a new creation, reconciled to God</p><p>2 Corinthians 6:1- I am a worker with Him</p><p>87 Session Eight—Dying to Self</p><p>Ephesians 1:1- I am a saint</p><p>Ephesians 2:6- I am seated in the heavenlies</p><p>Ephesians 2:10- I am His workmanship</p><p>Philippians 3:20- I am a citizen of heaven</p><p>B. In Christ, I am Accepted</p><p>John 15:15- I am His friend</p><p>Romans 5:1- I have been justified</p><p>1 Corinthians 6:17- I am united to the Lord and am one spirit with Him</p><p>1 Corinthians 6:20- I belong to God</p><p>1 Corinthians 12:27- I am a member of Christ’s body</p><p>2 Corinthians 5:21- I have been made righteous</p><p>Ephesians 1:5- I was predestined - adopted</p><p>Ephesians 2:18- I have direct access to God</p><p>Ephesians 2:19- I am a fellow citizen of the house of God</p><p>Ephesians 2:19- I am no longer a stranger</p><p>Ephesians 3:12- I may approach with boldness</p><p>Colossians 1:14- I have been redeemed and forgiven</p><p>Colossians 2:10- I have been made complete in Christ</p><p>C. In Christ, I am Secure</p><p>88 Session Eight—Dying to Self</p><p>John 1:12- I am a child of God</p><p>Romans 8:1- I am free forever from condemnation</p><p>Romans 8:28- I have been called</p><p>Romans 8:35- Nothing shall separate me from His love</p><p>2 Corinthians 1:21- We are established and anointed</p><p>Ephesians 1:13,14- We have been sealed</p><p>Colossians 1:13- I have been rescued and transferred</p><p>Colossians 3:3- I am hidden with Christ in God</p><p>Philippians 1:6- We will be finished</p><p>Philippians 4:13- We can do all…</p><p>2 Timothy 1:7- I have been given a spirit of power, love, and sound mind</p><p>Hebrews 4:16- I have the right to come boldly</p><p>1 John 5:18- I am born of God and Satan can’t touch me</p><p>89 Session Eight—Dying to Self</p><p>IV. CLOSING ARTICLE</p><p>When you are forgotten or neglected or purposely set at naught, and you sting and hurt with the insult of the oversight, but your heart is happy, being counted worthy to suffer for Christ—that is dying to self. When your good is evil spoken of, when your wishes are crossed, your advice disregarded, your opinions ridiculed and you refuse to let anger rise in your heart, or even defend yourself, but take it all in patient loving silence— that is dying to self. When you lovingly and patiently bear any disorder, any irregularity, or any annoyance, when you can stand face to face with waste, folly, extravagance, spiritual insensibility, and endure it as Jesus endured it—that is dying to self. When you are content with any food and offering, any raiment, any climate, any society, any attitude, any interruption by the will of God—that is dying to self. When you never care to refer to yourself in conversation, or to record your own good works, or itch after commendation, when you can truly love to be unknown—that is dying to self. When you see your brother prosper and have his needs met and can honestly rejoice with him in spirit and feel no envy nor question God, while your own needs are far greater and in desperate circumstances—that is dying to self. When you can receive correction and reproof from one of less stature than yourself, can humbly submit inwardly as well as outwardly, finding no rebellion or resentment rising up within your heart—that is dying to self.</p><p>Author Unknown5</p><p>HAPPY DYING</p><p>5 (Unknown n.d.)</p><p>90 SESSIONSESSION NINENINE EVANGELISMEVANGELISM</p><p>We will examine closely the biblical perspective on evangelism and attempt to discover a plan to reach the lost for Christ. I. PROBING THE ISSUE OF EVANGELISM</p><p>A. Find ten specific Scriptures which support the need for evangelism.</p><p>1. Matthew 28:18-20 2. Acts 1:8, 22:15 3. 2 Corinthians 18:20 4. 2 Timothy 2:2 5. Ephesians 4:11-15 6. 1 Thessalonians 2:19-20 7. 2 Timothy 4:5 8. Luke 19:10 9. James 5:19-20 10. 1 John 2:15-17 11. Romans Road</p><p>B. Give a Biblical definition of evangelism.</p><p>Leading people to Jesus</p><p>C. What are the kinds of people that God uses for evangelism?</p><p>Saved Growing Those who desire to be used Those who are willing</p><p>D. What are the essential requirements for evangelism?</p><p>Know the Master Know the message Be clean before God Session Nine—Evangelism</p><p>II. A BIBLE STUDY ON EVANGELISM</p><p>A. The Challenge – “Witnessing is taking a good look at the Lord Jesus Christ, and then telling others what you’ve seen.” 6 Lorne Sanny</p><p>1. What was the first thing Andrew did after he met Jesus (John 1:40- 42)?</p><p>He went and told Peter</p><p>2. In Mark 5:19, after Jesus healed a man: </p><p> a. Where did He tell him to go?</p><p>To his friends</p><p> b. What did He tell him to do?</p><p>Tell them all the Lord has done for you.</p><p>3. What did Peter say about speaking of Jesus (Acts 4:20)?</p><p>We have to speak… </p><p>4. What was Paul to tell people (Acts 22:15)?</p><p>What he has seen and heard</p><p>A witness in the courtroom is expected to tell what he knows about a given situation. The Christian witness is to tell others what he knows about Jesus Christ and what it means to have personally trusted Him.</p><p>5. Of what did Paul say he was not ashamed? Where? </p><p>The Gospel (Rom 1:16)</p><p>B. Witness By Life - “Show me your redeemed life, and I’ll believe in your 6 (Alanib 2002)</p><p>93 Session Nine—Evangelism</p><p>Redeemer.”7 Voltaire (a noted French infidel) </p><p>1. Since we are God’s children living in a warped and wicked age… (Phil 2:15):</p><p> a. What kind of lives should we live?</p><p>Soberly and righteously</p><p> b. How should we appear to the world?</p><p>As light</p><p>2. Matthew 5:16:</p><p> a. What do people notice that makes a Christian’s life shine?</p><p>Good works</p><p> b. What can be the result?</p><p>Glorify the Father</p><p>You are writing a gospel, a chapter each day, By the deeds you do, and the words that you say. Men read what you write—distorted or true; What is the gospel according to you?8 Anonymous</p><p>C. Witness by Word</p><p>1. Who are the ones who should openly speak of their salvation (Ps 107:2)?</p><p>The redeemed</p><p>2. What was the blind man’s testimony (John 9:25)?</p><p>7 (www.lifeway.org 2003-2008) 8 (Anonymous, 2007)</p><p>94 Session Nine—Evangelism</p><p>I was blind and now I see</p><p>3. For what should we always be prepared (1 Pet 3:15)?</p><p>To give a defense of the Gospel</p><p>God has not engaged many of us as lawyers, but He has summoned all of us as witnesses.</p><p>D. Use God’s Word</p><p>1. What can God’s Word do (Heb 4:12)?