<p> Halifax County School Fifth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide F Big Idea: Diversity and Change/Native Americans Essential Questions: ir How can events in history have an impact on the land and the s Essential Standard:5.H.1.1 Evaluate the relationships people? t between European explorers (French, Spanish, and When, where, why, and how did different groups of people S English) and Native American groups, based on settle in different regions of the United States? i accuracy of history information (belief, fears, and How might the Native Americans of the past have influenced x leadership) your life today? W 5.C.1.1 Analyze the change in leadership, cultures and e everyday life of American Indian groups before and e after European exploration. k 5.C.1.4 Understand how cultural narratives (legends, s songs, ballads, games, folk tales and art forms) reflect (t the lifestyles, beliefs and struggles of diverse ethnic h groups. r Skills: Essential Skills/Vocabulary: e Diverse historical people influence regions over time. e Communities and regions are often developed due to Historian Confederation Algonquian Iroquoian w necessity for survival and to preserve values and Longhouses Barter Aleut Inuit e traditions. Culture Diversity Civilization Ancestors e Historical sources from multiple points-of-view k may be used to develop an understanding of s what happened in the past. ) Resources: Sees Behind Trees&Island of the Blue Dolphins (excerpts in Harcourt Trophies Literature Book) (whole text in media centers) Wampum Game (directions online) www.readinga-z.com CCS pays for our subscription (The Inuit: Northern Living) (Ancient Cliff Dwellers) (Discover in the America’s) (The Algonquians) (The Haidas) (The Apaches) (The Cherokees) (The Cheyennes) (Native Americans of the Great Plains) all these titles are levels U-Z www.smarttech.com Smart Board lesson downloads (Northeast Indians) (Native Americans) (Native American Regions) www.schooltube.com (Elizabeth Cook-Lynn {0:47 second} video of a Native American author) (Native Indians {2min:17sec} video on Indian culture) (Watterloo Village {2min:35sec} video) (History of the First Thanksgiving . . . in less than 5 minutes {3min:40sec}video) (Iroquois Nation Origin {4min:43sec}video about legends) (Apache Tribe {1min:23sec}) www.youtube.com (Native Americans – A collection of images of Native Americans) (Cherokee Morning Song) (Native Americans First Nations/Native Americans {6min:14sec} video) (Sioux Native Americans Fight To Reclaim Land {3min:02sec} </p><p>1 Halifax County School Fifth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide Mt. Rushmore – Black Hills) www.eharcourtschool.com primary sources {art/Sequoyah in capitol complex) (artifacts/Iroquois Wampum Belt) (artifacts/National Geographic Aleut Hunting Hat) (artifacts/Navajo Cultural History and Legends) (books/Collections Guide and Bibliographies: Indian Removal Act) (building/A Mohawk Iroquois Village) www.edhelper.com (subscription needed) a variety of reading passages that include comprehension questions, writing tasks, and vocabulary activities F Big Idea: Diversity and Change/Explorers Essential Questions: ir What motivated exploration? s Essential Standard: What would life have been like for the Native Americans if the t 5.H.1.1 Evaluate the relationships between European Europeans never came? S explorers (French, Spanish, and English) and Native i American groups, based on accuracy of history x information (belief, fears, and leadership) W 5.C.1.1 Analyze the change in leadership, cultures and e everyday life of American Indian groups before and e after European exploration. k 5.C.1.4 Understand how cultural narratives (legends, s songs, ballads, games, folk tales and art forms) reflect (t the lifestyles, beliefs and struggles of diverse ethnic h groups. r e Skills: Essential Skills/Vocabulary: e Diverse historical people influence regions over time. Navigation Expedition Missionary Astrolabe Chronometer w Communities and regions are often developed due to Compass Cartographers e necessity for survival and to preserve values and e traditions. k Historical sources from multiple points-of-view s may be used to develop an