<p>SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT NUTRITION MSc PROGRAMME</p><p>First Year I. Semester Code Course Title ECTS T+P Credit C/E Language 501001101 THE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH METHODS AND ITS ETHICS 7.5 3+0+0 3 C Turkish PREPARATION OF FERTILIZATION PROGRAMS DEPENDING 506802501 7.5 3+0+0 3 C Turkish ON SOIL AND PLANT ANALYSIS Elective Course-1 7.5 3+0+0 3 E Turkish Elective Course-2 7.5 3+0+0 3 E Turkish Total of I. Semester 30 12 II. Semester Code Course Title ECTS T+P C/E Language 506802503 FERTILITY ANALYSES OF SOIL 7.5 3+0+0 3 C Turkish Elective Course-3 7.5 3+0+0 3 E Turkish Elective Course-4 7.5 3+0+0 3 E Turkish 506802001 Seminar 7.5 0+1+0 - C Turkish Total of II. Semester 30 12 TOTAL OF FIRST YEAR 60 21</p><p>Second Year III. Semester Code Course Title ECTS T+P Credit C/E Language MSc THESIS - 506801702 25 0+1+0 C Turkish STUDY SPECIALIZATIO - Turkish 506801703 N FIELD 5 3+0+0 C COURSE Total of III. Semester 30 IV. Semester Code Course Title ECTS T+P Credit C/E Language 506801702 MSc THESIS STUDY 25 0+1+0 - C Turkish 506801703 SPECIALIZATION FIELD COURSE 5 3+0+0 - C Turkish Total of IV. Semester 30 TOTAL OF SECOND YEAR 60</p><p>Elective Courses Code Course Title ECTS T+P C/E Language EFFECT OF SOIL PROPERTIES ON FERTILIZER CONSUMPTION 7.5 3+0+0 3 E Turkish 506802505 FERTIGATION TECHNIQUES 7.5 3+0+0 3 E Turkish 506802502 FERTILIZER IN ORGANIC AGRICULTURE 7.5 3+0+0 3 E Turkish 506801502 MINERAL NUTRITIONAL DISORDERS OF PLANTS 7.5 3+0+0 3 E Turkish 506801503 PHYTOREMEDIATION 7.5 3+0+0 3 E Turkish 506802504 PLANT GROWTH TECHNIQUES IN SOILLES MEDIA 7.5 3+0+0 3 E Turkish 506801504 SOIL PROPERTIES AFFECTING YIELD 7.5 3+0+0 3 E Turkish 506802506 SOIL, PLANT, WATER RELATIONS 7.5 3+0+0 3 E Turkish 506801505 WATER HARVESTING TECHNIQUES 7.5 3+0+0 3 E Turkish 506801501 WATERSHED MANAGEMENT 7.5 3+0+0 3 E Turkish</p><p>DEPARTMENT (MSc) SEMESTER </p><p>COURSE</p><p>CODE TITLE </p><p>HOUR/WEEK LEVEL Credit ECTS TYPE LANGUAGE Theory Practice Laboratory</p><p>COMPULSORY ELECTIVE MSc ( ) ( )</p><p>CREDIT DISTRIBUTION</p><p>Knowledge in the discipline Basic Science Basic Engineering [if it contains considerable design content, mark with ()]</p><p>ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Contribution Evaluation Type Number ( % )</p><p>Midterm</p><p>Quiz Homework SEMESTER ACTIVITIES Project Report Seminar Other (………) Final Examination</p><p>PREREQUISITE(S) </p><p>SHORT COURSE CONTENT </p><p>COURSE OBJECTIVES </p><p>COURSE CONTRIBUTION TO THE PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE </p><p>TEXTBOOK </p><p>OTHER REFERENCES </p><p>COURSE SCHEDULE (Weekly) WEEK TOPICS 1 2 3 4 5 6 Midterm Examination 1 7 8 9 10 11 Midterm Examination 2 12 13 14 15,16 Final Examination</p><p>CONTRIBUTION OF THE COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES TO THE MSc CONTRIBUTION PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES LEVEL 3 2 1 NO LEARNING OUTCOMES (MSc) High Mid Low LO 1</p><p>LO 2</p><p>LO 3</p><p>LO 4</p><p>LO 5</p><p>LO 6</p><p>LO 7</p><p>LO 8</p><p>LO 9</p><p>LO 10</p><p>LO 11</p><p>LO 12</p><p>Prepared by: Date: </p><p>Signature: </p><p>DEPARTMENT (MSc) SEMESTER </p><p>COURSE</p><p>CODE TITLE </p><p>HOUR/WEEK LEVEL Credit ECTS TYPE LANGUAGE Theory Practice Laboratory</p><p>COMPULSORY ELECTIVE MSc ( ) ( )</p><p>CREDIT DISTRIBUTION</p><p>Knowledge