<p> Family Tree</p><p>Paternal Paternal Maternal Maternal grandf grandmoth grandfathe grandmothe ather er r r </p><p>? Krygier ? Krygier ? Strahl Amalia Strahl ?-? (nee ?) ?-1890s (nee ?) ?-? ?-1910s</p><p>Father Mother</p><p>Eisig Krygier Hanna Krygier 1875 - 1941 (nee Strahl) 1880 - 1941</p><p>Siblings Spouse Interviewee Zygmunt Krygier Wilhelm Gemrot 1902-1983 Salomea Gemrot 1913-1985 Abraham Krygier (nee Krygier) 1904-? 1909 Majlech Krygier 1907-1941 Mojzesz Krygier 1911 - 1940 Children Salomon Krygier 1916 Alicja Gemrot Amalia Szif 1945 (nee Krygier) Krystyna Maultrie 1923 (nee Gemrot) 1950 Edmund Gemrot 1951</p><p>1 The interviewee and his family</p><p>Full name Salomea Gemrot (nee Krygier) (changed because of hiding Jewish identity/nationality in the 1940s, also because of marriage)</p><p>Where and when were you born? Przybyszowka, 1909</p><p>Where else did you live? Staroniwa, Niepolomice, Tarnow, Wieliczka</p><p>Your educational level? Finished secondary school and Artistic Crafts’ School (Szkola Rzemiosl Artystycznych) in Rzeszow</p><p>What sort of work do/did you do? Housewife, tailor, nanny</p><p>How religious was your parents’ home? How were you raised? ‘My family was very religious. All the Jews from Przybyszowka would come and pray at our house and my father would lead the prayers. The whole Jewish community of our village was thankful to my parents for letting them use one of the rooms in our house. Before, everyone had to go to the synagogue in Rzeszow. My brothers were kohanim. My family dressed according to European fashion. As compared to other Jews in Przybyszowka we were more tolerant and more assimilated.’</p><p>What is your mother tongue? Yiddish </p><p>2 How many other languages do you speak? Polish, some German</p><p>Where were you during the Holocaust? In hiding with four different families: Stachowicz and Wisniowski families in Staroniwa, Dybek family in Skolyszyn and the Gemrot family in Niepolomice.</p><p>What did you do after the Holocaust? Housewife</p><p>3 Siblings</p><p>Their names Zygmunt Krygier (m) Abraham Krygier (m) (nickname: Roman) Majlech Krygier (m) (nickname: Maks) Mojzesz Krygier (m) (nickname: Monek) Salomon Krygier (m) (nickname: Salek) Amalia Szif (f) (nee Krygier) (nickname: Malinka)</p><p>Where and when were they born? All in Przybyszowka Zygmunt: 1902 Abraham: 1904 Majlech : 1907 Mojzesz: 1911 Salomon: 1916 Amalia: 1923</p><p>What is their mother tongue? Yiddish </p><p>Their educational level? Zygmunt: finished elementary school, learned some accounting and jeweler’s craftsmanship Abraham: finished elementary school Majlech : finished elementary school Mojzesz: finished elementary school Salomon: finished secondary school Amalia: finished elementary school</p><p>Their occupations? Zygmunt: jeweler Abraham: no information Majlech : peasant Mojzesz: printer Salomon: salesman, factory worker Amalia: housewife, worked shortly as a masseuse</p><p>4 Where do/did they live? All in Staroniwa</p><p>Where else did they live? Zygmunt: USSR, London (UK) Abraham: Argentina Mojzesz: USSR Salomon: USSR, Bielsko-Biala, Malmo (Sweden) Amalia: Niederstrahlbach (today Austria), Haifa (today Israel)</p><p>Do they have children? Majlech: two sons Amalia: a son and a daughter, Amit</p><p>Where and when did they die? Zygmunt: London, 1983 Abraham: Argentina, date unknown Majlech: most likely killed in Belzec extermination camp, 1941 Mojzesz: killed by Germans, date and place unknown</p><p>5 Spouse Name? Wilhelm Gemrot (nickname: Wilus)</p><p>Where and when was he/she born? Petrvald (today Czech Republic), 1913</p><p>Where else did he/she live? He lived on different private estates on both sides of the Polish-Czechoslovak border where his father worked as manager, Tarnow, Wieliczka</p><p>Is he/she Jewish? No</p><p>What is his/her mother tongue? Polish </p><p>His/her educational level? Finished vocation school for adults as locksmith and welder</p><p>Occupation? He played wind-instruments in a military brass band before WWII. During the war he worked in an armory in Tarnow. He continued his musical career after the war for a short time. He later worked as a locksmith and a welder in the Lenin Ironworks in Nowa Huta, near Cracow.</p><p>Tell me about his brothers and sisters. (name, date of birth and death, occupation, place of residence, family, etc.)