understanding of ) what happened in the past. Resources: Discovering America and Its Early People (below level reading from Harcourt Textbook Resources / also available online with audio capabilities) Mapping the World (above level reader from Harcourt Textbook Resources / also available online with audio capabilities) www.readinga-z.com CCS pays for our subscription (Ships of Discover Levels T, W, and Y) (Marco Polo and the Silk Road </p><p>2 Halifax County School Fifth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide (Level Y) www.schooltube.com (Explorers #1 {3min:04sec}) (Explorers Review {4min:24sec}) (Vasco da Gama {2 min:23sec}) www.youtube.com (Mel-O-Toons: Christopher Columbus {5min:30sec}) (Christopher Columbus 1493 {3min:10sec}) (Amerigo Vespucci-biography (1451-1512) {3min:01sec}) (Hernando de Soto by oimumjuly10 {3min:10sec}) (Hernando Cortez Lands in Mexico by odontroll {10min:01sec}) (Canada: A People’s History – Henry Hudson {6 min:26sec}) (Manhattan: What Henry Hudson Saw in 1609 by National Geographic {1min:39sec}) (Documentary on Patagonia, South America by absolute value {2min:16sec}) www.eharcourtschool.com primary sources (letters/”The Meaning of America” {letters from Columbus 1493}) (artifacts/Christopher Columbus: Man and Myth) (artifacts/Columbus’s Book of Privileges) (maps/Mapping Colonial America: Discovery and Exploration) (maps/How did America get its name? original map) www.edhelper.com (subscription needed) a variety of reading passages that include comprehension questions, writing tasks, and vocabulary activities (Before Columbus) (Conquistadors) (Ferdinand Magellan) (Henry Hudson) (Jacques Cartier) (Juan Ponce de Leon) (Life on an Explorer Ship) (Marco Polo) (Samuel de Champlain) (Vasco da Gama) (Vasco Nunez de Balboa)</p><p>3 Halifax County School Fifth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide Second Six Big Idea: Diversity and Essential Questions: Weeks Change/Colonial Times Just because we can, does that mean we should? Should everyone be expected to contribute in any group Essential Standard: situation? 5.H.1.2 Summarize the political, Was the treatment of the Native Americans a form of economic, and social aspects of persecution or was it self-preservation? colonial life in the thirteen colonies. 5.G.1.1 Explain the impact of the physical environment on early settlements in the New World. 5.G.1.2 Explain the positive and negative effects of human activity on the physical environment of the United States, past and present 5.G.1.4 Exemplify migration within or immigration to the United States in order to identify push and pull factors 5.C.1.2 Exemplify how the interactions of various groups have resulted in borrowing and sharing of traditions and technology.</p><p>Skills: Essential Skills/Vocabulary: Colonies develop distinct Colony Slavery Borderlands Presidio Mission identities based upon physical Cash crop Dissent Triangular Trade routes Middle Passage location, cultural make-up of the Charter Religious Toleration Plantation Naval stores population and economic Indentured servant </p><p>4 Halifax County School Fifth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide circumstances. Daily life in the colonies varied based upon the cultural background of the inhabitants. How and why the political and economic structure among the colonies varied. Resources: Harcourt Trophies Literature Book: (What’s the Big Idea, Ben Franklin) (Across the Wide Dark Sea) (The Many Lives of Benjamin Franklin) (From Pyramids to Skyscrapers) www.readinga-z.com CCS pays for our subscription (Ben Franklin Level W) (Meeting Father in Plymouth Level O) www.youtube.com (History of Colonial America 1497-1763 by Grolier {6min:17sec}) (Colonial Life in America {1min:25sec}) (Philadelphia, Home of American Independence by VOAvideo {2min:36sec}) (Colonial Williamsburg Breathes Life into US History by VOAvideo {3min:22sec}) (Colony Rap Brain Map by gemiller51 {2min:49sec}) (The Jamestown Colony by MITEHippoCampus {4min:59sec}) www.smarttech.com Smart Board Downloads (Colonial Days) Senteo Question Sets (BenjaminFranklinAchievementsUS) (BenjaminFranklinQuestionSetUS) www.eharcourtschool.com primary sources (document/From