<p> State of Washington DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Office of State Procurement Rm. 201 General Administration Building, P.O. Box 41017 Olympia, Washington 98504-1017 (360) 902-7400 http://www.ga.wa.gov </p><p>INVITATION FOR BID (IFB)</p><p>Refrigeration Parts & Supplies</p><p>Contract Number Prebid Meeting Date & Time Bid/Proposal Opening Date & Time 01304 Wednesday, February 11,– 10:00 AM Thursday, February 26,- 2:00 PM.</p><p>BIDS MUST BE RECEIVED& STAMPED ON OR BEFORE THE OPENING DATE & TIME AT THIS LOCATION: 210 11TH AVE SW, RM. 201, GENERAL ADMINISTRATION BUILDING OLYMPIA WA 98504-1017</p><p>Steve Krueger State Procurement Officer Phone (360) 902-7431 Fax (360) 586-2426 E-mail [email protected] </p><p>Instructions to Bidders</p><p>Any questions concerning this IFB should be directed to State Procurement Officer Steve Krueger. Bidders shall mail or hand-deliver one signed original and one electronic (3.5” floppy disk or CD) bid response. Bidders will be responsible for actual delivery of the bid to the address shown below before the deadline. Any bids received after the deadline will be returned unopened. All responses to be addressed as follows:</p><p>REFRIGERATION PARTS & SUPPLIES IFB #01304 Attention: Steve Krueger General Administration Building Office of State Procurement, Room 201 210 11th Avenue S W Olympia, WA 98504 1017</p><p>Bids must be sealed to provide confidentiality of the information prior to the bid opening date and time. Additionally, the bid must contain the signature of a duly authorized officer or agent of the Bidder’s company empowered with the right to bind the bidder. </p><p>For a site map to the Capitol Campus, click http://access.wa.gov/government/images/campus_map.jpg. Driving directions and parking information http://www.leg.wa.gov/common/maps/parking.htm TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 ANNOUNCEMENT AND SPECIAL INFORMATION...... 3</p><p>1.1 PREBID CONFERENCE...... 3 1.2 PUBLIC DISCLOSURE...... 3 1.3 SCOPE...... 3 1.4 TERM OF CONTRACT...... 3 1.5 CONTRACT EXTENSIONS...... 4 1.6 ESTIMATED USAGE...... 4 1.7 PURCHASERS...... 4 1.8 PURCHASES BY NONPROFIT CORPORATIONS...... 4 1.9 BIDDER COMPLIANCE...... 4 1.10 ADDITIONAL ITEMS OR MANUFACTURERS ADDED TO THE CONTRACT...... 5 1.11 ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL GOALS...... 5 2 CHECK LIST...... 5 3 BIDDER REQUIREMENTS (BIDDER MUST COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING)...... 6 3.1 OFFER AND AWARD...... 9 3.2 BIDDER INFORMATION...... 10 3.3 SERVICE AREA...... 12 3.4 SERVICE AREA WORKSHEET...... 13 3.5 CUSTOMER REFERENCES...... 14 3.6 CONTRACT PRICING...... 14 3.7 PRICING WORKSHEET...... 15 3.8 SUPPLEMENTAL MANUFACTURER PRICING...... 16 3.9 COST SAVINGS INITIATIVES...... 17 4 BID EVALUATION...... 18</p><p>4.1 BID SCORING...... 18 4.2 AWARD DETERMINATION...... 18 5 CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS...... 19 5.1 CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE...... 19 5.2 RETENTION OF RECORDS...... 19 5.3 INSURANCE...... 19 5.4 PRICING AND ADJUSTMENTS...... 21 5.5 MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP...... 21 5.6 WARRANTY(IES)...... 22 6 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS...... 22 6.1 PURCHASING CARD ACCEPTANCE...... 22 7 APPENDIX A – I2 TRA-SER MANUFACTURERS (AS OF FALL 2003)...... 23 8 APPENDIX B – CUSTOMER REFERENCES...... 31 1 ANNOUNCEMENT AND SPECIAL INFORMATION Bidders are required to read and understand all information contained within this entire bid package. The Competitive Procurement Standards, which are referred to in this bid package are not automatically printed or sent out with this IFB. By responding to this IFB the bidder agrees to read and understand these documents. These documents are available on our website at http://www.ga.wa.gov/pca/cps.htm. </p><p>STANDARD DEFINITIONS revised 06/02/03 STANDARD INSTRUCTIONS FOR BIDDERS revised 06/02/03 STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS revised 06/02/03</p><p>1.1 PREBID CONFERENCE An optional conference to address contractual requirements will be held at the time and location indicated below. Prospective bidders are encouraged to be present. If changes are required as a result of the conference, written bid amendments will be issued. For additional information, please contact the State Procurement Officer.</p><p>Pre Bid Date: Wednesday, February 11, 2004 Pre Bid Time: 10:00 AM Pre Bid Office of State Procurement Location: 210 11th AVE SW GA Building Room 201 Corner of 11th and Columbia Olympia Washington 98504-1017 Map: http://www.leg.wa.gov/common/maps/parking.htm Note: Assistance for disabled, blind or hearing-impaired persons who wish to attend is available with pre-arrangement with the Office of State Procurement (OSP). Contact the State Procurement Officer identified on the face page of this document.</p><p>1.2 PUBLIC DISCLOSURE Bid information, including price sheets, will not be available for public disclosure until after award of the contract. At the time of bid opening, only the name of the bidder and time of bid receipt will be read aloud.</p><p>1.3 SCOPE The purpose of this IFB is to establish a “Convenience” contract for the day-to-day as needed purchase of goods relating to the repair and maintenance of refrigeration/cooling equipment. This contract replaces #05897 and the goal of this IFB is to solicit responses from qualified bidders offering the best overall value. It is the intent the Office of State Procurement to establish a contract for each region to service the State of Washington.</p><p>1.4 TERM OF CONTRACT Upon the date of award, the initial contract term shall be active for a period of 24 months. </p><p>1.5 CONTRACT EXTENSIONS The state reserves the right to extend this contract for additional contract terms or portions thereof. Contract extensions shall be subject to mutual agreement. Total contract period (with extensions) shall not exceed six (6) years. 3 Bidder’s Company Name ______1.6 ESTIMATED USAGE The state estimates that purchases over the initial two-year term of the contract will approximate $1,600,000.00. Estimates are based upon past usage. The State does not guarantee any minimum purchase.</p><p>1.7 PURCHASERS Based on historical purchasing data the primary purchasers will be higher education and political subdivisions who are members of the State of Washington Purchasing Cooperative (WSPC) and to a much lesser degree state agencies, and non-profit organizations. Contractor(s) shall not process contract orders from unauthorized purchasers. A list of WSPC members can be found on at: www.ga.wa.gov/pca/cooplist.htm If bidder agrees to extend contract pricing to State of Oregon ORCCP members, the bidder will be allowed a percent increase to bid pricing to accommodate additional freight costs to Oregon locations (See section 3.2 Bidder Information). Bidders shall indicate any increase in the Bid Submittals. State of Oregon Cooperative Purchasing Program (DASCPP/ORCPP) has a list of Oregon members at http://tpps.das.state.or.us/purchasing/. Contractors shall not process state contract orders from unauthorized purchasers. While use of the contract by members of the WSPC and DASCPP/ORCPP is optional, the state encourages them to use state contracts. Their use of the contracts may significantly increase the purchase volume. Their orders are subject to the same contract terms, conditions and pricing as state agencies. The state accepts no responsibility for payment by WSPC or DASCPP/ORCPP members.</p><p>1.8 PURCHASES BY NONPROFIT CORPORATIONS Legislation allows nonprofit corporations to participate in state contracts for purchases administered by OSP. By mutual agreement with OSP, the contractor may sell goods or services at contract pricing awarded under this contract to self certified nonprofit corporations. Those organizations purchasing under this contract shall do so only to the extent they retain eligibility and comply with other contract and statutory provisions. The contractor may make reasonable inquiry of credit worthiness prior to accepting orders or delivering goods or services on contract. The state accepts no responsibility for payments by nonprofit corporations. Contractor may not change contracted payment terms for nonprofit orders.