Grant Application Cover Sheet s1

Grant Application Cover Sheet s1

<p> Warren County Philanthropic Partnership Grant Application Fall 2010 Dear Nonprofit Colleague,</p><p>We are pleased to announce the availability of the Warren County Philanthropic Partnership Grant Application. This form was developed to make the grant seeking process simpler and more efficient for nonprofits. ~ The Grant Committee</p><p>The Warren County Philanthropic Partnership was formed in 2005 to coordinate and provide philanthropic support for community betterment projects in Warren County. The mission of the Warren County Philanthropic Partnership is to promote philanthropy throughout Warren County. The foundation is made up of community minded individuals who have the ability to assess community needs, implement asset development, evaluate area grant applications, encourage partnerships and initiate activities to enhance Warren County. Each year the foundation makes grant awards to worthwhile projects located in the county that are identified through a community grants application process. Our foundation’s areas of emphasis include:</p><p>. Arts, Culture & Humanities . Education . Environment & Animals . Health . Human Services . Public & Society Benefit</p><p>The Warren County Philanthropic Partnership makes grants to I.R.S. 501(c)(3) ‘tax exempt’ organizations and 170(b) ‘unit of government’ organizations to assist in fulfilling the Foundation’s mission to foster private giving, strengthen service providers and improve the conditions of the communities in Warren County. Our Partnership promotes endowment building, community grantmaking, organizational collaboration, and public leadership for the benefit of the Warren County area.</p><p>Grant amounts are dependent upon the allocation of funds available to the Community Foundation each fiscal year and are limited to non-profits located in and projects serving the county. Award amounts will range from $500-$5,000. Awards will not be made for debt relief and ongoing operation subsidies, fund raising expenses, endowments, and politically sensitive or religious purposes. </p><p>Hand written forms will not be accepted. All information requested must be provided on the application or will be disqualified. Please submit a signed original and 6 copies of the application by mail or hand delivered to:</p><p>Warren County Philanthropic Partnership Any Questions? 515 North Jefferson Way, Suite C Call/Email Denise Kalbus Indianola, Iowa 50125 515-961-1067 [email protected]</p><p>Location directions: The Warren County Economic Development Corporation (WCEDC) office is accepting the grant applications. The office is located at the north end of the Wells Fargo bank at the intersection of 65/69 and Euclid. WCEDC is on the first floor of the building.</p><p>Application deadline: Thursday, October 21, 2010 (Received, not postmarked), 5:00 PM</p><p>1 Cover Sheet Follow Grant Instructions (page 7) Organization Information</p><p>1. Name of organization Legal name (as listed with IRS) 2. 3. Organization Address City, State, Zip Employer Identification Number (EIN) 4. Phone Fax Web site 5. Name of contact person regarding this application Phone E-mail </p><p>6. Type of funding support (circle one): Capital Based Program Based</p><p>7. Project focus area that primarily applies Arts, Culture & Education Environment & (circle one): Humanities Animals</p><p>Health Human Services Public & Society Benefit</p><p>8. Is your organization an IRS 501(c)(3) not-for-profit? Yes No If no, is your organization a 170b unit of government? Yes No If no, you must have a fiscal sponsor. Please list name, address, phone and fiscal sponsor contact person:</p><p>Fiscal Sponsor’s EIN number 9. Has your organization received WCPP grant funds in the past? ______Yes ______No If yes; which grants cycle/s ______Amount Awarded ______Have you met all your conditions of the previous grant agreement ____ Yes ____ No If no, please explain: ______</p><p>______10. Describe your organization’s charitable purpose, program activities, and population demographics (age groups served, primary area served) (4-5 sentences)</p><p>2 Application Request Summary</p><p>Name of the Project: ______</p><p>11. Describe the proposed project, including the goals and objectives. Discuss the community need for the project, the benefits for the community as a result of the project and the community support for the project.</p><p>Summary of Project (3-5 Sentences): ______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>3 12. Population served (estimated #): </p><p>Total project cost: $ Total requested from the Community Foundation: $</p><p>Amount of What percentage of total funds is matching dollars? matching funds: $ (Matching $ ÷ Total Project $ x 100 = % of funds match) %</p><p>13. Outline how grant funds will be used and identify other resources or partners identified to assist with the project; other funding secured, applied for and proposed for the project. Include how volunteers will be utilized and the number of volunteers expected to participate:</p><p>14. Indicate desired impact and how you will measure and evaluate the results of the project. Be specific regarding community needs/issues your project will address. How will contributions from the Warren County Philanthropic Partnership be recognized?