Revolution to Reconstruction Charter of Massachusetts Bay {1629) (letters/Pilgrim Hall: The Collections and Library) (letters/Virtual Jamestown Collection of early Virginia letters) (art/Colonial Williamsburg) (art/History of Jamestown) (art/Pilgrim Hall Museum: Collections) (art/The Plymouth Colony Archive Project: Images of History) (artifacts/Dale House Exhibit: Objects excavated on Jamestown Island) (artifacts/Early American Life) (artifacts/History of Jamestown) (artifacts/History wired: Franklin Press) (artifacts/Jamestown Artifacts) (artifacts/Long Road to Justice: Slavery and the Massachusetts Colony) (artifacts/The National Museum: The Franklin Printing Press) ( books/Digital History: The Pilgrims Arrive in Plymouth) (books/The Massachusetts Historical Society Colonist Journals) (books/Memorial Hall: New England Primer) (books/Memorial Hall: New Comers 1680-1720) (documents/American Treasures of the Library of Congress: Murder of Crispus Attucks) (documents/American Treasures of the Library of Congress: the Original “General Fundamentals: of the Plymouth Colony) (documents/State of Delaware: William Penn and the law) (maps/History of Jamestown) (maps/Virtual Jamestown: original maps) www.edhelper.com (subscription needed) a variety of reading passages that include comprehension questions, writing tasks, and vocabulary activities (The French and Indian War) (Queen Anne’s War) (House of Burgesses) (George Washington in the French and Indian War) (The New England Colonies) (The Middle 5 Halifax County School Fifth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide Colonies) (The Southern Colonies) (Education in Colonial America) (Colonial America’s Communication) (Women in Colonial America) (Settling America, Roanoke, and Jamestown) (Social Classes in Colonial America) (Why the Settlers Came) (The Lost Colony) (Pilgrims Seek Religious Freedom in Plymouth) (Children on the Mayflower) (Jamestown)</p><p>6 Halifax County School Fifth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide T Big Idea: Change of Power/The American Essential Questions: h Revolution Why is independence important to you? i Can an individual make a difference? r Essential Standard: Which side was right the Patriots or the Loyalists? Why? d 5.H.1.3 Analyze the impact of major conflicts, battles and wars on the development of our nation through S Reconstruction. i 5.G.1.2 Explain the positive and negative effects of x human activity on the physical environment of the United States,. Past and present. W 5.E.1.1 Summarize the role of international trade e between the United States and other countries through e Reconstruction. k s Skills: Essential Skills/Vocabulary: Conflict and/or war may influence a nation’s political, Backcountry Representation Protest Boycott Minutemen social, and economic development Revolution Patriot Loyalist Mercenary Turning point Conflict may result in compromise Battles influence the direction and outcomes of wars War can transform society Resources: The Struggle for Independence (below level reader from Harcourt SS Textbook Resources/also available online with audio capabilities) Spying in the American Revolution (above level reader from Harcourt SS Textbook Resources/also available online with audio capabilities) www.readinga-z.com CCS pays for our subscription (Seeds of Revolution Level X) (Battling for Independence Level Y) (Arrows Levels R, U, and Y / decoding ciphers) (Building a Nation Level Z) www.schooltube.com (Acts Leading to American Revolutionary War {1min:53sec}) (Shot Heard ‘Round the World {3min:01sec} School House Rock) www.youtube.com (American The Living Dream – Revolution in America by TMWMedia {8min:13sec}) (The American Revolution: The Conflict Ignites Episode 1 – Part 1 {9min:46sec} Part 2 {9min:58sec} Part 3 {10min} Part 4 {9min:55sec} Part 5 {7min:39sec}by USSRman45) www.smarttech.com Smart Board Downloads (ourRights) (George Washington: Father of our Country) (The Road to Revolution) (The Causes of the American Revolution) (Independence Day)</p><p>7 Halifax County School Fifth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide www.eharcourtschool.com primary sources (letters/Spy Letters of the American Revolution: Benedict Arnold to John Andre) (art/the electric Ben Franklin) (art/Washington Crossing the Delaware) (art/Kids Portrait – George Washington) (art/PBS: Fort Mose) (art/PBS: Boston 1774) (art/The Library of Congress: Statue of Captain Parker) (art/PBS: Liberty-The American Revolution) (art/PBS: July 4, 1776: Announcing the Declaration of Independence) (art/Teaching American History – Declaration of Independence) (art/Today in History: February 22 {George Washington}) (art/Picture History: Patrick Henry’s Great Speech) (artifacts/Library of Congress: American Treasures: Star Spangled Banner) (artifacts/Monticello: The Home of Thomas Jefferson) (artifacts/Revolutionary America: Who were we?) (documents/Digital History: Proclamation of 1763) (documents/From Revolution to Reconstruction: Thomas Paine, Common Sense) (documents/George Washington’s Papers) (documents/Library of Congress: American Memory {African American Soldiers in Revolutionary War}) (documents/PBS: Proclamation of Earl of Dunmore {slave troops}) (drawings/Picture History: Boston Massacre) (drawings/Memorial Hall: Public Space: The Meeting House: an Original Sketch)</p><p>8 Halifax County School Fifth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide F Big Idea: Change of Power/Foundations of United Essential Questions: o State Government Why do we need laws? u Why do we need a Constitution? r Essential Standard: What does it mean to be a U.S. citizen? t 5.H.1.3 Analyze the impact of major conflicts, battles and How many and what kind of people should lead a country? h wars on the development of our nation through Reconstruction. S 5.C&G.1.1 Explain how ideas of various governments i influenced the development of the United States x government (Roman, Greek, Iroquois, and British) 5.C&G.1.2 Summarize the organizational structures and W powers of the United States government (legislative, e judicial, and executive branches of government) e 5.C&G.1.3 Analyze historical documents that shaped the k foundation of the United State government. s 5.C&G.2.1 Understand the values and principles of a democratic republic. 5.C&G.2.2 Analyze the rights and responsibilities of United States citizens in relation to the concept of “common good” according to the United States Constitution (Bill of Rights). 5.C&G.2.3 Exemplify ways in which the rights, responsibilities and privileges of citizens are protected under the United States Constitution. 5.C&G.2.4 Explain why civic participation is important in the United States.</p><p>9 Halifax County School Fifth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide Skills: Essential Skills/Vocabulary:</p><p> Conflict and/or war may influence a nation’s political, Constitution social, and economic development Delegate Conflict may result in compromise Compromise Ratify Ideas about self-government can be borrowed and adapted from others over time. Conflicting ideas can lead to debates and consensus about the nature of government. Governments are structured to address the basic needs of the people. The branches of government are a complex system of checks and balances. A nation’s founding documents reflect its basic principles. Governments balance the rights of individuals with the common good. Democratic governments protect the rights and privileges of citizens. Active citizen participation is integral to democracy.</p><p>Resources: www.readinga-z.com CCS pays for our subscription (Famous First Ladies Level Q) (Your Road to the White House Level X) www.schooltube.com (The Preamble {3min} School House Rock) (Constitution Day {10min:12sec}) (Six Principles of the US Constitution {2min:29sec}) (How Ben Franklin printed the Constitution {3min:46sec}) (Federalist vs. Anti-Federalists {1min:29sec}) (Three Ring Government {3min:01sec} School House Rock) (It’s Just A Bill {3min:01sec} School House Rock) (United States Treasury Photostory {1min:07sec}) (Securities and Exchange Commission {1min:30sec}) (Federal Trade Commission {1min:10sec}) (Federal Reserve {1min:20sec}) www.smarttech.com Smart Board Downloads (United States Government – 6.09MBfile) (Three Branches of Government, The Bill of Rights) (The Three Branches of Government) (The Three Branches of Government {yes