<p>B.Sc., BOTANY SEMESTER WISE SYLLABUS AND MODEL QUESTION PAPERS OF THEORY AND PRACTICALS</p><p>(AS PER CBCS AND SEMESTER SYSTEM) Course: B. Sc., Subject: Botany S. Seme Module Modules (Paper) Hours/ Credits Max. Marks No. ster Nature Week (75+25) 1 1 CORE-1 Theory Microbial Diversity , 04 04 100 Paper-1 Algae, Fungi & Plant Pathology Practical -do- 03 02 40+10</p><p>2 2 CORE-2 Theory Diversity of 04 04 100 Paper-2 Archaegoniatae &Anatomy Practical -do- 03 02 40+10 3 3 CORE-3 Theory Taxonomy 04 04 100 Paper-3 &Embryology Practical -do- 03 02 40+10 4 4 CORE-4 Theory Plant physiology & 04 04 100 Paper-4 Metabolism Practical -do- 03 02 40+10 5 5 CSS- Theory Ecology &Molecular 03 04 100 Paper- 5 Biology Theory 6a. Herbal Technology 03 04 100 CSS Paper- 6 6b. Nursery & gardening</p><p>6c. Floriculture Practical 03 02 50 + 50 for 5 & 6 6 6 CSS Theory Plant Biotechnology 03 04 100 Paper- 7 CSS Theory 8a. Plant Diversity & 03 04 100 Paper-8 human Welfare</p><p>8b. Genetics & Plant Breeding </p><p>I B.Sc - BOTANY SYLLABUS PAPER-I; SEMESTER- I Paper- I T: Microbial Diversity, Algae and Fungi Total hours of teaching 60 hrs @ 4 hrs per week UNIT- I: Origin and Evolution of Life, Microbial diversity (12 hrs) 1. Origin of life –theories 2. Geological time scale 3. Microbial diversity-Mycoplasma – Chlamydia -Archaebacteria –Actinomycetes UNIT- II: VIRUSES AND BACTERIA (12 hrs) 1. Viruses: General account of Viruses, structure, replication and transmission ofplant diseases Caused by Viruses. 2. Bacteria: Structure, nutrition, reproduction and economic importance. Outlineof plant diseases of important crop plants caused by Bacteria (Citrus canker) and their control. UNIT III: CYANOBACTERIA AND LICHENS (12 hrs) 1. Cyanobacteria: General account of cell structure, thallus organization and their uses as Biofertilizers 2. Structure and reproduction and life history of Nostoc and Scytonema 3. Lichens – Morphology –Anatomy –Reproduction –Economic importance UNIT –IV Algae (12 hrs) 1. General account (Thallus organization, Pigments, reproduction), Fritsch classification of Algae and economic importance. 2. Structure, reproduction, life history of Oedogonium, Ectocarpus and Polysiphonia</p><p>UNIT V: FUNGI (12 hrs) 1. General characters, classification(Alexopolous) and economic importance 2. Structure, reproduction and life history of Albugo, Penicillium, Puccinia 3. General account of plant diseases caused by Fungi (Red rot of sugarcane, Paddy blast) and their control</p><p>I B. Sc – BOTANY PRACTICAL SYLLABUS: PAPER I SEMESTER -I Paper-I-IP: Microbial Diversity, Algae and Fungi Total hours of laboratory Exercises 45 hrs @ 3 per week 1. Knowledge of Equipment used in Microbiology: Spirit lamp, Inoculation loop, Hot-air oven, Autoclave/Pressure cooker, Laminar air flow chamber, Incubator, etc. 2. Preparation of solid and liquid media for culturing of microbes (Demonstration) 3. Study of viruses and bacteria using electron micro photographs 4. Gram staining of Bacteria 5. Study of Plant disease symptoms caused by Bacteria (Citrus canker, leaf blight of rice, Angular leaf spot of Cotton) and viruses (TMV, Vein clearing of Bhendi and Leaf curl of Papaya),Fungi (Late blight of potato, Red rot of Sugarcane and Paddy blast 6. Vegetative and reproductive structures of the following : a. Algae: Oedogonium, Ectocarpus,Polysiphonia, Nostoc and Scytonema b. Fungi: Albugo, Penicillium and Puccinia . 7. Section cutting of diseased material infected by Fungi and identification of pathogens as per theory syllabus 8. Lichens: Different types of thalli and Anatomy 9. Field Visit ------</p><p>I B.Sc - BOTANY PRACTICAL EXAMINATIONS - MODEL PAPER PAPER –I SEMESTER -I Paper-I-1 P: Microbial Diversity, Algae and Fungi Time: 3hrs. Max ; Marks: 50</p><p>1. Identify giving reasons two of the givenAlgal mixture” A". Leave your preparation for evaluation. Draw labeled diagrams. (Slide--1marks, Diagrams--1marks, Identification--1mark) 3 x 2 = 6 Marks 2. Make suitable stained preparation of the material "B" to bring out the details of internal structure--identify giving reasons. Draw labeled diagrams and leave your preparations for evaluation. (Slide-4 marks, diagrams-3 marks, Identification-3marks) 10 Marks 3. Conduct C.