All India State Bank of Patiala Employees Federation

All India State Bank of Patiala Employees Federation

<p>AISBOPEF Circular No. 62/2015 Dated: 26/10/2015</p><p>Dear Comrades, 22nd Conference ALL INDIA STATE BANK OF PATIALA EMPLOYEES’ FEDERATION 8th Conference STATE BANK OF PATIALA EMPLOYEES’ UNION (PB. STATE)</p><p>10th AND 11th OCTOBER, 2015 AT MALWA THEATRE, PATIALA</p><p>*IT WAS A MEMORABLE SHOW OF MILITANT DISPLAY *IT WAS A STUPENDOUS SPECTACLE OF TRADE UNION SOLIDARITY *IT WAS THE CONVERGENCE OF COMRADES WITH CONFIDENCE *IT WAS AN EXHIBITION OF DETERMINATION TO FIGHT AGAINST THE ANTI LABOUR POLICIES OF THE GOVERNMENT AND SBI MANAGEMENT</p><p>Such was 22nd Conference of All India State Bank of Patiala Employees’ Federation held jointly with the 8th Conference of State Bank of Patiala Employees’ Union (Punjab State) as per our tradition on the 10th and 11th of October, 2015 at Patiala. </p><p>All leading roads and crossings were decorated with buntings and AIBEA flags. Our Head Office building, PPMTUC and all nearby areas were glittering with sparkling lights. The spacious and well decorated Pendal was over flowing with around 5000 delegates, observers and our general members. On the Dias were all the dignitaries in a beautifully arranged flower be-decked platform.</p><p>Earlier from around 12 noon, thousands of comrades from all corners of Punjab, Haryana, Himachal, UP, Delhi, Maharashtra, Uttrakhand, Rajasthan, Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, West Bengal and various other parts of the country reached at the Baradari Gardens for the procession. At 2.30 PM, the grand procession with Festoons, Placards and Flags being carried by our members, led by 22 Lady Comrades in uniform, the leaders of the AIBEA and others moved towards venue of Conference. The long procession passed through the main road in an orderly and very disciplined manner, raising slogans and hailing the glory of the AIBEA. After the procession reached the venue, the open session began. On the dais were seated, our President Com. Jagadish Sharma, Chief Guest Com. Rajen Nagar, President, AIBEA, Inaugurator Com. C H Venkatachalam, General Secretary, AIBEA, Guest of Honour Sh. S A Ramesh Rangan, Managing Director, State Bank of Patiala Com. N S Dhaliwal, Chairman Reception Committee, Sh. Haridas K V, CGM (CB) SBP, Mrs. Papia Sen Gupta, CGM (SAMG), Office Bearers of AIBEA, Com. J P Sharma, Vice President, Com. N Venugopal, Vice President, Com. D D Rustagi & Com. Lalita Joshi, Joint Secretaries, General Managers, SBP, Sh. S K Bhandari, Sh. Davinder Kumar, Mrs. Vasudha Bhatt, Sh. Ajay Khanna, Veteran Leaders and Former Vice Presidents AIBEA Com. P L Sayal, Com. P S Sundaresan and Com. N K Gaur, Leaders of SSBEA, Com. Mahesh Mishra, Chairman, Com. Murlidharan Pillai, Com. J P Jhawar, Vice Chairman, Com. Krishna GS, SBTEU, Com. S R Pawar, GS SBMEU, Com. Ranbir Singh General Secretary, ABOA, Unit SBOP, Leaders of Punjab Bank Employees’ Federation, Com. Amrit Lal, Chairman, Com. P R Mehta, President, Com. S P S Virk, Sr. Vice President, Com. R K Walia. Sr. Vice President, Com. Ravi Razdan, Vice President, Com. Roop Lal Mehra, Vice President, Com. Pawan Jindal, Vice President, Com. G K Joshi, Secretary, Com. Ram Kumar Treasurer, Com. Jagdish Rai, Joint Secretary, Com. Naresh Vaid, Asstt. Secy., Com. Harvinder Singh, Asstt. Secy., Com. Jagir Singh Org. Secy., Com. Dev Dutt, Org. Secy., Com. N P Munjhal, Chairman HBEF, Com. R K Gulati, Joint Secy. HBEF, Com. Vinod Sharma, General Secretary, AIBOA (PB), Com. I G Gupta, Chairman, AISBOPOA, Com. Davinder Singh, GS, AISBOPREA including various other prominent leaders of Trade Union Movement, Senior Management functionaries of SBP. A delightful and emotionally surcharged AIBEA song was rendered by a group of our members. Chairman