<p> 1116 RECORD OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS (Minutes) The Somerset Independent Schools Board of Education met for the Regular Monthly Board Meeting at 305 College Street, Somerset, Kentucky, 42501 at 6:00 P.M. on the12th day of August, 2014. The members of the Somerset Board of Education are as follows: (1) Scott P. Gulock, Chairperson, (2) Gretchen W. Cole, Vice-Chairperson, (3) Sharon A. Brown, Member, (4) Jeff L. Perkins, Member, (5) Elaine A. Wilson, Member </p><p>I. Call To Order</p><p>Scott P. Gulock, Chairperson called the August 12, 2014, Regular Monthly Board Meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. Those in attendance were Scott P. Gulock, Chairperson; Gretchen W. Cole, Vice Chairperson; Sharon A. Brown, Member; Jeff L. Perkins, Member; Elaine A. Wilson, Member; and Boyd L. Randolph, Superintendent. </p><p>A. Approve/Amend August 12, 2014, Regular Monthly Board Meeting Agenda 08-14-01 Superintendent Randolph recommended to the Board that they approve the August 12, 2014, Regular Monthly Board Meeting Agenda as presented. Sharon A. Brown made a motion to accept the recommendation of Superintendent Randolph. Gretchen W. Cole seconded the motion. The motion carried. The following votes were recorded: Votes For: 5 Votes Against: 0</p><p>II. Recognitions A. Meece Middle School Baseball State Champions 8th grade team Seth Bennett, Seth Bennett, Stephen Burrell, Jake Cothron, John Ross Deboard, Kross Grundy, Trae Harmon, Collin Hartman, Ryan Moore, Montay McQueen, Spencer New, Caleb Wonn</p><p>7th grade team Jase Bruner, Andrew Childers, Alex Ham, Drew Johnson, Trevor Lipscomb, Cale Todd Kobey Pratt, Gavin Stephens, Logan Stephens, Chance Stayton, Chase Walker</p><p>III. Communications A. Area Technology Center Update – Dr. Beth Hargis, Principal An Area Technology Center (ATC) update was presented as an informational item, to the Board, by Dr. Beth Hargis, Principal of the Area Technology Center. Gerald Brinson, ATC Instructor explained to the Board how the position of an automotive technician had evolved and is now called automotive engineer. </p><p>B. May 2014, Approved SBDM Minutes May 2014, approved SBDM Minutes were presented to the Board, as informational items: 1. Hopkins Elementary School – No Meetings held in May 2. Meece Middle School 3. Somerset High School</p><p>C. Citizens and Delegations No citizens or delegations made a request to address the Board. 1117 IV. Superintendent’s Report A. SMART Program with the City of Somerset The grant application signature of approval page for the Successful Math and Reading Tutoring (SMART) Grant with the City of Somerset was submitted, as an informational item, to the Board.</p><p>B. Employments The following personnel actions have been taken by the Superintendent between regular board meetings. and are presented as information to the Board.</p><p>Employed Position Date Donnie Combs Special Ed / LBD Teacher August 5, 2014 Meece Middle School</p><p>Jason Correll Evening Custodian August 7, 2014 Hopkins Elementary School</p><p>Kim Heideman Secretary I July 31, 2014 Meece Middle School</p><p>Courtney Ikerd Business Teacher August 1, 2014 Somerset High School </p><p>Jeff Murphy Instructional Assistant II July 31, 2014 Meece Middle School</p><p>Megan Shepherd Library/Media August 1, 2014 Meece Middle School</p><p>Loretta Wyatt Cook / Baker July 16, 2014 Meece Middle School</p><p>Transfers Jennifer Lee TO: Secretary I July 21, 2014 Somerset High School Guidance Office FROM: Secretary I Meece Middle School</p><p>Chrystal Speaks TO: Instructional Assistant I August 1, 2014 Hopkins Elementary School Computer Lab FROM: Instructional Assistant I Hopkins Elementary School</p><p>Roberta Thompson TO: Secretary I – FRYSC July 31, 2014 Family Resource & Youth Service Center FROM: Instructional Assistant I Hopkins Elementary School Computer Lab 1118 C. Retirements/Resignations/Dismissals The following personnel actions have been taken by the Superintendent between regular board meetings and are presented as information to the Board.