<p> Managing Query Compilation Memory Consumption to Improve DBMS Throughput</p><p>Boris Baryshnikov, Cipri Clinciu, Conor Cunningham, Leo Giakoumakis, Slava Oks, Stefano Stefani Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052 USA {borisb,ciprianc,conorc,leogia,slavao,stefanis}@microsoft.com</p><p>Abstract In our research we identified compile-intensive ad-hoc workloads that consume enough memory in query While there are known performance trade-offs compilation to disturb the traditional memory between database page buffer pool and query consumption trade-offs between a database page buffer execution memory allocation policies, little has pool and query execution. For these scenarios, overall been written on the impact of query compilation system throughput was significantly reduced due to memory use on overall throughput of the memory thrashing among components. Oftentimes, the database management system (DBMS). We queries in question required so much memory to perform present a new aspect of the query optimization compilation that other components were effectively problem and offer a solution implemented in starved and no other work could proceed. Even if the Microsoft SQL Server 2005. The solution system has enough memory to service multiple provides stable throughput for a range of simultaneous query compilations, allowing all of them to workloads even when memory requests outstrip occur at the same time might not maximize throughput. the ability of the hardware to service those Excessive concurrent compilation memory usage steals a requests. significant number of pages from the database page buffer pool and causes increased physical I/O, reduces memory 1. Introduction for efficient query execution, and causes excessive eviction of compiled plans from the plan cache (forcing Memory Management is a critical component of DBMS additional compilation CPU load in the future). The performance. In modern systems, memory trade-offs are interplay of these memory consumers is complex and has far more complex than the classic problems of database not been adequately studied. page buffer management or reserving memory for hashes and sorts during query execution [5]. Current systems use In this paper we present a solution to the above problem more ad-hoc queries that make query compilation by providing a robust query compilation planning memory more important in memory reservation policies. mechanism that handles diverse classes of workloads, Furthermore, these ad-hoc deployments make it harder to prevents memory starvation due to many concurrent query provision hardware, and thus they are more often run at or compilations, and dynamically adjusts to load to make beyond the capabilities of the underlying hardware. This intelligent memory trade-offs for multiple DBMS requires intelligent trade-offs among other memory subcomponents that improve overall system reliability consumers in a DBMS, as every byte consumed in query and throughput. This solution has been implemented and compilation, query plan caches, or other components tested against Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and is part of effectively reduces the available memory for caching data the final product. pages or executing queries. As DBMS become more complex, it becomes harder to reason about the impact of memory use on overall throughput effectively. 2. Memory Influence on Performance While a number of papers have addressed trade-offs between buffer and query execution memory ([2], [5]), no</p><p>Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. CIDR ’07, Jan 7–10, 2007, Asilomar, CA, USA. Copyright 2007 ACM 1-58113-000-0/00/0004…$5.00. work has covered the impact of memory consumption query execution performance. Often, the local code for from query compilation on system throughput. In this memory allocation in each subcomponent is not written to paper, we demonstrate that query compilation can impact be aware that memory will likely come from another system performance through its memory consumption for subcomponent or to recognize the value of that memory large workloads and that steps can be taken to mitigate the use compared to the current memory request. Poor negative impacts of memory starvation on system consideration of the value of the memory utilized in each throughput. As many DBMS installations run on subcomponent can cause a heavily-loaded system to dedicated hardware, the rest of this paper will assume, for become unbalanced and perform sub-optimally. simplicity, that almost all physical memory is available to the DBMS and that it is the only significant memory- Query compilation (and, more specifically, query consuming process being run on the hardware. optimization) consumes memory differently than other DBMS subcomponents. Many modern optimizers 2.1 DBMS Subcomponent Memory Use consider a number of functionally equivalent alternatives Multiple subcomponents in a DBMS consume memory as and choose the final plan based on an estimated cost part of normal operations. In addition to the obvious function. This entire process uses memory to store the consumers of memory such as buffer pools and query different alternatives for the duration of the optimization execution memory, modern DBMS have multiple kinds of process. Some optimizers contain memory-saving caches and very complex queries that are difficult to structures (such as the Memo in the Cascades Framework optimize. As the number of memory-consuming [4] used in Microsoft SQL Server) to detect duplicates subcomponents within a DBMS has increased over time, and avoid exploring any portion of the query plan space