of the Reception Committee, Com. N S Dhaliwal delivered his impressive welcome speech. In his address, he referred to the glorious historical past of the city. He also referred to the massive one day strike launched by over 100 million workers in India on the 2 nd September 2015 against the anti labour measures and loss now being pursued by the Central Government, particularly at a time when hundreds of Factories remain closed and thousands of workers are facing job losses. He congratulated the AIBEA and UFBU for their full participation in the General Strike. He referred to the mighty campaign launched by AIBEA against the so-called Banking Reforms. He assured total support from AITUC to all our Campaigns. A thundering applause greeted his address. </p><p>Inaugurating the Conference, Com. C.H.Venkatachalam, General Secretary, AIBEA conveyed his full appreciation for the massive participation and largest gathering that have assembled at the venue. In his hour long speech, he analysed the emerging negative situation slowly developing in the political arena where once again communalism and fundamentalism have started lurking their heads. He deplored the policies of the present Government regarding the future stability and ownership of the Banking Industry. He pointed out that both the NDA Government and the UPA Government have a common agenda regarding the ownership of public sector banking. Step by step, the 100% ownership is getting diluted. The Government is deliberately weakening the Public Sector Banking by creating more competition for the Banks by giving licences to Private and Foreign owners, massive outsourcing, appointment of Business Correspondents, starting Payment Banks etc; all these will slowly take away the Rural and Semi-urban Banking business from our Banks. Eventually, this trend will spread to Metro areas. In the end, the very safety and security of the savings of the people will be in jeopardy. Committee after Committee are being constituted and all these Committees have ultimately a common recommendation namely, dilution of Government Capital in our Banks and handing over the Banks to Private and Foreign control. Thus according to Com. CHV, the vast resources garnered by the employees all these years from the people will not be utilised for the welfare of the masses. The Bank looters of today will eventually become the owners. </p><p>In this connection Com. CHV pointed out the sustained campaigns, struggles and strike actions being launched by AIBEA during the last 15 years and more and referred as to how due to our efforts, we could push back, derail and delay such “Banking Reforms”. He also referred to the Industrial Relationship between SBI and SSBEA wherein, the Management is deliberately adopting a double standard approach between Officers community and Workmen staff in the matter of releasing common benefits. He felt that such trend is part and parcel of the hidden agenda of the Management namely, the Closure of the 5 Associate Banks and merging the same with SBI. He announced that the General Council of AIBEA meeting at Bangalore a few days ago unanimously decided to fight out any merger proposals in Banking Industry and in particular the hidden agenda of the SBI. He assured total solidarity of 5 lacs of Bankmen for our ensuing struggles. He then referred to the successful conclusion of the 10th Bipartite Settlement. He underscored the importance of total unity under the UFBU in spite of stresses and strains in maintaining such unity. He referred to the hostile attitude of the Bankers this time when they offered 5% increase and step by step they went up to 9% and thereafter we have to go for Strike actions many times to compel the Bankers eventually to reach the acceptable figure of 15% load on Cash Pay Slip only. He explained in detail how the total load including superannuation benefit, Medical Aid scheme etc; would result in massive benefits and will make the 10th Settlement as an Unique one. He congratulated all the members for their full participation in all the programs of the AIBEA.