Career & Internship Preparation for Retail Merchandisingrm 3201, Section 001 1 Credit

Career & Internship Preparation for Retail Merchandisingrm 3201, Section 001 1 Credit

<p> 1 Career & Internship Preparation for Retail Merchandising RM 3201, Section 001 1 Credit Spring 2016, January 20-March 2, 2016 B36 Ruttan Hall, St. Paul Campus 10:40am – 12:35pm Wednesdays Instructor Dana Rechtzigel, M.A. 612-624-2710 (Career & Internship Services Office, 198 McNeal Hall); 952-237-7038 (cell) email: </p><p>Office Hours By appointment - Meeting with students is the best part of my job! If you want to talk about an idea or have a question, please contact me at 952-237-7038 to set up a time that works into your schedule.</p><p>Required Text  RM 3201 Course Packet Available in St. Paul Campus Bookstore. Packet will be used for class activities – please bring to every lecture.  Strengths Assessment is required. If you have taken the assessment before, you can find your results by logging in at If you haven’t taken the assessment, you may purchase a code online for $9 by: 1. Go to: 2. Click on “Purchase” at the top of the page in the middle, then follow the steps to purchase the assessment. 3. If you have not taken the StrengthsQuest assessment before, then register for a new account co complete the purchase process. If you want to take the assessment again, sign up for another new account with a different email address to complete the purchase process. 4. If you have any problems with purchasing the StrengthsQuest assessment, call 1-888-221-4049 for assistance. Course Learning Outcomes At the conclusion of this course students will be able to 1. Articulate the breadth of skills they have for a career and know how those relate to job search. 2. Identify and research possible employers for their field and city of interest. 3. Identify the most successful job search techniques and apply these techniques for job or internship opportunities both locally and nationally. 4. Communicate their skills and abilities to a potential employer through a resume, cover letter and reference list. 5. Effectively utilize a professional portfolio in job interviews. 6. Articulate what makes a quality job interview and will test this knowledge through practice interviews. 7. Identify components of a salary/benefits offer, know how to research salary and develop strategies for effective salary negotiation. 8. Develop career-related action plan to help them reach their career goals.</p><p>Attendance and Participation Attendance is required and you should be prepared to fully participate in each class. This will be a hands-on course that encourages ideas from everyone. For an absence to be excused, you must contact me before class with a valid reason for missing. Each unexcused absence and all excused absences after the first, will result in 5 points being deducted from your final grade. Attendance at mock interviews is mandatory, as you will have individual time with a professional to work with you on your interviewing skills. There will be no excused absences on mock interview day. Participating in class is how you will learn the most, therefore your final grade includes 15 points (2 per day + 1 point for participating in mock interviews) for participation. Being late, using devices for non-class purposes, not participating in group activities or class discussions, falling asleep during class, or not having required materials are all reasons that points may be deducted from the total. Use this as an opportunity to practice professionalism in the classroom.</p><p>Quality of Work Your work should reflect college standards. All assignments must be typed, double spaced, standard margin/font sizes, and grammatically correct. Please be sure to proofread your work; failure to do so will impact your grade on assignments. 2 Submitting/Returning Assignments: Assignments may be submitted either in paper form directly to the instructor or electronically via the course Moodle site. Please contact me if you need other accommodations. Feedback will be returned either via paper or Moodle.</p><p>Late Assignments If you need an extension on assignment, please let me know in advance of the deadline. I am willing to be flexible during busy academic times. Late work will be docked 1 point for each day it is late. Should you have problems getting to class or printing your assignment, it is expected that you will email it to me on time. If you have missed a class where assignments were handed out/discussed, it is your responsibility to get the assignment information and you are still expected to get the work done on time unless you have made appropriate arrangements with your instructor in advance of the due date.</p><p>Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: The University of Minnesota is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to students who have documented disabilities that may affect their ability to participate in course activities or to meet course requirements. If you need special accommodation please contact Disability Services (180 McNamara Center, 612-626-1333) to discuss your individual needs.