</p><p>It’s quick, powerful, sharp… Piercing and discerning</p><p>There is no word so piercing, no witness so authoritative as a well-chosen Scripture driven home by the Spirit.</p><p>2. What is God’s promise if we use His Word to witness as He directs (Isa 55:11)?</p><p>It will not return without doing its work.</p><p>3. How did Paul use the Scriptures in witnessing (Acts 17:2-3)?</p><p>Reasoning with them</p><p>E. Present Christ</p><p>1. What was the subject of Paul’s witness?</p><p> a. 1 Corinthians 1:23-24</p><p>Christ crucified</p><p> b. Ephesians 3:8</p><p>95 Session Nine—Evangelism</p><p>Unsearchable riches of Christ</p><p>2. Why is it important that we present Jesus Christ to men who are lost?</p><p> a. John 14:6</p><p>There is no other way</p><p> b. Acts 4:12</p><p>There is no other name</p><p>III. SOME GOSPEL PRESENTATIONS</p><p>A. The General Gospel Message</p><p>1. Grace</p><p>Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace… Titus 3:5 Not by works… </p><p>2. Man</p><p>Romans 3:10 All together unrighteous Romans 3:23 All have sinned</p><p>3. God</p><p>John 3:16 God so loved Ephesians 2:4 Rich in mercy</p><p>4. Jesus Christ</p><p>John 1:1, 14 Word…dwelt among us John 14:6 The Way, Truth, and Life – can’t get to Father but by Jesus</p><p>5. Faith</p><p>Ephesians 2:8-9 Grace thru faith John 3:36 believe B. The Romans’ Road</p><p>96 Session Nine—Evangelism</p><p>Romans 3:10 - None righteous</p><p>Romans 3:11- None seeking God</p><p>Romans 3:23- All have sinned</p><p>Romans 5:8- Christ died …</p><p>Romans 5:9- Justified by His blood</p><p>Romans 5:12- Sin and death upon all</p><p>Romans 5:19- One man’s obedience, many righteous</p><p>Romans 6:23- wages of sin = death</p><p>Romans 10:9-10, 13 confess</p><p>C. One-Verse Evangelism - Take Romans 6:23 and draw a diagram as to how you could use this verse to present the entire Gospel message.</p><p>GIF T</p><p>ETERNAL LIFE OF GOD</p><p>SIN & ITS WAGES</p><p>HELL/DEATH</p><p>97 Session Nine—Evangelism</p><p>IV. UNCHURCHED HARRY AND MARY</p><p>A. Unchurched Harry and Mary:</p><p>1. General names for the lost person.</p><p>2. Lost people have some general misconceptions and preconceived ideas about believers. </p><p>3. Lost people also have some general characteristics that are true of them. </p><p>B. Ten Helpful Observations</p><p>1. They have rejected church, but not necessarily God. </p><p>2. They are morally adrift, but secretly want an anchor. </p><p>3. They resist rules, but respond to reason. </p><p>4. They don’t understand Christianity, but are also ignorant about what they believe.</p><p>5. They have legitimate questions about spiritual matters, but don’t expect answers from Christians. </p><p>6. They often want to know if it works, more than is it true. </p><p>7. They just don’t want to know something, they want to experience it. </p><p>8. They don’t want to be somebody’s project, but to be a friend. </p><p>9. They aren’t afraid of commitment, if it is a worthwhile event. </p><p>10. They are very conscious of their time. </p><p>Note: Some of the above information came from Lee Strobel’s book, Inside the Mind of Unchurched Harry and Mary.9</p><p>B. Creative Ways to Meet Your Neighbors</p><p>1. Give housewarming gifts.</p><p>9 (Strobel, Inside the Mind of unchurched Harry and Mary, 1993)</p><p>98 Session Nine—Evangelism</p><p>2. Share a sport or recreational activity—jogging, etc.</p><p>3. Invite them for a barbecue or potluck.</p><p>4. Invite them to holiday parties.</p><p>5. Offer to help with a roofing job.</p><p>6. Share a hobby or interest.</p><p>7. Shovel the snow from their driveway.</p><p>8. Host a backyard CEF, or Bible study.</p><p>9. Get to know them.</p><p>10. Make them a matter of prayer.</p><p>11. What other ideas do you have?</p><p>99</p><p>SESSIONSESSION TENTEN ACCOUNTABILITYACCOUNTABILITY</p><p>In this section we hope to discover and develop that healthy balance between conviction and legalism by pursuing biblical accountability. I. ACCOUNTABILITY DEFINED</p><p>A. What does it not mean?</p><p>1. That we rule out the Holy Spirit.</p><p>2. That you no longer have a voice in your walk with the Lord.</p><p>3. That you become humanly dependent over God dependent.</p><p>4. That you do not need to personally work on your relationship.</p><p>5. That your accountability partner is always right.</p><p>6. What others might you have?</p><p>B. What does it mean?</p><p>1. Understanding our place in the body of Christ.</p><p>Read over Romans 12:1-16; 1 Corinthians 12; Ephesians 4:11-16. Make several observations about our place in the body of Christ.</p><p>Romans 12:1-16 God has dealt with every man (12:3) We are all unique (12:4) We are all of one another (12:5)</p><p>1 Corinthians 12 Diversity of gifts but unity in Trinity 12:4 The gifts are to serve others 12:7 It is as He wills 12:11 All are necessary 12:17 God tempered the body to prevent division 12:24-25 We are the body of Christ 12:27 There is an order 12:28f</p><p>Ephesians 4:11-16 Gifts are for the body 4:12 The goal is unity 4:13 No longer tossed 4:14 All need to do our part 4:16 Session Ten—Accountability</p><p>2. Understanding our role with “one another.” There are 30 places in the New Testament where the phrase “one another” occurs. Locate as many as you can, and list them here with the meaning of it. Example: John 13:34 – Love one another.</p><p>POSITIVE EMPHASIS 1. Mark 9:50 “…have peace one with another.” 2. John 13:14 “…wash one another’s feet.” 3. John 13:34 (2x’s) “…love one another.” (13:35; 15:12,17; Rom 13:8, 1 Thess 3:12, 4:9; 1 Pet 1:22; 1 John 3:11, 23; 4:7, 11, 12; 2 John 5) 4. Romans 12:5 “…members one of another” (Eph 4:25) 5. Romans 12:10 “Be kindly affectioned one to another…” 6. Romans 12:10 “…in honour preferring one another;” 7. Romans 12:16 “Be of the same mind one toward another…” (15:5) 8. Romans 14:19 “…and things wherewith one may edify another.” 9. Romans 15:7 “Wherefore receive ye one another…” 10. Romans 15:14 “…admonish one another” 11. Romans 16:16 “Salute one another…”(1 Cor 16:20; 2 Cor 13:12; 1 Pet 5:14) 12. 1 Corinthians 11:33 “…tarry one for another.” 13. 1 Corinthians 12:25 “…have the same care one for another.” 14. Galatians 5:13 “…but by love serve one another.” 15. Galatians 6:2 “Bear ye one another’s burdens…” 16. Ephesians 4:2 “…forebearing one another in love” (Col 3:13) 17. Ephesians 4:32 “And be ye kind one to another…” 18. Ephesians 5:21 “Submitting yourselves one to another…” 19. Philippians 2:3 “…esteem other better than themselves” (1 Pet 5:5) 20. 1 Thess 4:18 “Wherefore comfort one another…” 21. 