Penwortham Town Council s1

Penwortham Town Council s1

<p> 120 PENWORTHAM TOWN COUNCIL</p><p>Meeting of the Council held at the Penwortham Community Centre, Kingsfold Drive, Penwortham at 7.30pm on Tuesday 3 March 2015. </p><p>Present: The Mayor, Councillor Ms S Prynn (in the chair).</p><p>Councillors D Bretherton, Mrs J Burrows, Mrs D Gardner, M Gardner, H Hancock, Mrs J Hothersall, D Howarth, AE Pimblett, Mrs R Robinson, Miss A Turner, Mrs C Wooldridge, D Wooldridge and Mrs L Woollard. </p><p>Members of the public: 15 </p><p>In attendance: Steve Caswell - Town Manager</p><p>PC Matt Moon PC Paul Gillfoyle </p><p>132. Apologies for Absence</p><p>Apologies for absence were received from Councillors L Read, S Robinson and R Taylor</p><p>133. Minutes of the Last Meeting</p><p>RESOLVED: that the minutes of the meeting held on 3 February 2015 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor. </p><p>134. Declarations of Interest </p><p>Councillor Mrs D A Gardner declared a personal interest, as a member of the Borough Council’s Planning Committee, in the Development Control item (minute no. 140) but was able, under the Members’ Code of Conduct, to remain in the meeting and take part in the discussion and voting. </p><p>135. Communications by the Town Mayor</p><p>The Mayor reported on the following forthcoming Mayoral events and encouraged people to take part:</p><p> i) 15th March 2015, a “Go Wild in the Park” event arranged by the Friends of Hurst Grange Park at Hurst Grange Park ii) 23rd March 2015, an Italian night to be held at Salvatore’s Ristorante on behalf of the Mayoral Charities. iii) 11th April 2015, a sponsored cycle ride around the Guild Wheel in aid of the Mayoral Charities</p><p>The Mayor also indicated that she is available and willing to attend events throughout the community during the forthcoming months </p><p>The Caring Council – Putting People First 121 136. Town Manager’s Report i) CEMETERY & WAR MEMORIAL </p><p>New paths have been laid to the new cremated remains section at the cemetery enabling easier access to this area. Child Action NorthWest have started helping out at Hill Road again, trimming hedges, leveling graves and general cleaning of the site are all jobs they have been doing and will continue to do throughout the forthcoming months. ii) COMMUNITY CENTRE</p><p>Work will commence on decorating the back hall on Wednesday 4th March. The hall will be repainted and any walls requiring so will be filled and repaired. New furniture, sofa, chairs etc and equipment for the youth clubs will also be provided. Sutty’s Shooting Stars and Barclays Bank will provide the funding and the labour to complete the works. The new outdoor gym equipment will be installed on Monday 16th March to the rear of the community centre. The new equipment has been purchased through an Awards For All lottery grant. iii) LENGTHS’PERSON’ SCHEME</p><p>Any elected members or members of the public should contact Penwortham Town Council officers in the first instance should they feel works needed could be carried out by the town’s Lengthsman. The role of the Lengthsman is to carry out works over and above the statutory obligations of the borough and county councils.</p><p>Recent Lengthsman Works;  Liverpool Road – litter pick  Fryer Close – clear ditch  Howick Moor Drive – littler pick  FP 59 – Skew Bridge – litter pick  Abbot Meadow – clear stream  Holme Road – Litter pick  Howick Cross Lane – check footpath signs iv) POLICE “In the Know” updates</p><p>These are the current notifications from the local police through the “In the Know” network. To register for these emails directly to your home please go to </p><p>Mike Sampson (Police , Sgt, Bamber Bridge)</p><p>Officers from the South Ribble Neighbourhood Team carried out an operation today in response to the rise in burglaries in South Ribble where push bikes were targeted. A local male was arrested at an address in Howick and 2 lock up units were searched. A large quantity of push bikes were recovered. One of the units had been converted into a workshop where these push bikes were stripped down, re-sprayed and put back together with different parts. Whilst this should put a stop to a very serious problem in the area, identifying the true </p><p>The Caring Council – Putting People First 122 owners of the bikes is proving very difficult. We are doing our best to identify the bikes and have enlisted the help of a bike expert to help us. If we are still finding it difficult to identify the bikes, (some of which are very expensive) then we will announce a day when you can come in and view the bikes and see if any of the parts / frames / tyres belong to a bike that you have had stolen</p><p>Action Fraud (Action Fraud, Administrator, National)</p><p>Scam postcards are being delivered to UK residents’ homes claiming that a parcel containing “jewellery” is waiting for the homeowner.