<p> P E N I N S U L A -W I D E W O R K S H O P S 1 6 – 2 3 A P R I L 2 0 0 4</p><p>For enquiries and/or bookings for the respective courses kindly contact the the person listed in the right hand column.</p><p>Fri 16/4 Opening of the Callibash Exhibition. (6 April – 21 May) Ansie Burger-Maritz 6pm Sanlam Gallery, Voortrekker Road, Bellville [email protected]</p><p>Fri 16/4 PLUMSTEAD Flourishing with Flair! Andrew vd Merwe, 021- 761-4400 09h30-16h30 Learn the techniques get confidence. [email protected] </p><p>Fri 16/4 BELLVILLE Calligraphy for Young Teenagers 1 Hette Coetzee, 021-946-1956 15h00-17h00 [email protected]</p><p>Fri 16/4 KUILSRIVIER Calligraphy for Children 1 Rika Potgieter, 021-903-6639 15h00-17h00 Pen play, intro the Neuland style [email protected]</p><p>Sat 17/4 RONDEBOSCH Embossed Greetings Cards. Design and Linda Sealy, 021-671-4543 09h30-12h00 technique for this beautiful medium. [email protected]</p><p>17, 18 + 22/4 EVERSDAL Teacher’s Instruction Course* Heleen de Haas, 021-976-3580 09h30-16h30 For current and beginner teachers. [email protected]</p><p>Sat 17/4 KALK BAY Intro to Copperplate. Getting to know Hilary Adams, 021-794-4618 9h30-12h30 calligraphy’s most elegant hand. [email protected]</p><p>Sun 18/4 Tour of the Peninsula with Dalene Morris Alta Pieters, 021-976-4128 pm only (Numbers Limited) [email protected]</p><p>Mon 19/4 BELLVILLE Calligraphy for Young Teenagers 2 Hette Coetzee, 021-946-1956 15h00-17h00 [email protected]</p><p>Mon 19/4 EVERSDAL Reed Pen Gothic* Jeff Sochen c/o Heleen, 021- 09h30-16h30 Exploring texture with script & medium 976-3580, [email protected]</p><p>1 Mon 19/4 EVERSDAL Materials & gimmicks to enhance your Linda Schuld c/o Heleen, 021- 18h00-21h00 calligraphy* Extend your visual repertoire. 976-3580, [email protected]</p><p>2 Mon 19/4 Tour of the Peninsula with Dalene Morris (repeat) Alta Pieters, 021-976-4128 pm only (Numbers Limited) [email protected]</p><p>Tue 20/4 (Venue to Calligraphy on the Beach. A serious jol. Andrew vd Merwe, 021-761-4400 09h00 – 12h00 be announced) Discover how medium affects form. [email protected] </p><p>20/4 – 21/4 EVERSDAL Edward Johnston’s Foundational Hand* Renier Feldman c/o Heleen, 021- 18h30-21h30 Imperative for serious calligraphers. 976-3580, [email protected]</p><p>Wed 17/4 EVERSDAL Introduction to Calligraphy* Heleen de Haas, 021-976- 3580 9h30-12h30 Ideal intro for newcomers [email protected]</p><p>Wed 21/4 FISH HOEK Making a Sea Journal. Creative book Di Breeze, 021-782-4187 9h00-16h00 binding, making of red pens and quills. [email protected]</p><p>Wed 21/4 PLUMSTEAD Monogramme Design. For personal and Andrew vd Merwe, 021-761-4400 09h30-16h30 corporate branding - and just for pleasure! [email protected] </p><p>Thur 22/4 EVERSDAL Teacher’s Instruction Course continued* Heleen de Haas, 021-976-3580 09h30-16h30 For current and beginner teachers. [email protected]</p><p>Thur 22/4 EVERSDAL Creative Envelopes* Jeff Sochen c/o Heleen, 021- 18h30-21h30 Innovative, extraordinary and fantabulous! 976-3580, [email protected]</p><p>Fri 23/4 SA LIBRARY, The Grey Collection. Medieval manuscripts Alta Pieters, 021-976-4128 09h30-11h30 GARDENS opened and explained. Booking essential. [email protected]</p><p>Fri 23/4 KALK BAY Introduction to Calligraphy Hilary Adams, 021-794-4618 9h30-12h30 Discover the hand written letter forms [email protected]</p><p>Fri 23/4 KUILSRIVIER Calligraphy for Children part 2 Rika Potgieter, 021-903-6639 15h00-17h00 Making your own cards, posters, etc [email protected]</p><p>Fri 23/4 (Venue to Pavement Writing. The most calligraphy Andrew vd Merwe, 021-761-4400 12h30-15h30 be announced) fun you’ll ever have! [email protected] </p><p>* Part of Heleen’s Studio’s 20th Anniversary</p><p>3 R I E B E E C K K A S T E E L W O R K S H O P S 2 4 – 2 7 A P R I L 2 0 0 4 Goedgedacht Rural Community Farm</p><p>Friday 23/04 17h00 Arrival at Riebeeck Kasteel 18h30 Supper 20h00 Informal introductions and slide show. Saturday 24/04 08h00 Breakfast Workshop 1 09h30 The Living Word with Heleen de Haas A workshop in which students will create a piece of calligraphy based on an excerpt from Scripture. We will explore cognitive, emotional and visual approaches to the piece you have chosen -trying to move out of the comfort zones and ‘safe’ options. The aim is to create a final rough (and ideally a finished colour piece if students attend Hilary’s workshop.)