<p>News from CVA Blyth Valley – 18/02/11 </p><p>Contents Northumberland Funding Event - 30 March 2011, Choppington Social Welfare Centre CVA Blyth Valley Training – still places left on our last two advertised courses What’s On in Blyth, Cramlington & Seaton Valley Blyth Citizens Advice Bureau - various info Zumba – latest dance fitness Cramlington Library - Events in Northumberland during World War II NHS Health Trainer Service - 1:1 sessions and small group sessions Women of Wit, Wisdom and Wonder – event 12 March 2011 Community Recycling Network North East (CRNNE) – free project management course Northumberland County Council - Northumberland Economic Strategy Buffalo Community Centre – what’s on Blyth Valley Arts & Leisure – Art e Facts Free Advice and Information Day – 23 February 2011 VONNE - Policy and Representation Partnership - questionnaire Recruitment drop-in for volunteering opportunities with N’land Youth Offending Service</p><p>Funding Information Community Foundation Sportsmatch Community Foundation / Comic Relief The Percy Bilton Charity Woodward Charitable Trust The Big Tree Plant Fund</p><p>______</p><p>Northumberland Funding Event</p><p>This event will take place on:</p><p>Wednesday 30 March 2011, 11:00 am – 7:00 pm at: Choppington Social Welfare Centre, Fernlea Drive (formerly Colliery Road), Scotland Gate, Choppington, Northumberland, NE62 5SR.</p><p>Information regarding the funders attending (and their attendance times) will be posted to members week commencing Monday 21 February 2011, with a booking form and project summary form. As we expect demand to be high we have limited attendance to 2 delegates per organisation / group, with a maximum number of 3 appointments per group, plus one reserve appointment.</p><p>------Ends ------CVA Blyth Valley - Training</p><p>We are able to offer FREE training to community and voluntary groups in Blyth, Cramlington and Seaton Valley. For groups outside this area and statutory organisations the price is £30 per person. Places are limited to 3 places per group / organisation, although additional places may become available. If anyone is interested in attending any of the following courses please contact us on:</p><p>01670 353623 or email [email protected]. </p><p>Fundraising for Beginners The one day interactive workshop is specifically designed for people who have never applied for funding before. It takes you through the basics of: What you need to have in place to make your group fit for funding; Who to apply to; How to apply; Plenty of hints and tips on what makes a good funding application.</p><p>Venue: Briardale Community Centre, Briardale Road, Blyth Day / Time: Tuesday 8 March 2011, 9:30 am—3:30 pm (arrive 9:15 am) Facilitator: Trainer from CVA Blyth Valley Cost: Free, although if not cancelled within 14 days of course, non attendees will incur a £15 admin charge</p><p>Health and Safety Awareness This half day course is designed to give participants an increased understanding of Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, with relevance to working practices within their own organisation. The course covers: Identify their current knowledge of Health & Safety; State their duties under The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and subsequent legislation; Carry out a Risk Assessment; Have an awareness of Accident Prevention.</p><p>Venue: Seaton Delaval Community Centre, (upstairs meeting room) Elsdon Avenue, Seaton Delaval, NE25 0BW Day / Time: Tuesday 15 March 2011, 9:30 am—1:30 pm (arrive 9:15 am) Facilitator: Trainer from Priory Training Cost: Free, although if not cancelled within 14 days of course, non attendees will incur a £15 admin charge incur a £15 admin charge</p><p>------Ends ------</p><p>What’s On in Blyth, Cramlington & Seaton Valley</p><p>To view what’s on in Blyth, Cramlington and Seaton Valley please click here.</p><p>------Ends ------</p><p>Blyth Citizens Advice Bureau Consumer credit rules – important changes The EU Consumer Credit Directive, which comes into force on 1 February, makes some important changes to a client’s rights under the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Key changes include:</p><p> the client’s right to withdraw from a credit agreement the client’s right to settle the agreement early, either by paying the whole amount or part of it (partial early settlement) an obligation on the lender to check credit-worthiness before offering or increasing credit requirements to inform consumers when debts are sold on requirements on credit intermediaries to disclose fees and links to creditors</p><p>Converting incapacity for work benefits into employment and support allowance From 1 February, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) will start its national programme of converting incapacity benefit, severe disablement allowance (SDA), and income support claimed on disability grounds into employment and support allowance (ESA). This means if you get these benefits you will be transferred on to ESA without making a claim for it, and your incapacity benefit, SDA or income support will end. The DWP expects it will take until March 2014 to transfer everyone affected on to ESA. In order for the DWP to convert your benefit into ESA, you must meet most of the conditions of entitlement for ESA, although there are certain differences. For example, if you get incapacity benefit, you will not have to meet the national insurance contribution conditions for contributory ESA. The DWP will convert incapacity benefit and SDA into contributory ESA, and income support into income-related ESA. If you are not entitled to ESA, your benefit will normally stop, and you may have to claim another benefit, for example, jobseeker's allowance.