Auditor S Certificate

Auditor S Certificate

<p> AUDITOR’S CERTIFICATE</p><p>STATE OF INDIANA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF MADISON )</p><p>I, Kathy Stoops-Wright, duly elected, qualified and acting Auditor of aforesaid </p><p>County and State do hereby certify that the attached record is a true and complete</p><p> copy of the minutes of the special meeting of the Madison County Council held </p><p> on September 12, 2006.</p><p>Dated at Anderson, Indiana this 12th day of September, 2006.</p><p>S/Kathy Stoops-Wright Madison County Auditor MINUTES OF THE MADISON COUNTY COUNCIL</p><p>The Madison County Council met in special session on September 12, 2006 with the following members present: Scott Tischler Daniel Dykes John Bostic, Jr. Larry Crenshaw Gary Gustin Jeff Hardin Mike Price</p><p>Also present were County Auditor Kathy Stoops-Wright and first deputy Auditor Patty Mauck.</p><p>The Auditor presented to the County Council an Ordinance entitled “An Ordinance Appropriating Money in the Major Moves Fund, Child Psychiatric Residential Treatment Services Fund, Cornerstone Perpetuation Fund, Highway Fund and General Fund.”</p><p>COUNTY EMERGENCY APPROPRIATION NUMBER 9B</p><p>WHEREAS, certain conditions have developed since the adoption of the existing annual budget that is necessary to appropriate more money than was appropriated in the annual budget for the various functions of the County Government to meet such extraordinary emergencies.</p><p>SECTION I. Be it ordained by the Madison County Council of Madison County, Indiana for the expenses of the County Government and its institutions for the year ending December 2006, the following sums of money are hereby appropriated and set out of the several funds herein specified, subject to the laws governing the same, such sums appropriated shall be held to include all expenditures to be made during the year.</p><p>SECTION II. That for the fiscal period there is appropriated out of the various funds thereafter named; the following specified amount to be transferred or new money to meet such extraordinary emergencies, which are declared to exist. September 12, 2006</p><p>NEW MONEY</p><p>Amount Amount Requested Allowed</p><p>MAJOR MOVES FUND</p><p>390-010 CR 800 North $100,000.00 100,000.00 390-020 2006 Paving $300,000.00 300,000.00</p><p>CHILD PSYCHIATRIC RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT SERVICES</p><p>390-000 CPRT $75,000.00 75,000.00</p><p>CORNERSTONE PERPETUATION FUND</p><p>210-000 Office Supplies $ 200.00 200.00 240-000 Other Supplies $ 300.00 300.00 440-000 Machinery and Equipment $8,000.00 8,000.00</p><p>HIGHWAY FUND</p><p>Repair and Maintenance 230-000 Repair & Maint Supplies $128,500.00 $128,500.00</p><p>COUNTY GENERAL FUND</p><p>Central Records 150-000 Part Time Help $ 2,000.00 2,000.00</p><p>Public Defender 310-000 Professional Services $32,088.43 16,045.00</p><p>Coroner 310-000 Professional Services $10,000.00 $10,000.00</p><p>Voters Registration 150-000 Temporary Help $10,000.00 $ 2,000.00</p><p>Commissioners 390-710 Care of Juveniles in Institutions $170,000.00` 170,000.00 390-720 Care of Inmates in Institutions $ 2,000.00 2, 000.00 460-000 Capital Outlays $ 35,232.88 35,232.88</p><p>Planning Commission 310-000 Professional Services $5,000.00 -continued- 220-000 Operating Supplies $3,200.00 3,000.00 September 12, 2006</p><p>NEW MONEY cont.</p><p>Amount Amount Requested Allowed</p><p>COUNTY GENERAL cont.