</p><p>15. What is the timeline for this project? Projects must be complete within one year.</p><p>4 Project Budget Budget Form 16. Attachments are required: Letter(s) of commitment for in-kind contributions and other funding sources matching your request, estimates or bids, and an organizational budget. Please note: Section A=Sections B+C+D. A TOTAL PROJECT COSTS FOR THE GRANT (Itemize specific expenses below and provide dollar amount.) # Item Amount ($) 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 Total Cost of Project B IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS (Itemize below and estimate dollar amount. Please attach letter(s) of commitment. Volunteer hours must not be included as an in-kind contribution.) # Item Amount ($) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total In-Kind Contributions C FUNDING FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN THIS GRANT (Itemize below and estimate dollar amount. Please attach letter(s) of commitment.) # Item Amount ($) 1 2 3 5 6 Total from sources other than this grant D TOTAL COST OF GRANT EXPENDITURES (TOTAL REQUESTED FROM WCPP) (Itemize specific expenses below and provide dollar amount.) # Item Amount ($) 1 2 4 5 6 Total Amount Requested From WCPP</p><p>5 Attachments and Check List</p><p>In order to be considered for funding, your application MUST include the following items: Copy of latest Federal IRS Tax-exempt status letter List of Board of Directors and their affiliations Organizational Budget Signed ‘Letter of Intent’ to act as a fiscal sponsor if applicable – only if you are not 501(c)(3) or 170b status Signed Applicant Board Approval Agreement (see below) Estimate(s)/Quote(s) for materials or services All additional documentation should be placed behind page 6 of the grant application Original signed application plus 6 copies</p><p>Board Approval from Applicant Organization: ______approve submission of this grant request and certify that the purpose of this (Name of Organization) request is charitable and that monies received from the Warren County Philanthropic Partnership will be used solely for the project stated in this application.</p><p>Authorized agent/ title Date</p><p>For WCPP use only: Grant Committee Amount Determination: Approved Denied Date Board of Directors Amount Determination: Approved Denied Date</p><p>This application has been approved in the amount of $ ______on (date) ______. </p><p>6 Grant Application Instructions </p><p>Grants will be deemed ineligible for the following reasons, and will not be scored:  Proof of nonprofit status is not provided  If using a fiscal sponsor, a letter of support is not provided  Required Information is not provided  Incorrect number of copies of grant provided - a signed original plus 6 copies is required  Application is hand written  If project or program is politically sensitive  If monies are requested for religious programs  Do not use binder, plastic covers or folders  Do not insert supporting documentation into the grant application; All documentation should be placed after page 6.  You are encouraged to buy grant supplies locally, when possible  Grant awards are intended to be finishing dollars rather than seed money.</p><p>Organization Information 1. Use legal organizational name as filed with the IRS.</p><p>2. Organization address.</p><p>3. EIN numbers must be provided by all organizations (if a fiscal sponsor is being used provide the sponsor’s EIN).</p><p>4. Organization phone number if one is available.</p><p>5. Contact person and daytime contact information.</p><p>6. Capital Based refers to the building of or the physical improvement of something. Program Based refers to operational, activity, or general programmatic support.</p><p>7. Select the focus area that has direct impact from the project. Arts/Culture/Humanities – Museums, Historic Preservation, Exhibits, etc. Education – Schools (all ages), Adult Learning Programs, etc. Environment/Animals – Environmental Protection, Beautification, Animal Related Issues Health – General, Rehabilitative, Mental, etc. Human Services – Public Protection/Safety, Recreation, Youth Development, Social Support, General Human Services Public/Society Benefit – Community Improvement/Development, Philanthropy/Volunteerism, Capacity Building, Civil Rights, etc.