</p><p>If benefit is converted into ESA, the ESA calculation is slightly different. For example, you will not have an initial 13-week period in which your ESA is paid at a lower rate. Instead, you will be entitled to the support component or the work-related activity component from the beginning of entitlement to ESA. ESA may also include an additional amount on conversion known as a transitional addition. This aims to ensure ESA is not less than incapacity benefit, SDA or income support, although the transitional addition reduces over time and will eventually end. We have published a series of short new AdviserNet documents about conversion. We have also amended various existing documents to take account of these changes. Further information can be found at www.adviceguide.org.uk or www.direct.gov.uk or by contacting your local Citizens Advice Bureaux</p><p>Vulnerable workers: information on basic rights The TUC has published the first in a series of newsletters to help vulnerable workers find out more about their basic rights at work. This is available at www.unionlearn.org.uk/extras/newsletter_final.pdf. From next month, there will also be a new website outlining the basic employment rights for different categories of vulnerable workers. Blyth CAB, Eric Tolhurst Centre, 3-13 Quay Road Blyth, NE24 2AS, Tel 01670 367779</p><p>------Ends ------</p><p>Zumba</p><p>Zumba for beginners. The latest dance fitness mix, please click here for further information.</p><p>------Ends ------</p><p>Cramlington Library</p><p>Dr. John Sadler, from the North East Centre for Lifelong Learning, will be giving a presentation on: Events in Northumberland During World War II. at Cramlington Library Thursday 24 February 2011, 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon</p><p>Cost £4 per person including refreshments, contact Cramlington Library on 01670 714371</p><p>------Ends ------</p><p>NHS Health Trainer Service</p><p>NHS Health Trainers are available in your area for 1:1 sessions and small group sessions around the following topics: healthy eating and nutrition, weight management, sensible drinking, smoking and physical activity. If you are concerned about your lifestyle, or just want a few tips on how to be healthier, we can meet you in a local community venue and have an informal chat, you can then decide whether you would like to continue with some sessions.</p><p>The service is completely FREE and CONFIDENTIAL.</p><p>We cannot advise on medication or make medical diagnoses, teach an exercise class, provide counselling or do home visits. We are unable to work with children but could work with a parent or carer to improve family health. </p><p>If you are interested in finding out more about Health Trainers please ring the office on (01670) 784198 to arrange an appointment or have a chat with a Health Trainer about whether the service is suitable for you.</p><p>------Ends ------Women of Wit, Wisdom and Wonder</p><p>To view an event happening on 12 March 2011, Jubilee Hall, Rothbury, Northumberland, please click here.</p><p>------Ends ------</p><p>Community Recycling Network North East (CRNNE)</p><p>Please see attached flyer regarding details of a FREE Project Management course for Third Sector Organisations to be held at The Greenhouse, Stanley on 24 February from 10am - 4pm. Lunch and refreshments are included.</p><p>------Ends ------</p><p>Northumberland County Council</p><p>Northumberland Economic Strategy. </p><p>The strategy can be downloaded from the following website:</p><p> www.nsp.org.uk/economicstrategy</p><p>The strategy sets the vision for Northumberland's economy for the period 2010-2015. It provides the strategic context for regeneration and economic service planning, decision-making and activity, as part of the community planning framework which includes the LDF and the SCS and other principal thematic strategies. </p><p>------Ends ------</p><p>Buffalo Community Centre</p><p>To view what’s on at the Buffalo Community Centre please click here, and to view details about the Craft Club please click here.</p><p>------Ends ------</p><p>Blyth Valley Arts & Leisure</p><p>To view BVAL’s Art e Facts please click here.</p><p>------Ends ------</p><p>Free Advice and Information Day Wednesday 23 February 2011 from10am - 2pm Click here for more information.