</p><p>Statement on Climate of Inclusivity: You are expected to be attentive during class, ask questions if you do not understand something, and to offer your opinion. You are also expected to listen respectfully to other students and to me when speaking. The University of Minnesota is committed to providing a safe climate for all students, faculty, and staff. All persons shall have equal access to its programs and facilities without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, or sexual orientation. Racism, sexism, homophobia, classism, ageism and other forms of bigotry are inappropriate to express in this class. Reports of harassment are taken seriously, and there are individuals and offices available for help. </p><p>Student Conduct: Students are expected to follow the University Student Conduct Code and to behave in a manner that creates a positive learning environment in the classroom. Students whose behavior is disruptive either to the instructor or to other students will be asked to leave. For more information on the Student Conduct Code visit: </p><p>Academic Freedom and Student Responsibility:</p><p>Student Academic Integrity: Academic integrity is essential to a positive teaching and learning environment. All students enrolled in University courses are expected to complete coursework responsibilities with fairness and honesty. Failure to do so by seeking unfair advantage over others or misrepresenting someone else’s work as your own, can result in disciplinary action. The University Student Conduct Code defines scholastic dishonesty as follows: </p><p>Scholastic dishonesty means plagiarizing; cheating on assignments or examinations; engaging in unauthorized collaboration on academic work; taking, acquiring, or using test materials without faculty permission; submitting false or incomplete records of academic achievement; acting alone or in cooperation with another to falsify records or to obtain grades, honors, awards, or professional endorsement dishonestly; altering forging, or misusing a University academic record; or fabricating or falsifying data, research procedures, or data analysis. Within this course, a student found responsible for scholastic dishonesty can be assigned a penalty up to and including an "F" or "N" for the course. If you have any questions regarding the expectations for a specific assignment or exam, please ask.</p><p>For more information on what constitutes plagiarism visit: For information on issues of academic integrity visit: Availability of Disability and Mental Health Services The University of Minnesota is committed to providing all students equal access to learning opportunities. Disability Services (DS) is the campus office that works with students who have disabilities to provide and/or arrange reasonable accommodations. For more information, please see the DS website,  Students who have, or think they may have, a disability (e.g. mental health, attention, learning, vision, hearing, physical or systemic), are invited to contact DS to arrange a confidential discussion at 612- 626-1333 (V/TTY) or 3  Students registered with DS, who have a letter requesting accommodations, are encouraged to contact the instructor early in the semester to discuss accommodations outlined in their letter. As a student you may experience a range of issues that can cause barriers to learning, such as strained relationships, increased anxiety, alcohol/drug problems, feeling down, difficulty concentrating and/or lack of motivation. These mental health concerns or stressful events may lead to diminished academic performance or reduce your ability to participate in daily activities. University of Minnesota services are available to assist you with addressing these and other concerns you may be experiencing. You can learn more about the broad range of confidential mental health services available on campus via or contact Counseling/Consulting Services at 612-624-3323.</p><p>Academic Services: If you would like additional help, please contact one of the offices listed below: Center for Writing 10 Nicholson Hall, Minneapolis 612-626-7579 Student Academic Success Service 340 Appleby Hall, Minneapolis 612-624-3323 199 Coffey Hall, St. Paul Release of Work Statement: Students understand that enrollment in this course grants consent for their work to be selected for inclusion in college or departmental publications (online or in print). Your instructor may select to use your work to represent her/his skills as an instructor in a teaching portfolio (online or in print). Final Exam The final exam is the Career Action Plan paper due 3/2/15. University of Minnesota Definition of Grades % A 100-93% Achievement that is outstanding relative to the level necessary to meet course requirements. A- 92-90% B+ 89-87% B 86-83% Achievement that is significantly above the level necessary to meet course requirements. B- 82-80% C+ 79-77% C 76-73% Achievement that meets the course requirements in every respect. C- 72-70% D+ 69-67% D 66-64% Achievement that is worthy of credit even though it fails to meet fully the course requirements. D- 63-60% Represents failure (or no credit) and signifies that the work was either (1) completed but at a level of achievement F 59 and that is not worthy of credit or (2) was not completed and there was no agreement between the instructor and the Below student that the student would be awarded an I (see also I). (Incomplete) Assigned at the discretion of the instructor when, due to extraordinary circumstances, e.g., I hospitalization, a student is prevented from completing the work of the course on time. Requires a written agreement between instructor and student. Incompletes are usually not given.</p><p>Extra Credit Extra credit will not be offered for this class. 