in the discipline Basic Science Basic Engineering [if it contains considerable design content, mark with ()]</p><p>ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Contribution Evaluation Type Number ( % )</p><p>Midterm</p><p>Quiz Homework SEMESTER ACTIVITIES Project Report Seminar Other (………) Final Examination</p><p>PREREQUISITE(S) </p><p>SHORT COURSE CONTENT </p><p>COURSE OBJECTIVES </p><p>COURSE CONTRIBUTION TO THE PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE</p><p>TEXTBOOK </p><p>OTHER REFERENCES COURSE SCHEDULE (Weekly) WEEK TOPICS 1 2 3 4 5 6 Midterm Examination 1 7 8 9 10 11 Midterm Examination 2 12 13 14 15,16 Final Examination</p><p>CONTRIBUTION OF THE COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES TO THE MSc CONTRIBUTION PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES LEVEL 3 2 1 NO LEARNING OUTCOMES (MSc) High Mid Low LO 1</p><p>LO 2</p><p>LO 3</p><p>LO 4</p><p>LO 5</p><p>LO 6</p><p>LO 7</p><p>LO 8</p><p>LO 9</p><p>LO 10</p><p>LO 11</p><p>LO 12</p><p>Prepared by: Date: </p><p>Signature: </p><p>DEPARTMENT (MSc) SEMESTER </p><p>COURSE</p><p>CODE TITLE </p><p>HOUR/WEEK LEVEL Credit ECTS TYPE LANGUAGE Theory Practice Laboratory</p><p>COMPULSORY ELECTIVE MSc ( ) ( )</p><p>CREDIT DISTRIBUTION</p><p>Knowledge in the discipline Basic Science Basic Engineering [if it contains considerable design content, mark with ()]</p><p>ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Contribution Evaluation Type Number ( % )</p><p>Midterm</p><p>Quiz Homework SEMESTER ACTIVITIES Project Report Seminar Other (………) Final Examination</p><p>PREREQUISITE(S) </p><p>SHORT COURSE CONTENT </p><p>COURSE OBJECTIVES </p><p>COURSE CONTRIBUTION TO THE PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE</p><p>TEXTBOOK</p><p>OTHER REFERENCES COURSE SCHEDULE (Weekly) WEEK TOPICS 1 2 3 4 5 6 Midterm Examination 1 7 8 9 10 11 Midterm Examination 2 12 13 14 15,16 Final Examination</p><p>CONTRIBUTION OF THE COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES TO THE MSc CONTRIBUTION PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES LEVEL 3 2 1 NO LEARNING OUTCOMES (MSc) High Mid Low LO 1</p><p>LO 2</p><p>LO 3</p><p>LO 4</p><p>LO 5</p><p>LO 6</p><p>LO 7</p><p>LO 8</p><p>LO 9</p><p>LO 10</p><p>LO 11</p><p>LO 12</p><p>Prepared by: Date: </p><p>Signature: </p><p>DEPARTMENT (MSc) SEMESTER </p><p>COURSE</p><p>CODE TITLE </p><p>HOUR/WEEK LEVEL Credit ECTS TYPE LANGUAGE Theory Practice Laboratory</p><p>COMPULSORY ELECTIVE MSc ( ) ( )</p><p>CREDIT DISTRIBUTION</p><p>Knowledge in the discipline Basic Science Basic Engineering [if it contains considerable design content, mark with ()]</p><p>ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Contribution Evaluation Type Number ( % )</p><p>Midterm</p><p>Quiz Homework SEMESTER ACTIVITIES Project Report Seminar Other (………) Final Examination</p><p>PREREQUISITE(S) </p><p>SHORT COURSE CONTENT </p><p>COURSE OBJECTIVES </p><p>COURSE CONTRIBUTION TO THE PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE</p><p>TEXTBOOK</p><p>OTHER REFERENCES</p><p>COURSE SCHEDULE (Weekly) WEEK TOPICS 1 2 3 4 5 6 Midterm Examination 1 7 8 9 10 11 Midterm Examination 2 12 13 14 15,16 Final Examination</p><p>CONTRIBUTION OF THE COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES TO THE MSc CONTRIBUTION PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES LEVEL 3 2 1 NO LEARNING OUTCOMES (MSc) High Mid Low LO 1</p><p>LO 2</p><p>LO 3</p><p>LO 4</p><p>LO 5</p><p>LO 6</p><p>LO 7</p><p>LO 8</p><p>LO 9</p><p>LO 10</p><p>LO 11</p><p>LO 12</p><p>Prepared by: Date: </p><p>Signature: </p><p>DEPARTMENT (MSc) SEMESTER </p><p>COURSE</p><p>CODE TITLE </p><p>HOUR/WEEK LEVEL Credit ECTS TYPE LANGUAGE Theory Practice Laboratory</p><p>COMPULSORY ELECTIVE MSc ( ) ( )</p><p>CREDIT DISTRIBUTION</p><p>Knowledge in the discipline Basic Science Basic Engineering [if it contains considerable design content, mark with ()]</p><p>ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Contribution Evaluation Type Number ( % )</p><p>Midterm</p><p>Quiz Homework SEMESTER ACTIVITIES Project Report Seminar Other (………) Final Examination</p><p>PREREQUISITE(S) </p><p>SHORT COURSE CONTENT </p><p>COURSE OBJECTIVES </p><p>COURSE CONTRIBUTION TO THE PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE</p><p>TEXTBOOK </p><p>OTHER REFERENCES </p><p>COURSE SCHEDULE (Weekly) WEEK TOPICS 1 2 3 4 5 6 Midterm Examination 1 7 8 9 10 11 Midterm Examination 2 12 13 14 15,16 Final Examination</p><p>CONTRIBUTION OF THE COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES TO THE MSc CONTRIBUTION PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES LEVEL 3 2 1 NO LEARNING OUTCOMES (MSc) High Mid Low LO 1</p><p>LO 2</p><p>LO 3</p><p>LO 4</p><p>LO 5</p><p>LO 6</p><p>LO 7</p><p>LO 8</p><p>LO 9</p><p>LO 10</p><p>LO 11</p><p>LO 12</p><p>Prepared by: Date: </p><p>Signature: </p><p>DEPARTMENT (MSc) SEMESTER </p><p>COURSE</p><p>CODE TITLE </p><p>HOUR/WEEK LEVEL Credit ECTS TYPE LANGUAGE Theory Practice Laboratory</p><p>COMPULSORY ELECTIVE MSc ( ) ( )</p><p>CREDIT DISTRIBUTION</p><p>Knowledge in the discipline Basic Science Basic Engineering [if it contains considerable design content, mark with ()]</p><p>ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Contribution Evaluation Type Number ( % )</p><p>Midterm</p><p>Quiz Homework SEMESTER ACTIVITIES Project Report Seminar Other (………) Final Examination</p><p>PREREQUISITE(S) </p><p>SHORT COURSE CONTENT </p><p>COURSE OBJECTIVES </p><p>COURSE CONTRIBUTION TO THE PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE </p><p>TEXTBOOK </p><p>OTHER REFERENCES </p><p>COURSE SCHEDULE (Weekly) WEEK TOPICS 1 2 3 4 5 6 Midterm Examination 1 7 8 9 10 11 Midterm Examination 2 12 13 14 15,16 Final Examination</p><p>CONTRIBUTION OF THE COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES TO THE MSc CONTRIBUTION PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES LEVEL 3 2 1 NO LEARNING OUTCOMES (MSc) High Mid Low LO 1</p><p>LO 2</p><p>LO 3</p><p>LO 4</p><p>LO 5</p><p>LO 6</p><p>LO 7</p><p>LO 8</p><p>LO 9</p><p>LO 10</p><p>LO 11</p><p>LO 12</p><p>Prepared by: Date: </p><p>Signature: </p><p>DEPARTMENT (MSc) SEMESTER </p><p>COURSE</p><p>CODE TITLE </p><p>HOUR/WEEK LEVEL Credit ECTS TYPE LANGUAGE Theory Practice Laboratory</p><p>COMPULSORY ELECTIVE MSc ( ) ( )</p><p>CREDIT DISTRIBUTION</p><p>Knowledge in the discipline Basic Science Basic Engineering [if it contains considerable design content, mark with ()]</p><p>ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Contribution Evaluation Type Number ( % )</p><p>Midterm</p><p>Quiz Homework SEMESTER ACTIVITIES Project Report Seminar Other (………) Final Examination</p><p>PREREQUISITE(S) </p><p>SHORT COURSE CONTENT </p><p>COURSE