</p><p>RELEASE OF “SEVEN SPLENDID DECADES” (The History of AIBEA for the last 70 years written by Com. P. S. Sundaresan, former Vice President of AIBEA)</p><p>As requested by Com. S.K.Gautam, the AIBEA General Secretary released the above Book amidst thunderous applause and handed over the First Copy to the President, AIBEA. He explained that the Book deals with the glorious past of AIBEA from 1946 onwards. He said that the veteran leader Com. P. S.Sundaresan has already written twice the History of AIBEA in 1989 and again in 1996 which was published by the Karnataka Pradesh Bank Employees’ Federation. This time, once again Com. P. S. Sundaresan has written the History updating the same upto 2015, covering the final conclusion of the 10th Bipartite Settlement. He also referred to the various annexures giving very valuable information about the services rendered by some of the great veterans of AIBEA who are now no more, about the Industry and also an article exclusively for the new generation members. He described the work as a monumental labour of deep commitment to the cause of AIBEA by Com. P. S.Sundaresan and conveyed his appreciation. He expressed his surprise that the All India State Bank of Patiala Employees Federation, apart from undertaking this tremendous job of editing, printing and publishing the same, has fixed the price on cost to cost basis at Rs. 200/- only, even though the Book is running more than 680 pages. He commended the Book to all the members of the AIBEA through out the country. He said in particular for the onward march of AIBEA, this book will help in understanding the past. </p><p>Com.P. S. Sundaresan spoke briefly on the occasion praised All India State Bank of Patiala Employees Federation to undertake this work to bring out this publication. He said “knowledge is power”. He analysed the various aspects of the Book and said that one has to look backward so that he could move forward. He appealed particularly to the new generation members that they should go through this publication and that would enable them to take the AIBEA onwards with great organisational advancement and achievements. He also appreciated the work done by Com. Parveen Moudgil in publication of this book. He was given a standing ovation by the entire audience in appreciation of his work. </p><p>The Conference was then addressed by Sh. S A Ramesh Rangan, Managing Director, State Bank of Patiala. He conveyed his appreciation to our organisation for bringing out a unique Booklet on the History, development, expansion, growth and performance of the State Bank of Patiala. As the Bank is going to complete 100 years, he called upon all members of SBP Family to come forward to take the task to take the Bank to greater heights. He endorsed the view point of AIBEA to strengthen Public Sector Banks. He called upon all members to take the task and to support in the field of NPA recovery and to provide excellent customer service so that we may increase our market share. </p><p>Raising amidst cheers, Com. Rajen Nagar, President, AIBEA speaking in Hindi, delivered his speech which was highly educative to the entire audience in understanding the development of our movement, the anti labour trend slowly emerging both from the bankers and also the Government and the conspiracy to ultimately handover the Public Sector Banking in India to Private Sector. He referred to the menace of outsourcing many works of permanent nature and the brutal exploitation of Bank Contract employees and called upon