• voi, LIII-NO. 3 thed W«ck On thntadatad ; WOODBRTDGE, N. J| THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1961 «»<*"« « Jn« ciu, nun ' At l>. O WoadbrMfii, H. J. PRICE TEN CENTS ublic is Invited o Talk Tomorrow Wukovets Due hi Refinery Plaints To Retain Post 7. The Hess Invitation: )c$$ion Set Refinery President in Promine to Reply Zirpolo y^ 1/ School To All Queries at Meeting Tomorrow at 8 Seen PT. READING •- Herewith is the full text, of the Adams Opponent •T. READING — A full statement Issued late yesterday, inviting inquiries at ,,,rninity for residents WOQDBRLDGE -- Although there has beon no official a public meeting concerning the refinery of the Hess iiiiiii)iini'.cmcnt. Walter Zirpolo. Column, is m the lead to \K i',, it Reading specif teal- Trading and Transport, Inc., in Port Reading School ilu Democratic <:andidatc for mayor. Fading ,,nd the entire com tomorrow night at eight: If chosen by Democratic lenders in meetings this weekend,' WOODBRIDGE — An inter- Mr Zirpolo will undoubtedly run against a Colonia neighbor, ton HM«, praldent of Hew Trading and Transport, CONGRATULATIONS AND F.OTS <U I.VCK: Two nciv members of the Board of f'.du- .rstlng session will undoubtedly inly generally, to ob» ration arc shakinc lumds »s .lohn Feb., left. «h» «us reelcetrd. looks nn. In the center Mayor FredericFdikk M. AAdamsd . Ine. today Invited resident* of Port Reading to attend »n take place Monday night wHBti answers to questions open mtetlni In Port fending School at eifht tomorrow is Roy M. Mundv mid at rii>iit is Harold Mvillin. Jr. Mr. Zlrpolo has resided In the Kt:, Township for 1-1 years. He is. 451 |the Board of Education holdj ..IHIIIR operation of nlcht, years old. married and the' Its organization meeting and,. Hrss Trading and At'thh time. Mr. He** and hit staff at thf H»»« refinery father of three children. He has! wW Mtk to antwer all questions concerning the plant* elects H president and ViC8', us|Kiit. Inc refinery never been active in poliiicti, •ptreUom, eiplaln nuch difficulties a« have arlwn In the Mundy Startfos Experts :but. with his wife, Eleanor, has' president. ' .,- will bo afforded to- tefhuilng itam of production, and attempt to lay at rril iboen rtctlve In- charitable or- Up until last night, It wai - rWMn and mlanndentaitdlnits which, have occurred. now nifiht. ganizations—and he nag aided, assumed that Fi'ancis Wukov* " "It k quit* natural," latd Mr. 1l<n, "that our neighbors her in hospital and; heart fund1 els. Avenel, would be reelccted Iron Hess, president of in Port Reading arr dliturbed at wmr conditions which drives, opening, their home for, president without opposition. fcaw ariaen but which are temporary and are nearini With Election Showing_ 'harituble anq civic affairs. ! !• company, has invited However, Clydu Edrlngton, Co- elimination. It alia I* quite natural that our neighbor! lonia, who Iflrs been at odd* u'hbor.s of the pl&nt &B(1 WOODBRlDOE Although, Woodhrtdgp and a Pnrt, Bead- Rcmihliran while Mr Mullin A'skfid lf h* lntendB }° '««• want to know exactly what are the precautions tor safety with the majority of the Boardf* at In* refinery. not bracketed with any grouping and much-nfuded improve- und Mr. Felz are Democrats. ^li'POlo replied: others who may hav$ Roy Mundy. Colonia, rocketed ments at the Woubrldge Junld; Mr. Mundy did" exceptionally "' haven't been'offered the for some time is understood to, "So that we ran meet our neighbor* face to face and •hrough the Board of Educa-JHIgh School. well In other polls as well. He candidacy yet, but If it is. I be interested in replacing Ml, liiiriM. toapuWtomeet- h6IJ a full and frank diKua>lon of our mutual Interests, 1 ,ion election Tuesday, emerging' The purchase of land in Se- was top man at Qje MUIICIPHI'believe I will run." •tnccrely hop* that all who have any (mentions whatever uvetf. In support of tMfcr : in Port Reading school rlumphant with a total of 3,-|waren lor future development Building with 122 votes; Wood- Dr. Ralph Barone, who did relating to na or to the operation ot our refinery, will be two members of the Board of eight. At this time, 513 votes, just 389 votes lessifor school purposes was ap-bridge Junior Higtv\<Ward 1-not seek reelection to. the Bow'd Education, who asked that they •klo U attend Uu public meeting tomorrow night. It will than the top nfln, Harold Mul- proved 3,020 to 2.111. pistrict Si 132 votes^ Munici- of Education, of which he .was' r, Hess and members of be our purpose—and It la our promt**—to reply to Mich e not be Identified, stated they- lin. Jr., who wa« part of the As the returns started tonal Building il-8> 78 votes; "i<'f president, until recently Inquiries fully and honestly. Only In this way can full had Wen approached in Mr. staff will appear to so-called "Board Ticket" andcome in tlx, Muudy went into'School 11 <l-7i 1<3 votes; »as top contender for the confidence between oar neighbor! and ounelve* be main- Edrlngton's behalf. who tallied 3,882 votes. the lead., ixb Mr. MulHn soon School 14, 63 votes, School 25,[Democratic mayoralty candi- •ply to all queries which Ulned," ly^Hmdy, Colonia, who was The third victor was John caught Up"with him imd finally;48 votes: School 4. 