Wireless Personal Area Networks s4

Wireless Personal Area Networks s4

<p> IEEE P802.15 Wireless Personal Area Networks</p><p>Project IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)</p><p>Title IEEE802.15 WG minutes</p><p>Date 19 November, 2004 Submitted</p><p>Source [Pat Kinney] Voice: [1.724.575.2469] [Kinney Consulting, LLC] Fax: [] [Chicago, IL] E-mail: [[email protected]] Re: 802.15 Plenary Meeting in San Antonio, TX</p><p>Abstract IEEE 802.15 Working Group Minutes</p><p>Purpose Official minutes of the Working Group Session</p><p>Notice This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.</p><p>Release The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. IEEE 802.15 Plenary Meeting – Session #33 Hyatt Regency San Antonio 123 Losoya San Antonio, TX 78205 USA Monday, 15 November 2004 1:06 802.15 Chair called the joint meeting to order. WG chair read the IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws on Patents in Standards to the attendees (04/576r3) Announcements . The 802.15 chair called for any IP statements (letters of assurance) for, 802.15; there were none. 1:10 R. Alfvin reviewed the general agenda information (04/631r1) 1:20 Summary of key working group / 802 events / activities o Review Interim meetings . 16 - 21 January 2005  Hyatt Monterey , CA (registration link should be live by mid-week)  $400 pre-registration fee . 15 – 20 May 2005  International event –Should have been Sydney but is iffy due to Hotel renovation slips so this venue could change to Bejing, China. . 18 – 23 September 2005  Since Ankorage, Chicago, St Louis, and New York are not available. Anaheim looks like it will be OK . January 2006  Hawaii: Maui or Big Island . May 2006  Yokahama is looking too expensive</p><p>1:26 ExCom report by 802.15 Chair (04-633-00)  Expect a $30K budgeted loss  Working with the SA on P&P issues  SA news bulletin has been stopped  PDFs will replace printed version of Standards for WG membership  Howard Frazier has resigned as 2nd Vice Chair; Pat Thaler has been confirmed to replace him.  The 802.19 WG has submitted a proposal for a P&P mod to support coexistence. Vote is scheduled on Friday.  Architecture group was established to look at 802 issues 1:37 Financials/Garden Grove and Berlin Interim meeting by J Barr (IEEE802.15-04-0636-00): o $82,403.08 surplus from Garden Grove o Aus$71,430 surplus from Berlin o August bank balance was $45,935.31 o November 2004 - $82,065.43 1:42 R Alfvin noted that as of today there were 265 voters, 68 nearly voting members, 157 aspirant voters 1:44 Approve or modify Working Group Agenda . Motion to approve agenda was made by I Gifford and seconded by J Barr. Agenda was approved by unanimous consent following neither discussion nor objections (15-04-576-03-0000) . I Gifford moved to approve the minutes for the Berlin session which was seconded by R Poor. Following neither discussion nor objections the minutes were approved by unanimous consent (14-04-0496-00-0000). 1:46 Jim Allen reviewed IEEE, 802 LMSC, & 802.15 Policies and Procedures (IEEE802.15-04/631r1) 1:55 802.15 Wireless Personal Area Network Status 15.1a Task Group: - Siep. TG1a is in the process recirculating its Sponsor Ballot 15.3a Higher Rate Task Group: Hear the “no” responses from Berlin and then have another confirmation vote on Wednesday. 15.3b MAC changes - Barr: Finalizing the draft detailing the MAC changes. J Barr noted that TG3b has seen no responses from those entities stating that the 15.3 MAC is not correct. 15.4a Alt PHY – Kinney: Will be hearing some preliminary presentations, completing the SCD and the channel model this session. 15.4b TG Revision by R Poor: Looking to finish up the draft to go for letter ballot by end of November. 15.5 Mesh TG by B Heile: Working on mesh networking issues. 15.3c mmW SG- Reed Fisher: looking to approve the PAR and 5C and send it to the WG 2:00 PC by G Rasor: will be updating the PC web page 2:03 Architecture Committee by T Siep and J Gilb (15-04-0640-00-0000) Reviewing the known issues for 802.15 2:10 recess the WG meeting</p><p>Wednesday, 17 November 2004 10:36am WG chair called the meeting to order.