</p><p>Action Fraud (Action Fraud, Administrator, National)</p><p>Action Fraud has seen an increase in the amount of victims signing up for free trials for unapproved or misleading pharmaceuticals or supplements.</p><p>The scam usually involves a ‘pop up’ on your computer or a text message advertising a free 14-day trial. In signing up to this trial you are asked for your credit or debit card details and after the 14 days have elapsed, recurring payments are taken.</p><p>Recurring payments or continuous payment authorities are similar to a direct debit, but can be much harder to cancel or identify who is debiting your account. In most cases victims are finding it extremely difficult to cancel the subscription and the products are either not delivered or are inferior. </p><p>Common pharmaceuticals or supplements being advertised are teeth whitening products, food supplements and slimming tablets.</p><p>Protect Yourself </p><p> If you desire such products speak to your GP or a local pharmacist.  Be vigilant of free trials and always read the Terms and Conditions.  Conduct basic online research of the company before registering your details and financial information. </p><p>It is important to remember that in most free-trial cases because you have paid for a product and received it, this cannot be recorded as a fraud. If you have already entered your card details on one of these websites, call up you bank immediately to stop these payments and give us a call on 0300 123 2040 for advice</p><p>Paul Gilfoyle (Police , PC, Leyland )</p><p>On Thursday 12th February 2015 a warrant was executed at a address in Lostock Hall. A quantity of cannabis, cannabis plants and a pit bull dog were seized. The offender is due to attend court in the coming weeks. The intelligence used in order to obtain this warrant has come from the community so please keep the information coming in. You can report direct to the police or by ringing crime stoppers (0800 555 111) PC 3264 Gilfoyle</p><p>Engagement Team (Police, Police Staff, Lancashire)</p><p>The Caring Council – Putting People First 123</p><p>We’ve received several reports of a man that has been calling mainly elderly people claiming to be a police officer, stating that the person’s bank card or bank account has been comprised and that the person should withdraw funds from their account into a ‘safe account’ or that they should hand money over to a ‘police officer’ in person. In some instances, people have been asked to confirm their card details over the phone.</p><p>BE AWARE: No police officer or other official body will ever ask for your bank details or would ever ask you to withdraw or transfer funds.</p><p>Whilst the incidents have taken place in Preston, Bamber Bridge and Burnley, we are concerned that the offenders may try conning people elsewhere around the county. The full details can be found here.</p><p>If you have an elderly friend or relative, please let them know that this happening so they can avoid becoming a potential victim.</p><p>DC Hogan said: “We are determined to find who is responsible for trying to defraud these people, out of in some cases, their life savings.</p><p>“If you have any information about this incident or suspect that you may have fallen victim to a similar deception then please contact the police or Action Fraud.”</p><p>Anybody with information can contact the police on 101 or alternatively Crimestoppers can be called anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at</p><p>Similarly, you can contact Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or online at v) Further Updates;</p><p>Penwortham Neighbourhood Development Plan.. The draft policies are currently being written and will soon be presented to the Penwortham Neighbourhood Development Plan steering group. </p><p>Government Buildings, Cop Lane There is no further update on the Government Buildings site on Cop Lane.