<p> Kalyan Zone Kalyan</p><p>NO. CE/KLNZ/TECH/TENDER NO.3/ 2008 -09 Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co.Ltd. “Tejashree” 1st floor, Jahangir Maidan, Karnik Road, Kalyan Zone , Kalyan.</p><p>MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION CO. LTD. KALYAN ZONE TENDER FOR </p><p>SUPPLY OF ISI MARK STRAIGHT THROUGH & END TERMINATION JOINTING KIT FOR 22 KV H.T.CABLE 2) STRAIGHT THROUGH JOINTING KIT FOR L.T. CABLE FOR KALYAN ZONE </p><p>ISSUED TO :-</p><p>M /s ______</p><p>Date of issue :-</p><p>Place :-</p><p>CHIEF ENGINEER ( KLNZ) KALYAN</p><p>TENDER PUBLISHED BY Office of the Chief Engineer ( KLNZ ) Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co. LTd. Kalyan Zone , Kalyan.</p><p>Cost of Tender Rs.3000/- (RsThree Thousand only)</p><p>T-3/2008..09 1 Kalyan Zone Kalyan MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION CO. LTD. KALYAN ZONE</p><p>TENDER NO. CE/KLNZ/TECH/TENDER NO.3 / 2008 –09</p><p>1 ) Date from which : 30 / 4 / 2008 in the office of the sale of blank tender Office of the Chief Engineer ( KLNZ ) forms starts. KALYAN. ( Only on working days and working hours.) i.e. 10.30 hrs. to 15.30 hrs.</p><p>2 ) Date and time of : 15 / 05 /2008 upto 15.00 Hrs. Closing of sale of Blank tender forms </p><p>3 ) Due date of : 15 / 05/2008 Upto 13.00 Hrs Submission </p><p>4 ) Date of opening : At 15.00 Hrs. on 16/05 / 2008 ( if possible ) of tender Telephone Nos. 0251- 2328283, 2325959 Fax - 2329488</p><p>5 ) Price : Rs. 3000 /-. Per copy by hand delivery in office of the Chief Engineer, (KLNZ) M.S.E.D.C.L. Kalyan.</p><p>T-3/2008..09 2 Kalyan Zone Kalyan</p><p>MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DISTIBUTION CO.LTD. KALYAN ZONE OFFICE,</p><p>Tejashree Building, 1st FLOOR, Jahangir Maidan, KALYAN</p><p>SUPPLY OF ISI MARK STRAIGHT THROUGH & END TERMINATION JOINTING KIT FOR 22 KV H.T.CABLE 2) STRAIGHT THROUGH JOINTING KIT FOR L.T. CABLE FOR KALYAN ZONE</p><p>TENDER NO. CE/KLNZ/TECH/TENDER NO.3 / 2008 –09</p><p>TENDER INDEX </p><p>Sr.No. Particular Page No. 1 Tender general information 4 2 Tender Notice 5 3 Instruction to the tenderers & General conditions. 6-18 4 Technical Offer Part “A” 19-23 5 General Conditions Part “B” 24 6 Part “B” Commercial Offer Schedule A, abstract 25 Commercial Offer Schedule for H.T. jointing kit A, ,B,C,D,E 26-20 H.T. jointing kit Annexure 31-36 Commercial Offer Schedule for L.T. jointing kit F,G,H,I, 37-40 L.T. jointing kit Annexure 41-45 7 Indemnity Bond 46-47 8 Bank Guarantee form 48-49</p><p>MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DISTIBUTION CO.LTD. KALYAN ZONE, KALYAN</p><p>TENDER GENERAL INFORMATION </p><p>T-3/2008..09 3 Kalyan Zone Kalyan TENDER NO. : CE/KLNZ/TECH/TENDER NO.3/ 2008 –09 NAME OF WORK : SUPPLY OF ISI MARK STRAIGHT THROUGH & END TERMINATION JOINTING KIT FOR 22 KV H.T.CABLE 2) STRAIGHT THROUGH JOINTING KIT FOR L.T. CABLE FOR KALYAN ZONE</p><p>ESTIMATED COST : Rs. 18 Lakhs approximately (Rs. Eighteen Lakhs only)</p><p>E.M.D. : Rs. 18,000 /- </p><p>DUE DATE OF RECEIPT : 15 / 05/ 2008 up to 13.00 Hrs. OF TENDER</p><p>DATE OF OPENING : 15/05/2008 at 15.00 Hrs. ( If possible )</p><p>Completed Tender is to be : ADDRESS IS AS BELOW : Submitted to The Chief Engineer ( KLNZ ) Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co.Ltd. Kalyan Zone , Tejashree Building, 1st floor, Karnik Road, Jahangir Maidan, Kalyan-421 304</p><p>TENDER NOTICE</p><p>T-3/2008..09 4 Kalyan Zone Kalyan Tender No. CE/KLNZ/TECH/TENDER NO.3/ 2008 –09</p><p>Sealed tenders in prescribed form duly super scribed, are invited for SUPPLY OF ISI MARK STRAIGHT THROUGH & END TERMINATION JOINTING KIT FOR 22 KV H.T.CABLE 2) STRAIGHT THROUGH JOINTING KIT FOR L.T. CABLE FOR KALYAN ZONE</p><p>Estimated amount Rs.18 Lakhs. ( Rs. Eighteen Lakhs).</p><p>The tender form consisting of terms & conditions will be sold at the cost of Rs.3000/- only. The tender documents will be sold from 30.04.2008 to 14.05.2008 (excluding holidays) .Last date of submission of tender documents will be up to 15.05.2008 13.00 hrs for Tender T-1 to T-5 & 16.05.2008 up to13.00 hrs for Tender T-6 to T-10. Part A (technical Bid) will be opened on 15.05.2008 at 15.00 hrs. for Tender T-1 to T-5 & 16.05.2008 up to15.00 hrs. for Tender T-6 to T-10. Date of opening of Part B will be intimated later. However, if these dates are declared as Holiday, then tender shall be opened on the next working day. Right to reject / accept any or all, the tenders without assigning any reasons thereof, is reserved by the undersigned. The tender documents can be made available from the Office of the Superintending Engineer, Kalyan Circle I, Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd., “Tejashri” II nd floor, Jahangir Maidan, Karnik Road, Kalyan (West) 421301. From 11.00 hrs to 13.00 hrs and 14.00 hrs to 16.00 hrs. on payment of non refundable fee by cash. E.M.D. will be 1% of the EstimatedTender Cost & shall be paid by cash / D.D. payable on any schedule Bank in Kalyan to M.S.E.D.C.L. and the receipt or D.D. shall be attached with the tender to be submitted. The Tender documents can be downloaded from Company’s website www. mahadiscom.in, In this case the tender fee should paid by D.D. in favour of M.S.E.D.C.Ltd. on schedule bank payable at Kalyan .</p><p>CHIEF ENGINEER ( KLNZ ) </p><p>MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DISTIBUTION CO.LTD. KALYAN ZONE, KALYAN</p><p>TENDER GENERAL INFORMATION INSTRUCTIONS TO THE TENDERERS </p><p>T-3/2008..09 5 Kalyan Zone Kalyan</p><p>1. SCOPE OF WORK : </p><p> a) Supply of materials as specified in Schedule "A" appended & 50% of it should be delivered within the period of 30 days after approval of sample whichever is later &rest as per schedule thereof.</p><p> b) Although we may rely on single reputed manufacturer for supply of the quantity indicated, it is likely that in order to ensure timely receipt of material, the quantities indicated are likely to be split for more than one and ordered on the different suppliers. </p><p> c) The material is to be delivered as per schedule attached at our Kalyan (Netivali ) & / Palghar stores </p><p> d) The scheduled quantities indicated are required to be delivered on dates given or on subsequent working day if, that day happen to be a Public Holiday.</p><p> e) The quantities required by us are approximate and the total quantity may exceed Up to 50%. Of the ordered amount ( if necessary). f) In case we require additional quantities in any month the stock of next month is to be advanced for which 15 days advance intimation will be given by us. The material so advanced shall be deleted from the supplies on due date of delivery. g) The tender documents shall be issued to the tenderers on on- refundable Cash payment of Rs. 3000.00 in person. The tender document is also available at our website www.mahadiscom.in. While submitting the tender please attached the tender form fee receipt of Rs. 3000 or Demand Draft in favor of MSEDCL. Tenders submitted without tender form fee are liable to be rejected. </p><p>2. PRICES: </p><p> a) Tenderers should quote only single price /rate for the quantity offered by them. The offers with prices quoted on slab basis and / or with any conditional discount on any account shall not be accepted. </p><p> b) Prices should be quoted on free delivery basis at our Netaivli (Kalyan) / Palghar Stores and inclusive of packing forwarding, freight and transit insurance but excluding Excise Duty, Sales Tax, Octroi etc. The price should be on firm quotation basis. In case the Prices are quoted including Excise Duty, the present rate of Excise Duty should be mentioned separately. </p><p>3. SALES TAX : </p><p> i. This MSEDCL is registered under Sales Tax Act of the Maharashtra State, so also under the Central Sales Tax Act 1956.