<p> CONSENT AGENDA ACTION ITEM</p><p>Governing Board Agenda Meeting Date: April 24, 2012</p><p>Item Number Item Title Responsible Agents V.C.1 Curriculum Dr. Maria Harper-Marinick</p><p>Recommendation</p><p>The curriculum proposals attached have been processed through all procedures established by the Maricopa County Community Colleges.</p><p>It is recommended that the proposals be approved as submitted.</p><p>AGENDA HIGHLIGHTS: Please refer to the curriculum Summary starting on page 2 for a complete listing of all program and course proposals.</p><p>Justification</p><p>Funding Approvals/Certifications</p><p>Source: Chancellor ______Academic & Student Affairs______Account Identification: Business Services______Human Resources______ITS ______Res Dev & Cmty Relations______College President______GBA April 24, 2012 MCCCD Governing Board Action Items Curriculum Summary</p><p>COURSE PROPOSALS:</p><p>Course Deletions………………………………..………………………………………………………………….………page 5</p><p>GC MST142, MST232, MST240, MST253, MST255</p><p>GW HCS120, RTR298AA, RTR298AB, RTR298AC, RTT140, WWM190AB, WWM190AC, WWM190AD</p><p>MC CNT120, CNT145, CNT183, CNT190, CNT210, CNT230, CNT240, CNT241, CNT244, CNT246, CNT248</p><p>Course Modifications………………………………………………………………………………………………………page 6</p><p>GW FAC240, OSH240</p><p>New Courses…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………page 7</p><p>CG PED191, PED192, PED193, PED291</p><p>GW AUT107AD, NCE202, NCE225</p><p>MC MUC215, MUC240, MUC241, MUC242</p><p>RS POS227</p><p>SC AIS296WA, AIS296WB, AIS296WC, AIS296WD</p><p>SM STO284, STO285, STO289AE, STO289AF, STO289AG, THP285</p><p>PROGRAM PROPOSALS:</p><p>Occupational Program Modifications (OPM)………………………………………………………….………………page 12</p><p>GC AAS/3034 Biotechnology and Molecular Biosciences 12</p><p>GW AAS/3480 Automotive Technology 12 CCL/5439 Automotive Suspension, Steering and Brakes 13 CCL/5480 Automotive Technology 13</p><p>AAS/3762 Occupational Safety and Health Technology 14</p><p>MC AAS/3244 Welding 14</p><p>PC CCL/5580 Human Resources Management 14</p><p>Note: *Indicates addition of an Occupational Program through the Occupational Program Modification process</p><p>2 GBA April 24, 2012 MCCCD Governing Board Action Items Curriculum Summary PROGRAM PROPOSALS:</p><p>Occupational Program Modifications - continued</p><p>RS AAS/3217 Computer Technology 15 CCL/5218 Advanced Computer Usage and Applications 15 CCL/5213 Computer Usage and Applications 15</p><p>CCL/5525 Digital Design 16</p><p>AAS/3121 eLearning Design Specialist 16 CCL/5638 eLearning Design Specialist 17</p><p>CCL/5215 Networking: Design and System Support 17</p><p>CCL/5047 Programming 17</p><p>CCL/5216 Web Design: User Interface 18</p><p>SC AAS/3019 Dance Technology 18 CCL/5979 Dance Technology 18</p><p>Occupational Program Deletions (OPD)……………………………….………………………………..……………page 19</p><p>SC CCL/5416 Fire Science Technology 19</p><p>Note: *Indicates addition of an Occupational Program through the Occupational Program Modification process</p><p>3 CURRICULUM ACTIVITY: COURSES FOR April 24, 2012</p><p>Total Course Proposals Submitted (48 with 0 X-refs added and, 0 X-ref deleted) Proposal Type/Outcomes CGCC EMCC GWCC GCC MCC PVCC PC RSC SCC SMCC Dist Totals Course Deletions (CD) 8 5 11 24 New Course (NC) 4 3 4 1 4 6 22 Course Modification (CM) 2 2 New Courses from CM (Cross-References, Modules or Suffixed Courses) 0 Total Courses College Columns 4 0 13 5 15 0 0 1 4 6 0 48</p><p>*Exp = Experimental Courses # = AES or MIR (Aerospace Studies or Military Science)</p><p>CURRICULUM ACTIVITY: PROGRAMS FOR April 24, 2012</p><p>Total Program Proposals Submitted (19, with 0 Program Addition(s)) Proposal Type/Outcomes CGCC EMCC GWCC GCC MCC PVCC PC RSC SCC SMCC Dist Totals Occupational Program Deletions (OPD) 1 1 New Occupational Program (NOP) 0 Occupational Program Modification (OPM) 4 1 1 1 9 2 18 OPM-Program Additions New Programs Created 0 OPM-Change in Availability New Programs Created 0 Academic Program Deletions (APD) 0 New Academic Program (NAP) 0 Academic Program Modification (APM) 0 APM-Program Additions New Programs Created 0 APM-Change in Availability New Programs Created 0</p><p>Total New Program 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Modified Programs 0 0 4 1 1 0 1 9 2 0 0 19 Total Programs College Columns 0 0 4 1 1 0 1 9 2 0 0 19</p><p>Shared Programs include programs offered by two or more colleges and District Wide Programs are offered by all 10 colleges.