Partner Search Form for Cooperation in Tempus Iv Project

Partner Search Form for Cooperation in Tempus Iv Project

<p>PARTNER SEARCH FORM FOR COOPERATION IN TEMPUS IV PROJECT</p><p>Lutsk National Technical University; Department of Packaging and Automation of Production Processes is looking for partners and an applicant/grant holder Main field of activities: Higher education organization in two levels-Bachelor and Master in mechanical engineering, automation; PhD Program in Automation of Production and Control Processes. Information about the intended TEMPUS project: Reforming Masters programs in packaging and package recycling to meet the modern requirements of technology and ecology Project proposal/description: Exchange, development, implementation of the new curricula for Master students Exchange and joint edition of educational manuals, methodical materials, scientific-methodical and academic literature Organization and carrying out workshops, summer and winter schools Creating a network of student research and design offices “ECO-Pak”. The newest equipment supply at Universities-Partners. Development of academic mobility in partner countries and Europe (student practicing in the EU institutions, studies in EU universities, completion of master works in EU universities). Preparing the ground for Erasmus Mundus: signing of a multilateral agreement between universities. Development of procedures for the award of joint degrees. Previous international experience: 510920-Tempus-1-2010-1-De-Tempus-JPCR Practice Oriented Master Programmes in Engineering in Russia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan "PROMENG" (2010-2013) Established scientific connections with universities in Poland (Warsaw, Lublin, Rzeszow), and National Academy of Sciences in Belarus Please contact: Bogdan Palchevskyi D.Sc., Department of Packaging and Automation of Production Processes LNTU, e-mail: [email protected], phone: +38 (0332) 76-73-95, +38 (067) 974-10-88 ------</p><p>1 Name of your university/institution/industry or company interested in participating in TEMPUS project: Judicial Institute of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University 2 Main field of activities of your institution: − Higher judicial education for students at such specialties: “Ecological Law”, “Corporate Law ”, “Civil Law”, “Procedural Law”, “Criminal Law”. About 1 000 Ukrainian students + 10 Foreign students per year; − Scientific work in fields of “Ecological Law”, “Corporate Law ” and many others judicial areas; − work in University’s clinic. 3 Information about the intended TEMPUS project: We are ready to join to any new projects, which are related with development of judicial education, distance forms of learning in jurisprudence, development of computer technologies in higher education, etc. 5 Previous international experience: projects of Bilateral training 6 Please contact: Sasha Kovalyshyn, Coordinator of International Relations Department, email: [email protected], tel: +380 67 975 60 80 ======</p><p>1. Name of university interested in participating in TEMPUS project:</p><p>Chernivtsi Trade and Economics Institute of Kyiv National Trade and Economics University (ChTEI KNTEU)</p><p>2. Main field of activities of your institution: ChTEI of KNTEU is the higher educational establishment, modern scientific and educational center of Bukovyna, which builds its work according to the European standards, preserving our educational traditions.</p><p>Educational process is conducted by 4 Faculties, which include 13 Chairs.</p><p>The Faculty of Commercial Entrepreneurship and International Economics. Direction of studies: International economics, Marketing (Marketing; Advertising Business), Science of Commodity and Trade Entrepreneurship (Science of Commodity and Commercial activity; Science of Commodity and Customs Examination).</p><p>The Faculty of Management, Tourism and Restaurant Services. Direction of studies: Management (Trade Organizations Management; Tourist Industry Management; Hotel, Resort and Tourist Service Management), Tourism, Food Technologies and Engineering (Food Technologies in Restaurant Services).</p><p>The Faculty of Accounting and Economics. Direction of studies: Economics of Enterprise, Accounting and Audit (Accounting and Audit at The Enterprise).</p><p>The Faculty of Economics and Finances. Direction of studies: Economic Cybernetic, Finances and Credit (State Finances; Banking).</p><p>In the Institute also acts: the Center of Postgraduate Studies, Kolomyja Educational and Consultative Center, Chernivtsi Department of French-Ukrainian Institute of Management, Higher School of Pedagogic skills, Laboratory of Professional Diagnostics and Intellect, Center of Marketing and Students Employment Assistance, Problem Laboratory of Distance Learning.</p><p>The Institute has 20 foreign partners in Russia, Poland, Serbia, Belarus, Romania, France, Austria, Slovak Republic, Czech Republic and Estonia.</p><p>3. Information about the intended TEMPUS project:</p><p>We are ready to join any projects, which correspond to the following priorities:</p><p>University management and student services, student self-government, Creation and implementation of new Master programmes, creation of the new curricula in the sphere of tourism, Making the ties of the Institute with the foreign educational institutions stronger, Making the ties with the labour market stronger, Making the level of students’ and teachers’ mobility higher.</p><p>5. Please contact: (person, position, e-mail, skype, tel etc.):</p><p>Anatolii Melnyk – Head of the International Relations Department, e-mail: [email protected], Tel: 0372 522303, Aleksandra Gissa – Key specialist of the International Relations Department</p><p> e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Tel: 0505791046</p><p> skype: intreldep</p><p>------======------</p><p>Name of your university: </p><p>Donetsk National University (DNU) is powerful scientific and higher educational establishment of the East Ukraine which has highest IV grade accreditation.</p><p>DNU is willingly interested to be a consortium member in TEMPUS projects (TEMPUS IV, 6th Call for Proposals). </p><p>Main field of activities of your institution: </p><p>Main fields of DNU include educational, methodological and scientific activities, as well as international cooperation. It offers academic programmes at all levels including undergraduate, graduate, post- graduate courses and post-doctoral studies.</p><p>The main aim of TEMPUS participation for DNU is to modernise existing higher educational system and bring it closer to the European standards of quality in education.</p><p>Previous international experience: The university has established close relations with more than 40 universities around the world. Donetsk National University is a member of European University Association and two international organisations: the Eurasian Organisation and AIMOS, a participant of various European scientific and education programmes: TEMPUS, DFID (British Council) the Sixth and Seventh Framework EU and International Fund «Renaissance». In 2004, it was amongst the first universities to sign the Magna Charta of European Universities. </p><p>DNU has a strong international collaboration in different academic and training programmes. </p><p>Two proposals with DNU participation have been recommended to be funded by Tempus programme (Tempus IV- Fifth Call for Proposals):</p><p>1. 530534-TEMPUS-1-2012-UK-TEMPUS-SMGR “IMPRESS” (Improving the Efficiency of Student Services). Budget: 823.937,72 €. </p><p>UA Partners: Taras Shevchenko National University (Kyiv), Ivan Franko National University (Lviv), Ukrainian Association of Students' Self-Government (Kyiv), Ministry of Education, Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine (Kyiv), Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Donetsk), V.N. Karazin National University (Kharkiv).</p><p>EU Partners: Northumbria University – Coordinator & Grantholder (UK, Newcastle), University of Cordoba (Spain, Cordoba), Tomas Bata University (Czech Republic, Zlin) European Students Union (Belgium, Brussels), British - Ukrainian Reach Out Centre (UK, Newcastle), ShooFly Publishing Ltd (UK, Sunderland).</p><p>2. 530465-TEMPUS-1-2012 - BE-TEMPUS-SMGR “ATHENA” (Fostering Sustainable Autonomous Higher Education Systems in the Eastern Neighbouring Area). Budget: 1.072.140,98 €.</p><p>Ukraine Partners: Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University, I. Mechnikov Odessa National University, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, National Rectors` Council of Ukraine, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of Ukraine.</p><p>Armenia Partners: Yerevan State University, Gavar State University, State Universities Rector Council, Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia.</p><p>Moldova Partners: Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Free International University of Moldova, Cahul State University B.P. Hasdeu, National Rectors` Council of Moldova, Ministry of Education of Moldova. EU Partners: European University Association (EUA) – Coordinator & Grantholder (Belgium, Brussels), University of Coimbra (Coimbra, Portugal), POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE OF COIMBRA (Coimbra, Portugal), University of Helsinki (Helsinki, Finland), University of Arcada Polytechnic (Helsinki, Finland), University of Amsterdam (Amsterdam, Netherland).</p><p>Participation in international projects:</p><p>TEMPUS SCM-2003 training project «Programme of development structural and complementary measures for quality assurance» (2004 – 2006): Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Universities of Sunderland (UK), Aristotle and Macedonia (Greece); Donetsk National University (Ukraine). Budget: 75 655, 000 Euro.</p><p>TEMPUS SM_SCM-T0116A06-2006 ”Quality assurance of education in Ukraine” (2006 - 2008): Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Universities of Sunderland (UK), Aristotle and Macedonia (Greece), Donetsk National University. Budget: 121 055, 000 Euro.</p><p>TEMPUS CD_JEP-24009-2003 «Flexible independent learning on the base of computing system management» 2004 – 2008: Irkutsk State University (Russia), Universities of Sunderland (UK), Bari (Italy), Donetsk National University (Ukraine). Budget: 484 800, 000 Euro. TEMPUS UM_JEP-25086-2004 «Development of interactive cooperation mechanism between universities and employers» 2006 – 2009: Universities of Sunderland (Great Britain), Cordoba (Spain), Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, RTC (Great Britain), Donetsk National University (Ukraine). Budget: 475 000, 000 Euro.</p><p>TEMPUS CD_JEP 10278-96 project «Development of a new speciality on Master level «Econometrics» 1996 – 1999: Universities of Sunderland (UK), Emden (Germany), Vienna (Austria), Donetsk National University (Ukraine). Budget: 660 000, 540 ECU.</p><p>British Council REAP UKR/395/41/0011 project (DFID) 1999 – 2001: University of Sunderland (UK), Donetsk National University (Ukraine). Budget: 127 000, 000 GBP. </p><p>TEMPUS CD_JEP-21135-2000 «Development of the «Applied Economics» programme for the classical Universities of Ukraine»: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine), V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Ukraine), Universities of Sunderland (UK), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), University of Macedonia (Greece), Donetsk National University (Ukraine). Budget: 482 651, 000 Euro.