I CORINTHIANS 1V1 Paul (A) Called Apostle Of-Jesus Messiah Through (The) Will Of-God And

I CORINTHIANS 1V1 Paul (A) Called Apostle Of-Jesus Messiah Through (The) Will Of-God And

<p>|I_CORINTHIANS</p><p>|c1 I CORINTHIANS 1v1 Paul (a) called apostle of-Jesus Messiah through (the) will of-God and the brother Sosthenes</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 1v2 To-the assembly of-the God namely-the (one) being in Corinth, to (ones) having-been-and-still-made-holy in Messiah Jesus, called holy (ones), with all the (ones) calling-on the name of-our Lord Jesus Messiah in every place, both of-them and of-us;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 1v3 Favor to-YOU and peace from God our Father and Jehovah Jesus Messiah.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 1v4 I-am-giving-thanks to-the God always concerning YOU upon the favor of-the God namely-the (favor) having-been-given to-YOU in Messiah Jesus,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 1v5 Because in every-thing YOU-were-made-rich in him, in every word and all knowledge,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 1v6 According-as the testimony of-the Messiah was-made-firm in YOU.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 1v7 So-that YOU (are) to-be not lacking in not-one bestowed-favor, waiting-anxiously the uncovering of-our Lord Jesus Messiah;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 1v8 Who will also make YOU firm till (the) finish, unreprovable in the day of-our Lord Jesus Messiah.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 1v9 The God (is) trustworthy, through whom YOU-were-called with- reference-to participation of-his son Jesus Messiah our Lord.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 1v10 But I-am-entreating YOU, brothers, through the name of-our Lord Jesus Messiah, in-order-that YOU-might all be-saying the same-thing, and there- might not be splits among YOU, but YOU-might-be (ones) having-been-and-still- rendered-thoroughly-fit with the same mind and with the same sentiment.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 1v11 For it-was-made evident to-me concerning YOU, my brothers, by the (ones) of-Chloe, that there-are quarrels among YOU.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 1v12 But I-am-saying this, that each of-YOU is saying; on-the-one- hand I myself-am of-Paul, on-the-other-hand I of-Apollos, but I of-Cephas, but I of- Messiah.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 1v13 The Messiah has-been-and-still-is-parted? Was Paul crucified in- behalf-of YOU, or were-YOU-baptized with-reference-to the name of-Paul? No! I CORINTHIANS 1v14 I-am-giving-thanks to-the God that I-baptized not-one of-YOU unless Crispus and Gaius;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 1v15 In-order-that someone might-not say that YOU-were-baptized with-reference-to my name.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 1v16 But I-baptized also the household of-Stephanas; therefore I-am- not-knowing-absolutely if I-baptized another certain-one.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 1v17 For Messiah dispatched me not to-be-baptizing BUT to-be- bringing-good-news, not in wisdom of-word, in-order-that the cross of-the Messiah might not be-emptied.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 1v18 For the word, namely-the (one) of-the cross on-the-one-hand is to-the (ones) perishing stupidity, on-the-other-hand to-us, to-the (ones) being-saved it-is (the) power of-God.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 1v19 For it-has-been-and-is-still-written: I-shall-destroy the wisdom of-the wise (ones) and I-shall-disregard the intelligence of-the intelligent (ones).</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 1v20 Where (is) (a) wise-man? Where (is) (a) scribe? Where (is) (a) debater of this age? Did NOT the God make-stupid the wisdom of-the world?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 1v21 For since-indeed in the wisdom of-the God the world through the wisdom came not to-know the God, the God thought-well through the stupidity of-the preaching to-save the (ones) trusting.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 1v22 Since-indeed also Jews (are) requesting signs and Greeks (are) seeking wisdom,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 1v23 But we ourselves-are-preaching Messiah having-been-and-still- crucified, to Jews on-the-one-hand (an) entrapment, on-the-other-hand to nations (a) stupidity,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 1v24 But to-them the (ones) called, both to-Jews and to-Greeks, Messiah (the) power of-God and (the) wisdom of-God.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 1v25 Because the stupid-thing of-the God is wiser (than) of-the MEN, and the weak-thing of-the God stronger (than) of-the MEN.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 1v26 For YOU-be-looking-at YOUR calling, brothers, that not many (are) wise according-to flesh, not many powerful, not many well-born;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 1v27 BUT the God chose-for-himself the stupid-things of-the world in-order-that he-might-be-disgracing the wise (ones), and the God chose-for-himself the weak-things of-the world in-order-that he-might-be-disgracing the strong-things,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 1v28 And the God chose-for-himself the (things) unborn of-the world and the-things having-been-treated with contempt, the-things not being, in-order-that he- might-render-inactive the-things being,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 1v29 in-which-case all flesh might not boast in-sight of-the God.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 1v30 But out-of him YOU yourselves-are in Messiah Jesus, who became wisdom to-us from God, both righteousness and holiness and redemption.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 1v31 In-order-that according-as it-has-been-and-is-still-written: The (one) boasting let-him-be-boasting in Jehovah.</p><p>|c2 I CORINTHIANS 2v1 And-I having-come to YOU, brothers, came not according-to superiority of-word or of-wisdom proclaiming to-YOU the testimony of-the God.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 2v2 For I-judged not to-be-knowing-absolutely anything among YOU unless Jesus Messiah and this-one having-been-and-still-crucified.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 2v3 And-I myself-became with YOU in weakness and in fear and in much trembling,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 2v4 And my word and my preaching (was) not in persuasive words of- wisdom, BUT in (a) pointing-out of-spirit and of-power,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 2v5 In-order-that YOUR trust might not be in wisdom of-MEN BUT in power of-God.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 2v6 But we-are-speaking wisdom among the perfect-ones, but wisdom not of-this age neither of-the rulers of-this age of-the (ones) being-rendered inactive;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 2v7 BUT we-are-speaking God's wisdom in (a) mystery, namely-the (wisdom) having-been-and-still-hidden-back, which the God appointed-before, before the ages, with-reference-to our glory;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 2v8 Which not-one of-the rulers of-this age has-come-to-know-or-yet- knows; for if they-had-come-to-know, they-would not have-crucified the Lord of-the glory;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 2v9 BUT according-as it-has-been-and-is-still-written: Things-which eye saw not and ear heard not and upon (the) heart of-MAN ascended not, things-which the God prepared for the (ones) cherishing him, I CORINTHIANS 2v10 But to-us the God uncovered through his spirit; for the Spirit is- searching all-things, even the depths of-the God.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 2v11 For who of-MEN is-knowing-absolutely the-things of-the MAN unless the spirit of-the MAN namely-the (one) in him? Thus also no-one has-come-to- know-and-still-knows the-things of-the God if not the Spirit of-the God.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 2v12 But we ourselves-took not the spirit of-the world BUT the Spirit namely-the (one) out-of the God, in-order-that we-might-be-knowing-absolutely the- things having-been-bestowed-a-favor to-us by the God;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 2v13 Which-things also we-are-speaking not in words taught of- human wisdom, BUT in (ones) taught of (the) Spirit, judging-together spiritual-things with-spiritual-things.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 2v14 But (a) MAN of-the-soul is not receiving the-things of-the Spirit of-the God; for to-him they-are stupidity, and he-is not being-able to-come-to-know (them), because they-are-being-examined spiritually.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 2v15 But the (one) spiritual on-the-one-hand is-examining all-things, on-the-other-hand he himself is-being-examined by no-one.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 2v16 For who came-to-know (the) mind of-Jehovah, who will-bring him to-agreement? But we ourselves-are-having (the) mind of-Messiah.</p><p>|c3 I CORINTHIANS 3v1 And-I, brothers, was not able to-speak to-YOU as to-spiritual (ones) BUT as to-fleshy (ones), as to-infants in Messiah.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 3v2 I-gave YOU milk to-drink, not food; for YOU-were not-yet being-able, BUT neither yet now are-YOU-being-able,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 3v3 For YOU-are still fleshly. For where-in-which among YOU (there-is) jealously and quarrel(ing) and dissensions are-YOU NOT fleshly and YOU-are- walking-around according-to MAN?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 3v4 For at-the-time-that anyone might-be-saying: On-the-one-hand I myself-am of-Paul, but (a) different (one) I (am) of-Apollos, are-YOU not MEN?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 3v5 What therefore is Apollos? But what is Paul? BUT ministers through whom YOU-trusted, even as the Lord gave to-each (one).</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 3v6 I myself planted, Apollos gave-to-drink, BUT the God was- making grow.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 3v7 So-that neither is the (one) planting anything nor the (one) giving- to-drink, BUT God the (one) making-grow.