</p><p>8. Your organization must be a 501(c) (3) or a unit of government 170(b). Agencies that qualify as a 170(b) include counties, cities, and schools. If the applicant is not a 501(c)(3) or 170(b) organization, a fiscal sponsor is required. The fiscal sponsor will be responsible for grant funds. Provide the name, address, phone, and EIN number of the fiscal sponsor, as well as a letter of support from the fiscal sponsor. </p><p>9. WCPP Funding – Provide information about any grants received from WCPP in the past. If previous grant funds have been received by the organization applying, please provide the date the funds were received and the amount received. If all conditions of agreement have not been met, explain why.</p><p>7 10. Clearly describe the charitable purpose, program activities related to this request, and the population that will be directly impacted by activities related to this request.</p><p>Request Summary -</p><p>11. Provide name of project. Information provided in the request summary should pertain only to the project for which grant funds are being requested. ***After providing detailed description provide a 3-5 sentence summary of the project.</p><p>12. Population served directly. The total project cost needs to pertain to this grant project only, not an organizational budget. Matching funds are funds being raised by the organization. Do not include in-kind contributions. In-kind contributions should be indicated on the budget page. Other grant funds can be used as matching funds.</p><p>13. Identify specifically how grant funds being requested will be utilized. Identify partners; a letter of support is required if funding is secured from a partner. Specify how partners will be contributing to the project or program. Explain how volunteers will be utilized and the number of volunteers you anticipate.</p><p>14. How will your project impact the community or county? How will the impact be evaluated or measured? One of the goals of the WCPP grant process is to create an awareness of the partnership throughout the county. How do you plan to disseminate information about your project and recognize the WCPP contribution?</p><p>15. Outline the time line for your project. Projects need to be completed within one year of grant award date.</p><p>The application can exceed the space given.</p><p>Project Budget - </p><p>16. The project budget should only include information that pertains to the project funds that are being requested. Budgets must be itemized with calculations. Also indicate if the expense is an estimation or actual. Additional documentation of expenditures must be provided (work estimates, quotes, catalog prices, etc.). In-kind contributions can consist of material donations, equipment, building space, etc., but cannot include volunteer hours. Complete budget information is required. Grant applications with incomplete budgets will not be scored. Attach an organizational budget. If the organization serves more than Warren County, a breakdown budget for Warren County is required. If a grant is awarded, receipts for all expenditures will be required. Grant funds cannot be used for items or services purchased before the grant was awarded. Grant funds can ONLY be used for items listed in the budget.</p><p>Attachments & Checklist – </p><p>Please place all documents following the grant application.</p><p>Complete the checklist to ensure you have all the documentation required. See below for additional information regarding attachments.</p><p>8 Additional Attachments - Include copies of the attachments with both the original application and the additional 6 copies.</p><p>. Latest Federal IRS Tax-exempt Status Letter – Simply a copy of the requested information is needed. Government entities do not need to provide a Federal IRS Tax-exempt Status Letter.</p><p>. List of Board of Directors and their affiliations – The list should include any positions currently held in the organization by a director and what his/her expertise is, this is usually the person’s job title or where he/she works.</p><p>. Organizational Budget – An organizational budget is the budget for the whole organization or department within the organization. A project budget is the budget for the project for which funding is requested that the organization or department is doing. Include a project budget in the body of the application. See line 16 of the application. Include the organizational budget with additional attachments.</p><p>. Signed ‘Letter of Intent’ to act as a fiscal sponsor – A fiscal sponsor is an organization or party who is receiving the money on behalf of the grant applicant and is responsible for disbursing the money for the project and maintaining appropriate documentation (receipts, etc.). The entity has to be a 501(c)(3) or 170b unit of government. A fiscal sponsor is required if the organization does not have tax exempt status. If using a fiscal sponsor, a letter of intent is required from the organization serving as the fiscal sponsor.</p><p>9 Warren County Philanthropic Partnership Grant Scoring Matrix </p><p>Excellent, Outstanding or Very Good Good, Strong, or Adequate Poor, Weak, or Inadequate (8-10 points per box) (6-7 points per box) (1-5 points per box) Project Description Project Description Project Description A. Need for Project: A. Need for Project: A. Need for Project:  Strong evidence of community support.  