
<p> One Voice Committee Meeting Minutes 6 th September 2011 – Stallingborough Grange Hotel, Stallingborough</p><p>In Attendance Committee Other Elaine Norton (Chair) John Willis (AAG) Brian Duke (Treasurer) Mrs Bass - Resident Lynne Allen – (Secretary) Sarah Hewins – Resident Corinna Duke (Community Rep) Pat Schofield – Resident Jean Keyworth (Community Rep) Jan Wilson – NELC Health Trainer / Hazel Bell (Stallingborough PC) Resident Mick Upcraft (Community Pride) Thelma Riley – Churches Christian Janet Cowan, (Focus on Community) Centre Jez O’Kane – VANEL Deborah Cooper – Resident Justin Atkin – (Business Rep) Emma Cooper – Resident Christina Letter – Shoreline Kim Hoskins – Time Out George Bass – Older Persons Rep Karen Cook – Time Out Annie Farrow-Smith -Youth Service Sarah Baker – Humberside F&R Doreen Hinds – Pilgrim Rambling Mark Evans – Youth Service Club</p><p>Apologies Received</p><p>Sgt Nick Mortimer – Humberside Police Mick Burton – NELC Ward Councillor Eric Hayes – Resident Lesley Lumbers – Vice Chair Shane Linford – Young Persons Rep/Oasis Tom Hughes</p><p>Actions</p><p>Action Points Action owner Status 1 PARKING HOTPSPOTS JW Ongoing Referred to Margaret Street near Balfour Beatty chippie Civil Parking Enforcement. Roval Drive… near school Allerton School Pelham Rd opp day Nursery Highfield Av /Pelham Rd</p><p>Forum to write to Chief Executive of NELC Deferred at request of Town EN Council Clerk To discuss in person with Chief Exec of NELC No update available Pelham Rd near Day MB</p><p>Nursery parking issue No update. times SH 2 Vulnerable People safety Police NM, Fire SB checks 3 Reedmeer Estate issues JW Footpath . Response from Newark Walk Footpath Balfour no action planned. Hedge.. awaiting a response Newark walk footpath from Shoreline. hedges Land.. Discussing with Land at rear of Resource Academy Centre 4 Bluestone Lane / Church JW Referred to Balfour, Lane vehicle speed response check planned. 5 Immingham to Habrough SH Footpath 6 Review Constitution – JA,SH,BD,JC,JW,EN Subgroup to meet up 7 Consultation re Litter Bins EN 8 Swimming Pool Car Park JW New action. 9 Calendar of Events LL 10 Mobile Noticeboard EN New Action</p><p>Discussion Item Introduction EN opened meeting by stating house rules and explaining procedures for emergencies. Due to the number of attendees there followed a quick introduction of the attendees, Apologies Apologies – listed above and Welcomes Matters Parking Hotspots – suggested that EN to formally write to Tony Hunter, Chief Arising and Executive of NELC with concerns. This is to be put on hold as EN is awaiting Agreement further updates from Cllr Mick Burton. of Previous Londis – EN has spoke to Doreen Hinds and a letter is to be sent to the Resident. Minutes The minutes were therefore agreed as true and accurate account and designed by the Management Committee. Matters Reports had been circulated prior to the meeting. Arising from No matters arising from the report. Reports Immingham The Chair introduced an additional agenda item: Skate Park After meeting with Dave Jackson (ITC), EN has become aware of discrepancy of Additional the funding of the skatepark. 11% of the funding received from WREN is to be Funding paid back. This is approximated £5,000 – therefore there is a shortfall of £5,000. The young people involved in the project have raised £2,400 and therefore EN is asking the committee to provided £2,600 as One Voice funding for the project. BD raised the query if One Voice were to fund the full £2,600 as £1,000 was </p><p> being donated for ITC/Conoco. EN said that this donation would provide a reserve to cover the additional costs such as signage and insurance premiums. However BD confirmed that there is the money required held in the miscellaneous fund to cover the donation. EN asked for the committee to vote on the issue tonight as the company has already been commissioned and the building start date for the project is January 2012. Brief discussion was held between the members discussing this. Vote was held For – 12 Against – 2 The majority voted for the proposal that OV commit this amount to the project therefore it was agreed proposal carried that One Voice will commit to providing the additional funding required £2,600 Corporate JW has been looking at the history and future of One Voice. The corporate style of the Status of the group is different from other forums. Further discussions took place with regard to OV Group role in the community, corporate status, what OV hopes to achieve. Consideration of the future path of OV</p><p>JW - To the ordinary person it does not seem that One Voice is an open meeting – the constitution states that there are only a few open meetings a year this gives the impression/perception that One Voice is a closed committee. This may be alienating to residents considering taking part in the meetings. The constitution needs to reflect the aims of OV. Consideration of future corporate status, whether it is Limited by Guarantee, Social Enterprise, Charity, needs to be agreed prior to these changes.