- Gram staining of Bacteria 9Marks. 4. Write critical notes and Identify D, E, F, G and H 15 Marks. 5. Record (submission is compulsory) 10Marks. ------Total: 50 Marks ------Key: A. Algal material B. Fungi material C. Bacterial material. D. Instruments of Micro biology. E. Whole specimen or permanent slide of Algae. F.Wholespecimen or permanent slide of Fungi. G. Whole specimen or permanent slide of plant pathology. H Whole specimen or permanent slide of Lichens</p><p>I B. Sc - BOTANY SYLLABUS THEORY PAPER-II SEMESTER- II Paper –II T: Diversity of Archaegoniatae & plant Anatomy Total hours of teaching 60 hrs @ 4 hrs per week</p><p>UNIT – I: BRYOPHYTA (12hrs) 1. Bryophyta: General characters and classification (up to classes). 2. Structure,reproduction and Life history of Marchantia , and Funaria 3. Evolution of Sporophyte in Bryophytes.</p><p>UNIT - II: PTERIDOPHYTA (12 hrs) 1. Pteridophyta: General characters and Classification(up to classes). 2. Structure, reproduction and life history of Lycopodium, and Marsilea 2. Heterospory and seed habit 4. Stelar Evolution in Pteridophytes</p><p>UNIT – III: GYMNOSPERMS (12 hrs) 1. Gymnosperms: General characters and classification (upto classes). 2.Morphology, Anatomy, reproduction and life history of Pinus, Gnetum</p><p>UNIT –IV: Tissues And Tissue systems (12 hrs) 1. Tissues – meristematic and permanent tissues (simple and complex) 2. Shoot apical meristem and its histological organisation 3. Root apical meristem and its histological organization</p><p>UNIT – V. Secondary growth (12 hrs) 1. Anomalous secondary growth in Dracaena, Boerhavia and Bignonia 2. Wood structure – general account. Study of local timbers Teak, Rosewood, Red sanders and Terminalia tomentosa</p><p>I B.Sc BOTANY PRACTICAL SYLLABUS: PAPER II-SEMESTER -II Paper-IIP: Diversity of Archaegoniatae & plant Anatomy Total hours of laboratory Exercises 45 hrs @ 3 per week 1. Morphology (vegetative and reproductive structures) , anatomy of the following taxa : a) Marchantia, b) Funaria c) Lycopodium d) Pinuse) Gnetum 2. AnatomY 1. Demonstration of double staining technique. 2. Tissue organization in root and shoot apices using permanent slides 3. Preparation of double staining slides 4. Anomalous secondary structure: Examples as given in theory syllabus. 5. Microscopic study of wood in T.S., T.L.S. and R.L.S. 6. Field visits</p><p>I( B.Sc.,BOTANY PRACTICAL SYLLABUS: PAPER I-SEMESTER -II IIP: Diversity of Archaegoniatae & plant Anatomy 1. Section cutting of A material 9 Marks (Slide 3 marks, diagrams-3 marks, Identification-3 marks) 2. Section cutting of B material 9 Marks (Slide 3 marks, diagrams-3 marks, Identification-3 marks) 3. Section cutting of C material 10 Marks (Slide 4 marks, diagrams-3 marks, Identification-3 marks) 4. Identification of spotters D,E,and F 3x4 =12 marks</p><p>5. Record (submission compulsory) 10 marks</p><p>------Total : 50 Marks ------</p><p>Key: A. Bryophyta/Pteridophyta material B. Gymnosperm material. C. Anatomy material D. Whole specimen or permanent slide of Bryophyta/ Pteridophyta E. Whole specimen or permanent slide of Gymnosperm F. Whole specimen or permanent slide of wood</p><p>II B. Sc - BOTANY SYLLABUS THEORY PAPER –III; SEMESTER -III (Paper-III T: Plant Taxonomy and Embryology) Total hours of teaching 60 hrs @ 4 hrs per week</p><p>UNIT – I: Introduction to PLANT TAXONOMY (12 hrs) 1 .Fundamental components of taxonomy (identification, nomenclature, classification types and phylogeny) 2. Salient features and comparative account of Bentham & Hooker and Engler & Prantl classification 3. Role of chemotaxonomy, cytotaxonomy and taximetrics in relation to Taxonomy</p><p>UNIT –II: SYSTEMATIC TAXONOMY (12 hrs) 1. Nomenclature and Taxonomic resources: An introduction to International code of Botanical Nomenclature; Principles, Rules and Recommendations. 