</p><p>1.9 BIDDER COMPLIANCE The State reserves the right to consider the actual level of bidder’s compliance with the requirements specified in this IFB, and to consider a bid responsive if it substantially complies with the state’s intent relative to overall bid requirements and specifications.</p><p>4 Bidder’s Company Name ______1.10 ADDITIONAL ITEMS OR MANUFACTURERS ADDED TO THE CONTRACT During the term of this contract, with mutual agreement with the Contractor, the state may add related products or manufacturers to this contract provided Contractor maintains the same pricing structure/profit margin as was established on the original contract. These additional products shall not significantly impact the volume or scope of the contract.</p><p>1.11 ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL GOALS In support of the State’s economic and environmental goals, we encourage you to consider the following elements in responding to our bids. These are not a factor of award (unless otherwise specified in this document): Using environmentally preferable products and products that exceed EPA guidelines http://www.ga.wa.gov/PCA/Forms/EPA-Guideline-List-of-Products.doc Supporting a diverse supplier pool, including small, minority, and women-owned firms Featuring products made or grown in Washington</p><p>2 CHECK LIST The following checklist is provided for bidder's convenience only and identifies the bid documents that must be completed and submitted with bid package. Any bid packages received without these documents may be deemed non-responsive.</p><p>(To check the box In Microsoft Word, double click box and select the “checked” field)</p><p>Section 3.1 “Offer and Award”</p><p>Section 3.2 “Bidder Information”</p><p>Section 3.4 “Service Area”</p><p>Section 3.7 “Pricing Worksheet”</p><p>Appendix B (3-minimum) Customer References</p><p>Signed Original plus Electronic Copy of Bid Response</p><p>2.1.1 NOTE: Upon award, contractor(s) will have 15-days to provide the Office of State Procurement a copy of the WA State Business License and a copy of Certificate of Insurance (See section 5.3 INSURANCE)</p><p>5 Bidder’s Company Name ______3 Bidder Requirements (Bidder must comply with the following)</p><p>SUPPLIER OF REFRIGERATION GOODS Bidder must be regularly engaged in the supply of refrigeration/cooling goods & services and done so for a minimum of 3 years. </p><p>SUPPLIER AUTHORIZATION Bidder must be an authorized reseller (in good standing) for the manufacturers bid. The state reserves the right to request the bidder to provide proof of authorization. Proof of authorization will typically involve (but is not limited to) the submission of a current, dated, and signed letter from the manufacturer or authorized supplier indicating that the bidder is an authorized distributor, dealer or service representative and is authorized to sell the manufacturer’s wares. </p><p>SALES & WAREHOUSING REQUIREMENTS Prior to bid opening, the bidder(s) must be equipped to provide over-the counter service and regular deliveries for the region(s) bid. Furthermore, it is understood that the bidder’s Sales/Warehouse outlet(s) will: </p><p> Be fully operational and is capable of servicing contract purchasers. Be open during normal working hours (Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM) and have adequate number of qualified employees to assist contract purchasers by phone or in person. Additionally, in the event of an emergency, off-hour telephone numbers will be provided whereby “rush orders” can be issued and if possible fulfilled. Have ready access to inventory needed for the immediate fulfillment of orders common to refrigeration/cooling equipment maintenance or installation.</p><p>NOTE: The State reserves the right to inspect all proposed outlets prior to the award to determine whether or not the outlet meets the minimum requirements. Additionally, it is understood that contract purchasers may use the closest contractor provided that contractor is willing to extend contract pricing and terms.</p><p>SERVICE EXPECTATIONS Upon award, the state expects to be designated as a Preferred Customer as a result of this contract and consequently the successful bidder(s) will: Review the impact of this award and take the necessary steps to ensure adequate coverage and contract compliance. Assist purchasers in making cost effective purchases. This assistance should include, in part, suggesting alternate brands, new methods, and economic order quantities. Promote and market the use of this contract to all eligible purchasers including State Procurement Cooperative members. Take necessary action to ensure that authorized purchasers will automatically receive contract pricing. Ensure that those who endeavor to utilize this contract are authorized State Purchasing Cooperative (SPC) members. Provide price verification to contract users upon request. Price verification will include i2 TRA-SER Pro Price Directory® manufacturer list pricing, contract price and catalog number. (See section 3.6 “CONTRACT PRICING”)</p><p>6 Bidder’s Company Name ______ORDER FULFILLMENT REQUIREMENTS Contract purchasers may place orders against this contract either in person, electronically, fax or by phone. Once an order is issued, the following shall apply: </p><p> All product purchased against this contract shall be FOB destination with cost of freight included in the bid price. No COD deliveries will be accepted. Standard products shall be delivered within ten (10) business days. Non-standard or custom product orders shall be delivered within twenty (20) business days; if delivery is not possible because of specialized materials or product specifications then Contractor shall provide a mutually acceptable firm delivery date. It is understood that the contractor(s) will make every effort to ensure the expeditious delivery of all contract orders. Failure to fulfill delivery schedules may subject the contractor to non-delivery assessment charges and/or liquidated damages as appropriate. Furthermore, a pattern of prolonged delivery delays may be cause for contract termination. Unless special delivery requirements have been pre-arranged, deliverers will be made during the normal work hours (Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM). The contractor is responsible for coordinating with customers and carrier(s) the delivery schedule, shipping instructions and location delivery details. The state reserves the right to refuse shipment when delivered after normal working hours. If it is determined that order fulfillment could potentially exceed the typical order fulfillment lead time, the contractor shall advise the purchaser within 24 hours of receipt of the order. In such cases, the state reserves the right to purchase elsewhere (without being liable for cancellation/restocking fees) should the anticipated delivery lead-time adversely effect project scheduling. Unless otherwise stated, the contractor is expected to deliver and off-load at purchasers receiving dock or job site. Product damaged as a result of contractor negligence will either be replaced or be noted on the receiving report and deducted from final payment. Contractor is responsible for shipping costs and arranging for pick-up of any defective returns, and arranging for a Call Tag to insure freight is charged to Contractor for defective returns, within ten (10) business days. Purchasers may return unopened or unused (non-specialty) items within ten (10) business days of receipt for full credit and no re-stocking/cancellation fees will be applied. Specialty items will be subject to the manufacturer’s restocking fees which shall be communicated and approved by customer upon receipt of the purchase order. Purchasers will assume the cost of special deliveries requiring a boom truck, forklift (when not available at the delivery site) and the transport of items beyond the unloading dock. All costs for containers shall be borne by the contractor. All products shall conform to the provisions set forth in the federal, county, state and city laws for their product, handling, processing and labeling. Packages shall be so constructed to ensure safe transportation to point of delivery. The Contractor is responsible to verify delivery conditions/requirements prior to the delivery.