<p> Beresford City Council July 16, 2007</p><p>The Beresford City Council met in regular session in the City Library Community Room on July 16, 2007, at 7:30 p.m.</p><p>Members present: Mayor Brent Palmer presiding, Wayne Akland, Chuck Von Eschen, Pete Womack, Dan Cotton. Also present: Jerry Zeimetz, City Administrator; Kathy Moller, Finance Officer.</p><p>Absent: Rich Spaans, Gary Lambert.</p><p>Adopt Agenda: A motion to adopt the agenda was made by Akland, second by Cotton, motion carried.</p><p>Minutes: Minutes from the meeting held on July 2,2007, was approved on a motion by Cotton, second by Womack, motion carried.</p><p>Public Forum & Visitors: Skate Park Committee – Larry Olson: Larry Olson was present on behalf of the Skate Park Committee seeking clarification on what needs to be done next for the Skate Park. Mr. Olson was instructed to contact Kelly Knutson, Park Superintendent, and together they can choose a location for the skate park, and then bring their recommendations back to the Council for consideration. Mr. Olson stated that they are looking for a 90’ x 45’ spot, and are currently applying for grant money.</p><p>Unfinished Business: Community Center/Clubhouse Update, Items to Purchase: Jerry Zeimetz reported that the architects, electric and mechanical inspectors will be here on Wednesday to check over everything. The exterior of the building is now ready for landscaping and irrigation. The irrigation and landscaping, including rocks, mulch, sod, shrubs & plants will cost approximately $22,780.00 ($30,000.00 has been budgeted for this) from Lincoln Heights Landscaping, and they will be able to start the work immediately. A motion to approve the installation of irrigation equipment and landscaping, with the work to be done by Lincoln Heights Landscaping, was made by Von Eschen, second by Akland, motion carried.</p><p>New Business: Surplus Property: The Electric Department has 2 used light poles they would like to sell as surplus. The poles are 30-35’ tall and have a value of less than $500. A motion to approve the sale of 2 light poles as surplus was made by Cotton, second by Akland, motion carried.</p><p>Step Pay Increase: A motion to approve a step pay increase for police officer Aaron Jurgensen effective July 24, 2007, to $13.32/hour was made by Von Eschen, second by Womack, motion carried.</p><p>Pay Request #11 for Community Center/Clubhouse: Pay Request #11 in the amount of $272,487.36 to Daniels Construction for the Community Center/Clubhouse was approved for payment in a motion by Von Eschen, second by Womack, motion carried. </p><p>Renewal of Contract for Animal Control Services with Second Chance Rescue Center: Jerry has received the yearly contract for animal control services with Second Chance Rescue Center, but asked to table this discussion until he has had a chance to speak with Police Chief Larry Christensen about it. Resolution of Support for LWCF Grant: Jerry is submitting a grant request for new playground equipment for the north ball fields. The money is available through the Land & Water Conservation Fund. If we do receive the grant money, we will budget our share in 2008. A motion to approve Resolution 2007-07 to request grant funds from the LWCF was approved in a motion by Von Eschen, second by Cotton, motion carried.</p><p>RESOLUTION 2007-07</p><p>WHEREAS, the United States of America and the State of South Dakota have authorized the making of grants from the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) to public bodies to aid in financing the acquisition and/or construction of specific public outdoor recreation projects;</p><p>NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED:</p><p>1. That Jerry Zeimetz is herby authorized to execute and file an application on behalf of the City of Beresford with the National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, through the State of South Dakota, Department of Game, Fish and Parks, Division of Parks and Recreation, for an LWCF grant to aid in the financing of new playground equipment at the Grace V. Nelson Memorial Fields and Park Complex for the City of Beresford, South Dakota and its Environs.