</p><p>Workshop 2 09h30 Monogramme Design with Andrew van der Merwe The design of monogrammes is very useful for logos, personal stationary and wedding invitations. It is a very satisfying challenge in design logic and teaches us a lot about the letters we work with.</p><p>12h00 Light Sandwich Lunch 14h00 Workshops 1 & 2 continue 17h00 Workshops end 18h00 Supper 20h00 Walk-about for ‘Show and tell’ in workshop venues. Inspirational slide show Denys Brown CD Sunday 25/04 08h00 Breakfast 08h30 Bilingual praise and worship in the chapel Workshop 3 09h45 Painted Surfaces with Hilary Adams Students will explore background techniques using a variety of media to produce a page covered by blocks of colour and/or lettering. This workshop can be used to complete the piece started in Workshop 1.</p><p>Workshop 4 09h45 Flourishing with Flair -Andrew van der Merwe This workshop will encompass the aspects of technique, structure, style and use - and more generally, just how to crack your pen like a whip!</p><p>12h00 Light Sandwich Lunch 13h30 Workshops 3 & 4 continue 17h00 Workshops end 18h30 Supper 20h00 Walk-about for ‘Show and Tell’ in workshop venues. Inspirational slide show Black and White DVD Monday 26/04 08h00 Breakfast Workshop 5 09h30 Up-beat Capitals with Heleen de Haas</p><p>4 Uppercase letters are grossly underestimated as far as their application is concerned. In this workshop we will explore ways in which capitals can appear more lively. Students doing this workshop must be au fait with either Roman or Italic capitals.</p><p>5 Workshop 6 09h30 Musical Calligraphy with Hilary Adams To the accompaniment of different styles of music (classical to contemporary) students will use a variety of tools to produce a layered background effect. </p><p>12h00 Light sandwich lunch 13h30 Workshops 5 & 6 continue 17h00 Workshops end 18h30 Supper 20h00 Walk-about for ‘Show and Tell’ in workshop venues. Inspirational slide show Denys Brown CD Tuesday 27/04 08h00 Breakfast Workshop 7 09h30 Decorative techniques for Calligraphy with Linda Sealy This workshop is suitable for calligraphers at any level to explore new ways of creating special effects in a piece of calligraphic art or to use as interesting backgrounds.</p><p>Workshop 8 09h00 Designing your own alphabet with Heleen de Haas Using an instrument of their choice, students will design and apply an alphabet based on another one which is foreign to them.</p><p>12h00 Light sandwich lunch 12h30 Workshops 7 & 8 continue 15h30 End of workshops</p><p>16h00 Farewell! </p><p>B O O K I N G * To book for the following workshops kindly forward a 50% deposit to CAPE FRIENDS OF CALLIGRAPHY, PO Box 5654, TYGERVALLEY 7536 or deposit directly into FIRST NATIONAL BANK, CLAREMONT, ACC NO 501 503 90596 * Deposit slips and registration forms must be faxed through to Jenny Birch on 021-976-6592 * Classes are restricted to 15 students only and therefore bookings will be done on a first deposit paid basis. * Details regarding reduced rates can be found at the end of the programme. * As part of our celebrations and as a gift to you, the CFC will be including in the workshop fee one evenings “Bed & Dinner” for the evening preceding your workshop. Kindly advise us whether you will be staying over or not when you book. * All rooms are double rooms so please indicate with whom you choose to share, alternatively you may settle the outstanding amount should you wish to have a room to yourself. Kindly arrange with Anne of Goedgedacht Farm at 022-48-24466 or 083 658 3855 should you wish to stay over on Tuesday 27 as well. * Any transport enquiries can be directed to Jenny Birch at 021-976-6592. * We look forward to hearing from you!