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 3v8 But the (one) planting and the (one) giving-to-drink are one, but each will-take (his) own reward according-to (his) own labor.</p><p>I.COR.3v9 For we-are fellow-workers of God; (a) farm of-God, YOU-are (a) building of- God.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 3v10 According-to the favor of-the God namely-the (favor) having- been-given to me I-placed (a) foundation as (a) wise chief-builder, but another is- building-up. But let each (one) be-looking how he-is-building-up.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 3v11 For no-one is-being-able to-place another foundation beside the (one) being-laid, who is Jesus the Messiah.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 3v12 But if someone is-building-up on this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, woods, grass, straw,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 3v13 The work of-each (one) will-become manifest; for the day will- make (it) evident, because it-is-being-uncovered with fire, and (what) the work of-each (one) is like, the fire itself will-prove.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 3v14 If the work of-someone is-remaining, which he-built-up, he-will- take reward;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 3v15 If the work of-someone will-be-burned-up, he-will-be- disadvantaged, but he himself will-be-saved, but thus as through fire.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 3v16 Are-YOU not knowing-absolutely that YOU-are (the) sanctuary of-God and the Spirit of-the God is-dwelling in YOU?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 3v17 If someone is-corrupting the sanctuary of-the God, the God will- corrupt this (one); for the sanctuary of-the God is holy, which-ones YOU yourselves are.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 3v18 Let no-one be-deluding himself; if someone is-seeming to-be wise among YOU in this age, let-him-become stupid, in-order-that he-might-become wise.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 3v19 For the wisdom of-this world is stupidity beside the God. For it- has-been-and-is-still-written: The (one) grasping the wise (ones) in their craftiness;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 3v20 And again: Jehovah is-coming-to-know the deliberations of-the wise, that they-are aimless.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 3v21 So-that let no-one be-boasting in MEN; for all-things are YOUR'S. I CORINTHIANS 3v22 Whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas, or (a) world or life or death, or things-having-stood-in-and-still-standing-in or things-future, all-things are YOUR'S,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 3v23 But YOU of-Messiah, but Messiah of-God.</p><p>|c4 I CORINTHIANS 4v1 Thus let (a) MAN be-figuring us as officers of-Messiah and administrators-of-the-household of-mysteries of-God.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 4v2 Therefore, here it-is-being-sought among the administrators-of- the-household in-order-that some-one might-be-found trustworthy.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 4v3 But to-me it-is with-reference-to (the) least-thing in-order-that I- might-be-examined by YOU or by human day; BUT neither am-I-examining myself;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 4v4 For I-am-being conscious-of not-one-thing to-myself, BUT I-have not been nor am-justified by this; but the (one) examining me is Jehovah.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 4v5 So-that YOU-be not judging anything before season, until the Lord might-come, who also will-give-light-on the hidden-things of-the darkness and will- manifest the purposes of-the hearts; and then the laudation will-come-to-pass to-each (one) from the God.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 4v6 But these-things, brothers, I-transfigured with-reference-to myself and Apollos because-of YOU, in-order-that in us YOU-might-learn not to-be-having-an- opinion above what has-been-and-still-is-written, in-order-that YOU-might not one in- behalf-of the one, be-being-inflated against the different (one).</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 4v7 For which (of-us) is-discriminating you? But what are-you-having which you-took-not? But if you also took, why are-you-boasting as not taking?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 4v8 Already YOU-are having-been-and-still-are-satiated; already YOU-became-rich; YOU-became-king separate-from us; and I-would-that YOU-be- came-king in-fact, in-order-that we ourselves also might-become-king-together with- YOU.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 4v9 For I-am-thinking that the God pointed-out us the apostles last as (ones) condemned-to-death, because we-became (a) spectacle to-the world even to-angels and to-MEN.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 4v10 We (are) stupid (ones) because-of Messiah, but YOU (are) prudent (ones) in Messiah; we (are) weak (ones), but YOU (are) strong (ones): YOU (are) glorious (ones), but we (are) dishonored (ones).</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 4v11 Until the hour just-now we-are even being-hungry and we-are- thirsting and we-are-being-naked and we-are-being-buffeted and we-are-wandering-about</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 4v12 And we-are-tiring-from-labor working with (our) own hands; being-reviled we-are-blessing, being-persecuted we-are-tolerating,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 4v13 Being-blasphemed we-are-entreating; we-became as scum[s]- around the world, offscouring of-all until just-now.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 4v14 I-am-writing these-things not (to-be) humiliating YOU, BUT as my cherished children I-am-admonishing.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 4v15 For if YOU-might-be-having myriads (of) disciplinarian-tutors in Messiah, BUT not many fathers; for in Messiah Jesus I myself-begat YOU through the good-news.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 4v16 Therefore I-am-entreating YOU, YOU-be becoming imitators of-me.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 4v17 Because-of this I-sent Timothy to-YOU, who is my cherished and trustworthy child in Jehovah, who will-again-remind YOU of-my ways, the (ones) in Messiah Jesus, according-as I-am-teaching every-where in every assembly.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 4v18 But as my not coming to YOU some became-inflated;</p><p>|v19 But I-shall-come to YOU speedily, if the Lord might-will, and I-will-come-to-know- for-myself not the word of-the (ones) having-been-and-still-inflated BUT the power;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 4v20 For the Kingdom of-the God (is) not in word, BUT in power.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 4v21 What are-YOU-willing? I-might-come to-YOU with (a) rod, or in charity and-additionally (a) spirit of-meekness?</p><p>|c5 I CORINTHIANS 5v1 Totally prostitution is-being-heard (to-be) among YOU, and prostitution such-as-this, one-which (is) neither among the Gentiles, so-that someone (is) to-be-having (a) woman of-the father.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 5v2 And YOU yourselves-are (ones) having-been-and-still-inflated, and (had) YOU NOT rather mourned, in-order-that the (one) having-done this work might-be-lifted-up out-of YOUR midst?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 5v3 For I on-the-one-hand being-absent in-the body on-the-other-hand being-alongside in-the spirit, myself-have already judged-and-still-judge, as (if) being- alongside, the (one) having thus worked-out this thing,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 5v4 in the name of-our Lord Jesus Messiah, YOUR having-been- gathered-together and my spirit with the power of-our Lord Jesus Messiah,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 5v5 To-give-over the (one) such-as-this to-the adversary with- reference-to ruination of-the flesh, in-order-that the spirit might-be-saved in the day of- the Lord.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 5v6 YOUR boast (is) not fine. Are-YOU not knowing-absolutely that (a) little leaven is-leavening the total lump?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 5v7 YOU-purge-out the old leaven, in-order-that YOU-might-be (a) new lump, according-as YOU-are unleavened-breads. For even our passover was- sacrificed, Messiah.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 5v8 So-that let-us-be-keeping-the-feast not with old leaven neither with leaven of-malice and of-evil, BUT with unleavened-breads of-sincerity and of-truth.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 5v9 I-wrote to-YOU in the epistle not to-be-mixing-yourselves-up- together with male-prostitutes,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 5v10 In-any-event not with-the male-prostitutes of-this world or with- the covetous and seizers or idolaters, since (if)-so YOU-were-indebted to-go-out out-of the world.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 5v11 BUT now I-wrote to-YOU not to-be-mixing-yourselves- together-with someone, if being-named (a) brother, might-be (a) male-prostitute or (a) covetous (one) or (an) idolater or (a) reviler or (a) drunkard or (a) seizer, neither to-eat- together with-the (one) such-as-this.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 5v12 For what (is it) to-me to-be-judging the (ones) without? Are- YOU NOT judging the (ones) inside?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 5v13 But the (ones) without the God is-judging. YOU-lift-up-out the evil (one) out-of yourselves.</p><p>|c6 I CORINTHIANS 6v1 Is someone of-YOU having (a) matter with the different (one), daring to-be-being-judged over of-the unrighteous and NOT over of-the holy (ones)?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 6v2 Or are-YOU not knowing-absolutely that the holy (ones) will- judge the world? And if with YOU the world is-being-judged, are-YOU (ones) unworthy of-the-least tribunals?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 6v3 Are-YOU not knowing-absolutely that we-shall-judge messengers? In-fact whether-at-all (the) things-pertaining-to-this-life?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 6v4 If therefore on-the-one-hand YOU-might-be-having tribunals (of)- things-pertaining-to-this-life, YOU-be-causing these, the (ones) having-been-and-still- treated-with-contempt in the assembly, to-be-seated.