1 Thess 5:15 “…follow that which is good…” 22. Hebrews 10:24 “…consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:” 23. James 5:16 “Confess your faults one to another…” 24. James 5:16 “…pray one for another…” 25. 1 Peter 4:9 “Use hospitality one to another…” </p><p>103 Session Ten—Accountability</p><p>NEGATIVE EMPHASIS</p><p>26. Romans 14:13 “Let us not therefore judge one another…” 27. 1 Corinthians 7:5 “Don’t defraud ye not one the other…” 28. Colossians 3:9 “Lie not one to another…” 29. James 4:11 “Speak not evil one of another…” 30. James 5:9 “Grudge not one against another…” </p><p>104 Session Ten—Accountability</p><p>3. Which one occurs the most? How many times does it occur? Love one another (15 times)</p><p>4. What does its frequency over the others imply? It’s the one all other spring from</p><p>5. Are these commands or suggestions? Explain. Commands</p><p>6. Only three of these “one another” phrases were spoken. Which ones are they, and what does this imply? Have peace Wash feet Love</p><p>They imply relationships.</p><p>7. Who recorded the most in the New Testament? Paul – 21 times</p><p>8. Which book has the most in it? Romans – 9 times</p><p>9. Who are the only New Testament writers not to record one? Matthew, Luke, Jude</p><p>105 Session Ten—Accountability</p><p>II. ACCOUNTABILITY EXPLAINED</p><p>A. Some Observations</p><p>1. Accountability is not an option.</p><p>2. Accountability is something that we must really desire.</p><p>3. Accountability will take a lot of time and energy.</p><p>4. Accountability will reap great results.</p><p>B. List the seven key areas that accountability needs to cover (also, support each area with Scripture)</p><p>1. My relationship with my Lord (Rom 14:10).</p><p>2. My relationship with my wife (Eph 5:21f).</p><p>3. My relationship with my brothers & sisters in Christ (Rom 12:3f).</p><p>4. My relationship with my church leadership (Heb 13:7, 17).</p><p>5. My relationship with my employer (Eph 6:5).</p><p>6. My relationship with government (Rom 13:1f).</p><p>7. My relationship with myself (2 Cor 13:5) </p><p>C. Evaluation:</p><p>Take each one of the above seven areas and rate your overall evaluation of each area. Use the scale of 1-10, with 1 being the lowest. Then write at least one way you can improve each area.</p><p>106</p><p>SESSIONSESSION ELEVENELEVEN THETHE CHRISTIANCHRISTIAN LIFELIFE</p><p>We will examine closely the believer’s walk and the importance of having a close relationship with the Lord as we travel this alien soil. There will be a careful effort to analyze mediocrity and focus on maturity. I. AN EXAMINATION OF THE SIN OF MEDIOCRITY</p><p>A. What is mediocrity?</p><p>1. Give a biblical definition:</p><p>Pursuing God with nominal thirst</p><p>2. What Scriptures explain mediocrity?</p><p>Revelation 3:14-19 1 Corinthians 13:11 1 Corinthians 3:1-4 James 2:20 Hebrews 5:12</p><p>3. I call mediocrity a sin. Do you believe it is?</p><p>Yes, settling for a cavalier view of spirituality is selling short the grace of God.</p><p>4. Can you think of any biblical characters who were mediocre? Why?</p><p>King Saul – great leader, but struggled spiritually Peter (prior to Pentecost) – focused on self John Mark (prior to second chance) – let things of life distract him (Acts 13:13; 15:38) Disciples (prior to Pentecost) Lot – cf. 2 Peter 2:7 – called “just Lot,” but he lived mediocre Solomon</p><p>5. How can it happen?</p><p>Lose one’s hunger for God and begin to drift – plateau Session Eleven—The Christian Life</p><p>6. What is the major problem when dealing with a mediocre believer?</p><p>They don’t think they are.</p><p>7. Are you mediocre? Discuss</p><p>B. Some Questions to Help Determine Mediocrity</p><p>1. Is your thirst for God growing?</p><p>2. Are you more and more loving?</p><p>3. Are you more sensitive to and aware of God?</p><p>4. Are you governed more and more by His Word?</p><p>5. Are you more concerned for others?</p><p>6. Are you more concerned over the Kingdom and the Church?</p><p>7. Are the disciplines of the Christian life more important to you?</p><p>8. Are you more and more aware of sin?</p><p>9. Are you more and more forgiving of others?</p><p>10. Are you thinking more and more of heaven?</p><p>110 Session Eleven—The Christian Life</p><p>II. AN EXAMINATION OF THE IMPORTANCE OF SPIRITUAL GROWTH</p><p>A. Spiritual Growth is:</p><p>1. Essential to Spiritual Life.</p><p>Examine 1 Peter 2:2 and explain the above.</p><p>We need to have a desire—a hunger—for God’s Word so that we can grow.</p><p>2. Essential to Usefulness.</p><p>Examine 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and explain the above.</p><p>Again, note the emphasis on the Word. Results: perfect, furnished with all good works.</p><p>3. Essential to Reproduction.</p><p>Examine 2 Timothy 2:2 and explain the above.</p><p>Taking what we know and carefully communicating it to others.</p><p>B. A Bible Study on Spiritual Growth</p><p>1. In 1 Peter 2:1-2, what is the Christian compared? Why?</p><p>Babies – we are to desire the Word as they desire milk.</p><p>2. What does Peter say ought to be our attitude toward the Word? </p><p>Thirsty for it as a hungry baby</p><p>3. How does a believer develop his appetite for the Word? </p><p>The appetite will grow by digging into the Word.</p><p>111 Session Eleven—The Christian Life</p><p>4. What is the aim of the intake of the Word? </p><p>To be like Him</p><p>5. Peter makes it clear that the Word is essential to spiritual growth. In 1 Peter 1:22-23, he explains that the Word is also vital to what other aspect of our Christian life?</p><p>Purity (v. 22) Born again (v. 23)</p><p>6. Read Ephesians 4:17-32 carefully and note how Paul describes the Christian life in terms of everyday behavior and attitudes. Observe that Paul uses some of the same terms Peter used. His instructions speak to at least three very important components of our make-up. Beside each area write the activities or attitudes Paul tells us to have.</p><p> the mouth (what we say) put away lying, speak truth, let no bad language come out.