</p><p>7 Bidder’s Company Name ______REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Ongoing quarterly customer usage reports will be an important factor impacting in the decision to extend or renew a contract(s). Therefore, the successful bidder(s) will agree to provide the following report(s) to Office of State Procurement in a timely manner.</p><p>Sales and Subcontractor Report A quarterly Sales and Subcontractor Report shall be submitted in the format provided by the Office of State Procurement. Bidders may retrieve the report electronically at http://www.ga.wa.gov/PCA/forms/usage.doc. Total purchases for each State Agency, University, Community and Technical Colleges must be shown separately. Total purchases for all political subdivisions and non-profit organizations may be summarized as one customer. Additionally, all purchases by the State of Oregon or other purchasers must be reported as an aggregate total. Reports are due thirty (30) days after the end of the calendar quarter, i.e., April 30th, July 31st, October 31st and January 31st. </p><p>SPO Required Report This report will be designed by the SPO to obtain information needed for contract negotiation, future IFB design, or any other SPO determined need. At a minimum the contractor must be able to provide and electronic report that includes the total contract sales for the manufacturer represented.</p><p>8 Bidder’s Company Name ______3.1 OFFER AND AWARD Bidders are required to read and understand all information contained within this entire bid package. There are some standard documents, which are referred to in this bid package that are not automatically printed or sent out with this bid. For example, Competitive Procurement Standards (Standard Terms and Conditions, Instructions to Bidders, Definitions), Sales/Service & Subcontractor Report are binding terms of this contract. It is important that you read and understand these documents. These documents are available on our website at http://www.ga.wa.gov/pca/cps.htm . If you do not have Internet access, you may contact the State Procurement Officer to obtain copies of any and all documents contained in this bid package.</p><p>STANDARD DEFINITIONS revised 06/02/03 STANDARD INSTRUCTIONS FOR BIDDERS revised 06/02/03 STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS revised 06/02/03</p><p>Bidder further offers to furnish materials, equipment or services in compliance with all terms, conditions, and specifications herein including all amendments. Submitting this document with an authorized signature constitutes complete understanding and compliance with the terms and conditions and certifies that all-necessary facilities or personnel are available and established at the time of bid submittal. </p><p>(Company Name) (Typed or Printed Name)</p><p>(Address) (Title)</p><p>(City) (State) (Zip) (Phone No.)</p><p>(Federal Tax Identification Number) (Bidder’s Signature) (Date)</p><p>Email</p><p>CONTRACT AWARD (For State of Washington Use Only)</p><p>A contract is hereby awarded between the above company and the State of Washington, Office of State Procurement, Purchasing and Contract Administration, to be effective _____. This is a Partial / Total award for REFIGERATION PARTS & SUPPLIES CONTRACT #01304.</p><p>Authorized Signatures</p><p>(State Procurement Officer) (Date) (Purchasing Manager) (Date)</p><p>9 Bidder’s Company Name ______3.2 BIDDER INFORMATION </p><p>3.2.1 Bidder shall complete and submit the following:</p><p>3.2.2 Bidder agrees to sell the goods and services on this contract to political subdivisions which are members of the State of Washington Purchasing Cooperative (WSPC): Yes No </p><p>3.2.3 Bidder agrees to sell the goods and services on this contract to self-certified nonprofit corporations which are members of the State of Washington Purchasing Cooperative (WSPC): Yes No </p><p>3.2.4 Prompt Payment Discount ______% net 30 days. NOTE: For those bidders who elect to provide a Prompt Payment Discount (PPD) % net 30, that discount will be applied to the bidders bid prices and thereby impact the bidders price point scoring. (See section 4.1 Bid Scoring). </p><p>3.2.5 Bidder agrees to sell the goods and services on this contract to political subdivisions and nonprofit organizations which are members of the State of Oregon Cooperative Purchasing Program (DASCPP/ORCPP): Yes No . If yes, please indicate percent increase (if any) to be applied to contract pricing to cover freight charges for State of Oregon DASCPP/ORCPP Members: ______%</p><p>3.2.6 Bidder to provide Federal Tax Identification Number: ______Please identify any OMWBE subcontractors who will perform services in fulfillment of contract requirements and anticipated percentage of participation (based on total dollar) value of each subcontract. Include federal tax identification (TIN) number for each OMWBE subcontractor: % Tin: % Tin: % Tin:</p><p>3.2.7 Firms bidding from California only: Is your firm currently certified as a small business under California Code, Title 2, Section 1896.12? Yes No </p><p>3.2.8 Purchasing (Credit) Cards accepted? Yes No </p><p>(Washington State purchasing card is VISA) If yes, please list major brands below:</p><p>10 Bidder’s Company Name ______Vendor Contact information:</p><p>3.2.9 If available, please indicate Toll free customer telephone number (____) _____ - ______</p><p>3.2.10 Website address (which will be published in subsequent award):______</p><p>Contract Administration Alternate - Contract Administration Name: Name: Telephone: Telephone: Fax: Fax: Email: Email: Customer Service/Order Placement Sales Usage Reports Name: Name: Telephone: Telephone: Fax: Fax: Email: Email:</p><p>3.2.11 Order Entry and Billing Information:</p><p>Orders to be sent to: Billing will be from: Payment to be sent to:</p><p>11 Bidder’s Company Name ______3.3 SERVICE AREA</p><p>3.3.1 The contract award for a specific region is intended to cover that region and could potentially overlap the boundaries of the surrounding region. The map shown below identifies the geographic area for each region to be bid. Bidders are instructed to refer to the table that follows and check the box of the region(s) bid as well as provide contact information for related regions. To be eligible for award at least one store must be located in the region bid. Contract users (out of the region area) may use the closest practical contractor as long as that contractor will provide product in accord with terms of this contract. (i.e. FOB Destination with freight prepaid and included in the cost of product) </p><p>3.3.2</p><p>12 Bidder’s Company Name ______3.4 SERVICE AREA WORKSHEET To be eligible for award, bidder must have at least one store location for the region bid therefore, please identify the region(s) the bidder intends to bid and indicate store contact information in the table below. NOTE: Points per region will be awarded based on the number of eligible stores per region.