</p><p>------Ends ------</p><p>Vonne</p><p>The Policy and Representation Partnership was set up in 2009, with the aim of helping the Voluntary and Community Sector to influence public policy.</p><p>Each year we research 6 policy topics, as we approach our third and final year we would like your help to decide the priorities which the Partnership should focus on, after a discussion at the Partnership Board and the Policy Forum a list of potential priorities have been developed. We have now designed a survey which asks you to narrow down the suggestions to give the Partnership a clear picture of what the issues are affecting the VCS.</p><p>To allow us to evaluate our performance to date we have also added questions around our support to allow the VCS to influence policy. Information gathered from this report will be used to agree the policy themes and then gather expressions of interest from VCS organisations to deliver projects which will influence policy around the chosen topics. The survey will take a few minutes to complete so please take the time to do so at:</p><p> http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/7D77FH8</p><p>Deadline for completion of survey is Friday 25 March 2011.</p><p>For more information contact [email protected]</p><p>------Ends ------</p><p>BIG’s North East ebulletin</p><p>To view the Big Lottery Fund’s North East ebulletin for February 2011 please click here.</p><p>------Ends ------</p><p>Recruitment Drop In for Volunteering Opportunities with Northumberland Youth Offending Service Venue: The Point, 45-49 Bowes Street, Blyth, NE24 2BE Date/Time: 24 February 2011, 5.30 - 8pm</p><p>Northumberland County Council have formed a Consortia with Voluntary Sector organisations to offer innovative solutions around Youth Justice.</p><p>Northumberland YOS, Barnardos and Remedi are looking to recruit volunteers to take part in a range of community mentoring and youth justice panel work.</p><p>The expectation is that those interested would commit to a NOCN accredited training programme and negotiate their involvement with the respective lead organization following on from that. With community mentoring there will be the expectation that volunteers will work 1:1 with the young person and feedback into the lead case manager in regards to progress made with the young person. In each aspect of the work the volunteer is supported by a dedicated Volunteer Co-ordinator.</p><p>The Drop In on 24th enables people to come along to find out more, to sign up and have an informal interview – whichever suits you. If you wish to inform us of your attendance in advance or wish to enquire further please contact Jill Archer at Northumberland YOS 01670 852 225.</p><p>------Ends ------</p><p>FUNDING INFORMATION</p><p>Community Foundation</p><p>Call for Applications for Northumberland Young People’s Funds</p><p>Groups for Young People in Northumberland could benefit from grants available from the Northumberland Group Fund and the CNL Young People’s Fund, which are managed by the Community Foundation Tyne & Wear and Northumberland.</p><p>The Northumberland Group Fund aims to enhance educational and employment opportunities for young people. It can award grants up to £5,000 to organisations that support young people to improve their employment skills and assist them to access further educational courses, training and/or employment. </p><p>Groups that have benefited from the Northumberland Group Fund include Alnwick Garden for its ‘Routeways’ Project, People and Drugs in Blyth for drop in workers salaries, Project Northumberland to deliver its training programme in South East Northumberland & the Allen Valley and Get U Started towards its mechanics course also in Blyth. The CNL Young Peoples Fund will support projects to help disadvantaged young people in Northumberland to overcome the barriers to a successful transition to adulthood. Most awards will be in the range £1,000 - £2,000. Some awards of up to £10,000 will be made each year.</p><p>Groups that have benefited from the CNL Young People’s Fund include the Northumberland Association of Clubs for Young People for a Sports & Activity volunteering course, and the Hexham Youth Initiative for its ‘Different Paths’ project.</p><p>Applications for the next round of grants from the funds can be submitted between 1 December 2010 and 25 February 2011 with awards announced in March and April 2011. Guidelines and application forms are available from the Community Foundation’s website www.communityfoundation.org.uk or by calling 0191 222 0945. </p><p>------Ends ------</p><p>Sportsmatch</p><p>Sportsmatch 2011-12 opened to new applications on 17 January 2011 for projects starting after 1 April 2011. The first awards will be made in early April and regular Panel meetings will be held until November. </p><p>The last date for submitting applications is 19 September 2011 - but applicants are advised to apply in plenty of time for when they want their project to start, and competition for funding usually increases towards the end of the year.