</p><p>REAP/DFID dissemination project UKR/395/41/0011D 2003 – 2004: «Project outcomes dissemination»: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine), V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Ukraine), University of Sunderland (UK), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), University of Macedonia (Greece), Donetsk National University (Ukraine). Budget: 21 000, 000 GBP.</p><p>National and International Ratings (DNU): </p><p>1. 601 position in QS World University Rankings, 2011-2012</p><p>2. 7th position in National Compass Ranking HEI of Ukraine, 2012</p><p>3. 14th position in TOP-200 Universities Ranking of Ukraine , 2012</p><p>Contacts: </p><p>Dr. Tatyana Vlasova, International Relations Office Tel: +38 (062) 335-44-96 E-mail: [email protected] 24, Universitetskaya Str., Donetsk, Ukraine, 83001 </p><p>======</p><p>Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture is a higher education institution of IV accreditation level. It was founded in 1930. Currently it is the center of education, science and practice in engineering of the Southern Ukraine that has gained international recognition. It strives to supply its students with the most cutting-edge, innovative and perspective education in the field of architecture, fine arts, civil engineering, water resources, land development and cadastre, economics of enterprises, marketing and management.</p><p>The Academy consists of four institutes, four faculties and a center of postgraduate education.</p><p>It also has a license to carry out retraining of a number of construction trades and improvement of professional skills.</p><p>Interests for cooperation: - The curriculum reform; - Knowledge triangle: education-innovation- research; - Development of partnerships with enterprises </p><p>Contact person: Oleg Popov </p><p>Head of the Department of International Relations Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture Didrihsona str. 4 , Odessa 65029 , Ukraine tel: +38 048 729 85 48; fax: +38 048 723 69 04 e-mail: [email protected];</p><p>======Name of your university/institution/industry or company interested in participating in TEMPUS project: Ternopil National Economic University (TNEU)</p><p>Main field of activities of your institution: Today, the TNEU is a multidisciplinary educational complex consisting of three institutes and fourteen Faculties, sixty-eight Departments that train specialists in nine areas, twenty-two specialties and forty-six specializations. The University offers Postgraduate studies in sixteen specialties, and Doctoral studies in four specialties; there are three specialized Academic Boards for Defence of PhD Theses, and two specialized Academic Boards for Defence of Doctoral Theses.</p><p>Faculties of TNEU:</p><p> Faculty of Finance;  Faculty of Banking Business;  Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Management;  Faculty of International Business and Management;  Faculty of Economics and Management;  Faculty of Accounting and Audit;  Faculty of Computer and Information Technologies;  Law Faculty;  Ukrainian-Dutch Faculty of Economics and Management;  Ukrainian-German Economic Faculty;  Faculty of Pre-University, Postgraduate and Masters Training;  Novovolynsk Faculty;  Sambir Faculty of Applied Software;  Kalush Faculty. Openness to inter-university communication is the key to the success of higher education.Ternopil National Economic University has close creative, educative and scientific cooperation with leading universities of Canada, the USA, Great Britain, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Poland, Bulgaria, France, the Netherlands, Denmark, Greece, China, Slovakia, Italy, Spain, Ireland, Russia, Switzerland, Austria, Byelorussia and other countries. In 2005, the TNEU became the member of the European University Association. Scientists from the University participate in the European Association for International Education (Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1999). On the 19th of September 2008, TNEU joined the Magna Charta Universitatum</p><p>Information about the intended TEMPUS project: TNEU is ready to start joint development of any new project, which is related with university management and student services; introduction of quality assurance; development of partnerships with enterprises; knowledge triangle: education-innovation-research; development of lifelong learning in society at large; qualifications frameworks.</p><p>Previous international experience: TNEU has been participated successfully in 5 Tempus projects.</p><p>Please contact: (person, position-mail, skype, tel etc.) Ihor Lischynskyj, Head of Department of International Cooperation</p><p>Ternopil National Economic University</p><p>11 Lvivska st., 46020 Ternopil, Ukraine</p><p>Phone: +38 (0352) 475071</p><p>E-mail: [email protected]</p><p>======The faculty of Economics, TARAS SHEVCHENKO NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF KYIV, Ukraine The main aim of project is to improve existing education system and approach it to European educational standards, by the way of introduction of the student competencies model. Work in following national priorities: For Joint Projects: Curricula reform: Curricula reform including ECTS, 3 cycle and Diploma Recognition Disciplines: Life Science ІІІ. Higher Education and Society: development partnership with enterprises Structural Measures: Higher Education and Society: Qualification frameworks Please contact: Dr. Kharlamova Ganna, assistant [email protected] [email protected] skype: anny_varenniki tel: +380674492045</p><p>======1. YEVPATORIYA INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES OF CRIMEAN UNIVERSITY FOR THE HUMANITIES 2. Yevpatoriya institute of social sciences of a part of Crimean university for the humanities (Ukraine, Crimea), founded in 1944, is one of the oldest educational institutions of the Crimea, and is the only state HEI of the humanitarian profile on the Southern coast of the Crimea. The University provides masters, post-graduate and doctoral studies, second higher education courses. About 5.000 students are trained in 17 specialities: (Primary Education; Pre-School Education; Social Pedagogics; Practical Psychology; Pedagogics and Methodology of Secondary Education; Musical Pedagogics and Education; Fine Arts; Graphic Design; The Ukrainian Language and Literature; The English Language and Foreign Literature; The Ukrainian Language and Literature; The English Language and Foreign Literature; The English Language, the French Language and Foreign Literature; The Russian Language the English language and Foreign Literature; History; Organization of Hotel, Resort and Tourist Service; Finance; Mathematics, Computer sciences).: 3. The University has experience of the following Tempus projects: JEP-22044-2001 “Management of organizations and human resources management in the Crimea”; UM-JEP-27249-2006 “Center of higher education for people with disabilities”; JPHES-159359 “Boosting the knowledge triangle by establishing innovation offices in Ukrainian higher education institutions” 4. Project proposal/description: – university management and student services; – development of partnerships with enterprises; – development of lifelong learning in society at large; – development of the internal and external quality assurance process in all university levels (through training process, case studies – best practice, workshops and study visits) – development of sustainable institutional and financial autonomy (introduction of financial autonomy systems, development of university accountability systems, links between institutional and financial autonomy). 5. Previous international experience: The University cooperates and maintains close relations with different HEIs, basing in Ukraine as well as abroad (USA, Portugal, Belgium, France, Italy, Poland, Spain, Israel, Latvia, Great Britain, Russia, Belarus). In 2002, the University was included into the UNESCO higher educational institutions list; in 2005 it became a member of the Alliance of Universities for Democracy (AUDEM); in the 2008 University became a member of the Black Sea University Network (BSUN). Please contact: Dr. Vladislav Fadeev, Deputy of the Director on scientific work of the Yevpatoriya institute of social sciences of Crimean University of the Humanities (Yalta) Street: Prosmushkinykh 6, Yevtatoriya, Ukraine, index: 97416 Tel.: +38 06569 62757, fax: +38 06569 30248, web-site:, e-mail: [email protected] ======Poltava National Pedagogical University named after V.G.Korolenko is looking for the partners 1. Tempus project proposition – the name of the project proposition “The development of the joint Master`s training programme for innovative management of educational institutions”.</p><p>2. Tempus project proposition – the name of the project proposition “Making the ties of the University with educational institutions stronger: provision for a stable development of educational institutions in common educational scope on the basis of innovative management”. Contact person: doctor of education, Professor Grinyova Marina Viktorivna, the head of the department of pedagogical skills and management, the dean of the faculty of natural sciences, Poltava National Pedagogical University named after V.G.Korolenko.</p><p>Phone / Fax: 8(0532) 560319</p><p>E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>------</p><p>1. “The development of the joint Master`s training programme for innovative management in the sphere of globalization and euro integration”.</p><p>2. Project objective: generalization of Master`s professional training experience, chief subject “Management of educational institutions”, as far as innovative management in the sphere of globalization and euro integration is concerned.</p><p>3. Project goals:</p><p>- Negotiating treaties as to cooperation with The Highest School of Education (Łódź, Poland); The Highest School of Pedagogics and Administration (Poznan, Poland); National College of school managers (Nottingham, Great Britain); Educational and Training Centre of the Netherlands, ETCN; WestphalianUniversity named after William (Münster, Germany); School Leadership - Harvard Graduate School of Education (Harvard, Great Britain) and others.</p><p>– Setting up the Centre of generalization of Master`s professional training experience, chief subject “Management of educational institutions”, as far as innovative management in the sphere of globalization and euro integration is concerned. – Lecturers` and undergraduates` mobility support. </p><p>– Lecturers` language training for them to work in poly-cultural environment. </p><p>– The development of the joint Master`s training programme for innovative management in the sphere of globalization and euro integration. </p><p>– Making web-platforms to hold web-conferences, web-seminars, web-lectures.</p><p>–VC equipment PC, DL….</p><p>– The development of teaching and methodological facilities.