
<p> Embassy of Nepal Doha, Qatar Tel: 44675681/83 Demand Letter Attestation Record Form</p><p>1. Name of the Employer Company……………………………………… Address:…………………….. Contact: Tel:…………………….. Fax:……………………. E-Mail:………………… Name of the Contact person:………………………………………………. Mobile No.:………………………………………… 2. Name & Lic. No. of Nepalese Agency:……………………………………………. 3. No. of Female Workers Required (if any)……………… 4. No. of Documents:…………………………………………………………………. 5. Submitted by: (Name and Contact No.)…………………… 6. Number of Nepalese workers currently working for the company………………………..</p><p>Description of Demands. S.No. Classification Numbers Salary Approval Used visa Remarks visa</p><p>(For Official use only)</p><p>Fee paid in QR.:……….. Reg. No.:……………</p><p>Checked by: Attested & Approved by: </p><p>(Nasir Miya) (Hari Har Kanta Paudel) Staff Second Secretary Application for Guarantee and Undertaking</p><p>H.E. Ambassador, Embassy of Nepal Doha, Qatar</p><p>I, the sponsor / employer/ owner/ Director/ General Manager/ Personnel Manager of the ……………….Co (company registration card attached herewith), authorized legally to decide and sign this undertaking hereby declare the following: 1. The attached Demand letter, power of Attorney, agency Agreement, Employment contract and all other documents submitted herewith are the part of this undertaking. 2. Embassy of Nepal shall be informed of the arrival of the employees within three months their profession, salary, status of residence permit. 3. Embassy of Nepal and its officials can have the access to the accommodation of the employees and office for the purpose of inspection. 4. The salary of the employees shall be given within two weeks of the completion of the every working month. The employees shall not be deprived of basic salary in case of failure to provide them employment by the employer even for a short period. 5. All the Employees shall be provided with time-card for calculation of overtime allowance. 6. The employees once recruited directly by the company or through its authorized recruiting agency, will not be relegated or downgraded in terms of position, salary, benefits and work at any cost. The position and category of the employees shall be decided only prior to selection and recruitment. 7. The photocopy of the employment contract issued by the company and certified with original sign and stamp with authorized recruiting agent at the time of departure from Nepal will be considered as legally valid contract for the purpose of clause no. 6 mentioned above and no contract shall be made with less salary and benefits after arrival. 8. Fees/ cost of residence permit, medical, electricity, water, and accommodation shall be solely born by the employer. Employer shall also bear the fines, if any, because of the delay in the processing of above cases. 9. The employees shall be repatriated within one month after the completion of the contract with all his rights except in the cases mutually agreed to stay longer. 10. Employer shall be fully responsible for the salary and other facilities of employees even if they are supplied to other employer/s. 11. In case of any misunderstanding/dispute between employer and the employee/s, Embassy of Nepal shall be contacted first for the amicable settlement of the grievances. 12. All other terms and conditions not mentioned herein shall be subject to the legal provisions of the State of Qatar.</p><p>Signature of Employer: Full name: ID No: Tel: Fax: Date: Doha, Qatar</p><p>Date: …………………… M/S D.N. INTERNATIONAL NEPAL Overseas Employment Agency Pvt. Ltd. Lic No. 144/056/057 P.O. Box. 20107, Kathmandu, Nepal. Tel: 00977-1-4117785, 4108881, Fax: 00977-1-4117785 Email: [email protected], Website: www.dnint.com</p><p>DEMAND LETTER</p><p>Dear Sir, We are pleased to appoint you as our agent to recruit the following Nepalese workers for our company in Qatar.</p><p>S. Job Categories No. Salary Food Allowance No. Required QR. 1 Labor 50 900. Food provided by company 2 3</p><p>Terms and conditions:- 1. Accommodations will be provided by the company. 2. Food provided by Company. 3. Medical: Medical is free in Qatar and yearly health card is provided by Company. 4. Insurance: Workmen Compensation of QR 200,000/- is insured yearly by Company. 