<p>EHP3 for SAP CRM 7.0 October 2014 English</p><p>CRM Transaction Types – Basic Settings (C20)</p><p>Building Block Configuration Guide</p><p>SAP SE Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 69190 Walldorf Germany SAP Best Practices CRM Transaction Types – Basic Settings (C20): Configuration Guide</p><p>Copyright</p><p>© 2014 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.</p><p>No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company.</p><p>SAP and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP SE (or an SAP affiliate company) in Germany and other countries. Please see http://global.sap.com/corporate-en/legal/copyright/index.epx#trademark for additional trademark information and notices.</p><p>Some software products marketed by SAP SE and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors.</p><p>National product specifications may vary.</p><p>These materials are provided by SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company for informational purposes only, without representation or warranty of any kind, and SAP SE or its affiliated companies shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. The only warranties for SAP SE or SAP affiliate company products and services are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services, if any. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty.</p><p>In particular, SAP SE or its affiliated companies have no obligation to pursue any course of business outlined in this document or any related presentation, or to develop or release any functionality mentioned therein. This document, or any related presentation, and SAP SE’s or its affiliated companies’ strategy and possible future developments, products, and/or platform directions and functionality are all subject to change and may be changed by SAP SE or its affiliated companies at any time for any reason without notice. The information in this document is not a commitment, promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code, or functionality. All forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from expectations. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of their dates, and they should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions.</p><p>© SAP SE Page 2 of 25 SAP Best Practices CRM Transaction Types – Basic Settings (C20): Configuration Guide</p><p>Revision Change Date Description 0</p><p>© SAP SE Page 3 of 25 SAP Best Practices CRM Transaction Types – Basic Settings (C20): Configuration Guide</p><p>Icons</p><p>Icon Meaning Caution</p><p>Example</p><p>Note</p><p>Recommendation</p><p>Syntax</p><p>Typographic Conventions</p><p>Type Style Description Example text Words or characters that appear on the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons as well as menu names, paths and options. Cross-references to other documentation. Example text Emphasized words or phrases in body text, titles of graphics and tables. EXAMPLE TEXT Names of elements in the system. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and individual key words of a programming language, when surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE. Example text Screen output. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, source code, names of variables and parameters as well as names of installation, upgrade and database tools. EXAMPLE TEXT Keys on the keyboard, for example, function keys (such as F2) or the ENTER key. Example text Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation. <Example text> Variable user entry. Pointed brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries.</p><p>© SAP SE Page 4 of 25 SAP Best Practices CRM Transaction Types – Basic Settings (C20): Configuration Guide</p><p>Contents 1 Purpose...... 6 2 Preparation...... 6 2.1 Prerequisites...... 6 3 Business Process Configuration...... 6 3.1 Settings for Basic Functions...... 6 3.1.1 Defining Partner Determination...... 6 Defining Partner Functions...... 6 Defining Access Sequence...... 7 Defining Partner Determination Procedure...... 8 Defining Partner Determination Procedure for Activities...... 8 Defining Partner Determination Procedure for Tasks...... 9 3.2 Settings for Transactions...... 10 3.2.1 Defining BP Transaction Types...... 10 3.2.2 Adjusting UI Settings for Transaction Type BP Task...... 11 3.2.3 Deactivating Standard Transaction Types...... 12 3.2.4 Defining Item Category Determination...... 13 3.2.5 Defining Categories for Activities...... 14 3.3 Actions...... 14 3.3.1 Defining Action Profiles and Actions...... 15 3.3.2 Defining Conditions...... 16 3.4 Maintaining Organizational Data Profile...... 16 3.5 Assigning Profiles and Procedures to Transaction Types...... 17 3.5.1 Assigning Organizational Data Profile to Transaction Types...... 17 3.5.2 Assigning Partner Determination Procedure to Transaction Types...... 18 3.5.3 Assigning Action Profile to Transaction Types...... 19 3.5.4 Assigning Category to Transaction Types...... 