<p> All About Kids Therapy Services, Inc.</p><p>Founded by Aimee Eblen, PT and Amie LoCicero, PT </p><p>Policies and Procedures Manual</p><p>Providers</p><p>Office Address 545 Old Norcross Road, Suite 100 Lawrenceville, GA 30046 Office 678/377-2833 Fax 678/377-2882</p><p>Last Updated 08/01/2012</p><p>1 All About Kids Therapy services, Inc. Policy and Procedures Manual</p><p>Welcome!</p><p>All About Kids Therapy Services, Inc. has been providing pediatric occupational and physical therapy since March 1999. We are currently provide Physical and Occupational Therapy to children referred to our program from local area physicians and the County’s Babies Can’t Wait Program. We share our office space with Kidspeech, Inc. who provide pediatric speech therapy and Intensive Therapy Center of Georgia, Inc. who provides intensive therapy services to patients with neurologically impaired children referred to our facility by providers throughout the state and those surrounding states.</p><p>This manual was developed to outline the policies and procedures of All About Kids Therapy Services, Inc. It is of great benefit for you to familiarize yourself with the manual as soon as possible. It will answer many of your questions about the company, the agencies we have business relations with and the documentation necessary for you to see the clients referred to you. </p><p>We look forward to having you work with us and hope that you will find your experiences both enjoyable and rewarding.</p><p>We are glad to have you on board!</p><p>Aimee Eblen, PT Amie LoCicero, PT, DPT</p><p>2 All About Kids Therapy services, Inc. Policy and Procedures Manual</p><p>DATA FORM To be filled out and copied for Amie or Aimee</p><p>NAME: ______</p><p>ADDRESS:______</p><p>______</p><p>PHONE NUMBER(S): ______</p><p>DATE OF HIRE: ______DATE OF BIRTH: ______</p><p>AGREED SCHEDULE: ______</p><p>SIX MONTH DATE:______</p><p>ONE YEAR DATE:______</p><p>JOB POSITION:______</p><p>RESPONSIBILITIES:______</p><p>______Amie LoCicero or Amie Eblen New Staff Member</p><p>3 All About Kids Therapy services, Inc. Policy and Procedures Manual</p><p>JOB DESCRIPTIONS Occupational Therapist</p><p>The responsibilities of staff occupational therapists include but are not limited to: Follow AOTA & GOTA code of Ethics and Practice Acts Will maintain CEU requirements as required by the board of GOTA. Maintaining HIPPA compliance; see page 7-8 Evaluation and Treatment of referred clients of AAKTS. Schedule all home visits and make up sessions with families. Maintain Documentation as outlined in the Documentation section of these Policies & Procedures. Attending Team Meetings required by the Babies Can’t Wait Program. Clean up treatment area following each treatment session wiping down all mat surfaces, therapy balls and toys used, with disinfectant wipes. Will fill out an Incident Report (Appendix R) for any patient incident have signed by parents and witnesses and turned into our office within 24 hours of incident. This would include but is not limited to: 1. Any falls, scraps, bumps or bruises acquired in the employees treatment session.</p><p>2. Any altercations between employee and patients or caregivers. Maintain professional conduct with patients, caregivers and office staff. 1. This includes any communication with the above mentioned during phone, email and texting. 2. Any personal web pages should be secure and invite only. No patients or caregivers are to be granted access to these sites. (ie Facebook, My Space, etc.) </p><p>These responsibilities are outlined in further detail throughout the remainder of the manual.</p><p>Physical Therapist The responsibilities of staff occupational therapists include but are not limited to: Follow APTA & PTAG code of Ethics and Practice Acts Will maintain CEU requirements as required by the board of APTA. Maintaining HIPPA compliance; see page 7-8 Evaluation and Treatment of referred clients of AAKTS. Schedule all home visits and make up sessions with families. Maintain Documentation as outlined in the Documentation section of these Policies & Procedures. Attending Team Meetings required by the Babies Can’t Wait Program. Clean up treatment area following each treatment session wiping down all mat surfaces, therapy balls and toys used, with disinfectant wipes. Will fill out an Incident Report (Appendix R) for any patient incident have signed by parents and witnesses and turned into our office within 24 hours of incident. This would include but is not limited to: 3. Any falls, scraps, bumps or bruises acquired in the employees treatment session.</p><p>4. Any altercations between employee and patients or caregivers. Maintain professional conduct with patients, caregivers and office staff. 3. This includes any communication with the above mentioned during phone, email and texting.</p><p>4 All About Kids Therapy services, Inc. Policy and Procedures Manual</p><p>4. Any personal web pages should be secure and invite only. No patients or caregivers are to be granted access to these sites. (ie Facebook, My Space, etc.) These responsibilities are outlined in further detail throughout the remainder of the manual.</p><p>Responsibilities of Contracted Providers</p><p>LICENSE</p><p>All Contract Providers must maintain a valid Professional License with the State of Georgia. Any Board Orders must be reported to the Company and could be grounds for immediate termination.</p><p>DAILY CHARGING AND DOCUMENTATION</p><p>All patients seen each day are to be charged for and documentation completed within 24 hours of the visit.