everyone to organise these employees through a powerful trade union movement. He referred to the work that has been done in this area in Bengal. He also referred to the newly emerging Payment Banks which in due course will take away our Rural business. He gave a detailed analysis of the International Monetary Developments and as to how eventually the IMF and World Bank are planning to control the Fiscal Policies of our Government which will lead to our own sovereignty getting lost. However, he was confident that along with the working class, with complete Unity, Bank Employees under the banner of AIBEA will move together and repulse such attacks. </p><p>Com. Lalita Joshi, Joint Secretary AIBEA, conveyed her happiness regarding very good participation by women employees in the procession and the Meeting. She gave a detailed description of the activities of the All India Women Council, sponsored by AIBEA during the last 15 years. She also referred to the significance of the Bipartite Settlements through which one by one special problems of women employees are getting resolved and work environment is becoming safe and secure. She appealed for more intense participation by women members in all trade union activities. </p><p>Com. N. Venugopal, General Secretary, SSBEA gave a detailed analysis of the present situation and explained as to why the SBI Management is adopting a hostile attitude towards the demands of the SSBEA. In the 50 years of Industrial relations built up between SBI and SSBEA, never before such a negative display has emerged on the part of the Management. He condemned in strongest terms the double standard now being adopted by the Management in some of our common demands, between Officers community and workmen staff. He declared that as guided by AIBEA in the coming days, a powerful protest campaign will be launched.</p><p>Com. J P Sharma, Vice President, AIBEA, Com. D D Rustagi, Joint Secretary, AIBEA also greeted the Conference and called upon the members to keep ready to fight against the coming attacks of Govt. and SBI Management.</p><p>Com. P. R. Mehta, President Punjab Bank Employees’ Federation conveyed his warm greetings. He appreciated the mobilization by the Federation and participation of huge gathering in the Conference. He told that only AIBEA is the Organization to fight against the so-called Banking Reforms which is detrimental to Public Sector Banking. He stressed the need of involvement of younger generation to take the task to march forward.</p><p>Com. P.L.Syal, 90 year old former Vice President of AIBEA who specially came to greet the comrades, addressed the audience briefly, conveyed his good wishes and called upon the new generation members to take up more and more responsibilities and develop our movement in a stronger manner in the coming years. </p><p>President, Com. Jagdish Sharma, briefly addressed the audience and also expressed his profound vote of thanks to all the invitees who were present and to the general members for their participation. </p><p>The marathon open session concluded around 7.30 PM with everyone hailing the glory of AIBEA.</p><p>DELEGATE SESSION, 11TH OCTOBER 2015</p><p>Under the Presidentship of Com. Jagdish Sharma, the Delegate Session was held in the same venue jointly by both our All India State Bank of Patiala Employees’ Federation and State Bank of Patiala Employees’ Union (Punjab State). Firstly, the combined session was held as per our practice. </p><p>Com. S K Gautam, General Secretary, presenting General Secretary’s report paid homage to the departed souls of the personalities who passed away during last tenure. Intermittently invited Office bearers of the SSBEA to greet the Conference. Accordingly, Com. Mahesh Mishra (SBBJ), President SSBEA, Com. Muralidharan Pillai, Vice