19 3.5.5 Assigning Transaction Types to Categories for Activities...... 20 3.5.6 Assigning Text Determination Procedure to Transaction Types...... 20 3.6 One to One E-Mail Integration...... 21 3.6.1 Defining Multipart E-Mail Option...... 21 3.6.2 Assigning Transaction Types...... 22 3.6.3 Activating HTTP Services...... 22 3.6.4 Setting Up E-Mail Transfers from Microsoft Outlook...... 23 4 Pre-Assembled Deployment...... 25</p><p>© SAP SE Page 5 of 25 SAP Best Practices CRM Transaction Types – Basic Settings (C20): Configuration Guide</p><p>CRM Transaction Types – Basic Settings: Configuration Guide</p><p>1 Purpose This Configuration Guide provides the information you need to set up the configuration of this building block manually.</p><p>2 Preparation .2.1 Prerequisites Before starting with the installation of this building block, please have a look at the document Quick Guide to Implementing SAP Best Practices for CRM.</p><p>3 Business Process Configuration .3.1 Settings for Basic Functions 3.1.1 Defining Partner Determination In this section you do the settings for partner processing. You should carry out the following: 1. Define partner functions 2. Define access sequences 3. Define partner determination procedures in which you specify an access sequence 4. Assign the partner determination procedures to the required business transaction types and item categories. . Defining Partner Functions Use In this activity, you define partner functions by entering short descriptions (such as pharmacist or stock options analyst), assigning them to partner function categories and entering usages, such as Customer Relationship Management or Enterprise Buyer. In some cases, you also specify a corresponding business partner relationship category. The descriptions you enter here are displayed in the transactions that include these partner functions. Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:</p><p>Transaction code SPRO SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management Basic Functions Partner Processing Define Partner Functions</p><p>2. Select partner function 00000015 Contact Person and set the Block indicator.</p><p>This indicator defines whether the source partner is added during partner </p><p>© SAP SE Page 6 of 25 SAP Best Practices CRM Transaction Types – Basic Settings (C20): Configuration Guide</p><p> determination for the resulting quantity. If the source does not provide a standard partner, the source partner himself becomes the standard partner. If you mark this field, the source partner is not copied with the resulting quantity. 3. Choose Save. Result A block indicator for the partner function contact person has been set.</p><p>. Defining Access Sequence Use The purpose of this activity is to define a new access sequence for the determination of the partner function Sales Representative from the entered Activity Partner. Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:</p><p>Transaction code SPRO SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management Basic Functions Partner Processing Define Access Sequences</p><p>2. Select sequence 0002, Preceding Document -> Business Partner Relationships: Activity Partner and copy as Y002, BP Preceding Document -> Business Partner Relationships: Activity Partner -> User with all entries. 3. Choose Copy all. 4. Go to Individual Accesses and choose New Entries: 5. Make the following entries:</p><p>Attribute Value Batch Seq: 0040 Dialog Seq: 0040 Source Business Partner Assigned to the User</p><p>As a prerequisite for the automatic determination of the partner function Sales Representative from the Activity Partner it is necessary to maintain a relationship in the master data. Otherwise this function would be filled with the current User. 6. Choose Save.</p><p>Result</p><p>A new access sequence for partner determination has been created.</p><p>. Defining Partner Determination Procedure . Defining Partner Determination Procedure for </p><p>© SAP SE Page 7 of 25 SAP Best Practices CRM Transaction Types – Basic Settings (C20): Configuration Guide</p><p>Activities Use The purpose of this activity is to define new partner determination procedures for activities both with and without triggering calendar entries. Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:</p><p>Transaction code SPRO SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management Basic Functions Partner Processing Define Partner Determination Procedure</p><p>2. Select Procedure 00000002 Business Activities and copy as Y0000002 BP Business Activities (with all entries). 3. Select Procedure Y0000002 BP Business Activities and go to folder Partner Functions in Procedure. 4. Make a new entry for partner function 00000014 Employee Responsible (CRM) with the following data:</p><p>Attribute Value Changeable (if Correct After Entry or Determination) No. of Occurrences (Lowest) 1 No. of Occurrences (Highest) 1 Calendar maintenance Changeable address Access Sequence 0008 (Preceding Document User)</p><p>5. Create a new entry for partner function 00000012 Sales Representative (CRM) with the following data: Attribute Value Changeable (if Correct After Entry or Determination) No. of Occurrences (Lowest) 1 No. of Occurrences (Highest) 1 Calendar maintenance Changeable address Access Sequence Y002 (Preceding Document User)</p><p>6. Delete the following Function: 00001000 – Contact Person 2 (CRM).