<p> Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC) at Oasis Academy Foundry</p><p>What is SMSC?</p><p>SMSC develops a child’s self-esteem and confidence through a range of opportunities which might occur both within and outside the classroom, in terms of: teaching that encourages participation, creativity, reflection and independence; assessment and feedback that values the students work and/or effort; and activities that develop teamwork, leadership skills and self-reliance. </p><p>How each area is defined:</p><p>Pupils’ spiritual development is shown in their: • Beliefs, religious or otherwise, which form their perspective on life and their interest in the respect from different people’s feelings and values • Sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them, including the intangible • Use of imagination and creativity in their learning • Willingness to reflect on their experiences.</p><p>Pupils’ moral development is shown by their: • Ability to recognise the difference between right and wrong and their readiness to apply this understanding in their own lives • Understanding the consequences of their actions • Interest in investigating, and offering reasoned views about, moral and ethical issues.</p><p>Pupils’ social development is shown by their: • Use of a range of skills in different contexts, including working and socialising with pupils from different religious, ethnic and socio economic backgrounds • Willingness to participate in a variety of social settings, cooperating well with others and being able to resolve conflicts effectively • Interest in, and understanding of, the way communities and societies function at a variety of levels Pupils’ cultural development is shown by their: • Understanding and appreciation of the wide range of cultural influences that have shaped their own heritage • Willingness to participate in, and respond to, for example, artistic, musical, sporting, mathematical, technological, scientific and cultural opportunities • Interest in exploring, understanding of, and respect for cultural diversity and the extent to which they understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity, as shown by their attitudes towards different religious, ethnic and socio economic groups in the local, national and global communities.</p><p>At Oasis Academy Foundry, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development are threads which pervade our curriculum and are embedded in our school ethos. Our curriculum promotes deeper thinking and strives to improve pupils understanding of a wide range of different peoples’, communities and cultures. Pupils’ are encouraged to share differing perspectives and value each other’s contributions to the school, community and wider world. Our RE Curriculum – Reimaging RE is just one component of the holistic mission of Oasis, offering opportunities to achieve by building a broad minded and open hearted community where each person is valued and where the fundamental questions of life which religions and beliefs address are explored thoughtfully. Our Cornerstones curriculum offers many opportunities for pupils to learn about themselves and others in the context of the world around them. Pupils undertake activities, creative and active, which encourage the development of their imaginations and deepen thinking. Pupils are encouraged to share and reflect on their own life experiences and views for example, pupils consider the spiritual beliefs behind the concepts of charity and giving. </p><p>Children are given opportunities to think about and debate moral issues discussing different perspectives and what could be considered right and wrong. Pupils are encouraged to investigate and offer their opinions on a wide range of issues including those raised in the news.</p><p>Oasis Academy Foundry is a rich and diverse school with pupils from many different social, economic, cultural and religious backgrounds. Children are encouraged to treat all with respect. They learn about the importance of working together, resolving issues and conflicts in a way that does not humiliate but affirms the positive. Children have the opportunity to be role models, setting examples for each other, and helping newly arrived pupils settle into the school. This shared responsibility develops social skills and helps pupils see how they can positively impact upon the lives of individuals. The cultural diversity of Oasis Academy Foundry offers a range of opportunities which are used well in promoting cultural development. The Cornerstones curriculum is based upon community and pupil needs. We celebrate our cultural heritage by looking at how migration has impacted upon our lives. The children understand what it is to be British and part of a global community. They are taught about how their life stories are interwoven into the history and culture of Britain today.</p><p>Enrichment opportunities at Oasis Academy Foundry which promote, teach and enhance the development of SMSC</p><p>Examples include:</p><p>Handsworth Young Pupils chosen to represent the school at YPP. This involves Peoples’ Parliament meetings at the council house, university and a visit to the Houses of Parliament to question our MP School Council Pupils elected by their peers to represent their class. Meetings are held and issues discussed for example councillors involved in designing the playgrounds, councillors re-designed school dinner menus Sports Coach Our sports coach is also a candidate for the 2016 Olympics He inspires our children to achieve their goals through embedding good sportsmanship qualities to help our children deal with their emotional issues. Links to Oasis India Pupils write to children at our sister Academy in India. This gives the children an insight into life in a different locality. Curriculum Enrichment The children are exposed to many enrichment activities such Activities as visits to the The Tate modern in London, The Butterfly Farm in Stratford, The Welsh Assembly and Outdoor Pursuits Centres in order to experience residential life</p><p>British Commonwealth Visit from the famous athlete Meghan Beasley in order to Athelete Inspire our children to achieve their goals in life. Black History Week This event is celebrated by hosting