--- I. DOCUMENT RESUME ED 106 189 S0,008 316 AUTHOR _Herb, Sharon; And Others TITLE Bicentennial Source Book, Level I, K-2. INSTITUTION Carroll County Public Schools, Westminster, Md. PUB DATE 74 NOTE 149p.; For related guides, see CO 008'317-319 AVAILABLE FROM .Donald P. Vetter, Supervisor of Social Studies, Carroll County Board of Education, Westsinister, Maryland 21157 ($10.00; Set of guides.I-IV $50:00) EDRS PRICE MF-$0..76 HC-Not Available from EDRS..PLUS POSTAGE DESCRIPTORS *American Studies; Class Activities; *Colonial History (United States); Cultural Activities; Elementary Education; I structionalMaterials; *Learning Activities; Muc Activities; Resource Materials; Revolutionary Wa (United States); Science Activities; *Social Studies; Icher Developed Materials; *United States History IDENTIFIERS *Bicentennial ABSTRACT This student activities source book ii'one of a series of four developed by the Carroll County Public School System, Maryland, for celebration of the Bicentennial. It-is-specifically designed to generate ideas integrating the Bicentennial celebration into various disciplines, classroom activitiese.and school -vide 4vents at the kindergarten through second grade levels. The guide contains 81 activities related to art, music, physical-education, language arts, science, and social studies. Each activity includes objectives, background information, materials and resources, recommended instructional proce ures,and possible variations and modifications. The activities are organized around the Bicentennial themes of Heritage, Horizons, and Festival. Heritage. activities focus on events, values, traditionp, and historical objects of the past. Horizon activities stress challenging the problems of the present and future. Festival activities include such activities as community craft shows, workshops, folk music, and dance performances. (Author /ICE) C BICENTENNIAL SOURCE BOOK LEVEL I . K-2 . U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, PERMISSION 1J REPRODUCE THIS EDUCATIONl WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF COPYRtGHTE0 AIATERALayMICRO FICHE ONLY HAS BEEN GRANTEO BY EDUCATION THIS- DOCUMENT HASBEEN REPRO .DUCE0 EXACTLY AS RECEIVEDF;ROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATIONORIGIN Clutt.:_eo& ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR TO ERIC ANOANO ORGAZkT#ONSPo =W-41-0, 0 RAT OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILYREPRE 'NG uNOER AGREEMEN S WITH THE NA SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TIONAL INSTITUTE OF EOUCAT ION EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY FURTHER REPROOUCTiON OUTSsOE THE ERIC SYSEM REQUIRES PERM., SION OF THE COPYRIGHT OWNER CARROLL COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION WESTMINSTER, MARYOND, 4 SUMMER 1974 Sharon Herb - Robert Mot n,- Chairperson Marilyn Kirschner - Tandtown Ruth Schneehagen Sandymount Pauline Sinclair - Winfield Joretta Allwine - Manchester Dean Johnson - Mt. Airy Joan Unger - (3 schools) OP CARROLL COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS.' . WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND 4, Dr,' George E. Thomas Superintendent of Schbols Dr. Edward Berkowitz Dr. Orlando Furno Assistant Superintendent Assistant,Superintendent in Inftruction in Administration BOARD OF EDUCATION Mr. Arnold Amass President Dr.,Philip S. Benzjl Mrs. Elizabeth Gehr Mr. RichardAN. Dixon . Mr. EdwardLippy Vice-President Mrs. Virginia Minnick 00004 RESOLUTION -'BI-CENTENNIALPROCLAAATfON - DECEMBER-12, 1973 WHEREAS it has been officiallyproclaimed by the -President of the United States of America that 'the year nineteen hundred seventy six (1976) willfe-'6bserved as tie Bi-Centennial Celebration Year ofthe founding of ( these United States of America, and WHEREAS all citizens and all communityorganizatibns have been,called upon to observe and celebratethis Bi- Centennialyear, be, it THEREFORERESOLVEDIthat the,Carroll4County Public School System will cooperate with allrecognized_agencies-- and bodies as they Move, to.markthis observance, and be it FURTHER RESOLVEDthat:the CarrollCounty Publi School. will mark this observance 4 System of Carroll County,\Maryland with appropriate activities. Approved and entered into the reocrdsof the Carroll County Public'School System'sminutes this twelfth day of -December in the year nineteenhundred,seventy three. (December i2 1973) te,e4.6b / Board President Dr.PhIlip'Benzil Vice.Presideht Mr, Arnold Amass Board Member Mr. Richard Dixon Board Member - Mr. Edward Lippy Board Member Mrs. Virginia Minnick Board Member Mrs. ElizabethGehr Student Board Member Miss Patricia Crests Secretary Dr. George Thomas 00005 ..75ABLE.OF CONTENTS 'Art Corn and Seed Necklaces Finger Top. Corn Cob.Dolls, Wehiiing 8, Early Bhtions Cross Stitch Saillpler Cornhuck Dolls \ . Embroidery St4chery Indian 13],aque Seeds for Fun I Friendship Square '\ "Ships e Sail" Cup add Button Lhnguage Arts 2{ Mother Goose The Chbres of Childrenit-1776 School Drama Life in:Colonial Days Exhibit of Classroom Items of ColonialAmerica Hornbook 30 Sc ience Making Candles Making Soap Trees in our Ngtion's History, Making Kites Making Natural Dye Apple Brown Betty Corn Bread Indian Pudding Sweet Potato Pie Makihg Butter Ice Cream Making Colonial Lighting: Candle Sconces 1 Dried and Dehydrated Pomander Balls Seeds in Our heritage Colonial Herb or Flower\Garden t TABLE OF CONTENTS -(continued) . 