</p><p>Name Effective Date Position Resignations/Retirements/Dismissals Kendell Bryant 7/01/2014 Library/Media Resigned Meece Middle School</p><p>Darry Burkett 7/30/2014 Business Teacher Resigned Somerset High School</p><p>Jan Cook 7/17/2014 Secretary I Retired Somerset High School Guidance Office</p><p>Deborah Pieroni 7/15/2014 Instructional Assistant I Resigned District Wide - Migrant</p><p>Tiffany Saxon 7/25/2014 Instructional Assistant II Resigned Meece Middle School</p><p>Lance Williams 8/4/2014 Special Ed / LBD Resigned Meece Middle School</p><p>D. Extra Service The following personnel actions have been taken by the Superintendent between regular board meetings and are presented as information to the Board.</p><p>Extra Service Contracts – August 2014</p><p>Steve Wallace SHS Boys Soccer Head Coach SHS Boys Track Head Coach SHS Girls Track Head Coach Soccer Field Preparation</p><p>Jonathan Edwards SHS Boys Basketball Freshman Coach</p><p>Jason Ruble SHS Boys Tennis Head Coach SHS Girls Tennis Head Coach</p><p>Jody Meece MMS 8th Grade Boys Basketball Head Coach MMS 8th Grade Girls Basketball Head Coach</p><p>Kasey Bardin John Sherman Cooper Leadership Advisor</p><p>Steven Baker MMS 7th Grade Girls Basketball Head Coach</p><p>Anthony Godbey SHS Football Assistant II</p><p>Kevin Burkett SHS Boys Basketball Assistant Coach 1119 E. 2014-2015 Substitute Teacher Employment The following have been hired as Substitute Teachers for the 2014-2015 school year.</p><p>Stephanie Baker Florence Hampton Teresa Rice Freda Bishop Evonne Hartmann Tracy Rogers Paula Burlew Barbara Hettsmansperger Susan Ross Jodona Cain Barbara Hopkins Virginia Rowley Donna Campbell Linda Kinscer Ann Saich Kendra Compton Pricilla Kinch Tiffany Saxon Judy Cox Heather LaFavers Natasha Stevens Doris Cundiff Deborah Lake Sherrye Tucker Erica Dobbs Logan Lee Anna Weddle Brittany Dorsey Andrea Lemon Sharon Wesley Mary Drake Rachel Litteral Terri West Nicky Edwards Jeffrey Littrell Amy Whitaker Susan Elmore Sandra Lynn Darrell Whitaker Sharon Fields McClendon, Judith Emily Whitaker Ashley Foster Traci McClendon Dawna Wilson-Spears Annette Hamilton Sarah Patrick Woolridge, C. Beth Inna Hammond William Perkins</p><p>F. 2014-2015 Nonteaching Substitute Employment The following have been hired as non-teaching substitutes for the 2014-2015 school year. John Barnes Gary Godby Elizabeth Peters Kyle David Albright Annette Hamilton Janet Poore Amy Bryant Rachel Haynes Ann Saich Paula Burlew Regina Hensley Tiffany Saxon Haley Childers Kathleen Hinton Clayton Smith Nina Cummins Heather LaFavers Natasha Stevens Erica Dobbs Deborah Lake Janice Tarter Brittany Dorsey Rachel Litteral Terri West Nicky Edwards Traci McClendon Elizabeth Wheet Susan Elmore Brittany McGuffey Dawna Wilson-Spears Melissa Galloway Janet Moore Barbara Ann Gilliam Sarah Patrick</p><p>V. Treasurer’s Report A. Financial Statement, and July 2014, Balances 08-14-02 Beginning Cash Balance, July 1, 2014 $9,880,796.28 Revenue $ 976,583.28</p><p>Expenditures Accounts Payable (Invoices & Debits) $602,824.56</p><p>Payrolls & Health Ins. Reimb. $ 168,250 .41</p><p>Total Expenditures $ 771,074.97</p><p>Ending Balance, July 31, 2014 $10,086,304.59</p><p>1120 In accordance with KRS 424.220 it is necessary for the Board to review and approve the Financial Statement & Balance Sheet. Superintendent Randolph recommended that the Board review and approve the Financial Statement & Balance Sheet for July 2014. Sharon A. Brown made a motion to accept the recommendation of Superintendent Randolph. Elaine A. Wilson seconded the motion. The motion carried. The following votes were recorded: Votes For: 5 Votes Against: 0</p><p>B. Current Bills 08-14-03 Superintendent Randolph recommended to the Board that the current expenditures