</p><p>6 R E G I S T R A T I O N F O R M , R I E B E E C K K A S T E E L (Fax to Jenny Birch on 021-976-6592)</p><p>Name______</p><p>Address ______</p><p>Telephone ______Cell ______</p><p>Email address ______</p><p>Enclosed please find my 50% deposit for the following workshops. (Please tick your choices.)</p><p>Saturday 24/04 W/s 1 The Living Word R200.00 W/s 2 Monogramme Design R200.00 </p><p>Sunday 25/04 W/s 3 Painted surfaces R200.00 W/s 4 Flourishing with Flair R200.00 </p><p>Monday 26/04 W/s 5 Up-beat Capitals R200.00 W/s 6 Musical Calligraphy R200.00 </p><p>Tuesday 27/04 W/s 7 Decorative Techniques R200.00 W/s 8 Designing an Alphabet R200.00 </p><p>* Should you pay in full by 30 November 2003 OR if you are paying a 50% deposit and attending all 4 workshops, a 10% discount will apply. * Bookings will be done on a strictly first deposit made basis. * Should you wish to indicate a second choice where applicable we would be grateful if you would indicate this in brackets after the tick box.</p><p>PS: If you wish to have any friends who are not members of your guild receive this programme, please give us their name and email address:</p><p>Name______</p><p>Email address ______</p><p>7 A B O U T T H E T E A C H E R S</p><p>Here are some short CV’s along with some further details regarding their Callibash workshops. Most of the teachers will be able to include samples of their work in email correspondence when you enquire further about their workshops.</p><p>Hilary Adams Hilary has been involved in calligraphic pursuits for some 20 years. She has taught calligraphy over the past ten years and currently works full time in the calligraphic and DTP fields for private and corporate clients. She particularly enjoys experimental work. Copperplate workshop: introduction to the art of "Fine Writing" using everyday writing tools such as pencils, ball point pens as well as demonstrations on how to use the more traditional copperplate nibs. Beginners, intermediate. Introduction to calligraphy - looking at and comparing letter structure from various hands - uncial, foundation, gothic and italic . Minimal equipment needed: 1 broad edge pen - recommended the Pilot parallel pen, 3.8mm. </p><p>Di Breeze Di Breeze is a fine artist with wide experience in various fields of the book arts and has been teaching and creating one-of-a-kind book art and binding for a number of years. Living in Fish Hoek, she has a close association with the sea and shore and has designed her Callibash workshop of a painted book to have, if the maker desires, a sea theme. This workshop is for adults and calligraphers of all abilities who will make a wonderful vehicle for their calligraphy and also find out how to make quills and reed pens.</p><p>Hette Coetzee Just about 20 years ago I followed a basic course in Calligraphy, first with Sandra Dyson and then with Sonja Pretorius, while living in the Vaal Triangle. I was a member of the Delta Scribes and we had many workshops with folks like Jeff Sochen, Sonya Allais, June Thiel, Gwen Rogers, Renier Feldtman and Jenny da Costa. I have done commissions for the Municipalities of Vereeniging, Vanderbijlpark, Brakpan and Sasolburg and for High Schools in Sasolburg and Vanderbijlpark; also lately for the High School DF Malan in Bellville. I'm currently teaching small groups of ladies at home or groups of children during the school holidays, just to introduce them to the gentle art of Calligraphy.</p><p>Heleen de Haas * The HdeH Calligraphy Teaching & Design Studio will celebrate its 20th anniversary next year. I teach papermaking (on which I have written a book), calligraphy and the related arts to mostly adults. At the last two national interguild challenges, the Studio students and myself have walked away with eight out of the ten awards in both instances, the last boasting 1st and 2nd national winners. * I have attended the workshops by overseas visitors and travelled overseas to attend workshops on the Healing Brush. * I have also completed the Grapho correspondence course with well known calligrapher, Thomas Ingmire. * Both of my submissions to the international “Calligrapher's Engagement Calendar" it have been published. * I am co-editor of the only calligraphy teachers' manual ever to be published and distributed internationally. * I have done citations for Nelson Mandela, Govan Mbeki and designed the prestigious Sanlam "Goue Adelaar" award. * I also do calligraphic murals. * The other teachers participating in the Studio 20th anniversary - Jeff Sochen, Renier Feldman and Linda Schuld -have been chosen by Heleen for their particular field of creative expertise.