1 Music 60 Horseshoe Bells Song Fest Pop: Goes the Weasel Oats, Peas, Beans Hey: Betty Martin Needle's' Eye Plysical Education 68 Tag Right Elbow In (LoobT:Loo) Leap Frog Farmer in the Dell Hopscotch Children's Gaines Playday of Colonial Games Mu'ster Day 'Socil Studies 77 Negroes in the American Revolution Paper Dolld Making a Pioneer Shirt Time Capsule . Grave rubbings Papier Mache Liberty Bell "Betsy Ross" and "Fifty States" Potpourri Early American Dress Transportation Frontier Militia vs. British Soldiers ADDITIONAL IDEAS LIST Apple Butter 94 Baked Corn 94 Barn Raisings 94 Christmas Decorations 94 Colonial Occupations 94 6 1 C.4 .00007 TABLE OF; CONTENTS (cptinued) itdditional Ideas List - Continued 96 , Consumer Edqcation Coon and Fox Hunts 96 Elections 96 Field Trips 96 .Food Gathering 96 Husking Bee 96 Inventors 96 96 Maple Sugaring 96, Media 96 Milestones 96 Money O 97 New Pioneers 97 Quilting Bee 4 97 Ships 97 Study.of Measurement 97 TOwns 97 Appendix Al , Bibliography Dl' if 0 I I woos I 0 INTRODUCTION The Maryland Bicentennial Commission for the - commemoration ofthe / American Revolution was established by theState Legislaturein 1968 for . the purpose of ensuring that an appropriate effortwould be made to greate local interest in celebrating the 200th anniversary Ofthefound4gof our / nation. The state commission lead to the.creation of the Carroll County . Bicentennial Commission. The first meeting of the committee, chaired-by Mr. George, A. brier, Adminis,trative Assiscant tothe County Commissioners, - was held,in November 1972. As a result of this initial meeting, Dr. Ralph ' . John,, President of Western MarylandC011ege, was charged with organizing a planning committee'for local educational units. Inturn,1Dr. George E. Thomas, Superintendent of Schools, appointed particularBoard ofcEducation \ 'staff members to serve on the committee. The, first meeting'was held in February 1973. ( I In December 1973, the Carroll CountyBoafd of Education resolved that appropriate activities honoring .the Bicentennialbe. planned and carriedout.in the Carroll County schools. Mr. Donald P. Vetter, Supervisor of SocialStudies, Temporary Co-Chairman, organized an" dhOg committee to make recommendations for the 4 Bicentennial,activities. The Ad Hoc Committee recommended that the histori6P1 time 4an-be designated as 1763 through 1783 and that the period 1 4 * for observance inthe schools be'September 1975 throughJune,I976. , / In February 1974,three Bicentennial Sub-Committees; elempa-tary, middl ,.and high school, were appointed. Several planning sessions were held involving teachers, community groups, school administratorsand students. a t the On May 30, a meeting'of fifteen'highschool students was organized \for purpose of receiving stud etinput. Bicentennial Committees also were created. 4 in each county school and funds werebudgeted for a summer workshOpesign7d -to develop a K-12 interdisciplinary guide forBicentennial activities .41 The BicentennialSource Books arethe result of the workshop which took place for two weeks beginning onJuly 15 1974. The purpose of the document is to assist local school BicentennialComMittees in planning programs of celebration forthe 1975-76 fiscal year. \ that the celebration The Maryland Bicentennial Commission suggests t be, organized witla three foldthrust: F HERITAGE '76 0 Poetises on activities which recall ourNation's. .heritage'and gives an historical, perspective to the Comthunity.'In the thirteen original States', t e Heritage Program would relate more directlyto the even of the American Revolution than in other State'. All areas however, have their own heritage which, atleast in part, reflects the basic principles upon which ourNation was founded. Specifically,-Heritage includes those values and traditions established by ourfounding fathers and supplemented by succeeding generationsof'Americans. Heritage '76 is also concerned with what Americans can see, touch, aW. feel intheir historic past; with the 'houses,-..churches, bridges,.parki,documents and decorative objectives that form a panorama oftheir man- made enAironmeft. ; HORIZONS '76A Covers activities through which Americans can commelorate their past bylooking to the/ future as the challenge and the opportunity for alliddividuali and organilations to define and dedicate the\. selves to worthy % purposes and goals, and to proceed with t e attainment
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