for July 2014 and August 2014, in the amount of $759,206.81 be approved for payment. Gretchen W. Cole made a motion to accept the recommendation of Superintendent Randolph. Sharon A. Brown seconded the motion. The motion carried. The following votes were recorded: Votes For: 5 Votes Against: 0</p><p>VI. Consent Items 08-14-04 Chairperson Gulock asked the Board if there were any consent items to be brought out for discussion. Superintendent Randolph recommended that the Board approve the Consent Items Agenda as presented. Elaine A. Wilson made a motion to accept the recommendation of Superintendent Randolph. Jeff L. Perkins seconded the motion. The motion carried. The following votes were recorded: Votes For: 5 Votes Against: 0</p><p>A. Board meeting minutes for July 2014 A.A.1. July 8, 2014, Regular Monthly Board Meeting A.A.2. July 10, 2014, Special-Called Board Meeting A.A.3. July 22, 2014, Special-Called Board Meeting A.A.4. July 24, 2014, Special-Called Board Meeting</p><p>B. Approve Use-of-Facility Request A.A.1. Project 58:10 Walk/Run and Joy Carroll are requesting to use the Meece Middle School Parking Lot, September 6, 2014, beginning at 8:30 A.M. until 3:00 P.M. The proceeds from the 5K walk/run will benefit the Back Pack Program. This program provides a back pack of food to students who may not have food provided for them over the weekends when school is not in session</p><p>A.A.2. Somerset High School Alumni Association and Joe Mike Wiese are requesting to use the Somerset High School Football Field between Meece Middle School and the Football Stadium, September 12, 2014, beginning at 5:00 P.M. until 7:30 P.M. for a Somerset High School Alumni Meeting. All funds raised by the association will be donated to the Somerset High School. Approval is pending receipt of Certificate of Liability.</p><p>A.A.2.a.VII.VII. New Business A. Change Order # 6, in the Amount of $402.46 08-14-05 Approve Change Order #6, in the Amount of $402.46 for PR 13 delete contractor waxing the VCT flooring – credit of ($2,500.00), PR 10 delete yard hydrant in the courtyard – credit of ($552.00), PR 6c install aluminum edging, couplings around downspout boots, fabric and stone mulch in courtyard – debit of $3,454.46 for Hopkins Elementary School Renovation & Addition, Phase 2. The total for Change Order # 6 is 402.46. Superintendent Randolph recommended that the Board</p><p>1121 approve Change Order #6 in the amount of $402.46, as presented by RossTarrant Architects for Hopkins Elementary School Renovation & Addition, Phase 2. Gretchen W. Cole made a motion to accept the recommendation of Superintendent Randolph. Jeff L. Perkins seconded the motion. The motion carried. The following votes were recorded: Votes For: 5 Votes Against: 0</p><p>B. Approve Capital Funds Request to the Kentucky Department of Education 08-14-06 To best use the funds available to the district to help finance the Football Field Lighting and Entry Project the Board can ask the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) permission to use excess Fund 310 and Fund 320 funds to help pay for the project. After meeting this year’s bond payment obligations there will be approximately $420,712.00 left in balance. Use of these funds will reduce the burden on the general fund to approximately $57,707.12. Superintendent Randolph recommended that the Board approve the Capital Funds request. Elaine A. Wilson made a motion to accept the recommendation of Superintendent Randolph. Sharon A. Brown seconded the motion. The motion carried. The following votes were recorded: Votes For: 5 Votes Against: 0</p><p>C. Approve an Updated BG-1 08-14-07 Approval of an updated BG-1, with funding sources indicated, is required to proceed with the Football Field Lighting/Entry Project. Superintendent Randolph recommended that the Board approve the updated BG-1, with funding sources indicated, as required to proceed with the Football Field Lighting/Entry Project. Gretchen W. Cole made a motion to accept the recommendation of Superintendent Randolph. Jeff L. Perkins seconded the motion. The motion carried. The following votes were recorded: Votes For: 5 Votes Against: 0</p><p>D. Approve BG-4’s a.1.1. 