there are 2}) www.eharcourtschool.com primary sources (art/NARA: Educators and Students: Observing Constitution Day) (art/Portraitore in the U. S. Capitol) (art/Temple of Liberty: Building the Capitol for a new nation) (art/Vote: The Machinery of Democracy) 10 Halifax County School Fifth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide (documents/Digital History: The Three-Fifths Compromise) (documents/Journals of the Continental Congress) (documents/NARA: The Constitution of the United States [also has the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights]) (documents/NARA: Educators and Students: Observing Constitution Day) (documents/The National Archives: Bill of Rights) (documents/National Constitution Center: Centuries of Citizenship: a Constitutional Timeline) www.edhelper.com subscription needed (Documents that Shaped our Country) (The Constitutional Convention – Reader’s Theater) (How Laws Are Made) (Wendy’s World – The Pledge of Allegiance) (The Documents that Shaped America)</p><p>11 Halifax County School Fifth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide F Big Idea: Growing Power/Westward Expansion Essential Questions: i What events, people, and places motivated the expansion of f Essential Standard: the United States? t 5.G.1.3 Exemplify how technological advances Is it ever acceptable to treat others differently because they h (communication, transportation and agriculture) have look, act, or live another way? allowed people to overcome geographic limitations. S 5.E.1.2 Explain the impact of production, specialization, i technology and division of labor on the economic growth x of the United States. 5.C.1.3 Explain how the movement of goods, ideas, and W various cultural groups influenced the development of e regions in the United States. e k Skills: Essential Skills/Vocabulary: s Environmental challenges are often resolved through Pioneer Manifest Destiny Locomotive Industrial Revolution technological innovation. Cotton gin The movement of goods, ideas, and people can affect a region (culturally, politically, and economically) Movement of people, goods, and ideas can be influenced by factors such as a desire for wealth or scarcity of resources. Regions may experience differences in economic growth, political systems, and social structures due to geographic and cultural diversity. Resources: Harcourt Trophies Literature Book (Lewis and Clark) www.readinga-z.com CCS pays for our subscription (The Transcontinental Railroad Level X) (Westward Journey Level Y) (The Story of Lewis and Clark Book 1: Up the Missouri River Level Y) (The Story of Lewis and Clark Book 2: To the Pacific Ocean Level Y) www.schooltube.com (Westward Trails (2min:37sec) Oregon, Mormon, Santa Fe, etc.) (Lewis and Clark (2min:11sec) read the text) (Lewis and Clark (3min:40sec) narrated) www.smarttech.com Smart Board Downloads (Louisiana Purchase and Lewis & Clark) (Mountain Men 3 w/ ?s at the end) (Colorado Gold Rush w/ ?s at the end) www.eharcourtschool.com primary sources (art/The Lewis and Clark Journey Log) (art/Lewis and Clark: The National Bicentennial Exhibition) (art/Lewis and Clark:PBS) (art/Louisiana Purchase) (documents/American Folklore [legends, tall tales, 12 Halifax County School Fifth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide etc.]) (documents/Century of Lawmaking: The Louisiana Purchase Legislative Timeline) (letters/(War of 1812) The National Center: The Burning of Washington by Dolley Madison) (paintings/Art of the Gold Rush) (documents/Texas State Library and Archive Commission: Texas Treasures: Annexation [Antonio Navarro, Juan Sequin, and slaver]) www.edhelper.com subscription needed (Lewis Clark Sacagawea and Pomp) (Meriwether Lewis)</p><p>13 Halifax County School Fifth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide S Big Idea: Vying for Power/Financial Responsibility Essential Questions: i What are the benefits of developing a budget plan? x Essential Standard: What are the benefits and consequences of spending? t 5.E.2.1 Explain the importance of developing a basic h budget for spending and saving. S 5.E.2.2 Evaluate the costs and benefits of spending, i borrowing, and saving. x W Skills: Essential