<p> Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR 2015-2016</p><p>COURSE: CP WORLD HISTORY</p><p>SEMESTER: 1st Semester and 2nd Semester</p><p>TEACHER(S): Parker and Yancey</p><p>STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 1 Thursday, 8/6 Class rules and regs We will go over the basic polices of class , syllabus and school related rules Friday, 8/7 Discuss in what themes 1. Warm up: Discussion All will be found 2. 2. Brief notes on board over themes: Conflict and change, culture , governance, individuals and groups, institutions , locations , movement and migrations, technological innovations, / time/change 3. 3. World Map review </p><p>1 STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 2 Monday, 8/10 History and Pre- History 1. Warm up- Important person or event SLO 2. What is history? How do we study it? What Pre-Tests are other ways we do about finding the This Week! answer? 3. World map review Tuesday, 8/11 Wednesday, 8/12 Pre history 1. Warm up- Important person or event SSWH1A 2. Discussion: What is pre- history 3. Prehistory notes Thursday, 8/13 Define key words 1. Warm up- Image or clip SSWH1A 2. Civilizations vocan 3. Civilization map </p><p>Friday, 8/14 World map quiz 1. Warm up- Map and analysis (human migration map 2. World map quiz 3. Reading n creation myths</p><p>2 Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR 2015-2016</p><p>COURSE: CP WORLD HISTORY</p><p>SEMESTER: 1st Semester and 2nd Semester</p><p>TEACHER(S): Parker and Yancey</p><p>STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 3 Monday, 8/17 Civilization 1. Warm up- discussion on tops (civilizations) SSWH1A characteristics 2. What is civilizations? 3. Discussion and notes over what the characterizes of a civilization should be.</p><p>Tuesday, 8/18 Legacy of First 1. What were the major achievements of the SSWH1b Civilizations Mesopotamian empire 2. Hammurabi’s code Wednesday, 8/19 Religions characteristics Warm up: Map and analyze SSWH1c,d,e and institutions 1. What was unique about the Hebrew religion? 2. Judaism notes Thursday, 8/20 Phoenicians and writing Warm up- This week in history. SSWH1 c,d,e 1. What impact did the Phoenicians have? 2. PowerPoint/Alphabet Family Tree Friday, 8/21 Characteristics of Warm up: image or clip SSWH2a,b Hinduism 1. What impact did the Aryans have on Indian civilization? 2. Where were the characteristic of the Mauryans and Guptupa Empires? 3. Indian religion 4. Hinduism, and how it functions </p><p>3 STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 4 Monday, 8/24 Chinese beginnings and Warm up- Discussion on topic SSWH3A beliefs 1. What made the Chinese unique? 2. Shang dynasty notes Tuesday, 8/25 Greek Beginnings Warm up- Important Person or event Ids SSWH3A 1. What obstacles did Greece overcome to become an advanced civilization? 2. How did Greece’s physical development impact its culture? 3. Democracy Origins 4. What does it mean to have a democracy? Wednesday, 8/26 Greek Beginnings Warm up- Important Person or event Ids SSWH3A 1. What obstacles did Greece overcome to become an advanced civilizations? 2. How did Greece’s physical development impact its culture? 3. Democracy Origins What does it mean to have a democracy?</p><p>Thursday, 8/27 Roman Culture, warm up- Important Person or event Ids SSWH3A beginnings 1. What steps did Rome take to become a dominate culture? 2. Early Roman Peoples 3. What did Romans take from Greece but improve? What did Romans leave for others to “ build upon? Notes</p><p>Friday, 8/28 Roman culture and Warm up- This week in History SSWH3A beginnings 4. What steps did Rome take to become a dominate culture? 5. Early Roman Peoples 6. What did Romans take from Greece but improve? 7. What did Romans leave for others to “ build upon? Notes 4 Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR 2015-2016</p><p>COURSE: CP WORLD HISTORY</p><p>SEMESTER: 1st Semester and 2nd Semester</p><p>TEACHER(S): Parker and Yancey</p><p>5 STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 5 Monday, 8/31 Roman Beginnings 1. What impact did the Roman Empire have on SSWH3E Europe? 