1302-13 J.R. Hoe & Sons, Inc. 08-14-08 At the completion of a Kentucky Department of Education construction project the Kentucky Department of Education requires that a BG-4, final approval and payment application be completed for each vendor and/or contractor with whom the District has an agreement to provide goods/services to the construction project. Superintendent Randolph recommended that the Board approve a BG-4 for 1302-13 J.R. Hoe & Sons, Inc. Elaine A. Wilson made a motion to accept the recommendation of Superintendent Randolph. Sharon A. Brown seconded the motion. The motion carried. The following votes were recorded: Votes For: 5 Votes Against: 0</p><p> a.1.2. 1302-26 Windco Window Company 08-14-09 At the completion of a Kentucky Department of Education construction project the Kentucky Department of Education requires that a BG-4, final approval and payment application be completed for each vendor and/or contractor with whom the District has an agreement to provide goods/services to the construction project. Superintendent Randolph recommended that the Board approve a BG-4 for 1302-26 Windco Window Company. Jeff L. Perkins made a motion to accept the recommendation of Mr. Randolph. Gretchen W. Cole seconded the motion. The motion carried. The following votes were recorded: Votes For: 5 Votes Against: 0 E. Approve/Award Special Inspections Agreements a.i.1. Approve/Award Agreement with American Engineers, Inc. for Geotechnical Survey Work at Somerset High School Football Field Lighting/Entry Way in the Amount of $6,818.00 1122 08-14-10 Special inspections provide the school district with a third party review and inspection of components, materials, and work performed as part of the Somerset High School Football Field Lighting/Entry Way. This provides the district with an added measure of protection in particular areas of construction. Superintendent Randolph recommended that that the Board approve a special inspections agreement with American Engineers, Inc. to provide special geotechnical inspection services for the Somerset High School Football Field Lighting/Entry Way on behalf of the district not to exceed $6,818.00. Elaine A. Wilson made a motion to accept the recommendation of Superintendent Randolph. Sharon A. Brown seconded the motion. The motion carried. The following votes were recorded: Votes For: 5 Votes Against: 0</p><p> a.i.2. Approve/Award Agreement with Endris Engineering, P.S.C. for Topographical Survey Work at Somerset High School Football Field Lighting/Entry Way in the Amount of $2,950.00 08-14-11 Special inspections provide the school district with a third party review and inspection of components, materials, and work performed as part of the Somerset High School Football Field Lighting/Entry Way. This provides the district with an added measure of protection in particular areas of construction. Superintendent Randolph recommended that the Board approve a special inspections agreement with Endris Engineering, P.S.C. to provide special topographical inspection services for the Somerset High School Football Field Lighting/Entry Way on behalf of the district not to exceed $2,950.00. Sharon A. Brown made a motion to accept the recommendation of Superintendent Randolph. Elaine A. Wilson seconded the motion. The motion carried. The following votes were recorded: Votes For: 5 Votes Against: 0</p><p>F. Approve Notice of Intention to Adopt Tax Rates, schedule Public Hearing FY 2015 08-14-12 In accordance with KRS 160.470 (7)(b), it is necessary for the board to set real and personal property tax rates. If a district approves an intent to adopt the 4% revenue increase tax rate option, a