<p> Defense Health Services Systems (DHSS) Resources Expense Assignment System IV (EAS IV) Release Notes Release EAS IV SW Release 14 July 2008 Deliverable # 41 Contract Number: W74V8H-04-D-0023-B304</p><p>Electronic Data Systems Six Skyline Place 5109 Leesburg Pike, Suite 414 Falls Church, VA 22041-3215 1-703-845-3525 Fax: 703-845-3571 www.eds.com Expense Assignment System IV (EAS IV) TS Release Notes, Release</p><p>This page intentionally left blank.</p><p>Document Version 1.0 RITPO - PROPRIETARY Page ii Issued 14 July 2008 Use pursuant to confidentiality instructions Last Updated 14 July 2008 Expense Assignment System IV (EAS IV) TS Release Notes, Release</p><p>Document Information</p><p>Document title: Release Notes, Release Document filename: 0f364b9a86139671dea1bdfcdeba17e4.doc Document Version: 1.0 Template Version: 1.0 Issued by: Park City Solutions, Inc. Issue date: 14 July 2008 Author: Karen Lameo Owner: Geff Garnhart Status: FINAL</p><p>Document Stakeholders</p><p>The stakeholders identified in this section are responsible for reviewing and approving these release notes at inception and after any subsequent changes.</p><p>Geff Garnhart Electronic Data Systems signature date Project Manager</p><p>Maureen Hafner Electronic Data Systems signature date Configuration Manager</p><p>Ken Moniza Electronic Data Systems signature date Engineering Lead</p><p>Document Version 1.0 RITPO - PROPRIETARY Page iii Issued 14 July 2008 Use pursuant to confidentiality instructions Last Updated 14 July 2008 Expense Assignment System IV (EAS IV) TS Release Notes, Release</p><p>Revision History</p><p>Version Date Author Description of change(s) 1.0 14 Jul 2008 Karen Lameo Revision for Release</p><p>Document Version 1.0 RITPO - PROPRIETARY Page iv Issued 14 July 2008 Use pursuant to confidentiality instructions Last Updated 14 July 2008 Expense Assignment System IV (EAS IV) TS Release Notes, Release</p><p>Table of Contents</p><p>1. Objectives...... 1</p><p>2. Scope...... 2</p><p>3. System Software Identification...... 3 3.1 Release Information...... 3 3.2 Software Life Cycle Phase...... 3 3.3 Installation/Deployment Targets...... 3 3.4 Deployment Dates for Each Target...... 3 4. Release Description...... 4 4.1 Inventory of Materials Released...... 4 4.2 Inventory of Software Contents...... 4 4.3 Changes Installed...... 4 4.3.1 System Requests...... 5 4.4 Adaptation Data...... 5 4.5 Installation Instructions...... 5 APPENDIX A : Abbreviations, Acronyms and Terms...... A1</p><p>APPENDIX B : DMIS ID Table...... B1</p><p>List of Tables</p><p>Table 3-1: EAS IV and EAS IV Repository Environments...... 3</p><p>Table 4-1: System Requests Implemented in Release for the Web Application...... 5</p><p>Document Version 1.0 RITPO - PROPRIETARY Page v Issued 14 July 2008 Use pursuant to confidentiality instructions Last Updated 14 July 2008 Expense Assignment System IV (EAS IV) TS Release Notes, Release</p><p>Release Notes, Release</p><p>1. Objectives This document describes the contents of the Expense Assignment System IV (EAS IV) Release packaged deliverable. It is developed under Defense Medical Information Systems/Systems Integration, Design Development, Operations and Maintenance Services - III (D/SIDDOMS – III) Contract W74V8H-04-D-0023-B304. </p><p>Document Version 1.0 RITPO - PROPRIETARY Page 1 of 5 Issued 14 July 2008 Use pursuant to confidentiality instructions Last Updated 14 July 2008 Expense Assignment System IV (EAS IV) TS Release Notes, Release</p><p>2. Scope The purpose of the Release Notes is to provide a standardized means to identify items that are contained in each release. The proper identification of new, changed, and enhanced features of each release will