Dedicated in memory of Rachel Leah bat R' Chaim Tzvi Volume 3 Number 8 Brought to you by Naaleh.com Parshat Tazriah: Fresh Beginnings Based on a Naaleh.com shiur on Chassidut by Rabbi Hershel Reichman In his essay on Parshat Tazriah, the Shem Rosh Chodesh is chiddush, a new beginning. When we commemorate Rosh Chodesh MiShmuel cites a verse from Tehilim, “Achor We do not concern ourselves with past failures Nissan we re-experience tremendous renewal. v’kedem tzartani. You have created me back and disappointments. We start afresh with Adam was created on Rosh Chodesh Nissan. and front.” Rav Yochanan explains that this renewed vigor and excitement. King David is On the verse, “Vayehi adam l’nefesh chaya, refers to two worlds, olam hazeh and olam the soul of Rosh Chodesh. The central point of He breathed into man a living spirit,” the habah. This world is kedem, the first world. his personality was teshuva, for with the power Targum translates a living spirit as ruach The next world is achor, the final world. If a of repentance we can change and achieve m’malela, a talking soul. The essence of man person lives his life in a way that gains him greatness. On Rosh Chodesh, when the new is the ability to express himself. The Ari entrance from this world to the next, he has moon appears, we re-experience the joy of Hakadosh writes that the Exodus of Egypt fulfilled his purpose. If he does not, he will renewal and teshuva. redeemed our power of speech. need to answer for why he failed in his mission. Shabbat is the achor, the goal. Shabbat The seder night is an evening of song, praise, envelops (makif) the entire week. It contains and thanks to Hashem. As free men we Olam hazeh is about overcoming challenges. the energy of all the holidays. Rosh Chodesh recount the story of our redemption and use It is the preparation for olam habah, the is the kedem, the power of renewal and our ability of expression to connect with ultimate goal. Unfortunately many of us are inspiration. Hashem. under the influence of the non-Jewish world, which espouses the view that this world is the Zachor and shamor represent two aspects of In Tehilim, King David asks Hashem, “Create only world and that you should “enjoy life Shabbat. Shamor is the kedem, the prepara- for me a pure heart and renew within me a while you have it.” In reality, olam hazeh is tion for a higher level. Zachor is the achor, the proper spirit.” The first step is to purify our finite. Its pleasures are nothing but a fleeting energy of Shabbat. Shabbat contains the hearts from all the accumulated blockages and shadow. Our focus in this world should really spark to begin anew, but it is also the ultimate impurities. Only then can we merit a proper be on acquiring eternity, the next world. goal and the resting place of the Jewish soul. spirit. Parshat Parah purifies our unresponsive The start of Shabbat is shamor, we depart hearts. Parshat Hachodesh, which follows Life is comprised of struggles. It takes effort to from olam hazeh and ascend to a level of olam directly after, is the excitement of renewal. make progress. The Shem Mishmuel notes habah. Kiddush is zachor, when we soar to that beginnings are usually filled with heights beyond where angels can reach. On the Seder night we re-experience the excitement and enthusiasm. There is a Shabbat is an intense otherworldly light. exhilaration of yetziat Mitzrayim, the beginning special burst of energy at the start of a new of the journey of marriage between Klal Yisrael school year, the early months of marriage, Rosh Chodesh is this world. It tells us we can and Hashem. That was the time when we set and the commencement of a new job. This is begin again. In Nissan, when the Jewish out on the road to Sinai to accept the Torah. built into the human psyche. Our challenge is nation was reborn, Hashem commanded them, to maintain this spirit, not only at the outset, “Hachodesh hazeh lachem.” It was the first May we hold on to the joy and energy of but throughout the process. mitzva given to a comatose nation sunk in the Pesach and may it carry us onward through forty nine levels of impurity. It was the impetus the year as we work to accomplish the achor, Hashem gave us two special days, Shabbat that transformed them into a fiery ball of the goal of creation. and Rosh Chodesh. The days of the week are spiritual energy willing to take the paschal olam hazeh, kedem, a preparation. Shabbat is lamb at the risk of death and following Hashem olam habah, achor, the ultimate purpose. into a barren desert. Help