the policies used to manage their interactions can be more than once. Even with such structures, the memory difficult to tune. For example, if a new query attempts to consumed during optimization is closely related to the allocate memory to execute, it may need to steal memory number of considered alternatives. For an arbitrary query, from another subcomponent. Should it take memory from the total memory consumed during optimization may be the buffer pool or from the compiled plan cache? Perhaps large and hard to predict. This makes it difficult to other caches, such as over metadata or cached security understand memory consumption performance trade-offs tokens would be more efficient. Since a server DBMS is in relation to other DBMS subcomponents. While work often under memory pressure, these implementation has been done on dynamic query optimization, where the policy choices can significantly impact overall system number of considered alternatives (and thus the amount of performance. memory consumed) is related to the estimated cost function for the query, no work, to our knowledge, has Within a DBMS, it is possible for a subcomponent to been done on the value of consuming more memory respond to memory pressure by releasing unneeded or optimizing a query in a memory-constrained workload. “less valuable” memory. Caches can often be freed and 2.2 DBMS Design vs. System Throughput repopulated later, and buffer pool memory works similarly. However, other subcomponents may or may Modern x86-based systems have 32-bit address spaces, not be architected to quickly respond to memory pressure. and this poses limits on the available size of the memory When such approaches are insufficient to meet memory available to a DBMS when implemented within a single needs, the server reaches a “memory deadlock”, and some process. The common-case on the Windows 2003 Server user operation is terminated to reduce memory pressure operating system limits a process to 2GB of virtual and allow others to proceed. Each DBMS subcomponent address space (3GB is possible with restrictions). Of this, uses memory differently, and this can impact the roughly a quarter is needed for process-management tasks heuristics and policies required to maximize overall such as thread stacks, mapping DLLs into the process, etc. performance. For example, a database page buffer pool While techniques (AWE mapping) exist to allow some caches disk pages for more efficient access to data. The subcomponents, such as the buffer pool, to remap pages in buffer pool would prefer to consume all available free and out of the address space, this is generally difficult to memory that is not in use elsewhere to cache pages, as use for complex structures with pointers. In effect, this this has the potential to save future disk I/O costs. Query places a practical limit for a server process about 1.5GB execution uses memory to speed sorts, spools, and hash of memory. operations. This component can often reserve memory at the start of a query execution for its operations, spilling to The combination of limited memory/virtual address space disk if its reservation is too small. Modern DBMS also and a diverse set of memory consumers poses challenges can have a number of caches for compiled plans, and the to the DBMS implementer when trying to guarantee good size of each of these caches must be valued against the use of that memory for caching data pages or improving system throughput1. A naïve approach of placing caps on The Memory Broker monitors the total memory usage of each memory subcomponent to avoid memory starvation each subcomponent and predicts future memory usage by does not always work due to the varied nature of identifying trends. If the system is not using all available workloads and the inability of the system to plan for work physical memory, no action is taken and the system in the future without additional guidance from the user. behaves as if the Memory Broker were not there. If the As an example, if one limits the amount of memory any future memory total is expected to exceed the available single query can use to execute to 50% of the total physical memory, the broker predicts the actual amount of available memory, then no single query can monopolize physical memory that the subcomponent should be able to all system resources for a long period of time. allocate (accounting for requests from other Unfortunately, if the workload only consists of one single, subcomponents). The broker also sends notifications to long-running query, the system does not perform as well each subcomponent with its predicted and target memory as it might if that query could consume all memory during numbers and informs that subcomponent whether it can its execution. continue to consume memory, whether it can safely allocate at its current rate, or whether it needs to release Even within a subcomponent, memory allocation policies memory. The computation of target memory amounts and can be difficult to tune to achieve system stability. For the notification of each subcomponent can happen several example, if many large queries are compiling times a second. In our implementation, the overhead of simultaneously, each compilation can consume a this mechanism is extremely small. It is still possible to significant fraction of system memory. Two query have out-of-memory errors if many subcomponents compilations can deadlock each other if both are waiting attempt to grow simultaneously. The system relies on the for memory consumed by another compilation. Even if ability of various subcomponents to make intelligent the system aborts most of these queries to allow a few to decisions about the value of optional memory allocations, complete, those aborted queries may be resubmitted to the free unneeded or low-value memory, and reduce the rate system by client code. of memory allocations over time.