</p><p>He had four sister: Henryka (f), lived in Petrvald, Franciszka (nickname: Nuska), Maria and Waleria </p><p>6 Children</p><p>Their names? Alicja Gemrot (f) (nickname: Ala) Krystyna Maultrie (nee Gemrot) (f) (nickname: Krysia) Edmund Gemrot (m) (nickname: Edziu)</p><p>Were they raised Jewish/do they identify themselves as Jews? They did not have a Jewish upbringing, but they identify themselves as Jews. </p><p>Where and when were they born? Alicja: Tarnow, 1945 Krystyna: Wieliczka, 1950 Edmund: Wieliczka, 1951</p><p>Where else did they live? Alicja: Wieliczka Krystyna: London (UK), south of England Edmund: London</p><p>Their educational level? Alicja: graduated from the Pedagogical University in Cracow, MA in pedagogics and the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, MA in library studies Krystyna: enrolled to the University of Science and Technology in Cracow and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (no degree) Edmund: finished trade school in England</p><p>Their occupations? Alicja: librarian Krystyna: works for a computer company Edmund: salesman in a private trade firm</p><p>How many grandchildren do you have? None</p><p>7 Father</p><p>His name? Eisig Krygier</p><p>Where and when was he born? Werynia, ca. 1875</p><p>Where else did he live? England, Przybyszowka, Staroniwa</p><p>Where and when did he die? Most likely shot in forests near Rudna (near Rzeszow), 1941</p><p>What sort of education did he have? Finished high school in England</p><p>What sort of work did he do? Accountant when in England; translator, assessor and peasant holder in Rzeszow</p><p>How religious was he? He was religious but less so than Salomea Gemrot’s mother was. He was educated in England and therefore was more assimilated and liberal than the other Jews in the neighborhood. He led the prayers at his house on Sabbath and on holidays. He observed all high holidays. He dressed according to European fashion. </p><p>8 What was his mother tongue? Yiddish</p><p>Army service: which army and what years? British Army: second Anglo-Boer War, 1899-1900 Austro-Hungarian KuK Army: World War I, 1918</p><p>Tell me about his brothers and sisters. (name, date of birth and death, occupation, place of residence, family, etc.)</p><p>Name Place and date of Occupation Biographical Biographical data of attitude to Jewish </p><p> birth/death data and children traditions</p><p> origins of </p><p> spouse</p><p>Majer Krygier Werynia, ? – Manager of a ? Krygier Renia (Renata) (f) No information</p><p>(m) (most likely) home for (nee ?) ?, ? - (most likely) </p><p>Treblinka, 1940s elderly Jews in ?, ? - (most Treblinka, 1940s</p><p>Cracow likely) Edzia (Edwarda) (f)</p><p>Treblinka, ?, ? - (most likely) </p><p>1940s Treblinka, 1940s</p><p>Samuel Krygier Werynia, birth No information ? Krygier Helena (f), teacher No information</p><p>(m) date unknown; (no further Maria Milet (nee </p><p> he lived in information) Krygier) (f), teacher,</p><p>Gorlice, married to a lawyer, </p><p> emigrated to Edmund Milet</p><p>Israel with his Dawid (m); lawyer, </p><p> family after died in WWII in </p><p>WWII Ukraine</p><p>Roman (m)</p><p>Zelman [or Werynia, ? - Probably ? Krygier Had at least two He was the most </p><p>Zalman] Krygier (most likely) shochet (nee ?) sons and one religious of all </p><p>(m) Belzec, 1940s ?, ? - (most daughter brothers. He wore </p><p> likely) Belzec, sidelocks. </p><p>1940s</p><p>Where was he during the Holocaust? Staroniwa, ghetto in Rzeszow, most likely shot in forests near Rudna, 1941</p><p>9 Paternal grandfather</p><p>Your paternal grandfather’s name? ? Krygier</p><p>Where and when was he born? Kolbuszowa, date unknown</p><p>Where else did he live? No information</p><p>Where and when did he die? No information</p><p>What sort of education did he have? No information</p><p>What sort of work did he do? Peasant</p><p>How religious was he? Probably was religious (no further information)</p><p>What was his mother tongue? No information</p><p>10 Army service: which army and what years? No information</p><p>Tell me about his brothers and sisters.</p><p>Name Place and date of Occupation Biographical data biographical data attitude to Jewish </p><p> birth/death and origins of of children traditions</p><p> spouse</p><p>No information</p><p>Where was he during the Holocaust? Died before</p><p>11 Paternal grandmother</p><p>Your paternal grandmother’s name? ? Krygier (nee ?)