2. Systematic study and economic importance of plants belonging to the following families Annonaceae,Caparidaceae,Rutaceae, Curcurbitaceae, and Apiaceae </p><p>UNIT –III: SYSTEMATIC TAXONOMY (12 hrs) 1. Systematic study and economic importance of plants belonging to the following families Asteraceae, Sapotaceae, Asclepiadaceae, Verbenaceae, Lamiaceae, Euphorbiaceae Orchidaceae and Poaceae.</p><p>UNIT – IV: EMBRYOLOGY (12hrs) 1.Introduction : History and Importance of Embryology. 2. Anther structure, Microsporogenesis and development of male gametophyte. 3.Ovule structure and types; Megasporogenesis; Monosporic; Bisporic and Tetrasporic types of female gametophyte/embryosac development 4.Pollination -Types, Fertilization.</p><p>UNIT –V: EMBRYOLOGY AND PALYNOLOGY (12 hrs) 1.Endosperm Development and types. 2..Embryo - development and types: 3. Polyembryony and Apomixis - an outline. 4.Palynology: Principles and applications.</p><p>Suggested Reading T.Pullaiah. 2007. Taxonomy of Angiosperms. Regency Publications, New Delhi.</p><p>II B.Sc - BOTANY PRACTICAL SYLLABUS PAPER-III- SEMESTER-III Practical – III P: Plant Taxonomy AND Embryology Total hours of laboratory Exercises 45 hrs @ 3 per week</p><p>Suggested Laboratory Exercises: 1. Systemiatic study of locally available plants belonging to the families prescribed in theory Syllabus. 2. Demonstration of herbarium techniques 3. Structure of pollen grains using whole mounts (Catharanthus, Hibiscus,Acacia, Grass). 4. Demonstration of Pollen viability test using in- vitro germination (Catharanthus). 5. Study of ovule types and developmental stages of embryo sac using permanent slides / Photographs. 6. Structure of endosperm (nuclear and cellular); Developmental stages of dicot and monocot Embryos usingpermanent slides / Photographs 7. Isolation and mounting of embryo (using Symopsis / Senna / Crotalaria) 8. Field visits 9. Preparation and submission of 25 herbarium specimens for evaluation during the practical Examination.</p><p>II B. Sc - BOTANY SYLLABUSSEMESTER- IV THEORY PAPER – IV Paper IV -T: Plant Physiology and Metabolism Total hours of teaching 60 hrs @ 4 hrs per week ------UNIT – I: Plant – Water relations (12 hrs) 1.Importance of water to plant life, physical properties of water, 2. Diffusion, imbibition and osmosis;water, osmotic and pressure potentials, 3. Absorption, transport of water, ascent of sap 4. Transpiration – types, stomata structure and movements. </p><p>UNIT –II: Mineral nutrition and Fertilizers (12 hrs) 1. Mineral Nutrition: Essential macro and micro mineral nutrients and their role, mineral uptake ( active and passive), deficiency symptoms 2.. Nitrogen cycle- biological nitrogen fixation 3.Enzymes: Nomenclature, characteristics, mechanism and regulation of enzyme action, enzyme kinetics, factors regulating enzyme action.</p><p>UNIT –III: PHOTOSYNTHESIS (12 hrs) 1. Photosynthesis: Photosynthetic pigments, absorption and action spectra; Red drop and Emerson enhancement effect, concept of two photosystems, mechanism of photosynthetic electron transport and evolution of oxygen, photophosphorylation, carbon assimilation pathways: C3, C4, and CAM. 2. Photorespiration. 3. Translocation of organic substances: Mechanism of phloem transport, source-sink relationships.</p><p>UNIT –IV: PLANT METABOLISM (12 hrs) 1.Respiration: Aerobic and Anaerobic, Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, electron transportsystem, mechanism of oxidative phosphorylation, pentose phosphate pathway. 2. Lipid Metabolism: Structure and functions of lipids, conversion of lipids to carbohydrates, Beta-oxidation. 