2. Roman Empire Notes 3. Roman Empire Map 4. How did Christianity and Rome become intertwined in history? Tuesday, 9/1 Review Written review 1-3 Wednesday, 9/2 Review Online review 1-3 Performance Essay English Thursday, 9/3 Test 1-3 Friday, 9/4 Discover changes of Warm up- This week in History SSWH4a,b,c,d,e,f Early Release civilizations 1. What impact did the Byzantine Empire have (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th) on Europe development ? 2. What happened to the Roman’s? How do the mighty fall?</p><p>6 Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR 2015-2016</p><p>COURSE: CP WORLD HISTORY</p><p>SEMESTER: 1st Semester and 2nd Semester</p><p>TEACHER(S): Parker and Yancey</p><p>STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 6 Monday, 9/7 LABOR DAY HOLIDAY Tuesday, 9/8 Discover changes of Warm up- This week in History SSWH4a,b,c,d,e,f civilizations 3. What impact did the Byzantine Empire have on Europe development ? What happened to the Roman’s? How do the mighty fall? Wednesday, 9/10 Islamic beginnings and Warm up- Image or clip (Muslim worship) SSWH5a,b Beliefs 1. What are the Major beliefs of Islam? 2. Venn Diagram between Christianity and Islam. 3. Look at some quotes from The Bible or Quran Thursday, 9/11 Spread of Islam Warm up: Discussion Topic ( How did Islam move the SSWH5c world forward more than Christian? ) 1. What areas were impacted by Islam? And How did it spread? 2. Map of Abbasid and Umayyad Empires Friday, 9/12 Islamic Spread Mongol Warm Up : Important person SSWH5b,g Empire 1. What allowed Islam to spread so quickly? 2. What steps were taken by Muslims as they Spread?</p><p>7 STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 7 Monday, 9/14 Mongol Empire Warm up: Map and Analyze ( Bantu Migration and SSWH5f Benchmark Mongol Map) Week #1 1. What impact did the Mongols have on the History of the world? Mongol Calvary Clip 2. What made the Mongols so good at expansion? Tuesday, 9/15 Mongol Empire Warm up: Map and Analyze ( Bantu Migration and SSWH5f Mongol Map) 3. What impact did the Mongols have on the History of the world? Mongol Calvary Clip What made the Mongols so good at expansion? Wednesday, 9/16 African Civilization Warm up: This week in History SSWH5f ENGLISH 1. What impact did the Bantu Migration have on Africa? What events led to the creation of empires throughout Africa? What events led to the creation of empires throughout Africa? 2. Africa Map; Mali, Ghana, Songhai, Great Zimbabwe, Aksum 3. Reasons for African Lack of development Thursday, 9/17 African Civilzation Warm up: This week in History SSWH5f MATH 1. What impact did the Bantu Migration have on Africa? What events led to the creation of empires throughout Africa? What events led to the creation of empires throughout Africa? 2. Africa Map; Mali, Ghana, Songhai, Great Zimbabwe, Aksum Reasons for African Lack of development Friday, 9/18 Review Review Review ELECTIVES</p><p>8 Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR 2015-2016</p><p>COURSE: CP WORLD HISTORY</p><p>SEMESTER: 1st Semester and 2nd Semester</p><p>TEACHER(S): Parker and Yancey</p><p>STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 8 Monday, 9/21 Review Review Review Benchmark SCIENCE Week #1 Tuesday, 9/22 Test Test Test SOCIAL STUDIES Wednesday, 9/23 Medieval Vocab Students will define the major vocab for the Middle SSWH7a,b Ages Thursday, 9/24 European Middle Ages Warm Up: Discussion on topic SSWH7a,b 1. What is feudalism? How did the church use its power and authority? 2. What are examples of positive nature of church? What are negatives of church Friday, 9/25 Power of Church Warm Up: Important Person or Event SSWH7b,c (Torquemada: Inquisition) 1. What did changes in Medieval society symbolize? 2. Theocracy-good idea/bad idea. 3. Medieval Church Power and Abuses</p><p>9 STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 9 Monday, 9/28 Beginnings of England Warm Up: Map and Analyze (Map of Europe SSWH7 and why island? 1. What events led to the development of England? 