<p> ONTARIO SWIMMING OFFICIALS’ ASSOCIATION BOARD MEETING Held via teleconference - Monday, January 24, 2005</p><p>BOARD MEMBERS PARTICIPATING: Horst Tietze Brian Gilchrist Alastair Currie Jim Brow Mike Sweny Pat Giles Dave Roza Margaret Galbraith Clarke Richmire Eunice Fowler Philip Watson Chris Smith Paulette Roscoe</p><p>04-05 2.1 Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Horst Tietze at 7:03 pm. Horst welcomed Alastair Currie, serving as Central Region co-representative pending spring Regional elections.</p><p>04-05 2.2 Approval of Agenda: Moved by Jim Brow, seconded by Chris Smith that the agenda be approved, with the following additions under New Business: Cost of Name Tags, High School Swimming. CARRIED</p><p>04-05 2.3 Approval of September 18, 2004 minutes: Moved by Brian Gilchrist, seconded by Dave Roza that the minutes be approved. CARRIED</p><p>04-05 2.4 Business Arising: None</p><p>04-05 2.5 Reports</p><p>President: Horst Tietze, acting as interim President following the untimely passing of John Grootveld, reported on several issues: Ontario board update: The Swim Ontario board met via teleconference on January 10, 2004. All groups receiving money from Swim Ontario are required to submit annual financial reports (OSOA already does). Sandalwood Suites has reviewed its contract as a sponsor with Swim Ontario, and will be providing monetary awards for Male and Female swimmers of the Year at the 2005 AGM in London. OSOA has been requested to cover costs associated with the 20 and 30 year awards. As part of budget preparation, the Swim Ontario Financial Committee will conduct a fee structure review; stakeholders will be consulted. During discussion Horst was questioned on why OSOA is receiving $1. per swimmer, in light of OSOA’s current good financial position National Officials’ update: Bill Hogan and Philip Clark have reviewed the Powerpoint clinic presentations, and provided feedback which has been given to Margaret Galbraith for review by the Education Committee. The current rulebook will be undergoing revision over the next few months; updated version to be published in August for implementation in October. Horst Tietze will forward suggestions submitted by other provinces to all OSOA board members for their review; feedback by OSOA board members should be provided to Margaret Galbraith within the next month.Canada Games Update: Each province has been requested to cover costs associated with sending an officials’ representative to Canada Games; the Finance Committee members support this request.</p><p>Page 1 of 10 Canada Games candidate selection: Each region was given the opportunity to put forward the name of a candidate to represent Ontario officials at the Canada Games. Nominations were received for Alastair Currie (Central), Dennis Eves (Western) and Philip Watson (Huronia). All board members are to submit their vote electronically to both Horst Tietze and Eunice Fowler before the end of the week; votes will be tabulated and the totals compared to ensure accuracy. o Result of voting: Alastair Currie (Central) was selected to represent Ontario.</p><p>Committees:</p><p>Education: Margaret Galbraith asked all members to review the PowerPoint clinic presentations for errors, sending her a report noting the presentation, slide number, and error. </p><p>The Level I examination will be revised by the NOC to reflect their recommended content: they feel the current clinic contains too much information.</p><p>Attempts to obtain information from the Swim Ontario website have meet with frustration since late November; the OSOA webpage is not currently functional. Clinics are still available through the Lakeshore Swim Club, pending completion of the OSOA webpage. Anyone having difficulty in obtaining information from the website is urged to contact Alastair Currie for assistance.