Some evidence of community support.  Little evidence of community support.  Goals are clearly stated.  Goals are adequately stated.  Goals poorly stated.  Very evident how this project will enhance the  Some evidence of how this project will  Little evidence of how this project will enhance community. enhance the community. the community.</p><p>B. Population Served: B. Population Served: B. Population Served:  Project serves a broad based population.  Project serves a small sector of population.  Project serves a very limited sector of  Project impacts a large population and sector  Project impacts a small population and sector population. of the county. of the county.  Project impacts a very limited population and sector of the county. C. Partnerships and Visibility C. Partnerships and Visibility C. Partnerships and Visibility  Strong evidence of community partners.  Some evidence of community partners.  No evidence of community partners.  Project provides high visibility to the WCPP.  Project provides some visibility to the WCPP.  Project provides minimal/no visibility to the WCPP. D. Impact Indicators: D. Impact Indicators: D. Impact Indicators:  Desired impact is clearly stated.  Desired impact is adequately stated.  Desired impact is poorly stated.  Impact measures are clearly stated.  Impact measures are adequately stated.  Impact measures are poorly stated.  A method to evaluate the results of the project  A method to evaluate the results of the project  There is no method to evaluate the results of is clearly stated. is adequately stated. the project. Budget Budget Budget A. Project is highly leveraged with matching funds. A. Project is moderately leveraged with matching A. Project is not leveraged with matching funds. Greater than 50% funds. Up to 50% B. Other resources and partners are committed to B. Some resources and partners identified for the B. Very limited/no resources and partners have not the project. project. been identified for the project. C. Complete organizational and project budget C. Partially completed organizational and project C. Unsatisfactory organizational and project budget information is provided. budget information is provided. information is provided. D. Strong evidence project cannot continue or take D. Some evidence project cannot continue or would D. Grant funding has little to no impact on the place without our funding. be difficult to take place without grant. organization or project.</p><p>10 Warren County Philanthropic Partnership FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions</p><p>GENERAL QUESTIONS Will this project qualify for a grant? The project will be considered if the following criteria are met:  Organization is a 501(c)3 or 170b (unit of government)  Project is in Warren County or serves Warren County residents.  Application contains all required elements</p><p>What projects do not qualify?  Politically sensitive projects  Religious programs</p><p>Can we still apply if we do not have matching funds? Yes, included with the application is a scoring matrix. Although, your application may not score very well in the budget area, it may score very well in other areas and can still be competitive. </p><p>What types of projects have you funded in the past? Building repairs, equipment, new organizational programs and projects, county promotion materials, and youth leadership. Please refer to the Grant Making Fact Sheet.</p><p>How much money is available per project? A minimum of $500 will be granted. A maximum of $5000 will be granted. </p><p>When is the application due and will it be accepted if postmarked by the due date? Due date: Thursday, October 21, 2010 - 5:00 PM The office must receive applications by this date and time, not postmarked by this date. </p><p>What is the difference between an organizational budget and a project budget? An organizational budget is the budget of the entire organization or department within the organization. A project budget is the budget for the project for which funding is requested.</p><p>What are the criteria for matching funds? What can be used? Sources of matching funds include other grants, money donated, and money raised. </p><p>In-kind labor and materials cannot be used as matching funds. Although the in-kind funds cannot be used as matching funds, it should be indicated on your budget sheet. </p><p>11 Warren County Philanthropic Partnership FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions</p><p>What is a 170b unit of government? Where does a public school fit? 170b unit of government includes:  Counties  Cities  Schools</p><p>What is a fiscal sponsor? A fiscal sponsor is an organization or party who is receiving the money on behalf of the grant applicant and is responsible for disbursing the money for the project and maintaining appropriate documentation (receipts, etc.). The entity has to be a 501(c)(3) or 170b unit of government. If you are in need of a fiscal sponsor, an organization to consider is the Warren County Economic Development Corporation Education Foundation, 515.961.1067.