Chairman, SSBEA, Com. S R Powar, General Secretary, SBMEU, Com. Krishna, General Secretary, SBTEU, and Com. J P Jhawar, Vice Chairman SSBEA – all these conveyed their warm greetings to the delegates. All of them were full of appreciation for the massive attendance, organisational advances and total solidarity in all our action programmes, displayed by the members of our organisation. These leaders also analysed in detail the emerging negative trend of the SBI Management. While condemning the same, they gave their full support for all the protest programmes and strike actions now being planned under the guidance of AIBEA in the coming period, once for all to put an end to such anti labour trends. They also conveyed the determination of their members in the Associate Banks to fight to any length opposing closure of our Banks and merging the same with SBI. </p><p>Former Vice President AIBEA, Com. P. S. Sundaresan who was also associated with SSBEA for 30 years from 1965 to 1995, addressed the session and explained in detail the dangers behind the Career Progression Scheme. He cautioned the younger generation to carry out the legacy of AIBEA.</p><p>Com. S. K. Gautam, thereafter presented his voluminous report which analysed the National and International situation, the details about the 10th Bipartite successful negotiations, the fringe benefits secured at the Bank level since the last Conference, the Trade Union Training Programmes conducted in between, establishing ‘Parvana House’ built from the Union Funds, The Women’s Convention and all other issues in detail. He also informed the house amidst cheers regarding 100% collection of the bipartite levy. </p><p>After presentation of the report, Com. Naresh Gaur, Seconded the report. Thereafter, Com. Jagdish Sharma, President, initiating the discussions called the delegates for discussion on the report. 15 delegates spoke on the Report, broadly welcoming the same and offering some suggestions for improvements. Then, Com. S K Gautam, replied all the issues raised in the discussions and the Report was adopted unanimously among thunderous applause. </p><p>Then Com. S K Gautam proposed resolutions for the adoption by the house as per detail already circulated in GS Report and captions are as under:-</p><p>1. Uniform D A linked Pension Scheme for all employees. 2. Stop Outsourcing 3. Bonus for all 4. Compassionate appointments 5. Fitment of Ex-servicemen Employees joining the Bank 6. Demand of Retired Employees 7. Hailing 10th Bipartite Settlement 8. De-linking of Associate Banks from SBI</p><p>Com. Rajesh Bansal, seconded the resolutions and these were approved unanimously. President, then adjourned the joint session to meet separately. Immediately AISBOPEF session commenced. Delegate Session AISBOPEF AISBOPEF Session was commenced separately under Presidentship of Com. Jagdish Sharma. Treasurer, Com. Yadvinder Gupta placed before the house, accounts for 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013- 14, 2014-15 along with audited statement of account already circulated in the house. Com. S P Singh, seconded the proposal and the accounts were adopted unanimously.</p><p>Thereafter Constitutional Amendments were circulated in the house as per the details in the Resolution and were proposed by Com. S K Gautam, General Secretary. The amendments were seconded by Com. Yadvinder Gupta and were adopted unanimously. As per the amendments, monthly subscription of the Federation stands raised from Rs. 60/- to Rs. 75/- for clerical and from Rs. 35/- to Rs. 50/- for sub staff from 01.11.2015.</p><p>Com. S K Gautam proposed to increase the amount of Retirement gift from Rs 1000/- to Rs. 2100/- for the members retiring from bank’s service from November 2015 after attaining 60 years of age. The scheme shall be implemented uniformly also by all State Unions, the resolution was adopted unanimously.