2. Individuality, Norman Conquest, Magna Carta 3. Compare England to rest of Europe Tuesday, 9/29 Writing Writing topic: Islam Wednesday, 9/30 Crusades Warm Up: This week in History SSWH5e 1. What was the Purpose of the Crusades? 2. What did changes in Medieval society symbolize? 3. Map of Crusades, description with notes on each one Thursday, 10/1 100 Years War Warm Up: Image or Clip(Dance of the Dead Image) SSWH7 1. How did the 100 years war change Europe? 2. What impact did the plague have on Europe? 3. Timeline, Impact Friday, 10/2 Plague Warm Up: Art of the Medieval Times and Plague SSWH7 1. Look at Medieval Arts 2. Look and Discuss Impact of Plague 3. Primary Documents/Video on Plague</p><p>10 Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR 2015-2016</p><p>COURSE: CP WORLD HISTORY</p><p>SEMESTER: 1st Semester and 2nd Semester</p><p>TEACHER(S): Parker and Yancey</p><p>STANDARDS WEEK DAY CONCEPT OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 10 Monday, 10/5 Mesoamerica Location and Warm Up: Map and Analysis (Climate types and put start SSWH8a,b Empires Description of where certain civilization existed to begin analysis) American Civilizations 1. What made Mesoamerican cities unique? 2. Map,Empire Comparison Chart 3. Compare development with other civilizations.</p><p>Tuesday, 10/6 Mesoamerica Native American Warm Up: This week in History SSWH8a,b Culture 1. Scientific Achievements 2. Basic of Civilizations in note form Wednesday, Writing Topic Writing Topic Performance Essay: Medieval Europe 10/7 Performance Essay Social Studies Thursday, Mesoamerica Civilizations Warm Up: Image or clip of conquistadors at a sacrifice) SSWH8a,b 10/8 1. Continued Basics 2. Down Fall and Great Exchange</p><p>Friday, 10/9 Guns Gunpowder Empires Warm Up: Discussion on topics(Weapons across time) SSWH12a,b Location and 1. What does the term Gunpowder Mean? Description 2. Chart,Map</p><p>11 C O N STANDARDS WEEK DAY C OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) E P T Week 11 Monday, 10/12 R Renaissance Beginnings Warm Up:Discussion on topic: Difference in SSWH9c e Renaissance and Medieval Art?Why? - 1. What was the Renaissance? B 2. Causes of Renaissance, Why Italy? ir 3. Key Figures Biographies t h o f E u r o p e Tuesday, 10/13 A Renaissance Warm Up: Important Person or Event IDs SSWH9c rt Characteristics 1. What reborn in the Renaissance? I 2. Importance of Knowledge, Art Analysis m 3. Comparison to the North Renaissance p a 4. Look at art and artists images ct of C ul t u 12 Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR 2015-2016</p><p>COURSE: CP WORLD HISTORY</p><p>SEMESTER: 1st Semester and 2nd Semester</p><p>TEACHER(S): Parker and Yancey</p><p> re Wednesday, 10/14 C Reformation Warm UP: Map and Analyze (German States image or SSWH9d PSAT h Martin Luther posting) ASVAB a 1. What was the Reformation? College Fair n 2. Read over the 95 Thesis and see what Luther g was saying e s in E u r o p e’ s P o w er Thursday, 10/15 R Spread of Reformation Warm Up: This week in History SSWH9d,f Early Release e Counter Reformation 1. What impact did the spread of the Professional s Reformation have on Europe? Learning p 2. Biographical info on Reformation leaders. (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th) o 3. How did the Catholic Church react to the n success of the Reformation? Thirty Years war s causes, impacts. e t 4. Jesuits o R ef 13 o r m at io n Friday, 10/16 Early Release Homecoming (7th, 6th, 4th, 5th)</p><p>STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 12 Monday, 10/19 FALL HOLIDAY!! Tuesday, 10/20 Major Figures and Minor Research Topic SSHW9 Impacts Wednesday, 10/21 Major Figures and Minor Research Topic SSHW9 Impacts Thursday, 10/22 Major Figures and Minor Research Topic SSHW9 Impacts Friday, 10/23 Major Figures and Minor Research Topic SSHW9 Impacts</p><p>14 Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR 2015-2016</p><p>COURSE: CP WORLD HISTORY</p><p>SEMESTER: 1st Semester and 2nd Semester</p><p>TEACHER(S): Parker and Yancey</p><p>STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 13 Monday, 10/26 Review Written Review for Unit Test:Medieval-Renaissance SSWH7-9 Tuesday, 10/27 Test Test:Middle Ages,Renaissance, Reformation SSWH7-9 Wednesday, 10/28 Reasons,Causes for 1. What brought about the Western Europeans SSWH10c Exploration desire to Explore? 