</p><p>4 ATTACHMENT: CD COURSE DELETIONS: MARICOPA COMMUNITY COLLEGES MCCCD GOVERNING BOARD DATE: 4/24/12</p><p>X-REF TYPE COLLEGESUBJECT TITLE EFFECTIVE END OF</p><p>O MC CNT120 Adobe Web Design 2012 Summer I</p><p>O MC CNT145 Voice and Data Cabling 2012 Summer I</p><p>O MC CNT183 Cisco Secure Virtual Private Network Configuration 2012 Summer I</p><p>O MC CNT190 Cisco Network Design 2012 Summer I</p><p>O MC CNT210 Cisco CCNP II: Implementing Secure Converged Wide Area Networks 2012 Summer I</p><p>O MC CNT230 Cisco CCNP IV: Optimizing Converged Networks 2012 Summer I</p><p>O MC CNT240 Cisco Voice Over IP 2012 Summer I</p><p>O MC CNT241 Cisco IP (Internet Protocol) Telephony Express 2012 Summer I</p><p>O MC CNT244 Cisco IP (Internet Protocol) Telephony 2012 Summer I</p><p>O MC CNT246 Cisco Voice Gateways and Gatekeepers 2012 Summer I</p><p>O MC CNT248 Cisco IP Telephony Troubleshooting 2012 Summer I</p><p>O GW HCS120 Hospital Central Service Practicum 2012 Spring</p><p>O GC MST142 Supporting Applications on Microsoft Windows Desktop Operating Systems 2012 Summer I</p><p>O GC MST232 Managing a Windows Network Environment 2012 Summer I</p><p>O GC MST240 Microsoft Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) 2012 Summer I</p><p>O GC MST253 Designing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services Infrastructure 2012 Summer I</p><p>O GC MST255 Designing Windows Network Infrastructure 2012 Summer I</p><p>O GW RTR298AA Special Projects 2012 Spring</p><p>O GW RTR298AB Special Projects 2012 Spring</p><p>O GW RTR298AC Special Projects 2012 Spring</p><p>O GW RTT140 Clinical Radiation Physics 2012 Spring</p><p>O GW WWM190AB Water Technologies Seminar Level 2 2011 Summer II</p><p>O GW WWM190AC Water Technologies Seminar Level 3 2011 Summer II</p><p>O GW WWM190AD Water Technologies Seminar Level 4 2011 Summer II</p><p>X-Ref=Displays current course cross-reference with proposed deletion. The cross-referencing of courses is eliminated per effective “end of” term noted above </p><p>5 ATTACHMENT: CM COURSE MODIFICATIONS: MARICOPA COMMUNITY COLLEGES MCCCD GOVERNING BOARD DATE: 4/24/12</p><p>ACT CREDITS PERIODS LOAD</p><p>FAC240 Facilities Special Systems and Codes LEC 3.0 3.0 3.0 X OSH240</p><p>Proposed Changes: Description, Competencies, Outline </p><p>Building occupant safety requirements including industry standards, regulations, building codes, fire codes and life safety codes. Fundamentals of fire alarm system operation, inspection and maintenance. Fundamentals of fire sprinkler system operation, inspection and maintenance. Principles of life safety smoke control systems, including fire damper and combination fire/smoke damper applications. Prerequisites: OSH105, or GTC/FAC/OSH/MIT106, or OSH110, or OSH111.</p><p>Type: O College: GW Effective: 2012 Fall ______</p><p>6 ATTACHMENT: NC NEW COURSES: MARICOPA COMMUNITY COLLEGES MCCCD GOVERNING BOARD DATE: 4/24/12</p><p>ACT CREDITS PERIODS LOAD</p><p>AIS296WA Cooperative Education LAB 1.0 5.0 0.0</p><p>Work-college experiences that involve the combined efforts of educators and employers to accomplish an outcome related to the career objectives of the students. Prerequisites: Completion of at least twelve (12) college credits, minimum 2.6 grade point average, and be able to obtain a position related to student's academic or career goals (student's present job may qualify); or permission of instructor. Corequisites: Must be concurrently enrolled in at least one class which is related to student's major or career interest or with permission of the Instructor.</p><p>Type: O College: SC Effective: 2012 Summer I ______</p><p>AIS296WB Cooperative Education LAB 2.0 10.0 0.0</p><p>Work-college experiences that involve the combined efforts of educators and employers to accomplish an outcome related to the career objectives of the students. Prerequisites: Completion of at least twelve (12) college credits, minimum 2.6 grade point average, and be able to obtain a position related to student's academic or career goals (student's present job may qualify); or permission of instructor. Corequisites: Must be concurrently enrolled in at least one class which is related to student's major or career interest or with permission of the Instructor.</p><p>Type: O College: SC Effective: 2012 Summer I ______</p><p>AIS296WC Cooperative Education LAB 3.0 15.0 0.0</p><p>Work-college experiences that involve the combined efforts of educators and employers to accomplish an outcome related to the career objectives of the students. Prerequisites: Completion of at least twelve (12) college credits, minimum 2.6 grade point average, and be able to obtain a position related to student's academic or career goals (student's present job may qualify); or permission of instructor. Corequisites: Must be concurrently enrolled in at least one class which is related to student's major or career interest or with permission of the Instructor.