</p><p>The elections for the next term were held as per agenda and Com. Jagdish Sharma, called for proposals from the delegates. Thereafter Com. S K Gautam proposed a panel of 20 Office Bearers and CC Members including duly elected CCMs by State Units. The panel was seconded by Com. Narinder Bansal and the team was elected unanimously. The list of elected members is enclosed here below.</p><p>Delegate Session of SBOP Emp. Union (Punjab State) Treasurer, Com. Sanmeet Singh placed before the house, accounts for 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15 along with audited statement of account already circulated in the house. Com. Ashok Malhan, seconded the proposal and the accounts were adopted unanimously.</p><p>SPECIAL RESOLUTION The Conference adopted unanimously amidst vociferous cheers the following Resolution.</p><p>“ The 8th Conference of the State Bank of Patiala Employees’ Union (Punjab State) hereby resolves to admit Com. S. K. Gautam as Honorary member of the Union as provided in our constitution with effect from the date of his retirement i.e 30.06.2016”</p><p>Thereafter, Constitutional Amendments as per Resolution were circulated among the delegates in the house and was proposed by Com. S K Gautam, General Secretary. The amendments were seconded by Com. Yadvinder Gupta and were adopted unanimously. As per the amendments, monthly subscription of the Union stands raised from Rs. 60/- to Rs. 75/- for clerical and from Rs. 35/- to Rs. 50/- for sub staff from 01.11.2015.</p><p>The elections for the next term were held as per agenda under the Presidentship of Com. Jagdish Sharma and he called for proposals from the delegates. Thereafter, Com. S K Gautam, proposed a panel of Office Bearers and CC Members. The panel was seconded by Com. Sanmeet Singh and the team was elected unanimously. The list of elected members is enclosed here below. LIST OF AISBOPEF OFFICE BEARERS AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS</p><p>NAME DESIGNATION STATION 1. COM.JAGDISH SHARMA PRESIDENT SHASTRI BHAWAN N.DELHI LIST2. OFCOM.V.N.SHARMA CC MEMBERS FROM PUNJABVICE STATE:PRESIDENT DSC KARNAL 3. COM.A.K.CHHIBERCOM.PARVEEN MODGIL VICE PRESIDENT`CC MEMBER Z.O.LUDHIANAS.T. LUDHIANA 4. COM.BALBIRCOM.A.K.MALHAN SHARMA VICE PRESIDENTCC MEMBER RO-II ZOLUDHIANA PATIALA 5. COM.SHUBHCOM.JASBIR SINGHK.GILL VICE PRESIDENTCC MEMBER MORINDAHO PATIALA 6. COM.RAKESHCOM.S.K.GAUTAM CHOWDHARY GENERAL SECY.CC MEMBER ZO PATIALARO PATIALA 7. COM.HARJITCOM.NARESH SINGH GAUR SECRETARYCC MEMBER ZO LUDHAINAMR PATIALA 8. COM.TARLOCHANCOM.RAJESH BANSAL SINGH ASSTT. GENERALCC MEMBER SECY G.T.ROAD,ROPAR AMBALA 9. COM.PARKASHCOM.YADVINDER SINGH GUPTA ASSTT. GENERALCC MEMBER SECY. BOD PATIALASADHAR 10.COM.JAGANCOM.NARINDER NATH BANSAL MAKHIJA ASSTT. GENERALCC MEMBER SECY RO II LUDHIANABATHINDA 11.COM.P.S.PANNUCOM.S.P.SINGH ASSTT. GENERALCC MEMBER SECY. BB MORADABADBOHA 12.COM.KAMALCOM.HARISH SACHDEVA SAWANT ASSTT. GENERALCC MEMBER SECY ZO MUMBAIBATHINDA 13.COMCOM.R.N.DAWRA .ASHOK SHARMA ASSTT. GENERALCC MEMBER SECY. RO DELHIPATIALA LCPC 14.COM.JASBIRCOM.M.S.VERMA KAUR ASSTT GENERALCC MEMBER SECY. SHIMLAHO PATIALA 15.COM.NARKESARCOM.SANMEET SINGH RAI TREASURERCC MEMBER RO-IVLUDHIANA PATIALA 16.COM.SURESHCOM.RAJESH SONDHISHARMA ORG.SECY CC MEMBER ZO CHANDIGARHCHANDIAGARH 17. COM.RAVICOM.RAKESH KAMAL BAJAJ ORG. SECY CC MEMBER RO AMRITSARBARNALA 18.COM.SUKHWINDERCOM.LALIT MOHAN SINGH ORG. SECY CC MEMBER ZO JALLANDHARNAKODAR CHADDA COM.NARINDER SINGH CC MEMBER PHAGWARA 19.COM.RAKESH JAIN ORG.SECY RO, BATHINDA COM.SUNIL JAIN CC MEMBER SANGRUR 20.COM.RAJESH SINGHAL ORG.SECY DEHRADUN COM.ATUL LAROIA CC MEMBER JALLANDHAR COM.POONAM C GOYAL CC MEMBER RAMAN</p><p>CC MEMBERS HARYANA STATE 1. COM.R.S.RAGHAV