</p><p>2. That Jerry Zeimetz, City Administrator is hereby directed to furnish such information as the above mentioned federal and/or state agencies may reasonably request in connection with the application, which is hereby authorized to be filed.</p><p>3. That the City of Beresford shall provide a minimum of 50% of the total cost of the project; and will assume all responsibility in the operation and maintenance of the project upon completion of construction, for the reasonable life expectancy of the facility.</p><p>4. That the City of Beresford shall dedicate for park and recreation purposes in perpetuity the real property identified in the authorized application.</p><p>Adopted this 16th day of July, 2007</p><p>______Brent Palmer, Mayor</p><p>ATTEST: ______Kathy Moller Finance Officer</p><p>CERTIFICATE OF RECORDING OFFICER</p><p>The undersigned duly qualified and acting Finance Officer of the City of Beresford does herby certify: That the attached Resolution is a true and correct copy of the resolution authorizing the filing of application with the National Park Service as regularly adopted at a legally convened meeting of the Beresford City Council duly held on the 16th day of July, 2007: and further that such Resolution has been fully recorded in the journal of proceedings and records in my office.</p><p>IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 16th day of July 2007.</p><p>______Kathy Moller Finance Officer</p><p>2 Mayor Palmer reported that he had talked to the school about the Park & Recs Department using the old ball field behind the high school, so that they would have a total of 4 fields. It would just need a couple of light poles and netting. The suggestion was then made to use the light poles that the Electric Department plans to sell as surplus. Jerry will talk to Jay Nordquist about that and may renege on the surplus equipment motion at the next meeting if it is decided to use the poles at the ball field. </p><p>Discussion & Information Items: Tarps for City Trucks: The cost to purchase tarps for the city dump trucks would be $2,500 for the small trucks and $3,250 for the big trucks. Our requirement is that as long as the load is properly secured, a tarp is not required. All City departments will ensure that any loads being transported to the Landfill be properly secured; so purchasing tarps will not be required.</p><p>Transfer of Old Golf Course Building to Senior Citizens: City Attorney Tom Frieberg questioned transferring the old golf course building to the Senior Citizens due to the fact that the surrounding buildings are City property and the HRC apartments are next door. He suggested the possibility of leasing the building for a nominal fee per year. Jerry will get more information from the Senior Citizens Board and bring this for discussion at a future Council Meeting.</p><p>Gary Nielson – City Land Purchase: Gary Nielson, owner of the Windmill Campground, would like to purchase some of the creek ground the City owns between the campground and Slumberland. After discussion, it was decided that the City has no interest in selling the land at this time.</p><p>Hire Additional Part-time Employees for Community Center: Mike Conklin, Community Center Manager, requested hiring 2 additional part-time employees just to be used for one or two big events this summer when needed. A motion to approve hiring Patti Frick and Aaron Conklin part-time at Bridges Community Center at $7.00/hour was made by Von Eschen, second by Cotton, motion carried.</p><p>Kickers Archery Store Request to use Shooting Range at Gun Club: Councilman Dan Cotton was approached by the owners of Kickers Archery Store with a request to use a portion of the gun club for an archery shooting range. It has been approved by the Gun Club, and the Council feels this will be a nice addition for that area. Approval for Kickers Archery to use the Gun Club for archery target practice was granted in a motion by Womack, second by Cotton, motion carried.