</p><p>In absence of a central controlling mechanism, the overall The Memory Broker provides an indirect communication system will likely either not perform well or not be stable channel for one subcomponent to learn about the overall in all situations. Making proper decisions to receive, memory pressure on the system. It also helps to mitigate evaluate, and arbitrate requests for memory amongst “wild” swings in subcomponent memory allocations and multiple consumers can improve system stability and tends to make the overall DBMS behave more reliably by increase throughput, even when the system is running at reducing probability of aborting long-running operations or beyond the capabilities of the hardware. This approach such as compiling and/or executing a query. is described in more detail in the following section. DBMS subcomponents impose different requirements on 3. Memory Broker a memory subsystem through their usage patterns that can impact how the Memory Broker operates. For example, We propose a “Memory Broker” to manage the physical the database page buffer pool contains data pages that memory allocated to DBMS subcomponents. The broker have been loaded from disk. Replacement policies can be accounts for the memory allocated by each used to remove older pages to load currently needed subcomponent, recognizes trends in allocation patterns, pages, but they can also be used to enable the buffer pool and provides the mechanisms to enforce policies for to identify candidates necessary to shrink its size. The resolving contention both within and among value of each page in memory is a function of the simple subcomponents. This subcomponent enables a DBMS to replacement cost (i.e. a random I/O to re-read the page) make better global decisions about how to manage plus some value based on the probability that this page memory and ultimately achieve improved throughput. will be used again in the near future. Other caches can support shrinking using the same technique. </p><p>The memory consumed during query execution is usually 1 In DBMS where separate processes are used for each predictable since many of the largest allocations can be subcomponent, memory trade-off choices between/among made using early, high-level decisions at the start of the components are just being performed by the operating system execution of a query. For example, the size of a hash instead of the DBMS implementer. While we have not table can often be predicted based on by-products of the performed experiments on such a configuration, we expect cardinality estimates used in a cost-based optimization that there would be opportunities to improve performance if process, and this memory can be allocated once for the hints or other techniques were used to influence the operating system scheduling/page allocation decisions. whole hash table at the start of a query execution. Unlike caches, however, the execution of queries may require memory pressure. In this section, we describe a query that memory be allocated for the duration of the query. compilation planning mechanism that handles multiple Therefore, the subcomponent may be less capable to classes of workload goals, dynamically adjusts to system respond to memory pressure from a Memory Broker at memory pressure, and interacts with the dynamic any specific time. However, it can potentially respond to programming algorithms used in many modern optimizers memory pressure based on the shape of the query and the to make intelligent decisions about memory use during relative position of the operators being executed. A the compilation process. This system improves overall “stop-and-go” operator (where all input rows are system throughput and reduces resource errors returned to consumed before output rows are returned), such as a sort, clients when the system is under memory pressure. can be used to identify sections of a query plan that are not needed after the sort is materialized. If earlier 4.1 Solution Overview operations in a query execution plan, such as a hash join, We propose a query compilation throttling solution that have completed their work, it may be possible to return responds to memory pressure by changing the rate at that memory to the system in response to notifications which compilations proceed. If we assume that memory from the Memory Broker. Optional caches and spools in use roughly grows with compilation time, throttling at a query plan is another area where dynamic memory least some compilations restricts the overall memory choices could be made based on memory load. These usage by the query optimization subcomponent and can operators can be written to make them use memory improve the system throughput. Blocked compilations dynamically based on what is available to the system at wait for resources to become available before continuing. the time that they are run. Other techniques, such as If the compilation of a query remains blocked for an queuing execution requests until memory can be reserved, excessively long period of time, its transaction is aborted can also be used to limit the rates at which memory is with a “timeout” error returned to the client. Properly consumed by this subcomponent. The introduction of tuned, this approach allows the DBMS implementer to memory subcomponent prediction, memory targets, and achieve a balance between out-of-memory errors and