<p>Recommendations for the Retention of Pharmacy Records - prepared by the East of England NHS Senior Pharmacy Managers 2016</p><p>Record Unique record Recomme Derivation of recommendation and comments nded minimum period RECORDS THAT PERTAIN TO ALL PHARMACY SETTINGS Clinical Competency/training records Yes Clinical Records Management Code of Practice for Health & Social Care, Jul 2016 governance training: until 75th birthday or duration of employme nt plus 6 yrs whichever is longer. Statuatory/ mandatory training: 10yrs after training completed Other training: 6 yrs after training completed. Clinical audit Yes 5 yrs Records Management Code of Practice for Health & Social Care, Jul 2016 External quality control records Yes 12 yrs Records Management Code of Practice for Health & Social Care, Jul 2016 Patient surveys Yes 5 yrs Records Management Code of Practice for Health & Social Care, Jul 2016 Patient complaints Yes 10 yrs Records Management Code of Practice for Health & Social Care, Jul 2016 Where a legal action has commenced, keep as advised by legal representative. Clinical Minor clinical interventions Yes 2 yrs Best practice. interventions Two part paper form recommended, original to be added to the patient record, duplicate kept for 2 yrs. Entries made on an electronic database should be reviewed after 2 yrs, if no longer needed, destroy or permanently delete record. Significant clinical interventions Yes For 10 yrs Clinically significant interventions should be recorded directly in the patients notes/ after the PMR. death of the patient Controlled CD register Yes 2 yrs from Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 drugs (CD) date of last A guide to good practice in the management of controlled drugs in primary care Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure all required records have been listed, if in doubt, pharmacists are advised to read the relevant legislation and to seek appropriate advice. entry but if (England) v3.1, updated 1 Oct 2010. it contains Safer management of controlled drugs: a guide to good practice in secondary care records of (England). Dept of Health, October 2007. destruction Electronic CD register - see note 2. of CDs In Secure Environments Schedule 3 CDs are also recorded in CD registers (PSI (including IDTS 2010/45) patient returns and out of date stock) then keep for 7 yrs Requisitions, orders, order books, delivery No 2 yrs or 2 Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 states that all CD prescriptions should be note or other record of receipt years from kept for 2 yrs. Includes hospice requisitions, prison services & others not sent to date of last NHSBSA. See note 3. entry for record books. Extemporaneous CD preparation Yes 13 yrs See note 3. worksheets Validation of equipment & maintenance logs Yes For life of Best practice. equipment Cleaning logs Yes 1 yr Best practice. Record Unique record Recomme Derivation of recommendation and comments nded minimum period Controlled CD transportation by road vehicle Yes Driver ID: Guidance for the safe custody of controlled drugs and drug precursors in transit, drugs (CD) 3 mths. Home Office Sept 2013 cont. Recipients’ signature: 6 mths in original form; then up to 18 mths in reproducibl e form. Orders, signed orders, requisition s, private prescriptio ns: 2 yrs. Fridge temperature Yes 1 yr or Refrigerator records to be kept for the life of any product stored therein – longer for particularly vaccines. For sites subject to GDP inspection (licensed wholesale) Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure all required records have been listed, if in doubt, pharmacists are advised to read the relevant legislation and to seek appropriate advice. sites records should be kept for 5 years as with other GDP records. SOPs detailing holding a actions required in the event of fridge failure should also be available. Wholesale Dealers Licence Patient safety Dispensing error records/incidents & Yes 1 yr plus Recommendations only apply to paper records, entries made on electronic incidents associated stats current databases should be kept permanently. Dispensing incidents – serious resulting in Yes 20 yrs Records Management Code of Practice for Health & Social Care, Jul 2016 disability or death Recalls/drug Recall documentation Yes 5 yrs Recommendations from the Good Distribution Guide - especially for those with alerts wholesale dealers licence. Responsible Responsible pharmacist records/log book Yes At least 5 Can be in hard copy or electronic. pharmacist yrs Medicines (pharmacies/responsible pharmacist) Regulations 2008 (SI 2008/2789). Superseded Superceded SOPs No 15 yrs Best practice. documents Superceded Patient Group Directions No 8 yrs for Best practice. (PGDs) adult and 25 yrs for child (0-18 yrs) or for 8 yrs after a child’s death Stock handling Picking tickets/delivery notes Yes 3 months A "reasonable" period of time - for verification of order only. and transfer Old order books No 2 yrs Current financial yr plus 1. Invoices Yes 6 complete Limitation Act 1980. See note 4. tax yrs Wholesale dealing records Yes 5 yrs EU Guide on Good Distribution Practice (part of the Orange Guide).