</p><p>Region Store 1 Store 2 Store 3 Northwest Store Name: Street Address: City, State Zip Code: Phone: FAX Store Manager: North Central Store Name: Street Address: City, State Zip Code: Phone: FAX Store Manager: Eastern Store Name: Street Address: City, State Zip Code: Phone: FAX Store Manager: South Central Store Name: Street Address: City, State Zip Code: Phone: FAX Store Manager: South West Store Name: Street Address: City, State Zip Code: Phone: FAX Store Manager:: Olympic Store Name: Street Address: City, State Zip Code: Phone: FAX Store Manager:</p><p>13 Bidder’s Company Name ______3.5 CUSTOMER REFERENCES Bidders are instructed to have a minimum of (3) commercial or government customer references complete the customer reference form and fax the forms to the Office of State Procurement (OSP) prior to the bid opening date. (The customer reference form can be found in Appendix B) It is the responsibility of the bidder to ensure and verify that the customer reference forms have been completed and submitted (by the customer reference) prior to the bid opening date. If any of the 5 questions in questionnaire receive a score of zero (0) then that customer reference will be disqualified yet the requirement for a minimum of (3) qualified references must still be met. Failure to provide 3 qualified references will result in disqualification and the bidder will not be eligible for award. If more than (3) qualified references are submitted, only the (3) references with highest point total will be used in evaluating the bidders response. In other words, only the bidder’s (3) most favorable references will be used to calculate reference-points. The formula for calculating price-points will be: </p><p>(Sum total of top 3 customer references) ÷ 3 = Customer Reference-points</p><p>3.6 CONTRACT PRICING The state will be establishing contract pricing based on a discount off the manufacturer’s published catalog price. Based on historical purchasing data, it is expected that the manufacturers identified in the Pricing Worksheet provides sufficient contract coverage relevant to the scope of this contract. Weighting is based on historical purchasing data and reflects the percentage of dollars spent per manufacturer.</p><p>For the purposes of this contract, the date identified on a purchase order as correlated to the most current edition of the i2 TRA-SER PRO Price Directory Data® will be used to establish manufacturer’s published catalog price. The i2 TRA-SER PRO Price Directory® aggregates and regularly updates pricing information for the manufacturer’s to be incorporated into this contract. Information regarding the i2 TRA-SER PRO can be found via the Internet at: http://www.i2tradeservice.com/sol_contractors/plumbing/products/pl_con_tra-ser_pro_pm.html Bidders may acquire a demo version of the i2 TRA-SER PRO software by contacting Ian Joslin at (800) 585-7521. Contract pricing will be calculated by multiplying the bidder’s proposed percent discount to the manufactures published catalog prices. For Example: </p><p>(Percent discount i.e. .456) x (i2 TRA-SER PRO Price i.e. $100) = (Contract Price $45.60)</p><p>Bidders are to complete the Pricing Worksheet by bidding a percent discount multiplier (not to exceed 3 decimal places i.e. .456 = 45.6%) to be applied to the i2 TRA-SER PRO Price Directory for the manufacturers identified. This discount bid will be applied to all of the manufacturer’s wares relevant to the scope of this contract. Bid pricing will include FOB destination, freight prepaid for any destination within the region bid. If bidder agrees to extend contract pricing to State of Oregon ORCCP members, the fright charges as identified in Section 3.3 BID INFORMATION will be applied as indicated. The State acknowledges that manufactures periodically update catalog pricing (also reflected in the i2 TRA-SER PRO Price Directory) and consequently impacting contract pricing. Although fluctuations are likely the contractor(s) will not be allowed to change their discount percentages throughout contract period. NOTE: All pricing shall include the costs of bid preparation, the i2 TRA-SER PRO monthly subscription fees, servicing of accounts, upon requested price verification, and all other contractual obligations. </p><p>14 Bidder’s Company Name ______3.7 PRICING WORKSHEET Bidders are to provide discount off list pricing for the manufacturers identified below. Please be aware that failure to provide a discount for a particular manufacturer will result in no points for that manufacturer and thereby affecting the bidder’s overall point total. PRICING WORKSHEET Manufacturer Weighting Proposed Discount Armacell LLC 3 ASCO General Controls 1 Bacharach Instraments 5 Baldor Motors 2 Belimo 114 Bell & Gossett (ITT) 53 Bohn Products (Heatcraft) 3 Bussmann 1 Chandler Refrigeration (Heatcraft) 3 Climate Control Prod. (Heatcraft) 3 Copeland Refrigeration 93 CPR Ind. (Carrier, Trane, York) 17 Danfoss Products 3 Dwyer Instruments, Inc. 2 Flo-Control Inc. 5 Gates Products 16 Henry Technologies 1 Highside Chemical Company 1 Honeywell Inc. Braukmann Controls 200 ICOR International Inc. 1 Invensys Building Systems Inc. (Paragon) 61 ITT McDonnell & Miller/Hoffman 8 J/B Industries Inc. 4 Johnson Controls 109 Klein Tools Inc. 1 Larkin Refrigeration Products 5 Manitowoc Equipment Works 5 Maple Chase (Paragon) 3 Motors & Armatures 14 Mueller Industries, Inc. 4 Nibco Inc 6 Nu-Calgon Products 14 Packard Motors Inc. 1 Parker Hannifin-Brass 3 Prest-O-Lite (ESAB) 10 Ranco Controls 3 Raychem HTS 5 Refrigeration Hardware Supply Corp. 4 Ritchie Engineering 8 Robertshaw Controls 6 Robinair Manufacturing Corp. 7 Russell Products 10 Sealed Unit Parts Co, Inc. 3 15 Bidder’s Company Name ______PRICING WORKSHEET Manufacturer Weighting Proposed Discount Siemens-Furnas Controls 11 Smith A.O. Corp. 5 Sporlan Valves 26 Tecumseh Products 25 Universal Enterprise Inc. (UEI) 2 White-Rodgers 2 The generic i2 TRA-SER manufacturers listed below will be used establish contract pricing but contractor(s) may supply equivalent products as long as established contract is matched. Refrigerant (UPC 668405). 76 Copper Tubing (UPC 668312) 12</p><p>3.8 SUPPLEMENTAL MANUFACTURER PRICING Because purchasers may require limited access to other manufacturers’ products relevant to the scope of this contract, bidders may propose a discount multiplier for other manufacturers included in the i2 TRA-SER PRO Price Directory. However, the proposed discount multiplier must reflect no more than a 5% markup based on average landed cost for the manufacturer’s product line. The decision to add any of these complementary manufacturers will be at the discretion of procurement officer. Additionally, the successful bidder(s) may be required to provide sufficient documentation needed to support the claims that the proposed discount equates to a 5% markup based on average landed cost. All other contract terms will apply. Therefore, please list other relevant manufacturers (listed in the i2 TRA_SER PRO Price Directory) the bidder is willing to supply along with the appropriate discount multiplier. (See Appendix A for a list of Manufacturers included in the i2 TRA-SER PRO Price directory)</p><p>SUPPLEMENTAL MANUFACTURER PRICE SHEET Manufacturer (as listed in the TRA-SER PRO Price Directory) Proposed Discount</p><p>3.9 COST SAVINGS INITIATIVES Bidders are encouraged to propose Cost Savings Initiatives relevant to the scope of this contract. The potential impact of the proposed Cost Savings Initiatives will be an award consideration. (see Bid Evaluation) Examples of Cost Savings Initiatives may include but is</p><p>16 Bidder’s Company Name ______not limited to: Online purchasing discount, prompt payment discount, discount for credit card purchases, volume discounts, price reduction when the annual volume exceeds a dollar threshold, special pricing for high uses items, etc. Therefore, bidders are instructed to provide the following: </p><p>3.9.1 Online Purchasing Discount ______%.</p><p>3.9.2 Credit Card Purchasing Discount: ______%.</p><p>3.9.3 Discount of ______% for single purchase orders exceeding $ ______</p><p>Other—Please Explain: </p><p>17 Bidder’s Company Name ______4 BID EVALUATION In accordance with Competitive Procurement Standards the state intends to award the contract(s) by region to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder per region. A point system will be used to establish the lowest responsive and responsible bidder(s) on a per region basis. Only those bid responses that conform to bid requirements and comply with the Bidder Requirements as outlined in section 3 of the IFB will be evaluated and scored. Bidders will accumulate points based on both cost and non-cost factors (References/Service Area). To aid in the evaluation process, the state may request a meeting with bidders to discuss the nature and scope of contractual requirements. In no manner shall such action be construed as negotiations or an indication of the state’s intention to award.