</p><p>T-3/2008..09 6 Kalyan Zone Kalyan ii. Declaration on Form " E " / " C " will be issued when ever and wherever applicable. </p><p> iii. Tenderer should give his Sales Tax Registration No. and mention Tax applicable to his offer in Schedule " A " </p><p> a) Sales Tax % with " E " Form </p><p> or b)Central Sales Tax % with " C " Form Goods will be moving from other State to Maharashtra State. </p><p> or c) Sales Tax/Central Sales Tax is not leviable as sales are second sale. Sales Tax Registration No. </p><p> d) Any revision in statutory Taxes will be payable. </p><p>4. DISCLOSING THE NAME OF THE MANUFACTURER : </p><p>Whenever material is described by name of the particular make being offered on re-sale basis the Tenderer shall specifically disclose the name of the original supplier or the manufacturer. The Firm shall not be allowed to supply the material offered from any other manufacturer than the quoted make unless prior permission in writing is so obtained from this office. </p><p>5. QUOTATION : </p><p> i. Tenderer shall quote his lowest reasonable rate in the enclosed Schedule " A " only and not on his letterhead. ii. Tenderer shall quote his rate per unit specified in Schedule "A “ in figures as well as in words. Any variation in the rates etc. will not be allowed on any ground such as mistake, misunderstanding etc. after the Tender has been submitted. </p><p>The Tendered rate must include in general. a) All charges for container and packing. </p><p> b) All charges to effect free delivery at our stores. </p><p> iii. Suppliers printed Terms and Conditions will not be considered as forming part of the offer. </p><p> iv. In case of divergence between the rates in figures and words, the tender is liable to be rejected. </p><p>6. AMBIGUITY IN QUOTATION : </p><p>Tenderers are requested to make a note that in case of ambiguous Terms in respect of free delivery at our stores, Excise Duty, Sales Tax or if the blanks are not filled in or answered, the offer shall be liable to be rejected. </p><p>T-3/2008..09 7 Kalyan Zone Kalyan</p><p>7. FILLING IN OF QUESTIONNAIRE : </p><p>Tenderers are requested to ensure that the comments against each and every item / clause of Annexure / Questionnaire shall be clearly filled in and answered. Any item Clause shall not be left blank or unanswered. If any item / clause is not applicable, the words " NOT APPLICABLE " shall be written against it. </p><p>8. ADDITIONS, ALTERATIONS PROHIBITED : </p><p>Tenderers shall not make any additions, alterations or the changes in the tender form and the conditions of Tender and supply, including the description and specification of material mentioned. In the enclosed schedule " A " they should quote rate for the material described. </p><p>9. SIGNING OF THE TENDER DOCUMENTS : </p><p>Offers must be submitted in the tender documents only and be clearly and legibly filled in with all Schedule and must be either in ink or typewritten. Offer and all documents comprising of tender details, tender form, conditions of Tender and supply, Questionnaires, Drawing, Test Certificates and other documents should be duly signed in each page and corrections, if any, to the information filled in should be duly initialed. There should be no overwriting. The over writing should be avoided and new details given and duly initialed. Tenders not signed as above shall be liable to be rejected. </p><p>10. QUANTITIES OFFERED : </p><p>Tenderers if are not in a position to quote for entire quantity and for delivery as required, they should state specifically the quantities which they can deliver at the price quoted. Silence on the point will entail the responsibility on tenderer to supply full quantity as per delivery required at quoted rate.</p><p>11. TIMELY SUBMISSION OF OFFER : </p><p> i.) Telegraphic offers or offers received in the form of Telex Message shall not be entertained and considered under any circumstances. </p><p> ii.) Tender documents received after the due date and time of the submission will not be accepted. </p><p> iii.) Tender received in person or by post after the due date and time of submission shall not be opened and no correspondence will be entertained. The MSEDCL shall not be responsible for any cause arising out of such delay.</p><p> iv.) In case the date of opening happens to be Holiday, the Tender shall be opened on the next working day at the same time as far as possible.</p><p>T-3/2008..09 8 Kalyan Zone Kalyan v.) The company reserves the right to reject any or all offers without assigning any reason thereof. </p><p>12. DISREGARD OF TENDER CONDITIONS : </p><p>The Company reserves the right to reject any tender which does not confirm to any of the conditions or instructions etc. in respect of the tender.</p><p>13. The Tenderer should note that no correspondence shall be entertained or considered after the due date. </p><p>14. To judge the capacity and capability of the Tenderer or the manufacturer, the tenderer shall furnish a list of orders of similar type executed by him or his Manufacturers for the last 3 years indicating the name of the Purchaser, material ordered, quantity ordered, value, the delivery quoted, the delivery executed and the deviation or slippage in delivery. Details of pending orders and quantities outstanding against orders of this office and others should be indicated separately. The total amount of supply order ( for last 3 years taken together) should be at least equal to estimated tender value.</p><p>15. ACCEPTANCE OF TENDER : </p><p>The MSEDCL does not bind itself to accept the lowest offer or disclose any reason for rejection of any Tender or part of Tender. It is also not binding on the Board to disclose any analysis, report on Tender or samples. The Board shall reserve right to order out /procure any quantity in excess to the extent of 50% or any less quantity of the quantities offered by the Tenderers. The quantity specified would be for despatch to destination at our Kalyan –Netivli stores ./ Palghar. 16. SUBMISSION OF SAMPLES : Whenever the samples are required the same should be fabricated & strictly confirming to the specification& drawing of the material offered. If the sample is found to be not as per specification, Drawing the offer will not be considered & no correspondence from the Tendereer for requirement will be entertained. will be considered for actual payment. The sample of successful Tenderer, on notification shall collect the sample within 30 days from the date of notification at their own cost, failing which the sample will be treated as company’s property without any payment & any further notice will not be given. . 17. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT : </p><p>Tenderers should pay 1% of the Tender value I.e. Rs35,000/- towards the Earnest Money unless the firm is exempted on account of statutory directives. Earnest Money shall be paid in the office of the Chief Engineer, Maharashtra State Electricity Dist. Co. Ltd., Kalyan Zone, " Tejashree " 1 st Floor, Karnik Road , Kalyan 421 304 . The receipt regarding payment of EMD should be enclosed in the qualifying bid, otherwise the offer may be rejected. Tenders submitted without earnest money are liable to be rejected. </p><p>Earnest Money Deposit shall be forfeited or adjusted in the following cases. T-3/2008..09 9 Kalyan Zone Kalyan a) In case the Tenderer withdraws tender/offer during the validity period b b) In case the Tenderer fails to pay the Security Deposit if the contract is c awarded. d </p><p>18. EARNEST MONEY OF UNSUCCESSFUL TENDERER : </p><p>Earnest Money Deposit shall be returned to the unsuccessful Tenderers as soon as possible after the Tender has been decided, and on submission of Receipt of E.M.D. payment duly endorsed at the back side of the receipt to Chief Engineer, Kalyan Zone, M.S.E.D.C.Ltd., "Tejashree" 1st Floor, Karnik Road, Kalyan 421 301. </p><p>19. OFFER OF S.S.I. UNITS </p><p>Offers of the S.S.I. Units shall be considered in accordance with the State Government's G.R.No. BKS / 1088 / (2512) /Industries-6, dated 2/1/1992.</p><p>20. DELIVERY : </p><p>Tenderer is requested to quote deliveries free at our Netivali / Palghar stores only. The Tenderer should quote delivery to be made as mentioned above 1(a). Offers with modified delivery schedule which directly or indirectly affect conditions of Tender and supply, shall be liable for rejection. In view of tender being accepted for supply of the material, the Tenderer should strictly adhere to the delivery period as the time being essence of the supply.</p><p>21. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES : </p><p>PENALTY FOR LATE DELIVERY : </p><p>In case the material is not delivered in time, the supplier shall be liable to pay penalty, at our discretion, at half percent of the price per week subject to a maximum of 10% reckoned on the contract value of such incomplete supply of material including the portion supplied which could not be brought into commission due to any part thereof not having delivered in time subject to Force Majeure. Non-availability of raw material or its procurement will not be considered as a reason for late delivery as a Force Majeure. </p><p>RISK PURCHASE : </p><p>Failure to effect the supply of material, we shall procure the material from market at the rate prevailing and in accordance with Indian Contract Act, the additional cost required to procure the material shall be recovered from he</p><p>T-3/2008..09 10 Kalyan Zone Kalyan suppliers on whom the orders have been placed and who have failed to deliver the material within stipulated period. 23. CONDITIONS OF SUPPLY : </p><p> i) QUALITY OF SUPPLY </p><p>Material offered should be strictly as per specifications for material mentioned in Schedule " A " and as per the drawing , strictly in accordance with it and as per the approved standards/samples. In case of material for which there are no standards the supplies shall be of the best workmanship and quality and subject to our approval. Bulk supplies will commence only after approval of the first sample. Supplier will keep this office informed of the progress of manufacture of the material. </p><p> ii) VALIDITY OF THE TENDER : </p><p>The Tender shall be open for acceptance by the Board for a period of 120 (one hundred Twenty) days from the date of opening of the Tender and the Tenderer shall be bound to supply at the same rate on acceptance by the Board during validity period. </p><p> iii) SECURITY DEPOSIT : </p><p>Supplier should pay Security Deposit at the rate of 10% of the value of the order. Security Deposit is payable by (a) Cash (b) Demand Draft (c) Pay Order </p><p> iv) PAYMENT OF BILLS : </p><p>Suppliers will be paid 100% payment of the price alongwith Excise Duty, Sales Tax etc. of each consignment by A/c Payee Cheque after 60days from supply of material and the date of submission of bills to this office. The payment will be subject to supply of material as per our specification, in good condition and verification thereof and on receipt of S.R. Note from the Stores.