</p><p>The additional attachment section of the application requires a list of directors and their affiliations. What does affiliation mean? The list should include any positions currently held in the organization by a director and what his/her expertise is. This is usually the person’s profession (examples - accountant, doctor, architect), job title (examples – bank president, insurance agent, restaurant manager), or where he/she works. </p><p>FORMATTING/STYLE QUESTIONS Can you email me an application that will allow me to fill in the blanks on the form? Please download from the website:</p><p>Can I add additional pages to the application or enlarge the current space provided on the application? Yes, no limits have been put on the number of pages submitted. The application has been designed to expand to fit size needs. If adding additional pages, please maintain at least 1- inch margins and use 12-point text.</p><p>12 Warren County Philanthropic Partnership Spring 2010 Grantmaking Fact Sheet</p><p>Spring 2010 Grant Summary</p><p> The Warren County Philanthropic Partnership received $129,090.00 in County Endowment Funds.</p><p> 75% of this award will be granted to non-profit and charitable organizations in the county.</p><p> 26 Spring 2010 grant applications were received with projects totaling $580,934.38.</p><p> 22 grants were awarded to not-for-profits located in 5 communities.</p><p> The grant awards leveraged $527,484.16 in total project spending.</p><p> The grant awards are broadly distributed across areas of interest including Arts, Culture & Humanities, Education, Human Services, Public & Social Benefit, Health, and Environment & Animals.</p><p>Spring 2010 Grant Recipients</p><p>Carlisle Area Historical Society 245 Penn, PO Box 137 Carlisle, Iowa 50047 Melody Kirk, 515.989.0403 Total Project: $7,846.95 Matching Support: $3,000.00 Grant Award: $4,800.00 Project: Historic Randleman House Restoration 2nd Floor</p><p>Description: The project will stabilize and restore the walls and ceilings on the second floor of the Randleman House for use as a museum and office space. The grant will help purchase storage for display and organization of artifacts. Also, computer hardware needed to organize, preserve and document pictures, stories and histories of the area will be purchased.</p><p>Carlisle Community School 430 School Street Carlisle, Iowa 50047 Julie Kruse, 515.989.0316 Total Project: $80,951.81 Matching Support: $50,184.35 Grant Award: $5,000.00 Project: Playground Rebuilding Project – Hartford Upper Elementary</p><p>Description: Hartford Playground Committee is committed to providing a variety of safe, quality playground equipment for all students at the Hartford Upper Elementary School. More specifically, the grant will help purchase the Fun-Semble component of the new playground. This piece of equipment has 15 instruments using tonal and rhythmic sound. The Fun-Semble supports the music curriculum by taking the music classroom outdoors, encouraging children to create their own sounds, learn music appreciation and move their bodies.</p><p>Carlisle Public Library 135 School Street Carlisle, Iowa 50047 Marilyn Goodhue, 515.989.0909 Total Project: $2,250.00 Matching Support: $ 1,250.00 Grant Award: $1,000.00 Project: Summer Reading Program</p><p>Description: The grant will support the continuation of the Summer Reading Program. Many of our young readers look forward with great anticipation to participating each summer. Not only do they enjoy reading, they also enjoy earning prizes including a possible trip to the Des Moines Zoo. </p><p>13 Warren County Philanthropic Partnership</p><p>Carlisle Soccer Club, Inc. PO Box 254 Carlisle, Iowa 50047 Lisa Wilson, 515.989.0031 Total Project: $1,881.71 Matching Support: $1,112.00 Grant Award: $770.00 Project: Beautification of Carlisle Soccer Club</p><p>Description: The project will help to purchase a permanent sign structure as well as an abundance of trees and shrubbery to create an inviting atmosphere for our community’s soccer fans and visitors. </p><p>Christian Opportunity Center 1533 Broadway, PO Box 347 Pella, Iowa 50219 Patty Zylstra, 641.628.1162 Total Project: $1,818.19 Matching Support: $0.00 Grant Award: $1,800.00 Project: CPR Manikins and Adaptive Equipment</p><p>Description: The grant funds will be used for new CPR manikins and adaptive equipment.</p><p>City of Indianola 110 North First Street Indianola, Iowa 50125 Laurie Hebl, 515.961.9410 Total Project: $28,000.00 Matching Support: $23,000.00 Grant Award: $5,000.00 Project: Community Information LED Sign</p><p>Description: The City of Indianola plans to erect a Community Information LED Sign to improve communication and provide relevant and timely information to Indianola residents and visitors. The sign will be located in the southeast corner of 110 North 1st Street (City Hall/Public Safety Building) where more than 19,000 vehicles pass each day.