Grammar & Vocabulary

Grammar & Vocabulary

<p> Grammar & Vocabulary</p><p>Action Words!</p><p> Subject pronouns  ER verbs  2 verbs in one sentence  Questions (est-ce que, inversion & question words)  Useful words & adverbs  Être  Regular adjectives & agreement  Faire & faire expressions</p><p>Je m’appelle______</p><p>1 Replace! Replace! SUBJECT PRONOUNS Replace!</p><p>What is a noun? __Person, place, thing, (idea)______</p><p>What is a pronoun?__A pronoun replaces a noun.______</p><p>What is the subject of a sentence?___The noun or pronoun doing the action in the sentence.___</p><p>Underline the subject in the following sentences:</p><p>1. Valerie is going to the store. subject pronoun: ______</p><p>2. My dog likes to eat ice cream. subject pronoun: ______</p><p>3. Joel and Ray are going to the movies. subject pronoun: ______</p><p>4. They like to play ping-pong.</p><p>5. Do you know how to speak French?</p><p>6. Where are we going for dinner?</p><p>7. You are my best friend.</p><p>8. The book is on the table. subject pronoun: _It____</p><p>9. My watch doesn’t work. subject pronoun: _It____</p><p>10. Jackie and Denise are going shopping. subject pronoun: _They____</p><p>The “he, Fish it” 2 SUBJECT PRONOUNS</p><p>Singular Plural______je = ___I____ (j’ = elision before vowel) nous = __we______tu = __you____ (informal/familiar) vous = __you______(plural/polite) il = __he, it____ *ils = ___They (masculine)___ elle = _she, it____ elles = _They (feminine)____ on = __one (everyone) *ils form is used for groups of boys & girls</p><p>Replace the following subjects (nouns) with subject pronouns:</p><p>1. Marie = ______2. Claude = ______</p><p>3. Anne et Sophie = ______4. Charlotte et André =______</p><p>5. Sabrina et moi = ______6. One = ______</p><p>7. Marc et Bernard = ______8. Le livre = ______</p><p>9. La fille = ______10. Les cahiers = ______</p><p>11. Le garcon = ______12. le pupitre = ______</p><p>13. Les touristes =______14. la chaise = ______</p><p>15. Ma soeur = ______16. Ton frère = ______</p><p>17. la fenêtre = ______18. les animaux = ______</p><p>19. une affiche = ______20. un stylo = ______</p><p>3 La Chanson des Pronoms Sujets!</p><p>It is very important to learn not only what the subject pronouns mean, but also their order! This song will help with both!!</p><p>JE is I TU is YOU IL HE ELLE is SHE.</p><p>ON means ONE NOUS is WE And VOUS can mean YOU ALL.</p><p>ILS is THEY (ELLES is THEY!) ILS is THEY (ELLES is THEY!) And VOUS can also mean YOU FORMAL, hey!</p><p>Now repeat!!!!</p><p>4 PRESENT TENSE OF VERBS</p><p>Nouns and pronouns are rarely used by themselves, because we always talk about what the person or thing is doing. So…they are followed by a VERB.</p><p>VERB:___an action word______Verb Examples:__run, jump,skip, gallop, swim, hit, fall______</p><p>In English, a verb may consist of one or more words. Underline the verbs in the following sentences: </p><p>1. His parents are buying him a new bicycle. 2. Exercise helps the circulation of the blood. 3. We receive the mail at 3:00. 4. Snow is falling on the city. 5. The waiter is keeping the change. 6. These musicians generally play jazz. Verbalicious! 7. I am voting for the best candidate. 8. The class is watching an excellent film today. 9. They understand French. 10.Alison shares her candy with her brother.