</p><p>- The development of practical facilities. Setting up practice bases in different countries. – The development of textbooks and manuals. </p><p>4. National priority of Ukraine: the development of scientific and innovative activities in the sphere of education and its improving on the basis of innovation. </p><p>5. Regional project </p><p>6. The University in Ukraine: Poltava National Pedagogical University named after V.G.Korolenko 7. Contact person: doctor of education, Professor Grinyova Marina Viktorivna, the head of the department of pedagogical skills and management, the dean of the faculty of natural sciences, Poltava National Pedagogical University named after V.G.Korolenko. </p><p>Phone / Fax: 8(0532) 560319</p><p>E-Mail: [email protected]</p><p>8. Partners in Ukraine: </p><p>– Kirovohrad State Pedagogical University named after Vynnychenko</p><p>– Classical Private University the Institute of informational and social technologies, Zaporizhia, Ukraine.</p><p>– Uman State Pedagogical University.</p><p>– Luhansk National University named after T.G. Shevchenko</p><p>– Cherkasy National University named after B. Khmelnitski</p><p>– Sumy State Pedagogical University Named after A.S.Makarenko</p><p>– Kyiv University named after B. Grinchenko</p><p>======</p><p>THE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY AND REGION STUDIES, THE FACULTY OF GEOLOGY AND GEOGRAPHY, V.N.KARAZIN KHARKIV NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, UKRAINE The main aim of project is to improve existing educational system and approach it to European educational standards using the student competencies model. Work in following national priorities: For Joint Projects: Curricula reform: Curricula reform including ECTS, 3 cycle and Diploma Recognition Disciplines: Regional problems of sustainable development; Regional economic and territorial management; World economy geography; Human geography. Please contact: Nadiia Gryshchenko, senior lecturer. [email protected] skype: nadiagr13, tel: +380662912937 ====== The Donetsk University of Transportation Systems and Technology (DAAT) Project 1. «Independent accreditation agency in the transport engineer’s training system in Ukraine». The aim of the project: - study the experience of the European Federation of National Engineering Associations (FEANI- based on the national accreditation centers net (ENAEE -; - independent expertise quality system development for specialists’ training in the road transport industry of Ukraine; - National Accreditation Center development on the basis of the Donetsk University of Transportation Systems and Technology (DAAT) and the Ukrainian Union of Scientific and Engineering Associations (UUSEA). Project stages: Stage 1. Analysis and selection of several engineering specialties in Ukrainian universities (those are most ready for the European accreditation). “Master Classes” (*in accreditation of these specialties) by efforts of the European participants (in the first 3-6 months of the project). Stage 2. Training of Ukrainian professors for their future independent work as judges of the National Accreditation Center. ======Stage 3. Accreditation of some additional Ukrainian engineering specialties by efforts of the Ukrainian experts under the supervision of the European joint partners (the final stage of the project). Stage 4. Dissemination of information about the European Accreditation Program among the Ukrainian universities. Stage 5. Creation of the Independent Ukrainian National Agency for Engineering Accreditation Project 2. Career center (employment agency) - a consortium of universities and employers. The aim of the project: strategy development for the interaction between universities and enterprises- employers to provide job placement for graduates; development of successful specialist’s model based on the requirements of outsourcers; development of the included industrial training programs on the basis of employers’ request; development and implementation of training programs, retraining, profile expansion, lifelong learning programs; improvement of the road transport industry specialists’ quality on the basis of knowledge level’s monitoring in the learning process with the participation of employers. Project 3. Development of the European-Ukrainian master's program "Legal and Technological Management of Traffic Safety in the Metropolitan City". this program is relevant in connection with a high level of accidents on the Ukrainian roads; this program is based on the European experience of specialists in traffic management training; development of master's program for universal specialist who has the legal and technical qualifications in the field of traffic safety; development of training programs for lecturers and teachers of the European universities in the field of traffic management. Project 4. Development of the European-Ukrainian master's program “Environmental Safety of Industrial Areas” this program is relevant in connection with high atmospheric pollution in Donbass. this program is based on the European experience study of the environmental safety of industrial plants and transportation of hazardous cargo. development of training programs for lecturers and teachers of the European universities in the field of environmental safety. Project 6. International Scientific Community of Students and Postgraduates «GOLDEN RATIO». The aim of the project: to create a single international informative space with the purpose of experience exchange in organization and management of students, postgraduates and young scientists research activities of different universities of the world, information exchange about the conducted scientific measures, possible grants, suggestions about creation and realization of joint projects, possibilities of internships and exchange programs. Project stages: Stage 1. Analysis of existent sites of international scientific organizations, associations, communities. Stage 2. Creation of the International Scientific Community of Students and Postgraduates «GOLDEN RATIO» site. Stage 3. Delivery of promo information about this site. Stage 4. Registration of the world (all profiles) universities. Stage 5. Realization of «GOLDEN RATIO» site’s technical support and its promotion. Contact rector, prof. Irina Englezi, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]. Or TEMPUS Program Coordinator: vice-rector, prof. Viktor Tkachenko, e-mail: [email protected] skype: prof_tkachenko ======POLTAVA NATIONAL TECHNICAL YURI KONDRATYUK UNIVERSITY The question of high quality education is always actual. The new technologies introduction, which provide communication process simplification and make education more available is very important for a educational institution. The distance education is the most useful educational method in this aspect – as on a global level, as well on a national one. The project needs the raw of activities aimed at: partners search; logistic support; software support of the process; personnel raining. The main results of project realization should be: education quality enhance and approaching to European standards; new educational technologies introduction and development; partnership system establishment; expansion of education market and educational process individualization; economic and social effect receiving. Onishchenko Helen, [email protected], skype:elena_snowbird, phone:+380509166223 Topol Vladislav, [email protected], phone +380951684569 </p><p>State higher educational institution “Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University ”, Center of Distance Learning and Knowledge Control, UKRAINE 2. Main field of activities of your institution: introduction of modern information and communication technologies, especially e-learning; automatization and management of processes distance education; formation of a single information-educational environment of the organization; building educational portals organization; ensure the cooperation of the university with national and international educational institutions and agencies and other market participants of e-learning. 3. Information about the intended TEMPUS project: e-learning 4. Project proposal/description: modernization of the existing education system by introducing an adaptive system of distance learning and knowledge control with the use of the student model Please contact: (person, positione-mail, skype, tel etc.) Nataliya Pavlyuk, [email protected]</p><p>Pryazovskyi State Technical University (PSTU) has acquired vast experience in the domain of innovative educational activities and cooperation with manufacturing enterprises. University is seeking some new partners to include PSTU into realization of priority programmes of TEMPUS: “Development of partnerships with enterprises”, “Development of lifelong learning in society at large ”, “Knowledge triangle education – research - innovation” etc., which correspond to successful activities of university. Contact person: Professor Oleksandr P. Cheylyakh DSc (Engineering),Vice-Rector of PSTU for Science and Pedagogics, Tel. +38 0629 446630, tel.fax +38 0629 333416 e-mail: [email protected] ======CRIMEAN UNIVERSITY OF CULTURE, ART AND TOURISM, Ukraine The main aim of project is to improve existing education system and approach it to European educational standards, by the way of introduction of the student competencies model. Work in following national priorities: II. Reform of university governance - Introduction of quality assurance mechanisms. III. Higher Education and Society - Development of partnerships with universities business - knowledge triangle: education - innovation – research. Work in following regional priorities: II. Reform of - Management of universities and student services - Institutional and financial autonomy - Equal access to higher education - Development of International Relations III. Higher Education and Society - Development of cooperation with enterprises - Development of lifelong learning Please contact: Danishevska Olena, Head of Department of International Relations of Crimean University of Culture, Arts and Tourism. Simferopol, Kiivskaya str. 39 tel. +3 0652 274403 fax. +3 0652 517732 mob tel. тел. +38 067 136 5610; +38 095 856 4648 e-mail:, [email protected], [email protected] ======</p><p>KHERSON STATE UNIVERSITY PARTNER SEARCH FOR COOPERATION IN TEMPUS IV PROJECT 2. Main field of activities: Educational, methodological and scientific activity; international cooperation. The Faculty of Biology, Geography and Ecology has following departments: Department of Ecology and Geography; Department of Botany; Department of Social and Economic Geography 3. Information about the intended TEMPUS project: Creation of new discipline "Step-oriented study", development of academic curricula and practical training programs. Restructuring of discipline "Wildness protection": improvement of programs, elaboration of management plans. Please contact: Ivan I. Moysiyenko, Dr. Biol. Sci., Head of laboratory of Plant Ecology Department of Botany, Kherson State University, 27, 40 Rokiv Zhovtnja St., Kherson, Ukraine 73000, e- mail: [email protected], [email protected] Tel. +380990104211, +380676092766 ======</p><p>ODESSA I.I.MECHNIKOV NATIONAL UNIVERSITY IS LOOKING FOR COOPERATION IN TEMPUS VI PROJECT Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University, Centre “Innovation office”, Ukraine </p><p>Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University educates specialists for 20 departments and 41 specialties. Educational activity is also conducted in the preparation department for foreign citizens, retraining, advanced training and the second higher education are available on the basis of complex “School-college- university”. Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University Centre “Innovation office” ( created in the framework of TEMPUS UNI4INNO project is opened for the intended TEMPUS project: Work in following national priorities: </p><p>3.1 For Structural Measures and joint projects: Higher Education and Society: Knowledge triangle: education, innovation, research; development partnership with enterprises. </p><p>Project description: Making easier the way “from idea to business and society”- creation of favourable legal and managerial starting conditions to open the spin-off and start-up companies, based on universities knowledge. The main idea is to create a project partnership of interdisciplinary actors and subjects of innovative activity, including: Universities’ innovation and technology transfer offices; lawyers, engaged to the reforms of the Ukrainian innovative legislation with abilities for consulting the start-up founders. The operations of knowledge and technology transfer in Ukraine and abroad have to be accompanied by managerial and legal support. The project was rejected in TEMPUS V, the preliminary consortium of HEIs, technology parks, governmental bodies for this year has been formed. European institutions, experienced in TEMPUS applications and ready for sharing the best experience for making easier the step-by-step process of start-up and spin-off creation are very welcome. </p><p>3.2 For Joint Projects: Modernization of curricula: Curricula reform including ECTS, 3 cycle and Diploma Recognition 1) Development the Life-long innovative learning programs - Joint training for parents and children – Sustainable school of paternal management and family team-building; 2) Creation of Master in “Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry”; “Accounting and Auditing”; “Law Science and Human Rights”; “Management and Business Administration”.</p><p>3) Development the Life-long learning programs (education for ageing people) with a Coordination Centre for Distance Learning ( – part of the Institute of Innovative and Postgraduate Education of Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University (, which consists of: - Chairs of: clinical psychology, economics and modeling of market relations; computer networks and information technology; social theories; economic cybernetics and applied economy; - College of enterprise and social work: preparation of the bachelors of specialties: finance and credit, applied mathematics, accounting, social work. </p><p>Please contact: Iryna Nyenno, Head of the Centre “Innovation office”, PhD., e-mail: [email protected], Skype: Vesna-Leto 2009 ======</p><p>1. Name of your university/institution/industry or company interested in participating in TEMPUS project: Donetsk State University of Management, Donetsk, Ukraine ( 2. Main field of activities of your institution: Donetsk State University of Management is a State-run higher education establishment founded in 1992 and accredited by the IV the highest level of national accreditation. Today the University enrolls 8000 students. Training is carried out on the following education-and-qualification levels (full-time and part-time): Bachelor, Specialist/Master and MBA in various management-related fields like management, economics, sociology, marketing, foreign trade, environmental management, banking and finance, law, public administration etc. 3. Information about the intended TEMPUS project: Our university is searching for grantholder and partner institutions from the EU and Ukraine for the following projects: Joint Projects – Curriculum Reform: «Master Program for IT Teachers». Structural Measures – Higher Education and Society: «Center of the Third Age Education». 4. Project proposal/description: JPCR «Master Program for IT Teachers» The idea is to create and introduce master program for training of IT teachers for secondary education establishments. Key aspect in this project is elaboration and development of master studies in line with the EU standards and accreditation of new Master Program as a basis for satisfying the demand of secondary education establishments in qualified IT teachers as there no existing master program in Ukrainian HEI in this specific area. SMHES «Center of the Third Age Education» The idea is to create Center of the third age education and training within the post-diploma training program. The Center will be a structure which aims to provide education for retired members of the local community - those in the third age of life. 5. Previous international experience: DSUM cooperates fruitfully with 46 foreign universities and education institutions, participates in the international projects under TEMPUS, Jean Monnet, DAAD, UNDP, IREX, Fulbright, Visegrad Fund and other. Full list of the projects can be found at web-site of the university. International relations of DSUM include cooperation with educational institutions in Europe, North America and Asia. Many of these interrelations provide international exchange opportunities for students and lecturers. Main vectors of the University international activity are: establishing international inter-institutional links for study and research programs, developing students and faculty exchange programs, internationalization of the curricula, participation in the international grant programs. 6. Please contact: (person, position, mail, skype, tel etc.) Mrs. Irina Sikorskaya, PhD, Head of International Relations Office, e-mail [email protected], tel. +38 062 3440957, fax +38 062 3377108 ======Lviv Academy of Commerce, TEMPUS V Partner Offer Profile Lviv Academy of Commerce (LAC) is an educational institution of IV accreditation level with about 200-year history. The work of the institution is aimed at improvement of higher education, establishing modern system of methodological and information providing of consumer cooperation, moving to the dynamic system of specialists’ preparation. There are about 455 lecturers, including 5 academics, 28 doctors of sciences and professors, 210 candidates of sciences and associate professors, more than 8000 students at the Academy. Academy has five educational buildings, a library with more than 500000 titles, four student hostels, computer center with laboratories. There are 3 institutes and 5 faculties in LAC, which train bachelors, specialists and magistrates in the specialities: Institute of Finance and Economy, Management faculty (Economic Cybernetics; Enterprise Management), Law faculty, Faculty of International Economic Relations, Faculty of Commodity Science and Commerce, Pre-Educational Training Department, Institute of Postgraduate Education, Extra Mural Faculty, External Courses, Institute of Informational Technologies, Department of International Relations and Strategic Development. LAC has its educational complex “Academy” having colleges, technical and specialized schools, and over 30 Lviv secondary schools as its members. The structure of LAC also includes scientific-research laboratories, business-centre “Intereconomy”, centres of business English and French, publishing house and employment agency. Academy has recently started cooperation with several higher educational and research institutions of Ukraine, Russia, Byelorussia, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Austria, Hungary, France, Germany, Poland. The aim of the contacts – exchange of teacher-professor faculty and students, introduction of joint curricula and methodological materials on economy of business, management, auditing, marketing, banking and humanitarian sciences. In 2012 LAC was selected for La Manche Project. Interests for cooperation: - Modernisation of curricula - Development of study programmes with a double degree - Methodological support for multilevel education - Establishment of sustainable structures for quality assurance - Introduction of common projects in the field of cooperative movement - Quality of International student mobility - Development of International relations department</p><p>Contact person Tetyana Shtanko Position Head of Department of International Relations and Strategic Development Address: Br. Tershakivtsiv Str. № 2-a/521Lviv 79000 Ukraine E-Mail [email protected] mob. +380673741427 Phone Country code: +38 City code: 032 Phone Nr.: 2399614 FAX Country code: +38 City code: 032 Phone Nr.: 2756550</p><p>======TEMPUS IV, 6th Call for Proposals PARTNER SEARCH FOR COOPERATION IN TEMPUS IV PROJECT</p><p>1. State Higher Education Institute “Pryazovskyi State Technical University” 2. General information about the university The university offers graduate programs (bachelor and master), post-graduate programs (CandSc and DSc), and professional educational programs for students from the Azov Sea region, Ukraine and other countries. Forms of training: full-time, distance education, preparatory department. Fields of training and research include engineering (electrical, mechanical, welding, metallurgical, logistics, environment protection); production automation and computer science; economics; translation studies; social work. 3. Information about the intended TEMPUS project: Consolidation of Curriculum in Material Science and Development of New Modules to Ensure a Smooth Transfer Between BSc, MSc and PhD Programs in Ukraine (Russia, other NIS countries) 4. Project proposal / description Projected activities: 1. Analysis of the existing curricula (bachelor, master) in Materials Science and in the study programs which belong to this subject area at the universities in Ukraine, Russia and other NIS countries with the aim of their modernization to meet the demands of the employers and the labour market. 2. Development and implementation of new disciplines in Materials Science subject area: - for bachelors: Resource saving production and economical alloying of materials; - for masters: Fundamentals of materials and technologies selection; State-of-the-art nanomaterials and nanotechnologies; Application fields and interchangeability of the materials; Advanced technologies for materials strengthening. 3. Development and implementation at the target universities of a new infrastructure for practice-oriented training using the modernized curricula and new disciplines (pp.1,2) – establishing new study laboratories and integration of new software products into the study process on the basis of the experience of European universities. 4. Consolidation and harmonization of curricula and syllabus across master and PhD programs in Materials Science, Metal Science and Heat Treatment of Metals. 5. Implementation at target universities of European system of accumulation of credit points (Credit Transfer System “ECTS”) for modernized and new disciplines. Development and implementation of recommendations on mutual recognition of study periods abroad across the consortium universities to ensure students’ and teachers’ mobility. 