2. Map and Chart of Routes Thursday, 10/29 Impact of Exploration 1. What impact did the Europeans have on the SSWH10a areas they explored? 2. Comparison of Explorers 3. Contrast in styles and management of Exploration Friday, 10/30 Explorers a closer look Warm UP: Map and Analyze(map making) SSWH10b 1. Look at the successes and failures 2. How did the world change? 3. Who were these guys?</p><p>15 STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 14 Monday, 11/2 Global Changes Warm Up: Map and Analyze(Great Exchange) SSWH10b Benchmark 1. Columbian Exchange Week #2 2. Spices Day 3. Writing Assignment: Life in the Americas or 1st trip to Europe: Use factual information to pick position of person, slave, explorer, etc Tuesday, 11/3 Areas of Impact 1. Where did Europeans establish control in SSWH10b America? 2. Map Exercise: What type of social classes evolved in European colonies? Titles and descriptions. 3. How did the social classes affect the different parts of the world depending on where colonies were? Wednesday, 11/4 Review of Exploration SSWH10 Thursday, 11/5 Review for Benchmark Kahoot Review: With Grade Attached SSWH1-10 SOCIAL STUDIES Friday, 11/6 Review for Benchmark Written Review SSWH1-10 ELECTIVES</p><p>16 Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR 2015-2016</p><p>COURSE: CP WORLD HISTORY</p><p>SEMESTER: 1st Semester and 2nd Semester</p><p>TEACHER(S): Parker and Yancey</p><p>STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 15 Monday, 11/9 Review old material Final Review for Benchmark: Old Test questions via SSWH1-10 Benchmark from previous test whole group, kahoot,online Week #2 Tuesday, 11/10 Benchmark Benchmark SSWH1-10</p><p>Wednesday, 11/11 Chinese Dynasty Warm Up: Image or clip SSWH11a,b Characteristics 1. Why did China and Japan turn to isolation? 2. Vocab and Identification Thursday, 11/12 Chinese Dynasty Warm Up: Image of Clip SSWH11a,b Characteristics 1. Comparison of Japanese Feudalism and European Model 2. Ming Dynasty vs. Zheng He Friday, 11/13 Review for Writing 1. Rubric look 2. Major topics address</p><p>17 STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 16 Monday, 11/16 Exploration Writing Topic Exploration SSWH10 Tuesday, 11/17 Monarchies Warm Up: Discussion topic tradition vs. SSWH14a Progress? 1. Map of Europe and Monarchies 2. Key words and Identification Wednesday, 11/18 Development of 1. What are the benefits and drawbacks of SSWH14a Performance Essay Monarchies around the having an absolute ruler? Electives world 2. Cross Cultural ComparisonPositive/Negative Thursday, 11/19 Power in Place in Europe Twisted Genealogy of the Hapsburgs 1. Warm Up: Map and Analyze 2. What problems did the Hapsburg Family Face as their dynasty grew? 3. Power Point, Family Tree Study 4. SSWH14a Friday, 11/20 The ideal example of Absolutism Example of Absolutism in France 1. Warm Up: This week in History-Video of Palace of Versailles 2. What made Louis XIV the perfect example of an absolute monarch? 3. Power Point, Notes THANKSGIVING BREAK 11/23 – 11/27</p><p>18 Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR 2015-2016</p><p>COURSE: CP WORLD HISTORY</p><p>SEMESTER: 1st Semester and 2nd Semester</p><p>TEACHER(S): Parker and Yancey</p><p>STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 17 Monday, 11/30 Absolute Monarch Warm Up: Image or clip(spending of kings) SSWH14a create conflict 1. How did the Thirty Years war exhibit the problem and power of the absolute monarchs? 2. Map Analysis 3. Why were they fighting and how did this effect Europe?</p><p>Tuesday, 12/1 Absolute Monarchs in Warm Up: Discussion(What would you do? Does SSWH14a Russia absolute power corrupt absolutely?) 1. How was Russia Different than Western Europe? 2. Power Point Wednesday, 12/2 Monarchy problems in 1. How did the English view monarch differently SSWH14b England that the rest of Europe? 