</p><p>Type: O College: SC Effective: 2012 Summer I ______</p><p>AIS296WD Cooperative Education LAB 4.0 20.0 0.0</p><p>Work-college experiences that involve the combined efforts of educators and employers to accomplish an outcome related to the career objectives of the students. Prerequisites: Completion of at least twelve (12) college credits, minimum 2.6 grade point average, and be able to obtain a position related to student's academic or career goals (student's present job may qualify); or permission of instructor. Corequisites: Must be concurrently enrolled in at least one class which is related to student's major or career interest or with permission of the Instructor.</p><p>Type: O College: SC Effective: 2012 Summer I ______</p><p>7 ATTACHMENT: NC NEW COURSES: MARICOPA COMMUNITY COLLEGES MCCCD GOVERNING BOARD DATE: 4/24/12</p><p>ACT CREDITS PERIODS LOAD</p><p>AUT107AD Automotive Air Conditioning L+L 4.0 7.0 6.1</p><p>The theory and principles of refrigeration and air conditioning. Training in diagnosis, servicing, and reconditioning procedures of automotive air conditioning systems including electronic system controls. Prerequisites: AUT103AA.</p><p>Type: O College: GW Effective: 2012 Fall ______</p><p>MUC215 Music Industry Seminar: Innovation in Music Technology LEC 1.0 1.0 0.0</p><p>Seminar in Music Industry technology with an emphasis on current product and service innovations. Emphasis on marketing and promotional uses of new technology. Prerequisites: None. Course Notes: MUC215 may be repeated for credit.</p><p>Type: O College: MC Effective: 2012 Summer I ______</p><p>MUC240 Creative Music Production L+L 4.0 5.0 4.7</p><p>Operation, scope, roles and responsibilities in the commercial music production process. Focuses on creative aspects of commercial music production, including song selection, realization of artistic vision, studio selection, musician and vocal staff selection, coaching for optimal performance, analyzing song structure and sound quality and trouble-shooting problems in the overall artistic impression of the finished music product. Lab work includes creation and execution of a finished professional-quality music production. Prerequisites: [(MTC101 and MTC103) or (MTC105 and MTC106)], and (MTC192, MUC112, and MUC295), or permission of Instructor.</p><p>Type: O College: MC Effective: 2012 Summer I ______</p><p>MUC241 Business Principles of Music Production LEC 3.0 3.0 3.0</p><p>Operation, scope, roles and responsibilities in the commercial music production process. Focuses on business aspects of commercial music production, including project management, budgeting, production personnel, deal structures, revenue sources, copyright, publishing percentages and career strategies. Prerequisites: (MUC109 and MUC110) or permission of Instructor.</p><p>Type: O College: MC Effective: 2012 Summer I ______</p><p>8 ATTACHMENT: NC NEW COURSES: MARICOPA COMMUNITY COLLEGES MCCCD GOVERNING BOARD DATE: 4/24/12</p><p>ACT CREDITS PERIODS LOAD</p><p>MUC242 Music Genres and Styles LEC 2 2 2</p><p>Operation and development of creative skills in the commercial music production process. Geared towards music producers and emphasizing analysis and comprehension of commercial music styles and genres, including: pop, country, rock, soul, rhythm and blues, funk, and hip-hop. Study of the thematic organization of popular musical styles. Prerequisites: None.</p><p>Type: O College: MC Effective: 2012 Summer I ______</p><p>NCE202 Overview of Physical Assessment of the Adult Client LEC 1.0 1.0 1.0</p><p>Overview of interviewing techniques and approaches to documenting a comprehensive health history and physical examination assessment techniques. Emphasis on the nursing process and health assessment skills. Performance of beginning level physical assessment. Prerequisites: (Current Nursing or Allied Health student, or current Arizona Registered Nurse (RN) license, or Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) license, or recent graduate of an accredited nursing program) and permission of Instructor.</p><p>Type: O College: GW Effective: 2012 Fall ______</p><p>NCE225 Introduction to School Nursing LEC 2.0 2.0 2.0</p><p>Registered nursing skills necessary to prepare for employment in a School Health Setting. Triaging, school health office management skills, and legal issues and scope of practice of the school nurse. Health screening basics and immunization protocols, emergency response skills, and health teaching. Prerequisites: Current Arizona Registered Nurse (RN) license, or Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) license, or recent graduate of an accredited nursing program, or permission of Instructor.</p><p>Type: O College: GW Effective: 2012 Fall ______</p><p>PED191 Corrective Exercise for Athletes: Basic L+L 1.0 2.0 1.5</p><p>Evaluation of functional movement ability and corrective activity to improve specific functional movements. Optimize functional movement abilities by designing corrective activity to improve weaknesses, correct imbalances and asymmetries in order to contribute to athletic and fitness performance. Prerequisites: None.