PUBLIC : I 425 E.BROAD ST. ADV. WESTFIELD.N.I. 07090 FREE GAMMA GLOBULIN THE WESTFIELD LEADER AVAILABLE THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY SEVENTY-EIGHTH YEAR—No. 44 B"">iitWwt'fleio<f,t^J.Pa''' WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1968 28 Pages—10 Cents Hepatitis Threat Meaifk IT 1 s on Wheel~WWT 1 1s Free Clinic Onen o 11 • Today, Tomorrow I O Koil in Meals On Wheels, a non-profit program of home-delivered meals, will tf|eld residents In the area north of the CNJ railroad tracks and become available to Westfield residents in the fall, according to Mr... Wes Lisabeth Koch Makes R*"rt *• Gfl"ett ™- chalrmon of ^e Westf.eld Meal On Wheels com- east of Chestnut St. are advised by the New Jersey State Department of D He mi tee. In making this announcement, Mrs. Garrett sa.d, Thisworth- alth to receive gamma globulin protection against the possibility of el>Ut in Kitchen, wh e hepatitis. •" Rescue Squad Assists " serv.ee will be provided to those wto are ft Gamma globulin may be obtained here from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. today and from 12 noon to 9 p.m. tomorrow ,. Six-eay-old Lhabeth Koch of ^aity <° In Washington School. 500 Summit Ave. ha. a distinc «n«Um s The gamma globulin will be ol "on unshared with her Oder sorsll ^ fo f th.!,e . fered free of eharee accordine to brother and sisters—her birth >P Visiting ««•>«•. -l» *« the town of Service of Central Union County, end mr-rent plans call for an Oct. 14 missioner of health, as , precaution- WesUleld a. her place of birth. sta ng aate ary measure following the report oi <.i»abcth was born at 1:43 a.m. ™ - Tho three «ases of hepatitis In Kenilvrarth Friday in Ike kitchen of the announcement also made home her in the last three days. Dr. Kandle "' Parents, Mr. and known the names of the seven prom- stressed that these cases may or Mrs< Cnar|es Koch- wlth an aB" inent WesLfieJd men who have agrecd to serve ln an may not be flood related, but be- •lrt *f members «' lh<J West- advisory ca- eause of this possibility health-of fi- Weld Rescae Squai, Called at P»city to «>e Meals on Wheels com- cials Are ottering this protection to 1:35 a.m. when it appeared the mittee. This board includes Town those residents who appear to have a>ork wal *°° Impatient (or a Attorney Cuddie E. Davidson Jr., of trlp Ule the greatest risk based on the re- *° hospital, veteran first the law firm of Davidson and B** porting of cases of gastroenteritis- "lder» clwries Cuntlay, Brace termore; Theodore F. Frankenbaeh. vomiting and diarrhea-followLiu Uu ^ ^ Kampe and Tfcomai RMker ai- t>ach; the Very Rev. Canon Richard flood. ' ~. V *)ited the delivery. Both mother J. Hardman, rector, St. Paul's Epk^ am copal churcn; Consent forms for minor children, ' ^unhler were takea to Morris Kamler, vro- PLANSTOIt TUB YMCA SWW-MOBILE wkkh win be uiet Ihfa) lommer in rarlou McttaM prietor or Jcannettes Gift Shop and wiii t,. reaUired in Westfield ae- Mahlenberg HMpital where they « WtlUU* V* Etwnt C.Afn/nttvUy, direct* .f ike YMCA; MM. Earl Wright, a member •( the Fourth Ward Councilman; Robert S, cording to Joseph J Mottley 'town were placed in an IwUtUn unit. fmnmuUy emtmUte; 3mf F. tochlto. dutrnuin, ami Chfle» J. Hauck, mamitactorer. health offteer Fonns will be'avail- " wai the lecoitd obstetrical per- Messeramith. orcsident, WeaUMd bie t the Washington School clinic, 'onnance by Mr. Kampe, but a Federol Savings and Loan Swim-mobile Project a a W'T "'T ties serviced by water lines whkh SAMUEt MA1XOR Uiabeth to tack h«me became contaminated as the result wltt the'etter Koeb. eh««re». HonOr Judge Beard Church. Hw WeatfWd' VMCA'a • Swim- unk wffl.be under (he 'Y' physical to instniction swimming classe*. rf »evere Ckwd «»««««• early this Linda, 10: Charlei, aeven, and Meals On Whcek wiH deKv«r m Mobile projMt tatf moved * etep departmebt, with gener l tupervisim The cost of the unit and its opera- "oath "™«".«-"». MallOr IS JlCW Deborah, live, aU •( wfcom were f OF itltlZeilSlliP *»t <Jhner and cold supper five day* born In Mubleaberf Ho^ltal. a week at a nominal prioa. WeeWjr Kenilwrttl w ooUMl! »" * •*•'' Beard U Wy evening at me Y «asMam director mn «u- $9,000. A Bpecial fund raising flood areas Temnle President st baskets will U!*r *r <^riRMi|Np of Jay F. tiervtoor of the -Y> farttuoltoml i» now under way <« undenrtta the ^"^ diets~low ootilum. Veterans rf civiI War effort, ,f he.Uh proffMions in the WeattieM AringiMrvfow thia pact *• f The award1, presented "in grateful .