Identification of Pure Subcortical Vascular Dementia Using 11C-Pittsburgh Compound B

Identification of Pure Subcortical Vascular Dementia Using 11C-Pittsburgh Compound B

<p><strong>Supplementary Online Content</strong></p><p>Table e-1. Demographic, clinical, and MRI characteristics of patients with higher and lower cerebral small vessel disease (SVD) burden </p><p>Table e-2. Baseline neuropsychological scores of patients with higher and lower cerebral small vessel disease (SVD) burden</p><p>Table e-3. Univariate analyses: Association of baseline PiB-positivity or the burden of small vessel disease (SVD) MRI markers with neuropsychological change </p><p>Table e-4. Interaction effect of the burden of each small vessel disease MRI marker and PiB-positivity on longitudinal cognitive decline </p><p>Table e-5. Effects of PiB-positivity on longitudinal cognitive decline in subgroups with higher and lower small vessel disease burden</p><p>Table e-6. Independent and interaction effects of baseline global PiB retention ratio and the burden of small vessel disease MRI markers on neuropsychological change</p><p>Table e-7. Multivariate analyses after exclusion of the third follow-up data: Independent effects of baseline PiB-positivity and the burden of small vessel disease MRI markers on neuropsychological change</p><p>Methods e-1. Study participants and AMPETIS study procedures</p><p>Methods e-2. Detailed description of the Seoul Neuropsycholgical Screening Battery</p><p>Methods e-3. Imaging parameters for MR image acquisition</p><p>Methods e-4. Measurement of WMH volume and rating of lacunes and microbleeds on MRI</p><p>Methods e-5. [11C]PiB-PET scanning protocol and methods for the calculation of global PiB retention ratio</p><p>Methods e-6. The rate of MMSE decrease and CDR SOB increase </p><p>eReferences</p><p><br>Table e-1. Demographic, clinical and MRI characteristics of patients with higher and lower cerebral small vessel disease (SVD) burden </p>WMH burden / Lacunar burden / Microbleed burden<br>Higher / Lower / p-valueb / Higher / Lower / p-valueb / Higher / Lower / p-valueb<br>Number / 21 / 40 / 23 / 38 / 20 / 41<br>Female, N (%) / 9 (42.8) / 27 (67.5) / 0.063 / 12 (52.2) / 24 (63.2) / 0.398 / 9 (45.0) / 27 (65.9) / 0.120<br>Baseline age (years) / 74.1 ± 5.7 / 73.3 ± 7.3 / 0.655 / 70.6 ± 6.5 / 75.7 ± 5.3 / 0.002 / 70.3 ± 7.4 / 75.5 ± 4.8 / 0.008<br>Disease duration (years) / 5.4 ± 4.2 / 3.9 ± 2.4 / 0.135 / 4.7 ± 3.2 / 4.9 ± 4.0 / 0.875 / 6.1 ± 4.3 / 4.2 ± 3.2 / 0.073<br>Education (years) / 9.0 ± 4.6 / 10.0 ± 6.0 / 0.430 / 9.6 ± 5.1 / 9.1 ± 5.2 / 0.722 / 10.8 ± 4.7 / 8.6 ± 5.2 / 0.117<br>Risk factors, N (%)<br>DM / 4 (19.0) / 14 (35.0) / 0.194 / 6 (26.1) / 12 (31.6) / 0.649 / 7 (35.0) / 11 (26.8) / 0.511<br>HTN / 16 (76.2) / 33 (82.5) / 0.736 / 19 (82.6) / 30 (78.9) / &gt; 0.999 / 17 (85.0) / 32 (78.0) / 0.734<br>Hyperlipidemia / 9 (42.9) / 16 (40.0) / 0.829 / 9 (39.1) / 16 (42.1) / 0.819 / 9 (45.0) / 16 (39.0) / 0.656<br>Cardiac disease / 2 (9.5) / 6 (15.0) / 0.703 / 0 / 8 (21.1) / 0.020 / 0 / 8 (19.5) / 0.044<br>Previous stroke / 8 (38.1) / 11 (27.5) / 0.396 / 9 (39.1) / 