OBJECTIVES </p><p>COURSE CONTRIBUTION TO THE PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE</p><p>TEXTBOOK </p><p>OTHER REFERENCES</p><p>COURSE SCHEDULE (Weekly) WEEK TOPICS 1 2 3 4 5 6 Midterm Examination 1 7 8 9 10 11 Midterm Examination 2 12 13 14 15,16 Final Examination</p><p>CONTRIBUTION OF THE COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES TO THE MSc CONTRIBUTION PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES LEVEL 3 2 1 NO LEARNING OUTCOMES (MSc) High Mid Low LO 1</p><p>LO 2</p><p>LO 3</p><p>LO 4</p><p>LO 5</p><p>LO 6</p><p>LO 7</p><p>LO 8</p><p>LO 9</p><p>LO 10</p><p>LO 11</p><p>LO 12</p><p>Prepared by: Date: </p><p>Signature: </p><p>DEPARTMENT (MSc) SEMESTER </p><p>COURSE</p><p>CODE TITLE </p><p>HOUR/WEEK LEVEL Credit ECTS TYPE LANGUAGE Theory Practice Laboratory</p><p>COMPULSORY ELECTIVE MSc ( ) ( )</p><p>CREDIT DISTRIBUTION</p><p>Knowledge in the discipline Basic Science Basic Engineering [if it contains considerable design content, mark with ()]</p><p>ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Contribution Evaluation Type Number ( % )</p><p>Midterm</p><p>Quiz Homework SEMESTER ACTIVITIES Project Report Seminar Other (………) Final Examination</p><p>PREREQUISITE(S) </p><p>SHORT COURSE CONTENT </p><p>COURSE OBJECTIVES </p><p>COURSE CONTRIBUTION TO THE PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE </p><p>TEXTBOOK </p><p>OTHER REFERENCES </p><p>COURSE SCHEDULE (Weekly) WEEK TOPICS 1 2 3 4 5 6 Midterm Examination 1 7 8 9 10 11 Midterm Examination 2 12 13 14 15,16 Final Examination</p><p>CONTRIBUTION OF THE COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES TO THE MSc CONTRIBUTION PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES LEVEL 3 2 1 NO LEARNING OUTCOMES (MSc) High Mid Low LO 1</p><p>LO 2</p><p>LO 3</p><p>LO 4</p><p>LO 5</p><p>LO 6</p><p>LO 7</p><p>LO 8</p><p>LO 9</p><p>LO 10</p><p>LO 11</p><p>LO 12</p><p>Prepared by: Date: </p><p>Signature: </p><p>DEPARTMENT (MSc) SEMESTER </p><p>COURSE</p><p>CODE TITLE </p><p>HOUR/WEEK LEVEL Credit ECTS TYPE LANGUAGE Theory Practice Laboratory</p><p>COMPULSORY ELECTIVE MSc ( ) ( )</p><p>CREDIT DISTRIBUTION</p><p>Knowledge in the discipline Basic Science Basic Engineering [if it contains considerable design content, mark with ()]</p><p>ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Contribution Evaluation Type Number ( % )</p><p>Midterm</p><p>Quiz Homework SEMESTER ACTIVITIES Project Report Seminar Other (………) Final Examination</p><p>PREREQUISITE(S) </p><p>SHORT COURSE CONTENT </p><p>COURSE OBJECTIVES </p><p>COURSE CONTRIBUTION TO THE PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE</p><p>TEXTBOOK </p><p>OTHER REFERENCES </p><p>COURSE SCHEDULE (Weekly) WEEK TOPICS 1 2 3 4 </p><p>5</p><p>6 Midterm Examination 1 7 8 9 10 11 Midterm Examination 2 12 13 14 15,16 Final Examination</p><p>CONTRIBUTION OF THE COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES TO THE MSc CONTRIBUTION PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES LEVEL 3 2 1 NO LEARNING OUTCOMES (MSc) High Mid Low LO 1</p><p>LO 2</p><p>LO 3</p><p>LO 4</p><p>LO 5</p><p>LO 6</p><p>LO 7</p><p>LO 8</p><p>LO 9</p><p>LO 10</p><p>LO 11</p><p>LO 12</p><p>Prepared by: Date: Signature: </p><p>DEPARTMENT (MSc) SEMESTER </p><p>COURSE</p><p>CODE TITLE </p><p>HOUR/WEEK LEVEL Credit ECTS TYPE LANGUAGE Theory Practice Laboratory</p><p>COMPULSORY