</p><p>Finance: Pat Giles presented the financial reports:</p><p>INCOME STATEMENT 4/1/04 TO 17/01/05 ACTUALS BUDGET REVENUE 2004/2005 Swim Ontario Swimmer Levy 9470.00 8500.00 Swim meets/Fundraising 8000.00 9000.00 Bank Interest 395.17 250.00 Tag & Pin Revenue 52.00 250.00 Shirt & Pant Sales 1692.00 0.00 Donation 75.00 0.00 Miscellaneous 4159.96 0.00</p><p>TOTAL REVENUE 23844.13 18000.00</p><p>EXPENSES Board Travel 3765.50 6000.00 Board rooms/meals 2174.50 2500.00 Level III & IV Training 0.00 4200.00 Officials Development (Projectors) 13908.15 6000.00 Regional Official Training 5000.00 6000.00 Bank Charges 54.50 50.00 Pins & Name tags 238.65 300.00 Official Shirt & Pants 1964.25 0.00 Misc/phone/postage etc 194.84 100.00 Awards for past members 256.89 250.00 0.00 0.00</p><p>TOTAL EXPENSES 27557.28 25400.00</p><p>Page 2 of 10 NET INCOME -3713.15 -7400.00</p><p>BALANCE SHEET 4/1/04 TO 17/01/05</p><p>ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Royal Bank Signature Account 20909.78 Short Term Investments 0.00 Prepaid Expenses for Masters Meet 500.00 Prepaid Annual meeting Expense 0.00 Accounts Receivable 0.00 Total Current Assets 21409.78</p><p>TOTAL ASSETS 21409.78</p><p>LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES Level III/IV Training Payable 2592.98 Regional Training Payable 800.00 Current Liabilities 3392.98 TOTAL LIABILITIES 3392.98 3392.98</p><p>EQUITY EARNINGS Retained Earnings 21729.95 Total Retained Earnings 21729.95 Current Earnings -3713.15 TOTAL EARNINGS 18016.80</p><p>TOTAL EQUITY 18016.80</p><p>LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 21409.78</p><p>Not included in statements: NW Region Payment of 800 + 1000 not paid & $1379.98 which will come off that amount; this is for their second projector. Also not recorded is an exchange cheque to Swim Ontario for $13061.04 for the projectors, so that we can get the GST back. $13908.15 - 13061.04 = savings of $847.11 if it goes through Swim Ontario.</p><p>Moved by Jim Brow, seconded by Paulette Roscoe, that the financial statement be received.</p><p>CARRIED</p><p>Horst Tietze thanked Dave Roza on behalf of the board, for his efforts in obtaining such a good price for the LCD projectors. Dave Roza indicated that the expected rebates should arrive shortly.</p><p>Pat Giles also indicated that based on applications received to date, funding available for the Level III/IV training programme will again be underutilized (only about 25% claimed to date). There are still a number of large meets before the funding deadline; regional representative are </p><p>Page 3 of 10 urged to encourage eligible officials to use the programme. Eastern Canadians in Brantford would be an ideal opportunity.</p><p>Regional:</p><p>Central (Horst Tietze): Central Region continues to mourn the loss of John Grootveld: he will be greatly missed. We successfully hosted a Fall Clinic on Oct.02/04, which 122 attended. We received from OSOA 1- LCD Projector and our region purchased a 2nd LCD projector; many thanks to OSOA and the Central Region. For the first time on Oct.20/04 , all Clinics were presented using Powerpoint Projectors. Parents taking the clinics were extremely impressed, and will ultimately become better officials because of the visual impact of presentations Last November 07/04 the Scarborough Swim Club celebrated their 50th Anniversary. Canadian Master Swimming Nationals will be held in Etobicoke May 20-23/2005, please contact Horst Tietze to assist with Officiating. In the Interim Alistair Currie is assisting Horst Tietze with the Central Region Officials Duties.</p><p>Eastern (Mike Sweny): Regional Clinics were held October 23, 2004; an Officials’ Seminar was held November 13, 2004; Regional Championships will be held February 4-6, 2005; Junior Provincial Short Course Championships will be held February 24-27, 2005. A Master evaluation is planned for this meet; Margaret Galbraith indicated she will be attending, and could serve as the out-of-region evaluator.