</p><p>Approval of Travel Requests: The following travel requests were approved on a motion by Von Eschen, second by Akland, motion carried: SDML Policy Committee Meeting, Pierre, Aug. 14-15, Zeimetz</p><p>Payment of Bills: A motion was made by Womack, second by Akland, to approve payment of the bills listed below, motion carried.</p><p>A-Ox Welding Supply, chemicals, $96.31; Alliance Communications, toll settlement, $78.58; Applied Software, Avast renewal, $98.00; Beresford Cablevision, cable bills, $144.50; BMTC, monthly bill, $3,808.17; Beresford Mun. Utilities, monthly bill, $9,686.27; Beresford Ready Mix, cement & supplies, $1,952.50; Beresford Republic, subscription & ads, $348.97; John Bickett, library annuity, $443.75; Border States Electric, supplies, $1,841.17; CC Golf Company, pro shop, $435.00; Deb Conklin, reimbursement for supplies, $121.87; Conseco Health Ins., group insurance, $273.30; Continental Research Corp., supplies, $339.67.</p><p>Cooperative Oil Co., fuel, $1,820.78; Credit Collections Bureau, collect fees, $99.92; Crossroads Hotel, travel, $90.00; Dakota Fluid Power, supplies, $8.25; Daniels Construction, Bridges, $272,487.36; Davis Sun Turf, supplies, $39.74; Dale Ende, golf balls, $50.00; Express Communications, toll settlement, $4,579.07; Farmers Coop Elevator, chemicals, $250.58; Fiber Ring Pooling, pooling fees, $3,061.00; Flowers by Bob, flowers, $69.00; Graham Tire Co., tires, $412.28; Graybar Electric, paging </p><p>3 supplies, $175.86; Hawkins Water Treatment, chemicals, $4,324.43; High Voltage Test Lab., testing, $29.95; Harold Hofman, training, $18.00.</p><p>Hydraulic World Inc., maintenance, $141.15; Interstate TRS Fund, 2007 TRS, $2,110.95; Jet Truck Plaza, fuel, $72.56; Kruse Building Center, supplies, $173.37; Lewis & Clark RWS, lobby charges, $770.50; Lewis Drug Stores, supplies, $52.01; Nancy Losacker, solo artist in libraries, $1,092.80; Dennis Lounsbery, training, $9.00; MACC, billing fees, $2,656.49; Martin Group, CALEA monthly fees, $553.22; MidAmerican Energy, gas, $169.64; Midwest Turf & Irrigation, repair, $3,458.48; Minnesota Mun. Utilities Assoc., 3rd Qtr. Safety Compliance, $2,472.59; Mobile Electronic Service, repairs, $195.68; NECA Services, Inc., toll settlement, $315.50.</p><p>Northern States Supply, tools, $293.84; Northern Truck Equipment, tolls, $117,85; One Call Systems, Inc., locate tickets, $19.00; Pedersen Machine, repair, $829.33; Pics Telecom Corp., CO repair, $603.87; Prairie Wave, CO Repair, $46.29; Resco, supplies, $500.00; SD Dept. of Revenue, sales tax, $$18,011.39; Jim Truman, training, $140.22; Banner Associates, engineer services, $1,216.70; Broadcaster Press, advertising, $96.00; Fiesta Foods, supplies, $790.36; First Savings Bank, excise tax, $1,318.05; Office Max, office supplies, $205.14; SDN, operating expense, $2,101.99; Sioux Falls Two Way Radio, vehicle exp., $532.33. </p><p>Sioux Falls Sanitation, contract & extra pick-up, $1,468.39; Sioux Pipe, supplies, $1,468.39; Sioux Steam Cleaner Corp., pool supplies, $36.85; Sioux Valley News, advertising, $60.00; Southeastern Elec. Coop, power for wells, $820.20; Sprint North Supply, internet supplies, $1,129.31; Stan Houston Equipment, tools & supplies, $345.07; Sturdevants Auto Parts, supplies, $2.83; T & R Electric Supply, analysis, $635.00; Tiedeman Refrigeration, repair, $65.15; Total Stop, fuel, $2,627.35; SD Dept. of Revenue, TRS remittance, $323.00; Travis Watkins, travel, $160.05; Western Golf Inc., repair, $78.10; Zep Mfg., supplies, $92.05; Larson Drapery, Bridges window treatments, $6,450.00; Wellmark, group insurance, $26,959.20;.</p><p>Adjournment: As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:16 p.m. on a motion by Womack, second by Von Eschen, motion carried.</p><p>______Kathy Moller, Finance Officer Recorded by Beth Rasmussen</p><p>4</p>
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