</p><p>4.1 BID SCORING There is a total of 1,000 possible points and the bidder receiving the highest point total (per region bid) will be awarded contract for that region. The scoring criteria will be as follows: 1) Customer References (10-points) A total of 10-points have been assigned to the reference portion of the IFB. The bidder’s reference score will be determined by averaging the top (3) qualified customer references. In other words the formula for calculating price-points will be:</p><p>(Sum total of 3 most favorable references) ÷ 3 = Total Customer Reference-points</p><p>2) Service Area (6-points) Bidders will be awarded 2-points for each store location bid per region as identified in table found in section 3.4 SERVICE AREA but no more than 6-points will be awarded per region. 3) Pricing (980-points) A maximum total of 980-points are assigned to the pricing portion of the IFB. Weighting in the form of points has been assigned to each manufacturer to be bid. The bidder proposing the most favorable discount off list price will receive the maximum weighted-points for the manufacturer bid. All other responses receive points proportionate to the most favorable discount. If a bidder has offered a prompt payment discount PPD % net 30 (See section 3.2 Bidder Information) then that discount will be added to the bid pricing. The formula for calculating price-points as well as a sample calculation follows:</p><p>(Bidder discount + PPD) ÷ Most favorable discount x Weighting = Price points ( .345 + .01 = .355) ÷ ( .456 ) x (i.e. 60) = 46.71-Price points</p><p>4) Cost Savings Initiatives (4-points) Should the top contending responses per region (based on the combined point totals of the criteria list above) fall within a range of 4 points, then those bidders Cost Savings Initiatives (proposed in section 3.9) will be assessed and scored for the 4 available points. Points for Cost Savings Initiatives will be awarded based on the potential impact the savings initiatives will have on the contract. The state may request the bidder to provide relevant and supportive market research data in assessing the potential impact of the bidders’ cost savings initiatives. </p><p>4.2 AWARD DETERMINATION The regional winner will be determined by adding the bidders’ Regional point total to References, Pricing, and Cost Saving point totals. The bidder with the highest point total per region will then be awarded a contract. </p><p>18 Bidder’s Company Name ______5 CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS</p><p>5.1 CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE General Requirements: The state, in conjunction with purchasers, monitors and maintains records of Contractor performance. Said performance shall be a factor in evaluation and award of this and all future contracts. Purchasers will be provided with product/service performance report forms to forward reports of superior or poor performance to the State Procurement Officer. Liquidated Damages: The state has an immediate requirement for the materials, equipment or services specified herein. Bidders are urged to give careful consideration to the state’s requirements and to the manufacturer’s production capabilities when establishing a delivery date(s). Liquidated damages will be assessed in the amount of actual damages incurred by the state as a result of Contractor’s failure to perform herein. Cost of Remedying Defects: All defects, indirect and consequential costs of correcting, removing or replacing any or all of the defective materials or equipment will be charged against the Contractor.</p><p>5.2 RETENTION OF RECORDS The contractor shall maintain, for at least three years after completion of this contract, all relevant records pertaining to this contract. This shall include, but not be limited to, all records pertaining to actual contract performance from the date of contract award. It shall also include information necessary to document the level of utilization of MWBE’s and other businesses as subcontractors and suppliers in this contract as well as any efforts the contractor makes to increase the participation of MWBE’s. The contractor shall also maintain, for at least three years after completion of this contract, a record of all quotes, bids, estimates, or proposals submitted to the Contractor by all businesses seeking to participate as subcontractors or suppliers in this contract. The State shall have the right to inspect and copy such records. If this contract involves federal funds, Contractor shall comply with all record keeping requirements set forth in any federal rules, regulations, or statutes included or referenced in the contract documents.</p><p>5.3 INSURANCE A. General Requirements: Contractor shall, at their own expense, obtain and keep in force insurance as follows until completion of the contract. Within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of notice of award, the Contractor shall furnish evidence in the form of a Certificate of Insurance satisfactory to the state that insurance, in the following kinds and minimum amounts has been secured. Failure to provide proof of insurance, as required, will result in contract cancellation. The Contractor must keep an updated certificate of insurance on file with the Office of State Procurement.</p><p>Contractor shall include all subcontractors as insured’s under all required insurance policies, or shall furnish separate Certificates of Insurance and endorsements for each subcontractor. Subcontractor(s) must comply fully with all insurance requirements stated herein. Failure of subcontractor(s) to comply with insurance requirements does not limit Contractor’s liability or responsibility. </p><p>All insurance provided in compliance with this contract shall be primary as to any other insurance or self-insurance programs afforded to or maintained by State.</p><p>19 Bidder’s Company Name ______B. Specific Requirements: 1. Employers Liability (Stop Gap): The Contractor will at all times comply with all applicable workers’ compensation, occupational disease, and occupational health and safety laws, statutes, and regulations to the full extent applicable and will maintain Employers Liability insurance with a limit of no less than $1,000,000.00. The state will not be held responsible in any way for claims filed by the Contractor or their employees for services performed under the terms of this contract. </p><p>2. Commercial General Liability Insurance: The Contractor shall at all times during the term of this contract, carry and maintain commercial general liability insurance and if necessary, commercial umbrella insurance for bodily injury and property damage arising out of services provided under this contract. This insurance shall cover such claims as may be caused by any act, omission, or negligence of the Contractor or its officers, agents, representatives, assigns, or servants. </p><p>Each Occurrence $1,000,000 General Aggregate Limits $2,000,000 (other than products-completed operations) Products-Completed Operations Limit $2,000,000 Personal and Advertising Injury Limit $1,000,000 Fire Damage Limit (any one fire) $ 50,000 Medical Expense Limit (any one person) $ 5,000</p><p>3. Business Auto Policy (BAP): In the event that services delivered pursuant to this contract involve the use of vehicles, or the transportation of clients, automobile liability insurance shall be required. The coverage provided shall protect against claims for bodily injury, including illness, disease and death; and property damage caused by an occurrence arising out of or in consequence of the performance of this service by the Contractor, subcontractor, or anyone employed by either. Contractor shall maintain business auto liability and, if necessary, commercial umbrella liability insurance with a combined single limit not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. The business auto liability shall include Hired and Non-Owned coverage. Contractor waives all rights against the State for the recovery of damages to the extent they are covered by business auto liability or commercial umbrella liability insurance. 