6. Development of syllabus (set of course materials) for modernized and new disciplines. 7. Organisation of trainings for target universities representatives. 8. Setting up of a new infrastructure at target universities for enhancing liaison across universities and industrial partners, involving students, graduates, employers into this work.</p><p>9. Previous international experience: Tempus – Project JEP - 22243-2001 “Aufbau eines europaisch-russisch-ukrainischen Netzwerks zur Forderung des Informations- und Know-How- Transfers im Bereich der wirtschafsmissenschaftlichen Ausbildung von Ingenieuren” 06.2002 – 06.2004 Tempus – IB JEP - 26080-2005 “ Vernetzte Entwicklung von Management-Trainings kursen fur den Transport- und Logistiksektor in der Ukraine” (VETLOG). 09.2006 – 03.2009 Tempus – Project JEP - 27115-2006 «Umweltmanagement fur Russland and die Ukraine» (UMRU). 09.2007 – 02.2009 ON-GOING PROJECTS TEMPUS-DE—JPHES - 158739-2009 «Network of E-Learning Training in Tourism (Belarus, Ukraine and Georgia)» (WENET). 01.2010 - 01.2013 Tempus-1-2010-1-De-Tempus-JPCR - 510920 «Practice-oriented Master programmes in Engineering in Russian, Uzbekistan and Ukraine» (PROMENG). 10.2010 - 10.2013 6. Please contact: (person, position-mail, skype, tel etc.) Galina Shendrick, Head of International Projects Department, [email protected] mob. +380 67 741 8880, office +380 629 446084, skype - gshendrick ======DONETSK RAILWAY TRANSPORT INSTITUTE is looking for partners in Tempus project 1. Name of institution interested in participating in TEMPUS project: Donetsk Railway Transport Institute (DRTI) Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport 2. Main field of activities of institution: State higher educational establishment “Donetsk Railway Transport Institute” of Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport of the Ministry of Transport and Connection of Ukraine created in 1967 today being one of the leading educational center for railway transport in Ukraine. The institute consists of 6 faculties (“Railway Operation on Transport”, “Infrastructure of Railway Transport”, “Transport Economy”, “Correspondence Faculty”, “Retraining and Upgrading Qualification Faculty ”, “Preparatory Faculty”) and 12 departments among them 7 are graduation chairs Research and education activities of DRTI are aimed at transport industry. 3. Information about the intended TEMPUS project: We look forward to cooperate in terms of sharing experience, developing new research tools and methods, applying new technologies to the learning process, establishing multilateral academic exchanges and developing the long-term basis for cooperation. Our joint researches could address following issues: - University management and student services; - Introduction of quality assurance; - Knowledge triangle education/research/innovation. - Improvement existing education system - Development partnerships between Ukrainian and European institutions as tool to promote academic excellence, integration and cooperation; - Preparation and implement joint bachelors’ study programs in accordance with EU educational standards – to promote an international student mobility programs as a key to improve academic educational quality; - Institutional and financial autonomy; - Development of lifelong learning program. 4. Project proposal/description: - We are searching for partners to modernize Bachelor level Programs in transport engineering and transport economy. And it aims to create joint/double degree programs. - We are interested in joint projects focused on development of international relations, knowledge triangle education-research-innovation, University management and services for students. - We would like to expand the international cooperation in the area of public and municipal administration and suggest a partnership in the following areas: development of high education system organized in Bachelor level study according to the Bologna process; realization of joint science research projects; development of the teaching materials for the Bachelor program and implementation of the new curriculum; organization of training courses for young faculty members in Ukraine and Europe and development of academic mobility in Ukraine and Europe. Please contact: Sergiy Tsykhmistro, a head of IT department, curator of the International Relations of Donetsk railway transport institute. 184 Artema str., Donetsk, Ukraine, 83122 + 38 095 944 88 59 website: http//www. e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] ======Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies named after S.Z. Gzhytskyi. Main fields of activities: Veterinary studies; Veterinary pharmacology; Veterinary obstetrics; Veterinary surgery; Animal virology; Animal diseases; Food technology; Bioengineering; Economics and management. Information about the intended TEMPUS project: Our University is interested in cooperation in the study and exchange of the students and lecturers in the spheres of Veterinary studies, Food technology, Bioengineering, Economics and Management. Project proposal/description: Cooperation concerning the educational process and scientific-research projects; Cooperation in publishing manuals, books and articles; Organization of joint conferences and seminars; Exchange of the students and lecturers; The Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies named after S.Z. Gzhytskyi cooperates with the following higher educational institutions: Szent István University (Hungary); Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences (Poland); University of Agriculture in Krakow (Poland); University of Life Sciences in Lublin (Poland); Warsaw University of Life Sciences (Poland); Latvia University of Agriculture Jelgava (Latvia); Purdue University (USA); Contacts: Vasyl Stefanyk, Tel. +380 322 275 65 51, E-mail [email protected] ======PARTNER SEARCH FORM FOR COOPERATION IN TEMPUS IV PROJECT 1. Name of your university/institution/industry or company interested in participating in TEMPUS project: National University «Odessa Law Academy» 2. Main field of activities of your institution: University as a leading Ukrainian law university has a history dating back to the beginning of the XIX century. Main field of activities of the University: educational, methodological and research activity; international cooperation. The main subject areas covered by education and research are law, political science, intellectual property, consolidated information, public cervices. There are about 15 thousand students at 3 institutions and 12 faculties. Currently the University aims at further internationalization of education and introduction of greater number of Master courses, including courses taught in English and other foreign languages. 3. Information about the intended TEMPUS project: We look forward to cooperate in terms of sharing experience, developing new research tools and methods, applying new technologies to the learning process, establishing multilateral academic exchanges, preparing and implementing joint bachelors’ and postgraduate study programs in accordance with EU educational standards and developing the long-term basis for cooperation. The need for using multimedia to increase awareness in the educational environments will provide students with opportunities to retrieve and activate their schemata, i.e. background knowledge and using tools for analyzing the world, accessing and interpreting information, organizing their personal knowledge, and sharing their own knowledge with others; get the students engaged in filling multimedia applications which provide valuable learning opportunities; empower students to create and design their own formats rather than absorbing models created by others; encourage deep reflective thinking which may lead to autonomous learning. and improve existing educational system and bring it closer to European standard. 4. Project proposal/description: We are interested in joint projects focused on development of international relations, knowledge triangle education-research-innovation, University management and services for students. We would like to expand the international cooperation in the area of public and municipal administration and suggest a partnership in the following areas: development of high education system organized in three levels – Bachelor, Master and Doctor studies according to the Bologna process; realization of joint science research projects; development of the teaching materials for the Master and PhD program and implementation of the new curriculum; organization of training courses for young faculty members in Ukraine and Europe and development of academic mobility in Ukraine and Europe. 5. Previous international experience: Since 1998 National University “Odessa Law Academy” has been a member of European Association of Universities. In 2006 the University one of the first in Ukraine signed Magna Charta Universities. Since 2008 the University has been a member of European Association of Public Law. For the last years it has been concluded more than 50 long-terms agreements about collaboration with leading universities of countries of Europe and the USA, influential international governmental and non-governmental organizations. National University has taken part repeatedly in realization of scientific and research, technical and humanitarian projects of European Union and UN. In 2002-2004 University was a partner organization of the project “Legal training in Ukraine, Kiev and selected regions. EuropeAid/111910/C/SV/UA. Experts’ Briefing Pack”. In 2012 University became a partner organization in the project “Supports of innovations through improvement of regulatory framework for higher education in Ukraine. 