</p><p> v) INSURANCE : </p><p>In all cases Insurance shall be done by the supplier with Government Insurance Fund or with other Insurance authorities subject to our approval for all risks.</p><p> vi) GUARANTEE : </p><p>Material should be guaranteed for workmanship and quality for a period of 18 months from the date of supply or 12 months from the date of commissioning whichever is earlier. In case subsequently during usage of material or prior to that if any defect in the material is noticed by us the good quality material shall be supplied free of cost and earlier material shall be taken back by the supplier. vii) CONSIGNEE: </p><p>T-3/2008..09 11 Kalyan Zone Kalyan The Consignee will be the Dy.Ex.Engineer / Store officer ( stores) , Netaivli & Palghar Store. viii) It is presumed that you are fully aware of the Company's General Conditions of Contract for the supply of equipment and material particularly in respect of Security Deposits, Terms of payment, Penalty for the late delivery, etc. and other important terms, any ignorance of these conditions will not exempt you from your liability to abide by the same. </p><p>Ix) OCTROI :</p><p>In case material to be delivered at Major store Kalyan at Netavali & Palghar. The octroi exemption certificate will be issued by the Stores officer Netavali (Kalyan) / Palghar before delivering the material to the store / the Octroi charges if applicable dwill be reimbursed on producing the original documentation this respect. The Octroi if applicable should clearly be mentioned in Schedule; A: </p><p>24) The tenderer should submit unconditional acceptance in two separate sealed envelopes as indicated below. These two envelopes super scribing on individual cover as “ Cover “A” & “Cover “B“ shall be put in one combined cover which is to be properly sealed and super scribed as below : a ) Tender for : b ) Due date : c ) Name and address of firm. d ) Earnest money paid by D.D./Receipt no. and date ______</p><p>The dully completed Tender along with authorized signed & sealed , Superscribing details of the tender name & Number shall be submitted on or before the due date/ time at the following address: The Chief Engineer ( KLNZ ) Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co.Ltd. Kalyan Zone , Tejashree Building, 1ST Floor, Kalyan-421 304</p><p>25 ) MISCELLANEOUS :- ( i ) No modification of any kind such as rebates, etc. in the tender value will be accepted after due date and time of receipt of tender. No deviation</p><p>T-3/2008..09 12 Kalyan Zone Kalyan from specifications will be allowed. The Chief Engineer (KLNZ) Kalyan will, However, be free to negotiate any particular item with any tenderer. </p><p>( ii ) The tenderer should furnish full details about himself and amount of the work of receipt of power transformers carried out by him for this Company and in other Govt. or Semi-Govt. organization on the page provided for this purpose and submit true copies of certificates in proof thereof ( which will not be returned. )</p><p>( iii ) Right to place work orders item wise for any of the items is reserved.</p><p>( iv ) The contract or any part of thereof shall not be sublet without written permission of the Chief Engineer (KLNZ) , M.S.E.D.C.L. Kalyan Zone , Kalyan. ( v ) The tenderer will be presumed to be aware of the Co’s general conditions of contract ( Part II ) and general conditions of work contract which are also binding so far as they are applicable in respect of this contract except the terms and conditions mentioned in this tender. </p><p>( vi ) The decision of the Chief Engineer (KLNZ) , M.S.E.D.C.L. , Kalyan Zone , Kalyan about the interpretation of any items and conditions of this tender specification including Annexures and booklets of general terms and conditions and order placed under this tender shall be final and binding on the tenderers / repairers. </p><p>( vii ) This complete tender documents shall be deemed to form the part of the item rate contract and work orders if and when placed subsequently on the basis of this shall be binding on the tenderer.</p><p>T-3/2008..09 13 Kalyan Zone Kalyan</p><p>THE MATTERS TO BE DETERMINED BY THE CHIEF ENGINEER :- All disputes and differences of any kind whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the contract, whether during the progress of the work or after its completion and whether before or after the determination of the contract , shall be referred by the contractor to the C.E. and the C.E. shall ( within 120 days ) after receipt of the contractor’s representation make and notify decisions of all matters referred to by the contractor in writing. (i) Demand for Arbitration :- In the event of any dispute or difference between the parties here to as to the construction or operation of this contract, or the respective rights and liabilities of the parties on any matter in question , the dispute or difference on any account or as to the withholding by M.S.E.B. of any certificate to which the contractor may claim to be entitled to, or if the C.E. fails to make a decision ( within 120 days ) then and any such case, the contractor ( after 120 days ) but within ( 180 days ) of his presenting his final claim on disputed matters shall demand in writing that the dispute or difference to be referred to arbitration. (ii) The demand for arbitration shall specified the matters which are in question , or subject of the dispute or difference as also the amount of claim itemwise. Only such dispute(s) or difference(s) in respect of which the demand has been made, together with counter claims or set off, shall be referred to arbitration and other matters shall not be included in the reference. (a) The arbitration proceedings shall be assumed to have commenced from day , a written and valid demand for arbitration is received by the Company. (b) The claimant shall submit his claim stating the facts supporting the claims along with all relevant documents and the relief or remedy sought against each claim within a period of 30 days from the date of appointment of the Arbitral Tribunal. (c) The Company shall submit its defense statement and counter claim(s) , if any , within a period of 60 days of receipt of copy of</p><p>T-3/2008..09 14 Kalyan Zone Kalyan claims from the Tribunal thereafter unless otherwise extension has been granted by the Tribunal. </p><p>(iii) No new claim shall be added during the proceedings by either party. However, a party may amend or supplement the original claim or defense thereof during the course of arbitration proceedings subject to acceptance by Tribunal having due regard to the delay in making it.</p><p>(iv) If the contractor (s) does /do not prefer his /their specific and final claims in writing ,within a period of 90 days of receiving the intimation from the Company , that the final bill is ready for payment , he/they will deemed to have waived his/their claims(s) and the Company’s shall be discharged and released of all liabilities under the contract in respect of these claims OBLIGATION DURING PENDENCY OF ARBITRATION :- Work under the contract shall , unless otherwise directed by the Engineer continue during the arbitration proceedings , and no payment due or payable by the Company shall be with held on account of such proceedings , provided , however ,it shall be open for Arbitral Tribunal to consider and decided whether or not such work should be continued during arbitration proceedings . (i) In cases where the total value of all claims in questions added together does not exceed Rs. 1,00,00,000 /- (Rupees One Crore) the Arbitral Tribunal shall consist of a Sole Arbitrator who shall be either the C.E. of the Company or serving or retired officer of the Company /Government not below the grade of C.E. or equivalent nominated by the M.D. of the Company in that behalf. The Sole Arbitrator shall be appointed within 60 days from the day when a written and valid demand for arbitration is received by Company. (ii) In cases the value of the claim exceeds Rs. 1,00,00,000 /- (Rupees One Crore) as above, the Arbitral tribunal shall consist of panel of three serving or retired officers of M.S.E.D.C.L../ Government not below the grade of C.E. / G.M.