5. Contract Period of 2-years. The probation period will be of three months. 6. Duty hours: 8 hrs/day, 48hrs in a week. 7. Overtime : Overtime will be calculated 1.25 hour per day for Normal Days and 1.50 per hour on public holidays. 8. Air- passage for joining and after completion of 2-years contract round trip ticket provided. 9. Visa & Resident Permit will be provided by company at free of cost. 10. Other benefits: Yearly 21 days leave & 21 days gratuity is provided after completion of Contract period </p><p>……………………………………. Sincerely Yours; ( your company Sponsor name) Sponsor Date………………………</p><p>To, The Director General, Department of Labor & Employment Promotion, Kathmandu, Nepal.</p><p>GUARANTEE LETTER</p><p>We M/S your company name ., P.O. Box. ( your postbox Number), Doha Qatar here by guarantee that the workers in accordance with our Demand letter of (Total No of workers) workers dated (same as in Demand Letter). Executed in favor of M/S D.N. INTERNATIONAL NEPAL Overseas Employment Agency Pvt. Ltd. will work in our organization throughout the contract period. </p><p>Thanks & Best Regards,</p><p>……………………………………. Sincerely Yours; Your company and Sponsor name Date…………………… M/S D.N. INTERNATIONAL NEPAL Overseas Employment Agency Pvt. Ltd. Lic No. 144/056/057 P.O.Box. 20107, Kathmandu, Nepal. Tel: 00977-1-4117785, 00977 980 328 4564 Fax: 00977-1-4117785 Email: [email protected]. Website: www.dnint.com</p><p>RECRUITMENT AGREEMENT</p><p>This agreement made and entered into by and between M/S Your company name. duly registered under the laws of Qatar with business address at P.O. Box- ( your post box number) Doha, Qatar represented by Mr. ( your company sponsor name) in his capacity as Sponsor, herein after referred to as the FIRST PARTY and M/S D.N. INTERNATIONAL NEPAL Overseas Employment Agency Pvt. Ltd. a Company duly registered to deploy manpower from Nepal existing under the laws of Nepal Government with license No.144/056/057 Kathmandu, Nepal and represented by Mr. Mabohang Harish Chandra in his capacity as Chairman herein after referred to as the SECOND PARTY.</p><p>TERMS & CONDITIONS</p><p>1. That the Second Party will make all the arrangement to supply manpower from Nepal, as per the request and specification of First Party. 2. First Party will recruit workers from Nepal through Second Party. 3. First Party will agree to appoint Second Party as its legal representative in Nepal for the purpose of recruiting Nepali workers and will provide Power of Attorney, Demand letter and Employment contract and other related documents for the selected workers. 4. Second Party is responsible for the recruited workers for the first three months medically unfit and refuse to work or any breach of contract respectively. Second Party will bear the expenses for repatriating such worker and make replacement free of charge. 5. First Party shall make arrangements to make visa for the selected workers. 6. First Party will provide free accommodation & all facilities incorporated in the demand letter. 7. This agreement takes effect upon signing thereof by both the parties concerned. 8. Company/ First Party will not provide service charge to the Agency.</p><p>First Party Second Party</p><p>…………………………………………. …………………………………. (your sponsor name) Mr. Mabohang Harish Chandra Sponsor Chairman Your company and Sponsor name D.N. International Nepal Overseas Employment Agency Pvt. Ltd. Date………………………..</p><p>POWER OF ATTORNEY</p><p>KNOW ALL MEANS BY THESE PRESENTS :</p><p>We, your company name ., P.O. Box. (post box number), a registered Company in the state of Qatar holding Commercial Registration No.( your company commercial number) do hereby appoint D.N. INTERNATIONAL NEPAL Overseas Employment Agency Pvt. Ltd., Kathmandu, Nepal a recruitment agency approved by Government of Nepal, Ministry of Labor and Transport Management valid Lic No. 144/056/057 to be our lawful attorney and legal agent in Nepal. The agent shall be respected as our attorney and agent in Nepal in respect of handling, recruiting and processing documentation including all authorities concerned through Protector of Emigrants, Government of Nepal, The Agent can recruit (total number of workers) for employment against visas as per attached list.