</p><p>JA – discussed how the constitution was developed with the assistance of Jane Mansfield, former AAG. A recent workshop undertaken by members has already agreed that the constitution needed to be reviewed and outcomes for this workshop have already been circulated to the committee.</p><p>EN – All points of action re the change to the constitution need to be minuted and agreed. The constitution should reflect the role of OV and aims. </p><p>EN – form a Sub Group to review the constitution. Asked for members to participate. JA, SH, BD, JW and EN all volunteered.</p><p>Discussion around the change of venues and if this was beneficial to OV work.</p><p>BD – amount attending from different areas was negligible. Feel it would be better to look at a regular venue for the meeting.</p><p>EN – proposal to hold meetings at one venue. Vote was taken. For – 14 Against – no votes</p><p>EN – proposal carried. To come into effect as of January 2012 as all meetings for 2011 have been arranged and publicised. </p><p>SH – does not believe that a council building should be the venue as OV could be </p><p> perceived as another council meeting.</p><p>EN - Committee welcomes any suggestion of venue. Please email your suggestions for discussion at the next meeting.</p><p>Discussions referred back to corporate status with the different advantages/disadvantages of each status. This is with regard to being accessible to apply for particular funding sources and the amount held in the OV bank account. Liability limitations for OV and the trustees/committee members.</p><p>BD has already started this process after receiving advice from CERT and VANEL. </p><p>Currently the status is applied for a Company Limited by Guarantee and from there to apply for Charitable Status.</p><p>The name registered with Companies House is ‘One Voice Immingham District – trading as One Voice’.</p><p>BD is the only appointed Director at this moment; however other members can be added as Directors.</p><p>BD has written to Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs that although the company is registered it is not currently up and running but could be at the end of the year.</p><p>BD – it is also possible to deregister as a Company with Limited Status if this avenue is not agreed by the Committee.</p><p>EN – asked if anybody had enough understanding of the different statuses who was prepared to be named as a Director of OV. SH JA and JC were all willing to. Further discussion will be held within the subgroup meeting to discuss the constitution. Email will be sent to agree a date for this.</p><p>How We JW – has looked at the format of how we currently record the business of the meeting. He Record the distributed an example minutes and action plan. Business of the Meeting Discussion was held around actions that were specific to OV or statutory bodies, how residents can raise their issues. </p><p>Discussion over the proposed change to the minutes, in particular the action tracker at the start of the minutes.</p><p>SH – feels that we need the date and the colour code for the status of the action.</p><p>EN – this is something that can be done. The colour code will change if it is not actioned from the previous meeting. Further discussion to these proposed changes and asked for feedback on views. Members were to look at the samples and state if they wished to continue format or adapt changes.</p><p>Action Plan Parking Hotspots – JW updated within his report. No change. </p><p> and Allocation of Police/Fire Initiative - SB updated within her report. She gave further explanation to the New mosaic approach in use for identifying vulnerable people. Priorities Lack of Provision for Young People – AFS updated the group advising them that the mapping exercise is complete. Emma Crooks, Family Information Services Officer, has listed what is available within this area for 0-19 year olds. She will be working to promote these services. Information can be accessed on www.nelc.gov.uk and via Family Information Service contact number 0800 183 0317. It is the responsibility of FIS to update this information so please inform if there is anything omitted from the list.