(F&A). as the Arbitrators. For this purpose the Company will send a panel of more than three names of Arbitrators of</p><p>T-3/2008..09 15 Kalyan Zone Kalyan one or more departments of the Company / Government to the contractor who will be asked to suggest to the M.D. at least 2 names for appointment as contractor’s nominee . The M.D. shall appoint at least one of them as the contractor’s nominee and will also appoint the balance number of Arbitrators either from the panel or from outside the panel , duly indicating the presiding Arbitrator from amongst the three(3) Arbitrators so appointed. While nominating Arbitrators, it will be necessary to insure that one of them is or has worked in Accounts department. (iii) If one or more Arbitrators appointed as above refuses to act as Arbitrator, withdraws from his office as Arbitrator or vacates his /their office/offices or is /are unable to unwilling to perform his function as Arbitrator for any reason whatsoever or dies or in the opinion of the M.D. fails to act without undue delay, the M.D. shall appoint new Arbitrator/s to act in his /their place in the same manner in which the earlier Arbitrator/s had been appointed such reconstituted Tribunal , may , as its discretion proceed with the reference from the stage at which it was left by the previous Arbitrator (s). (iv) The Tribunal shall have powers to call such evidence by way of affidavits or otherwise as the Arbitral Tribunal shall think proper , and it shall be the duty of the parties hereto to do or cause to be done all such things as may be necessary to enable the Arbitral Tribunal to make the award without any delay. (v) While appointing Arbitrator (s) as above , due care shall be taken that he / they is/are not the one /those who had an opportunity to deal with the matters to which the correct relates or who in the course of his/their as Company’s servant (s) expressed view on all or any of the Arbitral Tribunal or the award made by such Tribunal will , however, not be invalid merely for the reason that one or more Arbitrator had , in the course of his service , opportunity to deal with the matters to which the correct relates or who in the course of his/their duties expressed views on all or any of the matters under dispute. (vi) Arbitral award shall straight item wise , the sum and reasons upon which it is based.</p><p>T-3/2008..09 16 Kalyan Zone Kalyan (vii) A party may apply for corrections of any computational errors , any typographical or clerical errors or any other errors of similar nature occurring in the award to Tribunal within 30 days of receipt of the award. (viii) A party may apply to Tribunal within 30 days of receipt of award to make an additional award as to claims presented in the Arbitral proceedings , but omitted form the Arbitral award. (ix) In case of the Tribunal , comprising of three members any ruling or award shall be made by a majority of Members of Tribunal in the absence of such a majority , the views of the Presiding Arbitrator (s) shall prevail. (x) Where the Arbitral award is for payment of money , no interest shall be payable on whole or any part of the money for any period till the date on which the award is made. (xi) The cost of the Arbitration shall be borne equally by the respective parties. The cost shall inter-alia include fees of the Arbitrators as per the rates fixed by the Company from time to time. Provided that the fees payable per Arbitrator for claims up to Rs. One Crore , shall not exceed Rs.2000/- per sitting subject to a maximum of Rs. 25,000 /- and the fees payable per Arbitrator for claims over Rs. One Crore , shall not exceed Rs. 2000/- per sitting subject to a maximum of Rs. 50,000/- provided further that the Arbitrators who are in service of Government / M.S.E.D.C.L.. shall draw fees at half of the rates mentioned above . (xii) Company shall maintain a list of Arbitrators the M.D. shall have full powers to delete or add the name of the Arbitrators in the list to make amendments to the said list as per his discretion.</p><p>(xiii) The Arbitral proceedings should be completed and the award be finalized within one year from the date of appointment of the Arbitrators.</p><p>T-3/2008..09 17 Kalyan Zone Kalyan (xiv) Subject to the provisions as aforesaid , Arbitration an conciliation act ,1996 and the rules there under , and any statutory notification thereof shall apply to the Arbitration proceedings under this clause. In case the contractor(s) falls within the ambit of Small Scale and Ancillary Industrial Undertakings Act , 1993 , following clause regarding payment shall be incorporated.</p><p>Seal and Signature of the Tenderer.</p><p>T-3/2008..09 18 Kalyan Zone Kalyan</p><p>A ) The first envelope ( i.e. cover “A” ) shall contain following documents. PART – I TECHNICAL OFFER To be submitted</p><p>To be submitted in each complete with all enclosures. In case of Consortium, Companies, details are to be given for all the member firms. To, The Chief Engineer (KLNZ). Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd., “Tejashree” 1st floor, Karnik Road, Jahangir Maidan, Kalyan (West) 421 301.</p><p>SUB: SUPPLY OF ISI MARK STRAIGHT THROUGH & END TERMINATION JOINTING KIT FOR 22 KV H.T.CABLE 2) STRAIGHT THROUGH JOINTING KIT FOR L.T. CABLE FOR KALYAN ZONE</p><p>Dear Sir, We have procured the bid documents SUPPLY OF ISI MARK STRAIGHT THROUGH & END TERMINATION JOINTING KIT FOR 22 KV H.T.CABLE 2) STRAIGHT THROUGH JOINTING KIT FOR L.T. CABLE FOR KALYAN ZONE We are submitting our proposals with complete set of enclosures: The details asked for are being furnished in accordance with the following: GENERAL PROFILE OF THE BIDDER NAME & COMMUNICATION DETAILS 1. Full legal name of the Company / firm 2. Date and location of establishment 3. Registered Office address 4. Address for communication 5. Telegraphic address 6. Telephone number 7. Fax number 8. E – mail address 9. Date and location of Establishment 10. Authorised person (s) to be contacted 11. Names and addresses of the proprietors/partners/consortium members 12. Type of firm – private limited / Public limited / Government sector 13. Whether registered under companies act or any other act 14. Registration number 14. Annual turn over in last 3 years 2004 -2005. 2005 -2006, 2006 – 2007 (Copies to be enclosed) </p><p>T-3/2008..09 19 Kalyan Zone Kalyan</p><p>II) TECHNICAL AND QUALIFYING REQUIREMENT DETAILS:</p><p>1 STRUCTURE AND ORGANIZATION: 1. Attach the organisation chart showing the structure of the organisation including the names of Directors and position of officers. 2. How many years has your organisation been in business under your present name? What were your fields when you established your organization? When did you add new field (if any)? 3. Have you ever not completed any work awarded to you? (If so, give name of project and reasons for not completing work). 2. Financial details 1. Capital (a) Authorised (b) Issued and paid-up 2. Details of the work completed and applicant’s performance record as on date of submission of this bid. 3. Furnish balance sheet and profit and loss statement with auditor’s reports for the last three years, it should inter-alias include the following information (i) Working capital (ii) Foreign investment (iii) Turn over: I) Turn over (gross sales) for 2004-05 II) Turn over (gross sales) for 2005-06 III) Turn over (gross sales) for 2006-07 (iv)Gross profits: i) In the year 2005-05 ii) In the year 2005-06 iii) In the year 2006-07 (v) Total liabilities : (a) Current ratio : (Current assets to current liabilities) (b) Total liabilities to net worth. (vi) What is the maximum annual value of the project that you can</p><p>T-3/2008..09 20 Kalyan Zone Kalyan handle? 7. Have you ever been denied tendering facilities by any Government Department / Public Sector Undertaking? (If yes, give details). 8. List your sources of finance. 9. Certificate of financial soundness by bank. 10.Name and address of bank from whom reference can be obtained. 11.Have you ever been declared bankrupt? (If yes, please give details) Specific Financial details A. Annexure “ A “ giving the particulars of tenderer which includes previous experience in Public and private sector. The minimum turnover for last three financial year consider for similar nature works together, should be equal up to as per item 4.1, Copies of orders shall be attached by you. B. Income Tax return filed and submitted. ( along with PAN No. and TAN No.) C. Solvency certificate of value amounting to 50% of Tender Value /- from any nationalized bank or scheduled bank. D. Details of machinery and Testing equipments. E. Xerox copy of EMD paid to the Company, against this tender. Attested copies of Provident Fund registration, ESIC registration, Service Tax, VAT registration, W.C.T. registration/SSI registration/registration of the firm from registrar of companies should be enclosed. III). Personnel capacity 3.1 The bidder should have a minimum of three years experience in any of the man management technical activities consisting of Managers, Technical and semi-skilled personnel. 