</p><p>Waste Destruction of patients' own drugs Yes 6 months Revised Duthie Report (2005) states that patient's own drugs are the property of medicines (excluding controlled drugs) the patient and should only be destroyed with their permission. If medicines are removed from a patient’s home during a domiciliary visit, record what is destroyed. Waste - Non-hazardous Transfer notes Yes 2 yrs Safe management of healthcare waste (version 2.0), Dept of Health & Environment Agency, 2012. Waste - hazardous Consignment notes Yes 3 yrs Safe management of healthcare waste (version 2.0), Dept of Health & Environment Agency, 2012.</p><p>HOSPITAL PHARMACY SPECIFIC RECORDS (also applicable to Secure Environments - see Note 8) Record Unique record Recomme Derivation of recommendation and comments nded minimum period Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure all required records have been listed, if in doubt, pharmacists are advised to read the relevant legislation and to seek appropriate advice. Clinical Trial IMP batch production records Yes 5 yrs after Article 9 of Directive 2003/94/EC. end of the trial Protocols Yes 5 yrs after See note 1. end of the trial Dispensing records Yes 5 yrs after - end of the trial Destruction records Yes 5 yrs after The sponsor of the trial is responsible for the destruction of unused and/or end of the returned trial material. Therefore any destruction must be authorized in writing and trial a dated destruction certificate supplied to the sponsor. Preparation or dispensing of ATMPs Yes 30 yrs ATMP = Advanced Therapeutic Medicinal Products. CD clinical trials information Yes 5 yrs This may be longer for some trials. Clinical drug trials or other studies outwith Yes 5 yrs after For example - metabolic studies, nutritional studies. Article 17 of Directive the Clinical Trials Directive end of the 2005/28/EC for Clinical trials, otherwise good practice. trial Controlled CD ward orders or requisitions No 2 yrs Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 states that all CD prescriptions should be kept Drugs for 2 yrs. Keep in original paper form or computerised form. Copy of signature for CD ward order or Yes Duration of Copy of signature of each authorized signatory should be available in the requisition employme pharmacy department. Safer Management of Controlled Drugs – A guide to good nt practice in secondary care (England), Oct 2007. CD record book (ward/theatre based) Yes 2 yrs from Safer Management of Controlled Drugs – A guide to good practice in secondary date of last care (England), Oct 2007. See note 2. entry but if it contains records of destruction of CDs (including patient returns and out of date stock) then keep for 7 yrs Aseptic CD worksheets - adult Yes 13 yrs See note 3. paediatric Yes 26 yrs CD clinical trials information Yes 5 yrs This may be longer for some trials. Destruction of patients' own CDs Yes 7 yrs Revised Duthie Report (2005) states that patient's own drugs are the property of the patient and should only be destroyed with the patient's permission. CD prescriptions (Both inpatient and Yes 2 yrs Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 states that all CD prescriptions should be outpatient) kept for 2 yrs. (Secure Environments see Note 9) Medicines Question asked, information search & Yes 8 yrs (25 Recommendations apply to previous paper based enquiry forms. [UKMI National Information answer yrs for Standard for MI services, March 2009]. Electronic enquiry database (MIDatabank) Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure all required records have been listed, if in doubt, pharmacists are advised to read the relevant legislation and to seek appropriate advice. child, should be kept permanently. obstetrics and mental health enquiries) Miscellaneous Doctors/nurses signatures Yes Duration of Destroy 1 yr after termination of employment (not referenced, best practice). contract + 1 yr Self administration records No Not Will be kept in nursing notes/main medical record. required Superceded IV drug administration No 10 yrs - monographs MR documentation Yes 2 yrs See note 5.