</p><p>This Power of Attorney is made in relation to our Demand Letter dated (Same as in Demand Letter). Reference your company name./Admin.</p><p>In witness whereof, we have executed this power of attorney on this day (Same as in Demand Letter). in the presence of subscribing witnesses.</p><p>Yours faithfully ( your company sponsor name)</p><p>عقد عمل EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT أنه في يوم ...... الموافق 0000/00/00م On …………………..the 00/00/0000 تم التفاق بين كل من Company Name السادة/ ...... Capacity:Employer ويمثلها/الكفيل :Address Living in Doha Qatar وعنوانه: ...... كطرف اول .……………… Street Name و ………………… .Building No السيد / ...... ……………………… :Area name حامل جواز سفر:...... ……………………… :Electricity No (First Party) وتاشيرة رقم:...... With والمقيم بالعنوان التالي: ...... ………………………… .Mr اسم الشارع:...... ……………… :Capacity رقم السكن:...... ……………Address in Nepal Name of Manpower Company …………………….. اسم المنطقة:...... ……………… :Area Name رقم الكهرباء:...... ………………:.License No كمستخدم أو طرف ثاني Kathmandu أتفق الطرفان علي مايلي: (Second Party) وافق الطرف الثاني علي ان يعمل لدي الطرف الول بمهنة : ...... وراتب شهري أساسي ...... ر قطري. The two parties agreed on the following:</p><p>The second Party agrees to work for the First Party in the occupation of………………….in the State of Qatar with a monthly basic salary of QR……………</p><p>1. DURATION OF CONTRACT</p><p>1. مدة العقد A. The duration of this contract is two Years commencing أ) مدة العقد سنتين من تاريخ مباشرة الطرف الثاني لعمله في from the date of departure from the point of origin. The first three months will be considered a probation period during دولة قطر وتعتبر الشهر الثلثة الولي فترة اختبار يجوز which the First Party has the right to terminate the contract by للطرف الول خللها انهاء العقد بإخطار الطرف الثاني بذلك قبل giving the Second Party three days prior notice. The first ثلثة أيام من تاريخ النتهاء، ويتحمل الطرف الول تكاليف party shall bear repatriation expenses of the Second Party. If إعادته إلي بلده، فإذا اجتاز العامل فترة الختبار بنجاح اعتبر the probationary period is satisfactorily completed, the contract shall be in force for its unexpired term. العقد ساريا للمدة المتبقية منه. وينتهي العقد بإنتهاء مدته دون حاجة إلي اخطار سابق وإذا رغب B. The contract expires at its expiry date without further الطرف الول في استمرار التعاقد وجب عليه اخطار الطرف notification. However, if the First Party wishes to continue الثاني كتابة برغبته في التجديد قبل موعد نهاية العقد بثلثين يوما contracting, he should notify the Second Party in writing about his desire for renewal (30) thirty days at least before the علي القل. expiry date of the contract period. B. C. The contract may not be cancelled before its termination without the consent of the two parties and the Second Party will have to pay before he finally leaves work all his debts (ب) ليجوز إنهاء العقد قبل انتهاء مدته إل بموافقة الطرفين، كما .payable to the First Party يجب علي الطرف الثاني قبل ترك العمل الوفاء بجميع ديونه المستحقة للطرف الول. 2. TRAVEL EXPENSES 2. نفقات السفر (أ) يتحمل الطرف الول نفقات سفر الطرف الثاني من مدينة A. The First Party shall bear the travel expenses of the نيبال إلي مكان العمل بدولة قطر وكذا نفقات عودته إليها. كما Second Party from the city of NEPAL to the work place in يتحمل الطرف الول كذلك نفقات سفر الطرف الثاني ذهابا ً .the State of Qatar, as well as the costs of the return passage The First Party shall also bear the round-trip travel costs of</p><p>وإيابا أثناء فترة الجارة المنصوص عليها في عقد العمل. the Second Party on the leave periods as provided in the ولتشمل هذه النفقات تكاليف استخراج جواز السفر أو دفع اية employment contract. These expenses shall not cover costs of تامينات. .acquiring a passport or payments against any guarantees (ب) يعفي الطرف الول من تحمل نفقات العودة في الحالتين B. The First Party shall be exempted from payment of التاليتين: :return expenses of the worker in the following two cases 1- في حالة الستقالة قبل انتهاء مدة العقد. In case of resignation before the expiry date of the (1 2- في حالة ارتكاب العامل خطا يترتب عليه فصله .contract 2) In the event he commits a breach resulting in his من العمل بدون إنذار ودون منحة مكافأة نهاية الخدمة طبقا dismissal without notice and without a service gratuity in لحكام قوانين العمل القطري. .accordance with the provision of the Qatari Labour Law</p><p>3.