CC MEMBER FARIDABAD 2. COM.T.P.SINGH CC MEMBER JIND MAIN 3. COM.RAJESH GARG CC MEMBER HISSAR MAIN 4. COM.JAGDISH NAGPAL CC MEMBER FATEHABAD 5. COM.RAKESH SHARMA CC MEMBER PANCHKULA 6. PARVEEN KUSH CC MEMBER GURGAON 7. COM.ANITA MITTAL CC MEMBER PANCHKULA 8. COM.VINEET KUMAR CC MEMBER PANIPAT 9. COM.SUDARSHAN CC MEMBER KARNAL 10.COM.JAGDISH LAL CC MEMBER YAMUNA NAGAR 11.COM.TEJPAL CC MEMBER ROHTAK 12.COM.VIJAY GAUR SPL.INVITEE GURGAON</p><p>CC MEMBERS FROM DELHI STATE 1. COM.MANJU NANDA CC MEMBER PITAM PURA DELHI 2. COM.VIJAY JULKA CC MEMBER SJE DELHI 3. COM.RAJIV SRIVASTVA CC MEMBER P.GANJ DELHI 4. COM.LALIT MOHAN CC MEMBER RO I DELHI 5. COM.RAJINDER DOGRA CC MEMBER SR.BR.DELHI 6. COM.VEENA NARAYANAN SPL.INVITEE MCB DLEHI 7. COM.MRS.RADHA RANI SPL.INVITEE MOHAN GARDEN DELHI</p><p>CC MEMBERS FROM U.P.STATE 1. COM.RAJESH SRIVASTVA CC MEMBER LUCKNOW 2. COM.RAMINDER SAHAI CC MEMBER GN -5 KANPUR 3. COM.O.P.ARORA CC MEMBER SAHARANPUR 4. COM.RAJ KUMAR CC MEMBER NN AGRA 5. COM.PREETI CHADA CC MEMBER SAHARANPUR</p><p>CC MEMBERS FROM H.P.STATE 1. COM.S.P.SHARMA CC MEMBER PALAMPUR 2. COM.ARUN SHARMA CC MEMBER BILASPUR 3. COM.S.K.SONI CC MEMBER SUNDER NAGAR 4. COM.VIJAY VERMA CC MEMBER SOLAN 5. COM.RAJESH SHAKYA CC MEMBER SOLAN 6. COM.BALJINDER SINGH CC MEMBER NALAGARH 7. COM.VIJAY KUMAR SHARMA CC MEMBER UNA</p><p>CC MEMBERS FROM MAHARASHTRA COM.SUNIL ACHREKAR CC MEMBER MUMBAI COM.C.N.SAMANT CC MEMBER MUMBAI COM.YUTEE PATIL CC MEMBER MUMBAI</p><p>CC MEMBER FROM KARNATKA STATE COM.P.R.GANENAVELU CC MEMBER BANGLORE</p><p>CC MEMBERS FROM RAJASTHAN STATE COM.NISSAR KHAN CC MEMBER JODHPUR COM.RAHUL PANDEY CC MEMBER JAIPUR</p><p>CC MEMBERS FROM ANDHARA PARDESH COM SUBHADRARAO CC MEMBER VISHAKHPATANAM</p><p>CC MEMBER FROM WEST BENGAL COM.ASHISH GHOSH CC MEMBER KOLKATA</p><p>CC MEMBER FORM TAMIL NADU COM.S.SUNDER RAJAN CC MEMBER RO CHENNAI</p><p>CC MEMBERS FROM GUJARAT STATE COM.M.B.PATEL CC MEMBER AHMEDABAD</p><p>CC MEMBER FROM J & K STATE COM.DEV RAJ BHAGAT CC MEBER JAMMU</p><p>CC MEMBERS OF UTTRAKHAND COM.K.K.ARORA CC MEMBER DEHRADUN</p><p>LIST OF SBOPEU (PB STATE) OFFICE BEARERS AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS NAME DESIGNATION STATION 1. COM.S.K.GAUTAM CHAIRMAN ZO PATIALA 2. COM.NARESH GAUR PRESIDENT ZO LUDHIANA 3. COM.PARVEEN MODGIL SR.VICE PRESIDENT ZO LUDHIANA 4. COM.A.K.MALHAN VICE PRESIDENT RO LUDHIANA 5. COM.NARINDER BANSAL VICE PRESIDENT RO BATHINDA 6. COM.JASBIR SINGH VICE PRESIENT MORINDA 7. COM.A.K.CHHIBER VICE PRESIENT ST LUDHIANA 8. COM.BALBIR SHARMA VICE PRESIDENT` ZO LUDHIANA 9. COM.SHUBH KARAN GILL VICE PRESIDENT HEAD OFFICE, PATIALA 10. COM.YADVINDER GUPTA GENERAL SECRETARY BOD H.O.PATIALA 11. COM.SANMEET SINGH SECRETARY RO-IV PATIALA 12. COM.RAKESH CHOWDHARY TREASURER RO-I PATIALA 13. COM.R.K.SONDHI ASSTT. SECY. ZO CHANDIGARH 14. COM.R.K.BAJAJ ASSTT. SECY. AMRITSAR 15. COM.HARJIT SINGH ASSTT. SECY. MR PATIALA 16. COM.RAKESH JAIN ASSTT. SECY. BATHINDA 17. COM.TARLOCHAN SINGH ORG.SECY. RCB ROPAR 18. COM.LALIT MOHAN CHADDA ORG.SECY. ZO JALLANDHAR 19. COM.PARKASH SINGH ORG.SECY. SADHAR 20. COM.JAGAN NATH MAKHIJA ORG.SECY. CCPC LUDHIANA 21. COM.P.S.PANNU ORG.SECY. BOHA 22. COM.KAMAL SACHDEVA ORG.SECY. BATHINDA 23. COM.ASHOK SHARMA ORG. SECY. PATIALA 24. COM.JASBIR KAUR REGIONAL SECY. HO PATIALA 25. COM.NARKESHAR REGIONAL SECY. RO LUDHIANA 26. COM.SURESH SHARMA REGIONAL SECY. RO CHANDIGARH 27. COM.RAVI KAMAL REGIONAL SECY. BARNALA 28. COM.SUKHWINDER SINGH REGIONAL SECY. NAKODAR 29. COM.NARINDER SINGH REGIONAL SECY. PHAGWARA 30. COM.SUNIL JAIN REGIONAL SECY. SANGRUR 31. COM.ATUL LAROIA REGIONAL SECY. RO JALLANDHAR 32. COM.POONAM C GOYAL REGIONAL SECY. RAMA 33. COM.NEERU SHARMA REGIONAL SECY. CHANDIGARH 34. COM.SNEHA LAXMI REGIONAL SECY. SAHNEWAL 35. COM.SUNITA AHUJA REGIONAL SECY. BATHINDA 36. COM.GURPREET SINGH REGIONAL