public hearing must be conducted. Contingent on approval of an intent to adopt the 4% revenue increase rate and set the hearing date on Tuesday, August 26, 2014, at 5:30 P.M. Superintendent Randolph recommended that the Board approve an intent to adopt the 4% revenue increase and schedule the hearing date for Tuesday, August 26, 2014, at 5:30 P.M. Sharon A. Brown made a motion to accept the recommendation of Superintendent Randolph. Elaine A. Wilson seconded the motion. The motion carried. The following votes were recorded: Votes For: 5 Votes Against: 0</p><p>G. Approve Amending Job Description for the Current Migrant Advocate Classified Position 08-14-13 The Board is being requested to approve amending the current unoccupied approved position of Migrant Advocate - 7886 to meet the guidelines of the Migrant Grant by the Migrant Education Department at Eastern Kentucky University (EKU).</p><p> CLASS TITLE: MIGRANT PROGRAM ADVOCATE RECRUITER CLASS CODE: 7886 Superintendent Randolph recommended that the Board approve amending the job description for the current Migrant Advocate Classified Position to meet the guidelines of the Migrant Grant by the Migrant Education Department at Eastern Kentucky University (EKU). Elaine A. Wilson made a motion to accept the recommendation of Superintendent Randolph. Gretchen W. Cole seconded the motion. The motion carried. The following votes were recorded: Votes For: 5 Votes Against: 0 1123 H. Approve Amended 2014-2015 Classified Salary Schedule 08-14-14 The Board is being requested to approve an amended 2014-2015 Classified Salary Schedule to include the position of Migrant Program Advocate/Recruiter – 7886. This position will be funded by the Migrant Education Grant. Superintendent Randolph recommended that the Board approve the amended 2014-2015 Classified Salary Schedule to include the position of Migrant Program Advocate/Recruiter – 7886. Jeff L. Perkins made a motion to accept the recommendation of Superintendent Randolph. Sharon A. Brown seconded the motion. The motion carried. The following votes were recorded: Votes For: 5 Votes Against: 0</p><p>I. Approve Amended 2014-2015 Extra Service/Extended Employment Salary Schedules a.i.1. Extra Service/Extended Employment Administrator Salary Schedule, 08-14-15 In accordance with KRS 161.760, it is necessary for the Board to amend the adopted FY 2015 Administrator Extra Service/Extended Employment Salary Schedule to include a “Certified Teacher Required Training” rate of pay. Superintendent Randolph recommended that the Board approve the amended FY 2015 Administrator Extra Service/Extended Employment Salary Schedule. Gretchen W. Cole made a motion to accept the recommendation of Superintendent Randolph. Jeff L. Perkins seconded the motion. The motion carried. The following votes were recorded: Votes For: 5 Votes Against: 0</p><p> a.i.2. Extra Service/Extended Employment Salary Schedule, 08-14-16 The Board is being requested to approve the amended FY 2015 Extra Service/Extended Employment Salary Schedule. The amendment is to adjust Cross Country and Volleyball rates of pay for Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches with the total allotted for the sports not changing. There will be no additional cost to the Board. Superintendent Randolph recommended that the Board approve the amended FY 2015 Extra Service/Extended Employment Salary Schedule for the 2014-2015 school year. Jeff L. Perkins made a motion to accept the recommendation of Superintendent Randolph. Elaine A. Wilson seconded the motion. The motion carried. The following votes were recorded: Votes For: 5 Votes Against: 0</p><p>J. Approve 2014-2015 Contractual Agreement for Translator Services 08-14-17 The Board is being asked to approve a contractual agreement for an on-call Translator Service for case by case needs for the 2014-2015 school year. Services will be paid at $20.00 per hour for a minimum of (2) two