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 6v5 I-am-saying to-YOU toward humiliation. Thus is-there not among YOU (a) wise (one), but-not one, who shall-be-able to-discriminate amid his brother(s)?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 6v6 BUT brother with brother is-being-judged, and this over of- unbelieving (ones).</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 6v7 Already on-the-one-hand therefore there-is totally inferiority with-YOU that YOU-are-having sentences with yourselves. Why are-YOU NOT rather being-done-harm? Why are-YOU NOT rather being-deprived?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 6v8 BUT YOU yourselves-are-doing-harm and YOU-are-depriving, and this, brothers.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 6v9 Or are-YOU not knowing-absolutely that unjust (ones) will not inherit (the) kingdom of-God? YOU-be not being-led-astray; neither male-prostitutes nor idolaters nor adulterers nor catamites nor homosexual-males</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 6v10 Nor thieves nor covetous (ones), not drunkards, not revilers, not seizers will-inherit (the) Kingdom of-God.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 6v11 And these-things some (of YOU) were; BUT YOU-bathed- yourselves-off, BUT YOU-were-made-holy, BUT YOU-were-justified in the name of-the Lord Jesus and in the Spirit of-our God.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 6v12 All-things (are)-legitimate to-me, BUT all-things are not advantageous. All-things (are)-legitimate, BUT I myself shall not be-had-under-authority by anything.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 6v13 The foods for-the belly, and the belly for-the foods, but the God even this and these will-render-inactive. But the body (is) not for-the prostitution BUT for-the Lord, and the Lord for-the body;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 6v14 But the God also raised the Lord and he-will-raise-out us through his power.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 6v15 Are-YOU not knowing-absolutely that YOUR bodies are members of-Messiah? Therefore having-lifted-up the members of-the Messiah shall-I- make members of-a-prostitute? May-it not come-to-pass.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 6v16 Or are-YOU not knowing-absolutely that the (one) uniting- himself to-the prostitute is one body? For they-will-be, he-is-stating, the two with- reference-to one flesh. I CORINTHIANS 6v17 But the (one) uniting-himself to-the Lord is one spirit.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 6v18 YOU-be-fleeing the prostitution. Every sinful-act which if (a) MAN might-do is outside the body; but the (one) committing-prostitution is-sinning with-reference-to (his) own body.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 6v19 Or are-YOU not knowing-absolutely that YOUR body is (the) sanctuary of-the Holy Spirit in YOU, whom YOU-are-having from God, and YOU-are not of-yourselves?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 6v20 For YOU-were-bought-in-the-market of-(a)-price; YOU indeed glorify the God in YOUR body.</p><p>|c7 I CORINTHIANS 7v1 But concerning of-which-things YOU-wrote, (It-is) fine for-a- MAN not to-be-handling (a) woman;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v2 But because-of the prostitutions let each-(man) be-having the woman of-himself, and let each-(woman) be-having (her) own husband.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v3 Let the husband be-giving-back the obligation to-the wife, but likewise also the wife to-the husband.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v4 The wife is not having-authority of-(her) own body BUT the husband; but likewise also the husband is not having-authority of-(his) own body BUT the wife.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v5 YOU-be not depriving one-another, if not something out-of agreeing toward (a) season in-order-that YOU-might-be-unoccupied for-the prayer and YOU-might again be on the same (relationship), in-order-that the adversary might not try YOU because-of YOUR no-self-control.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v6 But I-am-saying this according-to concession, not according-to injunction.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v7 For I-am-willing all MEN to-be even as myself; BUT each-(man) is-having (his) own bestowed-favor out-of God, the (one) on-the-one-hand thus, the (one) on-the-other-hand thus.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v8 But I-am-saying to-the unmarried (ones) and to-the widows, it-is fine for-them if they-might-remain as I-also;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v9 But if they-are not exercising-self-control, let-them-marry; for it- is better to-be-marrying than to-be-being-on-fire. I CORINTHIANS 7v10 But to-the (ones) having-married-and-still-married I-am- delivering-a-message, not I BUT the Lord, (a) wife not to-be-separated from (a) husband,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v11 But if she even might-be-separated, let-her-be-remaining unmarried or let-her-be-reconciled to-the husband, and (a) husband not to-be-letting-go (a) wife.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v12 But to-the others I-am-saying, I not the Lord; if any brother is- having (an) unbelieving wife, and-she herself-is-concurring to-be-dwelling with him, let- him not be-letting her go;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v13 And (a) wife one-who is-having (an) unbelieving husband, and he himself-is-concurring to-be-dwelling with her, let-her not be-letting him go.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v14 For the husband namely-the unbelieving has-been-and-still-is- made-holy in the wife, and the wife namely-the unbelieving has-been-and-still-is-made- holy in the brother; since so YOUR children (are) unclean, but now (they-are) holy (ones).</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v15 But if the unbelieving (one) is-separating-himself, let-him-be- separating-himself; the brother or the sister has not been-and-is-still not enslaved in the- things such-as-these; but the God has-called-and-still-calls YOU in peace.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v16 For what, wife, are-you-knowing-absolutely if you-will-save the husband? Or what, husband, are-you-knowing-absolutely if you-will-save the wife?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v17 Unless as the Lord parted to-each (one), as the God has-called- and-still-calls each (one), thus let-him-be-walking-around. And thus I-order-for-myself in all the assemblies.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v18 Was anyone called having-been-and-still-circumcised? Let-him not be-pulling-on; was anyone called in uncircumcision? Let-him not be-being circumcised.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v19 The circumcision is not-one-thing, and the uncircumcision is not-one-thing, BUT (a) keeping of-commandments of-God (is).</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v20 Each (one) in the calling in-which he-was-called, in this let-him- be-remaining.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v21 Were-you-called (being) (a) slave? Let-it not be-mattering to- you; BUT if you-are-being-able even to-become free, you-use (it) rather.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v22 For the slave having-been-called in Jehovah is (a) freedman of- Jehovah; and likewise the (one) having-been-called (being) free is (a) slave of Messiah. I CORINTHIANS 7v23 YOU-were-bought-in-the-market of-(a)-price; YOU-be not becoming slaves of-MEN.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v24 Each (one) in which (thing) he-was-called, brothers, in this let- him-be-remaining beside God.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v25 But concerning the virgins, I-am not having (an) injunction of- Jehovah, but I-am-giving (a) sentiment as (one) having-had-and-still-having-mercy- bestowed by Jehovah to-be trustworthy.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v26 I-am-supposing therefore this (thing) (is) fine to-be-existing because-of the necessity having-stood-in-and-still-standing-in, that (it-is) fine for-a-MAN to-be thus.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v27 Have-you-been-and-still-are-bound to-a-wife? You-be not seeking (a) loosing; Have-you-been-and-still-are-loosed away-from (a) wife? You-be not seeking (a) wife.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v28 But if also you-might-marry, you-sinned not, also if the virgin might-marry she-sinned not; but the (ones) such-as-these will-have tribulation in-the flesh, but I myself-am-sparing YOU.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v29 But this I-am-stating, brothers, the season henceforth is having- been-and-is-still-contracted; in-order-that even the (ones) having wives might-be as not having,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v30 And the (ones) weeping as not weeping, and the (ones) rejoicing as not rejoicing, and the (ones) buying-in-the market as not holding-fast,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v31 And the (ones) using the world as (ones) not using (it) fully; for the figure of this world is leading-by.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v32 But I-am-willing (for) YOU to-be without-anxiety. The unmarried (one) is-being-anxious (for) the-things of-the Lord.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v33 How he-might-please the Lord; but the (one) having-married is- being-anxious (for) the-things of-the world, how he-might-please the wife.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v34 The wife and the virgin have-been-and-still-are-parted. The unmarried is-being-anxious (for) the-things of-the Lord, in-order-that she-might-be holy even in-body and in-spirit; but the (one) having-married is-being-anxious (for) the-things of-the world, how she-might-please the husband.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v35 But I-am-saying this toward the-thing advantageous of-YOU yourselves, not in-order-that I-might-cast-on (a) noose for-YOU, BUT toward the-thing decent and assiduous for-the Lord undistractedly. I CORINTHIANS 7v36 But if someone is-supposing to-be behaving-indecently over his virgin, if he-might-be beyond-the-bloom-of-youth, and thus he-is-being-indebted to-be- becoming (her husband?), let-him-be-doing what-thing he-is-willing; he-is not sinning; let-them-be-being-married.