ELECTIVE MSc ( ) ( )</p><p>CREDIT DISTRIBUTION</p><p>Knowledge in the discipline Basic Science Basic Engineering [if it contains considerable design content, mark with ()]</p><p>ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Contribution Evaluation Type Number ( % )</p><p>Midterm</p><p>Quiz Homework SEMESTER ACTIVITIES Project Report Seminar Other (………) Final Examination</p><p>PREREQUISITE(S) </p><p>SHORT COURSE CONTENT </p><p>COURSE OBJECTIVES </p><p>COURSE CONTRIBUTION TO THE PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE</p><p>TEXTBOOK </p><p>OTHER REFERENCES</p><p>COURSE SCHEDULE (Weekly) WEEK TOPICS 1 2 3 4 5 6 Midterm Examination 1 7 8 9 10 11 Midterm Examination 2 12 13 14 15,16 Final Examination</p><p>CONTRIBUTION OF THE COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES TO THE MSc CONTRIBUTION PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES LEVEL 3 2 1 NO LEARNING OUTCOMES (MSc) High Mid Low LO 1</p><p>LO 2</p><p>LO 3</p><p>LO 4</p><p>LO 5</p><p>LO 6</p><p>LO 7</p><p>LO 8</p><p>LO 9</p><p>LO 10</p><p>LO 11</p><p>LO 12</p><p>Prepared by: Date: </p><p>Signature: </p><p>DEPARTMENT (MSc) SEMESTER </p><p>COURSE</p><p>CODE TITLE </p><p>HOUR/WEEK LEVEL Credit ECTS TYPE LANGUAGE Theory Practice Laboratory</p><p>COMPULSORY ELECTIVE MSc ( ) ( )</p><p>CREDIT DISTRIBUTION</p><p>Knowledge in the discipline Basic Science Basic Engineering [if it contains considerable design content, mark with ()]</p><p>ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Contribution Evaluation Type Number ( % )</p><p>Midterm</p><p>Quiz Homework SEMESTER ACTIVITIES Project Report Seminar Other (………) Final Examination</p><p>PREREQUISITE(S) </p><p>SHORT COURSE CONTENT </p><p>COURSE OBJECTIVES </p><p>COURSE CONTRIBUTION TO THE PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE</p><p>TEXTBOOK </p><p>OTHER REFERENCES </p><p>COURSE SCHEDULE (Weekly) WEEK TOPICS 1 2 3 4 5 6 Midterm Examination 1 7 8 9 10 11 Midterm Examination 2 12 13 14 15,16 Final Examination</p><p>CONTRIBUTION OF THE COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES TO THE MSc CONTRIBUTION PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES LEVEL 3 2 1 NO LEARNING OUTCOMES (MSc) High Mid Low LO 1</p><p>LO 2</p><p>LO 3</p><p>LO 4</p><p>LO 5</p><p>LO 6</p><p>LO 7</p><p>LO 8</p><p>LO 9</p><p>LO 10</p><p>LO 11</p><p>LO 12</p><p>Prepared by: Date: </p><p>Signature: </p><p>DEPARTMENT (MSc) SEMESTER </p><p>COURSE</p><p>CODE TITLE </p><p>HOUR/WEEK LEVEL Credit ECTS TYPE LANGUAGE Theory Practice Laboratory</p><p>COMPULSORY ELECTIVE MSc ( ) ( )</p><p>CREDIT DISTRIBUTION</p><p>Knowledge in the discipline Basic Science Basic Engineering [if it contains considerable design content, mark with ()]</p><p>ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Contribution Evaluation Type Number ( % )</p><p>Midterm</p><p>Quiz Homework SEMESTER ACTIVITIES Project Report Seminar Other (………) Final Examination</p><p>PREREQUISITE(S) </p><p>SHORT COURSE CONTENT </p><p>COURSE OBJECTIVES </p><p>COURSE CONTRIBUTION TO THE PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION</p><p>LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE</p><p>TEXTBOOK</p><p>OTHER REFERENCES</p><p>COURSE SCHEDULE (Weekly) WEEK TOPICS 1 2 3 4 5 6 Midterm Examination 1 7 8 9 10 11 Midterm Examination 2 12 13 14 15,16 Final Examination</p><p>CONTRIBUTION OF