allow for a more successful installation and implementation of these items. Also, adherence to this standard will ensure that implemented changes do not adversely affect the system or its security policies. The Release Notes are generated throughout the system life cycle (SLC) of EAS IV. The identification of release information as defined in this document is applicable to all personnel responsible for the analysis, design, development, maintenance, and testing of the EAS IV application. The Release Notes are generated for each release pertaining to patches, enhancements, upgrades, and routine maintenance.</p><p>Document Version 1.0 RITPO - PROPRIETARY Page 2 of 5 Issued 14 July 2008 Use pursuant to confidentiality instructions Last Updated 14 July 2008 Expense Assignment System IV (EAS IV) TS Release Notes, Release</p><p>3. System Software Identification</p><p>3.1 Release Information The software version information described in this document pertains to EAS IV Release</p><p>3.2 Software Life Cycle Phase EAS IV is currently in the Production phase of the software life cycle process.</p><p>3.3 Installation/Deployment Targets The intended installation targets for EAS IV Release are the designated servers at the Defense Information System Agency (DISA) in San Antonio, Texas and in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The EDS team is currently providing installation support to these servers. The EDS team utilizes a virtual private network (VPN) connection to the DISA site to perform the install. These environments are identified below.</p><p>Table 3-1: EAS IV and EAS IV Repository Environments</p><p>EAS IV EAS IV Repository App DB App DB Development X BusinessObjects Development Test X Development X Production Test - X Production Test - X DTE DTE Production Test - X Production X Training Production X</p><p>3.4 Deployment Dates for Each Target The deployment date of EAS IV Release is 14 July 2008.</p><p>Document Version 1.0 RITPO - PROPRIETARY Page 3 of 5 Issued 14 July 2008 Use pursuant to confidentiality instructions Last Updated 14 July 2008 Expense Assignment System IV (EAS IV) TS Release Notes, Release</p><p>4. Release Description The following paragraphs contain a description of the changes that have been made to the EAS IV system since the last baseline release. The changes herein described consist of data modifications, and code modifications and additions to enhance usability. The overall system architecture and design did not change for this release.</p><p>4.1 Inventory of Materials Released EAS IV Release is packaged and delivered to the EAS Program Office (EASPO) on compact disc (CD). Two copies from the original CD are created and delivered to EASPO. The original is maintained in the EDS EAS IV library. The CDs are titled EAS IV Web Release Production Release. If additional copies of the CD are required, they may be requested by the EASPO to EDS. Additional copies will be made from the original CD; they are created for EAS IV and are for official Government use only.</p><p>4.2 Inventory of Software Contents A complete listing of the deliverables can be found on the packing list document on the EAS IV Release deliverable CD.</p><p>4.3 Changes Installed The changes that are included in Release are listed below. Changes were applied to the Production Test environment on 9 July 2008. Internal Tier 3 testing was conducted on 9 July 2008. DT&E conducted testing on 10 July 2008 and approved the release for install. Changes were applied to the EAS IV production environment on 14 July 2008.