3.2 As far as possible the Bidder shall not change the officer in-charge / nodal officer frequently. Any change in officer incharge / nodal officer should be mutually agreed upon and communicated to MSEDCL in writing. 3.3 The Bidder shall furnish documents regarding the qualification of the key personnel proposed to be employed by him with minimum three years experience. 3.4 Manpower details 3.4.1 DETAILS OF COMPANY OF DIRECTORS: Name of the Director Organisation Address</p><p>T-3/2008..09 21 Kalyan Zone Kalyan Remarks 3.4.2 KEY AND ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL AND CONSULTANTS: Individual’s name Qualification Present position of office Professional experience and details of work carried out. Years with the applicant. Language known Remarks. 3.4.3 MANAGERS: Individual’s Name Qualifications Present position of office Professional experience and details of work carried out. Years with the applicant 3.4.4 STAFF / WORKMEN: Individual’s Name Qualifications Present position of office Professional experience and details of work carried out. Years with the applicant IV) Technical Requirement: 4.1 The bidder shall provide necessary evidences in support of meeting above qualifying requirement like copies of purchase order, performance certificate from the MSEB / MSEDCL .for supply of similar nature of material& the total amount of abovesupply order ( for last 3 years taken together) should be at least equal to estimated tender value. 4.2 The bidder should possess adequate trained manpower, machines and the requisite stationary. 4.3 The necessary test certificate confirming the required quality of material from the Govt. recognized Laboratory / any other equivalent standard laboratory test results. 4.4 Necessary acceptance Tests as per IS Specification will be carried out as per the requirement 4.5 The Test reports ( CPRI/ ERDA ) for the material (( where ever necessary ) should be submitted by the party,along with offer( within last 5 year period) 4.6 Material should be confirm to the required ISI Specifications, I.S. Standards ( Certificate is to be attached)</p><p>T-3/2008..09 22 Kalyan Zone Kalyan</p><p>We understand that MSEDCL reserves the right to invite detailed proposals from any private entrepreneur-company; irrespective of the fact whether the company or entrepreneur has been pre-qualified. We also understand that the MSEDCL reserves the right to reject any or all of the bids without assigning any reason thereof. We agree to abide by all the conditions governing the bids and decisions of the MSEDCL. The validity of the bid is 120 days from date of opening of Part-A bid or 90 days from the date of opening of Part-B bid whichever is later. It is certified that we have quoted for all circles prescribed in this specification; we understand that in case any circle is not quoted in financial offer, our offer will be rejected irrespective that we are qualified and even the lowest one. Thanking you,</p><p>Encl : As above Yours faithfully, ______</p><p>Seal and Signature of the Tenderer</p><p>T-3/2008..09 23 Kalyan Zone Kalyan</p><p>PART – B</p><p>PRICEBID OFFER To be submitted</p><p>Further, after opening of cover “A” and scrutinizing of the same, the cover “B” only such tenderers will be opened who are found to be satisfying prequalifying conditions. The second envelop ( i.e. cover “B”) shall contain following documents. The acceptance of schedule of rates as indicated in “Schedule “A” in Part “B” The tenderer is also required to submit tender copy after duly putting his full signature on each page viz. these instructions sheets, special conditions duly signed/initialed on every page, etc. the tenderer will be deemed to be fully aware of the Distrbution Co.s general conditions of contract for supply of plant, equipments and material particularly, in respect of security deposit, terms of payment, penalty for late delivery, etc. And any ignorance of these conditions will not exempt him from his liability to abide by the same. It will also be presume that , he has fully readed and understood all the terms and conditions of the tender documents submitted.</p><p>Seal and Signature of the Tenderer</p><p>T-3/2008..09 24 Kalyan Zone Kalyan</p><p>MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LIMITED KALYAN ZONE TENDER NO. CE/KLNZ/TECH/TENDER NO.3 / 2008 –09 SCHEDULE " A " Abstrract Name of work: - SUPPLY OF ISI MARK STRAIGHT THROUGH & END TERMINATION JOINTING KIT FOR 22 KV H.T.CABLE 2) STRAIGHT THROUGH JOINTING KIT FOR L.T. CABLE FOR KALYAN ZONE</p><p>Sr. Description of material unit qty F.O.R No. Destination to Kalyan / Palghar Stores Rate Rs. In Figure & words 22 kv Cable jointing kit Straight through joint 300 Sq.mm Kit 30 Straight through joint 240 Sq.mm Kit 23 Straight through joint 185 Sq.mm Kit 10 Straight through joint 95 Sq.mm Kit 20 End Termination kit 300 sq.mm Kit outdoor 30 Kit End Termination kit 240 sq.mm " 20 Kit End Termination kit 185 sq.mm " 10 Kit End Termination kit 95 sq.mm " 10 End Termination kit 185 sq.mm Kit Indoor 10 L.T. Cable jointing kit Straight through joint 300 Sq.mm Kit 100 Straight through joint 240 Sq.mm Kit 100 Straight through joint 185 Sq.mm Kit 100 Straight through joint 120 Sq.mm Kit 50</p><p>Rate shall be quoted in numerical & in word also.</p><p>SEAL AND SIGNATURE OF TENDERER</p><p>T-3/2008..09 25 Kalyan Zone Kalyan</p><p>MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD.. KALYAN ZONE TENDER NO. CE/KLNZ/TECH/TENDER NO.3 / 2008 –09 SCHEDULE " A"</p><p>Sr Description of material Unit Qty. F.O.R Destination N. to Kalyan / Palghar Stores Rate Rs. In Figure & words. 1. A) Supply of 22 KV heat shrinkable Straight Kit 30 through Jointing kit suitable for 3CX300 sqmm XLPE cable. B) Supply of 22 KV heat shrinkable Straight Kit 23 through Jointing kit suitable for 3CX240 sqmm XLPE cable.</p><p>Make: As per MSEB/MSEDCL approved list. The EACH kit shall contain 1) H.S. Stress Control Tubing - 530mm x3 Nos. 2) H.S. Insulating Tubing - 540mm x3 Nos. 3) H.S. Co-extruded - 545mm x3 Nos. Dual Wall Tubing 4) H.S. Outer Jacket - 3Nos. 5) Mettalic Cannister - 1 No. 6) Yellow Mastic - 3+6 Pcs. 7) Earthing Copper Braid - 1 length 8) Solder + Flux - 1 Pack 9) Jubilee Clamp + Backup Ring - 6+2 Nos. 10) PVC A Tape - 2 Rolls 11) Core cleaning solvent - 1 Bottle 12) Copper Mesh - 3 Rolls 13) Silicon Grease - 1 Pack 14) Nylon String - 2 Mtrs. 15) A1 Oxide Tape - 2 Mtrs. 16) Mopping Cloth - 1 Length 17) Mastic Tape - 3 Mtrs. 18) Copper Binding Wire - 3 Mtrs. 19) Alum. Ferrules -3 Nos. 20) Packing Slip - 1 No. 21) Instructions Sheet - 1 No. & all other items required for jointing Works.</p><p>Seal & Signature of the Tenderer</p><p>MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD..</p><p>T-3/2008..09 26 Kalyan Zone Kalyan KALYAN ZONE TENDER NO. CE/KLNZ/TECH/TENDER NO.3 / 2008 –09 SCHEDULE " B "</p><p>Sr Description of material Unit Qty. F.O.R Destination N. to Kalyan / Palghar Stores Rate Rs. In Figure & words. 1. A) Supply of 22 KV heat shrinkable Straight Kit 10 through Jointing kit suitable for 3CX185 sqmm XLPE cable. B) Supply of 22 KV heat shrinkable Straight Kit 20 through Jointing kit suitable for 3CX95 sqmm XLPE cable.</p><p>Make: As per MSEB/MSEDCL approved list.</p><p>The each kit shall contain 1) H.S. Stress Control Tubing - 530mm x3 Nos. 2) H.S. Insulating Tubing - 540mm x3 Nos. 3) H.S. Co-extruded - 545mm x3 Nos. Dual Wall Tubing 4) H.S. Outer Jacket - 3Nos. 5) Mettalic Cannister - 1 No. 6) Yellow Mastic - 3+6 Pcs. 7) Earthing Copper Braid - 1 length 8) Solder + Flux - 1 Pack 9) Jubilee Clamp + Backup Ring - 6+2 Nos. 10) PVC A Tape - 2 Rolls 11) Core cleaning solvent - 1 Bottle 12) Copper Mesh - 3 Rolls 13) Silicon Grease - 1 Pack 14) Nylon String - 2 Mtrs. 15) A1 Oxide Tape - 2 Mtrs. 16) Mopping Cloth - 1 Length 17) Mastic Tape - 3 Mtrs. 18) Copper Binding Wire - 3 Mtrs. 19) Alum. Ferrules -3 Nos. 20) Packing Slip - 1 No. 21) Instructions Sheet - 1 No. & all other items required for jointing Works.</p><p>Seal & Signature of the Tenderer</p><p>MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD.. T-3/2008..09 27 Kalyan Zone Kalyan KALYAN ZONE TENDER NO. CE/KLNZ/TECH/TENDER NO.3 / 2008 –09 SCHEDULE " C "</p><p>Sr Description of material Unit Qty. F.O.R Destination N. to Kalyan / Palghar Stores Rate Rs. In Figure & words. 1. Supply of 22 KV heat shrinkable O/D type Kit 30 termination kit suitable for 3CX300 sqmm XLPE cable. Make: As per MSEB/MSEDCL approved list. The kit shall contain 1) H.S. Non tracking Cable - 1 No. breakout 2) H.S. Anti trackingTubing - 750mm x3 Nos. 3) H.S. Stress Control Tubing - 150mm x3 Nos. 4) H.S. Lugs sealing tubing - 100mmx3 Nos. 5) H.S Non tracking Rain shed - 9Nos. 6) Earthing Copper Braid - 1 length. 7) Small Copper Braid - 200mmx3 Nos. 8) Solder + Flux - 1 Pack 9) Jubilee Clamp + Backup Ring - 2+1 No. 10) PVC A Tape - 1 Rolls 11) S.A Insulating Tape - 2 Mtr 12) Core cleaning solvent - 1 Bottle 13) Stress Control Paint - 1 Bottle 14) Silicon Grease - 1 Pack 15) Nylon String - 2 Mtrs. 16) A1 Oxide Tape - 2 Mtrs. 17) Mopping Cloth - 1 Length 18) Mastic Tape - 2 Mtr. 19) Copper Binding Wire - 2 Mtr. 20) Alum. Lugs - 3 Nos. 21) Packing Slip - 1 No. 22) Instructions Sheet - 1 No. & all other items required for jointing Works.