</p><p>Huronia (Clarke Richmire): We held our fall Clinic Day at Base Borden on October 2, 2004. The attendance was a little disappointing. We had approximately 30 people in attendance. We feel the lack of participants was due to the fact that the Clinics Day was two weeks earlier than previous years and we were unable to confirm the location until a week and a half before the date. After a little difficulty we received our digital projector. We will be using it this weekend for a clinic in Barrie and a few weeks later at Base Borden; we would like to thank everyone involved in producing the PowerPoint presentations, comments from the presenters were all positive. We held our first round of Development Meets in early November. Our new slate of events seemed to work well. We held our Short Course Championships Dec 3-6 at Trent University, hosted by Trent Swim Club. It was a great success with the Barrie Trojans winning the meet. Our second set of Development meets is scheduled for the weekend of Feb 5, 6. There has been a great deal of discussion in the Region about changing the format to allow competitive swimmers to swim the required events for Age Groups. We are planning another Clinic day in March. We would like to bring all our Level III, IV and V officials together on the Friday night for discussion of various officiating situations. On the Saturday we will hold the Clinics.</p><p>Northeastern (Brian Gilchrist): NE Region’s B Champs are being held this weekend in Timmins with A Champs to follow on Feb. 4-6 in Sault Ste. Marie. We have a number of officials who are looking to move up and PTR’s will be done at these meets. We have received our digital projector and have had our first request for its use. Logistics in moving it around to widely spaced sites could be a problem. We have a concern with the lack of officials of a level higher than Level II in the Sudbury area (SLSC and VEW). We hope to have a response to this problem before the next meet in Sudbury. Continuous upgrading continues in the Soo and North Bay as well as Timmins but other areas need more training.</p><p>Page 4 of 10 Northwestern (Jim Brow): One of our new projectors has been located in Thunder Bay for use in the eastern part of the region; the second is in Rainy River for use in the western part of the region. The North West Region's web site is up and running with news, meets, pictures and all kinds of information. The next meet will be in Fort Frances the first weekend in February. There will be two parts that have been sanctioned- one is for competitive swimmers and the other for non-competitive swimmers. The pool in Kenora is not in operation yet, but we are hopeful that it will have the Kenora swimmers in the water soon.</p><p>Western (Eunice Fowler): Many of you will know Art Hinton: he has recently been diagnosed with stomach cancer, which has metastasized to his liver. Art is in hospital undergoing treatment, but it is a difficult and stressful time for him and his family. Although personal contacts are not allowed at this time, cards can be sent to his home address: 191 Sunnyside Drive, London, ON N5X 3P7</p><p>On the regional front, several clubs have presented officials' clinics using the new LCD projectors, with more planned for the near future. Regional Championships will be held in London this weekend; several candidates for evaluation will be receiving PTRs. Eastern Canadians will be held in Brantford on February 17-20. Any officials wishing to work Eastern Canadians are requested to contact either Jeff Lee ([email protected]) or Dave Shewfelt ([email protected]) as soon as possible.</p><p>Masters Swimming:</p><p>Over the last five years the relationship between the Board and members of the Ontario Swimming Officials Association and the Board, clubs and members of Masters Swimming Ontario has evolved and matured to the great benefit of all.</p><p>MSO is most appreciative of the commitment of the many officials who give up their time to work at Masters meets and in particular the major role they have played in running our provincial championships since 2001 and their involvement in this years Canadian Masters Championship. Clearly the funding received by OSOA from this involvement has been most beneficial to swimming generally in Ontario as much of it has gone towards the training of officials.</p><p>As you probably know I am now involved with Masters Swimming Canada and my perspective on many issues has become a national one. You may be aware that the situation above does not necessarily exist across Canada which I believe is unfortunate for both Masters and the Officials, and consequently for swimming generally.