<p> 1Amend Section 604 - Manholes, Inlets and Catch Basins to read as follows: 2 3 “SECTION 604 - MANHOLES, INLETS AND CATCH BASINS 4 5604.01 Description. This work includes constructing and/or adjusting 6manholes, inlets, catch basins, and/or standard valve boxes according to the 7contract. 8 9604.02 Materials. Concrete for structures shall be of the class specified. 10Concrete shall conform to Section 601 - Structural Concrete. If concrete in 11structures is to come in direct contact with sewage or sewage gases, the 12Contractor shall modify the proportioning of concrete according to Section 625 - 13Sewer System. 14 15 Brick for water valve manhole shall be concrete brick. Brick for water 16valve manhole shall conform to Subsection 704.02 - Concrete Brick. 17 18 Other materials shall conform to the following: 19 20Asphalt Filler 702.07 21 22Structural Backfill Material 703.20 23 24Trench Backfill Material 703.21 25 26Asphalt (Filler) Type C Asphalt 705.06(C) 27 28Clay or Shale Brick 704.01 29 30Mortar for Manholes 705.08 31 32Reinforcing Steel 709.01 33 34Precast Concrete Units 712.06 35 36Frames, Grates, Covers and Ladder Rungs 712.07 37 38Pipe Collar for Valve Box 712.22 39 40Cullet Materials for Utility Structures 717.03 41 42Cullet Materials for Drainage Systems 717.04 43 44When the location of manufacturing plants allows, the Engineer may inspect the 45plants periodically for compliance with specified manufacturing methods. The 46Engineer may get material samples to verify compliance with the contract. This 47may be the basis for acceptance of manufacturing lots regarding quality. 1 (Project No.) 2 604-1a 11/02/04 48 49The condition of materials will be subject to inspection for acceptance before or 50during incorporation of materials into the work. 51 52604.03 Construction Requirements. 53 54 (A) General. Concrete construction shall conform to Section 503 - 55 Concrete Structures. 56 57 Reinforcing steel work shall conform to Section 602 - Reinforcing 58 Steel. 59 60 A certified welder shall do the shop and field welding according to 61 Section 501 - Steel Structures. 62 63 Dip or soak the brick in water before laying the bricks. Joints 64 shall be full mortar joints. Joints shall not be more than 0.5-inch wide. 65 Joints in the brick work on the inside portion of the brick manhole shall be 66 neatly struck. 67 68 The Contractor may furnish and install storm drain manholes, 69 inlets, and catch basins as precast units or combined precast and 70 cast-in-place units. Units completed in place shall conform to 71 cast-in-place construction specified in the contract. If the Contractor 72 uses precast units or combination of precast and cast-in-place units, the 73 Contractor shall submit shop drawings to the Engineer for acceptance 74 before construction. 75 76 (B) Manholes, Inlets, and Catch Basins. Construct the concrete 77 base according to the contract. Allow the concrete to set for at least 24 78 hours before constructing additional material on this base. Do not 79 remove the forms for at least 24 hours after placing the concrete. Finish 80 the concrete while the concrete is still fresh. 81 82 (1) Sewer Manholes. The Contractor may make the sanitary 83 sewer manholes entirely of bricks from the concrete base upwards 84 if: 85 86 (a) the invert to the top of the frame is 10 feet deep or 87 less, 88 89 (b) the invert is not below the ground water table, and 90 91 92 (c) the Contractor locates the manhole in a relatively dry 93 area. 94 3 (Project No.) 4 604-2a 11/02/04 95 Make the manhole walls below the 10-foot depth of concrete. 96 97 Construct precast concrete sewer manhole sections 98 according to the contract and ASTM C 478. 99 100 Place the reinforcing steel for precast sections according to 101 ASTM C 478. 102 103 Construct cast-in-place sewer manhole walls according to 104 the contract. 105 106 Place the reinforcing steel for cast-in-place manhole walls 107 according to the contract. 108 109 An expert cement finisher shall shape and finish the sanitary 110 sewer manhole inverts using accepted mortar. 111 112 Plaster the outer portion of the sewer manhole bricks with a 113 one inch thickness of accepted mortar. Plaster the interior brick 114 work to present a smooth surface. 115 116 (2) Water Valve Manholes. If portion of the brick manhole is 117 below the four-foot elevation, USGS datum, or ground water 118 table, waterproof the depth of the manhole below such elevation. 119 Apply an interior and exterior coat of accepted mortar. The 120 mortar coat shall have a thickness of not less than five-eighths inch 121 on each face. Extend the waterproof from the four-foot elevation or 122 ground water table: 123 124 (a) down to the bottom of the floor slab on the outside 125 portion of the manhole and 126 127 (b) to the top of the floor slab on the inside portion of the 128 manhole. 