</p><p>TERMS OF PAYMENT</p><p>Payment for your services will be made on the 15th of each month and is payment for the 1st through the 30th of the previous month. Payment is made to the Contractor once the following documentation has been submitted to the Company: 1. All progress notes completed 2. All evaluations completed 3. Monthly Invoice </p><p>PROFFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE</p><p>All Contracted employees are to maintain up current liability insurance with a minimum of 1,000,000 per incident and 3,000,000 aggregate. </p><p>PERSONAL LEAVE</p><p>Personal leave is taken by the Contractor at their own discretion. We do ask that as a courtesy to the patients the contractor provides the Company and the Patient 2 weeks notice prior to an absence in which the provider will be absent longer that a week’s time.</p><p>SCHEDULING</p><p>Contract Employees at All About Kids Therapy Services, Inc. will set their own schedule with clients referred to them by AAKTS. Contractors agree to keep the office administration updated on when evaluations will take place, when changes occur in providers and when the client is discharged from their services. </p><p>5 All About Kids Therapy services, Inc. Policy and Procedures Manual</p><p>Documentation Requirements</p><p>PATIENT CHARGES: (Clinic Source)</p><p>It is expected that charges for each of the visits you see during the day are entered in clinic source daily. Please see Clinic Source training power point for details on charging.</p><p>TEAMING TIME SHEET: (Appendix C)</p><p>Therapist on Babies Can’t Wait Teams must sign in and out of each team meeting and keep record of this on a BCW Teaming Time Sheet which is to be turned in to the office by the 5th of the following month. (please place in voucher box along with the ret of your BCW vouchers.</p><p>BCW VOUCHERS: (Appendix D)</p><p>Patients seen through the Babies Can’t Wait program must have vouchers signed after each treatment session. Evaluations should have separate vouchers from the patient’s monthly Treatment voucher. Blue pens should be used for all signatures by caregivers. Each treatment date must have signature and date filled in by attending caregiver the day of the treatment.</p><p>EVALUATIONS: (Clinic Source)</p><p>In compliance with the OT and PT Associations Practice Acts all patients are to be treated under current evaluations and plan of cares. </p><p>Initial Evaluations: All evaluations are to be completed and turned into the office within 2 business days of the patient’s initial visit. All About Kids Therapy Services, Inc. Evaluation Form can be found online in Clinic Source. These do not need to be printed out. Once completed you will send an email to Tammy letting her know that the evaluation and POC are ready for the doctor’s signature.</p><p>BCW Eligibility Evaluations: All BCW and Evaluations and summaries are to be completed and turned in to the Team at the next team meeting. See the following Appendixes for Evaluation forms. OT Discipline Specific Eligibility Evaluation (Clinic Source) PT Discipline Specific Eligibility Evaluation (Clinic Source) DOE Summary Form (Electronic File/ Request from Amie LoCicero) Peabody Summary Form (Appendix K)</p><p>Standardized Testing: AAKTS provides the following Standardized Tests to be used with clients referred to AAKTS for evaluation and treatment. All initial evaluations should include a standardized test if applicable; The Peabody Gross Motor Scales 2nd edition Gross Motor Function Measure BOT-2 Sensory Profile SIPT Test 6 All About Kids Therapy services, Inc. Policy and Procedures Manual</p><p> Preschool Sensory Performance Test ***All BCW Standardized Testing completed for Eligibility should be done with forms provided by the Babies Can’t Wait.***</p><p>PLAN OF CARES: (Clinic Source)</p><p>If the patient is eligible for therapy services, a Plan of Care is to be turned in along with the evaluation within 2 business days of the evaluation. </p><p>Standardized Testing & Plan of Cares are to be updated every 6 months or sooner if changes in patient’s status requires changes to the care plan.</p><p>PROGRESS NOTES: (Clinic Source)</p><p>Goals: Goals that are placed on the POC in Clinic Source will generate on each days progress note. Goals should: Be broken into short and long term goals. Address IFSP goals if applicable. Be measureable Include a home programming goal. Daily Note: All treatment sessions are to be documented and should include the following: DOS Beginning and End time of session Signature of Caregiver Interventions Performed; Each intervention is billed in 15 minute increments. 8 minutes of therapy must be performed in order to bill for a 15 minute unit. ie. A 53-60 minute session of Therapeutic Activity would be billed as 4 units of Therapeutic Activity. How the patient responded to the treatment.</p><p>DISCHARGE SUMMARY: (Clinic Source)</p><p>A Discharge Summary should be done for any patient no longer in your care and reported to the billing staff to let them know you are no longer seeing the patient.</p><p>RELEASE OF INFORMATION: (Appendix P)</p><p>Per our HIPPA Policy and Procedures no information can be released to third parties without a Release of Information being signed by the guardians of the patient specifying what information is to be released. </p><p>Every New Provider will go through HIPPA training provided by All About Kids Therapy Services, Inc.