</p><p>I have been encouraging Masters and Officials in other provinces to look at the OSOA/MSO relationship as a model for a closer working relationship. There is an issue that have been raised by officials and MSC Board members in other provinces which I would appreciate your consideration of and that is the designation of the Canadian Masters Swimming Championships as a “National Championship” as far as the prioritizing of facilities, dates, the staffing by officials and the evaluating and recertification, if required, of Senior and Master officials. Such a designation would I believe have some implications for the 2005 Championship at Etobicoke. It would have significant implication for Masters in those provinces which have difficulties procuring facilities or officials and for Officials in those provinces who have few chances locally for evaluations and recertification. </p><p>Page 5 of 10 Moved by Chris Smith, seconded by Eunice Fowler that OSOA supports the designation of the Canadian Masters Swimming Championships as National Championships, and that they be given priority for dates, facilities and officials, and that they be used for evaluation and/or recertification, if required, of Senior and Master Officials. CARRIED</p><p>04-05 2.6 2005 Conference and AGM – London Horst Tietze reported that the times originally scheduled for OSOA at the AGM have been revised. Board meeting will now be held on Friday, April 29 from 12:00 – 5:00pm. Saturday morning has been set aside for an OSOA activity; the Education Committee will decide use of the time slot by the end of the month, and forward the information to Horst Tietze for inclusion in the Conference information packages. An additional time slot on Sunday morning (8-9am) is available should the time allotted to the board on Friday prove insufficient.</p><p>Horst Tietze brought forward the requests by John Vadeika for the OSOA to cover costs of the awards for both the Elizabeth Collins Ralph trophy and the 20 and 30 year long service awards. After discussion, the following motions were brought forward:</p><p>Moved by Margaret Galbraith, seconded by Eunice Fowler that the OSOA cover the cost of the Elizabeth Collins Ralph trophy for the year 2005. CARRIED</p><p>Moved by Chris Smith, seconded by Brian Gilchrist that the OSOA cover the cost of the 20 and 30 year long service awards for 2005. DEFEATED</p><p>Moved by Eunice Fowler, seconded by Chris Smith that the OSOA contribute $300. to Swim Ontario to assist with defraying the additional costs associated with holding the AGM outside of Central Region. CARRIED</p><p>04-05 2.7 OSOA Website Set-up / Development / Cost </p><p>Horst Tietze reported that the OSOA webpage re-construction is well underway; posting in the public domain is awaiting the approval of the OSOA board . All board members were provided with the “hidden” address, and requested to assess the new format.</p><p>A number of board members indicated their displeasure with the way the issue of this website was handled: webpage was removed without prior notice, leaving several without access to necessary information. Officials across the province have been relying on the ready availability of forms, etc. over the past few years; many were inconvenienced and frustrated by its sudden inaccessibility. </p><p>Horst Tietze reported that the cost of re-constructing the Swim Ontario website was contracted out at a cost of $5000.; shareholders (Regions, OSCA, OSOA) have been asked to contribute towards this cost, with Swim Ontario picking up the remainder. In addition, there will be a yearly maintenance fee. (It was clarified that the continued absence of the OSOA webpage is due to the fact that the contractor is waiting for OSOA approval, rather than the failure of OSOA to pay a fee to date.) </p><p>Moved by Chris Smith, seconded by Clarke Richmire that OSOA pay Swim Ontario a one-time fee of $1000. to assist with costs associated with webpage redesign, and a maintenance fee of $100. per annum thereafter. CARRIED</p><p>Future contributors to the OSOA webpage will be specified by the board, and trained in the process to be followed for posting information. It was suggested that all technical / educational </p><p>Page 6 of 10 materials would be submitted by Margaret Galbraith (Chair - Education Committee), while Eunice Fowler (Secretary) would submit minutes and contact information.