</p><p> the hands (our actions) stop stealing and work with hands</p><p> the heart (our inner life) put on the new</p><p>7. Paul, in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, lists four areas that Scripture promotes growth after salvation. List and explain each one. </p><p>Doctrine - Teaching Reproof - Direct confrontation Correction - Fine-tuning Instruction in Righteousness - Correct living</p><p>8. According to 2 Timothy 3:17, what is the purpose for this spiritual growth through the operation of the Word? </p><p>Maturity</p><p>112 Session Eleven—The Christian Life</p><p>9. Spiritual growth is also important to spiritual reproduction. Read 2 Timothy 2:1-2 and find what must happen in our lives before we can reproduce it in others. </p><p>You must be taught</p><p>10. The Gospel of John makes it clear that the Christian life is not just a list of rules, but a living relationship. What truth do John 14:20 and John 15:5 teach? </p><p>We are abiding in each other Relationships</p><p>11. This relationship to the living Lord is not one to be endured, but enjoyed. What do you think is included in the abundant life Jesus promised in John 10:10? </p><p>Joy – fruit of Spirit especially</p><p>12. The Christian life is the life of Christ. Explain how Paul suggests that truth for us in Philippians 1:21. </p><p>For me, to live is Christ</p><p>113 SESSIONSESSION TWELVETWELVE OVERCOMINGOVERCOMING HABITSHABITS ANDAND DEVELOPINGDEVELOPING PURITYPURITY</p><p>Breaking the bondage of sin can be a most difficult process for the believer, even to the point of wondering if it is possible. Session Twelve Overcoming Habits and Developing Purity I. TAKING A CLOSER LOOK AT THE ISSUE OF HABITS</p><p>A. Good Habits</p><p>1. All habits are not bad.</p><p>2. There is something important in developing good habits. Explain.</p><p>Habits are part of our lives – Regular quiet time Faithful church attendance, etc. Habits can help describe our character He is a man of his word</p><p>3. Did Jesus have any good habits? Prove with Scripture.</p><p>1) He taught and preached (Matt 11:1; Mark 4:1) 2) Went to the Synagogue/temple (Matt 12:9; 13:54; 21:12, 23; 24:1; Mark 3:1; 6:2) 3) Prayer (Luke 22:39)</p><p>B. Bad Habits</p><p>1. “Bad habit” is really another term for sin.</p><p>2. How would you prove this scripturally?</p><p>1 Corinthians 6:12 – under the power James 4:17</p><p>II. TESTS TO DETERMINE IF I AM IN A BAD HABIT (ALSO CALLED, A LIFE-DOMINATING SIN).</p><p>A. Important Note: What one believer may call sin, another may not. This makes this area rather hard at times.</p><p>B. The Test</p><p>1. You practice this sin even though you have tried repeatedly to stop.</p><p>115 Session Twelve Overcoming Habits and Developing Purity</p><p>2. You practice this sin and blame others or circumstances for your failure to stop. </p><p>3. You deny that what you are doing is sin. </p><p>4. You convince yourself that you are not enslaved to this sin and “can stop at any time,” even though you continue in the sin. </p><p>5. You convince yourself that this sin has no power over you since you do not commit this sin as much as you once did. </p><p>6. You repeat this sin even though any pleasure or satisfaction to yourself is short-lived while the harm to yourself and others in considerable and long-term. </p><p>7. You seek to hide your sin by:</p><p> having separate sets of friends or acquaintances, taking care not to let either know about the other.</p><p> lying on a regular basis to cover your sin.</p><p> trying to make others think that you are living God’s way.</p><p> acting indignant or surprised when someone finds inconsistencies in your life that lead them to suspect your problem.</p><p> being contentious and seeking to develop factions among believers by encouraging some to take up your cause against others in the body of Christ.</p><p>8. You revile or slander the very people who are seeking to restore you to the Lord and others. </p><p>9. You continue in this sin although you know it is not edifying. </p><p>10. You still commit this sin although you know it obscures the testimony of Jesus in your life and is a stumbling block to others. </p><p>11. You continue in this sin despite knowing that God’s Word tells you to stop sinning and that God’s provisions are sufficient to release you from this bondage. </p><p>116 Session Twelve Overcoming Habits and Developing Purity</p><p>12. You repeatedly commit this sin while knowing that this does not please the Lord nor bring glory to God. </p><p>13. You continue in this sin even though you realize that your deeds (thoughts, words, and actions) do not conform to the character of Christ. </p><p>Note: In light of the above, are you involved in any life-dominating sin? If so, what do you plan to do about it? </p><p>III. CONSEQUENCES OF LIFE-DOMINATING SINS</p><p>A. Sin and its Consequences</p><p>1. The Bible teaches that sin has consequences.</p><p>2. What Scriptures would you use to support that teaching?</p><p>Romans 6:23 James 1:15 Romans 6:1 Romans 1 Galatians 6:7-8 Romans 8:13 Hebrews 10:26</p><p>B. Some Specific Consequences (add Scripture to these statements below)</p><p>1. Affects your prayers - </p><p>1 Peter 3:7 Psalm 66:18 Micah 3:4 Isaiah 59:2</p><p>2. Affects your health - </p><p>1 Corinthians 6:18-20; 5:5 Genesis 3:16-19 1 Corinthians 11:29 Psalm 38:3</p><p>117 Session Twelve Overcoming Habits and Developing Purity</p><p>3. Affects your joy - </p><p>Psalm 51 Psalm 38:18 Jeremiah 5:24 Isaiah 24:11</p><p>4. Gives Satan an edge - </p><p>1 Corinthians 5:5 2 Corinthians 2:11 Ephesians 2:2 1 John 3:8, 4:26-27</p><p>5. You put yourself under discipline - </p><p>1 Corinthians 5 Hebrews 12</p><p>6. Effects your fellowship with other believers - </p><p>Romans 16:17 2 Thessalonians 3:6, 14</p><p>7. Effects your discernment - </p><p>Example of David 2 Samuel 12</p><p>118 Session Twelve Overcoming Habits and Developing Purity IV. HOW TO DEVELOP PURITY, NOT HABITUAL SIN</p><p>A. Important Scriptures to Keep in Mind (make a list of 20 passages that deal with this area)</p><p>Matthew 22:34-40 2 Timothy 2:19-20 Romans 6 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Romans 8 James 2:14-20 1 Corinthians 3:1-3 James 3:1 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 James 5:19-20 2 Corinthians 6:11-18 1 Peter 1:13-20 Galatians 6:7-10 1 John 2:15-17 Ephesians 2:1-10 1 John 5:16-19 Colossians 3:1-10 Jude 24-25 1 Thessalonians 5:22-23 Revelation 2:1-7 1 Timothy 1:11-14</p><p>B. How to Break a Sinful Habit.</p><p>1. You have to recognize that you are in bondage to this sin.</p><p>2. You have to really want victory.</p><p>3. You need to believe that you can have victory.</p><p>4. You need to surround yourself with godly people.</p><p>5. You need to make no provision for the flesh to fall.</p><p>6. You need to replace bad habits with good ones.</p><p>7. You need to develop a walk with the Lord.</p><p>8. You need to memorize Scripture.</p><p>9. You need accountability.</p><p>10. You need Him.</p><p>Discuss these.