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v37 But (one)-who is-having-stood-and-still-stands immovable in his heart, not having necessity, but he-is-having authority concerning (his) own will, and has- judged-and-still-judges this-(thing) in (his) own heart, to-be-keeping his virgin, will-do rightly.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v38 So-that also the (one) marrying the virgin of-himself is-doing rightly, and the (one) not marrying will-do better.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v39 (A) wife has-been-and-is-still-bound on so-long-as time her husband is-living; but if the husband might-fall-asleep, she-is free to-be-married to-whom she-is-willing, only in Jehovah.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 7v40 But she-is happier if she-might-remain thus, according-to my sentiment; but I-am-thinking I-also to-be-having (the) spirit of-God.</p><p>|c8 I CORINTHIANS 8v1 But concerning the idolatrous-sacrifices, we-are-knowing- absolutely that we all are-having knowledge. The knowledge is-inflating, but the charity is-building-up.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 8v2 If someone is-thinking to-have-come-to-know-and-still-knows something, he not-yet came-to-know according-as it-is-essential to-know;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 8v3 But if someone is-cherishing the God, this (one) has-come-to-be- known-and-is-still-known by him.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 8v4 Concerning the eating therefore of-the idolatrous-sacrifices we- are-knowing-absolutely that (an) idol (is) not-one-thing in (a) world, also that no-one (is) God if not (the) one.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 8v5 For even if-altogether there-are (ones)-being-called gods whether in heaven or on earth, as-altogether there-are many gods and many lords,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 8v6 BUT to-us one God the Father, out-of whom (are) the all-things and we with-reference-to him, and one Jehovah Jesus Messiah, through whom (are) the all-things and we through him.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 8v7 BUT the knowledge (is) not in all; but some in-the custom- together of-the idol till just-now they-are-eating as (an) idolatrous-sacrifice, and their conscious being weak is-being-soiled. I CORINTHIANS 8v8 But food will not stand us alongside with-the God; for neither if we-might-eat are-we-having-an-advantage; nor if we-might not eat are-we-lacking-for- ourselves.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 8v9 But YOU-be-looking lest-perchance this authority of-YOU might- become stumbling to-the weak (ones).</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 8v10 For if someone might-see you, the (one) having knowledge, lying-down in an-idol's-temple, will NOT the conscience of-him, of-(one)-being weak, be-built-up to-be-eating with-reference-to the idolatrous-sacrifices?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 8v11 For the (one) being-weak is-perishing in thy knowledge, the brother because-of whom Messiah died-off.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 8v12 But thus sinning with-reference-to the brothers and hitting their being-weak conscience YOU-are-sinning with-reference-to Messiah.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 8v13 For-which-very-reason if food is-entrapping my brother, not (at- all) might-I-eat meats with reference-to the age, in-order-that I-might not entrap my brother.</p><p>|c9 I CORINTHIANS 9v1 Am-I not free? Am-I not (an) apostle? Have-I NOT seen-and-still- see Jesus Messiah our Lord? Are not YOU yourselves my work in Jehovah?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 9v2 If to-others I-am not (an) apostle, BUT in-fact to-YOU I-am; for the seal of-my apostleship are-YOU yourselves in Jehovah.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 9v3 My defence to-the (ones) examining me is this.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 9v4 Are-we not having authority to-eat and to-drink?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 9v5 Are-we not having authority to-be-leading-about (a) sister (a) wife, as also the other apostles and the brothers of-the Lord and Cephas?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 9v6 Or only I and Barnabas, are-we not having authority to not be- working?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 9v7 Who is-serving-in-the-army at-any-time by-(his)-own wages? Who is-planting (a) vineyard and he-is not eating the fruit of-it? Or who is-shepherding (a) flock and he-is not eating out-of the milk of-the flock?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 9v8 Am I not speaking these-things according-to MAN, or also is the law not saying these-things? I CORINTHIANS 9v9 For in the law of-Moses it-has-been-and-is-still-written: You- shall not muzzle (a) threshing ox. Does-it-matter to-the God of-the oxen? [No]</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 9v10 Or in-any-event is-he-saying (this) because-of us? For because- of us it-was-written, that the (one) ploughing is-being-indebted to-be-ploughing on hope, and the (one) threshing on hope of-to-be-sharing.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 9v11 If we ourselves sowed to-YOU the spiritual-things, (is-it) (a)- great-thing if we ourselves shall-harvest YOUR fleshly-things?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 9v12 If others are-sharing of-the authority of-YOU, not we rather? BUT we-used not this authority for-ourselves, BUT we-are-forebearing all-things in- order-that we-might not give someone (an) impedance to-the good-news of-the Messiah.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 9v13 Are-YOU not knowing-absolutely that the (ones) working the sacred-things are-eating the-things out-of the temple, the (ones) attending-to the altar are- being-partakers-with the altar?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 9v14 Thus also the Lord ordered for-the (ones) proclaiming the good- news to-be-living out-of the good-news.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 9v15 But I myself-have not used nor still-use one of-these (things). But I-wrote not these-things in-order-that it-might-become thus with me; for (it-is) fine for-me to-die-off rather than any-one shall-empty my boast.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 9v16 For if I-might-be-bringing-good-news, it-is not (a) boast for-me; for necessity is-being-laid-on to-me; for woe it-is to-me if I-might not be-bringing-good- news.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 9v17 For if willingly I-am-practising this, I-am-having reward; but if unwillingly, I-have-been-and-still-am-trusted administration-of-the-household.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 9v18 What therefore is my reward? In-order-that bringing-good-news I-might-place the good-news without-expense, with-reference-to not to-use-fully my authority in the good-news.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 9v19 For being free out-of all (men) I-enslaved myself to-all (men), in-order-that I-might-gain the many-more;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 9v20 And I-became to-the Jews as (a) Jew, in-order-that I-might-gain Jews; to-the (ones) under law as under law, not being myself under law, in-order-that I- might-gain the (ones) under law;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 9v21 To-the (ones) without-law as without-law, not being without-law of-God BUT within-law of-Messiah, in-order-that I-might-gain the (ones) without-law; I CORINTHIANS 9v22 I-became weak to-the weak, in-order-that, I-might-gain the weak; I-have-become-and-still-am all-things to-the all, in-order-that in-any-event I- might-save some.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 9v23 But I-am-doing all-things because-of the good-news, in-order- that I-might-become (a) fellow-partner of-it.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 9v24 Are-YOU not knowing-absolutely that the (ones) running in-(a)- stadium on-the-one-hand they-are all running, on-the-other-hand one is-taking the prize? Thus YOU-be-running in-order-that YOU-might-apprehend.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 9v25 But every-one struggling is exercising-self-control (in) all- things, those on-the-one-hand therefore in-order-that they-might-take (a) perishable crown, we on-the-other-hand (an) imperishable.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 9v26 Furthermore-now thus I myself-am-running as not uncertainly, thus I-am-boxing as not beating air;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 9v27 BUT I-am-giving my body a black eye and I-am-leading-(it)- into-slavery, lest-perchance having-preached to-others I myself might-become unapproved.</p><p>|c10 I CORINTHIANS 10v1 For I-am not being-willing (for) YOU to-be-being ignorant, brothers, that our fathers were all under the cloud and all went-through the sea,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 10v2 And they all baptized-themselves with-reference-to the Moses in the cloud and in the sea,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 10v3 And they all ate the same spiritual food,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 10v4 And they all drank the same spiritual drink; for they-were- drinking out-of (a) spiritual rock following, but the rock was the Messiah.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 10v5 BUT with the many-more of-them the God thought not well; for they-were-spread-down in the wilderness.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 10v6 But these-things became our patterns, with-reference-to us, not to-be desirers of-bad-things, according-as also-those desired.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 10v7 Neither YOU-be-becoming idolaters, according-as some of- them; as it-has-been-and-is-still-written: The people caused-to-be-seated to-eat and to- drink, also stood-again to-be-playing.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 10v8 Nor let-us-be-committing-prostitution, according-as some of- them committed-prostitution and they-fell, in-one day, twenty three thousands. I CORINTHIANS 10v9 Nor let-us-be-tempting the Messiah, according-as some of-them tried, and destroyed-themselves by the serpents.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 10v10 Nor be-YOU-murmuring, even-as some of-them murmured, and they-destroyed-themselves by the decimator.