</p><p>Seal & Signature of the Tenderer</p><p>T-3/2008..09 28 Kalyan Zone Kalyan</p><p>MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD.. KALYAN ZONE TENDER NO. CE/KLNZ/TECH/TENDER NO.3/ 2008 –09 SCHEDULE " D "</p><p>Sr Description of material Unit Qty. F.O.R Destination N. to Kalyan / Palghar Stores Rate Rs. In Figure & words. 1. Supply of 22 KV heat shrinkable O/D type Kit 20 termination kit suitable for 3CX240 sqmm XLPE cable. Make: As per MSEB/MSEDCL approved list. The kit shall contain 1) H.S. Non tracking Cable - 1 No. breakout 2) H.S. Anti trackingTubing - 750mm x3 Nos. 3) H.S. Stress Control Tubing - 150mm x3 Nos. 4) H.S. Lugs sealing tubing - 100mmx3 Nos. 5) H.S Non tracking Rain shed - 9Nos. 6) Earthing Copper Braid - 1 length. 7) Small Copper Braid - 200mmx3 Nos. 8) Solder + Flux - 1 Pack 9) Jubilee Clamp + Backup Ring - 2+1 No. 10) PVC A Tape - 1 Rolls 11) S.A Insulating Tape - 2 Mtr 12) Core cleaning solvent - 1 Bottle 13) Stress Control Paint - 1 Bottle 14) Silicon Grease - 1 Pack 15) Nylon String - 2 Mtrs. 16) A1 Oxide Tape - 2 Mtrs. 17) Mopping Cloth - 1 Length 18) Mastic Tape - 2 Mtr. 19) Copper Binding Wire - 2 Mtr. 20) Alum. Lugs - 3 Nos. 21) Packing Slip - 1 No. 22) Instructions Sheet - 1 No. & all other items required for jointing Works.</p><p>Seal & Signature of the Tenderer</p><p>MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD..</p><p>T-3/2008..09 29 Kalyan Zone Kalyan KALYAN ZONE</p><p>TENDER NO. CE/KLNZ/TECH/TENDER NO.3 / 2008 –09 SCHEDULE " E "</p><p>Sr Description of material Unit Qty. F.O.R Destination N. to Kalyan / Palghar Stores Rate Rs. In Figure & words. 1. a) Supply of 22 KV heat shrinkable O/D type Kit 10 termination kit suitable for 3CX185 sqmm XLPE cable. b) Supply of 22 KV heat shrinkable O/D type Kit 10 termination kit suitable for 3CX95 sqmm XLPE cable.</p><p>Make: As per MSEB/MSEDCL approved list. The each kit shall contain 1) H.S. Non tracking Cable - 1 No. breakout 2) H.S. Anti trackingTubing - 750mm x3 Nos. 3) H.S. Stress Control Tubing - 150mm x3 Nos. 4) H.S. Lugs sealing tubing - 100mmx3 Nos. 5) H.S Non tracking Rain shed - 9Nos. 6) Earthing Copper Braid - 1 length. 7) Small Copper Braid - 200mmx3 Nos. 8) Solder + Flux - 1 Pack 9) Jubilee Clamp + Backup Ring - 2+1 No. 10) PVC A Tape - 1 Rolls 11) S.A Insulating Tape - 2 Mtr 12) Core cleaning solvent - 1 Bottle 13) Stress Control Paint - 1 Bottle 14) Silicon Grease - 1 Pack 15) Nylon String - 2 Mtrs. 16) A1 Oxide Tape - 2 Mtrs. 17) Mopping Cloth - 1 Length 18) Mastic Tape - 2 Mtr. 19) Copper Binding Wire - 2 Mtr. 20) Alum. Lugs - 3 Nos. 21) Packing Slip - 1 No. 22) Instructions Sheet - 1 No. & all other items required for jointing Works.</p><p>Seal & Signature of the Tenderer</p><p>T-3/2008..09 30 Kalyan Zone Kalyan</p><p>MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD.. KALYAN ZONE</p><p>MONTHLY DELIVERY SCHEDULE OF 22 KV HEAT SHRINKABLE STRAIGHT THROUGH JOINTING KITS AND OUTDOOR TERMINATION KITS</p><p>Note: Monthly quantity of delivery is likely to get changed as per our requirement.</p><p>NOTE: </p><p>1. Supplier must submit Type Test report from CPRI/ERDA laboratory.</p><p>2. Brand name/Manufacturers name of jointing kits should be mentioned specifically.</p><p>3. Bill of material with quantity to be supplied with each kit should invariably specified with your offer. </p><p>Seal & Signature of the Tenderer</p><p>MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD.. T-3/2008..09 31 Kalyan Zone Kalyan KALYAN ZONE ANNEXURE-I Guaranteed Technical particulars for 22kV Heat shrinkable straight through Jointing Kit suitable for 3C x 300 sq mm XLPE cable To be filled by the Tenderer</p><p>Sr, Description of material No. 1(a) Type of Kit (whether termination or straight through joint) (b) Type of kit 2(a) Self Life of the kit (Years) (b) Design Life of the kit (Years) 3 Guarantee of Kit (Years) 4 Net dimensions of kit (Length x Breadth x Width and Weight) 5 Craft sensitivity and reliability 6 Time required to prepare a Joint / Termination 7 Time required for energisation after completing the joint (Curing period) 8 Special Storage Conditions, if any, upto an ambient temp. of 50 deg. C and period 9 Whether provision is made for the following:- a) Stress Relief b) Track resistance c) Sealing 10 Whether any additional support is required for the kit? If so, give details MAKE QTY. 11 H.S. Stress Control Tubing 12 H.S. Insulating Tubing 13 H.S. Co-extruded Dual Wall Tubing 14 H.S. Outer Jacket 15 Mettalic Cannister 16 Yellow Mastic 17 Earthing Copper Braid 18 Solder + Flux 19 Jubilee Clamp + Backup Ring 20 PVC A Tape 21 Core cleaning solvent 22 Copper Mesh 23 Silicon Grease 24 Nylon String 25 A1 Oxide Tape 26 Mopping Cloth 27 Mastic Tape 28 Copper Binding Wire 29 Alum. Ferrules</p><p>MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD..</p><p>T-3/2008..09 32 Kalyan Zone Kalyan KALYAN ZONE ANNEXURE-I Guaranteed Technical particulars for 22kV Heat shrinkable straight through Jointing Kit suitable for 3C x 240 sq mm XLPE cable To be filled by the Tenderer</p><p>Sr, Description of material No. 1(a) Type of Kit (whether termination or straight through joint) (b) Type of kit 2(a) Self Life of the kit (Years) (b) Design Life of the kit (Years) 3 Guarantee of Kit (Years) 4 Net dimensions of kit (Length x Breadth x Width and Weight) 5 Craft sensitivity and reliability 6 Time required to prepare a Joint / Termination 7 Time required for energisation after completing the joint (Curing period) 8 Special Storage Conditions, if any, upto an ambient temp. of 50 deg. C and period 9 Whether provision is made for the following:- a) Stress Relief b) Track resistance c) Sealing 10 Whether any additional support is required for the kit? If so, give details MAKE QTY. 11 H.S. Stress Control Tubing 12 H.S. Insulating Tubing 13 H.S. Co-extruded Dual Wall Tubing 14 H.S. Outer Jacket 15 Mettalic Cannister 16 Yellow Mastic 17 Earthing Copper Braid 18 Solder + Flux 19 Jubilee Clamp + Backup Ring 20 PVC A Tape 21 Core cleaning solvent 22 Copper Mesh 23 Silicon Grease 24 Nylon String 25 A1 Oxide Tape 26 Mopping Cloth 27 Mastic Tape 28 Copper Binding Wire 29 Alum. Ferrules</p><p>MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD.. T-3/2008..09 33 Kalyan Zone Kalyan KALYAN ZONE ANNEXURE-I Guaranteed Technical particulars for 22kV Heat shrinkable O/D type Termination Kit suitable for 3C x 300 sq mm XLPE cable To be filled by the Tenderer</p><p>Sr, Description of material No. 1(a) Type of Kit (whether termination or straight through joint) (b) Type of kit 2(a) Self Life of the kit (Years) (b) Design Life of the kit (Years) 3 Guarantee of Kit (Years) 4 Net dimensions of kit (Length x Breadth x Width and Weight) 5 Craft sensitivity and reliability 6 Time required to prepare a Joint / Termination 7 Time required for energisation after completing the joint (Curing period) 8 Special Storage Conditions, if any, upto an ambient temp. of 50 deg. C and period 9 Whether provision is made for the following:- a) Stress Relief b) Track resistance c) Sealing 10 Whether any additional support is required for the kit? If so, give details MAKE QTY. 11 H.S. Non tracking cable breakout 12 H.S. Anti tracking Tubing 13 H.S. Stress Control Tubing 14 H.S.Lugs sealing tubing 15 H.S. Non tracking Rain shed 16 Earthing Copper Braid 17 Small Copper Braid 18 Solder + Flux 19 Jubilee Clamp + Backup Ring 20 PVC A Tape 21 S.A. Insulating Tape 22 Core cleaning solvent 23 Stress Control Paint 24 Silicon Grease 25 Nylon String 26 A1 Oxide Tape 27 Mopping Cloth 28 Mastic Tape 29 Copper Binding Wire 30 Alum. Ferrules</p><p>MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD..</p><p>T-3/2008..09 34 Kalyan Zone Kalyan KALYAN ZONE ANNEXURE-I</p><p>Guaranteed Technical particulars for 22kV Heat shrinkable O/D type Termination Kit suitable for 3C x 240 sq mm XLPE cable To be filled by the Tenderer</p><p>Sr, Description of material No. 1(a) Type of Kit (whether termination or straight through joint) (b) Type of kit 2(a) Self Life of the kit (Years) (b) Design Life of the kit (Years) 3 Guarantee of Kit (Years) 4 Net dimensions of kit (Length x Breadth x Width and Weight) 5 Craft sensitivity and reliability 6 Time required to prepare a Joint / Termination 7 Time required for energisation after completing the joint (Curing period) 8 Special Storage Conditions, if any, upto an ambient temp. of 50 deg. C and period 9 Whether provision is made for the following:- a) Stress Relief b) Track resistance c) Sealing 10 Whether any additional support is required for the kit? If so, give details MAKE QTY. 11 H.S. Non tracking cable breakout 12 H.S. Anti tracking Tubing 13 H.S. Stress Control Tubing 14 H.S.Lugs sealing tubing 15 H.S. Non tracking Rain shed 16 Earthing Copper Braid 17 Small Copper Braid 18 Solder + Flux 19 Jubilee Clamp + Backup Ring 20 PVC A Tape 21 S.A. Insulating Tape 22 Core cleaning solvent 23 Stress Control Paint 24 Silicon Grease 25 Nylon String 26 A1 Oxide Tape 27 Mopping Cloth 28 Mastic Tape 29 Copper Binding Wire 30 Alum. Ferrules</p><p>MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD..</p><p>T-3/2008..09 35 Kalyan Zone Kalyan KALYAN ZONE ANNEXURE-I</p><p>Guaranteed Technical particulars for 22kV Heat shrinkable O/D type Termination Kit suitable for 3C x 95 sq mm XLPE cable To be filled by the Tenderer</p><p>Sr, Description of material No. 1(a) Type of Kit (whether termination or straight through joint) (b) Type of kit 2(a) Self Life of the kit (Years) (b) Design Life of the kit (Years) 3 Guarantee of Kit (Years) 4 Net dimensions of kit (Length x Breadth x Width and Weight) 5 Craft sensitivity and reliability 6 Time required to prepare a Joint / Termination 7 Time required for energisation after completing the joint (Curing period) 8 Special Storage Conditions, if any, upto an ambient temp. of 50 deg. C and period 9 Whether provision is made for the following:- a) Stress Relief b) Track resistance c) Sealing 10 Whether any additional support is required for the kit? If so, give details MAKE QTY. 11 H.S. Non tracking cable breakout 12 H.S. Anti tracking Tubing 13 H.S. Stress Control Tubing 14 H.S.Lugs sealing tubing 15 H.S. Non tracking Rain shed 16 Earthing Copper Braid 17 Small Copper Braid 18 Solder + Flux 19 Jubilee Clamp + Backup Ring 20 PVC A Tape 21 S.A. Insulating Tape 22 Core cleaning solvent 23 Stress Control Paint 24 Silicon Grease 25 Nylon String 26 A1 Oxide Tape 27 Mopping Cloth 28 Mastic Tape 29 Copper Binding Wire 30 Alum. Ferrules</p><p>MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD..</p><p>T-3/2008..09 36 Kalyan Zone Kalyan KALYAN ZONE</p><p>TENDER NO. CE/KLNZ/TECH/TENDER NO.3 / 2008 –09</p><p>SCHEDULE " F "</p><p>Sr. Description of material Unit Qty F.O.R No. Destination to Kalyan / Palghar Stores Rate Rs. In Figure & words 1 Cast Resin based L.T. Epoxy Straight through Kit 100 jointing kits suitable for L.T. PVC / XLPE armoured Al.cable of 3.5 core 185 sq mm confirming to I.S. 10333 of 1982 for compound and IS 8438 of 1977 for moulds with upto date amendments if any, for cable size 3.5 core 185 sq.mm . The kit (SL-9) shall contain. 1. Cable jointing Compound - 3 Kg. 2. Hardner - 750 gm. 3. HIP Plastic Mould - 1 pair 4. Mould Adhesive cum Solvent - 100 gm. 5. Alum. Mould Sealant Tape - 1 Roll 6. PVC Adhesive Tape - 1 Roll 7. Foam Tape - 1 strip 8. Mastic Tape - 1 Roll 9. Earthing Clamp - 2 Nos. 10.Earth Continuity connection - 1 No. 11. Copper Binding Wire - 1 Mtr. 12. Al. Oxide Tape - 1Mtr. 13. Nylon string - 1 Mtr. 14. Core Separator(Spacer) - 2 No. 15. Epoxy Putty - 200 gm. 16. Alum. Inline Ferrules - 4 Nos. 17. Packing slip - 1 No. 18. Instruction sheet - 1 No. & all other items required for jointing Works.</p><p>Seal & Signature of the Tenderer</p><p>MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD..</p><p>T-3/2008..09 37 Kalyan Zone Kalyan KALYAN ZONE TENDER NO. CE/KLNZ/TECH/TENDER NO.3 / 2008 –09</p><p>SCHEDULE " G "</p><p>Sr. Description of material Unit Qty F.O.R No. Destination to Kalyan / Palghar Stores Rate Rs. In Figure & words</p><p>1 Cast Resin based L.T. Epoxy Straight through Kit 100 jointing kits suitable for L.T. PVC/XLPE armoured Al.cable of 3.5 core 240 sq mm confirming to I.S. 10333 of 1982 for compound and IS 8438 of 1977 for moulds with upto date amendments if any, for cable size 3.5 core 240 sqmm . The kit shall contain 1. Cable jointing Compound - 3.750gm. 2. Hardner - 810 gm. 3. HIP Plastic Mould - 1 pair 4. Mould Adhesive cum Solvent - 100 gm. 5. Alum. Mould Sealant Tape - 1 Roll 6. PVC Adhesive Tape - 1 Roll 7. Foam Tape - 1 strip 8. Mastic Tape - 1 Roll 9. Earthing Clamp - 2 Nos. 10.Earth Continuity connection - 1 No. 11. Copper Binding Wire - 1 Mtr. 12. Al. Oxide Tape - 1 Mtr. 13. Nylon string - 1 Mtr. 14. Core Separator(Spacer) - 2 No. 15. Epoxy Putty - 200 gm. 16. Alum. Inline Ferrules - 4 Nos. 17. Packing slip - 1 No. 18. Instruction sheet - 1 No. & all other items required for jointing Works.</p><p>Seal & Signature of the Tenderer</p><p>T-3/2008..09 38 Kalyan Zone Kalyan</p><p>MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD.. KALYAN ZONE</p><p>TENDER NO. CE/KLNZ/TECH/TENDER NO.3 / 2008 –09</p><p>SCHEDULE " H "</p><p>Sr. Description of material Unit Qty F.O.R No. Destination to Kalyan / Palghar Stores Rate Rs. In Figure & words 1 Cast Resin based L.T. Epoxy Straight through Kit 100 jointing kits suitable for L.T. PVC / XLPE armoured Al.cable of 3.5 core 300 sq mm confirming to I.S. 10333 of 1982 for compound and IS 8438 of 1977 for moulds with upto date amendments if any, for cable size 3.5 core 300 sq.mm . The kit shall contain. 1. Cable jointing Compound - 4.5 Kg. 2. Hardner - 1125 gm. 3. HIP Plastic Mould - 1 pair 4. Mould Adhesive cum Solvent - 100 gm. 5. Alum. Mould Sealant Tape - 1 Roll 6. PVC Adhesive Tape - 1 Roll 7. Foam Tape - 1 strip 8. Mastic Tape - 1 Roll 9. Earthing Clamp - 2 Nos. 10.Earth Continuity connection - 1 No. 11. Copper Binding Wire - 1 Mtr. 12. Al. Oxide Tape - 1Mtr. 13. Nylon string - 1 Mtr. 14. Core Separator(Spacer) - 2 No. 15. Epoxy Putty - 200 gm. 16. Alum. Inline Ferrules - 4 Nos. 17. Packing slip - 1 No. 18. Instruction sheet - 1 No. & all other items required for jointing Works. </p><p>: </p><p>Seal & Signature of the Tenderer</p><p>T-3/2008..09 39 Kalyan Zone Kalyan MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD.. KALYAN ZONE</p><p>TENDER NO. CE/KLNZ/TECH/TENDER NO.3 / 2008 –09</p><p>SCHEDULE " I "</p><p>Sr. Description of material Unit Qty F.O.R No. Destination to Kalyan / Palghar Stores Rate Rs. In Figure & words 1 Cast Resin based L.T. Epoxy Straight through Kit 50 jointing kits suitable for L.T. PVC / XLPE armoured Al.cable of 3.5 core 120 sq mm confirming to I.S. 10333 of 1982 for compound and IS 8438 of 1977 for moulds with upto date amendments if any, for cable size 3.5 core 120 sq.mm . The kit shall contain. 1. Cable jointing Compound - 4.5 Kg. 2. Hardner - 1125 gm. 3. HIP Plastic Mould - 1 pair 4. Mould Adhesive cum Solvent - 100 gm. 5. Alum. Mould Sealant Tape - 1 Roll 6. PVC Adhesive Tape - 1 Roll 7. Foam Tape - 1 strip 8. Mastic Tape - 1 Roll 9. Earthing Clamp - 2 Nos. 10.Earth Continuity connection - 1 No. 11. Copper Binding Wire - 1 Mtr. 12. Al. Oxide Tape - 1Mtr. 13. Nylon string - 1 Mtr. 14. Core Separator(Spacer) - 2 No. 15. Epoxy Putty - 200 gm. 16. Alum. Inline Ferrules - 4 Nos. 17. Packing slip - 1 No. 18. Instruction sheet - 1 No. & all other items required for jointing Works. </p><p>: </p><p>Seal & Signature of the Tender</p><p>T-3/2008..09 40 Kalyan Zone Kalyan</p><p>MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD.. KALYAN ZONE</p><p>TENDER NO. CE/KLNZ/TECH/TENDER NO.3 / 2008 –09</p><p>MONTHLY DELIVERY SCHEDULE OF L.T. JOINTING KITS ------DELIVERY DUE ON QUANTITY TO BE DELIVERED TO ------</p><p>Note: Monthly quantity of delivery is likely to get changed as per our requirement.</p><p>NOTE: </p><p>1. Supplier must submit Type Test report from CPRI /ERDA laboratory.</p><p>2. Brand name/Manufacturers name of jointing kits should be mentioned specifically.</p><p>3. Bill of material with quantity to be supplied with each kit should invariably specified with your offer. </p><p>Seal & Signature of the Tenderer</p><p>T-3/2008..09 41 Kalyan Zone Kalyan</p><p>MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD.. KALYAN ZONE ANNEXURE-I</p><p>Guaranteed Technical particulars forL.T. Cable Jointing Kits F To be filled by the Tenderer</p><p>Sr, Description of material No. 1(a) Type of Kit (whether termination or straight through joint) (b) Type of kit 2(a) Self Life of the kit (Years) (b) Design Life of the kit (Years) 3 Guarantee of Kit (Years) 4 Net dimensions of kit (Length x Breadth x Width and Weight) 5 Craft sensitivity and reliability 6 Time required to prepare a Joint / Termination 7 Time required for energisation after completing the joint (Curing period) 8 Special Storage Conditions, if any, upto an ambient temp. of 50 deg. C and period 9 Whether provision is made for the following:- a) Stress Relief b) Track resistance c) Sealing 10 Whether any additional support is required for the kit? If so, give details MAKE QTY. 11 Cable Jointing Compound 12 Hardner 13 HIP Plastic Mould 14 Mould Adhesive Cum Solvent 15 Alum Mould Sealant Tape 16 PVC adhesive Tape 17 Foam Tape 18 Mastic Tape 19 Earthling Clamp 20 Earth Continuity Connection 21 Copper Binding Wire 22 AI Oxide tape 23 Nylon String 24 Core Separator (Spacer) 25 Epoxy Putty 26 Alum. Inline Ferrules / Lugs</p><p>T-3/2008..09 42 Kalyan Zone Kalyan MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD.. KALYAN ZONE</p><p>ANNEXURE-I</p><p>Guaranteed Technical particulars for L.T.Cable Jointing Kits G To be filled by the Tenderer</p><p>Sr, Description of material No. 1(a) Type of Kit (whether termination or straight through joint) (b) Type of kit 2(a) Self Life of the kit (Years) (b) Design Life of the kit (Years) 3 Guarantee of Kit (Years) 4 Net dimensions of kit (Length x Breadth x Width and Weight) 5 Craft sensitivity and reliability 6 Time required to