3 .ATP-Synthesis; Mechanism of ATP synthesis, substrate level phosphorylation, chemiosmotic mechanism (oxidative and photophosphorylation), ATP synthase, Boyers conformational model, Racker’s experiment, Jagendorf’s experiment; role of uncouplers</p><p>UNIT –V: GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT (12 hrs) 1.Growth and development: Definition, phases and kinetics of growth, Physiological effects of phytohormoneS - auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, ABA, ethylene 2. Physiology of flowering and photoperiodism, role of phytochrome in flowering. 3. Stress Physiology: Concept and plant responses to water, salt and temperature stresses.</p><p>II B. Sc – BOTANY SEMESTRE- IV. PRACTICAL SYLLABUS PAPER- IV - Plant Physiology and metabolism) Total hours of laboratory Exercises 45 hrs @ 3 per week in 15 sessions ------Suggested Laboratory Exercises: 1. Osmosis – by potato osmoscope method 2. Determination of osmotic potential of vacuolar sap by plasmolytic method using leaves of Rhoeo / Tradescantia. 3. Structure of stomata (dicot & monocot) 4. Determination of rate of transpiration using cobalt chloride method. 5. Demonstration of transpiration by Ganongs’ photometer 6. Demonstration of ascent of sap/Transpiration pull 6. Effect of Temperature on membrane permeability by colorimetric method 7. Study of mineral deficiency symptoms using plant material/photographs. 8. Separation of chloroplast pigments using paper chromatography technique. 9. Rate of photosynthesis under varying Co2 concentration 10.Effect of kind of light intensity on oxygen evolution during photosynthesis using Wilmontt’ bubbler.</p><p>III B. Sc - BOTANY SYLLABUSSEMESTER- V THEORY PAPER –V Paper V -T: ECOLOGY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Total hours of teaching 45 hrs @ 3hrs per week UNIT – I - Ecological Factors 9 hrs 1. Ecology – definition and scope 2. Ecological factors – Abiotic (soil, water, light and temperature) and biotic factors 3. Adaptation of hydrophytes and xerophytes UNIT –II - Plant communities 9 hrs 1. Plant communities – Characters, Ecotone and edge effect. 2. Succession – Process and types 3. Ecosystem – Structure, energy flow, food chains and food web. UNIT –III -Cell Biology: 9 hrs 1. Principles of microscopy: Outlines of Light microscope, Phase contrast microscope, Fluorescence microscope 2. Outlines and working principles of Electron microscope, Scanning EM and Scanning Transmission EM (STEM) 3. The cell envelops: Ultra Structure andfunctions of cell wall and plasma membrane 4. Cell division: Cell cycle, and its regulation, mitosis and meiosis and their significance. UNIT –IV – Genetic Material 9 hrs 1.DNA as the genetic material, Miescher to Watson and Crick’s historic perspective: Griffith’s and Avery’s transformation experiment, Hershey – Chase bacteriophage experiment. 2. DNA structure and replication, types of DNA, replication of DNA (semi-conservative) 3. Types of RNA (m RNA, t RNA, r RNA) and their structure and function </p><p>UNIT – V Gene concept and expression 9 hrs 1. Gene expression: organization of gene, transcription, translation 2.Mechanism of gene expression in prokaryotes ( Lac. operon and Trp. operon) 3. Genetic code III B. Sc - BOTANY SYLLABUSSEMESTER- V Practical Paper V: CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Total hours of teaching 45 hrs @ 3 hrs per week Suggested Laboratory Exercises:</p><p>1. Study of instruments used to measure microclimatic variables; soil thermometer, maximum and minimum thermometer, anemometer, psychrometeer, raingauze, and lux meter. 