4 ASSIGNMENTS POINT VALUE MY POINTS DUE DATE Attendance/Class Participation 15 points ______n/a Career Meeting with Instructor* 5 points ______by 3/2/16 Resume 1st Draft 1 point ______1/25/16 Create GoldPASS account and login in prior to class 1/27/16 Bring paper copy of draft resume to class 1/27/16 Bring Strengths results printout to class 2/3/16 LinkedIn Part 1 Assignment 6 points ______2/3/16 3 Questions for Employer/Alumni Panel 3 points ______2/9/16 Resume Final 10 points ______2/10/16 Cover Letter & References first draft due 1 point ______2/10/16 Personal Brand Assignment 10 points ______2/17/16 LinkedIn Part 2 Assignment 6 points ______2/17/16 Informational Interview 15 points ______2/24/16 Cover Letter & References final draft due 5 points ______2/24/16 Interview Preparation Assignment 5 points ______3/2/16 Career Action Plan (final assignment) 10 points ______3/7/16</p><p>Total possible points = 92 My total points = ______</p><p>*Career meeting with instructor consists of a 15-20 minute individual meeting outside of class time to discuss your thoughts about career, your progress with career plans, and ask any specific questions you may have about the class or career. You are not required to bring anything to this meeting. You can also share any feedback you have about the class. You may schedule this meeting by signing up on the sign-up sheet the first few weeks of class, e-mailing me at or calling 952-237-7038 (my cell).</p><p>University of Minnesota Definition of Grades A 100-93% Achievement that is outstanding relative to the level necessary to meet course requirements. A- 92-90% B+ 89-87% B 86-83% Achievement that is significantly above the level necessary to meet course requirements. B- 82-80% C+ 79-77% C 76-73% Achievement that meets the course requirements in every respect. C- 72-70% D+ 69-67% D 66-64% Achievement that is worthy of credit even though it fails to meet fully the course requirements. D- 63-60% Represents failure (or no credit) and signifies that the work was either (1) completed but at a level F 59 and Below of achievement that is not worthy of credit or (2) was not completed and there was no agreement between the instructor and the student that the student would be awarded an I (see also I). (Incomplete) Assigned at the discretion of the instructor when, due to extraordinary circumstances, I e.g., hospitalization, a student is prevented from completing the work of the course on time. Requires a written agreement between instructor and student. Incompletes are usually not given. 5 RM 3201 Course Topics and Schedule Date Topic Readings / Assignments Due Today January 20 Introductions/Resumes  Complete Strengths assessment if you have Week 1  Introductions not already done so  Syllabus & expectations  Read packet p. 15-26  Dream Job Activity  Upload RESUME DRAFT to Moodle OR e-  Resumes mail to instructor by 1/25/16 January 27 Job Search Strategies/Correspondence/Professionalism  Create GoldPASS account and login PRIOR to Week 2  Professionalism class  Informational Interviews  Read packet p. 29-40, 47-56, 86-89  LinkedIn, GoldPASS  Bring paper copy of draft resume to class for  Cover Letters & References, Thank You Letters, in-class activity Tailoring Correspondence February 3 Self-Assessment/Personal Branding/Networking  Read Strengths Finder link posted on Week 3  Personal Branding Moodle and Packet p. 3-12, 41-46, 80-82,90-  Strengths Finder – results, activities, grid 91  Values and skills  Bring printout of Strengths results for in-  Personal commercial/elevator speech class activity  Networking  LinkedIn Part 1 due  Draft resume returned in class February 10 Career Panel/Job & Internship Search Tools  BRING LAPTOPS TO CLASS TODAY Week 4  Alumni/employer Career Panel  Read packet p. 92-93  Career Information by Major  Employer Panel Questions  Professional Associations  Cover Letter & References 1st draft  Industry-specific job sites  Final Resume Due  Organizational research  Social media for Job Search/networking  LinkedIn, advanced features February 17 Decision-Making & Goal Setting/Career Fair Prep  Read packet p. 84-85, 103 Week 5  Decision-making and goal setting  Personal Brand Assignment due  Career Fair Preparation  LinkedIn Part 2 due Salary/Benefits, Negotiation  In-class decision-making activity  Salary Negotiation  Salary Research U OF M JOB & INTERNSHIP FAIR - FEBRUARY 19  Benefits/Financial planning  Managing Multiple Offers February 24 Career Portfolios/Interviewing  Read packet p. 59-76 Week 6  What does a Portfolio contain? Electronic vs. hard  Informational Interview due copy; using in an interview  Cover Letter & References Final due  Effective Interviewing  Behavioral Interviews March 2 Mock Interviews – ATTENDANCE IS REQUIRED. No  Review packet p. 104 Week 7 absences, excused or unexcused, are allowed today  Interview Preparation Assignment due  Practice interviews during class in small groups PRIOR to class start with industry/career professionals – participate  Career Action Plan Due and provide feedback  Instructor Meeting due by today Course Wrap-Up  Course wrap-up and evaluations</p><p>If at any time you have a concern regarding the class or your performance, PLEASE feel free to contact me any time. I have high standards for you in the class because I want you to succeed professionally once you leave the U, but I will also be flexible as necessary. </p>

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