</p><p>Sheriff 220-000 Operating Supplies $80,000.00 40,000.00 240-000 Other Supplies $15,000.00 15,000.00 390-000 Other Services and Charges $15,000.00 15,000.00 390-070 Extradition $10,000.00 10,000.00</p><p>Jail 180-242 Jail Medical Services $45,000.00 45,000.00 370-000 Rentals $ 5,000.00 5,000.00 390-240 Food $50,000.00 50,000.00 390-241 Medicine $15,000.00 15,000.00</p><p>Auditor 390-000 Other Services and Charges $17,000.00 17,000.00</p><p>Circuit Court Public Defender Account $50,000.00 30,019.00</p><p>EMERGENCY APPROPRIATION REQUEST-GENERAL FUND</p><p>Commissioners 440-000 Machinery and Equipment $48,930.00 28,000.00 ORDINANCE NO 9B was presented to the Madison County Council and read in full this 12th day of September, 2006.</p><p>S/Scott Tischler President County Council</p><p>ATTEST:</p><p>S/Kathy Stoops-Wright Kathy Stoops-Wright Madison County Auditor</p><p>ORDINANCE NO 9B was presented to the Madison County Council read and adopted this 12th day of September, 2006 by the following Aye or Nay vote:</p><p>AYE NAY</p><p>S/Daniel Dykes ______</p><p>S/Larry Crenshaw ______</p><p>S/Gary Gustin ______</p><p>S/Scott Tischler ______</p><p>S/Mike Price ______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>ATTEST:</p><p>S/Kathy Stoops-Wright Kathy Stoops-Wright Madison County Auditor The Auditor was directed to present the above emergency appropriations to the State Board of Tax Commissioners for approval as provided by law.</p><p>S/Scott Tischler President County Council</p><p>AUDITOR’S CERTIFICATE</p><p>STATE OF INDIANA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF MADISON )</p><p>I, Kathy Stoops-Wright, duly elected, qualified and acting Auditor of </p><p> aforesaid County and State do hereby certify that the attached record is a </p><p> true and complete copy of the minutes of the special meeting of the Madison</p><p>County Council held on September 12, 2006.</p><p>Dated at Anderson, Indiana this 12th day of September, 2006.</p><p>S/Kathy Stoops-Wright Kathy Stoops-Wright Madison County Auditor MINUTES OF THE MADISON COUNTY COUNCIL</p><p>The Madison County Council met in special session on September 12, 2006 with the following members present: Scott Tischler Daniel Dykes John Bostic, Jr. Larry Crenshaw Gary Gustin Jeff Hardin Mike Price</p><p>Also present were County Auditor Kathy Stoops-Wright and first deputy Auditor Patty Mauck.</p><p>The Auditor presented to the County Council an Ordinance entitled “An Ordinance Transferring Money from the Tobacco Master Settlement Fund, Health Fund, Right-to-Know Fund and General Fund”</p><p>COUNTY EMERGENCY APPROPRIATION NUMBER 9C</p><p>WHEREAS, certain conditions have developed since the adoption of the existing annual budget that is necessary to transfer more money than was appropriated.</p><p>SECTION I. Be it ordained by the Madison County Council of Madison County, Indiana for the expenses of the County Government and its institutions for the year ending December 2006, the following sums of money are hereby transferred. September 12, 2006</p><p>TRANSFERS</p><p>Amount Amount Requested Allowed </p><p>TOBACCO MASTER SETTLEMENT FUND</p><p>111-000 Lead Program Worker/Tatoo Parlor $3,600.00 3,600.00 Transfer from 112-000 Part time Bookkeeper (3,600.00) (3,600.00)-</p><p>HEALTH FUND</p><p>Health 340-000 Insurance $ 2, 632.00 2,632.00 370-000 Rentals $10,000.00 10,000.00 Transfer from 310-000 Prof Serv ( 2,632.00) (2,632.00)- Transfer from 320-000 Comm and Trans (10,000.00) (10,000.00)-</p><p>DIS Program 390-000 Other Services and Charges $1,891.00 1,891.00 Transfer from 111-000 Dis Interv Spec (1,600.00) (1,600.00)- Transfer from 160-161 Soc. Security ( 138.00) (138.00)- Transfer