</p><p>Where and when was she born? No information</p><p>Where else did she live? Werynia, Przybyszowka</p><p>Where and when did she die? Cracow, before WWII</p><p>What sort of education did she have? No information</p><p>What sort of work did she do? Housewife</p><p>How religious was she? ‘She was very religious. She read the Bible [Old Testament] to me. She taught me all the religious principles, customs. When there were prayers, Grandmother would take me there and hold my hand. And she forced me to listen well and explained what it was all about, what the significance of each prayer was.’</p><p>What was her mother tongue? Yiddish</p><p>12 Tell me about his brothers and sisters.</p><p>Name Place and date of Occupation biographical data biographical data attitude to Jewish </p><p> birth/death and origins of of children traditions</p><p> spouse</p><p>No information</p><p>Where was she during the Holocaust? Died before</p><p>13 Mother</p><p>Her name? Hanna Krygier (nee Strahl)</p><p>Where and when was she born? Przybyszowka, ca. 1880</p><p>Where else did she live? Staroniwa</p><p>Where and when did she die? Most likely shot in forests near Rudna (near Rzeszow), 1941</p><p>What sort of education did she have? No information</p><p>What sort of work did she do? Housewife</p><p>How religious was she? ‘She lit candles on Friday. She observed the high holidays. She did not, however, wear a wig. Her cooking was completely kosher, because she was very religious. We followed all Jewish traditions.’</p><p>What was her mother tongue? Yiddish</p><p>14 Tell me about his brothers and sisters.</p><p>Name place and date of Occupation biographical data Biographical data attitude to Jewish </p><p> birth/death and origins of of children traditions</p><p> spouse</p><p>Jozef Strahl (m) Przybyszowka, ? Brickmaker ? Strahl Zygmunt Strahl No information</p><p>- Tarnow, before (nee ?) (m), violinist</p><p>WWII (in work Jaroslaw, ? - ? ? Strahl (m), </p><p> accident) dentist in the USA</p><p>Sabina Strahl (f), </p><p> b. 1908, </p><p> immigrated to USA</p><p> before WWII</p><p>? Strahl (f)</p><p>Maria ? (nee Przybyszowka, ? Housewife No information None No information</p><p>Strahl) (f) - Vienna (today </p><p>Austria), before </p><p>WWII</p><p>Berta Star Przybyszowka, ? Housewife ? Sternszus from Erich Star (m) No information</p><p>(changed from - Germany, ? Rzeszow, ? - ?, ? Roza Star (f)</p><p>Sternszus was in dairy Single, pianist and because of business soprano in Cologne assimilation) (today Germany)</p><p>(nee Strahl) (f) Two more sons (no</p><p> information on </p><p> them)</p><p>Where was she during the Holocaust? Staroniwa, ghetto in Rzeszow, most likely shot in forests near Rudna (near Rzeszow), 1941</p><p>15 Maternal grandfather</p><p>Your maternal grandfather’s name? ? Strahl</p><p>Where and when was he born? Hungary, date unknown </p><p>Where else did he live? Przybyszowka</p><p>Where and when did he die? Przybyszowka, 1890s</p><p>What sort of education did he have? No information </p><p>What sort of work did he do? Peasant holder, brick-yard, restaurant and alcohol distillery owner</p><p>How religious was he? No information</p><p>What was his mother tongue? No information</p><p>Army service: which army and what years? No information</p><p>16 Tell me about his brothers and sisters.</p><p>Name Place and date of Occupation Biographical data Biographical data attitude to Jewish </p><p> birth/death and origins of of children traditions</p><p> spouse</p><p>No information</p><p>Where was he during the Holocaust? Died before</p><p>17 Maternal grandmother</p><p>Your maternal grandmother’s name? Amalia Strahl (nee ?)</p><p>Where and when was she born? Ropczyce, date unknown</p><p>Where else did she live? Przybyszowka</p><p>Where and when did she die? Przybyszowka, 1910s</p><p>What sort of education did she have? No information</p><p>What sort of work did she do? Housewife</p><p>How religious was she? No information</p><p>What was her mother tongue? No information</p><p>18 Tell me about his brothers and sisters.</p><p>Name Place and date of occupation Biographical data Biographical data attitude to Jewish </p><p> birth/death and origins of of children traditions</p><p> spouse</p><p>No information</p><p>Where was she during the Holocaust? Died before</p><p>19</p>
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