4. Additional Provisions: Above insurance policies shall include the following provisions: Additional Insured: The State of Washington and all authorized contract users shall be named as an additional insured on all general liability, umbrella, excess, and property insurance policies. All policies shall be primary over any other valid and collectable insurance. Notice of policy(ies) cancellation/non-renewal: For insurers subject to RCW 48.18 (Admitted and regulated by the Washington State Insurance Commissioner) a written notice shall be given to the State forty-five (45) calendar days prior to cancellation or any material change to the policy(ies) as it relates to this contract. For insurers subject to RCW 48.15 (Surplus Lines) a written notice shall be given to the State twenty (20) calendar days prior to cancellation or any material change to the policy(ies) as it relates to this contract. If cancellation on any policy is due to non-payment of premium, the State shall be given a written notice ten (10) calendar days prior to cancellation. 20 Bidder’s Company Name ______A. Identification: Policy(ies) and Certificates of Insurance must reference the state’s bid/contract number. B. Insurance Carrier Rating: The insurance required above shall be issued by an insurance company authorized to do business within the State of Washington. Insurance is to be placed with a carrier that has a rating of A- Class VII or better in the most recently published edition of Best’s Reports. Any exception must be reviewed and approved by General Administration’s Risk Manager, or the Risk Manager for the State of Washington, by submitting a copy of the contract and evidence of insurance before contract commencement. If an insurer is not admitted, all insurance policies and procedures for issuing the insurance policies must comply with Chapter 48.15 RCW and 284-15 WAC. C. Excess Coverage: The limits of all insurance required to be provided by the Contractor shall be no less than the minimum amounts specified. However, coverage in the amounts of these minimum limits shall not be construed to relieve the Contractor from liability in excess of such limits.</p><p>5.4 PRICING AND ADJUSTMENTS The percent discount bid will remain firm throughout the term of the contract (See section 3.6). During the term of this contract, should the contractor enter into pricing agreements with other customers providing greater benefits or pricing, contractor shall immediately amend the Purchaser’s contract to provide similar pricing to the Purchaser if the contract with other customers offers similar usage quantities, and similar conditions impacting pricing. Contractor shall immediately notify the State Procurement Officer of any such contracts entered into by contractor. If the contractor fails to notify the State Procurement Officer and the officer has documentation/evidence that the contractor is providing better pricing to other customers, the State may consider terminating their contract.</p><p>5.5 MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP The Contractor shall be required to furnish all new materials, equipment and/or services necessary to perform contractual requirements. Materials and workmanship in the construction of equipment for this contract shall conform to all codes, regulations and requirements for such equipment, specifications contained herein, and the normal uses for which intended. Materials shall be manufactured in accordance with the best commercial practices and standards for this type of equipment. Refurbished products are not allowed.</p><p>21 Bidder’s Company Name ______5.6 WARRANTY(IES) All materials or equipment provided shall be new, unused, of the latest model or design and of recent manufacture.</p><p>Unless otherwise specified, full parts and labor warranty shall be for a period minimum of one (1) year after receipt of materials or equipment by the Purchaser. All materials or equipment provided shall be new, unused of the latest model or design and or recent manufacture. In the event of conflict between contract terms and conditions and warranty submitted, to afford the state maximum benefits, the contract terms and conditions shall prevail.</p><p>Contractor warrants that all materials provided under the contract shall be fit for the purpose(s) for which intended, for merchantability, and shall conform to the requirements and specifications herein. Acceptance of any service and inspection incidental thereto by the state shall not alter or affect the obligations of the Contractor or the rights of the State.</p><p>6 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS </p><p>6.1 PURCHASING CARD ACCEPTANCE In an effort to streamline the purchasing and payment process, the State is encouraging agencies to use the state contracted purchasing card to facilitate small dollar purchases. While at the present time, it is not mandatory that contractors accept credit card purchases, we encourage all state contractors to consider this alternate payment process. Please indicate in Bid Submittals which card(s) you presently accept and payment discount you may offer the state. The current card available for state agency use is a VISA product.</p><p>22 Bidder’s Company Name ______7 Appendix A – i2 Tra-Ser Manufacturers (as of Fall 2003)</p><p>3M Electrical Products Armstrong International A-1 Components Armstrong Pumps Ab&I Foundry1 Arrow Hart Controls Abs Pumps Inc. Arrow Hart Wiring Devices Abs/Dwv Plastic Pipe & Fitting Arrowhead Brass Products Ace Pump Corp. Artis Metals Company, Inc. Acetylene Supply Company Asahi/America, Inc. Acme Manufacturing Company Asco General Controls Acme-Miami Atlantic Chemical Acorn Engineering Co. (Neptune) Atlas Minerals & Chemicals Div. Adams Mfg. Auer Register Company Advanced Aquaduck Systems Automag Company Agalite Glass Co Inc B & K Industries, Inc. Air Filters B-Line Systems Inc. Air Kontrol Filters Babbitt Steam Specialty Co. Air-Jet (General Products Co.) Bacharach Instruments Airguard Filters Bahco North America, Inc. Airmaster Baldor Motors Airserco Products Barnes & Jones, Inc. Alco Control Products Barnes Pumps, Inc. Alsons Corporation Basco Shower Door Company Ameribest Fasteners LLC Bauer American Air Filter Inc. Beacon Valve Co. American Allsafe Co. Beacon/Morris American Brass & Aluminum Foundry Beck Manufacturing Inc. American Granby, Inc. Beckett Corp. American Metal Products Beckett, R.W. Products American Packing And Gasket Company Beko-Burke Engineering American Standard (Brass Products) Bell & Gossett (ITT) American Standard (Fixtures) Bell & Spigot Pipe & Ftgs American Standard Water Heaters Bell & Spigot X-Hvy Pipe & Ftgs American Tool Companies, Inc. Bemis Mfg. Company American Valve Mfg. Corporation Beneke Corporation American Water Heaters Benjamin Mfg. Company, Inc. American/Elgen Bernzomatic Corp. Ames Company Inc Black Swan Mfg. Company Amprobe Instruments Blackburn Amtrol, Inc. Bobrick Washroom Equipment Anaco/Husky Bock Water Heaters, Inc. Anderson Copper And Brass Co. Bohn Products Anvil International, Inc./Grinnell Bonney Forge Corp. API Ketema Bootz Plumbingware Company Aqua Clean Federated Fry Metals Co Bosworth Company Aqua Glass Products Bowers Mfg. Company Aqua-Flo, Inc. BPC Industries Inc. Aqua-Pure Bradford-White Corporation Arcoaire/Comfortmaker Bradley Corp. Armacell, LLC. Brady Corporation</p><p>23 Bidder’s Company Name ______Brady Corporation1 CMPR Unlimited (Carrier,Trane,York) Bramec Corp. Coast Foundry & Mfg. Brass Craft Mfg. Company Coleman Mfg. Brass Craft Mfg./Plumb Shop Div. Colonial Engineering, Inc. Brass Sch40 Pipe Nipples Columbus Electric Manufacturing Co. Brasstech, Inc. Combu, Inc. Briggs Plumbing Products Comfort-Aire (Heat Controller Inc.) Bright Star Industries, Inc. Commercial Enameling Co. Bristol Corporation Commonwealth Sprague Capacitor, Inc Broan Mfg. Company Component Prod. Corp. (Ge, Fasco) Brodco Compotite Shower Pans Browning Products Conbraco Industries, Inc. (Apollo) Bryant W-Device/Economy Cable Congress Drives, Inc. Burndy Corp. Connecticut Stamping & Bend Burnham Corp. (Hydronics Div.) Continental Industries,Inc. Bussmann Controlled Energy Corp. C & D Valves Cooper Group, Inc. C.E.Ray Company Cooper Thermometers Cadet Cooper Tools Cain Mfg. Company Copeland Refrigeration California Brass Mfg., Co. (Calco) Copper Building Wire & Cable Calpico, Inc. Cord