</p><p>Record Unique record Recomme Derivation of recommendation and comments nded minimum period Miscellaneous Drug & Therapeutics Committee agendas, No 20 yrs Records Management Code of Practice for Health & Social Care, Jul 2016 cont. letters, minutes, drug submissions etc. Prescriptions To take out (TTO) prescriptions No 2 yrs EPR will eventually hold all details - duplication of record held in notes, see note 5. Out-patient prescriptions No 2 yrs EPR will eventually hold all details - duplication of record held in notes, see note 5. Private prescriptions Yes 2 yrs According to RPSGB ethics guide this is the minimum requirement. (Secure Environments see Note 8) Unlicensed medicines dispensing record Yes 5 yrs Requirement of Guidance Note 14. Permanent record of batch details kept. Parenteral nutrition (PN) No 2 yrs Original valid prescription should be kept in patient's notes. Chemotherapy prescriptions No 2 yrs after EPR will eventually hold all details - duplication of record held in notes. last treatment Clinical drugs trials or other studies outwith Yes 5 yrs after For example - metabolic studies, nutritional studies. Article 17 of Directive the Clinical Trials Directive end of the 2005/28/EC for Clinical trials, otherwise good practice. trial Immunoglobulins/blood products Yes 30 yrs To allow full traceability of all blood products use. Pads of FP10s usage & issue sheets Yes 5 yrs -</p><p>Purchase Order & delivery notes No 2 yrs or Current financial yr plus 1. See note 4. Wholesaler Dealers EU Guide on Good Orders 5yrs Distribution Practice requires retention of all records for 5yrs. Ward stock order sheets Yes 2 yrs Current financial yr plus 1. Ward pharmacy requests No 1 yr Record of what was requested by ward pharmacist - unlikely benefit after 12 mths. Ad hoc forms (e.g. dispensing request forms No 3 months Reasonable period and current practice. to stores) Stock Control Stock check lists Yes 1 yr plus As in HSC 1999/053. current</p><p>Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure all required records have been listed, if in doubt, pharmacists are advised to read the relevant legislation and to seek appropriate advice. Technical Any Quality Control (QC) documentation Yes 5 yrs or 1 Whichever is the longer, (Article 51(3) of Directive 2001/83). services including certificates of analysis yr after expiry date of batch Environmental monitoring results Yes 1 yr after If an electronic record, keep for 10 yrs then review & destroy if no longer needed. expiry Records Management Code of Practice for Health & Social Care, Jul 2016 dates of products Validation/training of operators Yes Duration of Keep in personal portfolios. employme nt + 5 yrs after leaving Paediatric products worksheets Yes At least 5 Product liability extends to up to 28 yrs. See note 6. yrs Chemo/aseptic worksheets Yes 5 yrs Product liability extends this to 11 yrs after expiry. PN worksheets No 5 yrs Product liability extends this to 11 yrs after expiry. Resuscitation box worksheet Yes 1 yr after If sold or supplied across a legal boundary 5 yrs or 1 yr after expiry date of batch expiry of as per GMP. longest dated item Batch production records Yes 5 yrs Product liability extends this to 11 yrs after expiry.</p><p>Record Unique record Recomme Derivation of recommendation and comments nded minimum period Technical Extemporaneous dispensing records Yes 5 yrs Product liability extends this to 11 yrs after expiry. services cont. Raw material request; packaging and Yes At least 5 Part of batch record, so product liability issues apply (extends to 11 yrs after control forms yrs expiry). Medical gas pipeline systems – High hazard Yes For the HTM02-01, Part B, Chapter 6 permits to work lifetime of (http://www.bcga.co.uk/assets/HTM_02-01_Part_B.pdf) the pipeline system Unlicensed Any unlicensed medicines (ULM) Yes 5 yrs Not a specific requirement of Guidance note 14, it would be best practice to keep a medicines documentation permanent batch specific record of the assessment of the ULM purchased. COMMUNITY PHARMACY SPECIFIC RECORDS Dispensing PMR Yes For 10 yrs Records Management Code of Practice for Health & Social Care, Jul 2016 after the death of the patient Private prescriptions Yes 2 yrs The Human Medicines Regulations 2012 (regulation 253 (5))</p><p>Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure all required records have been listed, if in doubt, pharmacists are advised