2. Determination of soil pH 3. Study of morphological adpatations of hydrophytes and xerophytes (4 each) 4. Determination of minimal quadrat size for the study of herbaceous vegetationin the college campus by species area curve method 5. . Study of various stages of mitosis using cytological preparation of Onion root tips 6. Study on the ultra structure of cell organelles using electron microphotographs 7. Extraction of DNA from plant tissues 8. Determination of DNA by diphenylamine method 9. Estimation of RNA by orcinaol method. III B. Sc - BOTANY SYLLABUS SEMESTER- V PAPER – VIA Theory Paper VI A -T: HERBAL TECHNOLOGY (OPTIONAL) Total hours of teaching 45 hrs @ 3 hrs per week</p><p>UNIT-I: Herbal medicines: 9 hrs 1. History and scope, importance, demand and supply of MAP in India and world, Indian trade in MAP 2. Indian systems of medicine- Ayurvedic, unani, homeopathic, siddha, yoga and naturopathy</p><p>UNIT-II: CRUDE PLANT DRUGS 9 hrs 1. Definition, Classification- Alphabetic, taxonomic, morphological, chemical, pharmacological and chemotaxonomic 2. Methods of cultivation and factors affecting the cultivation of drug plants 3. Collection, harvesting, drying and storage of crude drugs, Organized crude drugs- Leaves, stem, flowers, fruits, seeds, barks, underground and entire drugs, Unorganized drugs- Gums, mucilage, resins, dried juices, latex and extracts </p><p>UNIT-III: PHYTOCHEMISTRY OF DRUGS 9 hrs 1. Distribution, morphology, botanical and chemical constituents and uses of Root drugs- Shatavari, Ashwagandha, 2. Stem drugs- Ginger, turmeric, Chandan, 3. Leaf drugs- Adulsa (Justicia adhatoda), Korpad (Aloe) 4. Fruit drugs- Triphala – Usiri (Emblica), Behda (Terminalia belerica), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula)and 5. Entire plant drugs - Tulsi and Apamarga (Achyranthes aspera)</p><p>UNIT-IV: Analytical Photochemistry 9 hrs 1. Drug adulteration – types, methodsof drug evaluation 2. Biological testing of herbal drugs 3.Phytpchemical screening tests for secondary metabolites – alkaloids, flavanoids, phenolic compounds</p><p>UNIT – V Future of pharmacognosy 9 hrs 1. Genetics as applied to medicinal herbs and transgenic plants 2. Plant tissue culture as source of biomedicines</p><p>III B. Sc - BOTANY SYLLABUS SEMESTER- V PAPER – VIA Practical Paper VI A -T: HERBAL TECHNOLOGY (OPTIONAL) Total hours of teaching 45 hrs @ 3 hrs per week</p><p>Practical Exercises: 1. Macroscopic and microscopic evaluation of medicinal leaf drugs of Vasaka, Eucalyptus, Datura, Senna and Vinca</p><p>2. Macroscopic and microscopic evaluation of medicinal drugs of Boerhavia root, Shatavari root, Vinca root, Liquorice and Ginger rhizome 3. Study of leaf constants ( Stomatal number, stomatal index and palisade ratio)</p><p>4. Preliminary photochemical screening of Carbohydrates, Alkaloids, Glycosides, Steroids, Tannins and Phenolic compounds 6. Separation of Carbohydrates and Glycosides from crude drug by using chromatography / TLC techniques 7. Study of medicinal properties of crude drugs obtained from Vasaka, Senna, Boerhavia, Vinka, Liquorice, Ginger, Shatavari, Datura and Eucalyptus</p><p>8. Excursion (Several local and at least one long excursion are compulsory) </p><p>III B. Sc - BOTANY SYLLABUS SEMESTER- V PAPER – VI B Theory Paper VI B -T: Nursery and Gardening (OPTIONAL) Total hours of teaching 45 hrs @ 3 hrs per week Unit 1:Nursery: 9 hrs 1. definition, objectives and scope and building up of infrastructure for nursery, 2. planning and seasonal activities - Planting - direct seeding and transplants Unit 2: Seed 9 hrs 1. Structure and types - Seed dormancy; causes and methods of breaking dormancy 2. Seed storage: Seed banks, factors affecting seed viability, genetic erosion 3. Seed production technology - seed testing and certification Unit 3:Vegetative propagation: 9 hrs 1. air-layering, cutting, selection of cutting, collecting season, treatment of cutting, rooting medium and planting of cuttings - Hardening of plants 2. green house - mist chamber, shed root, shade house and glass house Unit 4:Gardening 9 hrs 1. definition, objectives and scope - different types of gardening 