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 10v11 But all these-things, (as) patterns, were happening to-those, but it-was-written toward admonition of-us, with-reference-to whom the finishes of-the ages has-arrived.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 10v12 So-that let the (one) seeming to-have-stood-and-still-be- standing be-looking (that) he-might not fall.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 10v13 Trial has not taken-and-is-still not taking YOU if not (a) human (one); but the God (is) trustworthy, who will not allow YOU to-be-tried above what YOU-are-being-able, BUT he-will-make with the trial also the outcome (for) YOU to-be- being-able to undergo (it).</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 10v14 For-which-very-reason, my cherished (ones), YOU-be-fleeing from the idolatry.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 10v15 As to-prudent-(ones) I-am-saying; YOU yourselves judge what I-am-stating.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 10v16 The cup of-the blessing which we-are-blessing, is-it NOT participation of-the blood of-the Messiah? The bread which we-are-breaking-in-pieces, is-it NOT participation of-the body of-the Messiah?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 10v17 Because we, the many, are one bread, one body; for we all are- sharing out-of the one bread.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 10v18 YOU-be-looking-at the Israeli according-to flesh; are not the (ones) eating the sacrifices partners of-the altar?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 10v19 What therefore am-I-stating? That (an)-idolatrous-sacrifice is something? or that (an) idol is something?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 10v20 BUT that what (things) the Gentiles are sacrificing, they-are- sacrificing to-little-demons and not to-God, but I-am not willing YOU to-be-becoming partners of-the little-demons.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 10v21 YOU-are not being-able to-be-drinking (a) cup of-Jehovah and (a) cup of-little-demons; YOU-are not being-able to-be-sharing of-a-table of-Jehovah and of-a-table of-little-demons. I CORINTHIANS 10v22 Or are-we-provoking the Lord to-jealousy? Are-we stronger (ones) (than) he?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 10v23 All-things are-legitimate, BUT not all-things are-being- advantageous; all-things are-legitimate, BUT not all-things are-building-up.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 10v24 Let no-one be-seeking the (thing) of-himself BUT each (one) the (thing) of-the different (one).</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 10v25 Everything being-offered-for-sale in (a) meat-market YOU-be- eating, examining not-one-thing because-of the conscience;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 10v26 For of-the Lord (is) the earth and the fulness of-it.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 10v27 If someone of-the unbelieving (ones) is-calling YOU and YOU-are-willing to-be-proceeding, YOU-be-eating every thing being-placed-beside YOU, examining not-one-thing because-of the conscience.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 10v28 But if someone might-say to-YOU; This is (an) idolatrous- sacrifice, YOU-be not eating because-of that (one), the (one) having-disclosed (it) and the conscience;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 10v29 But I-am-saying conscience NOT the (one) of-himself BUT the (one) of-the different (one). For to-what-end is my freedom being-judged by another conscience?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 10v30 If I myself am-sharing in-favor, why am-I-being-blasphemed in-behalf-of what I myself-am-giving-thanks?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 10v31 Whether therefore YOU-are-eating or YOU-are-drinking or anything YOU-are-doing, YOU-be-doing all-things with-reference-to (the) glory of-God.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 10v32 YOU-be-becoming (ones) not-causing-to-stumble even to-Jews and to-Greeks and to-the assembly of-the God,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 10v33 According-as I-also (in) all-things am-pleasing all, not seeking the (thing) advantageous of-myself BUT the (thing) of-the many, in-order-that they- might-be-saved.</p><p>|c11 I CORINTHIANS 11v1 YOU-be-becoming imitators of-me, according-as I-also of- Messiah.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 11v2 But I-am-lauding YOU because YOU-have-been-and-still-are- mindful of-me (in) all-things and YOU-are-holding-fast the traditions according-as I- gave-over to-YOU. I CORINTHIANS 11v3 But I-am-willing YOU to-have-known-and-still-know-absolutely that the Messiah is the head of-every man, but the man (is) head of-(a)-woman, but the God (is) head of-the Messiah.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 11v4 Every man praying or prophesying having (something) down- over (the) head is-disgracing the head of-him.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 11v5 But every woman praying or prophesying with-the head uncovered-completely is-disgracing the head of-her; for it-is one and the same with-the (one) having-been-and-still-shaved.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 11v6 For if (a) woman is not covering-up-herself, also let-her-be- shearing-herself; but if shameful for-(a)-woman to-be-shearing-herself or to-be-shaving- herself let-her-be-covering-up-herself.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 11v7 For on-the one-hand (a) man is not being-indebted to-be- covering-up the head, existing (an) image and (a) glory of God; on-the-other-hand the woman is (a) glory of-man.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 11v8 For man is not out-of woman, BUT woman out-of man;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 11v9 For also man was not created because-of the woman, BUT woman because-of the man.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 11v10 Because-of this the woman is-being-indebted to-be-having authority on the head because-of the angels.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 11v11 Further neither woman separate-from man nor man separate- from woman in Jehovah.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 11v12 For as-altogether the woman (was) out-of the man, thus also the man (is) through the woman; but all the things (are) out-of the God.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 11v13 YOU-judge among YOU yourselves; is-it suitable (a) woman to-be-praying to-the God completely-uncovered?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 11v14 But is not the nature herself teaching YOU that (a) man on-the- one-hand if he-might-be-having-long-hair-(as-an-ornament) it-is (a) dishonor to-him,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 11v15 (A) woman on-the-other-hand if she-might-be-having-long- hair-(as-an-ornament) it-is (a) glory to-her? Because the long-hair has-been-and-still-is- given to-her instead-of (a) thing-cast-around.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 11v16 But if someone is-seeming to-be loving-contention, we ourselves are not having (a) custom-together such-as-this, nor the assemblies of-the God. I CORINTHIANS 11v17 But (while) delivering this message I-am not lauding (YOU), because YOU-are-coming-together not with-reference-to the better BUT with-reference- to the inferior.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 11v18 For first on-the-one-hand, of-YOU coming-together in assembly, I-am-hearing splits to-be-existing among YOU, and I-am-trusting some part.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 11v19 For it-is even essential to-be sects among YOU, in-order-that the (ones) approved might-become manifest among YOU.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 11v20 Therefore of-YOU coming-together on the same (thing) it-is not to-eat (a) lordly supper;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 11v21 For each-(one) is-taking-before (his) own supper in the [period?] to-eat, and on-the-one-hand (one)-who is-being-hungry, on-the-other-hand (one)-who is-being-drunk.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 11v22 For are-YOU not having houses with-reference-to [the] to-be- eating and to-be-drinking? Or are-YOU-despising the assembly of-the God, and are- YOU-disgracing the (ones) not having? What might I-say to-YOU? Shall-I-laud YOU? In this I-am not lauding.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 11v23 For I myself-took-along from the Lord, what also I-gave-over to-YOU, that the Lord Jesus in the night in-which he-was-being-given-over he-took bread</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 11v24 And having-given-thanks he-broke-(it)-in-pieces and said: This is my body the (one) in-behalf-of YOU; this YOU-be-doing with-reference-to my remembrance.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 11v25 In-the-same-way also the cup after tak(ing)-supper, saying: This cup is the new-quality covenant in my blood; this YOU-be-doing as-often-as YOU- might-be-drinking, with-reference-to my remembrance.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 11v26 For as-often-as YOU-might-be-eating this bread and YOU- might-be-drinking this cup, YOU-are-proclaiming the death of-the Lord, until of-which he-might-come.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 11v27 So-that (one)-who might-be-eating this bread or might-be- drinking the cup of-the Lord unworthily, will-be liable of-the body and of-the blood of- the Lord.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 11v28 But let (a) MAN be-approving himself, and thus let-him-be- eating out-of the bread and let-him-be-drinking out-of the cup;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 11v29 For the (one) eating and drinking unworthily is-eating and is- drinking (a) sentence to-himself not discriminating the body of-the Lord.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 11v30 Because-of this many among YOU (are) weak and sickly and considerable (number) are-being-fallen-asleep.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 11v31 But if we-were-discriminating ourselves, we-were not being- judged;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 11v32 But being-judged we-are-being-disciplined by the Lord, in- order-that we-might not be condemned with the world.