</p><p>© SAP SE Page 8 of 25 SAP Best Practices CRM Transaction Types – Basic Settings (C20): Configuration Guide</p><p>7. Select Partner Function Sales Representative (CRM), go to Details and change Access sequence to Y002 (BP Preceding Document -> Business Partner Relationships: Activity Partner User) 8. Select Partner Function Contact Person (CRM), go to Details and change the following attributes: Attribute Value No. of Occurrences (Highest) 10 Selection Limit (Select.Screen) 2</p><p>9. Double-click on folder User Interface Settings and make the following entries for Procedure Y0000002 Activities at Header Screen: Partner Function1: 00000009 Activity Partner (CRM) Partner Function2: 00000015 Contact Person (CRM) Partner Function3: 00000012 Sales Representative (CRM) Partner Function4: 00000014 Employee Responsible (CRM) 10. Choose Save. 11. Create a new partner determination procedure by copying the before created procedure Y0000002 to the new Y0000004 with description BP Business Activities 2. Do not set the Calendar Maintenance indicator in steps 4. 12. Save your entries.</p><p>In section Assigning Profiles and Procedures to Transaction Types the Partner Determination Procedure is assigned to the relevant transaction types. Result New partner determination procedures have been created.</p><p>. Defining Partner Determination Procedure for Tasks Use The purpose of this activity is to define a partner determination procedure for tasks. Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:</p><p>Transaction code SPRO SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management Basic Functions Partner Processing Define Partner Determination Procedure</p><p>2. Select Procedure 00000003 Tasks and copy as Y0000003 BP Task (with all entries).</p><p>© SAP SE Page 9 of 25 SAP Best Practices CRM Transaction Types – Basic Settings (C20): Configuration Guide</p><p>3. Select Procedure Y0000003 BP Task and go to folder Partner Functions in Procedure. 4. Make the following entries for partner function 00000014 Employee (CRM): Attribute Value No. of Occurrences (Lowest) 1 No. of Occurrences (Highest) 1 Calendar maintenance Access Sequence 0008 (Preceding Document User)</p><p>5. Go to folder User Interface Settings and make the following entries:</p><p>Attribute Value Partner Function 1 00000014 Employee (CRM) Partner Function 2 00000009 Activity Partner (CRM) Partner Function 3 00000015 Contact Person (CRM) 6. Choose Save.</p><p>In section Assigning Profiles and Procedures to Transaction Types the Partner Determination Procedure is assigned to the relevant transaction type. Result</p><p>A partner determination procedure for tasks has been defined.</p><p>.3.2 Settings for Transactions 3.2.1 Defining BP Transaction Types Use A transaction type controls the processing of a specific business transaction. It defines the properties and characteristics (for example, sales order, service request, sales call) and defines further on the control attributes (for example, text determination procedure, partner determination procedure, status profile, organizational data profile). A transaction type is assigned to one or several business transaction categories. This category determines the business context in which the transaction type can be used (for example, service, sales, activity). One business transaction category must be defined as the leading category. This one is not related hierarchically to other transaction categories, but represents a preference. A sales transaction with business activity data would, for example, be more likely to have sales as leading business transaction category than business activity. Depending on the leading business transaction category, only specific combinations are possible with further business transaction categories. The purpose of this activity is to reduce and adapt the required transaction types. Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management Transactions Basic Settings Define Transaction Types</p><p>© SAP SE Page 10 of 25 SAP Best Practices CRM Transaction Types – Basic Settings (C20): Configuration Guide</p><p>2. Copy the following transaction types to the new transaction types with the following description. The advantage is that the related activities will be sorted. Trans. Description New English German Type Trans. Description Description Type (optional)</p><p>0002 Incoming Phone Call Y007 BP Interaction Log BP Kontaktbericht 0005 Outgoing E-Mail Y010 BP E-Mail BP E-Mail 0020 Bus.Act.:With Prods Y020 BP Appointment BP Termin 1003 Task Y030 BP Task BP Aufgabe</p><p>3. Assign new Categories and Directions to the following Transaction Types at the Customizing header level for business transaction category Business Activity. Trans. Type Description Category Direction Y007 BP Interaction Log 203 Y010 BP E-Mail 401 Y020 BP Appointment 201 Outbound Y030 BP Task 101</p><p>Please check the relevant settings. In case any of the newly created transactions types are inactive, please activate the same. The other settings for the transaction types Y007 to Y010 should already be correct (copy from standard). 