THE COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES TO THE MSc CONTRIBUTION PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES LEVEL 3 2 1 NO LEARNING OUTCOMES (MSc) High Mid Low LO 1</p><p>LO 2</p><p>LO 3</p><p>LO 4</p><p>LO 5</p><p>LO 6</p><p>LO 7</p><p>LO 8</p><p>LO 9</p><p>LO 10</p><p>LO 11</p><p>LO 12</p><p>Prepared by: Date: </p><p>Signature: </p><p>DEPARTMENT Joint Course for the Institute SEMESTER Fall-Spring</p><p>COURSE</p><p>CODE TITLE The Scientific Research Methods and Its Ethics</p><p>HOUR/WEEK LEVEL Credit ECTS TYPE LANGUAGE Theory Practice Laboratory</p><p>MSc- COMPULSORY ELECTIVE 3 0 0 3+0 7,5 Turkish Ph.D ( X ) ( )</p><p>CREDIT DISTRIBUTION</p><p>Knowledge in the discipline Basic Science Basic Engineering [if it contains considerable design content, mark with ()]</p><p>1,5 1,5 </p><p>ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Contribution Evaluation Type Number ( % ) 1 40 Midterm</p><p>Quiz Homework SEMESTER ACTIVITIES Project Report Seminar</p><p>Other () Final Examination 60 None PREREQUISITE(S)</p><p>Science, the scientific thought and other fundamental concepts, the scientific research process and its techniques, Methodology: Data Collecting-Analysis- SHORT COURSE CONTENT Interpretation, Reporting the scientific research (Preparation of a thesis, oral presentation, article, project), Ethics, Ethics of scientific research and publication. The main objectives are: To examine the foundations of scientific research and the scientific research methods, to teach the principles of both the COURSE OBJECTIVES methodology and the ethics, to realize the process on a scientific research and to evaluate the results of research, to teach reporting the results of research (on a thesis, presentation, article). COURSE CONTRIBUTION TO THE Applying the scientific research methods and the ethical rules in their PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION professional life. Gaining awareness on ethical principles at basic research methods, becoming skillful at analyzing and reporting the data obtained in scientific researches, being able to have researcher qualification with occupational LEARNING OUTCOMES OF THE COURSE sense of responsibility, having the scientific and vocational ethics’ understanding and being able to defend this understanding in every medium. Karasar, N. (2015). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi. Nobel Akademi Yayıncılık, TEXTBOOK (Turkish) Ankara. </p><p>1-Büyüköztürk, Ş., Çakmak, E. K., Akgün, Ö. E., Karadeniz, Ş., Demirel, F. (2012). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri. Pegem Akademi Yayınevi, Ankara. 2-Tanrıöğen, A. (Editör). (2014). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri. Anı Yayıncılık, Ankara.</p><p>3-Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Bilim Etiği Komitesi. Bilimsel Araştırmada Etik ve Sorunları, Ankara: TÜBA Yayınları, (2002). 4-Ekiz, D. (2009). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri: Yaklaşım, Yöntem ve Teknikler. Anı Yayıncılık, Ankara. 5-Day, Robert A. (Çeviri: G. Aşkay Altay). (1996). Bilimsel Makale Nasıl OTHER REFERENCES Yazılır ve Nasıl Yayımlanır?, TÜBİTAK Yayınları, Ankara. 6-Özdamar, K. (2003). Modern Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri. Kaan Kitabevi, Eskişehir. 7-Cebeci, S. (1997). Bilimsel Araştırma ve Yazma Teknikleri. Alfa Basım Yayım Dağıtım, İstanbul. 