</p><p>119 SESSIONSESSION THIRTEENTHIRTEEN SURRENDERSURRENDER ANDAND HUMILTYHUMILTY</p><p>We plan to enter where angels fear to go on the topic of humility. It is our prayer that we will all come out of this study broken and spilled out for the Lord. Session Thirteen—Surrender and Humility</p><p>I. ATTEMPTING TO UNDERSTAND HUMILITY</p><p>A. Read Through Proverbs</p><p>1. Read through the book of Proverbs.</p><p>2. Write down every reference that has to do with humility (use space below).</p><p>Chapter 1 7, 23 Chapter 3 5, 6, 7, 34 Chapter 4 1, 4, 13 Chapter 5 1, 12-13 Chapter 6 3, 17 Chapter 8 13 Chapter 9 7, 10 Chapter 10 14, 17, 19, 21 Chapter 11 2 Chapter 13 7, 10 Chapter 14 3, 14 Chapter 15 1, 16, 25, 33 Chapter 16 5, 8, 18, 19, 25 Chapter 17 1 Chapter 18 12 Chapter 21 4, 24 Chapter 22 4 Chapter 23 7 Chapter 26 5, 12, 16 Chapter 27 1, 2 Chapter 28 25 Chapter 29 1, 23 Chapter 30 8, 32</p><p>121 Session Thirteen—Surrender and Humility</p><p>B. Draw Out Principles</p><p>1. The book of Proverbs is a book of principles.</p><p>2. Make a list of as many principles regarding humility that you can find. (use the space below).</p><p>3:5 Do not lean on your own understanding 3:7 Be not wise in your own eyes 6:3 Go to someone humbly 6:17 God hates a proud look (cf. James 4:6) 8:13 Fear the Lord = hating pride 11:2 Pride brings shame 13:7 A focus on self = emptiness 13:10 Pride produces contention 14:3 Foolishness and pride go together 14:14 Learn to be satisfied from yourself 15:1 Speak softly (humbly) 15:16 Humble (a little) with God’s fear 15:25 Proud leads to destruction 15:33 Before honor is humility (18:12) 16:5 The proud is an abomination to the Lord 16:6 Better is little with righteousness 16:18 Pride before destruction 16:19 Better to be of a bumble spirit with the lowly... 16:25 Avoid a focus on self 17:1 Quietness – better 21:4 Pride = sin 22:4 Humility…blessings 23:7 Self… 26:5 Fools – unwise 27:1 Don’t boast 27:2 Don’t praise self 28:25 Proud stirs up strife 29:1 Proud leads to destruction 29:23 Pride will bring you low 30:8 Remove me from self 30:32 Beware of lifting self up</p><p>122 Session Thirteen—Surrender and Humility</p><p>C. The New Testament and Humility</p><p>There are 33 occurrences of the Greek word for humility – each listed below. (Draw some additional principles).</p><p>Matthew 11:29 – Jesus was meek and lowly in heart</p><p>Matthew 18:4 – Humble yourself as a child – the same is great</p><p>Matthew 23:12 – To exalt self will be abased, those who humble themselves will be exalted.</p><p>Luke 1:48 – God regards the low estate</p><p>Luke 1:52 – He puts down the mighty and exalts them of low degree</p><p>Luke 3:5 – Mountain and hill brought low</p><p>Luke 14:11 – (same as Matt 23:12)</p><p>Luke 18:14– (same as Matt 23:12)</p><p>Acts 8:33 – In His humility He was deprived of justice</p><p>Romans 12:16 – Be not wise in own conceit</p><p>2 Corinthians 7:6 – God comforts those who are cast down</p><p>2 Corinthians 10:1 – Jesus – meek and gentle</p><p>2 Corinthians 11:7 – Abase self</p><p>123 Session Thirteen—Surrender and Humility</p><p>2 Corinthians 12:21 – God will humble us</p><p>Ephesians 4:2 – Walk with meekness</p><p>Philippians 2:3 – Lowliness of mind</p><p>Philippians 2:8 – Jesus humbled Himself</p><p>Philippians 3:21 – He will change our vile body.</p><p>Philippians 4:12 – Do we know how to be abased</p><p>Colossians 2:18 – Voluntary humility</p><p>Colossians 2:23 - Do I have the appearance of false humility?</p><p>Colossians 3:12 – Put on humbleness of mind</p><p>James 1:9 – Be low and rejoice when he exalts</p><p>James 1:10 – Rich - low</p><p>James 4:6 – God resists the proud</p><p>James 4:10 – Humble yourselves in the sight…He will lift you up</p><p>1 Peter 5:5 (2x’s) – Be clothed with humility</p><p>1 Peter 5:6 – Same as James 4:10</p><p>124 Session Thirteen—Surrender and Humility</p><p>II. EVALUATING OUR NEED FOR HUMILITY</p><p>A. A Story About Brokenness</p><p>1. The following story was adapted from a tract published by Gospel Tract Society, Inc. </p><p>2. God Uses Broken Things</p><p>For His glory, God uses most those people and things that are perfectly broken. The sacrifices He accepts are broken and contrite hearts. Through the breaking of Jacob’s natural strength at Peniel, God could then clothe Jacob with spiritual power. By Moses’ rod breaking the rock at Horeb, cool waters flowed for the thirsty people.</p><p>When Gideon’s three hundred elect soldiers broke their pitchers, a symbol of breaking themselves, the hidden lights shone forth to the consternation of their adversaries. When the poor widow emptied the little pot of oil and poured it forth, God multiplied the oil for her to pay her debts and supply her means for support.</p><p>When Esther risked her life by breaking the rigid etiquette of a heathen court, she then obtained the favor to rescue her people from death. When Jesus broke the five loaves, they were multiplied to feed five thousand people. When Mary broke the beautiful alabaster box, rendering it useless, the perfume filled the house. When Jesus’ precious body was broken by the cat-of-nine-tails, thorns, and nails, His inner life was poured out like a crystal ocean for thirsty sinners to drink and live.</p><p>When a grain of corn dies in the earth, it sprouts forth and bears hundreds of grains. On and on, through history, through biography, through vegetation, and through Scripture, God uses broken things.</p><p>Those broken in wealth, in self-will, and in their ambitions, and those broken in their beautiful ideas, in worldly reputation, in their affections, and in health, and those who are despised and seem utterly helpless and forlorn, the Holy Spirit seizes upon and uses for God’s glory. It is “the lame that take the prey,” Isaiah tells us. It is the weak that overcomes the devil. God is waiting to take hold of our failures and nothingness in order to shine His glory through them.10</p><p>10 (Pensacola Christian College Magazine 1993)</p><p>125 Session Thirteen—Surrender and Humility</p><p>B. How Do I Know If I Need to be Broken?</p><p>Do you have…</p><p>1. an attitude of impatience with the failure of others, but an expectation of understanding and acceptance of your own shortcomings?</p><p>2. a domineering, dogmatic, opinionated attitude when communicating with subordinates?</p><p>3. an insistence that others adjust their schedules around yours?</p><p>4. an irritable resentment when your schedule, plans, and ideas are interrupted by genuine needs of others?</p><p>5. an expectancy of being “the best,” “the most,” and “the first” in everything you do?</p><p>6. an insensitivity to the needs of others because of your preoccupation with your own world and little empire?