Cambridge-Lee Industries Inc. Cozy/Louisville Tin & Stove Co. Camco Fittings Company CPR Ind. Inc. (Carrier,Trane,York) Camco Industries Crane Plumbing Brass Camco Mfg. Inc. Crane Plumbing Fixtures (Fiat Div.) Campbell Manufacturing, Inc. Crane Valves Canfield Technologies CRC Chemicals USA Canterbury Enterprises Creative Specialties International Capitol Mfg., Inc. Crown Engineering Corp. Carlin Combustion Technology Crown Products Company, Inc. Carol Products Cully Enterprises, Inc. Carpenter & Paterson, Inc. Curtin Valve Company Cash, A.W. Valve Mfg. Co. Curtis-Toledo Inc (Toledo Tools) Centoco Manufacturing Corp. Cutler-Hammer Dist-Equip. & Ctrls Central Brass Mfg. Company Cyrus Shank Company Cerro Copper Products Dallas Specialty & Mfg Co. Cesco Brass, Ltd. Danfoss Products Champion Sprinkler Equipment DAP Products Chandler Refrigeration (Heatcraft) Dayco-Carlisle Channellock, Inc. Dayni Controls Mfg. Co. Charlotte Pipe & Foundry Company Dayton Electric Motors Chase Products Co (Champion) Dearborn Products Chatham Brass Co., Inc. Debest Manufacturing Company, Inc. Cherne Industries, Inc. Delany Flush Vlvs Chicago Faucet Company Delavan Fuel Metering Products Christy Concrete Products, Inc. Delta Faucet Cambridge Brass Chronomite Laboratories Inc. Delta Faucet Corp. Clampette, Inc. Devco Enterprises, Inc. Climate Control Prod. (Heatcraft) Dixon Valve & Couplings Cloroben Chemical Corp. (Blue Seal) Dongan Transformers Clow Water Systems & Special Prod. Doolins 24 Bidder’s Company Name ______Dorf (No America), Inc. Fernco, Inc. Dornback-Cleveland Furnaces Ferraz Shawmut Inc. Dottie, LH Company Fiat Showers & Fixtures Dresser Couplings Fiber-Fab, Inc. Dryer Venting & Accessories Field Controls Company Duc-Pac Corp. Fireye Controls Dunham-Bush Products Fisher Faucet Mfg. Company Dura Plastic Products, Inc. Flanders Precisionaire Corp Dura-Last Air Filters Flare Refrigeration Tube Fitting Duracell USA Flare Water Tube Ftgs Duro-Dyne Products Flexallic Company Dutro Company Flexaust Hose & Duct Products Dutton-Lainson (Goldon Rod) Flexible & Liquid-Tight Conduit Dwyer Instruments, Inc. Flexible Plumbers Tools, Inc. E & S Valves, Inc. Flo-Control, Inc. E-Z-On (Gerett/Western) Regulators Flomatic Valve Corp. Easy Heat Florestone Products Company Eaton Corporation Flowline Ebinger Mfg. Co. Flowserve Corporation Eco-Air Products, Inc. Fluidmaster, Inc. Edison Fuse Inc. Foremost Duct, L.L.C. Edmund A. Gray Company, Inc. FPPF Chemical Co., Inc. Edward Vogt Valve Co. Frank Pattern & Mfg. Company Edwards Engineering Company Franke, Inc. Eemax Inc. Franklin Brass Mfg. Company Effikal International L.C. Frederick, A.L., Co. Eisel Enterprises, Inc. Freedom Plastics Inc. Electro Safe, Inc. G.E. Circuit Protection Eljer Company G.T. Water Products, Inc. Elkay/Halsey Taylor Gar-Ber Filters, Inc. Elkhart Products Corp. Gates Products Elmdor/Stoneman GB, Inc. Embassy Products, Inc. Geberit Mfg. Company Emerson Controls Gemline Products, Inc. Emerson Electric Motors General Accessory Mfg. Co. (Gamco) Emerson-Swan Co., Inc. General Filters Products Empire Tool & Mfg. Co., Inc. General Tool Mfg. Company Emt & Galv Conduit Ftgs General Wire Spring Co. Emt & Steel Galv Conduit Genie Industries Emt, Flex, Liq-Tite, Rigid Conduit George Fischer Sloane, Inc. Enfield Industrial Corp. George Fischer, Inc. Epco Sales Inc. Gerber Plumbing Fixtures Inc. Erickson Drain Cleaner Company Gladding, Mcbean & Company Ernst Flow Industries Glasfloss Industries Inc. Essick Mfg. Company Goldline (Div. Indep Energy Inc.) Eveready Battery Company Gorton Heating Corp. Fafnir/Torrington Bearings Goss Products Fairbanks Morse Pump Corporation Gould Pumps, Inc. Falcon Stainless Supply Inc. Gould, Jd Company, Inc. Fastening Specialists, Inc. Gpd, Limited/Aspera Febco Sales Inc. GPK Products Inc. Federal Process Co. Grasso, Inc. 25 Bidder’s Company Name ______Greenfield Industrial Saw Blades Indiana Seal Company Greenfield Mfg. Company Insta-Foam Products, Inc. Greenlee, Inc. Insto-Impala Products Co., Inc. GRL Inc. Insulation Materials Corp.(Imcoa) Grohe America, Inc. Intermatic Inc. Grooved Copper Fittings Intertherm, Inc. Grundfos Pumps Corp. Invensys Building Systems Hackney, Inc. Iodon, Inc Hago Mfg. Company, Inc. IPS Corp. Hammond Valve Corp. Iron Out, Inc. Hansen Coupling Div/Tuthill Co Irritrol Systems Company Hansen Technologies Corporation Irwin (American Tool Companies Inc) Hansgrohe, Inc. ITT Mcdonnell & Miller/Hoffman Spec Hanson (American Tool Co., Inc.) J-M Manufacturing Company Harris, J.W. Co., Inc. J-Tec Products Company Hart & Cooley Mfg. Company J.H. Williams/Div. Of Snap-On Hartell Pumps J/B Industries Incorporated Harvel Plastics Inc. Jacuzzi Whirlpool Bath Haws Corp. James E & Company Hays Fluid Controls Div. (Zurn) JCM Industries Inc. Hayward Industrial Products, Inc. Jenkins Valves Heatrim American John Crane Heliotrope General John Wood Industrial Products Co. Henry Technologies Johnson Controls Henry, WW Products Johnson Tees Hercules Chemical Company Joints, Inc. Hersey Meter Div. Jomar International Ltd Highfield Mfg. Co. (Firomatic) Jones Stephens Corp. Highside Chemical Company Josam Company Hill Brothers Chemical Company JT&T Products Corp. Holby Valve Company, Inc. Just Mfg. Company Holcam Sales Inc. Karp Holdrite Hubbard Enterprises Kee Industrial Products Hollaender Manufacturing Company Keeney Mfg. Company Holm Industries, Inc. Kenite Laboratory Holyoke Fittings, Inc. Kennedy Mfg. Company Homestead & Mosser Valves Kennedy Valves Honeywell Braukmann Controls Kester Company (Div Of Litton) Honeywell, Inc. Key E A Products Hubbell Wiring Devices King Bros. Industries Hunter Plumbing Products Kirkhill, Inc. Hydro-Flex Heat Exchangers Kitz Corp. Of America Hydrolevel Company Klein Tools, Inc. Hydromatic Pumps Klemm Products Hydrotek International, Inc. Koch Filter Corp. Hypro Pumps Kohler Plumbing Products Company ICO/Rally Kold-Draft Products (Uniflow Mfg.) Icor International, Inc. Krylon Industrial Company Ideal Hose Clamps L R C Company Products (Lanphere) Ideal Industries, Inc. L.R. Nelson Corporation Imperial-Eastman La-Co Industries In-Sink-Erator Ladish Co., Inc. 26 Bidder’s Company Name ______Laing Thermotech Inc. Mephisto Tool Company Lancaster Pump (Div Of C-B Tools) Merchant Stl Blk Couplings Larco Water Coolers Merchant Stl Galv Couplings Larkin Refrigeration Products Merit Brass Lasco Bathware Metalfab Lasco Industries (Fittings) MG Coupling Co. Lau Industries Michigan Hanger Co., Inc. Lavelle Industries Midwest Tool & Cutlery Co. Lawler Mfg. Mill-Rose Products Lawn Genie, Inc. Mills Iron Works, Inc. Lee Brass Company Milwaukee Electric Tool Corp Legend Milwaukee Valve Company, Inc. Leigh Products Misener Mfg. Company Lenox (American Saw & Mfg. Co) Mission Clay Products Corp. Letro Products Mission Rubber Products Corp. Leviton Mfg. Company Mixet Valve Company Liberty Pumps, Inc. Modine Mfg. Company Lil-Q-Wick-E (Desco)Plumbing Moen (Div. Of Stanadyne) Little Giant Pumps Monarch Nozzles Company Lobb Humidifier Company Mortite Company Lochinvar Water Heater Corp. Motors & Armatures Loctite Corp. Mueller Lovejoy Couplings Mueller Company LPS Laboratories, Inc. Mueller Industries, Inc. LSP Products Company Mueller Steam Specialty Lug-All Corp. Mueller-Plastics (Div. Of U-Brand) Lunkenheimer Valve Products Multi-Fittings Lutz File & Tool Co. Murray Corp. Lyall & Company Rw, Inc. Mustee, El & Sons Lynn Products Myers, F. E. Maax Inc. Nashua Tape Products Magnetek Century Electric Naylon Products, Inc. Maid-O-Mist Products NDS, Inc. Makita Usa, Inc. Never-Seez Compound Corp. Malco Products, Inc. New Yorker Steel Boiler Company Inc Manhattan / CDT Newport Brass Manitowoc Equipment Works Nibco Inc. Mansfield Plumbing Products, Inc. No-Hub Standard Pipe & Ftgs Manville (Dishmaster) Noble Company (Chloraloy) Maple Chase NU-Air Humidifier Corp. Marathon Electric Mfg. Corp. NU-Calgon Products Marco Products Co. Nupak Corp. Marsh Instrument Company Nutone Housing Master Appliance Products Nuvent Inc. Mastercraft Oasis Corp. Maurey Mfg. Corp. Oatey Company Maxitrol Company Oil Equipment Mfg. Corp. Mcdonald, A Y Pumps Olsen Technology, Inc. Mcguire Mfg. Company Olsonite