2. Magna Carta, Judicial Process, Parliament Review 3. Tudor/Stuart Family Tree Notes Thursday, 12/3 England moves away Warm Up: Map and analyze(UK map and splits) SSWH14b from Monarchy Tudor Dynasty Story, Elizabeth Clip Friday, 12/4 Warm Up: This week in History SSWH14b 1. What impact did the English Civil War have on their progression in history? 2. English Civil War Notes 3. Impact Analysis</p><p>19 20 Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR 2015-2016</p><p>COURSE: CP WORLD HISTORY</p><p>SEMESTER: 1st Semester and 2nd Semester</p><p>TEACHER(S): Parker and Yancey</p><p>STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 18 Monday, 12/7 Scientific Revolution Warm Up: Map and Analyze(map of Inventors) SSWH13a 1. How was the Scientific Revolution an extension of the Renaissance? 2. Biographical Chart breaking down who is important and what they did. Tuesday, 12/8 Scientific Rev 1. Warm Up: This Week in History SSWH13a 2. Invention Analysis Wednesday, 12/9 Age of Enlightenment Warm Up: Image of clip(look at inventions closely SSWH13b video) 1. Why is Age of Enlightenment referred to the Age of Reason? 2. Analysis of the Social and Political history of Europe Thursday, 12/10 Age of Enlightenment Warm Up: Discussion today inventions-less creative or SSWH13b more? 1. How is the Age of Enlightenment an extension of the Renaissance? 2. Comparison Writing: Age of Reason to Age of Technology Friday, 12/11 Age of Enlightenment Warm Up: Important person or event SSWH13b 1. What major ideas were developed in the Enlightenment 2. Impact Analysis: How did this time period change humans or keep us moving forward?</p><p>21 STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 19 Monday, 12/14 Benchmark Tuesday, 12/15 Semester Exams (Benchmark #3) – 7th Period Week #3 Wednesday, 12/16 Semester Exams (Benchmark #3) – 1st & 2nd Periods Thursday, 12/17 Semester Exams (Benchmark #3) – 3rd & 4th Periods Friday, 12/18 Semester Exams (Benchmark #3) – 5th & 6th Periods</p><p>End 1st Semester</p><p>22 Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR 2015-2016</p><p>COURSE: CP WORLD HISTORY</p><p>SEMESTER: 1st Semester and 2nd Semester</p><p>TEACHER(S): Parker and Yancey</p><p>STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 1 Monday, 1/4 FACULTY AND STAFF PROFESSIONAL LEARNING DAY / STUDENT HOLIDAY Tuesday, 1/5 Wednesday, 1/6 Thursday, 1/7 Friday, 1/8</p><p>23 STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 2 Monday, 1/11 Tuesday, 1/12 Wednesday, 1/13 Thursday, 1/14 Friday, 1/15</p><p>24 Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR 2015-2016</p><p>COURSE: CP WORLD HISTORY</p><p>SEMESTER: 1st Semester and 2nd Semester</p><p>TEACHER(S): Parker and Yancey</p><p>STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 3 Monday, 1/18 MLK HOLIDAY Tuesday, 1/19 Wednesday, 1/20 Thursday, 1/21 Friday, 1/22</p><p>25 STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 4 Monday, 1/25 Tuesday, 1/26 Wednesday, 1/27 Performance Essay English Thursday, 1/28 Friday, 1/29</p><p>26 Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR 2015-2016</p><p>COURSE: CP WORLD HISTORY</p><p>SEMESTER: 1st Semester and 2nd Semester</p><p>TEACHER(S): Parker and Yancey</p><p>STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 5 Monday, 2/1 Tuesday, 2/2 Wednesday, 2/3 Thursday, 2/4 Friday, 2/5</p><p>27 STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 6 Monday, 2/8 Benchmark ENGLISH Week #1 Tuesday, 2/9 MATH Wednesday, 2/10 ELECTIVES Thursday, 2/11 SCIENCE Friday, 2/12 SOCIAL STUDIES</p><p>28 Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR 2015-2016</p><p>COURSE: CP WORLD HISTORY</p><p>SEMESTER: 1st Semester and 2nd Semester</p><p>TEACHER(S): Parker and Yancey</p><p>STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 7 Monday, 2/15 Tuesday, 2/16 Winter Holiday Wednesday, 2/17 Thursday, 2/18 FACULTY AND STAFF PROFESSIONAL LEARNING DAY / STUDENT HOLIDAY Friday, 2/19</p><p>29 STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 8 Monday, 2/22 Tuesday, 2/23 Wednesday, 2/24 Performance Essay Math Thursday, 