notifications enable subcomponents to react to memory throttle-induced timeouts for a variety of workloads. Our pressure dynamically and proactively before out-of- approach gives preference to compilations that have made memory conditions are required. the most progress and avoids many cases where a compilation is aborted after completing most, but not all, Query compilation also uses memory in ways interesting of the compilation process. to a Memory Broker component, and this is discussed in detail in the next section. Figure 1 Memory Monitors 4. Query Compilation Throttling 1 Size ↓ as load ↑ Query compilation consumes memory as a function of Max # of queries and vice versa allowed after Large both the size of the query tree structure and number of given monitor ↓↑ alternatives considered. Beyond dynamic optimization,</p><p> t which has traditionally been based on estimated query #CPUs u o s e e m</p><p> runtime and not memory needs, there are no published s i t a Medium monitor </p><p>↓↑ r e techniques to avoid memory use during query compilation r o t c i n n for standard approaches. i o</p><p>#CPUs x 4 M</p><p>Our analysis of actual compile-intensive workloads Small monitor fixed showed that high memory consumption is typically caused by several medium/large concurrent ad hoc No limit compilations in a workload instead of one or few very large queries. This makes intuitive sense, as DBMS users writing large queries probably realize that they are writing a large query and may take steps to isolate those from Blocking is implemented through a series of monitors that other queries. Many smaller queries pose a more are acquired during compilation. The blocking is tied to significant challenge, as each query appears reasonable to the amount of memory allocated by the task instead of the author. While it may not be easy (or desirable) to specific points during the query compilation process. As modify the main optimization algorithm to account for different optimization alternatives and techniques may memory pressure, it is possible to change the rate at consume different amounts of memory, this approach which concurrent optimizations proceed to respond to handles both differing optimization techniques and remains stable as code changes over multiple software compilation time overhead of the mechanism. Query releases. This provides a more robust mechanism to compilations that consume less memory than the first control the impact of compilation on overall system monitor threshold proceed unblocked. The first threshold memory load over a wide variety of schema designs and is configured differently for each supported platform workload categories. These monitors contain architecture to allow a series of small diagnostic queries progressively higher memory thresholds and to proceed without acquisition of the first (smallest) progressively lower limits on the number of allowed monitor. This enables an administrator to run diagnostic concurrent compilations as illustrated in Figure 1. The queries even if the system is overloaded with queries monitors are acquired sequentially by a compilation as consuming every available ‘slot’ in the memory monitors. memory usage for that task increases and are released in The first monitor allows four concurrent compilations per reverse order if memory use decreases during compilation CPU and is used to govern “small” queries. Typically, or at the end of the compilation process. If memory is not most OLTP-class queries would fall into this category. available at the time of acquisition, the compilation The second monitor is required for larger queries, process is blocked until memory becomes available when allowing one per CPU. Many TPC-H queries, which other compilations, executions, or memory requests require the consideration of many alternatives, would be elsewhere in the system are completed. A timeout in this category. The final governs the largest queries and mechanism is used (with increasing timeouts for later allows only one at a time to proceed. This class of query monitors) to return an error to the user if the system is so uses a sizable fraction of total available memory on the overloaded that a compilation does not make any progress system. The largest memory-consuming queries are for a long period of time. serialized to avoid starvation of other subcomponents and allow the query to complete compilation. This approach Restraining compilations effectively avoids some cases allows us to restrict compilation, in most cases, to a where many simultaneous compilations consume a reasonable faction of total memory and allow other disproportionately high fraction of the available physical subcomponents to acquire memory. memory. Since memory is a scarce resource, preserving some fraction of it for use by the database page buffer Figure 3 Compilation Throttling Example pool and query execution allows these components to blocked</p><p> more efficiently perform their functions. Blocking some e Q1 Q3 s</p><p> queries can reduce the need for other subcomponents to U</p><p> y return memory from caches if many large, concurrent r o compilations occur. This can spread memory use over m e time instead of requiring other subcomponents to release M Q2 completes, memory. The intended goals of this approach are to memory released improve maximum throughput and to enable that throughput to work for larger client loads on the system, as outlined in Figure 2.