to read the relevant legislation and to seek appropriate advice. POM register No 2 yrs from The Human Medicines Regulations 2012 (regulation 253 (5)) last entry POM-V & POM-VPS records of receipt and Yes At least 5 Veterinary medicines regulations 2009 (SI 2297). Must keep all documents relating supply yrs to the transaction. Specific requirements for what information must be included. EPS2 Patient pharmacy nomination Yes 6 mths Best practice. after the This also applies to patient authorisations for managed repeat systems. last prescriptio n the collected Specials and Extemporaneously prepared on the Yes 5 yrs The Human Medicines Regulations 2012 (regulation 170). unlicensed premises with internal quality control. Product liability extends this to 11 yrs after expiry for adults and up to 28 yrs for medicines children. See note 4. Extemporaneously prepared by another No 5 yrs The Human Medicines Regulations 2012 (regulation 170). pharmacy/company with external quality Should have the certificate of conformity including the source of the product; to control whom, and the date on which the product was sold or supplied; the prescriber’s Unlicensed imports No 5 yrs details; the quantity of each sale or supply; the batch number of the product; details of any adverse reactions to the product sold or supplied. See note 4. DDA / Equality Record of assessment and outcome of Yes Minimum 1 Best practice Act patients’ needs in respect of medicines yr Assessment should be repeated if patient circumstances change. Public Health Evidence of participation in local public Yes 2 yrs Where requested by the commissioner to do so, records should be kept to Campaigns health campaigns evidence compliance with Terms of service of Pharmacists – Schedule 4, part 2, para 18 (b) to regulation 11(1)(a)(i) of the National Health Service (Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2013. Advanced MUR records Yes 2 yrs Records can be kept electronically or in hard copy. The Pharmaceutical Services services (Advanced and Enhanced Services) (England) Directions 2013 require pharmacies to keep copies of the MUR consultation record for at least two years after the date on which the consultation to which the record relates is carried out (Direction 5(1)(l)). </p><p>Record Unique record Recomme Comments nded minimum period Advanced New medicine service forms Yes 2 yrs Records can be kept electronically or in hard copy. The Pharmaceutical Services services cont. (Advanced and Enhanced Services) (England) Directions 2013 require pharmacies to keep copies of the NMS consultation records for at least two years after the date on which the service intervention is completed or discontinued (Direction 7(1)(n)). Stoma appliance customisation Yes 12 months Records can be kept electronically or in hard copy. The Pharmaceutical Services (Advanced and Enhanced Services) (England) Directions 2013 require pharmacies to keep records of each stoma customisation for at least 12 months or such longer period as the commissioner may reasonably require (Direction 10(2) Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure all required records have been listed, if in doubt, pharmacists are advised to read the relevant legislation and to seek appropriate advice. (d)). Appliance use review Yes 12 months Records can be kept in electronically or in hard copy. The Pharmaceutical Services (Advanced and Enhanced Services) (England) Directions 2013 require pharmacies to keep records of each AUR for at least 12 months or such longer period as the commissioner may reasonably require (Direction 12(5)(e)). Enhanced Sexual Health service forms Yes For adults Records Management Code of Practice for Health & Social Care, Jul 2016 services, aged 18 Clinical Standards Committee, Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare locally yrs and (FSRH) of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. commissioned over: 8 yrs services or For a child: NB The longest licence period for a contraceptive device is 10 years. private until the services 25th See Note 7 birthday or 26th birthday if the patient was 17 yrs when treatment finished. No Where individual patient records are kept by a sexual health team and a shorter minimum period for retaining records may be stated in the service level agreement . Smoking cessation service Yes 2 yrs Records Management Code of Practice for Health & Social Care, Jul 2016 Supply of Smoking cessation therapy e.g. Yes 2 yrs Records Management Code of Practice for Health & Social Care, Jul 2016 NRT not via FP10 or via PGD Minor ailments service Yes 2 yrs Recommended best practice.