speakers, storytellers, artist, musicians and actors to come and share their stories, heritage and traditions. Festivals and Each year we celebrate the major festivals in school. We Celebrations hold for example special Eid, Diwali, Christmas, Chinese New Year and Vaisakhi assemblies led by the children. We also celebrate events happening locally and nationally such as the Olympics and World Cup. Anti-bullying Week The children carry out special activities, learn about conflict resolution and peacemakers. The week culminates in a balloon launch. The children attach anti bullying messages to the strings Fundraising Events We are involved in a number of fundraising events throughout the year. These may be national events such as Children in Need or responding to appeal by our Sister School in India. They may also be charities requested by children or staff such as Breast Cancer care. Business Enterprise Business Enterprise activities are held in conjunction with commercial sponsors in order to promote enterprise initiatives</p><p>Year 6 Graduation Each year a very special graduation ceremony is held for our Year 6 pupils. This celebrates their successes and encourages them to go on to higher education, gaining degrees themselves. Excel Schools Pupils are invited to take part in a range of different classes during the school holidays. These include Excel Maths and Excel English. Pupils work alongside children from other schools in the area, building relationships ready for secondary school. G&T at KEHS King A group of pupils attend KEHS (fee paying school) to work Edwards High School, alongside their pupils learning subjects such as Science, Edgbaston Maths, Latin and Archery. National Oasis Futsal Our pupils are involved in the national futsal competition Competition which culminates in matches at the national futsal centre in Hockley.</p><p>How SMSC is embedded in the Oasis Academy Foundry’s Cornerstones Curriculum.</p><p>Year Cornerstones SPIRITUAL MORAL SOCIAL CULTURAL Term ILP Y1 Dinosaur Planet Children share Recognise Recognise, Name and locate AT1 their opinions what they like name and deal world’s seven on things that and dislike, with their continents and matter to them what is fair feelings in a five oceans. and explain and unfair, and positive way. Understand how their views. what is right significant and wrong. events shape our world nationally and globally.</p><p>Y1 Superheroes Understand Know what Think about Learn how our AT2 what safety is rules are and themselves, contribution to and identify abide by them. learn from school life and how people To realise that their society can help can help us. actions have experiences to create a consequences and recognise peaceful recognise the what they are environment. difference good at. between right and wrong. To make the right choices to ensure a safe environment. Learn how to set simple goals. Y1 Rio De Vida To identify and To identify Understand To realise that SP1 respect the their differences, they belong to differences and likes/dislikes, learn what is various groups similarities fair/unfair/righ perceived as and between t /wrong. fair and communities people. unfair? such as school, family and community, special times and differences in climate.</p><p>Y1 Paws, Claws Think about Realise people Caring for Different SP2 And Whiskers likes and and living animals. environments dislikes, things have and climates are creation and responsibilities suited to a created. and begin to variety of see how we animals. can meet them. To Identify and classify different animals and environments.</p><p>Y1 Bright Lights Meet and talk Making right Learn that To compare and SUM Big City to different choices. British values contrast 1 people underpin social geographical -religious rules and differences leaders, nurses, expectations. between UK and police officers. a non-European country. Y1 Splendid Skies To observe What can we Understand Learn about SUM changes. do to protect why and how significant 2 To describe our things have individuals from differences and environment? changed. the past that similarities contribute to between national and practices and international disciplines and achievements. make links with their own work.</p><p>Y2 Land Ahoy Feeling Recognise Take part in Recognising AT1 positive about choices they discussions similarities themselves. can make, and with one other between people recognise the person and the from different difference whole class. places. between right and wrong. Y2 Music can To share and To share Celebrating AT2 Beat Band change how listen to each viewpoints and Music from Boogie you feel. other’s evaluate different viewpoints. arguments and cultures. debates </p><p>Y2 Street Learn about Keeping our Identify how Know what SP1 Detectives local Religious environment people look improves and buildings and clean is a after the harms the local faith collective environment environment. communities responsibility. and how global Celebrating our within warming natural Birmingham. impacts on our environment. world. Y2 Tower, Tunnels Consider Making the Explore and Compare and SP2 And Turrets dilemmas right decision evaluate a contrast homes faced in by evaluating range of across the globe. everyday life all viewpoints. existing (aggression, products. behaviour, right and wrong, political, social, environmental) .</p><p>Y2 The Scented How senses Understand Environment Identify SUM Garden can be used to our can be conditions 1 stimulate responsibility beautiful and needed for feelings and to protect the dangerous. growth to be influence our environment successful, emotions. and species. compare UK with a contrasting non- European country. </p><p>Y2 Muck Mess And Learn to Understand Know Identify who can SUM Mixtures express self how rules are medicines can help you. 2 verbally and made to create be harmful. through a a safer range of environment. artistic means.</p><p>Y3 Scrumdidlyumpt Learn about To make Similarities Share foods AT1 ious special foods correct health and differences from different during choices. Fair between cultures. festivals. trade. cultures in Birmingham Y3 Tremors Creation of How do you Helping others Discover the AT2 volcanoes and survive during during a crisis. dangerous and earthquakes- these ferocious world forces beyond disasters? of natural our control. Making moral disasters and decisions. their deadly effects.