</p><p>Type: O College: CG Effective: 2012 Fall ______</p><p>9 ATTACHMENT: NC NEW COURSES: MARICOPA COMMUNITY COLLEGES MCCCD GOVERNING BOARD DATE: 4/24/12</p><p>ACT CREDITS PERIODS LOAD</p><p>PED192 Corrective Exercise for Athletes: Intermediate L+L 1.0 2.0 1.5</p><p>Evaluation of functional movement ability and corrective activity to improve functional movement at the intermediate level. Optimize functional movement abilities and dynamic sport movement by designing corrective activity at the intermediate level to improve weaknesses, correct imbalances and asymmetries in order to contribute to athletic and fitness performance. Prerequisites: PED191 or permission of Instructor.</p><p>Type: O College: CG Effective: 2012 Fall ______</p><p>PED193 Corrective Exercise for Athletes: Basic L+L 0.5 1.0 0.75</p><p>Evaluation of functional movement ability and corrective activity to improve specific functional movements. Optimize functional movement abilities by designing corrective activity to improve weaknesses, correct imbalances and asymmetries in order to contribute to athletic and fitness performance. Prerequisites: None.</p><p>Type: O College: CG Effective: 2012 Fall ______</p><p>PED291 Corrective Exercise for Athletes: Advanced L+L 1.0 2.0 1.5</p><p>Evaluation of functional movement ability and corrective activity to improve functional movement at an advanced level. Optimize functional movement abilities by designing advanced corrective activity to improve weaknesses, correct imbalances and asymmetries in order to contribute to athletic and fitness performance. Self-assessment at an advanced level of imbalances and selection of appropriate corrective exercises. Prerequisites: PED192 or permission of Instructor.</p><p>Type: O College: CG Effective: 2012 Fall ______</p><p>POS227 United States and Arizona Social Studies LEC 3.0 3.0 3.0</p><p>Overview of government, history, and geography of the United States and Arizona. Includes the relationship of government to the United States economic system as well as the influences and developments that have shaped U.S. and Arizona history. Also covers geographical systems, regions, and study techniques. Prerequisites: None.</p><p>Type: A College: RS Effective: 2012 Spring ______</p><p>STO284 Storytelling and Music LEC 3.0 3.0 3.0</p><p>Introduction to the role and importance of music in storytelling. Research, craft, and tell stories that include percussion, vocal, or instrumental elements. Prerequisites: None.</p><p>Type: A College: SM Effective: 2012 Fall ______</p><p>10 ATTACHMENT: NC NEW COURSES: MARICOPA COMMUNITY COLLEGES MCCCD GOVERNING BOARD DATE: 4/24/12</p><p>ACT CREDITS PERIODS LOAD</p><p>STO285 Creating/Performing Solo/Collaborative Works LEC 3.0 3.0 3.0 X THP285</p><p>Developing, rehearsing, and performing solo and collaborative works for fringe festivals and other storytelling and theatre venues. Prerequisites: None.</p><p>Type: A College: SM Effective: 2012 Fall ______</p><p>STO289AE Using Storytelling in Toastmasters LEC 1.0 1.0 1.0</p><p>The application of storytelling and storytelling activities in speaking and leadership groups such as Toastmasters. Prerequisites: None.</p><p>Type: A College: SM Effective: 2012 Fall ______</p><p>STO289AF Using Storytelling in Family Settings LEC 1.0 1.0 1.0</p><p>The application of storytelling and storytelling activities in family settings, such as family story nights, holidays, and reunions. Emphasis on finding and sharing family stories. Prerequisites: None.</p><p>Type: A College: SM Effective: 2012 Fall ______</p><p>STO289AG Using Storytelling in Advocacy Settings LEC 1.0 1.0 1.0</p><p>The application of storytelling and storytelling activities in contexts of advocacy and civic engagement. Focus on stories that reflect the goals and aims of a civic organization. Prerequisites: None.</p><p>Type: A College: SM Effective: 2012 Fall ______</p><p>11 ATTACHMENT: OPM OCCUPATIONAL PROGRAM MODIFICATIONS: MARICOPA COMMUNITY COLLEGES MCCCD GOVERNING BOARD DATE: 4/24/12</p><p>Award/Major Code: AAS/3034 Program Title: Biotechnology and Molecular Biosciences Initiating College: GC Effective Term: 2012 Fall Program Availability: College Specific</p><p>Total Credits: 62-71 CIPs Code: 26.1201 Overall G.P.A.: 2.0 Faculty Initiator: James Tuohy Instructional Council: Biology (19)</p><p>Proposed Changes: Total Program Credits to: 62-71, Program Prerequisite Credits, Required Course Credits, Required Courses, Gen Ed Total Credits, Gen Ed Core Credits, Gen Ed Critical Reading Credits, Gen Ed Natural Science Requirements, Program Competencies</p><p>Description: The Associate in Applied