129 130 Leave a space of at least two inches between the brick and 131 the upper half of the barrel of the pipe. Fill that space with a 132 specified asphalt filler. Install reinforced concrete lintels, made 133 from Class B Concrete, in the Type A Manholes shown in the 134 contract. 135 136 Upon completion, clean the manhole thoroughly of debris 137 and paint the frame and cover with one coat of accepted asphaltum 138 paint. 139 140 (3) Storm Drain Manholes, Inlets, and Catch Basins. The 141 contract requires rungs at 12 inches on centers when the height of</p><p>5 (Project No.) 6 604-3a 11/02/04 142 the structure is greater than 4.5 feet. Measure the height of the 143 structure from the invert to the top of the structure. 144 145 Install one rung 16 inches from the bottom or as specified by 146 the Engineer if the height of the structure is 4.5 feet or less. 147 Install additional rungs when specified by the Engineer. 148 149 Construct precast concrete storm drain manhole sections 150 according to the contract and ASTM C 478. 151 152 Place reinforcing steel for precast sections according to 153 ASTM C 478. 154 155 (C) Setting Frames. Place the frames in the concrete according to 156 the contract. Carefully tamp the concrete around the frame. 157 158 Set the frame in full mortar beds. Bring the mortar up around the 159 bottom of the frame. 160 161 (D) Excavation and Backfill. Excavate and backfill according to 162 Section 206C - Excavation and Backfill for Drainage Facilities. Conduits 163 and Structures. 164 165 (E) Reconstructing Manholes. Reconstruct the existing manholes 166 to the required elevations according to the contract and as ordered by the 167 Engineer. Adjust the manhole frame to the required grade using the 168 same type of material used in its original construction. Carefully 169 remove, clean, and paint the existing frame and cover with accepted 170 asphaltum paint before reinstallation. 171 172 (F) Constructing and/or Adjusting Valve Boxes. Construct or 173 adjust the valve boxes to the required elevations according to the contract 174 and as ordered by the Engineer. 175 176 Set and center the 8-inch pipe collar plumb over the valve stem. 177 Ends of the pipe collar shall have smooth, machined edges. Backfill 178 around the gate valve and pipe collar with trench backfill by hand. 179 Backfill 8 inches below the surface of the ground. 180 181 Upon completion of installation, clean and paint the valve box 182 frames and covers with one coat of accepted asphaltum paint. 183 184 Adjust the existing valve boxes to the required grade using the 185 same type of material used in its original construction. Carefully 186 remove, clean, and paint the existing cast iron frame and cover with 187 accepted asphaltum paint. Cut the existing pipe collar or install a new</p><p>7 (Project No.) 8 604-4a 11/02/04 188 pipe collar. Reinstall the frame and cover and pour the four inch thick 189 concrete. 190 191604.4 604.04 Method of Measurement. 192 193 (1) The Engineer will measure manholesManholes, inlets, and catch 194 basins, and other types of drainage structure will be paid per each in 195 accordance with the contract documents. per each according to the 196 various depths specified 197The Engineer will measure valve boxes per each complete in place. 198 199 The depth measurement for new structures shall be the vertical 200 measurement from the invert elevation to the top of the deck slab, grating, 201 or manhole cover. 202 203 For reconstructed structures, the depth measurement shall be the 204 vertical measurement from the beginning of reconstruction shown in the 205 contract to the top of the deck slab, grating, or manhole cover. 206 207 (2) The Engineer will measure steel frame grates, steel grates, and 208 cast iron frame and cover, and adjusting frame and cover per each in 209 accordance with the contract documents, for work on grates, frames, and 210 covers that do not affect their respective drainage structure body or neck. 211 212604.05 Basis of Payment. The Engineer will pay for the accepted pay 213items listed below at the contract price per pay unit, as shown in the proposal 214schedule.manholes, inlets, catch basins, and valve boxes at the contract unit 215price per each complete in place. Payment will be full compensation for the 216work prescribed in this section and the contract documents. 