</p><p>Y3 Mighty Metals Develop Identify To work To identify SP1 understanding properties of together and magnificent through certain problem solve. structures from speculation, materials link around the hypothesizing, to identifying world. imagining and personal exploring strengths and ideas. weaknesses.</p><p>Y3 Gods and Religion in art Resolving Working Understanding SP2 Mortals - architecture differences. together, the world and The natural finding beyond. Using forces, deities, solutions and imagination to gods. explaining create a Making sense choices. superficial of something world. greater than us.</p><p>Y3 Predator Reflect on Recognise Empathise Identifying SUM actions and personal with people’s Geographical 1 consequences. attributes and experiences. and physical achievements. differences in Identify our environment mistakes and and understand make amends. how these Set realistic aspects change goals. over time. Y3 Flow Creation of How do you Moving on… Preparation for SUM rivers and survive in making the change 2 mountains. hostile right choices. -transition. conditions?</p><p>Y4 Potions Choices can Understand To identify Materials have AT1 result in difference that choices unique unexpected between tragic have properties when results. and accidental. consequences. combined can have unpredictable results. Society has rules when not followed chaos breaks out. </p><p>Y4 Road Trip USA To live To debate their Identify views Compare non- AT2 together in opinions and and issues that European harmony appreciate the affect society that despite views of themselves and provides deferring others. society. contrast with customs and British history. values. Y4 I Am A Standing up Recognising Fighting for a Roman legacy – SP1 Warrior! for what is achievements cause impact on life right. today Y4 Misty Face new Making Pressure Mountain safety. SP2 Mountains challenges. responsible groups can Water cycle, Sierra choices. exist in our condensation communities. and evaporation processes. Y4 Burps, Bottoms Making Identify Personal Understand how SUM And Bile! informed differences, hygiene and bacteria and 1 choices. similarities or clean viruses can changes. environment affect health. leads to a Certain factors healthier can prevent lifestyle. spread. Hygiene in different countries.</p><p>Y4 Blue Abyss The beauty of Pollution Contrasting Broadening SUM creation – changing the locality, link to perspectives and 2 landscapes and earth – what India– building building art. can we do? relationships relationships Managing the with peers in a with others coastline, different outside the fishing… locality. immediate How do we locality. face challenges?</p><p>Y5 Peasants, Use 'god' to Issues with Effect of The effects of AT1 Princes And justify actions class system. feudal systems poverty. Pestilence - inquisition. on societies.</p><p>Y5 Star Gazers The beauty of Global The role of Understanding AT2 creation. Stars, warming and individuals our world moon, planets. its effect on who have beyond earth. our world contributed to Looking into today and the our space and future. understanding planets beyond. of the world.</p><p>Y5 Time Traveller What makes us Dealing with Understanding Meeting and SP1 feel positive? body changes that others talking approaching change too, with people with puberty. respecting differing Setting differences. perspectives and personal experiences. targets. Y5 Allotment The beauty of British values Compare town Identify SP2 creation, the underpin social and village characteristics wonder of rules. life. of four countries nature. and capital cities of the UK and its surrounding seas.</p><p>Y5 Beast Creator Creation of the Feeling Impact of Raising SUM world? positive about personal awareness on 1 Sense of ourselves and contribution to topical issues, something others. the wider problems and greater than us. society. events.</p><p>Y5 Off With Her Participate in Develop an Rules and laws Understand key SUM Head making and understanding are made and aspects of 2 changing rules. of why enforced for a human different rules peaceful geography, are sometimes society. settlements, land needed in use, trade links, different and distribution situations. of natural resources.</p><p>Y6 Frozen Using empathy Understanding To identify Care for the AT1 Kingdom and the difference issues that environment imagination to between wants affect understand and needs for themselves and other people’s life- essentials society experiences. and 'extras'. Y6 I.D. Sharing Recognising To recognise Personal identity AT2 personal views personal the role of - recognising and opinions; strengths and voluntary, where you where does our weaknesses community belong. identity come and make and pressure from? What changes by groups. makes you setting you? personal goals.</p><p>Y6 A Child’s War Leaving How should Impact of war Understanding SP1 home… who refugees and on people in a conflicts still do you turn to evacuees be country – all occur and why. in times of treated then the children Impact of war crisis? and now? leaving the Knowing what To think about families democracy is. others living in WWII, refugee other places settlement and times and camps today. people with different values and customs. Y6 Gallery Rebels Sense of To identify our We come from People working SP2 something strengths and different together for greater than us. our moral backgrounds same ends. purpose in life. yet we can Different work together perceptions to build a embedded brighter future. through cultural Learning to expectations. cope with change. Y6 Blood Heart To recognise To empathise Understanding To understand SUM how our with others and where how democratic 1 actions affect build a individuals, structures can ourselves and peaceful families and help the decision others. community groups can get making process. help and School council - support. democracy.</p><p>Y6 Hola Mexico Celebrating Finding Building Forming British SUM community commonalities community. identity what it 2 common and celebrating is today. elements in differences. religions.</p>
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