10 (26.3) / 0.295 / 10 (50.0) / 9 (22.0) / 0.026<br>Geriatric Depression Scale / 15.7 ± 7.0 / 17.7 ± 10.1 / 0.444 / 20.2 ± 8.6 / 14.2 ± 7.2 / 0.005 / 17.4 ± 9.3 / 15.9 ± 7.6 / 0.496<br>WMH volume / 32.2 ± 8.6 / 59.9 ± 16.5 / &lt; 0.001 / 41.4 ± 15.9 / 41.9 ± 19.0 / 0.917 / 46.6 ± 24.5 / 39.4 ± 13.0 / 0.136<br>Number of lacunes / 13.8 ± 13.2 / 21.2 ± 21.7 / 0.160 / 32.2 ± 17.9 / 6.7 ± 4.3 / &lt; 0.001 / 25.4 ± 21.0 / 11.9 ± 12.5 / 0.014<br>Number of microbleeds / 8.4 ± 16.4 / 13.1 ± 21.5 / 0.350 / 19.8 ± 26.2 / 4.1 ± 6.3 / 0.009 / 26.6 ± 24.9 / 1.9 ± 2.3 / &lt; 0.001<br>APOE ε4 allele, N (%)a / 20 / 38 / 0.120 / 21 / 37 / 0.020 / 20 / 38 / 0.752<br>Carrier / 3 (15.0) / 13 (34.2) / 2 (9.5) / 14 (37.8) / 4 (22.2) / 12 (30.0)<br>Non-carrier / 17 (85.0) / 25 (65.8) / 19 (90.5) / 23 (62.2) / 14 (77.8) / 28 (70.0)<br>Hippocampal volume (cc) / 2.9 ± 0.5 / 2.7 ± 0.8 / 0.254 / 3.2 ± 0.5 / 2.6 ± 0.5 / &lt; 0.001 / 3.0 ± 0.5 / 2.7 ± 0.6 / 0.028<br>Intracranial volume (*103cc) / 1.4 ± 0.1 / 1.4 ± 0.2 / 0.127 / 1.4 ± 0.1 / 1.4 ± 0.2 / 0.771 / 1.4 ± 0.1 / 1.4 ± 0.2 / 0.070<br>Follow-up information, N (%)<br>Incident stroke / 1 (4.8) / 5 (12.5) / 0.654 / 2 (8.7) / 4 (10.5) / &gt; 0.999 / 1 (5.0) / 5 (12.2) / 0.653<br>MMSE &lt; 10 during follow-up / 2 (9.5) / 5 (12.5) / &gt; 0.999 / 1 (4.3) / 6 (15.8) / 0.238 / 1 (5.0) / 6 (14.6) / 0.409<br>Dropout / 2 (9.5) / 5 (12.5) / &gt; 0.999 / 4 (17.4) / 3 (7.9) / 0.409 / 5 (25.0) / 2 (4.9) / 0.033<br>Cancer occurrence / 0 / 1 (2.5) / &gt; 0.999 / 0 / 1 (2.6) / &gt; 0.999 / 1 (5.0) / 0 / 0.328<br>Death / 2 (9.5) / 1 (2.5) / 0.270 / 1 (4.3) / 2 (5.3) / &gt; 0.999 / 1 (5.0) / 2 (4.9) / &gt; 0.999<br><p>Abbreviations: APOE, apolipoprotein E; DM, Diabetes mellitus; HTN, hypertension; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination; PiB, Pittsburgh Compound B.</p><p>aAPOE genotyping was analyzed in 58 patients because three patients refused the test.</p><p>bp-values are results of independent t-tests or chi-square tests.</p><p>Table e-2. Baseline neuropsychological scores of patients with higher and lower cerebral small vessel disease (SVD) burden </p>WMH burden / Lacunar burden / Microbleed burden<br>Higher (N = 21) / Lower (N = 40) / p-valuea / Higher (N = 21) / Lower (N = 40) / p-valuea / Higher (N = 20) / Lower (N = 41) / p-valuea<br>Attention<br>Digit span forward / 4.7 (1.1) / 5.1 (1.1) / 0.432 / 5.0 (1.2) / 4.9 (1.1) / 0.943 / 5.1 (1.3) / 4.9 (1.0) / 0.880<br>Digit span backward / 2.6 (1.4) / 2.8 (0.9) / 0.448 / 2.3 (1.1) / 3.0 (1.1) / 0.290 / 2.7 (1.0) / 2.7 (1.2) / 0.767<br>Language and related functions<br>K-BNT / 29.9 (11.2) / 31.8 (10.7) / 0.138 / 34.7 (10.5) / 29.4 (10.6) / 0.638 / 33.7 (9.8) / 30.0 (11.2) / 0.492<br>Visuospatial function<br>RCFT copy / 18.4 (10.6) / 22.2 (10.1) / 0.325 / 19.8 (11.2) / 21.5 (10.0) / 0.465 / 20.5 (10.3) / 21.1 (10.5) / 0.432<br>Memory<br>SVLT Immediate recall / 11.6 (5.7) / 11.6 (5.1) / 0.857 / 11.8 (5.3) / 11.4 (5.3) / 0.536 / 12.7 (4.1) / 11.0 (5.7) / 0.851<br>SVLT Delayed recall / 2.3 (2.4) / 1.2 (1.8) / 0.078 / 1.7 (2.1) / 1.4 (2.1) / 0.587 / 1.7 (2.1) / 1.5 (2.1) / 0.735<br>SVLT Recognition / 16.8 (3.6) / 17.0 (3.0) / 0.993 / 17.0 (2.8) / 16.9 (3.4) / 0.776 / 17.8 (2.5) / 16.5 (3.4) / 0.369<br>RCFT Immediate recall / 4.3 (5.7) / 3.7 (3.8) / 0.802 / 4.4 (5.2) / 3.6 (4.1) / 0.427 / 4.9 (5.2) / 3.4 (4.2) / 0.504<br>RCFT Delayed recall / 2.8 (5.0) / 3.4 (3.7) / 0.139 / 3.7 (4.7) / 2.9 (3.8) / 0.670 / 3.7 (4.8) / 2.9 (3.8) / 0.692<br>RCFT Recognition / 16.6 (2.3) / 16.5 (3.1) / 0.786 / 17.2 (3.2) / 16.2 (2.6) / 0.698 / 16.9 (3.2) / 16.4 (2.7) / 0.695<br>Frontal/executive function<br>COWAT Animals / 7.4 (3.8) / 7.5 (3.1) / 0.711 / 7.4 (2.7) / 7.5 (3.6) / 0.346 / 8.6 (3.1) / 7.0 (3.3) / 0.227<br>COWAT Supermarket / 6.7 (4.2) / 6.3 (4.5) / 0.441 / 5.2 (3.1) / 7.1 (4.8) / 0.174 / 6.3 (3.2) / 6.5 (4.9) / 0.688<br>COWAT Phonemic fluency / 8.5 (5.5) / 10.0 (6.0) / 0.350 / 8.1 (5.4) / 10.2 (6.0) / 0.580 / 9.7 (5.2) / 9.3 (6.1) / 0.462<br>Stroop Test color reading / 31.9 (23.2) / 36.7 (26.5) / 0.531 / 32.2 (24.4) / 36.4 (26.0) / 0.646 / 30.8 (20.3) / 37.1 (27.5) / 0.526<br>MMSE / 19.8 (5.0) / 21.3 (4.8) / 0.216 / 20.8 (4.8) / 20.7 (4.9) / 0.540 / 21.6 (4.4) / 20.3 (5.0) / 0.346<br>CDR SOB / 6.4 (3.7) / 6.1 (3.7) / 0.675 / 6.2 (3.0) / 6.2 (4.1) / 0.460 / 6.7 (4.0) / 6.0 (3.5) / 0.108<br><p>Abbreviations: APOE4, apolipoprotein E ε4; CDR SOB, Clinical Dementia Rating sum of boxes; COWAT, Controlled Oral Word Association Test; K-BNT, Korean version of the Boston Naming Test; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination; PiB, Pittsburgh Compound B; RCFT, Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test; SVLT, Seoul Verbal Learning Test.</p><p>ap-values are results of the generalized linear models with a negative binomial distribution comparing neuropsychological scores between patients with higher cerebrovascular disease burden and those with lower burden after controlling for age, gender, education, and APOE4 allele.</p><p><br>Table e-3. Univariate analyses: Association of baseline PiB-positivity or the burden of small vessel disease (SVD) MRI markers with neuropsychological change</p>PiB-positivity / Higher WMH burden / Higher lacunar burden / Higher microbleed burden<br>Neuropsychological tests / β (SE) / p-value / β (SE) / p-value / β (SE) / p-value / β (SE) / p-value<br>Attention<br>Digit span forward / -0.05 (0.07) / 0.528 / -0.04 (0.03) / 0.239 / 0.02 (0.04) / 0.687 / -0.02 (0.03) / 0.553<br>Digit span backward / -0.10 (0.04) / 0.026 / 0.005 (0.04) / 0.890 / 0.08 (0.04) / 0.042 / 0.05 (0.04) / 0.167<br>Language<br>K-BNT / -0.09 (0.05) / 0.081 / -0.07 (0.04) / 0.125 / 0.07 (0.03) / 0.046 / 0.002 (0.04) / 0.967<br><strong>Visuospatial function</strong><br>RCFT copy / -0.19 (0.10) / 0.066 / -0.16 (0.08) / 0.048 / 0.09 (0.06) / 0.168 / 0.12 (0.10) / 0.226<br>Verbal Memory<br>SVLT Immediate recall / -0.10 (0.05) / 0.058 / -0.04 (0.05) / 0.402 / -0.03 (0.06) / 0.637 / -0.07 (0.05) / 0.226<br>SVLT Delayed recall / 0.30 (0.29) / 0.302 / -0.19 (0.12) / 0.108 / -0.06 (0.13) / 0.665 / -0.16 (0.17) / 0.360<br>SVLT Recognition / -0.04 (0.04) / 0.325 / -0.02 (0.02) / 0.425 / 0.02 (0.02) / 0.367 / 0.02 (0.02) / 0.381<br>Visual Memory<br>RCFT Immediate recall / -0.39 (0.43) / 0.361 / -0.18 (0.16) / 0.263 / 0.09 (0.12) / 0.478 / -0.06 (0.12) / 0.626<br>RCFT Delayed recall / -0.42 (0.21) / 0.046 / -0.11 (0.13) / 0.376 / 0.15 (0.13) / 0.241 / -0.09 (0.14) / 0.524<br>RCFT Recognition: / -0.003 (0.03) / 0.915 / -0.05 (0.02) / 0.006 / 0.002 (0.02) / 0.935 / -0.01 (0.02) / 0.588<br><strong>Frontal/executive function</strong><br>COWAT Animals / 0.02 (0.08) / 0.848 / -0.10 (0.06) / 0.106 / 0.07 (0.05) / 0.197 / -0.04 (0.06) / 0.456<br>COWAT Supermarket / -0.13 (0.13) / 0.327 / -0.25 (0.11) / 0.018 / 0.16 (0.08) / 0.046 / -0.01 (0.10) / 0.925<br>COWAT Phonemic fluency / 0.07 (0.09) / 0.446 / -0.37 (0.10) / &lt; 0.001 / 0.17 (0.09) / 0.047 / -0.11 (0.18) / 0.550<br>Stroop Test color reading / -0.04 (0.20) / 0.831 / -0.08 (0.09) / 0.370 / 0.01 (0.17) / 0.954 / 0.16 (0.20) / 0.415<br>MMSE / -0.09 (0.03) / 0.002 / -0.07 (0.04) / 0.069 / 0.06 (0.04) / 0.107 / 0.05 (0.04) / 0.268<br>CDR SOB / 0.17 (0.04) / &lt; 0.001 / -0.001 (0.05) / 0.984 / -0.03 (0.05) / 0.541 / -0.05 (0.04) / 0.265<br><p>Abbreviations: APOE4, apolipoprotein E4; CDR, Clinical Dementia Rating; COWAT, Controlled Oral Word Association Test; K-BNT, Korean version of the Boston Naming Test; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination; PiB, Pittsburgh Compound B; RCFT, Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test; SVLT, Seoul Verbal Learning Test; WMHs, white matter hyperintensities.</p><p>Summary of generalized estimation equations used to measure cognitive change. Covariates included baseline age, gender, education, APOE4 allele, and follow-up interval from baseline. Predictors were baseline PiB-positivity and the burden of SVD markers including WMH, lacune, and microbleed. The burden of SVD markers was dichotomized using the second tertile of WMH volume and the number of lacunes and microbleeds as cut-off values. To study the longitudinal effect of each predictor, the interaction effect between each predictor and follow-up interval from baseline was investigated. Regression coefficients (β), standard errors (SE), and p-values for the interaction between predictors and follow-up interval are presented.</p><p>Table e-4. Interaction effect of the burden of each small vessel disease MRI marker and PiB-positivity on longitudinal cognitive decline</p>PiB × WMH burden / PiB × Lacunar burden / PiB × microbleed burden<br>Neuropsychological tests / β (SE) / p-value / β (SE) / p-value / β (SE) / p-value<br>Attention<br>Digit span forward / 0.12 (0.06) / 0.046 / -0.04 (0.06) / 0.461 / 0.11 (0.06) / 0.062<br>Digit span backward / 0.07 (0.09) / 0.461 / 0.04 (0.09) / 0.642 / -0.0005 (0.08) / 0.996<br>Language<br>K-BNT / -0.23 (0.13) / 0.081 / 0.04 (0.07) / 0.574 / -0.26 (0.18) / 0.142<br><strong>Visuospatial function</strong><br>RCFT copy / -0.28 (0.25) / 0.271 / -0.19 (0.22) / 0.400 / 0.07 (0.13) / 0.565<br>Verbal Memory<br>SVLT Immediate recall / 0.03 (0.12) / 0.763 / -0.24 (0.10) / 0.018 / 0.04 (0.09) / 0.686<br>SVLT Delayed recall / * / -1.70 (0.48) / &lt; 0.001 / *<br>SVLT Recognition / -0.03 (0.04) / 0.348 / -0.13 (0.05) / 0.005 / -0.12 (0.03) / &lt; 0.001<br>Visual