</p><p>WG Chair made announcements concerning Meeting Objectives and Agenda. WG chair reminded the attendees of the patent policy.</p><p>The agenda (15-04-0576-03-0000) was reviewed by the WG chair. </p><p>10:40 802.18 by C Stevenson: no update was presented 10:41 802.19 by T Siep Tom noted that all new PARs will be reviewed by 802.19.</p><p>10:43 TG1a status by Tom Siep 10:43 TG3a status by Bob Heile The second confirmation vote failed to achieve 75% with a vote of 83/80/1; the down-selection will now revert back to two proposals. 10:44 SG3b by John Barr (15-04-0661-00-003b) This group is completing the draft and will ask the WG to approve LB on Friday 10:48 TG4a by Pat Kinney The TG is working on working towards understanding the implications of location awareness, listening to technology presentations, completing the channel model, and will hear proposals as per its CFP in January. 10:46 TG4b by Robert Poor This revision has been categorized as MAC cleanup, security, and sub one GHz modulation. The MAC and Security issues are on track for a January request for letter ballot. The PHY issue is in a state of flux. 10:50 TG5 status update by John Boot (15-04-0659-00-0005) This group finished the TRD and will issue a CFP at the next session in Monterey. This group is adjourned until January. 10:53 SG4c by Reed Fisher (15-04-646-00-003c) Motion: Request 802.15 to approve the SG3c PAR (15-04-0250-05-003c) and 5C (15-04-251-03from SG3c and request the WG chair to forward these documents to the 802 Executive Committee for approval and forwarding to NesCom. Motion moved by Reed Fisher, and seconded by J Allen. The vote was 63/0/14, this motion carries. 11:00 Architecture adhoc T Siep announced that this group has drafted 15-04-0658-00-0000 for review before the Friday meeting. 11:03 PC committee status by Gregg Rasor The PC discussed pre-standard products and their claims. 11:05 IEEE patent policy and general discussion regarding PATCOM processes by Karen Kenney Karen noted that the new form for LoA will have a URL space to allow that person/entity to supply extra information for anybody to refer. L Arnett asked a question on royalty versus license fees. J Meyer asked whether royalty free could be discussed within an IEEE meeting. Bob replied that it could not but you could discuss it outside of the meeting. Mark Fidlar noted that reasonable means nothing and noted that the concept of not talking about cost is confusing. John Barr asked as to the difference between royalty free and RAND-Z. Tom Siep asked about the list of LoA responders, noting that he has found that the contact information often bounces; and suggested that the responder needs to update the contact information and would lose the IP if this information is not maintained. Greg Rasor noted that the term “reasonable” should not be on the IEEE form since it is not definitive. </p><p>11:31 AOB Chair talked to the issue of entity voting as discussed during the tutorial on Monday noting that entity voting will be considered by the IEEE SA but that nothing will happen very soon. I Gifford asked about breaking up the 802 structure to alleviate the issues of crowding hotels and such. Mark Fidlar asked issues such as common mode signaling that fall outside the PAR; how can these issues be properly addressed. Jason Ellis asked for clear direction as to what is allowable to be said in the forum about alliances; e.g. ZigBee, WiMedia, etc. Bob replied that the IEEE should be making decisions on technical merits not on alliance positions. Ian Gifford asked about regulatory issues and how these issues could be discussed within a task group. Chair replied that the IEEE does not prohibit passing a standard that does not conform to regulations but the 5C does require the project to have a significant market.</p><p>11:47 WG recessed </p><p>Friday, 19 November, 2004 8:04WG chair called the meeting to order Chair reviewed the agenda. 