530158-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-SE-TEMPUS-SMHES”. There are held conferences and symposiums at the University which results influence on development of legal science and practice not only in Ukraine, but also in Europe in the whole. Every year foreign scientists and lawyers work at the University reading their own designers courses in English, currently more than 350 foreign students from 26 countries of the world study at the University. Please contact: Mr.Vadym Barskyy, the Head of International Relations Office of NU ”OLA” 23 Fontanska doroga str., 65009 Odessa, Ukraine tel. +38 (0482) 68-93-23 website: e-mail: [email protected] ======Lutsk National Technical University; Department of Packaging and Automation of Production Processes is looking for partners and an applicant/grant holder. Main field of activities: Higher education organization in two levels-Bachelor and Master in mechanical engineering, automation; PhD Program in Automation of Production and Control Processes. Information about the intended TEMPUS project: Establishing Modern Master Studies in Mechanical Engineering, Information Technologies in Design of Machines and Manufacturing Project proposal/description: Exchange, development, implementation of new curricula Exchange of experience concerning educational process and scientific-research projects Exchange and joint edition of educational manuals, methodical materials, scientific-methodical and academic literature Organization and carrying out joint scientific-practical conferences and seminars Implementation of the new curricula for Master students, especially related to CAD/CAM/CAE and PDM systems for mechanical engineers; CALS technologies; Industrial design; Rapid prototyping; Computer aided synthesis, modelling and optimization of technological complexes and FMS; Automation and control systems, CNC. The newest laboratory equipment supply at Universities-Partners. Development of academic mobility in Ukraine and Europe. Previous international experience: 510920-Tempus-1-2010-1-De-Tempus-JPCR Practice Oriented Master Programmes in Engineering in Russia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan "PROMENG" (2010-2013) Established scientific connections with universities in Poland (Warsaw, Lublin, Rzeszow), and National Academy of Sciences in Belarus Please contact: Bogdan Palchevskyi D.Sc., Department of Packaging and Automation of Production Processes LNTU, e-mail: [email protected], phone: +38 (0332) 76-73-95, +38 (067) 974-10-88 ======PARTNER SEARCH FORM FOR COOPERATION IN TEMPUS IV PROJECT</p><p>1. Name of your university/institution/industry or company interested in participating in TEMPUS project: National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", College of Electronics</p><p>2. Main field of activities of your institution: College of Electronics of National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” is one of the largest producer of electronic and electrical engineers in Ukraine. It consists of 7 Departments: • Department of Microelectronics; • Department of Industrial Electronics; • Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics; • Department of Electronic Digital Equipment Construction; • Department of Acoustics and Acoustoelectronics; • Department of Electron Devices; • Department of Sound Technique and Information Registration. More information about College and research activity: 3. Information about the intended TEMPUS project: Development of joint/double PhD and MSc programs in biomedical engineering 4. Project proposal/description: To prepare and implement joint PhD and/or MSc program in methodology, algorithms, software and hardware for biomedical electronic systems for diagnosing various human diseases and also for e-health applications. Our actual interests in educational activity • Electronic and information biomedical systems • Biosignal analysis and processing Scientific interests • brain electrical activity analysis, epilepsy diagnostics, epileptic patterns' localization • heart rate variability analysis • depth of anesthesia monitoring • adaptive signal decompositions, overcomplete basis function's dictionaries • pattern recognition, adapted templates, metrics and similarity measures • adaptive signal and image processing, wavelet transform, new signal transforms in diagnostics, therapy and monitoring • nonstationary signals' analysis, higher-order spectral analysis • chaoticity of brain dynamics with applications to diagnostics • structural analysis of EEG and ECG • respiratory sounds analysis • nano-bio-sensors simulation technique Main achievements • Technique for epileptiform pattern automatic localization • Technique for automatic hearing diagnostics based on auditory brain response potentials • High-resolution ECG analysis system • Technique for power-line noise adaptive suppression • Technique for EEG signal simulation for various conditions • Biopotential electrodes modeling in non-normal conditions • Technique for HRV multiscale analysis • Model of immune nanotube-based FET sensor For more information about our fields of educational and research interest please visit 5. Previous international experience: EU-PC Double Degree Master Program in Automation / Mechatronics 517138-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-CZTEMPUS-JPCR Establishing Modern Master-level Studies in Industrial Ecology 517346-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-SETEMPUS-JPCR TEMPUS IV (Ref.510952-TEMPUS-1-2010-1-SE-TEMPUS- JPCR) Creation of third cycle studies – Doctoral Programme in Renewable Energy and Environmental Technology TEMPUS IV (Ref. 159161-TEMPUS-SE-SMGR) Implementing tools and policies for quality work at institutional level TEMPUS IV (Ref.144681-TEMPUS-2008-DE-JPCR) – “Curricula Reform in Space Technology in KZ, RU, UA” TEMPUS SCM-T038B06-2006 “Introduction of two-cycle system in Machine Building speciality” TEMPUS Joint European Project 25163 – 2004 “Bridging the gap between University and business” TEMPUS SCM-T076A04-2004 “Facilitating academic mobility between EU and Ukraine” UM_JEP-23074-2002 “Information Technologies in Management of University Libraries” CP – 20552-99 “Modern Information Technologies for the Libraries” Fachsprachliche Fremdsprachenausbildung an der NTUU “KPI” (Subject area: Modern European Languages) Entwicklung eines effektiven autonomen Hochschulverwaltungssystems am Kiewer Polytechnischen Institut (Subject area: Academic Management) Please contact: Dr. Anton Popov, [email protected] Phone: +38 044 454 9909, Mobile: +38 050 231 6448, Skype: antpantp ======1. Name of non-profit organization interested in participating in TEMPUS project: NGO “TERRA TAVRIDA”, Crimea, Ukraine 2. Main fields of activities of your institution: - Recent development of museums and museum; - IT-tools in education; - Programs of mobility; - Reforms in education; - Promote research and teaching activities of teachers, young scientists and students; - Support the implementation of scientific, cultural and creative interests; - Coordinate and assist in expanding the methods and tools for reliable and timely information exchange. "Terra Tavrida" collaborates with scientists and university teachers and organizations in the USA, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Russia, using personal time and other resources. The cooperation framework is constantly expanding, to work actively recruited student volunteers from Ukraine, Germany, Italy, India and Algeria. Our organization is involved in Tempus projects (516721-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-RO-TEMPUS-JPCR) and other programs, and we are open for cooperation. additional info in attach: 3. Our organization is interested in participating in projects in areas: - Reform of the educational process; - Museums and museums; - Establish mechanisms for effective response to global threats; - Active participation in the coverage problems of humanity, JIT-reaction; - Distance learning teaching; virtual university; - Information security, technology and tools. - Ethical, cultural and legal aspects of information technology. Contacts: Rustem Umerov, Chairman of NGO “Terra Tavrida” email: [email protected] ======1. Name of your university/institution/industry or company interested in participating in TEMPUS project: Higher Educational Institution of Ukoopspilka “Poltava University of Economics and Trade” ( 2. Main field of activities of your institution: Educational, methodological and scientific activity and international cooperation High education organized in three levels – Bachelor, Master and Doctors studies. The University trains high-skilled specialists in finance, accounting and auditing, international economics, economics of an enterprise, management, personnel management and labour economics, informatics, economical cybernetics, marketing, hotel and restaurant business, food technology and engineering, commodity research and commercial business. The University prepares science researchers in the spheres of economic theory and history of economic thought, economics and management of national economy, economics and management of enterprises (by economic activities), money, finances and credits, accounting, analysis and audit (by economic activities); commodity research, theoretical foundations of computer science and cybernetics, food technology, history of Ukraine, world economy and international economic relations, theory and methodology of professional education, demography, labour economics, social economics and politics. 3. Information about the intended TEMPUS project: We look forward to cooperate in terms of sharing experience, developing new research tools and methods, applying new technologies to the learning process, establishing multilateral academic exchanges and developing the long-term basis for cooperation. Our joint researches could address following issues: - University management and student services; - Introduction of quality assurance; - Knowledge triangle education/research/innovation. 4. Project proposal/description: Development of the newest Master and PhD program. Development of the teaching materials for the newest Master and PhD program. Implementation of the new curriculum for Master and PhD students. The newest laboratory equipment supply at Ukrainian Universities-Partners. Organization of training courses for young faculty members in Ukraine and Europe. Development of academic mobility in Ukraine and Europe. 5. Previous international experience: 1. Cooperation with the TACIS project "Support to SMEs in rural areas" (Icon-Institute (Netherlands), funding - the EU, 2005 2006). 2. Cooperation with the World Bank project in Ukraine "Expanding of Access to Financial Services Markets" P 4020-UA/1.6.2-IC (Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, 2005-2006). 3. Cooperation with the Canadian program of strengthening of credit unions in Ukraine (The Canadian Cooperative Association, the funding - the Canadian International Development Agency CIDA, 2006-2008). 4. Cooperation with the Higher School of Agronomy, Environment and Food Technologies of University of Dijon (France, 2010). International language programs - Center of French Language and Culture, Center of German Language and Culture, Azerbaijan Cultural Educational Center, Cultural and Linguistic Center of China – increase of cultural and linguistic competence of learners with the purpose of participation in the double-degree program. Double-degree programs - Within TEMPUS project (PROGRAMME TEMPUS 144920 - TEMPUS - 2008 - FR.JPCR) - Trans-European Mobility Programme for University Studies) PUET and Professional University Institute "Management and Management of enterprises" of University of Auvergne (France) prepare high-skilled specialists in management of foreign economic activity and international economics and give students opportunity to get two diplomas. - The MBA educational program of PUET and University of Nicosia (Cyprus) gives a chance to study Business Administration in both universities and to receive MBA diplomas of University of Nicosia and of PUET upon graduation. - The educational Master program together with ISMA Graduate School (Riga, Latvia) enables students to get solid foreign education and double diploma in management of foreign economic activity. Please contact: International Scientific Educational Center Higher Educational Institution of Ukoopspilka “Poltava University of Economics and Trade” r.309, Kovalya St., Poltava, 36014, Ukraine e-mail: [email protected], tel./fax: +38 (0532) 509795 ======1. Name of the university interested in participating in TEMPUS project: International name: CRIMEAN UNIVERSITY OF CULTURE, ART AND TOURISM. National name: Кримський університет культури, мистецтв і туризму. 