Memory<br>RCFT Immediate recall / -0.22 (0.31) / 0.475 / 0.30 (0.74) / 0.689 / -0.003 (0.29) / 0.991<br>RCFT Delayed recall / 0.16 (0.45) / 0.718 / 0.04 (0.40) / 0.912 / 0.47 (0.37) / 0.204<br>RCFT Recognition: / -0.03 (0.05) / 0.510 / -0.04 (0.04) / 0.346 / -0.02 (0.05) / 0.657<br><strong>Frontal/executive function</strong><br>COWAT Animals / -0.26 (0.12) / 0.032 / 0.34 (0.45) / 0.452 / -0.25 (0.15) / 0.093<br>COWAT Supermarket / -0.34 (0.17) / 0.047 / 0.29 (0.18) / 0.098 / -0.30 (0.30) / 0.318<br>COWAT Phonemic fluency / -0.68 (0.40) / 0.092 / 0.07 (0.17) / 0.678 / 0.07 (0.17) / 0.708<br>Stroop Test color reading / -0.22 (0.24) / 0.361 / -0.28 (0.16) / 0.083 / -0.47 (0.32) / 0.132<br>MMSE / -0.04 (0.08) / 0.627 / -0.09 (0.08) / 0.233 / -0.15 (0.08) / 0.046<br>CDR SOB / -0.13 (0.07) / 0.074 / 0.01 (0.10) / 0.933 / 0.17 (0.06) / 0.005<br><p>Abbreviations: APOE4, apolipoprotein E4; CDR, Clinical Dementia Rating; COWAT, Controlled Oral Word Association Test; K-BNT, Korean version of the Boston Naming Test; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination; PiB, Pittsburgh Compound B; RCFT, Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test; SVLT, Seoul Verbal Learning Test; WMHs, white matter hyperintensities.</p><p>Summary of generalized estimation equations used to measure cognitive change. Covariates included baseline age, gender, education, APOE4 allele, and follow-up interval from baseline. Predictor was a 3-way interaction effect between PiB-positivity, each SVD marker, and follow-up interval from baseline. Regression coefficients (β), standard errors (SE), and p-values for the interaction effects between predictors and follow-up interval are presented.</p><p>*Results could not be obtained due to the lack of model fitness.</p><p>Table e-5. Effects of PiB-positivity on longitudinal cognitive decline in subgroups with higher and lower small vessel disease burden </p>Neuropsychological tests / Subgroup / β (SE) / p-valuea<br>Digit span forward / Higher WMH burden / 0.03 (0.04) / 0.362<br>Lower WMH burden / -0.07 (0.07) / 0.316<br>SVLT immediate recall / Higher lacunar burden / -0.16 (0.09) / 0.080<br>Lower lacunar burden / -0.05 (0.06) / 0.440<br>SVLT delayed recall / Higher lacunar burden / -0.14 (0.32) / 0.657<br>Lower lacunar burden / 1.19 (0.53) / 0.025<br>SVLT recognition / Higher lacunar burden / -0.03 (0.03) / 0.324<br>Lower lacunar burden / 0.02 (0.02) / 0.464<br>COWAT animal / Higher WMH burden / -0.23 (0.10) / 0.017<br>Lower WMH burden / 0.08 (0.16) / 0.593<br>COWAT supermarket / Higher WMH burden / -0.39 (0.13) / 0.002<br>Lower WMH burden / -0.09 (0.12) / 0.429<br>CDR SOB / Higher microbleed burden / 0.26 (0.04) / &lt; 0.001<br>Lower microbleed burden / 0.14 (0.05) / 0.006<br><p>Abbreviations: APOE4, apolipoprotein E ε4; CDR SOB, Clinical Dementia Rating Sum of Boxes; COWAT, Controlled Oral Word Association Test; K-BNT, Korean version of the Boston naming test; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination; RCFT, Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test.</p>

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