8:06 802.19 liaison report from T. Siep (15-04-680-00-0000)</p><p> finalized the P&P proposal 8:10 Closing report for TG1a by Tom Siep (15-04-0677-00-001a) The sponsor ballot passed with a 98% affirmative response. 8:13 Closing report for SG1b by Tom Siep (15-04-0679-00-001b) Motion: to request the Executive Committee to continue 802.15.1b study group until March 05 meeting; moved by T Siep and seconded by I Gifford. Discussion included the BT SIG’s willingness to adhere to the IEEE process. Vote was taken with the result of 18/2/1, the motion carries. 8:17 802.1 Architecture Report by T Siep and J Gilb (15-04-868-00-0000) P Kinney asked that the list include reducing the minimum packet size to less than 128 octets. 8:20 Closing report for TG3a by B Heile (no document was displayed) The DS-UWB proposal was selected in the down-select process but failed in the confirmation vote process. DS-UWB “no” votes are still being collected until the end of this meeting and will be responded to by the DS-UWB proposers at the January 2005 meeting. 8:25 K Siwiak read a request for UWB supportive papers to ITU. 8:27 Closing report for TG3a by J Barr (15-04-0661-02-003b) Motion: to move draft standard P802-15-3-DF6-Draft_Amendment.pdf to Letter Ballot no later than December 7th, with the condition that it is first amended with the accepted comment resolution base 04/334r5 and running comment resolutions 04/384r4 to produce a version of the draft for balloting; moved by John Sarallo and seconded by Ian Gifford. Upon hearing neither discussion nor objection the motion carries by unanimous consent. 8:36 Closing report for TG4a by Pat Kinney (15-04-642-02-004a)</p><p>8:39 SG3c closing report by Reed Fisher (15-04-0669-00-003c) Motion: To approve the renewal of the Study Group 3c charter through the next plenary meeting. Moved by J Barr, and seconded by J Gilb. Upon hearing neither discussion nor objection the motion carries by unanimous consent. 8:44 PC report from Greg Rasor (15-04-678-00-0000)</p><p>8:47 Closing report for TG4b by R Poor Only two MAC comments are left open. There will be two optional PHYs , and CCM* was adopted. TG4b will be seeking approval to go to letter ballot in January. 8:49 TGe liaison report by J Bain (15-04-0675-00-0000) Sponsor ballot #2 was completed; there are 5 outstanding no votes. There will be an additional recirculation. 8:51 TGn liaison report by Jim Allen (11-04-1512-00-0011n) Four proposals have survived the low hurdle vote. 8:54 WNG (802.11 WNG) liaison report by Jeyhan Karaoguz (IEEE 802.15- 04/676-00) 9:00 Wireless 1394 liaison report by John Sarallo (IEEE 15-04-674-00-0000 )</p><p>9:05 WiMedia liaison report by G. Roberts The WiMedia network adaption layer (converts MAC to IP protocol) is underway. Q: is WiMedia doing anything with 802.15.3? R: No, WiMedia has nothing to do with 802.15.3. C: Will WiMedia support the 802.15.3 MAC? R: WiMedia will support the MBOA MAC. C: WiMedia could consider a PAR to accommodate the 802.15.3 MAC. WG Chair noted that since he had heard that WiMedia is not pursuing any aspect of 802.15; the chair advised the WG that it would abandon the liaison to WiMedia. There were no objections from the attendees. 9:06 Bluetooth liaison report by Rick Noens Rick mentioned that the SIG is trying to resolve its issues with IEEE processes. 9:14 CEA liaison report Bob Heile Bob noted that he is a member of R7. 9:17 ZigBee liaison report by Pat Kinney Pat Kinney noted that the next ZigBee meeting would be in Seoul Korea, running from 6 Dec to 10 December. 9:18 Policies and Procedures report was provide by T Siep T Siep noted that since there were significant changes underway to the 802 P&P, so 802.15 would wait for its revision. 