</p><p>Figure 2 Expected Throttling Results</p><p>Goal 1: Higher Max Time Throughput No Throttling Figure 3 contains a simplified example to describe how</p><p> t Throttled u query compilation throttling might work in practice. In p h</p><p> g this example, Q1 and Q2 start compiling at approximately u o r Goal 2: Throughput h the same time. However, Q1 consumes memory at a T Continues for faster rate than Q2. This could occur if the query was Higher Load larger, the tables contained more complex schemas, or perhaps that thread of control received more time to execute. Q1 then blocks at the first monitor, as denoted by the first flat portion of the graph of Q1’s memory use. Load This occurred because other queries (not shown in the example) were consuming enough resources to induce Our implementation uses three monitors. Experimental throttling. Once enough memory is available, Q1 analysis showed that dividing query compilations into continues, blocks again at the next monitor, eventually is four memory usage categories balanced the need to allowed to continue, and finally finishes compilation. At handle different classes of workloads and limiting the the end of compilation, memory used in the process is freed and the query plan is ready for execution. Q2 Another extension to our solution leverages the executes in a similar manner. It waits much longer to notification mechanisms to determine that the system will acquire the first monitor (meaning that the system is under likely run out of memory before an individual compilation more memory pressure or that other compilations are completes. When this happens, we can return the best concurrently executing and using memory). Q2 finishes plan from the set of already explored plans instead of and frees memory, but it did not require as much memory simply returning out-of-memory errors. As not all query as Q1 to compile. In this example, Q3 is actually blocked plans are efficient, we reserve this approach to very by Q2 and only proceeds once Q2 is finished and releases expensive queries that consume a relatively large fraction its resources. From the perspective of the subcomponent of total available memory during compilation. While author, the only perceptible difference in this process there is no strict guarantee that picking a sub-optimal plan from a traditional, unblocked system is that the thread will be better than an out-of-memory error for a large sometimes receives less time for its work. The individual query, in practice we found that this often would improve thread scheduling choices are made by the system based overall throughput. By restricting this to late in the on global goals that effectively prioritize earlier over later optimization process, it is more likely that at least one compiles when making scheduling (and thus allocation) reasonable plan has been found already because most of decisions. the search space has been explored. Additionally, modern dynamic optimizers may place more speculative optimization alternatives late in the process, so skipping these may not, on average, be as bad as more “core” 4.2 Extensions optimizations to the average query. We have extended this approach with two novel extensions. First, we have made the monitor memory Both techniques allow the system to better handle low- thresholds for the larger gateways dynamic. In our memory conditions. experiments, some customer workloads perform best with different gateway values. In other words, the relative 5. Experimental Results balance of optimal subcomponent memory use is not Standard database benchmarks (TPC-H, TPC-C [6]) constant across all workloads. For example, one contain queries with moderate or small memory workload may use a fixed set of queries that rarely need to requirements to compile. Large decision support systems be compiled, while another workload may only use run queries with much higher complexity and resource dynamic, ad-hoc SQL statements. The impact from these requirements. To evaluate our solution, we developed a workloads on compilation memory would be very performance benchmark based on a product sales analysis different. application created by a SQL Server 2005 customer. For the purposes of this paper, we will refer to that benchmark Our solution acts upon this realization using the broker as the SALES benchmark. memory target. This allows the system to throttle compilation memory more aggressively when other 5.1 SALES Benchmark subcomponents are heavily using memory, making the system even more responsive to memory pressure. The The SALES application is a Decision Support System thresholds are computed attempting to divide the overall (DSS) which uses a large data warehouse to store data query compilation target memory across the categories from product sales across the world. This application identified by the monitors. For example, the second submits almost exclusively ad-hoc queries over monitor threshold is computed as [target] * F / S, where F significant fractions of the data. Many users can submit and S are respectively the fraction of the target allotted to queries simultaneously. The customer runs a number of and the current number of small query compilations. In large-CPU systems over read-only copies of their other words, small queries together can consume up the F database at or near capacity to handle their user query fraction of the target, after which the top memory load due to their unpredictable, ad-hoc workload. consumers are forced to upgrade to the medium category. The values of the F fractions were identified with a long The SALES benchmark uses a somewhat typical data process of tuning and experimentation against several warehouse schema, meaning that it has a large fact table actual workloads. In effect, this is allows query and a number of smaller dimension