2. Main field of activities of your institution: Educational, methodological and scientific activity; international cooperation. In 2012 the University in general was granted the third level of accreditation. This year new specialty of Tourism was added to the list. Crimean University of Culture, Arts and Tourism has four faculties: • Faculty of Socio-Cultural activities, • Faculty of Theatre Arts, • Faculty of Art of Music, • Faculty of Choreography. 3. Project proposal/description We are searching for partners to modernize Master level Programme in Tourism, Modern and Folk Choreography. The experience of European universities and art schools is of a high value to create joint/double degree programs. 4. Information about the intended TEMPUS project (aim, objectives etc): The main aim of University is to improve existing education system and approach it to European educational standards. Work within “Higher Education and Society” national priorities: - Development of university’s partnerships with business, - Knowledge triangle: education - innovation –research. Work within the following regional priorities: I. Reforming of curricula and programs for Tourism. II. Management Reform: - University’s management and student services, - Institutional and financial autonomy, - Development of International Relations. III. Higher Education and Society: - Development of cooperation with enterprises, - Development of lifelong learning program. 5. Previous international experience: 2012 Master Classes “Jazz Broadway” by Rebecca Davis (grant confirmed, visit in September), Fulbright Program, USA, 2012 Classical dance examination, Ballet school, Dublin, Ireland 2011 Conference on the choreography, Orel State University, Russia, 2011 Professional development training, State Public Scientific Technical Library, Moscow, Russia, 2011 Master Class "Bulgarian folk dance", Crimean Hilendarski Bulgarian Society, Bulgaria, 2011 Research in the field of archeology. Conference. The Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia, Since 2010 Opening of Confucius Institute at the University (in progress), Hebei University of Science and Technology, China, 2008 Ethnic Village - "Crimean World" - Visegrad Fund, 2007 Conference "National Interests of Ukraine", USA Embassy, Fulbright Program, International Renaissance Foundation, 2006 The Program "Crimean World", First Stage. Making of Photo album "Crimea. Armenians. Ten Centuries of Creation", Armenian Society of Crimea, Republican Committee in the field of Nationalities and Deported Citizens, 2006. Please contact: Gabriyelyan Gyevorg, Head of Department of International Relations of Crimean University of Culture, Arts and Tourism. 39 Kiivskaya str., Simferopol, Ukraine, 95017 tel. +38 0652 274 403, fax. +38 0652 517 732, mob. tel.: +38 050 357 93 83; +38 095 856 4648 website:, e-mail: [email protected] ======1. Name of your university/institution/industry or company interested in participating in TEMPUS project: Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU) 2. Main field of activities of your institution: Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU) was created in 1921, today being one of the leading technical universities in Ukraine. It is a large R&D center, based on principles of coherence of scientific activities and teaching process quality improvement. University consists of 6 institutes and 25 faculties, providing educational services to approximately 28000 students. Research and education activities of DonNTU are aimed at such industries as coal mining, metallurgy, heavy machinery, ICT. University also includes the Institute of Economics and Management. 3. Information about the intended TEMPUS project: We are looking forward to cooperation in both Joint Projects aimed at modernization of curricula in academic disciplines (due to the specialization of our University and national priorities) and Structural Measures Projects. 4. Project proposal/description: We are particularly interested in forming a consortium for realization of the structural measures project, which main purpose would be the formation of efficient institutional and legislative basis for Distance Learning in Ukraine. 5. Previous international experience: DonNTU is a member of 22 international organizations, among which the UNESCO International Centre for Engineering Education and the European Society for Engineering Education. DonNTU has partner relations in scientific and educational spheres with about 147 educational institutions from all over the world and 30 foreign enterprises. Among the examples of efficient international cooperation are German Technical Faculty, created in 1992 in cooperation with Magdeburg Otto von Guericke University (Magdeburg, Germany) under the support of the “Siemens” company and DAAD and an authorized centre for learning and research in automation of production processes, created in 2008 in cooperation with “Schneider Electric” corporation. DonNTU has an experience of participation in 6 TEMPUS projects. The most recent are: TEMPUS UM_JEP - 27085-2006 (COIN) “Establishment of mechanism of cooperation and interaction between universities and industry at the regional level as an element of development strategy of universities” (beneficiary organization - University of Lodz (Poland)); TEMPUS СD-JEP 27238-2006 “Development of cooperation between universities and enterprises in the Eastern Ukraine for teaching of economics and management” (beneficiary organization - Universite Pierre Mendes Grenoble (France)); TEMPUS 144641-TEMPUS-1-2008-1-FITEMPUS-JPCR (INTOUR) “International networking for modernization of tourism education and developing academic mobility” (beneficiary organization - Savonia University of Applied Sciences (Finland)). Please, contact: Dr. Eduard Pavlysh (International Business Activities department) e-mail: [email protected] Dr. Lyudmila Shabalina (International Business Activities department) e-mail: [email protected] ======Poltava National Pedagogical University named after V.G.Korolenko is looking for the partners 1. Tempus project proposition – the name of the project proposition “The development of the joint Master`s training programme for innovative management of educational institutions”. 2. Tempus project proposition – the name of the project proposition “Making the ties of the University with educational institutions stronger: provision for a stable development of educational institutions in common educational scope on the basis of innovative management”. Contact person: doctor of education, Professor Grinyova Marina Viktorivna, the head of the department of pedagogical skills and management, the dean of the faculty of natural sciences, Poltava National Pedagogical University named after V.G.Korolenko. Phone / Fax: 8(0532) 560319, E-Mail: [email protected] 1. “The development of the joint Master`s training programme for innovative management in the sphere of globalization and euro integration”. 2. Project objective: generalization of Master`s professional training experience, chief subject “Management of educational institutions”, as far as innovative management in the sphere of globalization and euro integration is concerned. 3. Project goals: - Negotiating treaties as to cooperation with The Highest School of Education (Łódź, Poland); The Highest School of Pedagogics and Administration (Poznan, Poland); National College of school managers (Nottingham, Great Britain); Educational and Training Centre of the Netherlands, ETCN; WestphalianUniversity named after William (Münster, Germany); School Leadership - Harvard Graduate School of Education (Harvard, Great Britain) and others. – Setting up the Centre of generalization of Master`s professional training experience, chief subject “Management of educational institutions”, as far as innovative management in the sphere of globalization and euro integration is concerned. – Lecturers` and undergraduates` mobility support. – Lecturers` language training for them to work in poly-cultural environment. – The development of the joint Master`s training programme for innovative management in the sphere of globalization and euro integration. – Making web-platforms to hold web-conferences, web-seminars, web-lectures. –VC equipment PC, DL – The development of teaching and methodological facilities. - The development of practical facilities. Setting up practice bases in different countries. – The development of textbooks and manuals. 4. National priority of Ukraine: the development of scientific and innovative activities in the sphere of education and its improving on the basis of innovation. 5. Regional project 6. The University in Ukraine: Poltava National Pedagogical University named after V.G.Korolenko 7. Contact person: doctor of education, Professor Grinyova Marina Viktorivna, the head of the department of pedagogical skills and management, the dean of the faculty of natural sciences, Poltava National Pedagogical University named after V.G.Korolenko. Phone / Fax: 8(0532) 560319 E-Mail: [email protected] 8. Partners in Ukraine: – Kirovohrad State Pedagogical University named after Vynnychenko – Classical Private University (the Institute of informational and social technologies) Zaporizhia, Ukraine. – Uman State Pedagogical University – Luhansk National University named after T.G. Shevchenko – Cherkasy National University named after B. Khmelnitski – Sumy State Pedagogical University Named after A.S.Makarenko – Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University ======Mariupol State University is looking for partners in Tempus project 1. Name of your university/ institution/ industry or company interested in participating in TEMPUS project: International name: Mariupol State University 2. Main field of activities of your institution: Educational, scientific, methodological and international cooperation 3. Information about the intended TEMPUS project: The main aim of the project is to strength and promote cooperation between Ukrainian and European universities as tool to share and efficiently utilize scarce human and material resources - to prepare and implement joint postgraduate study program in accordance with EU educational standards - to promote inter country student mobility program as a tool to improve academic education quality - to promote involvement of all stakeholders in process of curriculum development to create education in accordance with society needs and EU standards. 4. Project proposal/ description: We are looking for an EU-partner (University) who’s ready to be the applicant/ grant holder of the abovementioned project. 