2. landscape and home gardening - parks and its components, plant materials and design 3. computer applications in landscaping 4. Gardening operations: soil laying, manuring, watering, 5. management of pests and diseases and harvesting. Unit 5: Sowing/raising of seeds and seedlings 9 hrs 1. Sowing/raising of seeds and seedlings ,Transplanting of seedlings 2. Study of cultivation of different vegetables: cabbage, brinjal, lady’s finger, onion, garlic, `tomatoes, and carrots - Storage and marketing procedures. Suggested Readings 1. Bose T.K. & Mukherjee, D., 1972, Gardening in India, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi. 2. Sandhu, M.K., 1989, Plant Propagation, Wile Eastern Ltd., Bangalore, Madras. 3. Kumar, N., 1997, Introduction to Horticulture, Rajalakshmi Publications, Nagercoil. 4. Edmond Musser & Andres, Fundamentals of Horticulture, McGraw Hill Book Co., New Delhi. 5. Agrawal, P.K. 1993, Hand Book of Seed Technology, Dept. of Agriculture and Cooperation, National Seed Corporation Ltd., New Delhi. 6. Janick Jules. 1979. Horticultural Science. (3rd Ed.), W.H. Freeman and Co., San</p><p>III B. Sc - BOTANY SYLLABUS SEMESTER- V PAPER – VI C Theory Paper VI C -T: Floriculture (OPTIONAL) Total hours of teaching 45 hrs @ 3 hrs per week</p><p>Unit 1:Introduction: 9 hrs 1. Introduction, History of gardening; Importance and scope of floriculture and landscape gardening 2. Nursery Management and Routine Garden Operations: 3. Sexual and vegetative methods of propagation UNIt – II 9 hrs 1. Soil sterilization; Seed sowing 2. Pricking; Planting and transplanting; Shading; Stopping or pinching;Defoliation; Wintering; Mulching; Topiary 3. Role of plant growth regulators Unit III 9 hrs 1. Ornamental Plants: Flowering annuals; Herbaceous perennials; Divine vines; Shade and ornamental trees; 2. Ornamental bulbous and foliage plants; Cacti and succulents 3. Palms and Cycads; Ferns and Selaginellas; 4. Cultivation of plants in pots; Indoor gardening; Bonsai. Unit 4:Principles of Garden Designs: 9 hrs 1. English, Italian, French, Persian, Mughal and Japanese gardens 2. Features of a garden (Garden wall, Fencing, Steps, Hedge, Edging, Lawn, Flower beds, Shrubbery, Borders, Water garden. 3. Some Famous gardens of India 5:Landscaping Places of Public Importance: Landscaping highways and Educational institution) Unit 5: Commercial Floriculture 9 hrs</p><p>1. Factors affecting flower production; Production andpackaging of cut flowers; Flower arrangements; Methods to prolong vase life; 2. Cultivation of Important cut flowers (Carnation, Aster, Chrysanthemum, Dahlia, Gerbera, Gladiolous, Marigold,Rose, Lilium, Orchids 3. Diseases and Pests of Ornamental Plants. Suggested Readings 1. Randhawa, G.S. and Mukhopadhyay, A. 1986. Floriculture in India. Allied Publishers. III B. Sc - BOTANY SYLLABUS SEMESTER- VI PAPER – VII Theory Paper VII -T: Plant Biotechnology Total hours of teaching 45 hrs @ 3 hrs per week Unit I: PLANT TISSUE CULTURE – 1 9 hrs</p><p>I: History of plant tissue culture research - Basic principles of plant tissue - callus culture, Meristem culture, Organ culture, Totipotency of cells, differentiation, dedifferentiation and dedifferentiation. 2. Methodology - Sterilization (physical and chemical methods), Plant cell culture methods, Culture media, MS Phytohormones, Medium for micro-propagation, Callus induction 3. Callus subculture maintenance, Metabolic patterns in callus culture, Harvesting and measurements, Morphogenesis in callus culture - Bioreactors. UNIT-II :Plnat Tissue culture -2 9 hrs 1. Endosperm culture -media requirements, morphogenetic potential - application - Embryo culture -culture requirements - applications embryo rescue technique 2.