</p><p>04-05 2.8 Level IV and V Elevations Moved by Margaret Galbraith, seconded by Eunice Fowler that the following officials from Western Region be elevated to Level IV: Merle Fast, Denise McDonald, Alex Vanderkam CARRIED There were no Level V elevations at this time.</p><p>Unsuccessful evaluations: although several board members recalled that an unsuccessful candidate must wait a specifed length of time before re-applying for evaluation, the historical motion has not been found in earlier minutes (Motion was found after the meeting had concluded: Moved by Chris Margetts, seconded by Horst Tietze that a candidate to be re- evaluated may re-apply for re-evaluation after a period of 6 months. January, 2000).</p><p>The Education Committee will review the situation at the April meeting, and consider whether a specification should be added for additional PTRs.</p><p>04-05 2.9 Change to Candidates for Future Evaluations See Appendix A.</p><p>04-05 2.10 Change to Evaluators Name of John Grootveld (Central) is removed, due to his untimely passing. No names added at this time.</p><p>04-05 2.11 Elizabeth Collins Ralph Trophy Nominations were received on behalf of Kenn McQuaig (Eastern) and Richard Hannah (Central). Vote will be conducted electronically, using the same format as that specified for the Canada Games candidate. Eunice Fowler will send a “ballot” to all board members, listing the names for both categories. o Following the meeting, it was decided that Kenn McQuaig did not meet the eligibility requirement of being active in the year of nomination. As a result, Richard Hannah was declared the winner of the Elizabeth Collins Ralph trophy. o NB: a majority of the board members favoured the implementation of a new award recognizing lifetime achievements of Ontario officials. If approval is given by the Grootveld family, this award would be named in honour of John Grootveld. Actual criteria to be decided; Kenn McQuaig would be eligible for this award.</p><p>04-05 2.12 New Business</p><p>Name tags: Brian Gilchrist reported that due to costs associated with postage, the current price charged to the Regions does not cover the complete cost of a badge ordered singly. Regions are requested to submit requests in batches to assist with this problem. Cost to the regions will not be increased at this time.</p><p>High School swimming: Clarke Richmire reported that parents in Huronia Region had been told that times achieved at a sanctioned high school meet are “official”, and can be used for entry to qualifying meets. (Only meet actually receiving a sanction at this point is the OFSSA </p><p>Page 7 of 10 championship meet, slated for March 1-2. An exemption from the competitive blackout has been granted.) The problem that arises concerns the “Open” category, composed of currently registered competitive swimmers, pre-competitive swimmers, and any swimmers who were registered with a swim club within the previous 12 months. If a member of one of the last two groups mentioned participated in a club’s competitive meet, all times would be declared “unofficial”. As John Vadeika is currently in discussions/negotiations with OFSSA regarding swimming in the high schools, discussion of this issue by the Education Committee is tabled until April. </p><p>Officials’ clothing: due to the untimely passing of John Grootveld, inventory and billing for officials’ clothing is somewhat uncertain. Horst Tietze expects to take possession of current inventory within the next month; in the meantime, any regions with invoices owing should send payment directly to Pat Giles.</p><p>Funding from Swim Ontario: Horst Tietze reported that the officials have been allotted a one- time grant from Swim Ontario of approximately $1500.; this money, earmarked for officials’ development, is to be used within the year.</p><p>Moved by Margaret Galbraith, seconded by Brian Gilchrist that the grant of approximately $1500. be allotted to cover the expenses associated with sending an Ontario officials’ representative to the 2005 Canada Games. CARRIED</p><p>Level III elevation: the current version of the officials’ card includes REFEREE in the list of positions for evaluation under Level II/III. It was clarified that although a candidate may receive deck evaluations as a Referee, the information contained in Up the Ladder is correct i.e. that the Referee clinic is included in the list of intermediate clinics under Level II, and that evaluations in the position of Referee are not included as necessary signoffs for Level III. The candidate must have a total of two signoffs for any six of the “intermediate” clinics, one of which shall be HLT/Stroke & Turn.