القروض:- ADVANCES .3</p><p>(أ) يدفع الطرف الول للطرف الثاني قرضا شخصيا ,A. The First Party shall pay to the person of the second party قيمته...... بالعملة...... قبل سفره إذا رغب في ------if he/she desires an advance of ------in (حدود أخر شهر واحد) يخصم من مستحقات الطرف الثاني علي currency (about the salary of one month) before his traveling اقساط شهرية بواقع 10% (عشرة في المائة) من الراتب from------to Qatar for one time and to be deducted from the dues of the Second Party by monthly installments to الساسي الشهري. .the amount of 10% (Ten Percent) of the basic salary (ب) يبدأ خصم اقساط القرض من اجرة الشهر التالي لبدء عمل الطرف الثاني. B. The deduction of installments shall take effect from the (ج) تسري علي القروض الخري التي تدفع للطرف النثاني بالعملة salary of the month following the start of the work of the Second Party. القطرية احكام الفقرتين السابقتين. C. The preceding two terms are applicable to loans paid to the Second Party in Qatar Currency.</p><p>4. الجر والمكافأة SALARY AND GRATUITY .4</p><p>1) لعمال اليومية والشهرية الجر الساسي قيمته:...... A. For daily and monthly workers: The basic pay is ر قطري شهريا مقابل 8 ساعات يوميا العمل الساسية (QR………..per month against the basic hours of work per (48 day 8 hours (48 hours per week) and the Second Party shall</p><p>ساعة أسبوعيا ويحصل الطرف الثاني علي راحة أسبوعية be entitled a paid weekly rest-day every week. He shall also مدفوعة الجر، في يوم واحد كل أسبوع كما يحصل علي مقابل receive cash payments against overtime will be calculated نقدي لساعات العمل الضافية وفقا لحكام قانون العمل القطري. hour per day for Normal Days and 1.50 per hour on 1.25 ب)- لعمال النتاج أو القطعة:- الجر الساسي قيمته...... مقبل .public holidays انجاز معدل اداء بومي حسب الحرفة أو المهنة كما :B. For workers of production or piece work or task work يلي:...... ويدفع أجر اضافي عن حجم the basic pay is QR...... against a daily performance rate العمل الذي ينجزه الطرف الثاني زيادة عن معدل الداء اليومي :according to the trade or occupation as follows السابق كما يلي:...... وفي حلة عدم وجود عمل Additional pay shall be paid against the volume of work بالنتاج يكون أجر الطرف الثاني هو...... ر. accomplished by the Second Party over the daily performance rate as follows………. </p><p>In the event of absence of any production work the wage of</p><p>ج) يتعهد الطرف الول باثيات ساعات العمل اليومية الضافية وفقا ------.the Second Party shall be QR للفقرة (أ) من هذا البند أو كمية العمل المنجز يوميا وفقا للفقرة (ب) من هذا البد في بطاقة خاصة تسلم في نهاية اليوم للطرف C. The First Party hereby undertakes to enter the overtime as الول للتسجيل. provided for in Para (a) or the quantity of work completed per day according to Para (b) in a special card to be delivered at the end of the working day to the First Party for registration. </p><p>5. مكافأة نهاية الخدمة END OF SERVICE GRATUITY .5 The End of Service Gratuity will be provided by First Party يمنح الطرف الول مكافاة نهاية الخدمة بعد إستكمال مدة سنة وذلك after the successful completion of one year as per Qatari حسب قانون العمل القطري . labour law (Three weeks’ leave pay per year up to five years and four weeks’ leave pay per year for more than five years; and including three weeks’ wages per year up to five years and four weeks’ wages per year for more than five years). 6. السكن والمعيشة اليومية: (أ) يتعهد الطرف الول بتدبير سكن مناسب لعزب مجانا للطرف :ACCOMMODATION AND DAILY LIVING .6 الثاني وأن يزوده بالسرة ودورات المياه المناسبة وفقا للشروط A) The First Party undertakes to provide a free and الصحية. appropriate bachelor accommodation for the use of the (ب) يتعهد الطرف الول بتوفير مياه باردة وصالحة للشرب Second Party to be equipped with beds & suitable bathrooms للطرف الثاني. including Air conditioning in accordance with the appropriate sanitary &health conditions.</p><p>B) The First Party provides the Employee with fresh drinking water and free food.