- Tissue culture applications (micropropagation,androgenesis, virus elimination, secondary metabolite production, haploids, triploids andcybrids; 3. Cryopreservation; Germplasm Conservation Unit III: Recombinant DNA technology 9 hrs 1. Restriction Endonucleases (History, Types I-IV, biological role and application); Restriction Mapping (Linear and Circular) 2. Cloning Vectors: Prokaryotic (pUC 18 and pUC19, pBR322, Tiplasmid, BAC); Lambda phage, M13 phagemid, Cosmid, Shuttle vector; Eukaryotic Vectors(YAC and briefly PAC, MAC, HAC) 3.Gene Cloning (Recombinant DNA, BacterialTransformation and selection of recombinant clones, PCR-mediated gene cloning); GeneConstruct; construction of genomic and cDNA libraries, screening DNA libraries to obtaingeneof interest by genetic selection; complementation, colony hybridization; Probes-oligonucleotide,heterologous, PCR Unit IVMethods of gene transfer 9 hrs 1. Methods of gene transfer- Agrobacterium-mediated, Direct gene transfer by Electroporation, Microinjection, Microprojectile bombardment; 2. Selection oftransgenics– selectable marker and reporter genes (Luciferase, GUS, GFP). Unit V: Applications of Biotechnology 1. Applications of Plant Genetic Engineering – crop improvement, herbicide resistance, insect resistance, virus resistance, plants as bioreactors 2. Genetic modification in Agriculture – transgenic plants,Pest resistant (Bt-cotton); herbicide resistant plants (RoundUp Ready soybean); Transgenic crops with improved flavr Savr tomato, Golden rice); Improved horticultural varieties (Moondust carnations)</p><p>III B. Sc - BOTANY SYLLABUS SEMESTER- VI PAPER – VII Practical Paper VII -T: Plant Biotechnology Total hours of teaching 45 hrs @ 3 hrs per week 1.(a)Preparation of MS medium. (b) Demonstration of in vitro sterilization and inoculation methods using leaf and nodal explants of tobacco, Datura, Brassica etc. 2. Study of anther, embryo and endosperm culture, micropropagation, somatic embryogenesis &artificial seeds through photographs. 3. Isolation of protoplasts. 4. Construction of restriction map of circular and linear DNA from the data provided. 5. Study of methods of gene transfer through photographs: Agrobacterium-mediated, direct gene transfer by electroporation, microinjection, microprojectile bombardment. 6. Study of steps of genetic engineering for production of Bt cotton, Golden rice, Flavr Savr tomato through photographs. 7. Isolation of plasmid DNA. 8. Restriction digestion and gel electrophoresis of plasmid DNA. Suggested Readings 1. Pullaiah. T. and M.V.Subba Rao. 2009. Plant Tissue culture. Scientific Publishers, New Delhi. 2. Bhojwani, S.S. and Razdan, M.K., (1996). Plant Tissue Culture: Theory and Practice. Elsevier Science Amsterdam. The Netherlands. 3. Glick, B.R., Pasternak, J.J. (2003). Molecular Biotechnology- Principles and Applications of recombinant DNA. ASM Press, Washington. 4. . Bhojwani, S.S. and Bhatnagar, S.P. (2011). The Embryology of Angiosperms. Vikas PublicationHouse Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. 5th edition. 5. Snustad, D.P. and Simmons, M.J. (2010). Principles of Genetics. John Wiley and Sons, U.K. 5th edition. 6. Stewart, C.N. Jr. (2008). Plant Biotechnology & Genetics: Principles, Techniques and Applications. John Wiley & Sons Inc. U.S.A. III B. Sc - BOTANY SYLLABUS SEMESTER- VI PAPER – VIII A (Elective) Theory Paper VIII -T: Plant Diversity and Human Welfare Total hours of teaching 45 hrs @ 3 hrs per week Unit 1: Plant diversity and its scope 9 hrs 1. Plant diversity and its scope- Genetic diversity, Species diversity, Plant diversity at The ecosystem level, 2. Agrobiodiversity and cultivated plant taxa, wild taxa. 3. Values and uses ofBiodiversity:Ethical and aesthetic values, Precautionary principle, 4.Methodologies forvaluation, Uses of plants, Uses of microbes. Unit 2: Role of plants in relation to Human Welfare 9 hrs</p><p>1. Importance of forestry, their utilization and commercial aspects b) Avenue trees, c) Ornamental plants of India. d)Alcoholic beverages through ages. Fruits