4. Choose Save. Result</p><p>Several new transaction types for activities and tasks have been created.</p><p>3.2.2 Adjusting UI Settings for Transaction Type BP Task Use As tasks are not only be used for interaction with customers, but also internally, it is necessary to make sure, that the entry of the account within this transaction is not mandatory for entering on the WebUI. Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code BSP_WD_CMPWB SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management UI Framework UI Framework Definition Access UI Component Workbench</p><p>2. In field Component enter value BT125H_TASK and choose Display. 3. In the Component Structure Browser of component BT125H_TASK select the view Component Views BT125H_TASK/TaskDetails. Open this view with double-click. 4. Select tab Configuration. 5. Connect to the host server with your CRM system user and password.</p><p>© SAP SE Page 11 of 25 SAP Best Practices CRM Transaction Types – Basic Settings (C20): Configuration Guide</p><p>6. Choose button Edit to switch from Display to Change mode and select a customizing request if necessary. 7. Choose Choose Configuration and select the existing SAP standard configuration having Config Key <DEFAULT>, Component Usage <DEFAULT>, Object Type <DEFAULT>, and Object Subtype <DEFAULT> with double-click. 8. Choose Copy Configuration and choose YES on the confirmation screen. 9. Now you can decide on which level the adapted view will be visible. Typically the view changes have to be visible on the level of a Business Role. In this case you have to select an existing Role Config. Key, that is YBP and choose Continue. 10. Set the cursor in the field Account. 11. Choose button Show Field Properties. 12. Deselect the radio button Mandatory. 13. Choose Apply. 14. Set the cursor in the field Contact. 15. Choose button Show Field Properties. 16. Deselect the radio button Mandatory. 17. Choose Apply. 18. Save your entries. Result</p><p>The fields for Account and Contacts have been marked as optional for entry on the WebUI.</p><p>3.2.3 Deactivating Standard Transaction Types Use If you only want to use the Best Practices transaction types for Activity Management, you can deactivate the standard transaction types. Otherwise you can skip this section. Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management Transactions Basic Settings Define Transaction Types</p><p>2. Deactivate the following transaction types: Trans. Type Description Inactive 0002 Incoming Phone Call X Inactive 0003 Outgoing Phone Call X Inactive 0004 Incoming E-Mail X Inactive 0005 Outgoing E-Mail X Inactive 0010 Business Activity X Inactive 0020 Bus.Act.:with Prods X Inactive</p><p>© SAP SE Page 12 of 25 SAP Best Practices CRM Transaction Types – Basic Settings (C20): Configuration Guide</p><p>Trans. Type Description Inactive 0100 Lean Int. Record X Inactive 1001 Meeting X Inactive ACCP Act. Channel Partner X Inactive ACTI Business Activity X Inactive ACPO Channel Activity X Inactive CHM1 Ch. Partner Registr. X Inactive CX01 Date X Inactive RECU Repetitive Task X Inactive SCCP Partner Report X Inactive SCPO Channel Report X Inactive ATCP Task Channel Partner X Inactive ATPO Task Channel Manager X Inactive HTSP Request for Sample X Inactive HTAP Approve X Inactive CHM4 Req. Brand Owner X Inactive CHM2 Request for Partner Qualification X Inactive CHM3 Request for Partner Qualification X Inactive FCC0 FCC Interact. Record X Inactive</p><p>3. Choose Save. Result</p><p>A number of selected transaction types have been deactivated.</p><p>3.2.4 Defining Item Category Determination Use In this process, you can define, per business transaction category and item category group, which item categories the system defaults for processing business transactions. At the same time, you can define which item categories can alternatively be entered manually for system default. A maximum of three alternative item categories are possible. Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management Transactions Basic Settings Define Item Category Determination</p><p>2. Create new entries with the following data: Trans. Description Item cat. Item Alt. itm Alt. itm cat. 2 Type Trans. Typ usage Category cat. 1</p><p>Y020 Visit with Prod. --- ACT ACT0 ACT1</p><p>© SAP SE Page 13 of 25 SAP Best Practices CRM Transaction Types – Basic Settings (C20): Configuration Guide</p><p>Trans. Description Item cat. Item Alt. itm Alt. itm cat. 2 Type Trans. Typ usage Category cat. 1</p><p>Y020 Visit with Prod. ACT0 ACT0 ACT ACT1 Y020 Visit with Prod. ACT1 ACT1 ACT ACT0</p><p>3. Choose Save. Result New item categories for activities have been created.