92 voles;:dacy. He is now said to be con- An Invitation to Charles E. Grtfory, newspaper publtaher, elected to the Board Tuesday submitted. Charles E. Fete who was reelected as part1 passed fen, Both an newcom- School 12,70 votes; Barronlil- sidered a.s candidate for Fourth U act si Impartial chairman of the meeting, ha* been and was actively sponsored by ;nry, publisher of The In- Of the "Board ticket" with 3,-ers to polities, brary, 151; Avetel First 'Aid-Ward Commltteeman. The in- a*eept«d by Mr. Gregory. Mr. Edrington. said last night dent-Leader, huacoapted 425 votes. , Mr. Mun&y received majori- Building, 46; Hagj&aan Heights, '.'umbein is David Niuola, Re- he "knew nothing about it." ;m nation to participate In John Csabai was defeated for ties not only in his home poll 119; Avenel First Aid <3-8J 56: publican, who It Is understood Mr. Edrri'iion Was out of mi-cling as an impartial reelection, receiving 3,094 votes, but in polk throughout the School 12 '3-9> 84; School 24, may not seek reelection. town yesterday and could not .irman. Fire District iBudgets The budget just made it by Township. In Port Readmit, a 118; School 2, 203 and 162; In the First Ward'there have.l A M* he reached to verify the rumor While the utfUOlation It 130 votes — 2,486 voting yes usual Democratic stronghold, School 20 <5-4i 99; Civic Im-'been several men mentioned -as Politic before press Lime. his been in progress for und 2,356 casting negative bal- the Colonia man received 169 provenieni Club. 83. possible candidates by the _ A check last night leaves no lime on ground which 'ft*. , 'votes as against 128 for Mr.: Mullin Margins iDemocrath. They include form-1 lipou Afjomu Total Grows to $420,000 JLJW 1 doubt that Mr, Wukovets lias merlv was merely marsh New schools were assured by Mullin and 96 for M.\ PrK Al-; Mr. MulUn was high In 1-3 -r Magistrate Andrew D. Dps- * "- * -t»-U.0H|.C l Imore than a sufficient number Mt only recently has the WOODUIUDQE - With thejThere are five candidates for 776 votes — 3,168 for and 2,-ithough Mr. Mundy did not School 11, 88; in 1-4 (Jr. Highland, " '"" " ~ ' ' 302 against. Thii means re-jstre.ss politics durlvi/' shr >.am-.16; Hopeluslfn JBchool, in^ , •..,i.-':TORrpGE - Mayor01 vote« t0 h* *" '» ipemioni»ogreu«ltoBo«rd of MupUoa lUcttanthe t*o vaotoctea - Paul pom; where the refiner? placements for Schools l.ipaiBfl he is a*Mi*i )' •., 4j* a kT ^.oj).iP.^^'M,tdams;odHycon «>«*«» *»;be unless there to over, tht TOWIUIMP'S attention blonezy, Marotd Deter, Miehael s0IW last mmutp ;.T| r 1(!<V<>r»<;lon».WhiU|» now bring ttrfVd to the Fire J Hrab.u. C!«n Scharwath.j not been actively .seeking,finned thft he wJU be a can-: < tiie nomination, but there is didatt; for State Commlttispmon A nftw VlVicw e Pprere** fcf- :i.'..n considered by th05*jDutr,ct ^tion* which are Hormah J. 8t*mbach. Thebud Ul inasmuch as Dri"K«lnft get includes 128.620 for ueneral some feeling if he decides he'in « Republican party. [ what i2 of Our Faculty Join Nature Costs will run, the others mijtht with- In a prepared statement is- Barone, Menlo Park Terrace, Tijt total proposed appropri-"^ iw- »24,ooo for water who held, the position, did not nrixcf-ssarily high and brll- di'HW. jsutd by backers of his oandl- ationi Ui HIP nine firr districts, wivier.. Qiu-st+)iis to be vot«d seek reflection. There seems tc* ii 'iHinr from a safety ex- 'plus thf »ppci»l question.-, toul ^K)» Include $2,000 for tin; ex- Maynard Winston, iR>, holds.dacy it was stated that ','Re- 1 :be more than even chance that I' ai< the principal $420,037 07 or an Increase of ri'lui">'» ol tht; Iln> alaim sys" Others' School Boardsi's $40,000 the First Ward post and mostPuhlican leaders in many com-, mu in Port Beading, WOODBRIDGE - Two Township school teachers have 16,197.3!) over test ye«i. tftu. f 1 500 (gr pointing the m- WOODBRIDGE — Cost filikely will' be a candidate for;muiuties' of Middlesex County nimnrs have originated ter r to the Beards of Education in their election, ihave long felt that the activ- In Fire District No.
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