from 160-163 Group Insurance (153.00) (153.00)-</p><p>Indiana Respect Program 390-000 Other Services and Charges $2,000.00 2,000.00 Transfer from 111-000 Program Coord (2,000.00) (2,000.00)-</p><p>COUNTY GENERAL FUND</p><p>Courthouse 350-000 Utilities $20,000.00 20,000.00 220-000 Operating Supplies $ 2,500.00 2,500.00 Transfer from 430-000 Impr Other than Bldg (12,500.00) (12,500.00)- Transfer from 420-000 Building Repairs (10,000.00) (10,000.00)-</p><p>Voters Registration 320-000 Communication and Transportation $2,000.00 2,000.00 Transfer from 210-000 Office Supplies (2,000.00) (2,000.00)-</p><p>Correctional Complex 220-000 Operating Supplies $20,000.00 20,000.00 Transfer from 350-000 Utilities (20,000.00) (20,000.00)-</p><p>Commissioners 210-000 Office Supplies $ 300.00 300.00 Transfer from 320-000 Comm and Trans ( 300.00) (300.00)-</p><p>September 12, 2006 TRANSFER cont.</p><p>Amount Amount Requested Allowed</p><p>GENERAL FUND cont.</p><p>Sheriff 440-000 Machinery and Equipment $3,282.00 3,282.00 Transfer from 210-000 Office Supplies (3,282.00) (3,282.00)-</p><p>Prosecutor 210-000 Office Supplies $2,500.00 2,500.00 Transfer from 390-000 Other Serv and Charges (2,500.00) (2,500.00)-</p><p>Correctional Complex 220-000 Operating Supplies $8,000.00 8,000.00 Transfer from 390-000 Other Serv and Charges (8,000.00) (8,000.00)-</p><p>Juvenile Court Services 360-000 Repairs and Maintenance $2,000.00 2,000.00 Transfer from 370-000 Rentals (2,000.00) (2,000.00)-</p><p>RECYCLING GRANT 2006</p><p>310-000 Professional Services $6,000.00 6,000.00 Transfer from 390-000 Other Serv & Charges (5,000.00) (5,000.00)- Transfer from 440-000 Machinery and Equip (1,000.00) (1,000.00)-</p><p>RIGHT-TO-KNOW FUND</p><p>390-000 Other Service and Charges $10,000.00 10,000.00 Transfer from 320-000 Comm and Trans (1,000.00) (1,000.00)- Transfer from 440-000 Machinery & Equip (8,000.00) (8,000.00)- Transfer from 230-000 Repair and Maint (1,000.00) (1,000.00)-</p><p>ADULT PRE-TRIAL DIVERSION</p><p>390-000 Other Serv and Charges $5,000.00 5,000.00 Transfer from 330-000 Printing and Adver (2,000.00) (2,000.00)- Transfer from 440-000 Mach and Equip (2,500.00) (2,500.00)- Transfer from 210-000 Office Supplies ( 500.00) ( 500.00)- ORDINANCE NO. 9C was presented to the Madison County Council and read in full this 12th day of September, 2006.</p><p>S/ Scott Tischler President County Council</p><p>ATTEST:</p><p>S/Kathy Stoops-Wright Kathy Stoops-Wright Madison County Auditor</p><p>ORDINANCE NO. 9C was presented to the Madison County Council read and adopted this 12th day September, 2006 by the following Aye or Nay vote:</p><p>AYE NAY</p><p>S/Daniel Dykes ______</p><p>S/Larry Crenshaw ______</p><p>S/Gary Gustin ______</p><p>S/Scott Tischler ______</p><p>S/Mike Price ______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>ATTEST:</p><p>S/Kathy Stoops-Wright Kathy Stoops-Wright Madison County Auditor The Auditor was directed to present the above emergency appropriations to the State Board of Tax Commissioners for approval as provided by law.</p><p>S/Scott Tischler President County Council</p><p>MADISON COUNTY COUNCIL MINUTES September 12, 2006</p><p>The Madison County Council was called to order by President Scott Tischler. The following Council members were present: John Bostic, Jr. Larry Crenshaw Dan Dykes Gary Gustin Jeff Hardin (Absent) Mike Price</p><p>Also present were County Auditor Kathy Stoops-Wright and First Deputy Auditor Patty Mauck and Council Attorney Jim Wilson.</p><p>Minutes of June 13, 2006 were approved by motion made by Dan Dykes and seconded by Gary Gustin. 