</p><p>Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure all required records have been listed, if in doubt, pharmacists are advised to read the relevant legislation and to seek appropriate advice. Immunisation and vaccination records Yes Retain Records Management Code of Practice for Health & Social Care, Jul 2016 until the patient’s 25th birthday or 26th if the person was 17yrs old when treatment finished. All others retain for 8 yrs after end of treatment. NHS health check No* 2 yrs Best practice [*If the results are forwarded to the patients GP] NHS health check Yes** 2 yrs Best practice [**Where results are not forwarded to the GP] Substance misuse service forms Yes 2 yrs Recommended best practice</p><p>Record Unique record Recomme Comments nded minimum period Invoices and All payment claims, invoices and patient Yes 6 complete VAT regulations 2005 for invoices. Individual signed consent forms support the consent forms consent forms relating to any advanced or tax years invoiced claim. enhanced service NOTE: Enhanced service consent forms represent consent at the point in time the service is provided and are not proof of ongoing consent. Other records Any other records pertaining to individual Yes 2yrs Best practice. This recommendation only applies for paper records, it is accepted patient care in community pharmacy not covered that, where appropriate, records relating to patient care e.g. self care, signposting, elsewhere in this document. telephone queries should be entered on the PMR, either directly or transferred from paper records. Entries made on the PMR should be kept permanently.</p><p>KEY GMP = good manufacturing practice; GDP = good distribution practice; GCP = good clinical practice; MR = medicines reconciliation; MUR = medicines use review Where GMP is given as the reason for keeping the record, this would be legally enforceable for all unlicensed medicines and for any manufacturing of medicines under an MHRA licence. Any reason for keeping other than ‘legal’ can be regarded as best practice. </p><p>Note 1 The sponsor of the trial is responsible under current legislation for keeping trial records. All clinical trial records should be retained for a longer (up to 15 years) if required by the applicable regulatory requirement(s) or if needed by the Sponsor as per Annex 1 to Directive 2001/83/EC and GCP requirements CPMP/ICH/135/95. Note 2 Once electronic CD registers are in widespread use, the Government intends to require anyone required to keep secure copies of a CD register for up to 11 years. (Department of Health. Safer management of CDs: Changes to the record keeping requirements, guidance for England only. Last revised February 2008) Note 3 Every requisition, order or private prescription on which a CD is supplied must be preserved by the pharmacy department for a minimum of 2 years from the date on which the last delivery under it was made. Although the mandatory period for keeping requisitions is 2 years, health care organizations may wish to store them for longer periods, as cases often come to court at a much later date. Future regulations may increase the period of time for the storage of records. (Department of Health/RPSGB, Safer management of Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure all required records have been listed, if in doubt, pharmacists are advised to read the relevant legislation and to seek appropriate advice. controlled drugs – a guide to good practice in secondary care. (England) Oct 2007) Note 4 Either delivery notes or invoices should be kept for 11 years as product liability records. Note 5 Where the electronic system has the capacity to destroy records in line with the retention schedule, and where a metadata stub can remain demonstrating that a record has been destroyed, then the Records Management Code should be followed in the same way for electronic records as for paper records with a log being kept of the records destroyed. If the system does not have this capacity, then once the records have reached the end of their retention periods they should be inaccessible to users of the system and upon decommissioning, the system (along with audit trails) should be retained for the retention period of the last entry related to the schedule. (Records Management Code of Practice for Health & Social Care, Jul 2016) Note 6 Consumer Protection Act 1987 allows patients to claim up to 10 years after a medicine has been administered (in paediatrics up to 28 years - maturity plus 10 years). If