</p><p>Lancashire County Council's Parish & Town council Conference Saturday, 21st March 2015 at Burnley Town Hall, Manchester Road, Burnley BB11 9SA The Town Council have been invited to present at the forthcoming Parish and Town Council conference on the subject of public buildings and the use thereof. Two members are requested to be a part of a 45 minute workshop on the ownership and use of Penwortham Community Centre. The role will involve a ten minute overview of the centre and then a question and answer session. </p><p>RESOLVED; That Councillor Carol Wooldridge and the Town Manager represent the Town Council at the forthcoming Lancashire Parish and Town Council Conference. 137. Vacant Committee Membership</p><p>The Caring Council – Putting People First 124 The Town Manager reported on the current vacancies on the Town Council Committees and asked Members to consider filling the vacant seats. </p><p>RESOLVED: that the followings members are accepted onto the relevant committees; </p><p>Councillor Joan Burrows on the Strategy and Finance Committee Councillor Linda Woollard in the Events Committee Councillor David Bretherton on the Penwortham CC Management Committee Councillor Rosemary Robinson on the Planning Committee </p><p>138. Questions to the Police</p><p>The Council Meeting constituted the Police and Communities Together (PACT) meeting. The following issues were raised and would be dealt with by the police:</p><p>The following issues were raised and appropriate action would be taken:</p><p> i) Cllr Rosemary Robinson reported a telephone call from a supposed “Telephone Preference Service” that asked for credit card details </p><p> ii) Cllr Jenny Hothersall reported scam telephone calls supposed from South Ribble Borough Council regarding council tax issues. </p><p> iii) Cllr David Howarth reported parking issued along Priory Lane and asked for information regarding road traffic accidents along Kingsway, in particular at the junctions of Priory Lane, Blundell Lane and Queensway</p><p> iv) A member of the public asked for clarification on recent break-ins; the police responded that most of them were a result of poor security and reminded residents to lock their homes, vehicles and garden sheds properly </p><p> iv) A member of the public congratulated the Police on the recent “In the Know” initiative and urged people to get involved </p><p>139. Questions from Members of the Public (non-police matters)</p><p>The Town Council responded to questions regarding:</p><p> i) Kingsfold Drive and the condition of the road surface and the grass verges at the Pope Lane junction.</p><p>140. Development Control – Plans List</p><p>Councillor Ange Turner referred to a recent Planning Application ref; 07/2014/0922/FUL and proposed an objection to the application on the grounds that it is not in keeping with the character and appearance of the area in that it is far greater in size than other facing or adjoining property and comes out well in excess of the current building line. As such it will be overbearing and adversely affect the </p><p>The Caring Council – Putting People First 125 amenity of nearby residents. Both of which are contrary to planning policy B1. Because of its design, height, scale, plot density, massing and proximity, it has a detrimental impact on neighbouring buildings contrary to planning policy G17. Because of its location on the junction with Liverpool Road, it removes sight lines along Crookings Lane. The junction was subject to major safety works during the detrunking of the A59 including a one way system in Green Drive, a signal controlled crossing, and traffic islands. This would prejudice highway safety, pedestrian safety, and the free flow of traffic contrary to planning policy G17. Six parking spaces for staff is inadequate for the numbers who work there, contrary to policy F1.</p><p>Councillor David Howarth added his support and agreed that the building was far too big for the site and would lead to overbearing for nearby properties and that the proposed development did not follow the building line along Crookings Lane. Councillor Pimblett added that the proposed new building was “massive” and a much larger footprint than the existing Police Station.