Skills/Vocabulary: e Financial decisions involve systemically e considering alternatives and consequences. Budget Income Supply Demand Division k Every spending decision has an opportunity cost. Labor s Economic Growth (t Resources: h www.readinga-z.com CCS pays for our subscription () r www.schooltube.com () e www.smarttech.com Smart Board Downloads e www.eharcourtschool.com w www.edhelper.com subscription needed e Harcourt SS Text Resources: North Carolina Adventures game either on CD-Rom or online. Students use their knowledge of e U.S. history to find missing historical documents that have been stolen by the notorious “Erase Sir.” Throughout the game, they k will review what they have learned about the impact of wars and conflicts. Explain that the “Help” buttons in the game will refer s them to pages in their textbooks if they need additional information. )</p><p>14 Halifax County School Fifth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide S Big Idea: Vying for Power/ Civil War and Essential Questions: i Reconstruction What causes conflict? x How did the Civil War change the United States? t Essential Standard: How did leadership guide the United States through the h 5.H.1.3 Analyze the impact of major conflicts, battles, challenge of ending slavery and the Civil War? S and wars on the development of our nation through i Reconstruction. x 5.G.1.2 Explain the positive and negative effects of W human activity on the physical environment of the United e States, past and present. e Skills: Essential Skills/Vocabulary: k Conflict and/or war may influence a nation’s political, Free state Slave state Fugitive Underground Railroad s social, and economic development. Secede Civil war Emancipate Assassinate (t Conflict may result in compromise. Reconstruction Freedom h Battles influence the direction and outcome of wars. r War can transform society. e Resources: e Destination Freedom (on grade level reader from Harcourt SS Textbook resources – also available online with audio w capabilities) e Harcourt Trophies Literature Book (Black Frontiers – History of African American Heroes in the Old West) e www.readinga-z.com CCS pays for our subscription (Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad Level S) (Running for k Freedom Level T) (Up From Slavery Level X) (Abraham Lincoln: From Log Cabin to the White House Level Z) s www.schooltube.com (The Women of Keene in the Civil War [2min:12sec]) (Belle Boyd: Legendary Spy of the Civil War ) [3min:50sec]) (Keene and the 6th NH Regiment in the Civil War [7min:59sec]) (Keene in the Civil War, and the Siege at Vicksburg [2min:33sec]) (Keene in the Civil War, the Battle at Antietam [5min:33sec]) (Keene in the Civil War – The Siege of Petersburg [2min:33sec]) (Keene in the Civil War-Battle of Gettysburg [3min:21sec]) (General Howell [3min:41sec]) (The Ghost of Mary Surratt [4min:03sec]) (Abraham Lincoln [2min:03sec]) www.smarttech.com Smart Board Downloads (North vs. South) (Slavery Part One Question Set) (George Washington and Abe Lincoln Comparisons) (The Civil War [Shultz]) (Segregation and Slavery [Senteo Question Set]) (Slavery, Part Two [1.44MB file]) (Black History) www.eharcourtschool.com primary sources (art/The Civil War) (art/PBS: The First Slave Auction at New Amsterdam in 1655) (art/PBS: Interior of a Slave Ship) (art/PBS: Fredrick Douglass) (letters/ Banneker’s Letter to Jefferson) (documents/ PBS: Founding of Pennsylvania Abolition Society) (drawings/PBS: Plan of a ship for transporting slaves) (maps/PBS: The British Colonies [slavery])</p><p>15 Halifax County School Fifth Grade Social Studies Pacing Guide www.edhelper.com subscription needed (Fugitive Slave Laws) (Slavery) (Amistad) Harcourt SS Text Resources: North Carolina Adventures game either on CD-Rom or online. Students use their knowledge of U.S. history to find missing historical documents that have been stolen by the notorious “Erase Sir.” Throughout the game, they will review what they have learned about the impact of wars and conflicts. Explain that the “Help” buttons in the game will refer them to pages in their textbooks if they need additional information.</p><p>16</p>
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