adequate records are available in the patient's notes, the records should only need to be kept for the period stated under the recommendation. Note 7 For locally negotiated services, if the minimum retention period stated in the contractual arrangement of the service level agreement (SLA) exceeds the recommendations of this document contractors must adhere to the SLA. Note 8 NHS England directly commissions healthcare in all residential Secure Environments (prisons, Immigration Removal Centres and Secure Training Centres). Prescriptions generated in these settings are therefore NHS prescriptions and not private prescriptions. The expectations for prescriptions and other record retention for these settings are in the main as for hospital settings. A wing or treatment room is considered equivalent to a hospital ward. (NPC 2009 A Guide to Good Practice in the Management of Controlled Drugs in Primary Care). The community pharmacy section of this document is relevant where Advanced services or additional enhanced services are commissioned. Note 9 In addition to retaining the CD prescription a copy of the current CD prescription (i.e. Schedule 2 and 3) for a patient should be available on patient transfer to another secure setting. To achieve this either a scanned e-copy or a hard copy transferred with the patient is needed. This is essential for enabling continuity of supply on transfer until the prescription is reviewed. (PSI IDTS 2010/45) and Best Practice.</p><p>Bibliography</p><p>The following publications provide the source for the recommendations – </p><p>Records Management Code of Practice for Health & Social Care, Jul 2016 Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 A guide to good practice in the management of controlled drugs in primary care (England) v3.1, updated 1 Oct 2010. Guidance for the safe custody of controlled drugs and drug precursors in transit, Home Office Sept 2013 Safer management of controlled drugs: a guide to good practice in secondary care (England). Dept of Health, October 2007. PSI IDTS 2010/45 Good Distribution Guide Medicines (pharmacies/responsible pharmacist) Regulations 2008 (SI 2008/2789). Limitation Act 1980 EU Guide on Good Distribution Practice (part of the Orange Guide). Duthie report 2005 Safe management of healthcare waste (version 2.0), Dept of Health & Environment Agency, 2012. Article 9 of Directive 2003/94/EC. Article 17 of Directive 2005/28/EC for Clinical trials Wholesaler Dealers EU Guide on Good Distribution Practice RSPGB ethics guide Guidance note 14 HSC 1999/053 Article 51 (3) of Directive 2001/83</p><p>Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure all required records have been listed, if in doubt, pharmacists are advised to read the relevant legislation and to seek appropriate advice. HTM02-01, Part B, Chapter 6 The Human Medicines Regulations 2012 (regulation 253 (5)) Veterinary medicines regulations 2009 (SI 2297). The Human Medicines Regulations 2012 (regulation 170). Terms of service of Pharmacists – Schedule 4, part 2, para 18 (b) to regulation 11(1)(a)(i) of the National Health Service (Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2013. The Pharmaceutical Services (Advanced and Enhanced Services) (England) Directions 2013 Direction 5(1)(l); 7(1)(n); 10(2)(d) and 12(5)(e). Clinical Standards Committee, Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH) of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. VAT regulations 2005 for invoices</p><p>Prepared by Katie Smith, Director, East Anglia Medicines Information Service on behalf of the East of England Senior Pharmacy Managers Network; with special thanks to Rob Lowe, Quality Assurance Specialist Services, East of England and Northamptonshire; Tim Root, Clinical Governance & Technical Services, NHS England Specialist Pharmacy Service; Denise Farmer, Pharmaceutical Adviser Health and Justice Commissioning, NHS England (Central and East Anglia Area Team); Stacey Golding, Senior Pharmaceutical Adviser (Governance), NHS East and North Herts CCG, Jane Newman, Pharmacy LPN Chair Essex and Dr Tracey Boyce, Head of Pharmacy and Medicines Management, Southern Health & Social Care Trust, Northern Ireland, November 2016. If you have any comments or feedback, please contact Katie Smith – 01473 704431, [email protected]</p><p>Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure all required records have been listed, if in doubt, pharmacists are advised to read the relevant legislation and to seek appropriate advice.</p>
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