support Naaleh by searching the web! For more information visit www.iGive/Naaleh.com & www.iSearchiGive/Naaleh.com visit us online at: www.naaleh.com | for questions, suggestions, or dedication opportunities, email [email protected] 1 Dedicated in memory of Rachel Leah bat R' Chaim Tzvi Pesach Inspiration Based on a Naaleh.com shiur by Mrs. Shira Smiles Our Rabbis teach us that Yaakov received the night, we can use our ability of speech to Hashem descends to each of our seders. brachot from Yitzchak on the night of Pesach. connect with Hashem. In the Hagadah, we There is a custom to wear a kittel on this holy Yitzchak specifically chose this time because recite, “V’chol hamarbe l’saper.” The more we night. Like the Kohen Gadol who entered the on this night the heavenly vaults of blessing recount at the Seder night, the more uplifted Holies of Holies, we too can enter into an are open. On the outside we may appear like we become. It is not only an opportunity to tell experience of Kodesh Kodoshim. This night, Esav, we may feel very far from Hashem, yet over the story of the Exodus, but a unique time when Yaakov received the brachot, when the the night of Pesach gives us the strength to to pray. In particular, since the Seder focuses heavens are open, is an opportunity for each transform ourselves into Yaakov. We can tap primarily on the children, it is a night to daven of us to soar to greater heights, no matter what into the profound, inherent, power of the for them and for future generations. our external trappings may be. It is a night Seder night and reach unimaginable levels. when we can rededicate our voices to Torah When Yaakov entered the chamber of and tefilah. We have the ability to ask Hashem Yitzchak gave Yaakov the blessing of hakol Yitzchak, the fragrance of Gan Eden accompa- for whatever our hearts truly desire. May we kol Yaakov, the power of expression. On this nied him. A vestige of this otherworldly scent merit abundant blessings from above. returns to us on the evening of Pesach. Dosh/Sechita Demonstration Part II Based on a Naaleh.com shiur by Rabbi Shimon Isaacson •Can you squeeze pickle juice out of pickles ing out the juice with a spoon is a shinui (an oThe Chazon Ish argues that it is prohibited. on Shabbat? If you want the juice, it is irregular method of juicing) and juicing a His reasoning is that there is a fleeting prohibited. If you just want a drier pickle, it is grapefruit is m’drabanan and not m’doraita like moment before the lemon is absorbed in the permitted. In Israel, where pickles are grapes or olives. sugar when it is a liquid. Even if we look at the regularly served with Yerushalmi kugel, pickle •Squeezing excess oil out of schnitzel is end result-the lemon is absorbed into the juice may be squeezed directly onto kugel. permitted. Your intention is to drain the oil, not sugar, the final end result is that the lemon •Slicing a grapefruit open on Shabbat will to use it. becomes liquid again in the tea. inevitably release juice. If the purpose of the •Extracting excess liquid from tuna is permitted oThe Mishna Berura counters that putting fruit in question is for juicing, it is prohibited. If because it is an unnatural liquid and will be the lemon and sugar into the tea is a separate you just want to eat the fruit, it is permitted. discarded. action and is permitted on Shabbat. •Eating grapefruit with a spoon is permitted •Can you squeeze lemon juice into a cup of •Adding a slice of lemon to a cup of tea is even though juice may flow out. This is tea? permitted. There is no need to worry about because it is a p’sik reisha d’lo niche lei, an oAccording to the Mishna Berura, you can juice oozing out, since it will happen on its action whose inevitable results you don’t squeeze the lemon on to sugar and then add own. necessarily care about. Additionally, squeez- the sugar to the tea. Rebbetzin’s Perspective I Class #9 Excerpted from Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller’s Question and Answer series on Naaleh.com Question: Kabalat Shabbat, which is short and involves a them as much as their attention span allows. My kids spend most of Shabbat playing, lot of singing. If this is not a possibility, try not to Then let them play and come back for zemirot fighting, and waiting for the day to be over. I have the time disintegrate by taking a nap and and cholent. Make the afternoon fun by telling almost wish daven-ing in shul would take all leaving the kids to their own devices.
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