2/25 Friday, 2/26</p><p>30 Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR 2015-2016</p><p>COURSE: CP WORLD HISTORY</p><p>SEMESTER: 1st Semester and 2nd Semester</p><p>TEACHER(S): Parker and Yancey</p><p>STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 9 Monday, 2/29 Tuesday, 3/1 Wednesday, 3/2 Performance Essay Social Studies Thursday, 3/3 Friday, 3/4</p><p>31 STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 10 Monday, 3/7 Tuesday, 3/8 Wednesday, 3/9 Thursday, 3/10 Friday, 3/11</p><p>32 Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR 2015-2016</p><p>COURSE: CP WORLD HISTORY</p><p>SEMESTER: 1st Semester and 2nd Semester</p><p>TEACHER(S): Parker and Yancey</p><p>STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 11 Monday, 3/14 FACULTY AND STAFF PROFESSIONAL LEARNING DAY / STUDENT HOLIDAY Tuesday, 3/15 Wednesday, 3/16 Performance Essay Science Thursday, 3/17 Early Release Professional Learning (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th) Friday, 3/18 Early Release Professional Learning (7th, 6th, 4th, 5th)</p><p>33 STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 12 Monday, 3/21 Tuesday, 3/22 Wednesday, 3/23 Thursday, 3/24 Friday, 3/25</p><p>34 Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR 2015-2016</p><p>COURSE: CP WORLD HISTORY</p><p>SEMESTER: 1st Semester and 2nd Semester</p><p>TEACHER(S): Parker and Yancey</p><p>STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 13 Monday, 3/28 Tuesday, 3/29 Wednesday, 3/30 Performance Essay Electives Thursday, 3/31 SPRING BREAK! Friday, 4/1 Friday, 4/8</p><p>35 STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 14 Monday, 4/11 Benchmark Tuesday, 4/12 Week #2 Wednesday, 4/13 SCIENCE Thursday, 4/14 SOCIAL STUDIES Friday, 4/15 ELECTIVES</p><p>36 Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR 2015-2016</p><p>COURSE: CP WORLD HISTORY</p><p>SEMESTER: 1st Semester and 2nd Semester</p><p>TEACHER(S): Parker and Yancey</p><p>STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 15 Monday, 4/18 Benchmark ENGLISH Week #2 Tuesday, 4/19 MATH Wednesday, 4/20 Thursday, 4/21 Friday, 4/22</p><p>37 STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 16 Monday, 4/25 Tuesday, 4/26 Wednesday, 4/27 Thursday, 4/28 Friday, 4/29</p><p>38 Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR 2015-2016</p><p>COURSE: CP WORLD HISTORY</p><p>SEMESTER: 1st Semester and 2nd Semester</p><p>TEACHER(S): Parker and Yancey</p><p>STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 17 Monday, 5/2 Tuesday, 5/3 Wednesday, 5/4 Thursday, 5/5 Friday, 5/6 AP Exams Milestones Monday, 5/2 – AP Chem, AP Enviro Science, and AP Psych To be determined. Tuesday, 5/3 – AP Spanish Language Wednesdays, 5/4 – AP English Literature Thursday, 5/5 – AP Calculus Friday, 5/6 – AP US History, AP Studio Art </p><p>39 STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 18 Monday, 5/9 Tuesday, 5/10 Wednesday, 5/11 Thursday, 5/12 Friday, 5/13 AP Exams Milestones Monday, May 9 – AP Biology and AP Music Theory To be determined. Tuesday, May 10 – AP Government Wednesday, May 11– AP English Language and AP Macroeconomics Thursday, May 12 – AP World History and AP Statistics Friday, May 13 – AP Human Geography</p><p>STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 19 Monday, 5/16 Tuesday, 5/17 Wednesday, 5/18 40 Buford High School CURRICULUM CALENDAR 2015-2016</p><p>COURSE: CP WORLD HISTORY</p><p>SEMESTER: 1st Semester and 2nd Semester</p><p>TEACHER(S): Parker and Yancey</p><p>Thursday, 5/19 Friday, 5/20</p><p>41 STANDARDS WEEK DAY OBJECTIVES INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (CCGPS, GPS, AP) Week 20 Monday, 5/23 Senior Exams (Benchmark #3 – 5th, 6th, & 7th) Benchmark Tuesday, 5/24 Senior Exams (Benchmark #3 – 1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th) / Semester Exams (Benchmark #3 – 7th) Week #3 Wednesday, 5/25 Semester Exams (Benchmark #3 – 1st & 2nd) Thursday, 5/26 Semester Exams (Benchmark #3 – 3rd & 4th) Friday, 5/27 Semester Exams (Benchmark #3 – 5th & 6th)</p><p>42</p>
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