</p><p>National Expenses programme: expenses incurred by an official assisting at both high school meets and out of country meets are not eligible to be claimed under the programme. Officials planning to work at a meet out of country are encouraged to obtain and complete the appropriate documentation from Swim Ontario, which will provide insurance coverage in case of accident.</p><p>04-05 2.13 Adjournment Moved by Horst Tietze that the meeting be adjourned at 9:23 pm.</p><p>Page 8 of 10 CANDIDATES FOR FUTURE EVALUATION Appendix A</p><p>Candidates Club Position Date of last Date put on Certification list CENTRAL: Debbie Barnes Senior 04/99 01/00 Pat Pariselli ESWIM Senior 04/00 Allen Wolch Senior 12/02 05/03 Dennis Plata Senior 02/02 05/03 Debbie Fennell ESWIM Senior 10/99 05/03 David Share Master 09/01 Mike Walker Master 09/01 Susan Shaw Master 05/01 05/03 Ted Zaharia Master 11/01 05/03 Dave McNeill Master 04/00 05/03 Steven Ries Master 10/03 Ben Moore COBRA Master 10/03 Dennis Ridley Master 05/04 01/05 Bob Thrall OAK Master 06/04</p><p>EASTERN: Valerie Quirk NKB Senior 04/01 Roger Maillet Senior 09/01 Jim Stevens Senior 09/01 Lori Sioui TD Senior 11/01 04/02 Carey Depalazieux NKB Senior 09/02 Steve Flieler TD Senior 04/04 05/04 Thomas Dunn Master 09/01 Larry Holmes UCSC Master 10/00 Wendy McCutcheon GO Master 10/03 Glenn Greig AC Master 02/03 01/04 Michel Degrace UNATT Master 02/03 01/04 Greg Blaskovits NKB Master 02/03 01/04 Murray Hatt GO Master 01/05 Vern Hite Master 01/05</p><p>HURONIA Brenda Murray Senior 10/03 Stewart Nutt BST Senior 09/04 Jane Wolfe MUSAC Senior 09/04 Peter van der Meer OSAC Master 06/98 01/00 Mary Jane Smith TRENT Master 10/03 Catherine Wackett CATS Master 10/03 Frank Woodley MYK Master 04/04 09/04</p><p>NORTHEAST Steven O’Neill SLSC Senior 04/02 04/02 Glen Hill SLSC Senior 04/02 04/02 Pam Pask NBYT Senior 04/04 01/05 Louise Quirion TMSC Master 02/02 10/03 Janice Dolcetti SSMAC Master 06/96 10/99 Jerry Dolcetti SSMAC Master 06/96 10/99 Doug Bignell Unatt Master 04/98 05/03 Gary Crossley NBYT Master 05/00 10/03 Page 9 of 10 Candidates Club Position Date of last Date put on Certification list CENTRAL: Martin Litchfield UNATT Master 04/04 Lyse Perron TMSC Master 04/04 Jean Turgeon SSMAC Master 04/04 Paula Palangio CT33 Master 2000 01/05 Tim Duquette NBYT Master 06/04 01/05</p><p>NORTHWEST Janice TRUSH TBT Senior 05/04 09/04</p><p>WESTERN Kim Smith BAC Senior 01/00 01/02 Riley Hinson LAC Senior 05/02 01/03 Ron King HAC Senior 10/02 01/03 Jim Loyer UNATT Senior 05/04 01/05 Suzanne Paulins BAC Senior 01/05 Greg Taylor BAC Master 06/99 04/99 Dean Smith BAC Master 10/95 09/01 Margie Lockhart UNATT Master 06/02 01/03 Paul Leslie HAC Master 05/03 10/03 Paul Crone BAD Master 06/03 10/03 Brad Knowles HAMMR Master 07/03 10/03 Sue Curtis Villar GMAC Master 06/04 09/04</p><p>SENIOR-MASTER EVALUATORS</p><p>EVALUATOR Each evaluator shall be an active Master Official. Evaluators will be appointed by the Region and approved by the Board.</p><p>SENIOR LEVEL Evaluators list will remain the same, with names added or withdrawn as required.</p><p>MASTER LEVEL For Master evaluation, one evaluator should be from a region other than that of the candidate.</p><p>CENTRAL HURONIA WESTERN Gord Bassett Alton Cunningham Fran Fairley Les Darvas Clarke Richmire Eunice Fowler Ruth Ann Ecker Barb Richmire Margaret Galbraith Rick Hannah Art Hinton Nigel Morris NORTHEAST Jeff Lee Dave Thompson Brian Gilchrist Dawn McAuley Horst Tietze Chris Margetts Gerry Thomas Joanne Matheson Maureen Thomas EASTERN Paulette Roscoe Burt Boudreau Connie Zwarich Ted Hayes Darlene Medaglia NORTHWEST Dave Roza Elaine Batstone Mike Sweny Lee Batstone Bob Testa Harold Demetzer Bob Wallace Pat Giles Scott Milloy Irene MacLeay Jim Brow</p><p>Page 10 of 10</p>
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