</p><p>7. an inability to admit your failures and to seek forgiveness, except when there is no other way out?</p><p>Remember: God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Do you want to be a recipient of God’s grace? Then humility is not optional.</p><p>126</p><p>SESSIONSESSION FOURTEENFOURTEEN THETHE “WHYS”“WHYS” OFOF CHRISTIANCHRISTIAN LIFELIFE</p><p>Every believer at some time in their life struggles with the unknowns connected with the Christian life. Why would a loving God…? In this session, we will attempt to tackle just such a concern. Session Fourteen—The “Whys” of Christian Life</p><p>I. BIBLE STUDY ON THE SUBJECT OF “WHY?”</p><p>A. Read Genesis 37 – 50.</p><p>1. Joseph was not liked by his brothers. Why?</p><p>37:3-4 favored child 37:5 his dreams (probably proud, arrogant) 39:6 handsome</p><p>2. Ultimately, what did that cause?</p><p>Him being sold as a slave and sent to Egypt</p><p>3. Why wasn’t Joseph killed in chapter 37?</p><p>God! His plan to save Israel His covenant with them</p><p>4. In chapter 39, how did Satan try to destroy Joseph?</p><p>Morally, and then had him lied about</p><p>5. Did Potiphar believe his wife?</p><p>No. (How do you know this?) Discuss. He didn’t have him killed!</p><p>6. What did Joseph ask from the butler in chapter 40? What happened?</p><p> v. 14 Remember me to Pharaoh v. 23 Yet, he did not</p><p>7. How did Joseph get back in leadership in chapter 41?</p><p>Another dream interpretation and the butler remembered him</p><p>129 Session Fourteen—The “Whys” of Christian Life</p><p>8. Why did God place Joseph in leadership over grain?</p><p>It would be his family’s need and Joseph would have to face his “bitterness” and past…</p><p>9. What if Joseph had not been sent out of Potiphar’s house, would he have been in Pharaoh’s court?</p><p>Good question But it proves Rom. 8:28</p><p>10. Why did Joseph’s brothers come to Egypt?</p><p>Famine;God</p><p>11. Explain the encounter between Joseph and his brothers.</p><p>The bowed before him!</p><p>12. How do we know that Joseph is not a bitter man? Chapter 41 helps.</p><p>Named two sons 1) Manasseh – God has helped me forget 2) Ephraim – God caused me to be fruitful in affliction</p><p>Also, he didn’t kill or hurt his brothers</p><p>13. What do we learn about God and His sovereignty in this example? Compare Genesis 45:1-10 and 50:20.</p><p>God has all things in control 45:5 “…God did send me…” 45:7 “And God sent me…” 45:8 “…But God; and he hath made me…” 45:9 “…God hath made me…” 50:20 “…but God meant it unto good…”</p><p>130 Session Fourteen—The “Whys” of Christian Life</p><p>14. Why did God allow Joseph to go through what he did?</p><p>Humility and to make him useable. Genesis 45:5</p><p>15. Does God have that right? What if He wanted to do that with us?</p><p>Absolutely So be it!</p><p>B. Do a Study on Job.</p><p>1. Read Job 1-2 and then 42.</p><p>2. What could be the reasons God would allow such to happen to one of His chosen ones? List at least ten reasons.</p><p>Maybe pride in Job Job’s wife Job’s children heading wrong direction Job might put emphasis on temporal God’s glory (maybe been blind) As an example to others Lesson to Job’s friends Character of God How does Job show that God is compassionate and merciful (James 5:11)?</p><p>3. Read Psalm 119:65-72.</p><p>4. What did David say was the purposes of affliction?</p><p> v. 67 to keep me from going astray v. 71 to learn God’s Word</p><p>131 Session Fourteen—The “Whys” of Christian Life</p><p>II. THOUGHT-PROVOKING TIME</p><p>A. Thinking Project: List some reasons as to why someone may have to face:</p><p>1. Favoritism</p><p>Humility Be like Christ To be heavenly-minded Self-denial Contentment</p><p>2. Tragedy</p><p>Trust in wrong things Pride</p><p>3. Family problems</p><p>Prayer</p><p>4. Losing a job</p><p>Trust</p><p>5. Unfair punishment</p><p>To lean on His grace</p><p>6. The wicked get away with things</p><p>Eternal over temporal</p><p>7. Birth defects</p><p>Trust Rest</p><p>132 Session Fourteen—The “Whys” of Christian Life</p><p>B. Dealing with the Difficult</p><p>Note: The ability to see from God’s perspective does not come naturally. It is a discipline that God wants us to develop in connection with other aspects of spiritual growth. Examine the following verses and see if you can discover certain requirements to meet if we expect to be discerning in the difficult times.</p><p>1. Psalm 25:9 The humble He teaches!</p><p>2. Psalm 25:14 Fear Him</p><p>3. Isaiah 55:8-9 Seek Him—He is so far above us</p><p>4. Matthew 5:8 The pure see God</p><p>5. John 15:14-15 Obedience</p><p>6. Romans 8:28-29 Love Him</p><p>7. 1 Corinthians 2:14 Saved</p><p>8. 1 Corinthians 2:15-16 Be spiritually-minded</p><p>133 Session Fourteen—The “Whys” of Christian Life</p><p>C. Some basic questions to ask regarding “why?”</p><p>1. How can God use this to produce humility in me?</p><p>2. What character qualities can be developed through this?</p><p>3. Is this God’s loving discipline to correct me?</p><p>4. Is this preparation for future leadership?</p><p>5. Did this happen because of the iniquities of others?</p><p>Discuss.</p><p>134</p><p>SESSIONSESSION FIFTEENFIFTEEN THETHE PROBLEMPROBLEM OFOF PRIDEPRIDE</p><p>So what is the big deal with pride? Shouldn’t we all have a little pride, and wouldn’t a little pride be fine? Session Fifteen—The Problem of Pride</p><p>BIBLE STUDY ON THE THEME OF PRIDE</p><p>A. Pride in Biblical Characters</p><p>1. Is pride an issue in the sin of Adam and Eve? Explain.</p><p>Yes 1. They had it all – always potential for pride 2. The temptation appealed to pride (3:5) 3. She admitted it (3:6) 4. The blame-shifting when confronted</p><p>2. Do a study on Satan and his fall in Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28. Is pride an issue here?</p><p>Isaiah 14 v. 12 fallen, cut down v. 13 in your heart I will – 5 times v. 15 brought down v. 16 a humbled one</p><p>Ezekiel 28 v. 12 you were v. 13 outward beauty v. 14 you were on the mount v. 16 cast out v. 17 heart lifted up</p><p>3. Since Satan had a problem with pride and it caused his fall, what may that mean regarding his strategy toward us today?</p><p>It is a major tool With Adam and Eve With Christ (Matt 4) Elders (1 Tim 3:6)</p><p>4. Why did Jesus not have a problem with pride?</p><p>Pride is self-centeredness</p><p>137 Session Fifteen—The Problem of Pride</p><p>5. Which disciple seems to have had the biggest problem with pride? Why?