</p><p>City of Norwalk Parks and Recreation 1100 Chatham Ave Norwalk, Iowa 50211 Jeff Lucas, 515.981.9206 Total Project: $3,912.00 Matching Support: $1,891.00 Grant Award: $2,000.00 Project: Norwalk Aquatic Center: “Save our Skin”</p><p>Description: The project will provide shade amenities at the Norwalk Aquatic Center. The grant will help purchase hex tables, umbrellas, and pole adaptors.</p><p>Cub Scout Pack 126, Chartered to Irving School PTO 500 W Clinton Ave Indianola, Iowa 50125 Andrew Brittingham, 515.945.7908 Total Project: $2,058.42 Matching Support: $400.00 Grant Award: $1,000.00 Project: Renovation & Equipment of a Pack Trailer</p><p>Description: BSA-Pack 126, Indianola, IA will use the grant funds to help support the renovation and stocking of a 4ft x 6ft trailer. This trailer will primarily be used to transport Pack supplies / equipment on Pack outings, including campouts, parades and jamborees. Completion of this project will enable the Pack to continue to offer high quality programming and opportunities to Scouts and their families.</p><p>14 Warren County Philanthropic Partnership</p><p>Genesis Development 1809 West 2nd Ave Indianola, Iowa 50125 Brad Johnson, 515.961.6918 Total Project: $33,491.00 Matching Support: $28,491.00 Grant Award: $5,000.00 Project: Genesis Work Opportunities for Peoples with Disabilities</p><p>Description: Genesis Development’s commercial laundry in Indianola provides work opportunities employment and real wages for people with disabilities. By increasing the capacity, customer base and production of the commercial laundry, we will be able to increase the number of job stations and work opportunities for those in Warren County who live with the challenges of a disability. The project will replace a defective piece of equipment and add new pieces of equipment to allow the program to grow.</p><p>Happy Hustlers 4-H Club 17342 99th Lane Indianola, Iowa 50125 Denise Bougher, 515.962.1661 Total Project: $1,150.00 Matching Support: $450.00 Grant Award: $700.00 Project: Happy Hustlers Go Wilder with Trees</p><p>Description: 4-H promotes children getting involved to improve our community. The 4-H club will plant trees around Wilder Elementary playground for shade. The project is this year’s community service project.</p><p>Indianola HOPE Foundation 1209 Ann Parkway Indianola, Iowa 50125 Kristine Gaulke, 515.961.3203 Total Project: $8,770.00 Matching Support: $3,770.00 Grant Award: $5,000.00 Project: Indianola HOPE Literacy Initiative</p><p>Description: The intent of Indianola HOPE is to provide instruction and support to students and families in the area of reading. The program in collaboration with Simpson College consists of tutoring students after school. Instruction will be provided to students who qualify based on the assessment data from the Dynamic Indicators or Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS).</p><p>Indianola Parks & Recreation 2204 West 2nd Ave Indianola, Iowa 50125 Justin Stuart, 515.961.9420 Total Project: $57,408.80 Matching Support: $29,675.00 Grant Award: $4600.00 Project: Softball Field Safety Enhancement Project</p><p>Description: Indianola Parks and Recreation will install a net that is 200-feet wide and thirty feet tall over the fence line. This will alleviate injury from homeruns or stray fly balls on the lower two fields at Pickard Park. This is part of an overall park improvement project that will increase the usage of Pickard Park and leisure appeal of the City of Indianola.</p><p>15 Warren County Philanthropic Partnership</p><p>Indianola Parks & Recreation 2204 West 2nd Ave Indianola, Iowa 50125 Glen Cowan, 515.961.9420 Total Project: $168,927.66 Matching Support: $163,152.66 Grant Award: $5,000.00 Project: Memorial Amphitheater</p><p>Description: Phase 1 construction of an all concrete amphitheater to replace 25 year old wood amphitheater at Indianola Memorial Park. Phase 1 includes grading and drainage, back stage room, stage floor, handicap access ramps, handicap and turf slope seating, shade canopy footings and secondary electric service.</p><p>Indianola Preschool, Incorporated 205 S Howard Ave, Ste B Indianola, Iowa 50125 Angela Jensen, 515.961.3798 Total Project: $11,314.56 Matching Support: $5,864.56 Grant Award: $5,000.00 Project: Indianola Preschool Playground Improvement</p><p>Description: The grant will help make playground improvements including updating surfaces, fencing, and equipment throughout the space. Natural Elements will be introduced, ensuring the playground meets the current developmental and safety needs of the preschool students in the community. The improved playground will be a safe environment that allows the preschool curriculum to be extended outdoors. </p><p>Lutheran Services in Iowa 3125 Cottage Grove Ave Des Moines, Iowa 50311 Nancy Krause, 515.271.7403 Total Project: $70,080.00 Matching Support: $0.00 Grant Award: $2,500.00 Project: Necessities Pantry for New Parent Program</p><p>Description: The grant will help stock the Necessities Pantry, which provides for emergency basic needs of low-income families served by Lutheran Services in Iowa’s New Parent Program in Warren County. The program provides support to families experiencing stressful financial crises that place the family at greater risk for child abuse.