SECY. AMRITSAR 37. COM.BHAGWANT SINGH REGIONAL SECY. RAJPURA 38. COM.ASHUTOSH JAIN REGIONAL SECY. MALERKOTLA 39. COM.PARVEEN SAYAL REGIONAL SECY. MUKATRSAR 40. COM.INDERSAIN REGIONAL SECY. BATHINDA CENTRAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS 41. COM.HOSHIAR SINGH CC MEMBER HO DPD PATIALA 42. COM.ANGAD SINGH CC MEMBER HO PATIALA 43. COM.SUNITA SINGLA CC MEMBER HO PATIALA 44. COM.JAGJIT SINGH C CC MEMBER AHMEDGARH 45. COM.RAJIV VERMA CC MEMBER DHURI 46. COM.JASWINDER CHOPRA CC MEMBER MANDI GOBINDGARH 47. COM.VIPAN CC MEMBER NABHA 48. COM.ROOP SINGH CC MEMBER SAMANA ADB 49. COM.KRISHAN KUMAR CC MEMBER BASSI PATHANA 50. COM.GURMAIL SINGH CC MEMBER SUNAM 51. COM.S.S.GILL CC MEMBER RO PATIALAQ 52. COM.RAJESH KHANNA CC MEMBER RO PATIALA 53. COM.VARINDER SHARMA CC MEMBER HO PATIALA 54. COM.AMRIK SINGH CC MEMBER CMB PATIALA 55. COM.RAKESH SINGLA CC MEMBER CMB PATIALA 56. COM.PARAM JIT SINGH CC MEMBER MALL ROAD PATIALA 57. COM.VICKY CC MEMBER PATRAN 58. COM.KAMALJIT SINGH CC MEMBER MALL ROAD 59. COM.HARPREET SINGH CC MEMBER LBO PATIALA 60. COM.RAJ PAL CC MEMBER CMB PATIALA 61. COM.PARVEEN GROVER CC MEMBER MOGA 62. COM. RAHUL KHANNA CC MEMBER LUDHIANA 63. COM.SHIV KUMAR CC MEMBER RAIKOT 64. COM.VICKY LOOMBA CC MEMBER KHANNA 65. COM.AMIT SEHGAL CC MEMBER KOT ISSE KHAN 66. COM.RAM LAL CC MEMBER NAWAN SHAHAR 67. COM.MEGH RAJ CC MEMBER KHUDI KALAN 68. COM.RAVI NARULA CC MEMBER BATHINDA 69. COM.HARPAL SHARMA CC MEMBER MANSA 70. COM.KARAN SINGLA CC MEMBER BATHINDA 71. COM.NEERA SACHDEVA CC MEMBER BTHINDA CITY 72. COM.KAMALJIT KAUR CC MEMBER FEROZEPUR CITY 73. COM.NARESH KASHYAP CC MEMBER FEROZEPUR 74. COM.RAJIV GAUR CC MEMBER FARIDKOT KNJ 75. COM.RAJINDER GARG CC MEMBER CCPC BATHINDA 76. COM. NISHANT CC MEMBER MPSF BATHINDA 77. COM.RAVINDER SINGH CC MEMBER SO BATHINDA 78. COM.JASBIR SINGH CC MEMBER BHIKHI 79. COM.A.K.SALARIA CC MEMBER RO-IV JALANDHAR 80. COM.K.S.CHOPRA CC MEMBER GARHSHANKAR 81. COM.BALBIR SINGH CC MEMBER TANDA 82. COM.SUSHMA BHAGAT CC MEMBER JALANDHAR 83. COM.KIRANDEEP KAUR CC MEMBER JALLANDHAR 84. COM.RENU SHARMA CC MEMBER AMRITSAR 85. COM.PARDEEP CC MEMBER GURDASPUR 86. COM.AVTAR SINGH CC MEMBER PATTI 87. COM.SUNIL KUMAR SETHI CC MEMBER HOSHIARPUR 88. COM.RAJESWAR RANA CC MEMBER PATHANKOT 89. COM.RAJAN BABU CC MEMBER KAPURTHALA 90. COM .RAJKUMAR CC MEMBER AMRITSAR 91. COM.MRS.AMANDEEP KAUR CC MEMBER JALLANDHAR 92. COM.SUSHMA CC MEMBER CHANDIGARH 93. COM.VEENA PACHPORE CC MEMBER CHANDIGARH 94. COM.AMRIK SINGH CC MEMBER CHANDIGARH 95. COM.T.S.CHAHAL CC MEMBER CHANDIGARH 96. COM.SURESH SHERA CC MEMBER CHANDIGARH 97. COM.HARVINDER SINGH CC MEMBER ANANDPUR SAHIB 98. COM.RAM CHANDER CC MEMBER PHASE VII MOHALI 99. COM.DARSHAN SINGH CC MEMBER BANUR 100.COM.JAGDEEP CC MEMBER MORINDA</p><p>Com. Nirmal jit Kaur, Bathinda was co-opted as Special invitee & Com. Sherry Gupta, Planning Department was co-opted as Office Secretary. </p><p>Thus, the Conference reached its final stage and true to its democratic character and aptitude. With a vote of thanks given by Com Jagdish Sharma, the unforgettable and always to be remembered, 22nd Conference jointly held with the 8th State Conference concluded amidst sky rocketing applause. He thanked all the eminent guests for their presence to add glory to the Conference. Com. Sharma expressed his gratitude towards support and co-operation extended by the District Administration, Municipal Corporation, Traffic Police and media persons. He highly appreciated arrangements made by the Reception Committee and of course, a hard job done by the volunteers day and night regularly. He lastly thanked delegates and observers and each one who contributed to make this Conference a memorable and grand success. </p><p>With Greetings,</p><p>S K Gautam General Secretary</p>

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