tables. The largest compilation memory to throttle even more compilations fact table from the database contains over 400 million than the base algorithm intended for situations where rows. An “average” query in this benchmark contains other subcomponents are memory-constrained. between 15 and 20 joins and computes aggregate(s) on the join results. As a comparison, TPC-H queries contain between 0 and 8 joins with similar numbers of indexes per table. The data mart in our experiments contains a database users who submit queries to the database server. snapshot of the data from the customer’s application and For these experiments, we use a server with 8 Intel Xeon is 524 GB in size. (32-bit) 700 MHz x86-based processors and 4GB of main memory. The server is using 8 SCSI-II 72GB disks We executed this benchmark against SQL Server 2005. It configured in as a single RAID-0 drive array on a 2- features dynamic optimization, meaning that the time channel, 160 MB/channel Ultra3/Ultra2 SCSI controller. spent optimizing a query is a function of the estimated The software on the machine is Microsoft Windows 2003 cost of the query. Therefore, more expensive queries Enterprise Edition SP 1 and Microsoft SQL Server 2005. receive more optimization time. In our experiments, the This system is a typical medium-large server installation queries in the SALES benchmark use one to two orders of and should reasonably reflect the hardware on which magnitude more memory than TPC-H queries of similar scaling problems are currently being seen in DBMS scale. installations today.</p><p>Our benchmark models the basic functionality of the Queries in this benchmark generally compile for 10-90 application and contains 10 complex queries that are seconds and execute for 30 seconds to 10 minutes. In representative of the workload. To simulate the large each subcomponent, these queries consume nontrivial number of unique query compilations, our load generator amounts of memory to compile and execute. They also modifies each base query before it is submitted to the access large fractions of the database and thus put database server to make it appear unique [7] and to defeat pressure on the database page buffer pool. Therefore, plan-caching features in the DBMS. these subcomponents are actively competing for memory during the execution of this benchmark. Failed queries are This is an example of a typical query tree in the SALES retried up to 15 times by the client application to mimic Benchmark: the customer behavior. The probability that a query will be aborted due to memory shortages is high, and the cost Figure 4 Typical SALES Query Tree of each failure is also high (as the work will be retried).</p><p>Project This places a high value on biasing resource use towards those operations likely to succeed on the first attempt. </p><p>Top Our experiments measure the throughput and reliability of the DBMS while running both at and beyond the Aggregate capabilities of the hardware. “Throughput” in this context means the number of queries successfully completed per Inner Join unit of time. Through experimentation, we determined that this benchmark produces maximum throughput with Inner Join Project 30 clients on this hardware configuration. Throughput is reduced with fewer users. Increasing the number of users Inner Join Dimension5 Left Join beyond 30 saturates the server and causes some operations to fail due to resource limitations. To measure Inner Join Dimension4 Dimension6 Dimension7 the effect of running the system under memory pressure, we performed experiments using 30, 35, and 40 clients. Inner Join Project The benchmark imposes extreme loads on the server, and Inner Join Project Dimension3 it takes some time for the various structures in each subcomponent to warm up and become stable enough to Fact Dimension1 Dimension2 measure results. The results presented in this section do not include this warm-up period and the data starts at an intermediate time index. There is some fluctuation in the In the benchmark, we define a limit for the response time numbers reported because of the different sizes of the of each query based on the original customer queries being executed and the non-deterministic requirements. Benchmark runs which violate these interplay of a number of different clients attempting to response time limits are considered invalid. proceed at once in a complex system. Experiments were run multiple times, and the results were repeatable for all 5.2 Execution Environment/Results types of runs presented. We execute the SALES benchmark using a custom load generator which simulates a number of concurrent 5.2.1 Throughput Results Figure 7 Throughput - 40 clients</p><p>Figure 5 presents throughput results for the query Successful Queries/Time (40 clients) workload for 30 clients. For each graph, the darker line 35 with diamond points represents the results when throttling 30</p><p> was enabled. The lighter line with square points s</p><p> e 25 i r e</p><p> represents the non-throttled data. The points represent the u</p><p>Q 20</p><p> d e</p><p> number of successful query completions since the last t e</p><p> l 15 p</p><p> point in time. m o</p><p>C 10</p><p>Throttling improves overall throughput by approximately 5 35% for the 30 client case, allowing a sustained 0 10800 14400 18000 21600 25200 28800 completion of 30-40 queries per time slice in the Time (Seconds) benchmark. Un-throttled compilations in this benchmark will consume most available memory on the machine and starve query execution memory and the buffer pool. Since the data volumes are very large in this benchmark, Throttling also helps the 35 and 40 client cases. As almost every complex execution operation is performed visible in Figure 6 and Figure 7, the throughput is lower via hashing. Therefore, each query execution is bound by in each of these cases when compared to the 30 client the maximum size of these hash tables and the CPU work case. However, throttling still improves throughput for a required to build and probe these structures. given number of clients for each of these client loads. 