</p><p>National Balloon Museum 1601 N Jefferson Way, PO Box 149 Indianola, Iowa 50125 Dennis Nicholson, 515.961.3714 Total Project: $13,500.00 Matching Support: $8,500.00 Grant Award: $5,000.00 Project: Upgrade the Museum Theatre</p><p>Description: The project will upgrade the existing Museum Theater in ways that will enhance visitors’ experience by better telling the story of ballooning, while also making the audio-visual theater system easier to operate by the museum’s entirely volunteer staff. It will enable the theater upgrade to happen now in the early stages of the Museum’s expansion plan, and will be easily moved into the new theater facility which is planned in the building addition.</p><p>North Warren Fire and Emergency Response Agency 2300 R63 Hwy Norwalk, Iowa 50211 Raymond (Skip) Phillips, 515.243.3754 Total Project: $10,000.00 Matching Support: $5,000.00 Grant Award: $2,000.00 Project: Northern Warren County Community Facility Project</p><p>Description: The funds from this grant will fulfill two critical needs at the Northern Warren Fire and Emergency Response Building. The grant will help finish the men’s and women’s restrooms.</p><p>16 Warren County Philanthropic Partnership</p><p>Simpson College 701 North C Street Indianola, Iowa 50125 Cindy Nisley, 515.961.6251 Total Project: $5,217.00 Matching Support: $600.00 Grant Award: $4,450.00 Project: Celebrating 150 Years of the Whispering Maples in Indianola: A Beautification Project</p><p>Description: Simpson College will use the grant to plant trees around campus including Buxton Park to replace those damaged in the past winter’s ice storms and to add trees where there are gaps. These trees will benefit the environment, and provide aesthetically pleasing surroundings for students, citizens and those who visit the community. The project will last well into the future and benefit generations to come.</p><p>Trinity United Presbyterian Church - WeLIFT 200 South Howard Street Indianola, Iowa 50125 Staci Scheurenbrand, 515.962.5017 Total Project: $2,065.98 Matching Support: $0.00 Grant Award: $2,000.00 Project: WeLIFT Resource Center Expansion</p><p>Description: The grant will be used to purchase three new computers with necessary software, a printer/scanner/copier, and a heavy-duty paper shredder. This purchase is necessary to expand our services and resources and to provide additional classes.</p><p>Warren County Health Services 301 North Buxton, Ste 203 Indianola, Iowa 50125 Jodene Devault, 515.961.1074 Total Project: $9,117.08 Matching Support: $1,000.00 Grant Award: $2,300.00 Project: Warren County Shaken Baby Prevention Partnership (WCSBPP)</p><p>Description: The Warren County Shaken Baby Prevention Partnership was formed to compliment and expand upon the information provided to new parents in the hospital-based setting. The Partnership will increase awareness and provide education in order to prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome. The goal of the Partnership is to prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome by teaching caregivers how to cope with a crying infant or child. The grant will support the creation of printed materials.</p><p>Warren County Historical Society PO Box 256 Indianola, Iowa 50125 Linda Beatty, 515.961.8085 Total Project: $6,008.00 Matching Support: $3,008.00 Grant Award: $3,000.00 Project: Handicapped Ramp</p><p>Description: The grant will support construction of a handicapped accessible ramp leading to the southwest entrance of the Warren County Historical Society Meeting Room. This will make the meeting room and research library handicapped accessible to all Warren County Historical Society volunteer staff and visitors.</p><p>17 Warren County Philanthropic Partnership</p><p>Wildcat ABC After and Before School Care 405 School Street Carlisle, Iowa 50047 Mandi Comstock, 515.989.3972 Total Project: $1,715.00 Matching Support: $750.00 Grant Award: $1,700.00 Project: Automatic External Defibrillator (AED)</p><p>Description: Wildcat ABC will be able to purchase an AED and place it in the childcare center. Because we are located within the Carlisle United Methodist Church, this unit will benefit many individuals and groups within our community who use the building regularly. Purchasing an AED for our facility will provide a potentially life- saving resource for the entire community.</p><p>18</p>

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