</p><p>Councillor David Wooldridge added that he felt he could not support an objection to this development but proposed that this council as statutory consultee raised “concerns” regarding the application on the grounds mentioned by Councillor Turner, this was seconded by Councillor David Bretherton.</p><p>RESOLVED; that the Town Council write to South Ribble Borough Council to raise concerns regarding planning application 07/2014/0922/FUL that it fails to comply with both policies B1 and G17</p><p>Councillor David Wooldridge referred to a recent Planning Application Ref: 07/2015/0315/REM, for the erection of 284 dwellings with associated infrastructure and landscaping on the former Gas Works site at Lostock Hall and suggested that whilst the development was outside the boundaries of Penwortham the resulting extra traffic movements on the surrounding roads would have an impact on the roads within the Penwortham boundary</p><p>RESOLVED: that the Town Council write to South Ribble Borough Council to recommend that the Cross Borough Link road, including mini- roundabouts at the road junctions through The Cawsey be completed before the development is allow to begin. </p><p>141. Dates of Forthcoming Committee Meetings</p><p>The Council was asked to approve the dates of the forthcoming meetings. </p><p>RESOLVED: that the dates of the following committee meetings be approved: </p><p> i) Events Committee – Monday 30 March 2015 ii) Environment Committee – Monday 30 March 2015 iii) Strategy and Finance – Monday 30 March 2015</p><p>142. Delegates’ Reports</p><p>The Caring Council – Putting People First 126</p><p>There were no such reports. </p><p>143. Accounts for Payment – February 2015</p><p>The Council considered the report of the Responsible Financial Officer. </p><p>RESOLVED: that the following accounts be paid:</p><p>TIMPSONS MEMORIAL PLAQUE CEMTERY £ 37.74</p><p>TOPPS TILES PLC TOILET TILING CENTRE £ 1,100.00</p><p>TEXACO FUEL CEMETERY £ 55.41</p><p>PROTEC WORKWEAR PROTECTIVE WORK GEAR CEMETERY £ 92.29</p><p>C&W BERRY MAINTENANCE MATS CEMETERY £ 60.95</p><p>FEERATION OF BURIAL & CREMATION AUTHORITIES - SUBS CEMETERY £ 107.20</p><p>GARDNERS HARDWARE MAINTENANCE MATS CENTRE £ 73.71</p><p>HEATHER CROOK NEWS DELIVERY ADMIN £ 750.00</p><p>SALARIES RE; ADMIN (paid by transfer) ADMIN £ 8,557.00 ( paid by cheque) tax & NI = £2045.92 WAGES RE; CENTRE ADMIN £ 1,828.87 (Inc tax/NI/pensions paid by cheque) pensions = £1646.98 ABS PRINTER SERVICES ADMIN £ 21.82</p><p>ASHTON PRINTING CARD PRINTING ADMIN £ 42.00</p><p>LANCS PLANT HIRE EQUIPMENT HIRE CEMETERY £ 69.30</p><p>R B WRIGHT JOINER (NEW EXIT DOOR) CENTRE £ 214.00</p><p>BT INTERNET SERVICES ADMIN £ 201.86</p><p>MILLENIUM HYGIENE TOILETS EQUIPMENT CENTRE £ 856.09</p><p>RG PLUMBING LTD TOILET REFURBISHMENT CENTRE £ 4,285.27</p><p>BT ALARM LINE CENTRE £ 60.43</p><p>BT TELEPHONE INVOICE ADMIN £ 83.66</p><p>B&D PRINT NEWSLETTER PRINT ADMIN £ 1,388.00</p><p>£19,885.6 TOTAL 0 </p><p>144. Hill Road Cemetery – February 2015 Details of Burials and Deeds of Grant of Exclusive Right of Burial</p><p>The Caring Council – Putting People First 127</p><p>The Council noted the following recent burials and agreed that, where necessary, a Deed of Grant of Exclusive Right of Burial be approved and signed: i) CREMATED REMAINS</p><p>Margaret Willox of 67 Highercroft, Penwortham Catherine Arkwright of 2 Longbutts, Penwortham Hazel Ann Beesley of 1 Tarn Close, Penwortham Peter Noel Davies of 18 The Grove, Penwortham Terence Joseph Breen of 11 Ryddingwood, Penwortham ii) ALL OTHER AREAS</p><p>Stanley Fenton of Longton Nursing Home Irene Taylor of Walton House Nursing Home, Walton-le-Dale Jeanie Swanson of 17 Eastfield Drive, Longton Kathleen Gillies of 5 Parkthorne Road, Lea Irene Sterling of 15 Padway, Penwortham Bernard John Hothersall of 7 Hoghton Close, Penwortham</p><p>RESOLVED: that all new Grants of Exclusive Right of Burial be approved and signed</p><p>……………………………….Mayor</p><p>(The meeting finished at 8.25pm)</p><p>THE NEXT ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING WILL TAKE PLACE AT 7.00PM ON TUESDAY 7 APRIL 2015 AT THE PENWORTHAM COMMUNITY CENTRE.</p><p>The minutes of this meeting and the next agenda will be available on the internet at</p><p>The Caring Council – Putting People First</p>

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