</p><p>Document Version 1.0 RITPO - PROPRIETARY Page 4 of 5 Issued 14 July 2008 Use pursuant to confidentiality instructions Last Updated 14 July 2008 Expense Assignment System IV (EAS IV) TS Release Notes, Release</p><p>4.3.1 System Requests </p><p>The System Requests that are included in Release for the EAS IV Web Application are listed in Table 4-2.</p><p>Table 4-2: System Requests Implemented in Release for the Web Application Change Type SR# / MHS Description Resolution ID# EAS IV/EAS 5045 Update the DMIS ID Table Applied the August IV Repository with the August 2008 changes 2008 DMIS ID Database identified in Appendix B. updates to the EAS Server IV application and the EAS IV Repository.</p><p>4.4 Adaptation Data No unique-to-site data is contained in this software version.</p><p>4.5 Installation Instructions Installation instructions can be found in the Software Installation Plan dated November 07. The plan is located in the doc folder in the Documentation zip file on the EAS IV Production Release deliverable CD.</p><p>Document Version 1.0 RITPO - PROPRIETARY Page 5 of 5 Issued 14 July 2008 Use pursuant to confidentiality instructions Last Updated 14 July 2008 Expense Assignment System IV (EAS IV) TS Release Notes, Release</p><p>APPENDIX A : Abbreviations, Acronyms and Terms The abbreviations, acronyms, and terms used throughout this document are defined in this appendix.</p><p>ASD Assistant Security of Defense CM Configuration Management CD Compact disc DHSS Defense Health Services Systems DISA Defense Information Systems Agency DO Delivery Order DoD Department of Defense Defense Medical Information Systems/Systems Integration, Design D/SIDDOMS Development, Operations and Maintenance Services DT&E Development, Testing, and Evaluation EAS IV Expense Assignment System Version IV EASPO Expense Assignment System Program Office EDS Electronic Data Systems IAVA Information Assurance Vulnerability Alert MHS Military Health System POC Point of Contact SW Software SLC System life cycle TS Task Statement</p><p>Document Version 1.0 RITPO - PROPRIETARY Page A2 Issued 14 July 2008 Use pursuant to confidentiality instructions Last Updated 14 July 2008 Expense Assignment System IV (EAS IV) TS Release Notes, Release</p><p>APPENDIX B : DMIS ID Table 1. The following DMIS IDs required activation on the FY08 EAS IV and EAS IV Repository Tables. The DMIS IDs noted below will appear on the FY08 EAS IV DMIS ID Table as an activation as of 10/1/07. The EAS IV Repository does not store activation dates on the DMIS ID Table. It is a fiscal year table. DMIS IDs activated in the current fiscal year will only appear on the current fiscal year table and not on a previous fiscal year table. Facility command codes are only stored in the EAS IV Repository. U S Fl Facil Facil a Facil ity ity g Facilit ity Cou Loca C Serv P Parent y Zip2 ntry tion o ice Health Facility DMIS DMIS DMIS Zip1 Cod Facility Cod Cod d Cod Service Command ID DMIS Name ID Name Installation Name Facility City Code e Type Cd e e e e Region UIC Code DARNALL WEST FORT HOOD AMC-FT. GREAT 6076 CLINIC 0110 HOOD FT. HOOD FT. HOOD 76544 4752 CLINIC US TX Y A 18 PLAINS</p><p>2. The following DMIS IDs required modifications to the highlighted fields below on the EAS IV and EAS IV Repository DMIS ID Table. U S Fl Facil Facil a Facil ity ity g Facilit ity Cou Loca C Serv P Parent y Zip2 ntry tion o ice Health Facility DMIS DMIS DMIS Zip1 Cod Facility Cod Cod d Cod Service Command ID DMIS Name ID Name Installation Name Facility City Code e Type Cd e e e e Region UIC Code BAVARIA 0609 BAVARIA MEDDAC 0609 MEDDAC VILSECK VILSECK 09112 CLINIC GM GM N A 13 W383AA EUROPE BAVARIA 1013 AHC BAMBERG 0609 MEDDAC BAMBERG BAMBERG 09139 CLINIC GM GM N A 13 W38303 EUROPE 1014 AHC ILLESHEIM 0609 BAVARIA ILLESHEIM ILLESHEIM 09140 CLINIC GM GM N A 13 W38307 EUROPE</p><p>Document Version 