6 Ayes 1 Absent Motion carries.</p><p>Steve Ford, Health Department Director, requested a transfer of $3,600.00 into111-000 Lead Program Worker/Tatoo Parlor from 112-000 Part time Bookkeeper within the Tobacco Master Settlement Fund. Motion to approve transfer made by Gary Gustin and seconded by Larry Crenshaw. 6 Ayes 1 Absent Motion carries.</p><p>Also requested were transfers within the Health Fund of $2,632.00 into 340-000 Insurance from 310-000 Professional Services for malpractice insurance and a transfer of $10,000.00 into 370-000 Rentals from 320-000 Comm and Trans for rental of four vehicles. Motion to approve transfers made by Dan Dykes and seconded by Gary Gustin. 6 Ayes 1 Absent Motion carries.</p><p>Also requested were transfers within the DIS Program of $1,891.00 into 390-000 Other Services and Charges, $1,600.00 from 111-000 Disease Intervention Specialist, $138.00 from 160-161 Social Security and $153.00 from 160-163 Group Insurance. Motion to approve made by Dan Dykes and seconded by Larry Crenshaw. 6 Ayes 1 Absent Motion carries.</p><p>Also requested were transfers within the Indiana Respect Program of $2,000.00 into 390- 000 Other Services and Charges from 111-000 Program Coordinator. Motion to approve made by Gary Gustin and seconded by Larry Crenshaw. 6 Ayes 1 Absent Motion carries.</p><p>Denny Williams, Properties Manager, requested transfers of $20,000.00 into 350-000 Utilities and $2,500.00 into 220-000 Operating Supplies. $12,500.00 from 430-000 Improvements Other than Buildings and $10,000.00 from 420-000 Building Repairs. Motion to approve made by Dan Dykes and seconded by Larry Crenshaw. 6 Ayes 1 Absent Motion carries.</p><p>Amanda Williams and Pam Jones, Voters Registration, requested a transfer of $2,000.00 into 320-000 Comm and Trans from 210-000 Office Supplies. Motion to approve made by Gary Gustin and seconded by Larry Crenshaw. 6 Ayes 1 Absent Motion carries.</p><p>Also requested was new money of $2,000.00 into 150-000 Temporary Help. Motion to approve made by John Bostic and seconded by Larry Crenshaw. 6 Ayes 1 Absent Motion carries. September 12, 2006</p><p>Ann Roberts, Director of CJC, requested transfers within the Correctional Complex Department of $20,000.00 into 220-000 Operating Supplies from 350-000 Utilities and transfer of $8,000.00 into 220-000 Office Supplies from 390-000 Other Services and Charges. Motion to approve made by Mike Price and seconded by Larry Crenshaw. 6 Ayes 1 Absent Motion carries.</p><p>John Richwine, Commissioner, requested a transfer of $300.00 into 210-000 Office Supplies from 320-000 Comm and Trans. Motion to approve made by Dan Dykes and seconded by Larry Crenshaw. 6 Ayes 1 Absent Motion carries.</p><p>Also requested was new money of $170,000.00 into 390-710 Care of Juveniles in Institutions, $2,000.00 into 390-720 Care of Inmates in Institutions and $35,232.00 into 460-000 Capital Outlays. Motion to approve made by Dan Dykes and seconded by Larry Crenshaw. 6 Ayes 1 Absent Motion carries.</p><p>Also requested was new money within the Major Moves Fund of $100,000.00 into 390- 010 CR 800 North and $300,000.00 into 390-020 2006 Paving. Motion to approve made by John Bostic and seconded by Larry Crenshaw. 6 Ayes 1 Absent Motion carries.</p><p>Also requested was new money within the Highway Fund of $128,500.00 into 230-000 Repair and Maintenance Supplies. Motion to approve made by Dan Dykes and seconded by Gary Gustin. 6 Ayes 1 Absent Motion carries.