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 11v33 So that, my brothers, coming-together with-reference-to to-eat YOU-be-waiting-long-on one-another.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 11v34 If someone might-be-being-hungry, let-him-be-eating within home, in-order-that YOU-might not be-coming-together with-reference-to (a) sentence. BUT the other-things I-shall-order as I-might-come.</p><p>|c12 I CORINTHIANS 12v1 But concerning the spiritual (things), brothers, I-am not willing (for) YOU to-be-being-ignorant.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 12v2 YOU-are-knowing-absolutely that when YOU-were nations, as (ones)-being-led-away, YOU-were-being-led to the idols namely-the voiceless-(ones)</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 12v3 On-this-account I-am-making-known to-YOU that not-one speaking in (the) Spirit of-God is-saying: Anathema Jesus, and not-one is-being-able to- say: Jehovah Jesus, unless in (the) Holy Spirit.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 12v4 But there-are allotments. of-bestowed-favors, but the same Spirit;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 12v5 And there-are allotments of-ministries, and the same Lord;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 12v6 And there-are allotments of-operations, but the same God, the (one) operating all the (things) in all (persons).</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 12v7 But to-each-(one) the manifestation of-the Spirit is-being-given toward the-thing advantageous.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 12v8 For on-the-one-hand (one)-to-whom is-being-given (a) word of- wisdom through the Spirit, on-the-other-hand to-another (a) word of-knowledge according-to the same Spirit,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 12v9 To-(one)-different, trust in the same Spirit, but to-another bestowed-favors of-means-of-curing in the same Spirit, I CORINTHIANS 12v10 But to-another operations of-powerful-deeds, but to-another prophecy, but to-another discriminations of-spirits, to-(one)-different kinds of-languages, but to-another translation of-languages:</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 12v11 But all these-things the one and the same Spirit is-operating, allotting to-each (one) privately according-as he-is-purposing.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 12v12 For even-as the body is one and it-is-having many members, but all the members of-the body being many (are) one body, thus also the Messiah.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 12v13 For even we ourselves-were all baptized in one Spirit into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free-(ones), and we all were-given-to- drink-(of) one Spirit.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 12v14 For also the body is not one member BUT many.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 12v15 If the foot might-say: Because I-am not (a) hand, I-am not out- of the body, not beside this, it-is not out-of the body.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 12v16 And if the ear might-say: Because I-am not (an) eye, I-am not out-of the body, not beside this, it-is not out-of the body.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 12v17 If the total body (was) eye, where the hearing? If total hearing, where the sense-of-smell?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 12v18 But at-this-instant the God himself-placed the members, each one of-them in the body according-as he-willed.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 12v19 But if the-things (were) all one member, where the body?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 12v20 But now on-the-one-hand many members, on-the-other-hand one body.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 12v21 But the eye is not being-able to-say to-the hand: I-am not having need of-you, or again the head to-the feet: I-am not having need of-YOU;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 12v22 BUT by-much more the members of-the body seeming to-be- existing weaker (are) necessary,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 12v23 And which-things of-the body we-are-thinking to-be more- dishonored, to-these we-are-placing-around honor more-exceedingly, and the-(things) of- us indecent (are)-having-decency more-exceedingly,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 12v24 But the decent-(things) of-us (are)-having no need. BUT the God mingled the body together, having-given to-the-(thing) lacking-for-itself, honor more-exceedingly,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 12v25 In-order-that there-might-be not split in the body, BUT the members might-be-being-anxious the same in-behalf-of one-another.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 12v26 And whether one member is-suffering, all the members (are)- suffering-together; or (a) member is-being-glorified, all the members (are) rejoicing- together.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 12v27 But YOU yourselves-are body of-Messiah and members out-of part,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 12v28 Even which on-the-one-hand the God placed-for-himself in the assembly; firstly apostles, second prophets, third teachers, thereafter powerful-deeds, afterward bestowed-favors of-means-of curings, assistances, steerings, kinds of- languages,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 12v29 (Are) all apostles? No! (Are) all prophets? No! (Are) all teachers? No! (Are) all powerful-deed? No!</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 12v30 Are all having bestowed-favors of-means-of-curings? No! Are-they all speaking in-languages? No! Are-they all interpreting? No!</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 12v31 But YOU-are-being-jealous-of the bestowed-favors, namely-the (ones) greater. And yet I-am-pointing to-YOU (a) way according-to (a) surpassing- manner.</p><p>|c13 I CORINTHIANS 13v1 If I-might-be-speaking in-the tongues of-the MEN and of-the angels, but I-might not be-having charity, I-have-become-and-still-am sounding brass or (a) cymbal making-a-loud-noise.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 13v2 And if I-might-be-having prophecy and I-might-know-absolutely all the mysteries and all the knowledge, and if I-might-be-having all the trust so-as to-be- shifting mountains, but I-might not be-having charity, I-am nothing.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 13v3 And if I-might-morsel-out all my goods, and if I-might-give-over my body in-order-that I-might-be-burned, but I-might not be-having charity, I-am-being- profited not-one-thing.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 13v4 The charity is-being-patient, the charity is-being-gracious, it-is not being-jealous, the charity is not playing-the-braggart, it-is not being-inflated,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 13v5 It-is not behaving indecently, it-is not seeking the-things of- itself, it-is not being irritated, it-is not figuring the bad (thing), I CORINTHIANS 13v6 It-is not rejoicing over the unrighteousness, but it-is-rejoicing- together with-the truth;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 13v7 It-is-forbearing all-things, it-is-trusting all-things, it-is-hoping all-things it-is-persevering all-things.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 13v8 The charity never is-failing; but whether prophecies, they-will- be-rendered-inactive; or languages, they- will-cease-of-themselves; or knowledge, it-will-be-rendered-inactive.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 13v9 For out-of part we-are-coming-to-know and out-of part we-are- prophesying;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 13v10 But at-the-time-that the perfect-thing might-come, the-thing out-of part will-be-rendered-in-active.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 13v11 When I-was (an) infant, I-was-speaking as (an) infant, I-was- having-an-opinion as (an) infant, I-was-figuring as (an) infant; when I-had-become-and- still-am (a) man, I-have-rendered-inactive-and-still-render-inactive the-things of-the infant.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 13v12 For just-now we-are-looking through (a) mirror in (an) enigma, but then face to face; just-now I-am-coming-to-know out-of part, but then I-shall-come- to-know-thoroughly-for-myself according-as also I-came-to-be-known-thoroughly.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 13v13 But at-this-instant trust, hope, charity (are) remaining, these three things; but the charity (is) (the) greater of-these.</p><p>|c14 I CORINTHIANS 14v1 YOU-be-pursuing the charity, but YOU-be-being-zealous-of the spiritual-(things), but more in-order-that YOU-might-be-prophesying.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v2 For the (one) speaking in-(a)-language is not speaking to-MEN BUT to-the God; for not-one is-hearing, but in-spirit he-is-speaking mysteries;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v3 But the (one) prophesying is-speaking to-MEN building-up and comfort and solace.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v4 The (one) speaking in-(a)-language is-building up himself; but the (one) prophesying is-building up (an) assembly.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v5 But I-am-willing (for) YOU all to-be-speaking in-languages, but more in-order-that YOU-might-be-prophesying; for greater (is) the (one) prophesying than the (one) speaking in-languages, unless he-might-be-interpreting, in-order-that the assembly might-take building-up. I CORINTHIANS 14v6 But now, brothers, if I-might-come to YOU speaking in- languages, what shall-I-profit YOU, unless I-shall-speak to-YOU either in (an) uncovering or in knowledge or in prophecy or in doctrine?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v7 Nevertheless the-things without-soul giving (a) noise, whether flute or kithara, if they-might not give (a) strict-order in-the utterances, how will the- thing being-played-on-the-flute or the-thing being-played-on-the-kithara come-to-be- known?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v8 For also if (a) trumpet might-give (an) uncertain noise, who will- make-himself-ready with-reference-to (a) war?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v9 Thus also unless YOU yourselves-might-give (a) distinct word through the tongue, how will the-thing being-spoken come-to-be-known? For YOU-will- be speaking into air.