Science (AAS) in Biotechnology and Molecular Biosciences program is designed to train technicians to work in research and development, biomanufacturing, and the drug discovery and testing field of Biotechnology. The exposure to an academic environment that simulates the contemporary biotechnological workplace, inclusive of analytical, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, provides the opportunity to form a strong technical foundation typically sought by employers. The successful completion of the program may also provide the educational background for those wishing to pursue a career in the pharmaceutical industry, clinical laboratory medicine, forensics or environmental testing laboratories. ______</p><p>Award/Major Code: AAS/3480 Program Title: Automotive Technology Initiating College: GW Effective Term: 2012 Fall Program Availability: College Specific</p><p>Total Credits: 68-71 CIPs Code: 47.0604 Overall G.P.A.: 2.0 Faculty Initiator: X Instructional Council: Automotive/Diesel-Heavy Equipment Technology (18)</p><p>Proposed Changes: Total Program Credits to: 68-71, Program Description, Program Notes, Required Course Credits, Required Courses, Restricted Electives, Gen Ed First-Year Composition Requirements, Gen Ed Natural Science Requirements, Program Competencies</p><p>Description: The Associate in Applied Science (AAS) in Automotive Technology program is designed to prepare students for employment as automotive technicians (mechanics). Instruction is given in both the theoretical and practical aspects of automotive operation, maintenance and service. Instruction includes directed systems (both conventional and electronic), brakes, air conditioning, automotive electricity, tune-up and emission control, suspension, and steering systems. Modern laboratory facilities, fully equipped with the latest equipment, provide students with excellent opportunities for pre-employment experience. ______</p><p>12 ATTACHMENT: OPM OCCUPATIONAL PROGRAM MODIFICATIONS: MARICOPA COMMUNITY COLLEGES MCCCD GOVERNING BOARD DATE: 4/24/12</p><p>Award/Major Code: CCL/5439 Program Title: Automotive Suspension, Steering and Brakes Initiating College: GW Effective Term: 2012 Fall Program Availability: College Specific</p><p>Total Credits: 12 CIPs Code: 47.0604 Overall G.P.A.: 2.0 Faculty Initiator: Tom Goetz Instructional Council: Automotive/Diesel-Heavy Equipment Technology (18)</p><p>Proposed Changes: Program Description, Program Notes, Required Courses, Program Competencies</p><p>Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Automotive Suspension, Steering and Brakes program is designed to prepare students to enter the suspension, alignment, and brakes service areas of automotive service. Modern laboratory facilities, fully equipped with the latest equipment, provide students with excellent opportunities for pre-employment experience. ______</p><p>Award/Major Code: CCL/5480 Program Title: Automotive Technology Initiating College: GW Effective Term: 2012 Fall Program Availability: College Specific</p><p>Total Credits: 51 CIPs Code: 47.0604 Overall G.P.A.: 2.0 Faculty Initiator: Tom Goetz Instructional Council: Automotive/Diesel-Heavy Equipment Technology (18)</p><p>Proposed Changes: Total Program Credits to: 51, Program Description, Program Notes, Required Course Credits, Required Courses, Restricted Electives, Program Competencies</p><p>Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Automotive Technology program is designed to prepare students for employment as automotive technicians (mechanics). Instruction is given in both the theoretical and practical aspects of automotive operation, maintenance and service. Instruction includes directed systems (both conventional and electronic), brakes, air conditioning, automotive electricity, tune-up and emission control, suspension, and steering systems. Modern laboratory facilities, fully equipped with the latest equipment, provide students with excellent opportunities for pre-employment experience. ______</p><p>13 ATTACHMENT: OPM OCCUPATIONAL PROGRAM MODIFICATIONS: MARICOPA COMMUNITY COLLEGES MCCCD GOVERNING BOARD DATE: 4/24/12</p><p>Award/Major Code: AAS/3762 Program Title: Occupational Safety and Health Technology Initiating College: GW Effective Term: 2012 Fall Program Availability: College Specific</p><p>Total Credits: 63-74 CIPs Code: 15.0701 Overall G.P.A.: 2.0 Faculty Initiator: Linda Howard Instructional Council: Applied Technology (57) </p><p>Proposed Changes: Total Program Credits to: 63-74, Program Description, Program Notes, Program Prerequisite Credits, Program Prerequisites, Required Courses, Restricted Electives, Gen Ed First-Year Composition Requirements, Program Competencies</p><p>Description: The Associate in Applied Science (AAS) in Occupational