</p><p>Also requested was an emergency appropriation request into the Commissioners Department 440-000 Machinery and Equipment in the amount of $48,930.00 for 14 new ADA voting machines. Motion to approve was made by John Bostic and seconded by Dan Dykes. Roll call vote was taken: John Bostic-yes Mike Price – yes Gary Gustin – no Larry Crenshaw – no Dan Dykes – yes Scott Tischler – no 3 Ayes 3 Nays Motion dies due to tie vote.</p><p>Motion was then made by Mike Price and seconded by John Bostic to approve $28,000.00 for 8 new ADA voting machines. Roll call vote was taken: John Bostic – yes Mike Price – yes Gary Gustin – no Larry Crenshaw – no Dan Dykes – yes Scott Tischler – yes 4 Ayes 2 Nays Motion carries.</p><p>Sheriff, Terry Richwine requested a transfer within the Sheriff Department of $3,282.00 into 440-000 Machinery and Equipment from 210-000 Office Supplies Motion to approve made by Dan Dykes and seconded by Gary Gustin. 6 Ayes 1 Absent Motion carries.</p><p>Also requested was new money within the Sheriff Department of $80,000.00 into 220- 000 Operating Supplies, $15,000.00 into 240-000 Other Supplies, $15,000.00 into 390- 000 Other Services and Charges and $10,000.00 into 390-070 Extradition. Motion was made by Dan Dykes to approve $40,000.00 into 220-000 and the rest as requested. Motion seconded by Mike Price. 6 Ayes 1 Absent Motion carries. September 12, 2006</p><p>Also requested was new money within the Jail Department of $45,000.00 into 180-242 Jail Medical Services, $5,000.00 into 370-000 Rentals, $50,000.00 into 390-240 Food and $15,000.00 into 390-240 Medicine. Motion to approve made by Mike Price and seconded by Dan Dykes. 6 Ayes 1 Absent Motion carries.</p><p>Rodney Cummings, Prosecutor, requested a transfer of $2,500.00 into 210-000 Office Supplies from 390-000 Other Services and Charges. Motion to approve made by Dan Dykes and seconded by Larry Crenshaw. 6 Ayes 1 Absent Motion carries.</p><p>Also requested was a transfer within the Prosecutor Pre-trial Diversion Fund of $5,000.00 into 390-000 Other Services and Charges from 330-000 Printing and Advertising $2,000.00, 440-000 Machinery and Equipment $2,500.00 and 210-000 Office Supplies $500.00. Motion to approve made by Dan Dykes and seconded by Larry Crenshaw. 6 Ayes 1 Absent Motion carries.</p><p>Gary Williams, Youth Center Superintendent, requested a transfer of $2,000.00 into 360- 000 Repairs and Maintenance from 370-000 Rentals. Motion to approve made by Dan Dykes and seconded by Gary Gustin. 6 Ayes 1 Absent Motion carries.</p><p>Jim Eichhorn, from Recycling, requested a transfer within the Recycling Grant 2006 of $6,000.00 into 310-000 Professional Services, $5,000.00 from 390-000 Other Services and Charges and $1,000.00 from 440-000 Machinery and Equipment. Motion to approve made by John Bostic and seconded by Dan Dykes. 6 Ayes 1 Absent Motion carries.</p><p>Dick Brown, Emergency Management Director, requested a transfer with the Right-to- Know Fund of $10,000.00 into 390-000 Other Services and Charges, $1,000.00 from 320-000 Comm and Trans, $8,000.00 from 440-000 Machinery and Equipment and $1,000.00 from 230-000 Repair and Maintenance Supplies. Motion to approve made by Dan Dykes and seconded by Mike Price. 6 Ayes 1 Absent Motion carries.</p><p>Diana Brenneke from Family and Children Services, requested new money within the Child Psychiatric Residential Treatment Services Fund of $75,000.00 into 357-000 CPRT. Motion to approve made by Mike Price and seconded by John Bostic. 6 Ayes 1 Absent Motion carries.