</p><p>3.2.5 Defining Categories for Activities Use You can create categories to further define your activity types, for example: Customer Visit Telephone Call E-Mail Tasks Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management Transactions Settings for Activities Maintain Categories, Goals, and Priorities Maintain Categories</p><p>2. Select Category 301 and copy as YVT, BP Visit. 3. Choose Save.</p><p>In a customer system, you can delete all other categories that are not used. Result A new category for activities has been created.</p><p>.3.3 Actions Use Actions in CRM use the Post Processing Framework (PPF). The Post Processing Framework is a Basis component which generates actions (for example, sales call or workflow) from the data for an application according to an action definition (for example, a follow-up sales activity). The actions are processed at a specific time. The PPF provides the tools for planning, starting and monitoring the actions.</p><p>© SAP SE Page 14 of 25 SAP Best Practices CRM Transaction Types – Basic Settings (C20): Configuration Guide</p><p>3.3.1 Defining Action Profiles and Actions Use The purpose of this activity is to create an action profile and templates for actions. When creating an action profile, note for which business transaction type you can use this action profile. You must assign the relevant business object type to the action profile. The assignment of the business object type makes sure that the attributes for the relevant business transaction type (for example, business activity) can be used for defining and processing the conditions. Only one business object can be assigned for each action profile. You can find out the business object type for the transaction type or the item category in Customizing for transactions under Define transaction types or Define item categories. All maximum allowed actions are defined for a transaction type. You also specify general conditions in the action profile for the actions contained in the profile. In this activity, you create an action profile and templates for actions. You can define the action templates more closely in the following step Defining Conditions. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code CRMC_ACTION_DEF SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management Basic Functions Actions Actions in Transaction Change Actions and Conditions Define Action Profiles and Actions</p><p>2. Choose Display Change to switch to the Edit mode. 3. Highlight action profile ACTIVITY (Activities) and choose Copy As… 4. Enter the following values: Field name Entry Action Profile Y_ACTIVITY Description BP Activity for Visit and Meeting</p><p>5. Choose Enter and then rename the following action definitions to: - Y_ACTIVITY_CAMPAIGN_AUTOMATION - Y_ACTIVITY_FOLLOWUP - Y_ACTIVITY_PRINT - Y_ACTIVITY_REMINDER_MAIL - Y_ACTIVITY_REMOVE_BPFLAG 6. Choose Save. Result</p><p>A new action profiles with actions for activities has been created.</p><p>3.3.2 Defining Conditions Use In this step, you process the action templates you have created in the activity Defining Action Profiles and Actions. Define the following characteristics in the newly created action profile BP Activity for Visit and Meeting.</p><p>© SAP SE Page 15 of 25 SAP Best Practices CRM Transaction Types – Basic Settings (C20): Configuration Guide</p><p>Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:</p><p>Transaction code CRMC_ACTION_CONF SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management Basic Functions Actions Actions in Transaction Change Actions and Conditions Define Conditions</p><p>2. Double-click BP Activity for Visit and Meeting under Scheduling of Actions. 3. Choose Create from the toolbar on the right-hand side and then choose Create follow-Up Task from the drop-down list. 4. Select the action definition Create Follow-Up Task and then go to the Processing Details tab. 5. Deselect Default Settings from Action Definition. 6. On the Settings Method Call tab, choose Change Parameters. 7. Double-click on Expression PROCESS TYPE: 1003. 8. Click on the value in the PROCESS_TYPE Area and overwrite it with Y030 (BP Task). 9. Choose Apply Values. 10. Choose Save.</p><p>Check which other actions are also relevant for your scenario and add them. Result A new condition for action processing in the activities has been created.</p><p>.3.4 Maintaining Organizational Data Profile Use The purpose of this activity is to create a new organization determination profile that allows you to determine the responsible organizational unit by means of the assignment of the respective system user, which creates a business transaction, in the organizational model. Prerequisites The organizational model has been created and all persons creating business transactions in the CRM system are assigned to an organizational unit - either as user or as business partners with an assigned user. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:</p><p>Transaction code CRMC_ORGPROF SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management Master Data Organizational Management Organizational Data Determination Change Rules and Profiles Maintain Organizational Data Profile</p><p>2. To create the new organizational data determination profile Y00000000001 perform the following steps: </p><p>© SAP SE Page 16 of 25 SAP Best Practices CRM Transaction Types – Basic Settings (C20): Configuration Guide</p><p>3. Choose New Entries and enter the following values:</p><p>When creating new data manually (not using the BC Set) for both languages (EN and DE), you need to maintain translation-sensitive data (descriptions, titles, texts and so on) twice, after having logged on the system with the appropriate language (EN and/or DE).</p><p>Field Entry Profile (first field) Y00000000001 Profile (second field) BP Sales Org. Data Profile – Country/Reg (EN) Scenario SALE Sales Determination Rules 10000166 Det. acc. to partner attr. (Reg, Organizational Model Determin. Rule country) Responsibilities Determin. Rule Mandatory Sales Organization Distribution Channel Sales Office</p><p>4. Choose Save and select a customizing request if required. Result A new organizational data determination profile has been created and is ready to be assigned to one or more CRM business transactions.</p><p>.3.5 Assigning Profiles and Procedures to Transaction Types 3.5.1 Assigning Organizational Data Profile to Transaction Types Use This activity is used to assign organizational data profile to transaction types. Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:</p><p>Transaction code SPRO SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management Transactions Basic Settings Define Transaction Types</p><p>2. Assign the Org. Data Profile to the following transaction types: Trans. Type Description Org Data Profile Y007 BP Interaction Log Y00000000001 Y010 BP E-Mail Y00000000001 Y020 BP Appointment Y00000000001</p><p>© SAP SE Page 17 of 25 SAP Best Practices CRM Transaction Types – Basic Settings (C20): Configuration Guide</p><p>Trans. Type Description Org Data Profile Y030 BP Task delete</p><p>3. Delete the Organizational Data Profile 000000000001/ Standard Org. Data Profile (Header) from Transaction Type Y030/ BP Task. The purpose of this activity is to bypass the Organizational Data search at transaction Tasks. 4. Choose Save. Result The newly created transaction types have been assigned to organizational profiles.</p><p>3.5.2 Assigning Partner Determination Procedure to Transaction Types Use The Partner Determination Procedure Y0000002 is assigned to the following transaction types. Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management Transactions Basic Settings Define Transaction Types</p><p>2. Check, if the Partner Determination Procedure 00000002 is assigned to the following transaction types: Trans. Type Description Y020 BP Appointment</p><p>3. Assign the Partner Determination Procedure Y0000004 to the following transaction types: Trans. Type Description Y007 BP Interaction Log Y010 BP E-Mail </p><p>4. Assign the Partner Determination Procedure Y0000003 Task to the following transaction type: Trans. Type Description Y030 BP Task</p><p>5. Choose Save. Result</p><p>The newly created partner determination procedures have been assigned to the new transaction types.</p><p>© SAP SE Page 18 of 25 SAP Best Practices CRM Transaction Types – Basic Settings (C20): Configuration Guide</p><p>3.5.3 Assigning Action Profile to Transaction Types Use The Action Profile Y_ACTIVITY is assigned to transaction type Y020. The Action Profile BP_TASK is assigned to transaction type Y030 according to the note 900293 to allow the functionality of merging accounts. Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management Transactions Basic Settings Define Transaction Types</p><p>2. Assign the Action Profile Y_ACTIVITY to the following transaction types: Trans. Type Description Y020 BP VAppointment</p><p>3. Assign the Action Profile BP_TASK to the following transaction type: Trans. Type Description Y030 BP Task</p><p>4. Choose Save. Result</p><p>The newly created action profile has been assigned to the new transaction types.</p><p>3.5.4 Assigning Category to Transaction Types Use This activity is used to assign category to the transaction types. Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management Transactions Basic Settings Define Transaction Types</p><p>2. Assign the new Category to the following Transaction Type at the Customizing header level: Trans. Type Description Category Direction Y020 BP Appointment BP Visit Outbound</p><p>3. Choose Save. Result</p><p>The new category has been assigned to the transaction type.</p><p>© SAP SE Page 19 of 25 SAP Best Practices CRM Transaction Types – Basic Settings (C20): Configuration Guide</p><p>3.5.5 Assigning Transaction Types to Categories for Activities Use In this activity you can assign the transaction types to the categories for activities. Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management Transactions Settings for Activities Maintain Categories, Goals, and Priorities Assign Categories to Transaction Types</p><p>2. Make the following entries: Trans. Type Category Y007 BP Interaction Log 202 Telephone call Y007 BP Interaction Log 203 Various Y007 BP Interaction Log CX5 Customer Visit Y010 BP E-Mail 401 e-mail Y020 BP Visit with Prod. YVT BP Visit Y030 BP Task 101 Task</p><p>3. Choose Save.</p><p>In a customer system, you can delete all other assignments that are not used. Result The Categories for activities have been assigned to transaction types.</p><p>3.5.6 Assigning Text Determination Procedure to Transaction Types Use You can assign Text Determination Procedures to Transaction Types. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management Transactions Basic Settings Define Transaction Types</p><p>2. Select Transaction Type Y020 BP Visit wAppointment 3. Choose Details. 4. In the Profiles area, change the Text Det. Procedure to ACT00004 Meeting. 5. Choose Save.</p><p>© SAP SE Page 20 of 25 SAP Best Practices CRM Transaction Types – Basic Settings (C20): Configuration Guide</p><p>Result Text Determination procedure has been assigned to the new Transaction Type. </p><p>.3.6 One to One E-Mail Integration </p><p>If you do not want to use this functionality, you can skip this step.</p><p>3.6.1 Defining Multipart E-Mail Option</p><p>Use In this step you make the different basic settings for the one-to-one e-mail function. You identify whether Emails created in HTML format are to be automatically duplicated in plain text format both for MS Outlook and Lotus Notes.</p><p>To send and receive Emails a connection to an Email Server is required. The mail server needs to be connected to SAP CRM system.</p><p>To enable Email Exchange, Collaboration Data Objects need to be installed as well. These data need to be installed separately starting with Exchange 2007 and Outlook 2007. Starting with Outllok 2010 CDO is not longer required. The CDO’s can be downloaded from the Microsoft Website for example from here:</p><p> http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?familyid=2714320d-c997- 4de1-986f-24f081725d36&displaylang=en</p><p>Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management → Basic Functions → One-to-One E-Mail → Define Multipart E-Mail Option and Groupware Integration</p><p>2. Enter the following entries depending on your Groupware Solution: Setting MS Outlook Lotus Notes HTML with Text-Only X X Address Search in Groupware 1 MS Outlook 2 Lotus Notes Groupware for E-Mail Integration 1 MS Outlook 2 Lotus Notes Groupware/E-Mail Copies 1 MS Outlook 2 Lotus Notes Supported E-Mail Formats 1 HTML and Plain Text 1 HTML and Plain Text.</p><p>3. Choose Save.</p><p>© SAP SE Page 21 of 25 SAP Best Practices CRM Transaction Types – Basic Settings (C20): Configuration Guide</p><p>Result</p><p>Multipart e-mail option has been defined.</p><p>3.6.2 Assigning Transaction Types</p><p>Use In this step, you assign transaction types for incoming and outgoing e-mail. Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:</p><p>Transaction code SPRO SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management → Basic Functions → One-to-One E-Mail → Assign Transaction Types</p><p>2. Choose the following entries: Customizing Setting Value Transaction Type for Activities from Incoming E-Mails Y010 Transaction Type for Activities from Outgoing E-Mails Y010</p><p>3. Choose Save.</p><p>Result</p><p>Transaction types have been assigned for incoming and outgoing e-mail.</p><p>3.6.3 Activating HTTP Services</p><p>Use In this step, you check the activation status of several services that are used by the One- to-One E-Mail Integration. If a service is not yet activated, you can activate it here. Procedure</p><p>1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SICF SAP CRM IMG menu SAP NetWeaver → Application Server → Internet Communication Framework → Configure and Activate HTTP Services Individually</p><p>2. Choose Execute (F8). 3. Navigate to default_host → sap → bc → bsp → sap → crm_gw_integ 4. Check if the service is active. If yes, the service is black, if not it is gray. 5. If the service is not activated, do a right mouse-click and choose Activate Service. 