Corp. (Swedish Crucible) Medcab (Medicine Cabinets). Ondine Shower Systems Melard Mfg. Company Orion Industries, Inc. Mepco OSI Sealants, Inc. 27 Bidder’s Company Name ______Pac-Kit Safety Equipment Company PT Coupling Company, Inc. Pacific Insulation Co. Purolator Products/Facet Packard Motors, Inc. Qest/Zurn Packless Industries R-P & C Valve Company Panduit Corp. Raco, Inc. Panther Industries, Inc. Radco Solar Collectors Parker Hannifin (Refrig. & A/C) Radiant Technology Inc. Parker Products, Inc. Radiator Specialty Co. (Douglas) Parker-Hannifin Brass Products Div. Rain Jet Corp. Partlow Controls Ranco Controls Pasco Specialty & Mfg. Company Raychem Hts Pass & Seymor, Inc. Rayovac Corp. Peerless Boilers Raypak Hydronic Boilers Peerless Of America Products Rbx Industries Peerless Pottery,Inc. Rectorseal Compounds Pennco Products Red Brass Pipe Perfecto Products, Inc. Red Devil, Inc. Permatron Corporation Red Jacket/Simer Pumps Marley Pump Peter Mangone, Inc. Red-White Valve Corp. Peterson Products Company Reed Mfg. Co. PHD Mfg. Company Refrigerating Specialties Phoenix Corp. Refrigeration Hardware Supply Corp. Phoenix Forging Co. Refrigeration Research, Inc. Pipe-Tytes, Inc. Republic Stainless Steel Sinks Plastic Oddities, Inc. Research Products Plastic Poly Pipe/Npls & Ftgs Resun Mfg. Company Plastic Trends Inc. Revere Sink Corp Plastic Trends, Inc. Reznor Products (ITT) Plews Oilers Rheem Air Conditioning Equipment Plumberex Specialty Products Rheem Water Heaters Plumbing Products Company Rhodes / American STL Wool Company Plymouth Products Rhodes, M H Inc. (Mark-Time) Polyfoam Packers Corp. Richard Specialty Co., Inc. Polyken Tape Richmond Foundry & Mfg. Company Porter Cable Corp. Ridgid Tool Company Potter-Roemer, Inc. Ritchie Engineering (Yellow Jacket) Powell, Wm Company Robbins Precast, Inc. Powers Fasteners Inc. Robert Mfg. Company Powers Process Controls Robertshaw Controls Precision Plumbing Products Robinaire Manufacturing Corp. Prest-O-Lite (L-Tec) Rockford Separators Price & Rutzebeck Rocky Mountain Colby Pipe Co. Price Pfister Brass Mfg. Company Romac, Inc. Prier Brass Romla Ventilator Company Primark Tool Group Rothenberger Usa Inc. Prime Wire & Cable Russell Products Princo Thermote Rutland Products Pro Set Systems Ruud Water Heaters Process Filtration S. O. S. Products Protective Industrial Products Inc. Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Proto Tool Co. Sanitary-Dash Manufacturing Company PSG Industries, Inc. Sanyo Fisher (Usa) Corp. 28 Bidder’s Company Name ______Saxton Mfg. Company State Industries Scandia Health Systems Steamist Co., Inc. Schaefer Brushes Steel City/Kindorf Schaul Specialties, Inc. Sterlco-Sterling, Inc. Schott Process Systems, Inc. Sterling Plumbing Group Inc. Schwank, Inc. Sterling Plumbing Group, Inc. Scotsman Products Sterling Radiator Co. Scully Signal Company Stevens Appliance Trucks Seafab Products Stockham Valve Products Sealed Unit Parts Company, Inc. Strut / Channel & Strut Ftgs Selkirk Metalbestos Products Sunroc Corp. Shook Mfg. Products, Inc. Suntec Hydraulic Products Showerite Corp. (Efron Encl.) Super Strut Siemans-Furnas Controls Superior Refrigeration Products Siemens Electromechanical Component Surface Repair LLC Silver King Mfg. Company Swan Corp. Simmons Mfg. Company Swirl-Way Plumbing Group Simpson Electric Company Symmons Industries, Inc. Sioux Chief Mfg. Company Syracuse Stamping Company SJ Electro Systems, Inc. T & S Brass & Bronze Works Inc. Skuttle Mfg Co. Taco Products Slant-Fin Corp. Tapco (Div. Of Elias Industries) Sloan Flushmate Taylor Environmental Instruments Sloan Valve Company Taylor Industries, Inc. Smith Cast Iron Boilers Taymor Industries, Inc. Smith D O Co. Techno Corp. Smith Valve Corp. Tecumseh Products Smith, AO Corp. Tel-Tru Mfg. Company Smith, AO Elect. Prod. Comany Telsco Industries Smith, Jay R., Mfg. Co. Temprite Products Smith-Blair, Inc. (A Btr Company) The Skinner Co., Inc. Smitty Pan Mfg., Co. Therma-Flo/Everhot Products Smooth-On Inc. Thermal Engineering Company Southwark Metal Mfg. Company Thermal Industries Tif Instruments Sparco, Incorporated Thermal Materials Corporation Speakman Company Thermoplastic Valves, Inc. Spears Mfg. Company Tjernlund Products Specialty Products & Insulation Tork Time Controls Sperry Instruments Toto U.S.A. Inc. Sperzel Industries, Inc. Touch-Flo Mfg. Spirax Sarco, Inc. TPI Corporation Spirotherm, Inc. Trerice, Ho Split-One, Inc. Trianco, Inc. Sporlan Valves Triangle Home Products, Inc. Square D/Telemecanique Tridon, Inc. SSP Gas Shut-Off Valve Co. Inc. Trim To The Trade St. Thomas Creations Trion, Inc. STA-Lube Inc. Trol-A-Temp STA-Rite Industries Truebro, Inc. Stanley Tools Turbotorch, Div. Of Victor Equip. Star Anchors & Fasteners Tuttle, Hw & Co. (Tutco) Starrett, LS Company Tyler Pipe 29 Bidder’s Company Name ______U. S. Gauges (Div. of Ametek) Whitlam, JC Mfg. Company Unifilter Company Wilkins Operations (Zurn Ind.) Union Carbide William H. Harvey Company Unistrut Corp. Williams Furnace Company Universal Wilshire Ice Equipment Universal Enterprises, Inc. Witt A.H. Co. Universal-Rundle Corp. Woodford Mfg. Co. Uniweld Products Wrap-On Company Utica Radiator Corp. Wright Tool & Forge Company Utility Mfg. Company, Inc. Wrot Copper Fitting Vance Industries Inc. Wrot Drainage Waste Tube Fitting Vanguard Piping Systems, Inc. X-Pando Pipe Joint Compound Vaughn Mfg. Corp. Yeats Appliance Dolly Mfg. Co. Vermette Machine Young Regulator Company Versabar Corp. Zoeller Pump Co. Vibration Mounting, Inc. Zrc Chemical Victaulic Company Of America Zurn Industries, Inc. Virginia Kmp Corp. Wagner Products Corp. Wal-Rich Corp. Walworth Company Ward Mfg. Waste King Corp. Watco Mfg. Company Waterless Co. LLC Waterloo Industries, Inc. Watson Mcdaniel Company Watson Metal Products Watts Anderson-Barrows Metal Corp. Watts Brass & Tubular, Inc. Watts Radiant Watts Regulators Watts/Flippen Valve WD-40 Company Webster Electric (Heating Div.) Weil-Mclain Weiss, Albert A Thermometers WEJ-It Corp. Weksler Instruments Corp. Weldbend Products Wellmade Products Wen Products, Inc. Werner Co. Wesflex Pipe Mfg. Wessels Company Westbrass Products Western Pottery Company, Inc. Wheatley Hvac Products Wheeler Mfg Div-Rex International Whirlaway Disposers White Lb Company, Inc. White-Rodgers 30 Bidder’s Company Name ______State of Washington DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Office of State Procurement</p><p>8 Appendix B – CUSTOMER REFERENCES</p><p>BIDDER NAME: ______</p><p>CUSTOMER REFERENCE: Please complete and return questionnaire to: Company/Agency: Attention: Steve Krueger Contact Person: Email Address: FAX: (360) 586-2426 Phone Number:</p><p>The State of Washington is conducting a bid for the supply of goods relating to refrigeration/cooling equipment and customer references will be used to evaluate the bidder past performance. In order for a bidder to receive consideration, the Office of State Procurement must receive the completed reference form prior to 2:00 p.m. Thursday, February 26, 2004. Please note that any of the questions receiving zero points will result in a failing score. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. </p><p>1. What is the estimated total (refrigeration related) dollars spent with the bidder in the last 24 months? More than $20,001 = 2 points $20,000 to $10,001 = 1 point Less than $10,000 = 0 points</p><p>2. Please rate the bidder’s past performance based on price, promptness of delivery and order accuracy? Would Recommend = 2 points Acceptable = 1 point Unacceptable = 0 points</p><p>3. Have the representative(s) been customer service oriented, knowledgeable and responsive? Would Recommend = 2 points Acceptable = 1 point Unacceptable = 0 points</p><p>4. To the best of your knowledge, have the goods or services purchased met your needs? Would Recommend = 2 points Acceptable = 1 point Unacceptable = 0 points</p><p>5. Would you use this firm again or recommend them to others? Yes = 2 points No = 0 points</p><p>Reference Signature ______Date: ______</p><p>Please complete and FAX this form to (360) 586-2426 prior to Thursday, February 26,- 2:00 PM</p>
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