</p><p>Which tense are all of the above sentences? ______</p><p>THE TENSE OF A VERB REFERS TO… __It is the time the action takes place - past, present, future ______</p><p>5 ER VERBS</p><p>In French, there are 3 types of regular verbs (ER, IR, RE). Verbs are grouped according to their endings. Most French verbs belong to the regular “ER” group. </p><p>REGULAR VERB: ____It follows a pattern _____</p><p>INFINITIVE: It is the unconjugated (unchanged) form of the verb. It is preceeded with “to” in English, and ends in “er” in French.</p><p>CONJUGATE: Change the verb (ending) to match the subject. </p><p>THERE ARE 3 FORMS TO THE VERB: 1. l’infinitif = infinitive 2. la racine = root/stem **never changes 3. la terminaison = endings (always change to match the subject)</p><p>EXAMPLE</p><p>To give = donner 1. donner = l’infinitif 2. donn = la racine 3. er = la terminaison</p><p>Try this one… To sing = chanter 1. l’infinitif = 2. la racine = 3. la terminaison =</p><p>6 ER VERB CONJUGATIONS</p><p> Remember…you must conjugate, or change the verb endings, to match the subject of the sentence.  In English, we also make changes to the verb. “I give.” vs. “He gives.”</p><p>First, we need a subject…let’s review our subject pronouns: je= __I_____ nous=__we______tu= ___you___ vous= __you______il= __he______ils= ___they______elle= __she___ elles= __they______on= _one______</p><p>NOW, we have to conjugate a verb to match our subjects. Follow the steps below: 1. DROP THE ‘ER’ FROM THE INFINITIVE 2. ADD THE CORRECT ENDING (TERMINAISON) THAT MATCHES THE SUBJECT GIVEN</p><p>Danser = to dance (Infinitive) 1. drop ER from infinitive (dans) 2. add the following endings: je __e_____ nous __ons______tu __es_____ vous __ez______il ___e_____ ils ___ent______elle _e______elles __ent______on ___e_____</p><p>***Now, YOU TRY!! Danser = to dance je ______nous ______tu ______vous ______il, elle, on ______ils, elles ______</p><p>7 CONJUGATIONS AND TRANSLATION</p><p>***IN ENGLISH, THE ACTION MAY BE EXPRESSED USING MORE THAN ONE VERB. FOR EXAMPLE: SHE IS READING A BOOK. HOWEVER IN FRENCH, ACTIONS ARE EXPRESSED USING ONLY ONE VERB. SEE THE DIFFERENCE BELOW:</p><p>French: Je danse. French: Il invite. English: (3 ways!) English: (3 ways!) 1. I dance. 1. He invites 2. I do dance. 2. He does invite 3. I am dancing. 3. He is inviting</p><p>***CONJUGATE, THEN TRANSLATE (REMEMBER, YOU CAN TRANSLATE IT 3 DIFFERENT WAYS INTO ENGLISH!) STEPS 1. DROP THE ‘ER’ FROM THE INFINITVE</p><p>2. ADD THE ENDING THAT MATCHES THE SUBJECT</p><p>French English</p><p>1. (rester = to stay) Tu ______.</p><p>2. (regarder = to watch) Nous ______.</p><p>3. (jouer= to play) Il ______.</p><p>4. (écouter= to listen) J’ ______. </p><p>5. (penser = to think) Vous ______.</p><p>6. (habiter = to live) Ma tante et mon cousin ______à Paris. 8 REGULAR ER VERBS</p><p>1. arriver = to 13. aimer = to 24. montrer = to </p><p> arrive like/love show</p><p>2. donner = to give 14. chanter = to sing 25. danser = to </p><p>3. inviter = to 15. dîner = to dine dance</p><p> invite 16. téléphoner = to 26. étudier = to </p><p>4. skier = to ski call study</p><p>5. jouer = to play 17. porter = to 27. marcher = to </p><p>6. demander = to wear/carry walk/function</p><p> ask 18. rester = to stay 28. tourner = to </p><p>7. parler = to 19. manger = to eat turn</p><p> speak/ to talk 20.travailler = to 29. oublier = to </p><p>8. habiter = to live work forget</p><p>9. visiter = to visit 21. regarder = to 30. aider = to help</p><p>10. continuer = to watch/look at 31. chercher = to </p><p> continue 