9:25 Old Business: none</p><p>9:25 Motion to adjourn was made by P Kinney, and seconded by Tom Siep. Upon hearing neither discussion nor objection, the motion carries; the session is adjourned. Annex A 268 attendees</p><p>Adams, Jon Bowles, Mark Decuir, Joe Ahn, Joo Hyun Brabenac, Charles Del Prado Pavon, Javier Aiello, Roberto Brenner, David Devlin, Paul Alfvin, Richard Brethour, Vern Dong, Xiaolu Allen, James Brown, Ronald Drude, Stefan Allen, Richard Caldwell, Winston Dutkiewicz, Eryk An, Kyu Hwan Callaway, Ed Dydyk, Michael Anandakumar, Anand Carson, Pat Ellis, Jason Aoki, Mikio Chang, Kisoo Emami, Shahriar Aoki, Tsuguhide Chang, Woojin Falk, Lars Arai, Yasuyuki Cheah, Jonathon Fidler, Mark Arnett, Larry Chin, Francois Fischer, Michael Askar, Naiel Chin, Kwan-Wu Fisher, Reed Bahreini, Yasaman Chiu, Yu-Chang Fleming, Kristoffer Bain, Jay Cho, Sarm Gandia Sanchez, Ricardo Ballentine, Paul Choi, KwangHo Gaucher, Brian Bao, Feng Choi, Sangsung Geipel, Mike Barr, John Choi, Sung Woo Ghazi, Vafa Batra, Anuj Chong, Chia-Chin Gifford, Ian Beecher, Phil Chong, Jo Woon Gilb, James Berringer, Ken Choudhary, Manoj Goh, Sung-Wook Birru, Dagnachew Coleman, Doug Gorday, Paul Boot, John Corral, Celestino Gowans, Andrew Bosco, Bruce Cragie, Robert Green, Evan Bourgeois, Monique Dang, Meimei Grohmann, Bernd Bowers, Rich Davis, Scott Gu, Daqing Hach, Rainer Kim, JinKyeong (Joseph) Martin, Frederick Hall, Julian Kim, Kyeongpyo Mathew, Abbie Hall, Robert Kim, Yongsuk Matsumura, Masafumi Han, Jaesong Kim, Young Hwan McCamon, Mike Hanna, Salim Kimyacioglu, Kursat McCorkle, John Hasty, Vann Kinney, Patrick McLaughlin, Michael Heberling, Allen Kleindl, Guenter McLean, James Heile, Robert Kobayashi, Kaoru Mellone, Charlie Herold, Barry Kohno, Ryuji Meyer, Jim Heubaum, Karl Kottapalli, Sreen Meyer, Klaus Hiertz, Guido Kudo, Yasushi Mills, Steve Ho, Jin-Meng Kupershmidt, Haim Miura, Akira Houghton, Patrick Kwak, Kyung Miyasaka, Hitoshi Huang, Chi-Hao Kwak, Kyung Mo, Shaomin Huang, Robert Lakkis, Ismail Moore, Mark Huang, Xiaojing Lampe, John Naeve, Marco Ikeda, Akira Lansford, Jim Naganuma, Ken Ikegami, Tetsushi Lanzl, Colin Nakache, Yves-Paul Injeti, Anand Larsson, Torbjorn Nakase, Hiroyuki Jang, Yeong Min Lee, Kyung-Kuk Ngo, Chiu Jennings, Adrian Leeper, David Noble, Erwin Jeon, Ho-In Leibovich, Israel Nobuyuki, Mizukoshi Jiang(Chiang), Tzyy Li, Henry Noda, Masaki Hong Li, Huan-Bang Noens, Richard Johansson, Peter Li, Jiang O'Conor, John (Jay) Jung, Chang Yong Li, Liang Ogawa, Hiroyo Karaoguz, Jeyhan Liang, Haixiang Ohata, Keiichi Kelly, Joy Lin, Chien-Ching Orlik, Philip Kelly, Michael Lin, Leon Pardee, John Kerry, Stuart Liu, Hsuan-Yu Park, Yongseok Khansari, Masoud Lowe, Darryn Park, Young Jin Kido, Ryoji Ma, Steve Parker, Steve Kim, Dongho Maeda, Tadahiko Patton, Dave Kim, Haksun Maeki, Akira Pellon, Miguel Kim, Jae Young Martigne, Patricia Poor, Robert Popescu, Paul Siwiak, Kazimierz Wong, Timothy Powell, Clinton Smith, Zachary Wood, Stephen Premkumar, Vidyasagar Somayazulu, V Worfolk, Patrick Qi, Yihong Song, Myung Wright, Tracy Raad, Raad Struik, Marinus Wu, Xiaodong Ranta, Pekka Sutton, Robert Wu, Yu-Ming Rasor, Gregg Taborek, Richard Xu, Bing Razzell, Charles Takahashi, Kazuaki Yamaguchi, Hirohisa Reede, Ivan Takizawa, Kenichi Yekeh Yazdandoost, Kamya Reuss, Edward Tan, Teik-Kheong Yong, Su-Khiong Rich, Mark Tanahashi, Mike Yoshida, Yutaka Rikuta, Yuko Tanaka, Hideki Yurdakul, Serdar Robar, Terry Tang, Kevin Zhang, Jinyun Roberts, Richard Tavares, Clifford Zheng, Frank Xiaojun Rofheart, Martin Tee, Lai-King Anna Zhou, Zheng Rouzet, Philippe Terry, John Zhu, Chunhui Rypinski, Chandos Ting, Pangan Ryu, Jiwon Tou, Jarvis Sahinoglu, Zafer Trerotola, Ron Saito, Tomoki Turner, Stephen Sanada, Yukitoshi Tyson, Shannon Santhoff, John Uchida, Yusuke Sarallo, John Vaitonis, Robin Savard, Rene Van Poucke, Bart Schrum, Sidney Wang, Jerry Schylander, Erik Wang, Jing Seyedi, Alireza Wang, Yunbiao Shao, Huai-Rong Weber, Chris Sharma, Sanjeev Welborn, Matthew Shi, Chih-Chung Westwick, Alan Shimada, Shusaku Williams, Tim Shoemake, Matthew Wilson, Richard Shvodian, William Wineinger, Gerald Siep, Thomas Wolf, Andreas Sim, Michael Wong, Marcus</p>

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