and nuts: Important fruit crops their commercial importance. Wood and its uses. </p><p>Unit 3:Loss of Biodiversity 9 hrs 1. Loss of genetic diversity, Loss of species diversity, Loss ofecosystem diversity, Loss of agrobiodiversity, projected scenario for biodiversity loss, 1. hot spots of india, Endemism, North-Eastern Himalayas, Western ghats</p><p>Unit4:Conservation of Biodiversity 9 hrs</p><p>1. Conservation of genetic diversity, speciesdiversity andecosystem diversity, In situ and ex situ conservation , IUCN threat categories, RED data book 2. Socialapproaches to conservation,Biodiversity awareness programs, Sustainable development Unit 5: Management of Biodiversity 9 hrs 1. Management of Plant Biodiversity: Organizations associated with biodiversity management-Methodology for execution-IUCN, UNEP, UNESCO, WWF, NBPGR 2. Biodiversity legislation and conservations, 3. Biodiversity information management and communication. Suggested Readings 1. Krishnamurthy, K.V. (2004). An Advanced Text Book of Biodiversity - Principles and Practices. Oxford and IBH Publications Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi III B. Sc - BOTANY SYLLABUS SEMESTER- VI PAPER – VIII B (Elective) Theory Paper VIII -T: Genetics and Plant Breeding Total hours of teaching 45 hrs @ 3 hrs per week</p><p>UNIT – I: GENETICS 9 hrs</p><p>1. Introduction to Genetics and history </p><p>2. Mendelism: Laws of inheritance. Gene interactions - Epistasis, Complementary, Supplementary, Inhibitory genes</p><p>UNIT –II: LINKAGE AND CROSSING OVER – MUTATIONS 9 hrs</p><p>1. Linkage and crossing over: A brief account, construction of genetic maps -2 point and 3 point test cross data.</p><p>2. Mutations:-Type of Mutations-Mutagens - Chromosomal aberrations - structural and numerical changes, genemutation, transposable elements.</p><p>Unit-III :: Plant Breeding-I 9 hrs 1. Introduction: Definition, Origin and evolution of Crop plants: Centres of Origin and Patterns ofEvolution. Origin of Crop Plants: Origin of Rice, Wheat, Cotton. Scope and Objectives of PlantBreeding 2. Artificial Vegetative Reproduction: Cutting, Layering, Grafting, Budding, Potting and re- potting. 3. Sexual Reproduction: Apomixis-apospory and apogamy, Significance of Apomixis.</p><p>Unit IVPlant breeding – II 9 hrs 1. Selection in Self-pollinated crops: The Pure-line selection - Purpose, Procedure, Merits and Demerits and Achievements 2. Mass selection -Purpose, Procedure, Merits and Demerits andAchievements Unit-V Plant Breeding-III 9 hrs 1. Breeding Methods: Hybridization: Purpose and General Technique -Choice of Parents, CrossingSchedule, Emasculation and Bagging, Tagging, Pollination, Harvesting and Storing F1 seeds, Raising F1 generation, Selfing, Consequences of hybridization. 2. Breeding Methods: Methods in Hybridization: Methods in Self -pollinated crop-Pedigree method:Procedure, and Merits and Demerits and Achievements. Bulk method - Procedure, Merits andDemerits and Achievements, Comparison between Bulk and `` Pedigree method. 3. Hybrid vigour (Heterosis): Definition, its various effects, Causes: Dominance hypothesis andover dominance hypothesis, Achievements, Utilization and limitations.</p><p>III B. Sc - BOTANY SYLLABUS SEMESTER- VI PAPER – VIII B (Elective) Practical Paper VIII -T: Genetics and Plant Breeding Total hours of teaching 45 hrs @ 3 hrs per week</p><p>1. Preparation of male flowers for hybridization. 2. Preparation of female flowers for hybridization. 3. Describe the horticulture techniques: Cutting, Layering, Grafting, Budding, Potting and re -potting. 4. Study of different methods of plant breeding through Charts/Models/Photographs/Specimens/Herbarium sheet. 5. Make a modern new world species from old X new variety breeding with chromosome numbers 6. Comparison between Pure line selection and Mass selection</p>

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