prepare a Joint / Termination 7 Time required for energisation after completing the joint (Curing period) 8 Special Storage Conditions, if any, upto an ambient temp. of 50 deg. C and period 9 Whether provision is made for the following:- d) Stress Relief e) Track resistance f) Sealing 10 Whether any additional support is required for the kit? If so, give details MAKE QTY. 11 Cable Jointing Compound 12 Hardner 13 HIP Plastic Mould 14 Mould Adhesive Cum Solvent 15 Alum Mould Sealant Tape 16 PVC adhesive Tape 17 Foam Tape 18 Mastic Tape 19 Earthling Clamp 20 Earth Continuity Connection 21 Copper Binding Wire 22 AI Oxide tape 23 Nylon String 24 Core Separator (Spacer) 25 Epoxy Putty 26 Alum. Inline Ferrules / Lugs</p><p>T-3/2008..09 43 Kalyan Zone Kalyan MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD.. KALYAN ZONE</p><p>ANNEXURE-I</p><p>Guaranteed Technical particulars for L.T.Cable Jointing Kits H To be filled by the Tenderer</p><p>Sr, Description of material No. 1(a) Type of Kit (whether termination or straight through joint) (b) Type of kit 2(a) Self Life of the kit (Years) (b) Design Life of the kit (Years) 3 Guarantee of Kit (Years) 4 Net dimensions of kit (Length x Breadth x Width and Weight) 5 Craft sensitivity and reliability 6 Time required to prepare a Joint / Termination 7 Time required for energisation after completing the joint (Curing period) 8 Special Storage Conditions, if any, upto an ambient temp. of 50 deg. C and period 9 Whether provision is made for the following:- g) Stress Relief h) Track resistance i) Sealing 10 Whether any additional support is required for the kit? If so, give details MAKE QTY. 11 Cable Jointing Compound 12 Hardner 13 HIP Plastic Mould 14 Mould Adhesive Cum Solvent 15 Alum Mould Sealant Tape 16 PVC adhesive Tape 17 Foam Tape 18 Mastic Tape 19 Earthling Clamp 20 Earth Continuity Connection 21 Copper Binding Wire 22 AI Oxide tape 23 Nylon String 24 Core Separator (Spacer) 25 Epoxy Putty 26 Alum. Inline Ferrules / Lugs</p><p>T-3/2008..09 44 Kalyan Zone Kalyan MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD.. KALYAN ZONE</p><p>ANNEXURE-I</p><p>Guaranteed Technical particulars for L.T.Cable Jointing Kits I To be filled by the Tenderer</p><p>Sr, Description of material No. 1(a) Type of Kit (whether termination or straight through joint) (b) Type of kit 2(a) Self Life of the kit (Years) (b) Design Life of the kit (Years) 3 Guarantee of Kit (Years) 4 Net dimensions of kit (Length x Breadth x Width and Weight) 5 Craft sensitivity and reliability 6 Time required to prepare a Joint / Termination 7 Time required for energisation after completing the joint (Curing period) 8 Special Storage Conditions, if any, upto an ambient temp. of 50 deg. C and period 9 Whether provision is made for the following:- j) Stress Relief k) Track resistance l) Sealing 10 Whether any additional support is required for the kit? If so, give details MAKE QTY. 11 Cable Jointing Compound 12 Hardner 13 HIP Plastic Mould 14 Mould Adhesive Cum Solvent 15 Alum Mould Sealant Tape 16 PVC adhesive Tape 17 Foam Tape 18 Mastic Tape 19 Earthling Clamp 20 Earth Continuity Connection 21 Copper Binding Wire 22 AI Oxide tape 23 Nylon String 24 Core Separator (Spacer) 25 Epoxy Putty 26 Alum. Inline Ferrules / Lugs</p><p>T-3/2008..09 45 Kalyan Zone Kalyan ON STAMP PAPER WORTH Rs. 100/- INDEMNITY BOND FORM Whereas we are the contractors to the Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd. and the contract of the repairs of failed power transformers is entrusted by the Company to us vide no. We bind ourselves to indemnify and make good any loss and all costs and experiences which may be incurred by the Company in respect of the transformer or its spares in the course of handling and transport and undertake that : 1. We shall make good any loss ,shortage, damage to or destructions of the transformer or its spares during the handling of the same. 2. We shall make good the amount of loss within a period of one month from the date of report by the designated consignce and further agree and authorize the Company in case of our default so to make good the amount of loss to recover the loss of the cost of such spares without any further notice to us from our pending bills with the Company or from any other payments due to us including the security deposits placed with the Company under the terms of the said contract. 3. we shall indemnify and save the Company harmless at all the times from any all loss, costs and consequences in respect of the transformers entrusted to us for handling and repairs and agree that any case of any default or failure on our part to discharge the above mentioned obligations, the Company shall in addition to above and without prejudice to its right of recovery provided herein or in our contract with the Company entitled not only to terminate that contract at our cost but also be held us liable and may take legal action against us.</p><p>IN WITNESS WE have herein to set our hand on this day in the presence of 1. Company’s Representative 2. Repairer’s Representative SIGNED.</p><p>T-3/2008..09 46 Kalyan Zone Kalyan Legal :-</p><p>1) Agency will indemnify M.S.E.D.C.L. against any liability or damages by way of compensation arising from any accident to person or property of persona in the Agency’s employment. 2) Agency shall indemnify M.S.E.D.C.L. against any liability or damages by way of compensation arising from any accident to any other person related or unrelated to Agency or M.S.E.D.C.L. 3) Agency shall bear the entire responsibility, liability and risk relating to coverage of work force under different statutory regulations including but not limited to workmen compensation Act, ESI, Factory Act, Contract labor Act 1970 etc. and any relevant regulations, as the case may be. 4) Agency shall be fully responsible for payments for benefit including but not limited to Provident Fund, Bonus, Retrenchment Compensation, Leave Encashment, E.S.I. etc. as per statuary provisions.</p><p>5) Necessary payments and liability shall be responsibility of Agency irrespective of payments received from M.S.E.D.C.L. or oetherwise.</p><p>6) All taxes and dues payable to government and or local authorities in respect of these works shall be the responsibility of the Agency and on Agency will have to indemnify M.S.E.D.C.L. against liabilities on account of such levies or taxes.</p><p>7) In the event Agency is not in a position to complete the contract or any part of contract for any reason whatsoever, M.S.E.D.C.L. will make alternate arrangement to complete the work at the cost, this can responsibility of Agency. </p><p>T-3/2008..09 47 Kalyan Zone Kalyan</p><p>SECTION V Ref no. GSO-517 Para 6.2(C) proforma ‘C’ FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE FOR PAYMENT OF E.M.D.</p><p>This deed of guarantee is made this ______date of ______by ______of ______Kalyan branch having its H.O. at ______( Hereinafter called “ The Surety “ which expression shall, where the context so admits include its permitted assigns ) in favour of Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co.Ltd., being the Company constituted under the Electricity ( Suppy ) Act , 1948 (Hereinafter called the “Creditor “ which expression shall include its permitted assigns )</p><p>WHEREAS M/S ______is required under the terms of the contract to furnish a Bank Guarantee for Rs. ______( Rs. ______only ), the said sum representing the ______price as given in the said contract towards E.M.D. / S.D. </p><p>The surety at the request of M/S ______has agreed to give this guarantee. NOW THE RECORD OF THIS DEED WITNESSED AS FOLLOWS :- 1. Surety may be called up on to pay not exceeding in the aggregate a sum of Rs. ______(Rs.______) as per terms stipulated in the tender documents.</p><p>2. The surety hereby guarantee to the creditor the due acceptance of contract by the debtor of the terms and conditions of the contract.</p><p>3. The decision of the creditor that any sum has become payable shall be final and binding on the surety.</p><p>T-3/2008..09 48 Kalyan Zone Kalyan 4. This guarantee shall come into force on the ______& shall remain in force till end of ______.</p><p>5. In case of any dispute arising out of or in connection with the extension of encashment of Bank Guarantee, the courts in Kolhapur will have jurisdiction.</p><p>6. The guarantee therein contained shall not be effected by any change in the constitution of the surety or the debtor.</p><p>7. Our liability under this guarantee is restricted to Rs. ______( Rs.______) and our guarantee shall remain in force until and unless a claim this guarantee is lodged with us within six months from the date of expiry of guarantee i.e. on or before ______all your rights under this guarantee shall be encashed and we shall be relieved and discharged from all our liability.</p><p>IN WITNESS WHERE THE SURETY HAS EXTENDED THIS BOND DEED IN PRESENCE OF –</p><p>WITNESSED :-</p><p>T-3/2008..09 49 Kalyan Zone Kalyan</p><p>T-3/2008..09 50</p>
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