1.0 RITPO - PROPRIETARY Page B1 Issued 14 July 2008 Use pursuant to confidentiality instructions Last Updated 14 July 2008 Expense Assignment System IV (EAS IV) TS Release Notes, Release</p><p>U S Fl Facil Facil a Facil ity ity g Facilit ity Cou Loca C Serv P Parent y Zip2 ntry tion o ice Health Facility DMIS DMIS DMIS Zip1 Cod Facility Cod Cod d Cod Service Command ID DMIS Name ID Name Installation Name Facility City Code e Type Cd e e e e Region UIC Code MEDDAC BAVARIA 1015 AHC KATTERBACH 0609 MEDDAC KATTERBACH KATTERBACH 0 CLINIC GM GM N A 13 W38308 EUROPE AHC BAVARIA 1016 GRAFENWOEHR 0609 MEDDAC GRAFENWOEHR GRAFENWOEHR 09114 CLINIC GM GM N A 13 W38305 EUROPE BAVARIA 1017 AHC VILSECK 0609 MEDDAC VILSECK VILSECK 09112 CLINIC GM GM N A 13 W38311 EUROPE BAVARIA HOHENFELS/ 1019 AHC HOHENFELS 0609 MEDDAC AMBERG HOHENFELS 09173 CLINIC GM GM N A 13 W38306 EUROPE USADC BAVARIA 1086 KATTERBACH 0609 MEDDAC KATTERBACH KATTERBACH 09250 DENTAL GM GM N A 13 0 EUROPE BAVARIA 1091 USADC ILLESHEIM 0609 MEDDAC ILLESHEIM ILLESHEIM 09140 DENTAL GM GM N A 13 0 EUROPE USADC BAVARIA 1092 GRAFENWOEHR 0609 MEDDAC GRAFENWOEHR GRAFENWOEHR 09114 DENTAL GM GM N A 13 0 EUROPE BAVARIA 1093 USADC HOHENFELS 0609 MEDDAC HOHENFELS HOHENFELS 09173 DENTAL GM GM N A 13 0 EUROPE BAVARIA 1094 USADC BAMBERG 0609 MEDDAC BAMBERG BAMBERG 09139 DENTAL GM GM N A 13 0 EUROPE USADC BAVARIA 1095 SCHWEINFURT 0609 MEDDAC SCHWEINFURT SCHWEINFURT 09033 DENTAL GM GM N A 13 0 EUROPE BAVARIA 1124 AHC SCHWEINFURT 0609 MEDDAC SCHWEINFURT SCHWEINFURT 09033 CLINIC GM GM N A 13 W38310 EUROPE BAVARIA 7202 USADC LEIGHTON 0609 MEDDAC WUERZBURG WUERZBURG 09244 INACT GM GM N A 13 W3U589 EUROPE BAVARIA 7203 USADC VILSECK 0609 MEDDAC WUERZBURG WUERZBURG 09112 DENTAL GM GM N A 13 W3U58N EUROPE USADC BAVARIA WUERZBURG 7204 WUERZBURG 0609 MEDDAC HOSPITAL WUERZBURG 09244 DENTAL GM GM N A 13 W3U589 EUROPE BAVARIA 7302 USADC GARMISCH 0609 MEDDAC GARMISCH GARMISCH 09053 DENTAL GM GM N A 13 0 EUROPE</p><p>Document Version 1.0 RITPO - PROPRIETARY Page B2 Issued 14 July 2008 Use pursuant to confidentiality instructions Last Updated 14 July 2008 Expense Assignment System IV (EAS IV) TS Release Notes, Release</p><p>3. The following DMIS IDs required deactivation as of 7/31/08 on the EAS IV DMIS ID Table. These records cannot be deactivated in the EAS IV Repository until the end of the fiscal year but the Facility Type Code was changed to ‘INACT’. Please note, DMIS ID 7202 had a modification to the Parent DMIS Name but was also deactivated. U S Fl Facil Facil a Facil ity ity g Facilit ity Cou Loca C Serv P Parent y Zip2 ntry tion o ice Health Facility DMIS DMIS DMIS Zip1 Cod Facility Cod Cod d Cod Service Command ID DMIS Name ID Name Installation Name Facility City Code e Type Cd e e e e Region UIC Code NBHC NAVSUPPO NH NAVME 0855 LA MADDALENA 0617 NAPLES LA MADDALENA LA MADDALENA 09533 INACT IT IT N N 13 0 DE HEIDELB USADC ERG 1049 DARMSTADT 0606 MEDDAC DARMSTADT DARMSTADT 09175 INACT GM GM N A 13 0 EUROPE LANDSTU HL REGIONA USADC L 1061 WACKERHEIM 0607 MEDCEN WACHERHEIM WACHERHEIM 09185 INACT GM GM N A 13 0 EUROPE HEIDELB ERG 1064 USADC HANAU 0606 MEDDAC HANAU HANAU 09165 INACT GM GM N A 13 0 EUROPE USADC BAVARIA 7202 LEIGHTON 0609 MEDDAC WUERZBURG WUERZBURG 09244 INACT GM GM N A 13 W3U589 EUROPE</p><p>Document Version 1.0 RITPO - PROPRIETARY Page B3 Issued 14 July 2008 Use pursuant to confidentiality instructions Last Updated 14 July 2008 Expense Assignment System IV (EAS IV) TS Release Notes, Release</p><p>END OF DOCUMENT.</p><p>Document Version 1.0 RITPO - PROPRIETARY Page B4 Issued 14 July 2008 Use pursuant to confidentiality instructions Last Updated 14 July 2008</p>
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