</p><p>Launch of Think Family will be at Immingham Oasis Academy on 13th September 2011 from 3pm to 5pm. It will be productive for OV members to attend. This will give a better picture how OV work will link in with FIS.</p><p>The new neighbourhood profile of the area is out on Thursday; information contained within this profile can help OV with statistics to evidence issues and apply for future funding.</p><p>AFS will give a further presentation at a future meeting.</p><p>JC – concerned that similar work has been done prior and we have a ‘been there, done that’ attitude. How will it be different this time?</p><p>AFS – different groups involved in the process. Community engagement is key to the success of this.</p><p>EN – how can OV assist/support FIS.</p><p>AFS – getting the message out and increasing community engagement/consultations.</p><p>Habrough Playpark – JK consultation has been carried out, 25 response; happy to proceed. Clerk currently looking at costings. At this point no further support is needed from OV.</p><p>Skatepark – already covered in additional agenda item 5.</p><p>Reedmeer Estate Issues Footpath issues, Land clearance, Hedge clearing</p><p>JW updated within his report. In addition land mapping has been carried out with reference to the land clearance issue. The land belongs to Oasis Academy.</p><p>Grit – No change. Currently awaiting NELC winter programme.</p><p>Bluestone Lane Road Watch – JW updated within his report.</p><p>Press Releases – EN reminded members to forward any publications to herself or Amy Wood but to ensure that if sent direct to AW then EN is copied in to avoid duplication.</p><p>Website – EN to meet with RW to look at systems in place for updating the information.</p><p>Referral Process - further discussion to this system not being productive. Boxes are situation in Habrough and Stallingborough are to remain in place. Leaflets will be updated and an option to drop at the Civic Centre using our C/O address. These forms will be continued to be utilised at public events.</p><p>Potential Initiatives Gardening Volunteer Scheme Discussion with Jez O’Kane re the gardening volunteer scheme. This is an on-going project but although no further help from OV at the moment JOK has requested that it remain on the action plan.</p><p>Youth Club, Stallingborough EN - updated that contact details had been passed on to HB.</p><p>ME – Outreach team (Rachael and Catherine) had been working on this. They have been invited to the next Parish Council meeting on 14th September 2011.</p><p>Discussion followed with regard to the provision of a youth club and the facilities. </p><p>Deborah Cooper – introduced herself as someone looking to establish the youth club and was attending the meeting to gain support/knowledge with reference to NELC input, facilities etc. Hoping to engage approximately 40- 50 children of secondary school age. To be held on a fortnightly basis on a Friday until Christmas. </p><p>EN – have you carried out consultations to support funding applications?</p><p>DC – no formal consultation has been carried out but there has been lots of verbal feedback to show interest from the teenagers.</p><p>SH – suggested that NELC could support with.</p><p>EN – suggested that they meet with ME to progress with this. If any help required with funding application then OV can assist.</p><p>ME – can arrange to meet up,</p><p>AFS – if require statistics, she can assist.</p><p>Additional Issues for Action Plan</p><p>EN – several feedback forms from the Family Fun Day stated that they felt there was a requirement for more bins in the town. EN has spoken to ITC regarding this and they said that if we can evidence a genuine need for more bins within the town they can access more funding for the bins.</p><p>JA – suggested that we use the current employees of ITC to inform where there are problematic areas.</p><p>TR – discussed problems has experienced over the years regarding litter collecting and causing problems near to her home.</p><p>CL – advised that there had been previous issues regarding litter on Shoreline land however has been resolved and an agreement with ITC to litter pick Shoreline area has been made.</p><p>BD – if the main area is the Kennedy Way Shopping Centre then there is nothing ITC can do as it is the property of the landlord. </p><p>EN – raised the issue regarding the car park at the swimming pool. This has been raised by Mary Clark. JW will take ownership of this action.