6. Repeat step 3-5 for the following services:</p><p>© SAP SE Page 22 of 25 SAP Best Practices CRM Transaction Types – Basic Settings (C20): Configuration Guide</p><p>/sap/bc/bsp/sap/crm_gw_integ /sap/bc/bsp/sap/BT126H_MAIL /sap/bc/bsp/sap/CRMCMP_GW_INBOX /sap/bc/bsp/sap/crm_send_screen /sap/bc/bsp/sap/crm_email_bo /sap/crm/crm_addr_inp /sap/crm/crm_src_provide /sap/crm/crm_att_provide /sap/crm/crm_callback 7. You can also check the activation state with a program. To do so, run the following report in transaction SE38: CRM_EMAIL_HTTP_SERVICE_CHECKER Result All the HTTP services are now activated. </p><p>3.6.4 Setting Up E-Mail Transfers from Microsoft Outlook </p><p>Use In e-mail integration with Microsoft Outlook, there are two variants available for transferring e- mails: 1. Using your inbox in SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM), you can transfer e-mails from Microsoft Outlook into SAP CRM. 2. You can transfer e-mail messages into SAP CRM right from Microsoft Outlook. To set up this second option for transferring e-mail messages, you must make the settings described in the Procedure section. For e-mail integration with IBM Lotus Notes, e-mails are only transferred from the inbox of the SAP software. In this case, the following procedure is not relevant. For additional information please refer to SAP Note 1436692. Prerequisite For integration with Microsoft Outlook, you need to have following software installed on your local computer: Microsoft Outlook: any release from 2003 to 2010. Refer to OSS Note 1436692 for details. Microsoft Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) 1.2 or higher. Needed only for Outlook versions up to 2007. For details and download of installation package refer to article 171440 from Microsoft Support web site (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/171440). Starting with Outlook 2010 the CDO’s are no longer required. In addition users’ browser settings must comply to the one described in SAP Note 963408 - Internet Explorer settings for 1-to-1 e-mail and groupware (http://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/963408) . The same information is describet at the following page of the SAP Help http://help.sap.com/saphelp_crm700_ehp03/helpdata/en/e1/8bbeffb1b940bb894aa7 b7a4c51342/frameset.htm</p><p>Especially make sure that the following browser settings are done: o Download Signed ActiveX controls: set prompt to ‘Enabled’</p><p>© SAP SE Page 23 of 25 SAP Best Practices CRM Transaction Types – Basic Settings (C20): Configuration Guide</p><p> o Download Unsigned ActiveX controls: ‘Enabled’ o Mark #Initialize and Script ActiveX controls’ as safe for Scripting: ‘Enabled’ Procedure 1. To carry out the activity, log on to the SAP CRM WebClient.</p><p>2. Click on Personalize.</p><p>3. Click the hyperlink Set Up E-Mail Transfer in the area Groupware Integration.</p><p>4. A dialog box appears. Choose OK so that the folder that is necessary for transferring e- mail is created automatically in Microsoft Outlook.</p><p>5. A second dialog box appears that confirms that the folder SAP CRM E-Mail Transfer was successfully created in Microsoft Outlook.</p><p>6. The dialog box also contains your user name for this SAP software, which you will need when you log on during e-mail transfer in Microsoft Outlook.</p><p>7. Choose OK.</p><p>Result E-mail transfer has been set up in Microsoft Outlook.</p><p>© SAP SE Page 24 of 25 SAP Best Practices CRM Transaction Types – Basic Settings (C20): Configuration Guide</p><p>4 Pre-Assembled Deployment Use If you follow the “pre-assembled deployment” approach, some parts of the SAP Best Practices for CRM content are already activated, whereas others still need to be activated. Therefore, all configuration tasks are classified into one of the following categories: </p><p> Pre-Assembly (“Pre”): Configuration tasks classified as ‘Pre-Assembly’ have already been executed and do not need to be re-activated during an implementation project. Post-Processing (“Post”): ‘Post-Processing’ configuration tasks still need to be performed in the target system landscape. Some tasks can be classified as both ‘Pre-Assembly’ and ‘Post-Processing’; this means that these tasks have been pre-assembled, but need to be checked and potentially modified during the post-assembly phase.</p><p>ERP Integrated CRM Standalone Configuration Task System Pre Post Pre Post Defining Partner Functions X X CRM Defining Access Sequence X X CRM Defining Partner Determination Procedure X X CRM for Activities Defining Partner Determination Procedure X X CRM for Tasks 3.2.1 Defining BP Transaction Types X X CRM 3.2.2 Adjusting UI Settings for Transaction Type BP X X CRM Task 3.2.3 Deactivating Standard Transaction Types X X CRM 3.2.4 Defining Item Category Determination X X CRM 3.2.5 Defining Categories for Activities X X CRM 3.3.1 Defining Action Profiles and Actions X X CRM 3.3.2 Defining Conditions X X CRM 3.4 Maintaining Organizational Data Profile X X CRM 3.5.1 Assigning Organizational Data Profile to X X CRM Transaction Types 3.5.2 Assigning Partner Determination Procedure to X X CRM Transaction Types 3.5.3 Assigning Action Profile to Transaction Types X X CRM 3.5.4 Assigning Category to Transaction Types X X CRM 3.5.5 Assigning Transaction Types to Categories for X X CRM Activities 3.5.6 Assigning Text Determination Procedure to X X CRM Transaction Types 3.6.1 Defining Multipart E-Mail Option X X Na 3.6.2 Assigning Transaction Types X X CRM 3.6.3 Activating HTTP Services X X CRM 3.6.4 Setting Up E-Mail Transfers from Microsoft X X na Outlook</p><p>© SAP SE Page 25 of 25</p>
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