</p><p>7. التنقل TRANSPORTATION .7 يوفر الطرف الول للطرف الثاني وسيلة المواصلت المناسبة من السكن الى مكان العمل وبالعكس. The First Party shall provide the Second Party a free transport from his accommodation to the work place and back. 8. الرعاية الطبية والجتماعية: 8. MEDICAL & SOCIAL CARE يوفر الطرف الول للطرف الثاني العلج علي التعويض المستحق A. The First party shall provide the Second Party with the له عن اصابات العمل والعجز والوفاة التي تنشأ عن العمل أو required medical treatment in accordance with the rules and بسببه طبقا للقوانين القطرية في هذا الشان. .regulations in force in the State of Qatar</p><p>B. The First Party undertakes that the Second Party will receive his payable indemnity for labor injuries, disability or death during work or arising there from according to Qatari Laws in this regard. 9. الجازات: 9. LEAVES: (أ) للطرف الثاني الحق في إجازة سنوية عادية ل تقل مدتها عن ثلث أسابيع بأجر كامل. A) The Second Party is entitled for a normal yearly paid (2) يحصل الطرف الثاني علي أجر كامل في .leave not less than three weeks الجازات الرسمية التية: B) The Second Party shall receive full pay during the - عيد الفطر (ثلثة أيام عمل) :following official holidays - عيد الضحي (ثلثة أيام عمل) - اليوم الوطني (يوم واحد عمل) (Eid Al-Fitre (Three Working Days - كما يحصل الطرف الثاني علي ثلثة أيام عمل بأجر كامل خلل العام (Eid Al-adha (Three working days - - National day (One working day) وهذه اليام يقررها صاحب العمل للعمال جميعا. (ج) يستحق الطرف الثاني اجازة مرضية مدفوعة الجر بعد مضي The second party is also entitled for three workings days ثلثة أشهر متصلة في عمله لدي الطرف الول وتحسب الجازة leave with full pay during the year. These days are decided by المرضية وفقا لحكام قانون العمل. .the First Party for all workers C. The Second Party is entitled for sick leave with pay after three months of continuous service with the First Party in accordance with the Qatari Labor Law.</p><p>10. تصريح القامة: :Resident Permit .10 يتحمل الطرف الول النفقات الخاصة بإصدار تصريح القامة Resident permit will be provided by the First Party free of the للموظف. .cost</p><p>أحكام عامة :General Provisions (1) يتعهد الطرف الثاني باداء عمله طبقا لمتوسطات A. The Second Party undertakes to perform his/her duties ومعدلت الداء اليومية في نفس مهنته وفي حالة عدم in accordance with the average rates of daily performance ادانه لمعدلت الداء اليومية تطبق عليه لئحة known in his occupation. In the event the Second Party failed الجزاءات في هذا الشان. to do so, he/she shall be subject to the table of penalties in this respect, (2) ليجوز للطرف الثاني خلل مدة التعاقد اشتغال لدي B. The Second Party is not permitted, during the contract الغير كما ليحق للطرف الول تشغيل الطرف الثاني period, to work for others, and the First Party shall not have لدى الغيرال في الحوال التي يجيزها قانون العمل. the right to engage the Second Party in any work with other employer unless in cases permissible by Qatari Laws; ج) يتعهد الطرف الثاني بعدم التدخل في الشؤون C. The Second Party shall undertake to refrain from السياسية او الدينية وعليه مراعاة التقاليد interfering or involving himself/herself in any political or والعادات المحلية واحترامها. religious affairs and he/she should observe and respect the local customs and traditions; د) يعتبر قانون العمل القطري الصادر بالقانون رقم D. The Provisions of this contract agreement are governed (14) لسنة 2004م والقرارات المنفذة له by the rules set upon by the Qatari Labor Low No. 14 of the الساس القانوني لنصوص هذا العقد، ويتم الرجوع year 2004 and its executive decisions, and as such they إليه في أي نزاع ينشا بين الطرفين ما لم تكن constitute the basis to resort to in the event of any dispute شروط هذا العقد تتضمن مزايا أفضل للطرف arising between the two parties unless the conditions of contract include more favorable advantages to the Second الثاني. Party.</p><p>ه) يصبح هذا العقد نافذ المفعول بعد تصديق السلطات E. This contract shall come into force after ratification of المختصة علي في الدولتين. .competent authorities in the two countries و) تحرر هذا العقد من ثلثة نسخ اصلية يحفظ صاحب العمل F. This contract is made and issued in three original copies. بحداها وتلم الثانية للعالم وتودع الثالثة إدارة العمل بوزارة العمل. One copy shall be kept by the employer and one copy shall be given to the worker, the third Copy shall be filed at the Ministry of Labour.</p><p>الطرف الول- صاحب العمل </p><p>First Party – Employer</p><p>الطرف الثاني - المستخدم </p><p>Second Party - Employee</p>
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