</p><p>Brad Newman, Surveyor, requested new money within the Cornerstone Perpetuation Fund of $200.00 into 210-000 Office Supplies, $300.00 into 240-000 Other Supplies and $8,000.00 into 440-000 Machinery and Equipment. Motion to approve made by Larry Crenshaw and seconded by John Bostic. 6 Ayes 1 Absent Motion carries</p><p>Bob Goff, Central Records Director, requested new money of $2,000.00 into 150-000 Part time Help. Motion to approve made by Mike Price and seconded by Larry Crenshaw. 6 Ayes 1 Absent Motion carries.</p><p>Tim States, Court Administrator, requested new money within the Public Defender Department of $16,045.00 into 310-000 Professional Services. Motion to approve made by Mike Price and seconded by John Bostic. 6 Ayes 1 Absent Motion carries. September 12, 2006</p><p>Mike Hershman, Planning Commission Director, requested new money of $3,000.00 into 220-000 Operating Supplies and new money of $5,000.00 into 310-000 Professional Services. Motion was made to approve the $3,000.00 request and continue the $5,000.00 request by Dan Dykes and seconded by Larry Crenshaw. 6 Ayes 1 Absent Motion carries.</p><p>Nancy Reed, Circuit Court Office Manager, requested new money of $30,019.00 into 310-000 Public Defender Account. Motion to approve made by Mike Price and seconded by Larry Crenshaw. 6 Ayes 1 Absent Motion carries.</p><p>Kathy Stoops- Wright, Auditor, requested new money of $17,000.00 into 310-000 Professional Services. Motion to approve made by Dan Dykes and seconded by Mike Price. 6 Ayes 1 Absent Motion carries.</p><p>The Coroner’s Department requested new money of $10,000.00 into 310-000 Professional Services. Motion to approve made by Dan Dykes and seconded by Mike Price. 6 Ayes 1 Absent Motion carries.</p><p>Jenny Barnes from the Sower of Seeds Rehabilitation Services invited the County Council to an open house to view their facility on October 13, 2006. </p><p>Katherine Holtzleiter, Juvenile Probation Director, requested a Petty Cash Fund be set-up for them in the amount of $100.00. Motion to approve made by Larry Crenshaw and seconded by Gary Gustin. 6 Ayes 1 Absent Motion carries.</p><p>Jerry Bridge, COG, requested the following Food and Beverage Fund recommendations be approved: City of Alexandria $55,000 City of Elwood $81,000 City of Frankton $20,000 $ 5,414 Town of Ingalls $25,000 Town of Lapel $25,000 Madison County $70,000 Town of Markleville $34,000 Town of Orestes $20,000 City of Pendleton $25,000 Town of Summitville $25,000</p><p>Motion was made by Dan Dykes and seconded by Mike Price to approve said recommendations. 6 Ayes 1 Absent Motion carries.</p><p>Mike Taylor from Brockway Glass Co, requested the County Council consider signing a tax abatement for their company. They have to maintain at least 200 jobs and commit to $8,000,000.00 annually in income. Form CF1 must be signed dated May 30, 2006. Motion to approve made by Dan Dykes and seconded by John Bostic. 6 Ayes 1 Absent Motion carries.</p><p>Ludy Watkins, Clerk, requested from the County Council to replace a full time employee. No pay out on this position. Motion to approve made by Gary Gustin and seconded by Mike Price September 12, 2006</p><p>Council approved Resolution No. R4-2006, Resolution Setting Maximum Property Tax Rate and Levy for the Cumulative Bridge Fund for 2007.</p><p>The next County Council meeting will be set for October 10, 2006 at 4:00 p.m.</p><p>There being no further business brought before the Council the meeting was adjourned upon motions made by Dan Dykes and seconded by John Bostic. 6 Ayes 1 Absent Motion carries</p><p>Meeting adjourned. </p>

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