</p><p>Judas His handling of money His attitude re: the woman anointing Jesus (Mary-Matt 28:6f) His betrayal of Christ</p><p>138 Session Fifteen—The Problem of Pride</p><p>C. Read These Verses: Draw a principle about pride from each verse.</p><p>Psalm 73:6 – hangs around them as a sign</p><p>Psalm 101:5 – God will not be patient with the proud</p><p>Psalm 138:6 – pride distances us from God</p><p>Psalm 140:5 – pride hurts others</p><p>Isaiah 2:12 – pride will be dealt with</p><p>Isaiah 13:11 – the arrogance of the proud will be halted</p><p>Jeremiah 50:31-32 – the proud will have their day</p><p>Daniel 5:20 – pride cast him his throne</p><p>Malachi 4:1 – the proud will be consumed</p><p>Romans 1:30 – deserving of death (v. 32)</p><p>2 Timothy 3:2 – sign of end times</p><p>James 4:6 – God resists the proud</p><p>1 Peter 5:5 – same as James 4:6</p><p>1 John 2:15-17 – pride of life – leads to passing away</p><p>139 Session Fifteen—The Problem of Pride</p><p>II. SOME CONCLUSIONS REGARDING PRIDE</p><p>A. List 10 Conclusions (regarding God’s attitude regarding pride).</p><p>1. God hates it</p><p>2. God resists it</p><p>3. God will deal with it</p><p>4. God withholds from the proud</p><p>5. God can’t use us when we are proud</p><p>6. God “connects” us with Satan when we are proud</p><p>7. God will allow us to be proud only for so long</p><p>8. God will allow our pride to hurt others</p><p>9. God is hindered in us when we are proud</p><p>10. God will open us up to more sin when we are proud</p><p>B. Examine Leadership: Study the life of an elder. What does 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 have to say about leaders and pride? Why is this an issue?</p><p> Don’t put a new believer on – potential of pride Pride is the condemnation of the devil Need to be blameless</p><p>140</p><p>SESSIONSESSION SIXTEENSIXTEEN UNDERSTANDINGUNDERSTANDING MYMY GIFTSGIFTS</p><p>We hope to discover in this class the uniqueness of our make-up. There is really no one quite like you. What does this mean? UNDERSTANDING MY SHAPE</p><p>A. SHAPE Defined</p><p>1. SHAPE is an acronym for the way we are “shaped” by the Lord.</p><p>2. This idea is borrowed from Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven Church11.</p><p>3. The basic idea is discovering our uniqueness to the work of the Lord.</p><p>B. SHAPE Explained</p><p>1. S - Spiritual Gifts</p><p>2. H - Heart (what we have a love to do)</p><p>3. A - Abilities</p><p>4. P - Personality</p><p>5. E - Experiences</p><p>C. SHAPE Discovered</p><p>1. What are your spiritual gifts?</p><p>Key passages: Ephesians 4:11-16 1 Corinthians 12 Romans 12</p><p>2. What do you love to do as work for the Lord?</p><p>What motivates you most in the Lord’s work?</p><p>I love to .</p><p>I love to .</p><p>I love to .</p><p>Discuss 3. What abilities do you have? 11 (Warren 1995) Session Sixteen—Understanding My Gifts</p><p>Discuss</p><p>4. What abilities would you like to have?</p><p>Discuss</p><p>5. How would you describe yourself?</p><p>STRONG MILD STRONG</p><p>INTROVERTED | | | | | | | EXTROVERTED</p><p>SELF-CONTROLLED | | | | | | | SELF-EXPRESSIVE</p><p>ROUTINE | | | | | | | VARIETY</p><p>COOPERATIVE | | | | | | | COMPETITIVE</p><p>Place a mark where you fit best.</p><p>6. What have been some of your experiences?</p><p>144 Session Sixteen—Understanding My Gifts</p><p>II. EXAMINING THE SPIRITUAL GIFTS PASSAGES</p><p>A. Romans 12</p><p>1. Read over Romans 12 carefully. 2. Make a list of all the gifts you see in this passage.</p><p>Prophesy Ministry Teaching Exhorting Giving Leading Showing mercy</p><p>3. Do any of them fit you?</p><p>B. 1 Corinthians 12-14</p><p>1. Read over the passage. 2. Make a list of the spiritual gifts from the passage.</p><p>12:8 Word of wisdom 12:8 Word of knowledge 12:9 Faith Gifts of healing 12:10 Miracles Prophesy Discerning of spirits Tongues Interpretation of tongues 12:28 Apostles Prophets Teachers Miracles Healings Helps Administration Tongues</p><p>3. Do any of these gifts fit you?</p><p>145 Session Sixteen—Understanding My Gifts</p><p>C. Ephesians 4:11-16</p><p>1. Read over this passage. 2. Make a list of the gifts from the passage.</p><p>Apostles Prophets Evangelists Pastors Teachers</p><p>3. Do any of these gifts fit you?</p><p>III. DRAWING SOME CONCLUSIONS</p><p>A. Answering Some Key Questions</p><p>1. Are all gifts still in operation today from the early church? Explain.</p><p>No – Apostles and prophets – foundational Acts 1 – no apostles possible Ephesians 2:20 – foundational</p><p>1 Corinthians 13 tongues shall cease purpose – no longer needed (1 Cor 14:22)</p><p>2. Are these the only spiritual gifts available? Explain.</p><p>Not sure. Gift of singing? Is this a talent?</p><p>146 Session Sixteen—Understanding My Gifts</p><p>3. What is the difference in a spiritual gift and a talent?</p><p>Spiritual gift is clearly dictated in Scripture Talent – all else. Discuss.</p><p>4. Why are we given spiritual gifts?</p><p>To serve Him and one another (1 Cor 12:4)</p><p>B. How To Discover Our Gifts</p><p>1. Pray and seek Him with all your heart.</p><p>2. Examine your motives.</p><p>3. Listen to what other believers are telling you.</p><p>4. Serve in the church while you are seeking.</p><p>5. What do you enjoy doing?</p><p>6. What are the needs in your local church?</p><p>7. What have you done for the Lord in the past?</p><p>147 SESSIONSESSION SEVENTEENSEVENTEEN THETHE DIFFERENCEDIFFERENCE OFOF JOYJOY ANDAND HAPPINESSHAPPINESS</p><p>So often we hear that God wants us to be happy. Don’t worry, be happy. But do we often confuse the truth of joy and happiness? Session Seventeen—The Difference of Joy and Happiness</p><p>I. DEFINING THE TWO TERMS</p><p>A. Happy</p><p>1. Look up in a regular dictionary -</p><p>1971 Webster’s: Favored by luck or fortune: fortunate, prosperous, propitious, favorable…12</p><p>1828 Webster’s: Lucky; fortunate; successful13</p><p>2. Look up in a Bible dictionary -</p><p>Blessed – Acts 26:2, Romans 14:22 Also 1 Corinthians 7:40, John 13:17, 1 Peter 3:14, 4:14</p><p>B. Joy</p><p>1. Look up in a regular dictionary -</p><p>1971 Webster’s: The emotion excited by the acquisition or expectation of good: pleasurable feelings or emotions caused by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one loves or desires…14</p><p>1828 Webster’s: The passion or emotion excited by the acquisition or expectation of good; that excitement of pleasurable feelings which is caused by success, good fortune…15</p><p>2. Look up in a Bible dictionary -</p><p>The happy state that results from knowing and serving God. A number of Greek and Hebrew words are used in the Bible to convey the ideas of joy and rejoicing. We have the same situation in English with such nearly synonymous words as joy, happiness, pleasure, delight, gladness, merriment, felicity, and enjoyment.16</p><p>12 (Editor in Chief Philip Babcock Gove, Ph.D. and The Merriam-Webster Editorial Staff 1971) 13 (Foundation for American Christian Education 1967) 14 (Editor in Chief Philip Babcock Gove, Ph.D. and The Merriam-Webster Editorial Staff 1971) 15 (Foundation for American Christian Education 1967) 16 (G.E. Trent C. Butler 1991)</p><p>149 Session Seventeen—The Difference of Joy and Happiness</p><p>C. Draw Some Conclusions</p><p>Joy is clearly a higher emotion Happy is based on changing things</p><p>II. BIBLE STUDY ON THE TWO TERMS</p><p>A. Happy - Read each one of these passages and draw out the principles.