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v10 If it-may-chance there-are these-many kinds of-voices in (a) world, and not-one-(thing) voiceless;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v11 If therefore I-might not be-knowing-absolutely the power of-the voice, I-shall-be (a) foreigner to-the (one) speaking and the (one) speaking in me (is) (a) foreigner.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v12 Thus also YOU, since YOU-are zealots of-spirits, YOU-be- seeking toward the building-up of-the assembly in-order-that YOU-might-be-having-an- advantage.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v13 On-this-account let the (one) speaking in-(a)-language be- praying in-order-that he-might-be-interpreting.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v14 For if I-might-be-praying in-a-language, my spirit is-praying, but my mind is without-fruit.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v15 What therefore is-it? I-shall-pray with-the spirit, but I-shall- pray also with-the mind; I-shall-play-a-psalm-on-a-stringed-instrument with-the spirit, but I-shall-play-a-psalm-on-a-stringed-instrument also with-the mind.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v16 Since if you-might-be-blessing in spirit, how will the (one) filling-up the place of-the layman say the amen upon thy giving-of-thanks? Since-indeed he-is not knowing-absolutely what you-are-saying;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v17 For on-the-one-hand you yourself-are-rightly giving-thanks, BUT the (one) different is not being-built-up.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v18 I-am-giving-thanks to-the God, speaking in-languages more (than)-all of-YOU; I CORINTHIANS 14v19 BUT in (an) assembly I-am-willing to-speak five words through my mind, in-order-that I-might-instruct others also, than ten-thousand words in (a) language.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v20 Brothers, YOU-be not becoming (pre-teen)-children in-the mentality, BUT YOU-be-being-an-infant in-the malice, but in-the mentality YOU-be- becoming perfect (ones).</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v21 In the law it-has-been-and-is-still-written that In different- languages and in different lips I-shall-speak to-this people, and neither thus will-they- listen-to me, Jehovah is-saying.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v22 So-that the tongues are with-reference-to (a) sign not to-the (ones) believing BUT to-the unbelieving, but the prophecy (is) not to-the unbelieving BUT to-the (ones) believing.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v23 If therefore the total assembly might-come-together upon the same (thing) and all might-be-speaking in-languages, but laymen or unbelieving (ones) might-come-in, will-they not say that YOU-are-being-mad?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v24 But if all might-be-prophesying, but someone unbelieving or (a) layman might-come-in, he-is-being-reproved by all, he-is-being-examined by all,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v25 The hidden-things of-his heart (are)-becoming manifest, and thus having-fallen on (his) face he-will-worship the God, reporting that certainly the God is among YOU.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v26 What therefore is-it, brothers, at-the-time-that YOU-are- coming-together each of-YOU is-having (a) psalm, he-is-having (a) doctrine, he-is- having (an) uncovering, he-is-having (a) language, he-is-having (a) translation; let all- things be-becoming toward building-up.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v27 Whether someone is-speaking in-a-language, according-to two or the most three, and in-succession, and let one be-interpreting;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v28 But if there-might not be (an) interpreter, let-him-be-being- silent in (an) assembly, but let-him-be-speaking to-himself and to-the God.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v29 But let two or three prophets be-speaking and let the others be- discriminating;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v30 But if (something)-might-be-uncovered to-another sitting, let the first be-being-silent.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v31 For YOU-are all being-able, everyone, to-be-prophesying, in- order-that all might-be-learning and all might-be-being-comforted.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v32 And spirits of-prophets (are) subjecting-themselves to-prophets;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v33 For-the God is not (one) of-instability BUT of-peace, as in all the assemblies of the holy (ones).</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v34 Let YOUR women be-being-silent in the assemblies; for it-is not being-permitted to-them to-be-speaking, BUT to-be-subjecting-themselves, according-as the law also is-saying.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v35 But if they-are-willing to-learn something, let-them-be- questioning the(ir) own men within home; for it-is shameful for women to-be-speaking in (an) assembly.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v36 Or from YOU the word of-the God went-out, or (has) it-arrived with-reference-to YOU alone?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v37 If someone is-thinking to-be (a) prophet or spiritual, let-him-be- coming-to-know-thoroughly-what-things I-am-writing to-YOU because they-are commandments of-Jehovah;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v38 But if someone is-being-ignorant let-him-be-being ignorant.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v39 So-that, my brothers, YOU-be-being-zealous to-be- prophesying, and YOU-be not hindering to-be-speaking in-languages;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 14v40 But let all-things be-coming-to-pass decently and according-to (an) arrangement.</p><p>|c15 I CORINTHIANS 15v1 But I-am-making-known to-YOU, brothers, the good-news, which good-news-I-brought to-YOU for-myself, which also YOU-took-along-(to- yourselves), in which also YOU-have-stood-and-are-still-standing,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v2 Through which also YOU-are-being-saved, if YOU-are-holding- fast to-what word I-brought-good-news-for-myself to-YOU, unless YOU-trusted at- random.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v3 For I-gave-over to-YOU among first-(things), what also I-took- along-(to-myself), that Messiah died-off in-behalf-of our sins according-to the scriptures,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v4 And that he-was-buried, and that he-has-been-and-is-still-raised on-the day namely-the third according-to the scriptures,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v5 And that he-was-seen by-Cephas, afterward by-the twelve; I CORINTHIANS 15v6 Thereafter he-was-seen by more-than five-hundred brothers all- at-once, out-of whom the most are-remaining till just-now, but some fell-asleep:</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v7 Thereafter he-was-seen by-James, afterward by-all the apostles;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v8 But last of-all as-altogether-if by-the premature-birth he-was- seen by-me-also.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v9 For I myself-am the least of-the apostles, who am not adequate to-be-being-called apostle, for-the-reason-that I-persecuted the assembly of-the God;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v10 But by-favor of-God I-am what I-am, and his favor namely-the (one) with-reference-to me became not empty, BUT I-tired-from-labor more-exceedingly of-them all, but not I, BUT the favor of-the God with me.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v11 Whether therefore I or those, thus we-are-preaching and thus YOU-believed.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v12 But if Messiah is-being-preached that he-has-been-and-still-is- raised out-of dead (ones), how are some among YOU saying that there-is not (a) standing-again of dead (ones)?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v13 But if there-is not (a) standing-again of dead (ones), neither has Messiah been-and-still-is-raised;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v14 But if Messiah has not been-and-is-still-raised, really, our preaching (is) empty, also YOUR trust (is) empty;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v15 But also we-are-being-found false-witnesses of-the God, because we-bore-witness down-upon the God that he-raised the Messiah, whom he-raised not if-altogether dead (ones) are really not being-raised.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v16 For if dead (ones) are not being-raised, neither has Messiah been-and-still-is-raised;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v17 But if Messiah has not been-and-still-is-raised, YOUR trust is aimless, YOU-are still in YOUR sins.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v18 So also the (ones) having-fallen-asleep in Messiah destroyed- themselves.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v19 If in this life only we-are (ones) having-hoped-and-still-hoping in Messiah, we-are of-all MEN more pitiful.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v20 But at-this-instant Messiah has-been-and-still-is-raised out-of dead (ones), firstfruit of-the (ones) having-fallen-asleep-and-still-asleep:</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v21 For since-indeed the death (is) through MAN, also through MAN (a) standing-again of-dead (ones).</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v22 For as-altogether in the Adam all are-dying-off, thus also in the Messiah all will-be-made-alive.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15|v23 But each (one) in (his) own assignment: firstfruit Messiah, thereafter the (ones) of-the Messiah in his presence,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v24 Afterward the finish, at-the-time-that he-might-be-giving-over the Kingdom to-the God and Father, at-the-time-that he-might-render-inactive all rule and all authority and power.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v25 For it-is-essential (for) him to-be-being-king until which he- might-put all the enemies under his feet.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v26 The death is (the) last enemy being-rendered-inactive; for he- subjected all-things under his feet.