</p><p>8 Rika Potgieter Rika is an experienced educationalist and has been doing calligraphy since 1996. She has done two certificate courses with Heleen de Haas and attended courses and workshop run by many other South African teachers and visiting calligraphers from abroad. She has a tremendous love for and rapport with children for whom her workshops are designed. This year she has presented courses at the Cederberg Festival in Clanwilliam and will do so again next year.</p><p>Linda Sealy * Linda trained and worked as a finished lettering artist (a commercial artist doing art work for reproduction) in Cape Town. Subsequently she has worked as a professional calligrapher, freelancing and teaching calligraphy classes and workshops for various institutions and privately. She has taught calligraphy for 21 years. * She was a founder of the Ruth Prowse School of Art calligraphy course which ran for 10 years. * She is founder member of The Cape Friends of Calligraphy and the Cape Calligraphy Teachers Guild. * Calligraphy qualifications: Roehampton calligraphy course, U.K.; Calligraphy teacher qualification - Johannesburg * Calligraphy Teachers Guild certificates, 1 & 2, Cape. * Calligraphy Teacher's Guild accreditation. * Regular visits on sabbatical to UK to attend calligraphy courses. * At present freelancing as a professional calligrapher, teaching private calligraphy courses. Linda’s workshop will provide the calligrapher with some useful techniques to enhance his or her work, either as a background or a whole new approach. You will have an opportunity to try out the many varied ways of making your creative work more exciting. Suitable for all levels but at least one calligraphy course under your belt will help!</p><p>Andrew van der Merwe I started doing calligraphy in my first two years of school because I got gold stars for my writing from a very beautiful teacher! I dabbled in calligraphy until I came to the University of Cape Town to study social science and find a wife. At that stage I took it up seriously between surfing and studying to help pay my way. Apart from attending workshops presented by local and international calligraphers and reading extensively, I am self-taught and find calligraphy quite simple, really! I have an analytical approach which enables me to explain its dynamics in a helpful way. I find the teaching of calligraphy very satisfying. I was a member of the Cape Calligraphy Teacher’s Guild when it existed and contributed to its internationally distributed manual for teachers. I have had articles published in Papyrus. I have freelanced as a professional calligrapher for about twelve years and do most of my work for other designers and advertising agencies. I do a fair amount of book cover titling for publishers here and in the UK. I also occasionally have the pleasure of doing illuminated addresses, and have had the honour of writing the Freedom of the City of Cape Town which was presented to President Nelson Mandela in 1997. For some e-portfolios of my work, please email me at [email protected] .</p><p>O T H E R E V E N T S The Cape Callibash calligraphy festival will also include a number of other exciting exhibitions and events. Among these are an exhibition of amateur work, an exhibition of commercially applied calligraphy and lettering (corporate ID, branding, packaging, book titling, etc) and an exhibition of art with calligraphic intervention. To be kept abreast of all events, please be sure to supply us with your email address.</p><p>PS: If anyone wants to know what a calabash has to do with calligraphy, we don’t know!</p><p>9</p>
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