hours. Superintendent Randolph recommended that the Board approve a Contractual Agreement for Translator Services for the 2014-2015 school year. Elaine A. Wilson made a motion to accept the recommendation of Superintendent Randolph. Jeff L. Perkins seconded the motion. The motion carried. The following votes were recorded: Votes For: 5 Votes Against: 0</p><p>K. Emergency Certification for High School Teacher 08-14-18 Due to the lack of certified applicants the Board is asked to declare a need so the Superintendent may request the issuance of an Emergency Certificate for a 9-12 chemistry position by the Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board, to be issued to Chasity Jeffrey. Superintendent Randolph recommended that the Board declare that a need exists for an emergency certification for a 9-12 chemistry position. Jeff L. Perkins made a motion to accept the recommendation of Superintendent Randolph. Elaine A. Wilson seconded the motion. The motion carried. The following votes were recorded: Votes For: 5 Votes Against: 0</p><p>1124 L. Approve Fundraisers 1. Hopkins Elementary School Spirit Cards 08-14-19 The Board is being requested to approve a fundraiser for Hopkins Elementary School. The Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO) will be selling Spirit Cards during the month of August 2014. Funds generated will be spent on the students at Hopkins Elementary School. Superintendent Randolph recommended that the Board approve the fundraising request by Hopkins Elementary School PTO to sell Spirit Cards the month of August 2014. Sharon A. Brown made a motion to approve the recommendation of Superintendent Randolph. Elaine A. Wilson seconded the motion. The motion carried. The following votes were recorded: Votes For: 5 Votes Against: 0</p><p>2. Meece Middle School Scholastic Book Fair 08-14-20 The Board is being requested to approve a fundraiser for Meece Middle School. The Parent/Teacher Association (PTA) is requesting to have a Scholastic Book Fair beginning Monday, September the 8, 2014, through Friday, September 12, 2014. The book fair will be held in the Meece Middle School Media Center. The fundraising activity will benefit Meece Middle School by allowing the PTA to purchase new or updated media and classroom materials for use by all of the Meece Middle School students and staff. Superintendent Randolph recommended that the Board approve the Scholastic Book Fair fundraising request by Meece Middle School PTA beginning on September 8, 2014, through September 12, 2014. Elaine A. Wilson made a motion to accept the recommendation of Superintendent Randolph. Sharon A. Brown seconded the motion. The motion carried. The following votes were recorded: Votes For: 5 Votes Against: 0</p><p>M. Approve Out-of-State Travel Request by Yvonneda Gosser to Las Vegas, Nevada, December 7-11, 2014 08-14-21 An out-of-state travel request is being submitted by Yvonneda Gosser to attend “The Network” – Leadership – Vision/School Culture in Las Vegas, Nevada beginning December 6, 2014, and ending on December 11, 2014. All expenses paid by another entity. Superintendent Randolph recommended that the Board approve the out-of-state travel request by Yvonneda Gosser to attend “The Network” – Leadership – Vision/School Culture, beginning December 6, 2014, and ending on December 11, 2014. All expenses paid by another entity. Jeff L. Perkins made a motion to accept the recommendation of Superintendent Randolph. Sharon A. Brown seconded the motion. The motion carried. The following votes were recorded: Votes For: 5 Votes Against: 0</p><p>VIII. Adjourn 08-14-22 Jeff L. Perkins made a motion to adjourn the August 12, 2014, Regular Monthly Board Meeting. Sharon A. Brown seconded the motion. The motion carried. The following votes were recorded: Votes For: 5 Votes Against: 0</p><p>______Chairman Secretary </p><p>1125</p>
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