</p><p>7 All About Kids Therapy services, Inc. Policy and Procedures Manual</p><p>HIPPA RESPONSIBILITES</p><p>Maintaining HIPPA Compliance</p><p>Access to medical records is restricted to what may be characterized as a need to know basis. Patient information is to be held strictly confidential. Any employee/contractor who uses or discloses patient information for any purpose not related to the performance of the employee/contractor’s job responsibilities will be subject to discipline up to, and including, termination. Any patient information obtained while a employee/contractor of this medical practice shall remain confidential except to the extent allowed in this policy/procedure and as part of the employee/contractor’s job description. Employee/Contractors will discuss any questions or concerns they have with Aimee Eblen. Any employee/ contractor who is not sure whether certain patient information should be released, will not release the information until discussing the circumstances with Aimee Eblen. In the event it is discovered that patient information may have been used or disclosed inappropriately, every employee/ contractor is expected to notify Aimee Eblen. Try to avoid stating the patient’s name whenever possible. The fact that an individual is a patient at this medical practice is confidential information. Unless you have the guardian’s written permission to release information, do not do so. If you pull medical records, file information, etc., do not read any more information than necessary to complete the task at hand. For example, if you are asked to pull a patient’s chart, you do not need any more information from the chart than the patient’s name and medical record number. If you are asked to find certain information in the chart, do not read anymore information than necessary. When you see patients outside the office, do not ask specific questions from your knowledge of their patient information unless you can do so privately and it is appropriate. Patient information should never be discussed or otherwise provided in public or other areas where unauthorized persons could obtain protected information. Do not allow medical information on computer monitors to be visible to unauthorized persons. Keep patient charts and other documents face down. Do not leave such documents where unauthorized persons can see or take them. All computers, phones and tablets with patient information stored on them are to be password protected. Do not disclose your computer or phone passwords to anyone, including other contractors. All faxes are to be accompanied by a cover sheet that has a disclaimer (see appendix J). All information that is released (with patient/guardian authorization) is to be documented on the cover of their file. There are stickers on the files to document such information. Patient Release form (appendix R) All emails / texts regarding patients should only include first initial and last name and should not include any other identifiable information such as DOB, Address, Phone numbers, etc.</p><p>8 All About Kids Therapy services, Inc. Policy and Procedures Manual</p><p>PATIENT SCHEDULING POLICY</p><p>Contract Employees at All About Kids Therapy Services, Inc. will be responsible for scheduling in-home visits and any make up visits. If you wish to have set clinic hours a schedule of your clinic openings can be given to the office manager who will refer clients to you that call the office. It is your responsibility to make contact with each client and schedule all visits. </p><p>Once a scheduled appointment is set you must alert the office staff of the date of this appointment so that they can make every effort to get the necessary documentation in the patients file prior to the therapy start date. </p><p>****It is recommended that a weeks notice be given to the administration to allow time for prescriptions, pre- certifications and insurance information to be collected.****</p><p>9 All About Kids Therapy services, Inc. Policy and Procedures Manual</p><p>POLICY REGARDING CANCELLATIONS AND “NO SHOWS”</p><p>In an effort to be respectful of your busy schedule as well as your therapist’s schedule; and secondary to the large waiting list and the high demand for therapy services, we employ an attendance policy for all scheduled therapy appointments.</p><p>Planned Cancellations: (doctor’s appointment, vacation) • It is the parent’s/caregiver’s responsibility to keep the therapist informed of any changes they need to make in their scheduled therapy visits. We request a 48-hour notice of any cancellations so that your therapist has the opportunity to make adjustments in his/her schedule as needed. </p><p>• Your therapist will give a minimum of 48-hour notice for any cancellations he/she may need to make with regard to scheduled visits.</p><p>Cancellations Due to Illness: . It is important that both the parent/caregiver and the therapist be respectful of health concerns. Children with diarrhea, vomiting, contagious diseases and/or a temperature above 100 degrees should not be seen to ensure the therapist’s health and the health of other patients that your therapist may treat. </p><p>. Should your child (or another child in the home who will be there during therapy time) wake up with any of these symptoms, please contact your therapist or our office at 678-377-2833 as soon as possible. Your therapist will likewise call as soon as possible should he/she be ill and not be able to render services to your child. Your child should be symptom free for 24 hours before resuming therapy.</p><p>“ No Shows”: . In the event of a “no show” (not showing up at the clinic or not being at home at the scheduled time), you will be given written notice by your therapist. A second “no show” within a 3 month period will result in the child being discharged from our services. </p><p>***Your therapist will make every effort to reschedule your child when a cancellation is required. ***</p><p>Parents must keep 75 percent of scheduled therapy visits per month. Clients who drop below this amount for 2 consecutive months will be given written notice of discharge from your therapist’s caseload.</p><p>I have read the above attendance policy with regard to cancellations and “no shows” for scheduled therapy visits.</p><p>10 All About Kids Therapy services, Inc. Policy and Procedures Manual</p><p>______Parent or Guardian Signature Date</p><p>See Front Office to have an electronic version of the following documents emailed to you.</p><p>11 All About Kids Therapy services, Inc. Policy and Procedures Manual</p><p>12 All About Kids Therapy services, Inc. Policy and Procedures Manual</p><p>13</p>
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