</p><p>EN – attended the In Bloom meeting and received feedback from Stuart Swinburn with regard to Gatehouse. Gatehouse feel isolated and that they are not part of the community and would like support to be integrated more. EN to contact them to see what they are interested in becoming involved in; TR is to pass on contact details to EN.</p><p>Public 7/9/2011 – Bangladesh Event at Immingham Oasis Events 8/9/2011 – Ladies Fashion Show, Civic Centre – monies raised to go to Mayor’s charities. 13/9/2011 – CAF launch 17/9/2011 – Murder Mystery Evening, Trinity Hall, Immingham 29/9/2011 – In Bloom Awards Evening, Civic Centre. EN advised the group that she had been asked if OV are interested in presenting an award at this night. Suggestion of ‘Community Project of the Year Award’ with nominations from projects that OV have funded. Group agreed this was something they wished to do. SH to order trophy. </p><p>AFS – public events can be publicised through FIS website.</p><p>Sub-Group Funding Updates EN - advised members that an application to Natwest Funding has been submitted to link in with the In Bloom project for next year. Further information will be provided for this once it has gone through the first stage.</p><p>EN – advised JA that a funding sub-group was formed at the last meeting and asked him if he would be happy to join this sub-group as Business Representative to further his links. JA agreed.</p><p>Studio – 1</p><p>JA – Studio 1 was established as a 2 year project and just over a year has been completed. There was an agreement with Immage Studios to hold the cinema nights there. However due to reorganisation within the college, Immage is relocating to the main site and the facility is reverting to NELC. Immage are vacating by the end of this year, if not sooner.</p><p>On that note we have obtained costings to strip down the equipment and relocate. To strip down will be £950 +vat and to relocate will be between £1000 to £2000+vat depending on new facility and the equipment already there. If the civic centre sound system is adequate there may be a reduced costs </p><p>BD to meet with Dan (from Oasis) to try and obtain a lower quote.</p><p>EN – ITC to meet to confirm that they are happy to do this. Once it has been formalised it would be productive to gain three quotations and approach ITC for assistance in funds to relocate Studio 1.</p><p>AOB Natwest</p><p>BD - Natwest employees are encouraged to participate in voluntary work. Are there any suggestions on how we can utilise the volunteers.</p><p>Members suggested possibly linking up with Gatehouse.</p><p>JC- Road Safety Training requires assistance with Cycling Proficiency throughout the local schools.</p><p>SB – advised that the Fire Brigade have qualified cycling proficiency officers, they may be able to approach for assistance.</p><p>EN – advised the group that at the next meeting there will be a presentation regarding the ‘Be Prepared for Winter Strategy’. Leaflets distributed.</p><p>Treasurers Report Funds in the bank account total £23,854.06.</p><p>Noticeboards £439.26 Skatepark £2,415.10 Miscellaneous £10,243.43 In Bloom £8,526.03 Cinema £2,230.24</p><p>EN – OV members attending any public events should be working to raise a positive profile of OV within the area. Suggestion that a mobile noticeboard can be used for this; members should take responsibility for collecting and returning this board and responding to any enquiries about OV within the event. This noticeboard can be stored at the Civic Centre and each member can add a flyer to the board with their own name, and with possibly a photo, saying for further information ask…..</p><p>This was agreed to be a good idea. EN to put the board together. To assist members in doing this an events calendar should be compiled. Lesley Lumbers has previously agreed to co-ordinate this, EN to follow this through to update progress.</p><p>SH – asked if there was a Christmas Event or a Halloween Party.</p><p>EN – responded that they are hoping to organise a Christmas Event and looking at plans for this very soon. ITC are holding a Halloween Party which we will link in with to avoid duplication.</p><p>Meeting closed.</p><p>Next Tuesday 4th October 2011, 6pm at Immingham Civic Centre Meeting</p><p>Signed as a true and accurate record of the meeting</p><p>Name </p><p>Role </p><p>Signature </p><p>Date </p>
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