22. écouter = to look for/search</p><p>11. entrer = to listen (to) 32. fermer = to </p><p> enter 23. traverser = to close</p><p>12. rentrer = to cross 33. trouver = to </p><p> return find 9 34. penser = to 42. fêter = to 50. déjeuner = to </p><p> think celebrate eat lunch</p><p>35. fumer = to 43. prêter = to lend</p><p> smoke 44. coûter = to cost</p><p>36. désirer = to 45. apporter = to </p><p> want/desire bring</p><p>37. sonner = to ring 46. gagner = to win **VERBS ENDING </p><p>38. compter = to 47. retourner = to IN –GER MUST </p><p> count return KEEP THE ‘E’ IN </p><p>39. pleurer = to cry 48. commencer= to THE NOUS FORM </p><p>40. voyager = to start ONLY:</p><p> travel 49. organizer = to Nous mangeons.</p><p>41. nager = to swim organize Nous voyageons.</p><p>Nous nageons.</p><p>10 NEGATION…NOT!</p><p>When negating a sentence (expressing “not”), use the following construction:</p><p>___Subject______+ __ne______+ ___verb_____+ __pas___+ __R.O.S._____ Before a vowel: ___n’______(collision = elision!!!)</p><p>******The “ne…pas” always goes around the verb!</p><p>Examples:</p><p>1. English: My brother does not eat grapefruit. French: Mon frère ne mange pas de pamplemousse. </p><p>2. Your sister is not helping.</p><p>3. My friend’s dog does not swim.</p><p>4. French class does not start at 3:00.</p><p>5. My dad and my uncle are not watching TV. </p><p>6. We do not like the rain.</p><p>11 2 VERBS IN THE SAME SENTENCE</p><p>You can have two verbs in the same sentence :</p><p>Example : I like to eat pizza. </p><p>The conjugated verb is : like The infinitive is : to eat</p><p>Translate the above sentence in to French using the following construction:</p><p>__Subject+__verb (conjugated)_+_infinitive (er)_+_ROS_</p><p>**remember, you only conjugate the FIRST verb !</p><p>Translate the following sentences:</p><p>1. She likes to swim every day.</p><p>2. We want to study tomorrow.</p><p>NEGATION: PUT THE</p><p>NE…PAS AROUND THE 3. I love to dance. He does not like to dance. _first (conjugated)__</p><p>VERB!!!!!!! 4. Do you want to count with me ?</p><p>5. My brother continues to watch TV. 12 LES QUESTIONS – PARTIE 1</p><p>I. YES/NO QUESTIONS  THE EXPRESSION USED IS ‘EST-CE QUE’  IT CAN BE “TRANSLATED” AS _Do, Does, Is, Are______AT THE BEGINNING OF A QUESTION.</p><p>CONSTRUCTION: __Est-ce que______+__subject______+___verb______+___ROS______BEFORE A VOWEL = __Est-ce qu’______</p><p>Make the following statements in to questions:</p><p>1. Vous skiez en hiver. Est-ce que vous skiez en hiver? 2. Tu écoutes la radio.</p><p>3. Is he French?</p><p>4. Do they (f) eat snails?</p><p>II. TAG QUESTIONS  USED AT THE END OF A QUESTION WHEN EXPRESSING SOME DOUBT.  ENGLISH EQUIVALENT IS _right? don’t you? doesn’t he?__  THE EXPRESSION USED IS ‘N’EST-CE PAS’</p><p>CONSTRUCTION:</p><p>___Subject_____+__verb______+___ROS______+_,n’est-ce pas?______</p><p>Practice:</p><p>1. She plays soccer, right? </p><p>2. The students are studying, aren’t they? </p><p>13 3. You are arriving in Paris today, right? Mots utiles (useful expressions)</p><p>1. à – to, at, in</p><p>2. de – of, from, about</p><p>3. et - and</p><p>4. ou – or </p><p>5. avec - with</p><p>6. pour – for</p><p>7. mais – but</p><p>The following words are adverbs (they describe ‘how’ you do something). In French, the adverb goes right after the verb. Add it after the verb…add-verb…get it? Adverb? HA! English: I always play volleyball. French: Je joue toujours au volley.