Safety and Health program is a two-year degree program which is designed to prepare a safety professional to manage health and safety programs that comply with Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) standards in a variety of settings. Occupational Safety and Health professionals have specialized knowledge of state and federal rules and regulations and code books that serve as safety guidelines. They identify safety problems and develop programs to apply those rules in specific industrial setting. ______</p><p>Award/Major Code: AAS/3244 Program Title: Welding Initiating College: MC Effective Term: 2012 Summer I Program Availability: College Specific</p><p>Total Credits: 62-69 CIPs Code: 48.0508 Overall G.P.A.: 2.0 Faculty Initiator: Rod Hammil Instructional Council: Applied Technology (57) </p><p>Proposed Changes: Total Program Credits to: 62-69, Program Description, Program Prerequisite Credits, Required Courses, Gen Ed Total Credits, Gen Ed Core Credits, Program Competencies</p><p>Description: The Associate in Applied Science (AAS) in Welding program prepares students to work in the field using oxyacetylene (gas) and electric (arc) processes. The program emphasizes knowledge and skill required to work with modern industrial welding equipment using advanced welding techniques including mig (metal inert gas) and tig (tungsten inert gas). ______</p><p>Award/Major Code: CCL/5580 Program Title: Human Resources Management Initiating College: PC Effective Term: 2012 Fall Program Availability: College Specific</p><p>Total Credits: 23 CIPs Code: 52.1001 Overall G.P.A.: 2.0 Faculty Initiator: Brenda Maynard Instructional Council: Business/Management (03) </p><p>Proposed Changes:Total Program Credits to: 23, Program Description, Program Notes, Required Course Credits, Required Courses, Program Competencies</p><p>Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Human Resources Management program is designed to provide skills necessary for careers in human resources management. The program is designed to provide students a series of courses with an emphasis in management and is designed to prepare students for an entry-level position in human resources. Graduates may be employed in Employment (recruiting, interviewing, and hiring); Benefits Administration; Compensation; and Employee Relations. ______</p><p>14 ATTACHMENT: OPM OCCUPATIONAL PROGRAM MODIFICATIONS: MARICOPA COMMUNITY COLLEGES MCCCD GOVERNING BOARD DATE: 4/24/12</p><p>Award/Major Code: AAS/3217 Program Title: Computer Technology Initiating College: RS Effective Term: 2012 Fall Program Availability: College Specific</p><p>Total Credits: 61-64 CIPs Code: 11.0301 Overall G.P.A.: 2.0 Faculty Initiator: Kerrie Specker Instructional Council: Computer Information Systems (12) </p><p>Proposed Changes: Required Course Credits, Required Courses, Restricted Elective Credits, Restricted Electives, Program Competencies</p><p>Description: The Associate in Applied Science (AAS) in Computer Technology program is designed to provide information and training on the use, application, and technological developments of computers in a changing electronic environment. Course work is aimed primarily at students interested in developing skills in the business or personal computing environment. Specifically, the courses provide instruction in the following areas: computer applications in the business environment and current trends and developments in computers; graphical applications; electronic spreadsheets; database; word processing; and computer operating systems. ______</p><p>Award/Major Code: CCL/5218 Program Title: Advanced Computer Usage and Applications Initiating College: RS Effective Term: 2012 Fall Program Availability: College Specific</p><p>Total Credits: 36 CIPs Code: 11.0301 Overall G.P.A.: 2.0 Faculty Initiator: Kerrie Specker Instructional Council: Computer Information Systems (12)</p><p>Proposed Changes: Total Program Credits to: 36, Required Course Credits, Required Courses, Program Competencies</p><p>Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Advanced Computer Usage and Applications is designed to provide the skills necessary for office professionals in the use, application, and technological developments of computers. Courses focus on training the student in advanced features of software applications commonly used in the workplace including word processing, electronic worksheets, database management, presentation graphics, web development, and business communication skills. ______</p><p>Award/Major Code: CCL/5213 Program Title: Computer Usage and Applications Initiating College: RS Effective Term: 2012 Fall Program Availability: College Specific</p><p>Total Credits: 17 CIPs Code: 11.0301 Overall G.P.A.: 2.0 Faculty Initiator: Kerrie Specker