5.2.2 Reliability Results We also measured the percentage of successful query Figure 5 Throughput - 30 clients attempts in the system. This is a metric of the probability of any given query compilation/execution attempt will Successful Queries/Time (30 Clients) succeed. Retries are counted as separate submissions in 40 this approach. As was the case in the previous section, the 35 darker diamond line represents the results when throttling</p><p>30 s is enabled, while the lighter line with square points e i r e 25 u represents the results when throttling is not enabled. The Q</p><p> d</p><p> e 20 t graphs shown in Figures 8-10 represent the 30, 35, and 40 e l p 15 m client runs seen in the previous section. o C 10</p><p>5 Figure 8 Reliability - 30 clients</p><p>0 10800 14400 18000 21600 25200 28800 Success Percentage/Time Time (Seconds)</p><p>120</p><p>Figure 6 Throughput - 35 clients 100 l u f 80 Successful Queries/Time (35 clients) s s e c c</p><p>40 u 60 S</p><p> t</p><p>35 n e c r 40 e</p><p> s 30 P e i r e</p><p> u 25 20 Q</p><p> d</p><p> e 20 t e l</p><p> p 0 15 m</p><p> o 10800 14400 18000 21600 25200 28800 C 10 Time (Seconds)</p><p>5</p><p>0 10800 14400 18000 21600 25200 28800 Time (Seconds) Figure 9 Reliability - 35 clients As additional clients are added to the system, the stress on the system is increased and the probability of any Success Percentage/Time individual query failing also increases (either in 120 compilation or execution). We can see this in the results shown in Figure 9 and Figure 10. The percentage of 100 failures starts to increase as the system aborts operations l u f 80 s to free memory. The system also starts to behave less s e c c reliably once we increase the load substantially. Figure u 60 S</p><p> t</p><p> n 10 is representative of the issue – over time, the system e c r 40 e may abort no queries or most queries as it tries to service P</p><p>20 the requests. However, throttling does improve the odds that a query is completed successfully, even under more 0 extreme memory loads. We conclude that this approach 10800 14400 18000 21600 25200 28800 Time (Seconds) helps in achieving the goals outlined in Figure 2 by improving throughput for regular operations and allowing Figure 10 Reliability - 40 clients the system to maintain some of these gains over more</p><p>Success Percentage/Time extreme loads for this class of application.</p><p>120 6. Related Work 100 l</p><p> u Much work has been done on database page buffer pool f 80 s s</p><p> e allocation/replacement strategies and execution/buffer c c</p><p> u 60 S</p><p> pool trade-offs, however neither of these works t n e c r 40 specifically address compilation memory or memory from e P other DBMS caches. [2] and [5] are representative of the 20 field. [5] discusses the trade-offs associated with query</p><p>0 execution memory and buffer pool memory. [2] covers 10800 14400 18000 21600 25200 28800 different execution classes for different kinds of queries Time (Seconds) and fairness across queries. [3] discusses the integration of cache state into query optimization. [1] covers the The 30 client run demonstrates that both versions concept of cross-query plan fragment sharing. complete almost all operations without error once the system has reached a steady state. The non-throttled version has an occasional but infrequent error, and this 7. Conclusions shows that 30 clients represents the limit for the non- We introduce a new form of memory/performance trade- throttled approach on this hardware configuration. off related to many concurrent query compilations and Interestingly, the throughput numbers are still higher in determine that using excessive amounts of memory in a the throttled code. This leads us to believe that the errors DBMS subcomponent can impact overall system are not the significant reason for the difference in performance. By making incremental memory allocations performance, at least in the 30 client case. We conclude more “expensive”, we can introduce a notion of cost for that this is likely related to resource allocations such as each DBMS subcomponent that enables more intelligent memory. heuristics and trade-offs to improve overall system performance. Our approach utilizes a series of monitors that restrict the future memory allocations of query compilations, effectively slowing their progress. </p><p>In our experiments, we demonstrate that throttling query compilations can improve overall system throughput by restricting compilation memory use to a smaller fraction of overall memory, even in ad-hoc workloads. This improves overall throughput and increases service reliability, even under loads beyond the capability of the hardware. In our experiments, we were able to improve system throughput by 35%. 8. References [1] Mehta, M., Soloviev, V., and DeWitt, D. Batch Scheduling in Parallel Database Systems. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) 1993. 400-410. [2] Mehta, M. and DeWitt, D. Dynamic Memory Allocation for Multiple Query Workloads. Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB) 1993. [3] Cornell, D. and Yu, P. 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