</p><p>8. bien – well</p><p>9. très bien – very well</p><p>10. mal - poorly</p><p>11. beaucoup – a lot</p><p>12. un peu – a little</p><p>13. souvent – often</p><p>14. toujours – always</p><p>15. aussi – also</p><p>16. maintenant – now 14 17. rarement – rarely</p><p>LE VERBE “ÊTRE”</p><p>The verb “être” is an irregular verb, meaning it does not follow the same pattern as most verbs when conjugated.</p><p>Être = ___to be______je = __suis____(am)__ nous = ___sommes____(are)___ Don’t forget… tu = ___es____(are)_ vous = ___êtes____(are)_____ These are all forms of the il = ___est____(is)_ ils = ___sont_____(are)_____ VERB être! elle = ___est___(is)__ elles = ___sont_____(are)_____ on =___est___(is)___</p><p>IMPORTANT!!!!! YOU CAN ONLY USE ÊTRE WITH… ___adjectives______AND ___locations______!</p><p>YOU NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER….USE IT WITH ANOTHER VERB!!!!!!!!! (no helping verbs)!!!!!</p><p>Examples: WRONG!!</p><p>1. English: She is eating a sandwich. French: Elle mange un sandwich. NEVER: Elle est mange un sandwich.</p><p>2. English: I am studying French. French: J’étudie le français.</p><p>3. You (familiar) are nice. 5. I am smart in school.</p><p>4. They (m) are in class. 6. We are athletic. . REMEMBER: When negating, the “ne…pas” always goes around the verb! 15 Elle est américaine. Elle n’est pas française. </p><p>Les adjectives et être!</p><p>In French, most adjectives come _AFTER_ the noun they describe. Adjectives also must agree in __GENDER___and ___NUMBER____.</p><p>Il est petit.Examples: Il est grand. English: She is a kind girl. English: They(m) are not mean boys. French: Elle est une fille gentille. French: Ils ne sont pas les garcons méchants.</p><p> brun(e) – brunette/brown-haired triste – sad</p><p> blond(e) – blond content(e)- happy</p><p> amusant(e) – amusing/fun fort(e) – strong</p><p> intelligent(e) – smart faible – weak</p><p> intéressant(e) – interesting laid(e) – ugly</p><p> méchant(e) – mean sportif/sportive – athletic</p><p> bête – silly/stupid moyen/moyenne – average</p><p> sympathique – nice *grand(e) – big/tall</p><p> timide – shy *petit(e) – small/short</p><p> gentil/gentille – kind *beau/belle – handsome/beautiful</p><p> rigolo- funny *joli(e)- pretty</p><p> mignon/mignonne – cute *jeune – young</p><p> maigre – thin Les Adverbes</p><p> gros/grosse - fat assez – rather 16 trop - too très - very</p><p>LES QUESTIONS – PARTIE 2</p><p>III. INFORMATION QUESTIONS  REQUIRE MORE THAN A YES/NO ANSWER  ASKING FOR ____specific______INFORMATION!  USE QUESTION WORDS (QW), JUST LIKE ENGLISH!</p><p>CONSTRUCTION: __Question word__+___est-ce que___+__subject___+__verb__+ __ROS___?</p><p>QUESTION WORDS: OÙ = __Where?______QU’EST-CE QUE____What?__(QUE) ___ no est-ce que with qu’est-ce que POURQUOI= __Why?______PARCE QUE = __because____ QUI = __Who?______AVEC QUI= __With whom?_____ À QUI = __To whom?______DE QUI= __From/about whom?____ POUR QUI= __For whom?______COMMENT = __How?______QUAND = ____When?______À QUELLE HEURE = ___At what time?______COMBIEN = ___How much?______</p><p>Translate: 1. Pourquoi est-ce que tu visites le musée?</p><p>2. Quand est-ce qu’il mange le déjeuner?</p><p>3. Où est-ce que ta sœur habite?</p><p>4. What do you like to do in the summer?</p><p>5. Who are the girls talking about?</p><p>6. How do we return home?