Instructional Council: Computer Information Systems (12) </p><p>Proposed Changes: Total Program Credits to: 17, Required Course Credits, Required Courses, Required Course Credits, Required Courses, Program Competencies</p><p>Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Computer Usage and Applications is designed to provide an overview on the use, application, and technological developments of computers in a changing electronic environment. Courses focus on training the student in the basic use of software applications including the computer operating system, word processing, electronic worksheets, database management, presentation graphics, and the Internet. ______</p><p>15 ATTACHMENT: OPM OCCUPATIONAL PROGRAM MODIFICATIONS: MARICOPA COMMUNITY COLLEGES MCCCD GOVERNING BOARD DATE: 4/24/12</p><p>Award/Major Code: CCL/5525 Program Title: Digital Design Initiating College: RS Effective Term: 2012 Fall Program Availability: College Specific</p><p>Total Credits: 35 CIPs Code: 10.0301 Overall G.P.A.: 2.0 Faculty Initiator: Kerrie Specker Instructional Council: Computer Information Systems (12) </p><p>Proposed Changes: Total Program Credits to: 35, Program Notes, Required Course Credits, Required Courses, Program Competencies</p><p>Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Digital Design program is designed to prepare students to work with and design personal or professional graphic imagery. Courses focus on training the student in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, graphic design and publishing, multimedia technology, and project management. ______</p><p>Award/Major Code: AAS/3121 Program Title: eLearning Design Specialist Initiating College: RS Effective Term: 2012 Summer I Program Availability: College Specific</p><p>Total Credits: 64 CIPs Code: 13.0501 Overall G.P.A.: 2.0 Faculty Initiator: Jennifer Freed Instructional Council: Education (56) </p><p>Proposed Changes: Admission Criteria, Gen Ed First-Year Composition Requirements, Program Competencies</p><p>Description: The Associate in Applied Science (AAS) in eLearning Design Specialist program is designed to prepare students to work in the field of instructional design. Students will be presented with information to develop knowledge and skills to custom design and deliver instructional programs and products such as courses, curricula, training documentation, multimedia presentations, and simulations. Courses will focus on eLearning design theory, eLearning environments, and eLearning media and tools. Courses are also designed to prepare students to work in a team-based environment, organize eLearning projects including budgets and timelines, and evaluate eLearning projects. The program includes a Certificate of Completion (CCL) in eLearning Design Specialist and an Associate in Applied Science (AAS) in eLearning Design Specialist. ______</p><p>16 ATTACHMENT: OPM OCCUPATIONAL PROGRAM MODIFICATIONS: MARICOPA COMMUNITY COLLEGES MCCCD GOVERNING BOARD DATE: 4/24/12</p><p>Award/Major Code: CCL/5638 Program Title: eLearning Design Specialist Initiating College: RS Effective Term: 2012 Summer I Program Availability: College Specific</p><p>Total Credits: 21 CIPs Code: 13.0501 Overall G.P.A.: 2.0 Faculty Initiator: Jennifer Freed Instructional Council: Education (56) </p><p>Proposed Changes: Admission Criteria, Program Prerequisite Credits, Program Prerequisites, Required Course Credits, Required Courses</p><p>Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in eLearning Design Specialist program is designed to prepare students to work in the field of instructional design. Students will be presented with information to develop knowledge and skills to custom design and deliver instructional programs and products such as courses, curricula, training documentation, multimedia presentations, and simulations. Courses will focus on eLearning design theory, eLearning environments, and eLearning media and tools. Courses are also designed to prepare students to work in a team-based environment, organize eLearning projects including budgets and timelines, and evaluate eLearning projects. The program includes a Certificate of Completion (CCL) in eLearning Design Specialist and an Associate in Applied Science (AAS) in eLearning Design Specialist. ______</p><p>Award/Major Code: CCL/5215 Program Title: Networking: Design and System Support Initiating College: RS Effective Term: 2012 Fall Program Availability: College Specific</p><p>Total Credits: 35 CIPs Code: 11.0901 Overall G.P.A.: 2.0 Faculty Initiator: Kerrie Specker Instructional Council: Computer Information Systems (12) </p><p>Proposed Changes: Total Program Credits to: 35, Required Course Credits, Required Courses, Program Competencies</p><p>Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Networking: Design and System Support is designed to provide the basic skills necessary for students planning to specialize in the networking field. Courses focus on training the student in Local Area Networks (LANs), computer setup and maintenance, and advanced operating systems. ______</p><p>Award/Major Code: CCL/5047 Program Title: Programming Initiating College: RS Effective Term: 2012 Fall Program Availability: College Specific</p><p>Total Credits: 35 CIPs Code: 11.0201 Overall G.P.A.: 2.0 Faculty Initiator: Kerrie Specker X Instructional Council: Computer Information Systems (12) </p><p>Proposed Changes: Total Program Credits to: 35, Program Notes, Required Course Credits, Required Courses, Program Competencies</p><p>Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Programming is designed to prepare the student to work in the programming field. Courses focus on programming theory, Java programming, Visual Basic programming, and web programming. ______</p><p>17 ATTACHMENT: OPM OCCUPATIONAL PROGRAM MODIFICATIONS: MARICOPA COMMUNITY COLLEGES MCCCD GOVERNING BOARD DATE: 4/24/12</p><p>Award/Major Code: CCL/5216 Program Title: Web Design: User Interface Initiating College: RS Effective Term: 2012 Fall Program Availability: College Specific</p><p>Total Credits: 35 CIPs Code: 11.0801 Overall G.P.A.: 2.0 Faculty Initiator: Kerrie Specker Instructional Council: Computer Information Systems (12) </p><p>Proposed Changes: Total Program Credits to: 35, Required Course Credits, Required Courses, Program Competencies</p><p>Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Web Design: User Interface certificate is designed to prepare students to work with and design personal or professional web pages. Courses focus on training the student in HTML/XHTML, web design and publishing, graphics design, multimedia technology, and project management. ______</p><p>Award/Major Code: AAS/3019 Program Title: Dance Technology Initiating College: SC Effective Term: 2012 Fall Program Availability: College Specific</p><p>Total Credits: 60-68 CIPs Code: 50.0301 Overall G.P.A.: 2.0 Faculty Initiator: Angela Rosenkrans Instructional Council: Dance (39) </p><p>Proposed Changes: Program Description, Restricted Electives,</p><p>Description: The Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree in Dance Technology is designed for students who plan to enter the field of dance as performers, choreographers, teachers, and multi-media technicians. The program provides classes in dance theory, performance and production and hands on training in multimedia production and the application of video and computer technology to dance. Students are offered the opportunity to demonstrate this knowledge by producing a short dance performance focusing on dance and camera techniques, lighting design, original sound design, choreography for camera and non-linear editing techniques. A Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Dance Technology is also available. ______</p><p>Award/Major Code: CCL/5979 Program Title: Dance Technology Initiating College: SC Effective Term: 2012 Fall Program Availability: College Specific</p><p>Total Credits: 40-44 CIPs Code: 50.0301 Overall G.P.A.: 2.0 Faculty Initiator: Angela Rosenkrans Instructional Council: Dance (39)</p><p>Proposed Changes: Program Description, Restricted Electives</p><p>Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Dance Technology is designed for students who plan to enter the field of dance as performers, choreographers, teachers and multi-media technicians. The program provides classes in dance theory, performance and production and hands-on training in multi-media production and the application of video and computer technology to dance. Students are offered the opportunity to demonstrate this knowledge by producing a short dance performance focusing on dance and camera techniques, lighting design, original sound design, choreography for camera and non-linear editing techniques. An Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree in Dance Technology is also available. ______</p><p>18 ATTACHMENT: OPD OCCUPATIONAL PROGRAM DELETIONS: MARICOPA COMMUNITY COLLEGES MCCCD GOVERNING BOARD DATE: 4/24/12</p><p>Award/Major Code: CCL/5416 Program Title: Fire Science Technology Initiating College: SC Effective Last Term: 2012 Spring</p><p>CIPs Code: 43.0203 Faculty Initiator: Chris Burrows Instructional Council: Emergency Medical Technology/Fire Science Technology (54)</p><p>Proposed Program Availability: This program will no longer be available.</p><p>Rationale: The individual colleges are working to develop one curriculum for Fire Science. This particular CCL is incorporated as a track of the new program. ______</p><p>19</p>
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