</p><p>1. Genesis 30:13 – happy over child birth</p><p>2. Deuteronomy 33:29 – happy to be a blessed people</p><p>3. Job 5:17 – happy if God corrects us</p><p>4. Psalm 128:1-2 – food & accomplishment</p><p>5. Psalm 144:15 – happy if you have God</p><p>6. Psalm 146:5 – same as above</p><p>7. Proverbs 3:18 – happy – wisdom (v. 13)</p><p>8. Proverbs 14:21 – be merciful on poor</p><p>9. Proverbs 16:20 – trust in the Lord = happy</p><p>10. Proverbs 29:18 – happy is he who keeps the law</p><p>11. John 13:17 – happy - obedience</p><p>12. Romans 14:22 – happy if you don’t condemn yourself</p><p>150 Session Seventeen—The Difference of Joy and Happiness</p><p>13. 1 Corinthians 7:40 – happier - single</p><p>14. James 5:11 – blessed (happy) if we endure</p><p>15. 1 Peter 3:14 – suffering = happy</p><p>16. 1 Peter 4:14 – reproached - happy</p><p>B. Joy - read each one of these passages and draw out the principles.</p><p>1. Romans 15:30-32 – joy in the will of God</p><p>2. Romans 16:19 – glad for your obedience</p><p>3. 2 Corinthians 1:23-2:4 – fellow workers for joy</p><p>4. 2 Corinthians 7:2-7 – joyful in tribulation</p><p>5. Philippians 1:3-6 – praying in joy</p><p>6. Philippians 1:12-19 – Christ is preached and I rejoice</p><p>7. Philippians 2:1-18 – rejoice</p><p>8. Philippians 2:25-30 – receives with gladness</p><p>9. Philippians 4:10-18 – rejoice in the Lord</p><p>10. Hebrews 12:1-2 – joy set before Him</p><p>151 Session Seventeen—The Difference of Joy and Happiness</p><p>III. UNDERSTANDING THE DIFFERENCE</p><p>A. Scriptural Conclusions</p><p>1. What does Scripture never promise to us?</p><p>Happiness based on temporal 2. What does Scripture say is the key to joy?</p><p>Christ – Hebrews 12:1-2</p><p>3. What member(s) of the Trinity are associated with joy? Why?</p><p>Ezra 6:16 – house of God with joy Nehemiah 8:10 – joy of the Lord Psalm 43:4 – God my exceeding joy Habakkuk 3:18 – joy in God Galatians 5:22 – fruit of the spirit</p><p>Why? It’s Godly!</p><p>4. What is the acrostic for J-O-Y? Will this work? (maybe)</p><p>J – Jesus O – Others Y - Yourself</p><p>B. Spiritual Cautions</p><p>1. There are many potential robbers of joy in the Christian life. Can you name some of them?</p><p>People Circumstances</p><p>2. How may we avoid losing our joy?</p><p>Focus on Him Trust Him</p><p>152</p><p>Congratulations</p><p>Congratulations fellow man with a mission! You have successfully completed year one (and in some situations, year two). Where will you go from here?</p><p>First, let me personally thank you for your serious studying and application of the time together. I hope that the time was beneficial to you and that you can see how you are growing to become more like Him. That is the major reason we have classes like this. It is our desire to see His followers resemble Him more each and every day. Completing the year was no small endeavor, and you are to be commended for finishing the race.</p><p>Second, will you go on? You need to pray about where you will go from here. The church of Jesus Christ is counting on men like you to take the call of being a man with a mission seriously. Will you be one that does? Or, will you be like some who followed only so far, and then retreated to a life of mediocrity? Make the next several months a matter of serious prayer and prepare to continue Men with a Mission in the fall. You will hear over the summer of the next meeting times.</p><p>Mount Airy Bible Church consists of numerous men who traveled these pages before you. These men are becoming the backbone of the church. Yet, as the church is growing, more men will need to step up and take on responsibility so the load is bearable for all. Can the Lord and His church count on you?</p><p>Again, thank you for the great year and your dedication to being man with a mission. May it not end here. May you accept the call to go on further in your study, and may you finish all three years.</p><p>To God be the glory.</p><p>With thanksgiving for your walk and love for Him,</p><p>Pastor Wally</p><p>154</p><p>Alanib, Tim R. Sun Star. October 20, 2002. http://www.sunstar.com.ph/static/dav/2002/10/20/oped/tim.r..alanib.html (accessed December 17, 2008).</p><p>Anonymous. Personal Testimony Development. 2007. http://www.cmfhq.org/Ministries/TrainingDiscipleship/PersonalTestimonyDevelopment/t abid/134/Default.aspx (accessed December 19, 2008).</p><p>Duckworth, John. "Hailing the Chief." Discipleship Journal, 1989: Issue 50.</p><p>Editor in Chief Philip Babcock Gove, Ph.D. and The Merriam-Webster Editorial Staff. Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the English Language Unabridged. Springfield: G. & C. Merriam Company, 1971.</p><p>Foundation for American Christian Education. American Dictionary of the English Language Facsimile First Edition. San Franscisco, CA: Foundation for American Christian Education, 1967.</p><p>G.E. Trent C. Butler, PH.D., ed. Holman Bible Dictionary. Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 1991.</p><p>"Pensacola Christian College Magazine." Winter 1993: 5.</p><p>Strobel, Lee. Inside the Mind of the Unchurched Harry and Mary. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1993.</p><p>The Holy Bible vs. the TV Guide. http://www.biblebelievers.com/Bible_vs_TV- Guide.html (accessed December 17, 2008).</p><p>Unknown. All About Following Jesus. http://www.allaboutfollowingjesus.org/living- sacrifice.htm (accessed November 20, 2008).</p><p>—. Leadership U. http://www.leaderu.com/orgs/bpf/pathways/commit.html (accessed November 20, 2007).</p><p>Watson, G. D. awildernessvoice.com. http://awildernessvoice.com/highcalling.html (accessed November 2007, 2008). www.lifeway.org. The Way Center. 2003-2008. http://www.lifesway.org/html/050414.html (accessed December 19, 2008). Bibliography</p><p>157 </p>
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