</p><p>17 To the Jingle Bells tune… OÙ IS WHERE, QU’EST-CE QUE ‘S WHAT, POURQUOI WHY, QUI WHO, COMMENT MEANS HOW, QUAND IS WHEN, AND EST-CE QUE DOES OR DO… OH…</p><p>18 Les Questions D’information</p><p>Information questions:  Questions that require RESPONSES WITH SPECIFIC INFORMATION  Use the following construction to form information questions:</p><p>__QW__+__EST-CE QUE__+_SUBJECT_+_VERB__+_ROS ?_</p><p>Question Word English Common Response</p><p>1. Où Where Place 2.Qu’est-ce que What Thing or activity 3.Pourquoi Why Reason (parce que…) 4. Qui Who Person 5.Avec qui With whom With Person 6. À qui To whom To a Person 7.De qui From/about whom From or about a Person 8.Pour qui For whom For a Person 9.Comment How Explanation 10.Quand When Time/date 11.Combien How much Number 12.À quelle heure At what time Time</p><p>**Do not use est-ce que with ___Qu’est-ce que!!!______</p><p>**est-ce que is often (but not always!) omitted when using the verb __être ______, and with the question word __Qui (as the subject)__.</p><p>Examples: 1. Quand est la boum? 19 2. À quelle heure est le match? 3. Qui aime le poulet? BUT…Qui est-ce que tu invites ?</p><p>INVERSION – L es Questions - PARTIE 3</p><p>Inversion is another way of forming a __question______.  STEP 1: GET RID OF _est-ce que____  STEP 2: IDENTIFY YOUR __subject____ AND _verb______.  STEP 3: NOW SWITCH THEM!  STEP 4: ADD A __-___ TO LINK THEM TOGETHER  STEP 5: ALL OTHER PARTS OF THE QUESTION STAY THE SAME! (QW IS ALWAYS FIRST, ROS IS ALWAYS LAST!)</p><p>CONSTRUCTION:</p><p>(____QW____) + __verb_-_subject______+__ROS?___</p><p>Examples: Aimes-tu les escargots? Do you like snails ? Où voyageons-nous? Where are/do we travel? Quand arrivent-elles à l’école? When do they arrive at school ? **Normally, you do NOT invert “je” (there are some exceptions…for example, “Puis-je aller aux toilettes?”)</p><p>**Qu’est-ce que becomes _Que______**ONLY __pronouns____ CAN BE INVERTED, NOT NOUNS!!! **When inverting with __il____, _elle______, __on_____ : you must add a ___-t-______between the verb and subject.</p><p>Examples: Joue-t-il au volley? Travaille-t-elle au magasin? Pourquoi étudie-t-on le français? 20 Practice: 1. Do you ski in the winter? </p><p>2. At what time does he like to swim? NEW IRREGULAR VERB…FAIRE!!!</p><p>Faire = __to do/to make______</p><p>Je __fais____ Nous _faisons______Tu __fais____ Vous __faites_____ Il,Elle__fait_____ Ils,Elles_font______</p><p>FAIRE EXPRESSIONS (LES IDIOMES) 1. faire un voyage- to take a trip 9. faire le ménage-to do housework</p><p>2. faire une promenade- to take a walk 10. faire les devoirs-to do homework</p><p>3. faire une visite à- to pay a visit 11. faire des courses- to grocery shop</p><p>4. faire un match- to play a game 12. faire des projets- to make plans</p><p>5. faire attention à- to pay attention 13. faire des progrès - to make progress</p><p>6. faire la cuisine- to cook 14. faire de son mieux - to do one’s best</p><p>7. faire la vaisselle- to do the dishes 15. faire du shopping- to shop</p><p>8. faire la valise- to pack your bags 16. faire des achats- to shop</p><p>PRACTICE:</p><p>2. I am taking a walk with my brother.</p><p>3. The students are doing homework. </p><p>4. We pay attention in math class.</p><p>5. My sister is doing the dishes. 21 6. What are you doing now? (Translate, then answer in French!!) (replace faire with what you are actually DOING ! Only use faire if it is a faire expression. (Je fais regarde la télé…is incorrect!!!!)</p><p>22</p>

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