8-Wilson, E. B. (1990). An Introduction to Scientific Research. Dover Pub. Inc., New York. 9-Çömlekçi, N. (2001). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi ve İstatistiksel Anlamlılık Sınamaları. Bilim Teknik Kitabevi, Eskişehir.</p><p>COURSE SCHEDULE (Weekly) WEEK TOPICS Science, scientific thought and other basic concepts (University, history of university, higher 1 education, science, scientific thought and other related concepts) Science, scientific thought and other basic concepts (University, history of university, higher 2 education, science, scientific thought and other related concepts) The scientific research and its types (Importance of the scientific research, types of science, scientific 3 approach) The scientific research process and its techniques (Access to the scientific knowledge, literature 4 search, determining the research issue, definition of the problem, planning) The scientific research process and its techniques (Access to the scientific knowledge, literature 5 search, determining the research issue, definition of the problem, planning) The scientific research process and its techniques (Access to the scientific knowledge, literature 6 search, determining the research issue, definition of the problem, planning) The method and the approach: Collecting, analysis and interpretation of the data (Data, data types, 7 measurement and measurement tools, collecting data, organizing data, summarizing data, analysis and the interpretation of data) The method and the approach: Collecting, analysis and interpretation of the data (Data, data types, 8 measurement and measurement tools, collecting data, organizing data, summarizing data, analysis and the interpretation of data) Finalizing the scientific research (Reporting, preparing the thesis, oral presentation, preparing an 9 article and a project) Finalizing the scientific research (Reporting, preparing the thesis, oral presentation, preparing an 10 article and a project) Finalizing the scientific research (Reporting, preparing the thesis, oral presentation, preparing an 11 article and a project) Ethics, scientific research and publication ethics (Ethics, rules of ethics, occupational ethics, non- 12 ethical behaviors) Ethics, scientific research and publication ethics (Ethics, rules of ethics, occupational ethics, non- 13 ethical behaviors) Ethics, scientific research and publication ethics (Ethics, rules of ethics, occupational ethics, non- 14 ethical behaviors) 15,16 Mid-term exam, Final Examination</p><p>CONTRIBUTION CONTRIBUTION LEVEL OF THE COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES TO THE INSTITUTE’S GRADUATE PROGRAMME’S LEARNING OUTCOMES LEARNING 3 2 1 NO OUTCOMES High Mid Low (M.Sc.-Ph.D.) Having the scientific and vocational ethics’ understanding and LO 1 being able to defend this understanding in every medium. Being able to have researcher LO 2 qualification with occupational sense of responsibility. Becoming skillful at analyzing and reporting the data LO 3 obtained in scientific researches. Gaining awareness on ethical principles LO 4 at basic research methods.</p><p>Prof.Dr.Hürriyet Erşahan, Prof.Dr. Ece Turhan, Prepared by : Date: 14.06.2016 Prof.Dr. Abdullah Alğın, Doç.Dr. Özlem Alpu, Doç.Dr. Fatih Çemrek</p><p>Signature: </p>
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