217 218The contract unit price paid shall be full compensation for furnishing and 219installing frames and grates, frames and covers, and rungs; adjusting or 220demolishing; excavating and backfilling; placing concrete; furnishing and 221installing reinforcing steel, brick, precast concrete, precast reinforced concrete 222walls, including the cone or tapered sections and cast-in-place walls vertically ; 223furnishing materials, equipment, tools, labor and other incidentals necessary to 224complete the work. 225 226The Engineer will pay for each of the following pay items when included in the 227proposal schedule:make payment under: 228 229 Pay Item Pay Unit 230 231(______) Standard Valve Box Each 232 233Type ____ Manholes, ____ feet to ____ feet Each 234 The Engineer will pay for: 9 (Project No.) 10 604-5a 11/02/04 235 236 (1) 20 percent of the contract bid price upon completion of excavating 237 to the depth established for the manhole. 238 239 (2) 60 percent of the contract bid price upon completion of constructing 240 the manhole. 241 242 (3) 20 percent of the contract bid price upon completion of backfilling 243 around the manhole. 244 245 246Type ____ Inlet, ____ feet to ____ feet Each 247 248 The Engineer will pay for: 249 250 (1) 20 percent of the contract bid price upon completion of excavating 251 to the depth established for the inlet. 252 253 (2) 60 percent of the contract bid price upon completion of constructing 254 the inlet. 255 256 (3) 20 percent of the contract bid price upon completion of backfilling 257 around the inlet. 258 259 260Type ____ Catch Basins, ____ feet to ____ feet Each 261 262 The Engineer will pay for: 263 264 (1) 20 percent of the contract bid price upon completion of excavating 265 to the depth established for the catch basin. 266 267 (2) 60 percent of the contract bid price upon completion of constructing 268 the catch basin. 269 270 (3) 20 percent of the contract bid price upon completion of backfilling 271 around the catch basin. 272 273Type ____ Structure, ____ feet to ____ feet Each 274 275 The Engineer will pay for: 276 277 (1) 20 percent of the contract bid price upon completion of excavating 278 to the depth established for the structure. 279 280 (2) 60 percent of the contract bid price upon completion of constructing 281 the structure. 11 (Project No.) 12 604-6a 11/02/04 282 283 (3) 20 percent of the contract bid price upon completion of backfilling 284 around the structure. 285 286Reconstructed Type ____ Manholes, ____ feet to ____ feet Each 287 288 The Engineer will pay for: 289 290 (1) 80 percent of the contract bid price upon completion of 291 reconstructing the manhole. 292 293 (2) 20 percent of the contract bid price upon completion of removing, 294 cleaning, and painting the existing frame and cover. 295 296Reconstructed Type ____ Inlet, ____ feet to ____ feet Each 297 298 The Engineer will pay for: 299 300 (1) 80 percent of the contract bid price upon completion of 301 reconstructing the inlet. 302 303 (2) 20 percent of the contract bid price upon completion of removing, 304 cleaning, and painting the existing frame and cover. 305 306Reconstructed Type ____ Catch Basins, ____ feet to ____ feet Each 307 308 The Engineer will pay for: 309 310 (1) 80 percent of the contract bid price upon completion of 311 reconstructing the catch basin. 312 313 (2) 20 percent of the contract bid price upon completion of removing, 314 cleaning, and painting the existing frame and cover. 315 316Adjusting ______Manhole, _____ feet to _____ feet Each 317 318 319Adjusting _____ Frame and Cover Each 320 321 The Engineer will pay for: 322 323 (1) 80 percent of the contract bid price upon completion of adjusting 324 the frame and grate. 325 326 (2) 20 percent of the contract bid price upon completion of installing, 327 cleaning, and painting the frame and cover. 328 13 (Project No.) 14 604-7a 11/02/04 329Adjusting _____ Steel Frames and Grates Each 330 331 The Engineer will pay for: 332 333 (1) 80 percent of the contract bid price upon completion of adjusting 334 the steel frame and grate. 335 336 (2) 20 percent of the contract bid price upon completion of installing, 337 cleaning, and painting the frame and cover. 338 339Type _____ Steel Grates Each 340 341 The Engineer will pay for: 342 343 (1) 100 percent of the contract bid price upon completion of the 344 furnishing and installing steel grate. 345 346Type _____ Cast Iron Frame and Cover Each 347 348 The Engineer will pay for: 349 350 (1) 100 percent of the contract bid price upon completion of furnishing 351 and installing cast iron frame and grate.” 352 353 354 355 356 357 END OF SECTION 604</p><p>15 (Project No.) 16 604-8a 11/02/04</p>
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