5. Previous international experience: Programme or initiative Reference number Beneficiary Organization Title of the Project TEMPUS MODEP ETJ - JP - 00408-2008 University Overn-Clermon-1 (France) (MOdernisation et DEveloppement de cours Professionnalises Contact person : Mykola Trofymenko, Vice-Rector for International Relations of Mariupol State University, PhD (Political Science) Tel./fax +38 0629 53 22 51, +38 0629 53 22 60 e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] ======Ternopil Institute of Social and Information Technologies Project Title : Knowledge Mobility for Social Integration and Economic Interaction Target group: students, graduates, faculties, entrepreneurs, executive management of industry enterprises, local community administration staff. Coordinator: Bakushevych Ivanna, Professor, PhD, Fulbr. Professor Contacts: phone: +380677940830, e-mail: [email protected] Project goals and objectives: 1. Exchange of scholars for the collaborative educational programs and methods of instruction of academic disciplines development, with the inclusion of distance education technologies, education for people with special needs and the elderly (‘third millennium university’); 2. Student exchange: organizing study tours and internship on socially-oriented companies in different regions of EU and Ukraine; providing social events, arranging social activities; on-site trainings in ecology-friendly firms and companies providing ecological services (including agro - consulting), student volunteer projects aimed at promoting local communities, work in orphanages, shelters for the homeless, and other welfare institutions; 3. Collaborative promotional activity of the project participants for local and international networking of the regions to impact the shaping of public opinion in the areas of ecology, the social responsibility of business and social support of vulnerable groups; 4. The creation of the knowledge triangle: education– research– innovation to promote knowledge and technologies transfers of social and business innovations among partnering universities, foreign companies by organizing international forums, conferences, research projects ( together with the Ternopil Institute of agricultural production, Ternopil research station of the Institute of Veterinary Medicine, the Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences, as well as a network of business incubators and technology transfer centers in Ukraine and Poland; 5. Developing common quality standards of governance of processes of innovative, socially-oriented entrepreneurship and promotion of a healthy lifestyle; implementation of European quality standards into environment-friendly manufacturing and service processes, as well as revitalization processes of depressive territories. Project coordinator in Ukraine: The Ternopil Institute of Social and Information Technologies (TISIT) tel.: 0352 528310, fax: 0352 523996, e-mail:[email protected] Responsible person: Bakushevych Ivanna, Vice-Rector for International Affairs and Scientific Development Contacts: phone: +380677940830, e-mail: [email protected] ======</p><p>PARTNER SEARCH FORM FOR COOPERATION IN TEMPUS IV PROJECT</p><p>1 Name of your Ukraine university/institution/industry Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University or company interested in participating in TEMPUS project: 2 Main field of activities of your − Higher medical education for students at such specialties: institution: “General Medicine”, “Pediatrics”, “Dentistry”, “Pharmacy”. About 4 600 Ukrainian students + 900 Foreign students per year; − Postgraduate education for doctors. About 3 600 doctors per year; − Scientific work in fields of Biology, Anatomy, Internal Medicine and many others medical areas; − Therapeutic work in University’s clinic, city hospitals and other medical centers. 3 Information about the intended We are ready to join to any new projects, which are related with TEMPUS project: development of medical education, distance forms of learning in medicine, development of computer technologies in higher education, etc. 4 Project proposal/description: 5 Previous international TEMPUS project MUMEENA (Modernizing Medical Education in experience: Eastern Europe Neighboring Area) 6 Please contact: person Volodymyr Vasylchuk position Head of International Relations Department e-mail [email protected] skype doctor_vvv tel.: +38 (095) 56-13-924 ======Electronic Technical University in the context of distance learning development in Ukraine.</p><p>Acronym: EUniTech.</p><p>Target group: Ministry of Education, Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine; Regional and Local Authorities; Universities’ administration, professors and non-teaching staff. Consortium: three European universities with good experience in distance learning and three technical universities of Ukraine with no experience of distance learning. Objectives: Wider objective: The development of engineers training system according to Bologna process standards implementation through Ukrainian technical universities integration in distance learning sphere. Specific objectives: Creation of interregional network of distance learning in the form of functioning Electronic Technical. Training of teaching staff, modernization of curriculum, preparation of courses to be taught for the Electronic Technical University due to Bologna process standards with the help of best practices of European universities. Creation of internet portal of Electronic Technical University. Improvement of regulatory and legal framework of distance learning in Ukraine. Activities: 1. Studying the best practices of distance learning in European universities. 2. Drawing-up proposals on Ukrainian regulatory and legal framework of distance learning improvement. 3. Designing Electronic Technical University internet portal. 4. Choosing specializations for the Electronic Technical University pilot project. 5. Conducting seminars, round tables, conferences to discuss topical questions on distance learning for engineers in Ukraine. 6. Project materials dissemination through projects internet portal. 7. Trainings in distance learning tools and methodology for teaching staff. 8. Modification and coordination of content and methodological supplement of distance courses between partner universities. Results: 1. Distance learning departments, responsible for interregional distance learning network functioning, created in partner universities. 2. Interregional network of distance learning for technical universities in the form of Electronic Technical University created and functioning. 3. Curricula, courses content and methodological supplement for Electronic Technical University developed. 4. Teaching and non-teaching staff for the Electronic Technical University trained. 5. Cooperation between partner universities in the sphere of distance learning intensified. 6. Proposals on improvements in regulatory and legal framework of distance learning prepared.</p><p>Contacts: Eduard Pavlysh: tel. +38-050-3477680, [email protected] Luydmila Shabalina: tel. +38-050-9592248 [email protected]</p><p>Master’s and PhD programs in the field of "Computer Engineering" Project acronym: «MPCE» National Joint Project Priority – Curricular Reform Target group: masters, lecturers of Higher Education Institutions Grant holder: ????? Contacts: Contacts: ScD, Professor Lupenko Serhii tel.: 00380 352 52 41 33 e-mail: [email protected] Partnership: . Polish-Japanese Institute of . Ternopil Ivan Pul’uj National Technical Information Technology, University, Ternopil, Ukraine Warsaw, Poland . National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv . École polytechnique, Polytechnic Institute», Kyiv, Ukraine Palaiseau, France . National University «Lviv Politechnic», Lviv, . European Centre of Studies and Ukraine Initiatives CESIE, . Odessa National Polytechnic University, Odessa, Palermo, Italy Ukraine . National Aerospace University "KhAI", Kharkiv, Ukraine . Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine Project goals and objectives: The overall project goal : . Increasing educational and scientific potential of specialists in Information Technologies, by reforming curricula and training programs for Master's and PhD by specialties "Computer Systems and Networks", "System Programming" and "Specialized computer systems" based on Bologna process standards and regulations. Specific project objectives : . To modernise Master’s programs by specialties "Computer Systems and Networks", "System Programming" and "Specialized computer systems". . To develop PhD-programs by specialties "Computer Systems and Networks", "System Programming" and "Specialized computer systems". . To develop and implementation of training courses for Master’s and PhD accordance with the requirements of the labor market and the Bologna process. . To introduct modern methods and means of blended learning in study process of Master’s and professional skill improvement of teachers/supervisors. . To create educational and methodical complex in English and Ukrainian languages for Master's and PhD training programs that will be certified and will have state recognition. . To develop cooperation with leading scientific institutions and enterprises in the field of IT. . To establish mechanism for joint Master’s and PhD programs in the field of "Computer Engineering". . To disseminate project results among partner institutions. Activities: . Formation of quality requirements and criteria to teachers/supervisors and Master and PhD in the field of "Computer Engineering". . Formation requirements for the teaching of Master’s and PhD in the field of "Computer Engineering". . Modernization of curricula and training programs for Master’s by specialties "Computer Systems and Networks", "System Programming" and "Specialized computer systems". . Development of curricula and training programs for PhD by specialties "Computer Systems and Networks", "System Programming" and "Specialized computer systems". . Development of certified courses for Master’s and PhD training. . Development and implementation of a mixed-type training. . Organization of joint training video and web-seminars. . Introduction of modern technical means in the educational process. . Preparation of practical-oriented Master’s and PhD works. . Organizing courses of professional skill improvement for teachers/supervisors. . Defining criteria and mechanisms of quality evaluation of the educational process. . Defining criteria and mechanisms of quality evaluation of Master’s and PhD. . Development recommendations for implementation of the project results among other educational institutions. Expected results: I. Reformed curricula and training programs for Master’s by specialties "Computer Systems and Networks", "System Programming" and "Specialized computer systems". I. Developed curricula and training programs for PhD by specialties "Computer Systems and Networks", "System Programming" and "Specialized computer systems". II. Created teaching system for Master’s and PhD by specialties "Computer Systems and Networks", "System Programming" and "Specialized computer systems" in Ukrainian and English languages, certified and with state recognition. III. Introducted modern methods and means of blended learning for Master’s and PhD. IV. Introducted technologies and methods of quality evaluation of Master’s and PhD. V. Getting international double diplomas for Master’s and PhD. VI. Raised awareness, mobility and competitiveness Master’s and PhD on the labor market. VII. Recommendations for dissemination of project results to other specialties. Project coordinator in Ukraine: Ternopil Ivan Pul’uj National Technical University, Responsible person: ScD, Professor Lupenko Serhii, Head of International Projects Department Contacts: tel.: 00380 352 52 41 33; e-mail: [email protected]</p>

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