^? , SiSSrfeJSS,^ ^ CT.Btord. Kenlhrgrt,. Garbed and weak«i. A r^oent c< WeMteM appreciation for a life devoted to the «« £ ^^^^P^S: : «»>•*< faw, T ewcutive, ^•^C^^<^un**C**^ Wertfield • munkipaUtlei with':tb« ft*.**. ptet » years, Mr: Malor *" ! topptaeis aad w«M being of Ms fel- d*** ««> *» •» pwpawd ta.«n »taW «wt the purpa*e of (he pro- Memben of ttK^CommuoJty^Coen- g^ Department of Hearth provid- «Ji«-»erve. a* pmttdo* «^N«w tow man," citacl Judge Beard for kitchen o( *a First B^»Usl Ow«h. Jact to to provMe an opwrtuaHy «P*to«_•«•*• Mr. Bocobn. chahman; )ng the gm^n,, globullll ^^ j«*y Society f Id^ "%is untiring public spfc*." to whom te Me* o»'Wfcii* »ps>. ''A transplanted Swthern gentle- ^^^i^*^ man-" t^ station conUnued, "he thfa generous 'lteM>P «^^^j^^f^lftf^ *M»ln*»<l WIN. Qn*«;MP <Crt*. ha» a record of outstanding, service Ma* On Wtaeeki k - -.'^ ti tVt V adpotedd d ctmminhihy at W«it- oooo«p>. W ««rt. wMt Mr^pook, The/eta^e. «fll ^^^J « Beard has taught history Vba bM> pM evaraUow, and wJH be be geared to the.Y'I regular year- director of Recwrtton Department, faiUhrd Komk^v as«T treasurer; Westfield and in Newark and oc- of World War II cavt «BMMMM» casionally still lectures on historical impetus to the aervice m Undoaars rowed to «chHlUcd sctwoi locations, -round swimming program, and for Thomas L TfcraHkOl and Edward Bicyc|e registration will not be"'-Lewis GaloW. aw't financial sec- matters in Westfield. He served manned mobile kMchem and detiv- The direction of the Swim-Mobile many will serve as an .-Introduction C. Ewen, YMCA. held during July and August, accord- 'MT; Seymour Krueger, immediate nere —^ —; : - ~- - ing to the Westfield Bicycle-Doard. P^ president; Marvin Fein, Men's as recorder for many years, as ered meals to dte sick and daMbied The monthly registrltlOBS behind «Iuo lwesklent; Mrs. Harold Kahn, mayor for two terms of office and who were not able to provide lor MARK BRAXTON as magistrate. themselves in ememency dram- Police Headquarters will resume the sisterhood president. 3 first Saturday in September. Instatled « truMees were Mrs. \ practicing attorney since 1921, stances. T"* !^*^ OB Wheats ... programs are springim up aH ovtr —-—— Seymour Barnett Joseoh Fox Mrs Judge Beard has acted as attorney iwara {0Tb0!iT<lsoledacatiOBiB Wl!St(ieii ties recognize the need and p SupportsuiiSought IS£S^£?& and surrounding towns, as attorney citireas reatoe (hey CM AH For UccioU PL Land HlStOrV LIllD *or the Borough of Fanwood. and ^ An «M«riy omv*its«sjKr a als0 nas se™** ••> the boar«1 of <"- sSSS . WDta Gtm , Mrs. Moms t™ Kornblatt. Richard The WestficM. Negro History Club wnich p p Lane, Edward housing unit. oVcaeciol. PI,: o! sh^aw^at ij^ ,> ... , m »9 son Ave., Scotch Plains, last week. Mark Braxton, son of Mr. and Kids' Champion wnat wexir Mrs. Gerald Braxton of lffl Windsor r Senator Now a Doctor Crossing Guard Wins Praise - There's « Mexican "doctor" in the At the robing ceremonies, Senator Cranford in the fall. Mark is a New Jersey Senate now! MoDermott was given the official Neighborhood Youth Corps worker Mrs. Walter Sodomora, for four tion to her J*. Senate Majority leader Frank X. Mexican academician's robes and at the Weotfictd Community Center, years a crossing guard for the Me- Representing the parents wa« Miw.' McDermoU of WestfleW was made a cape and received a diploma signed a member of the Youth Council at Kinley School, Osbom and W. Broad Arthur Mitkus, safety chairman af member of the (Mexican Academy by the Mexican Academy's execu- the Center and a member of ttie Sts., Westiiold, has been singled out the McKinley School PTA, who ore- of InternaUonal Law, one of the old- tive board, which is headed by for- Drum and Bugle Corps of the Weet- by the parents of the children, wtio scntcd Mr». Sodomora wWi a gift eat lawyers' organitatio™ in the mor President of Mcxtco, Miguel field Community Center. attend the school for tor true devo- certificate last Wednesday. During world, ut special robing ceremonies Aleman. As a member of the Acad- the brief ceremony, Mrs. Mttkus re- Monday evening at the Tammy omy. Senator iMcDermott, who is an called that Mrs g^m I Wr IT* 1 - Sodomora has been Brook Country Club, Cresskili attorney, now carries the title of known to use «modem day Sir Wal- "doctor." UlUrCIl WOUlCIl LlUlCfl tesomr eRaleigne h rtechniqut eh an1 d carrr T*16 investiture coi-emonies cli- °* ""* ' " <*«»« across puddle, m rainy weather. She _D ICT. ir maxeda day in**** Senator Me- CONCERT TIME AOAW-Thf Caral Mamawrs ttrlac Baad «IU Wfla the WestfleM Reerestisa Ctmhihv ©ermott served as host to a dis- __ _ _ Federal ^i The vjfiitors obscrved the New Jer.
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