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v27 But at-the-time-that he-might-say that all-things (have)-been- and-still-(are)-subjected, (it-is) evident that (it-is) outside of-the (one) having-subjected the all-things to-him.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v28 But at-the-time-that the all-things might-be-subjected to-him, then also the son himself will-be-subjected to-the (one) having-subjected the all-things to-him, in-order-that the God might-be the all-things in all.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v29 Since what will the (ones) being baptized in-behalf-of the (ones) dead do? If dead (ones) are not being-raised totally, why are-they even baptized in behalf-of them?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v30 Why also are-we ourselves in-peril every hour?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v31 I-am-dying-off according-to (each) day, (swear)-by your reason-to-boast, brothers, which I-am-having in Messiah Jesus our Lord.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v32 If according-to MAN I-fought-beasts in Ephesus, what (does-it) avail to-me? If dead (ones) are not being-raised, let-us-eat and let-us-drink, for tomorrow we-are-dying-off.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v33 YOU-be not led-astray: bad conversations are-corrupting gracious morals.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v34 YOU-awake justly sober and YOU-be not sinning; for some are-having a-not-knowing of-God: I-am-speaking to-YOU toward humiliation.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v35 BUT someone will say: How are the (ones) dead being-raised? But with-what-sort (of) body are-they-coming;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v36 Foolish (one), what you yourself-are-sowing, it-is not being- made-alive if it-might not die-off;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v37 And what you-are-sowing, you-are not sowing the body namely-the (one) going-to-become, BUT naked grain if it-may-chance of-wheat or of- someone of-the others;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v38 But the God is-giving to-it (a) body according-as he-willed, and to-each of-the seeds (its) own body.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v39 Not all flesh (is) the same flesh, BUT another on-the-one-hand of-MEN, on-the-other-hand another flesh of-animals, but another flesh of-winged- creatures, but another of-fishes.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v40 And (there-are) bodies in-the-heavenlies, and earthly bodies; BUT on-the-one-hand the glory of-the (ones) in-the-heavenlies (is) different, on-the- other-hand the (glory) of-the (ones) earthly (is) different.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v41 (There-is) another glory of-(the)-sun, and another glory of- (the)-moon, and another glory of-(the)-stars; for star is-differing of-star in glory.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v42 Thus also (is) the standing-again of-the dead (ones). It-is- being-sown in corruption, it-is-being-raised in imperishability;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v43 It-is-being-sown in dishonor, it-is-being-raised in glory; it-is- being-sown in weakness, it-is-being-raised in power;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v44 It-is-being-sown (a) body of-the-soul, it-is-being-raised (a) body of-the-spirit. If there-is (a) body of-the soul, there-is also of-the spirit.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v45 Thus also it-has-been-and-still-is-written: The first MAN Adam came-to-pass with-reference-to (a) living soul; the last Adam with-reference-to (a) spirit making-alive.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v46 BUT not firstly the spiritual BUT the (one) of-the-soul, thereafter the spiritual.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v47 The first MAN (was) out-of earth made-of-dirt, the second MAN out-of heaven</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v48 Such-as the (one) made-of-dirt, as-such-(are)-these also the (ones) made-of-dirt, and such-as the (one) in-the-heavenly, as-such-(are)-these also the (ones) in-the-heavenlies;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v49 And according-as we-wore the image of-the (one) made-of- clay, we-shall-wear also the image of-the (one) in the heavenly.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v50 But I-am-stating this, brothers, that flesh and blood are not being-able to-inherit (the) Kingdom of-God, neither is the corruption inheriting the imperishability.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v51 Behold I-am-saying (a) mystery to-YOU: On-the-one-hand we all shall not fall-asleep, on-the-other-hand we all shall-be-changed,</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v52 In (a) moment in (a) twinkling of-(an) eye, in the last trumpet; for (a) trumpet-will-sound, and the dead (ones) will-stand-again imperishable, and we ourselves-shall-be-changed.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v53 For it-is-essential this perishable to-clothe-itself-in imperishability and this mortal to-clothe-itself-in immortality.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v54 But at-the-time-that this perishable might-clothe-itself-in imperishability and this mortal might-clothe-itself-in immortality, then the word will- come-to-pass namely-the (one) having-been-and-still-written: The death was swallowed with-reference-to victory.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v55 Where of-you death, (is) the sting? Where of-you, Hades (is) the victory?</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v56 But the sting of-the death (is) the sin, but the power of-the sin (is) the law;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v57 But to-the God (be) favor, namely-the (one) giving the victory to-us through our Lord Jesus Messiah.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 15v58 So-that, my cherished brothers, YOU-be-becoming steady, unmovable, exceeding in the work of-the Lord always, knowing-absolutely that YOUR labor is not empty in Jehovah.</p><p>|c16 I CORINTHIANS 16v1 But concerning the collection, the (one) with-reference-to the holy (ones), as I-ordered altogether for-the assemblies of-the Galatia, thus YOU yourselves-do also.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 16v2 According-to (number) one of-Sabbaths let each of-YOU be- putting beside himself, storing something which if he-might-be-being-prospered, in- order-that not at-the-time-that I-might-come, then, there-might-be-coming-to-pass collections.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 16v3 But at-the-time-that I-might-come-to-be-along-side, (ones)- whom if YOU-might-approve through epistles, these I-shall-send to-bring-off YOUR favor into Jerusalem;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 16v4 But if it-might-be worthy (of) me-also to-be-proceeding, they- will-proceed with me.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 16v5 But I-shall-come to YOU at-the-time-that I-might-go-through Macedonia; for I-am-going-through Macedonia;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 16v6 But perchance I-shall-remain-beside or I-shall even winter with YOU, in-order-that YOU yourselves-might-send me forward of-which (place) if I-might- be-proceeding.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 16v7 For I-am not willing to-see YOU just-now in passing; for I-am- hoping some time to-continue with YOU, if the Lord might-permit.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 16v8 But I-shall-continue in Ephesus till the Pentecost;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 16v9 For (a) great and operational door has-opened-and-is-still-open to-me, and many opposing.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 16v10 But if Timothy might-come, YOU-be-looking-to (it) in-order- that he-might-become fearlessly to-ward YOU; for he-is-working the work of-Jehovah as I-also;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 16v11 Might not anyone therefore treat him with-contempt. But YOU- send him forward in peace, in-order-that he-might-come to me; for I-am-waiting-long (for) him with the brothers.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 16v12 But concerning the brother Apollos, I-entreated him much in- order-that he-might-come to YOU with the brothers, and in-any-event it-was not (his) will in-order-that he-might-come now, but he-will-come at-the-time-that he-might-have (a) good season.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 16v13 YOU-be-watching, YOU-be-standing-firm in the trust, YOU- be-being-a-man, YOU-be-becoming-mighty.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 16v14 Let all-things of-YOU be-coming-to-pass in charity.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 16v15 But I-am-entreating YOU, brothers: YOU-are-knowing- absolutely the family of-Stephanas, that it-is firstfruit of-the Achaia and they-assigned themselves with-reference-to (a) ministry to-the holy (ones); I CORINTHIANS 16v16 In-order-that YOU yourselves also might-be-subjecting- yourselves to-the (ones) such-as-these and to-every (one) working-together and tiring from-labor.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 16v17 But I-am-rejoicing on the presence of-Stephanas and of- Fortunatus and of-Achaicus, that these filled-up your thing lacking;</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 16v18 For they-rested-again my spirit and YOURS. YOU, therefore, be-coming-to-know-thoroughly the (ones) such-as-these.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 16v19 The assemblies of-the Asia are-greeting YOU. Aquila and Prisca (are)-greeting YOU much in Jehovah with the assembly according-to their home.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 16 20 All the brothers are-greeting YOU. YOU-greet one-another with (a) holy kiss.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 16v21 The greeting of-Paul with-my hand.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 16v22 If someone is not loving the Lord, let-him-be-being anathema. Maranatha.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 16v23 The favor of-the Lord Jesus (be) with YOU.</p><p>I CORINTHIANS 16v24 My charity (be) with all of-YOU in Messiah Jesus. Amen. (KJ text in Greek has also): First to (the) Corinthians written from Philippi, through Stephanas and Fortunatus and Achaicus and Timotheus.</p>

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