</p><p>Sportsmatch makes awards to not-for-profit organisations that have secured sponsorship to deliver new community projects to grow or sustain participation in sport. Sportsmatch uses money from the government to encourage new sponsorship of grassroots community sport. Deadline: 19 September 2011 </p><p>For more information please visit:</p><p> http://www.sportengland.org/funding/sportsmatch.aspx or phone 08458 508 508</p><p>------Ends ------</p><p>Community Foundation / Comic Relief</p><p>Community groups in Northumberland, Newcastle, North Tyneside, Gateshead, South Tyneside and Sunderland can now apply to the Community Foundation for Comic Relief’s Red Nose Day Community Cash programme for a grant of between £500 and £1,000 to tackle issues of disadvantage in their area. Small charities, community groups and not-for-profit organisations with an income of less than £50,000 may be able to apply for a grant to undertake work that helps people of all ages feel more included in their community, build their skills and increase their sense of achievement. Please see attached guidelines for more details.</p><p>Please note that application is online only – follow the links on the following website to the Community Cash application form – www.communityfoundation.org.uk</p><p>Closing date is midnight 4 March 2011. Applicants notified of awards/rejections week beginning 18 April 2011.</p><p>------Ends ------</p><p>The Percy Bilton Charity</p><p>The Percy Bilton Charity provides support to organisations that assist disadvantaged young people under the age of 25; people with disabilities and older people (aged 60 and over).</p><p>• Small Grant scheme - grants of up to £500 are available through the towards furnishings and equipment • Large Grant scheme - grants of £2,000 and over are available towards capital expenditure such as furniture and equipment; building/refurbishment projects.</p><p>The charity will also provide urgent one off financial assistance with grants of up to £200 to individuals over 65 on low income; children or adults with a physical/learning disability or serious illness on low income or adults with severe and enduring mental health problem which prevents them from working. These grants can be used towards laundry equipment; cooking appliances; heating appliances; essential furniture, beds & bedding or floor coverings; essential clothing and footwear.</p><p>Applications can be made at any time. For further information please visit:</p><p> http://www.percybiltoncharity.org.uk/index.htm</p><p>------Ends ------</p><p>Woodward Charitable Trust</p><p>The Woodward Charitable Trust is inviting applications from UK registered charities working with or in the areas of:</p><p> social and ethnic minority groups prisoners and ex-offenders homelessness violence and abuse arts outreach; disability the environment. , 9th February 2011 Grants of up to £5,000 are available through their small grants scheme and grants of over £5,000 through their large grants scheme. Every year, the Trust makes about 50 grants through its small grants programme and around 5 awards through its large grants programme. The closing date for applications is the 31st May 2011.</p><p>In addition, the Trust runs a Summer Playscheme Grants Programme. This is open to charities with an income not exceeding £100,000 a year. The closing date for applications for Summer Playschemes is the 1 April 2011.</p><p>For more information please visit:</p><p> http://www.woodwardcharitabletrust.org.uk/index.html</p><p>------Ends ------</p><p>The Big Tree Plant Fund</p><p>The Big Tree Plant Funding Scheme is now open for applications. The Big Tree Plant funding enables organisations to establish community-led tree planting projects in areas that would benefit most. The trees must be planted in streets or in green places that are open to all to visit or where local people will benefit from them. Whoever owns the land must give permission and support to the project, and there must be a plan to care for trees after they are planted. Groups working in areas where more trees would help to improve residents’ quality of life are strongly encouraged to apply for the funding.</p><p>The closing date for applications is 5pm on the 15 March 2011.</p><p>For more information please visit:</p><p> http://www.forestry.gov.uk/forestry/INFD-8BHL6E</p><p>------Ends ------</p><p>Please consider the environment before printing this ezine</p><p>If you no longer require information / news by ezine regarding CVA Blyth Valley please let us know by return of email or phone the number below and we will remove your details from our database.</p><p>CVA Blyth Valley Tel: 01670 353623 / Email: [email protected] Website: www.cvabv.org.uk Thom Bradley - [email protected] Pauline Blake - [email protected] Sybil Pattie - [email protected] Gina Robson - [email protected] Jill Oxnard - [email protected] Nichola Dodds - [email protected] Fiona Wardlaw - [email protected]</p>
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