<p> BRITISH JUDO ASSOCIATION </p><p>Northern Area</p><p>Newsletter Issue date : Tuesday 10th December 2007</p><p>I have agreed to issue another newsletter before leaving the Northern Area Committee mainly because of events that have unfolded recently some of which the members will have heard about through rumours and speculation. First of all news from John Tierney reference the training with Steve Gawthorpe. Taken directly from John’s Email:</p><p>2007 Northern Area Mens Squad Annual Report.</p><p>Area Sessions</p><p>During 2007 monthly training sessions have been held at Crowtree Leisure Centre, Sunderland. The training has been well attended usually attracting between 35-50 players per session. The sessions have been opened to include male youths, attempting to assist in the hard transitional period between junior and senior. Randori is always the main focus of the training allowing players from around the area to practice with those of similar ability. Unlike some area sessions the Northern Team always invites any standard of player onto the mat again attempting to progress player development. During 2007 the area sessions have been at their strongest for the past 10 years. Next year the Northern Area Sessions will continue on a monthly basic with one small change, from Thursday night to a Sunday morning.(Hopeful this change will attract even more players to the sessions.) The training has been fully supported by the area committee allowing free sessions for those attending.</p><p>National Team Championships.</p><p>June 16th 2007 saw a fantastic BRONZE medal for the area team at the National Team Championship held at the K2 leisure Centre in London. From numerous local clubs 7 players represented the area, showing team commitment, judo quality and a great fighting spirit which allowed the team to progress to a very significant bronze. This was only the second medal the team has taken for the last 25 years, congratulations must go to the players but also to their area training partners who prepared them for the event. The Team;</p><p>-60kg Colin FRANCIS -- Peterlee Judo Club -66kg Phil FOSTER -- Kodokwai South Shields -73kg Alex WADDINGTON -- Edinburgh University -81kg Glen HART -- Ashington Judo Club -90kg Maz ANGALANO -- Terminus Judo Club/Kodokwai -100kg Adam HALL -- Ren Sei Kan Judo Club +100kg John TIERNEY -- Terminus Judo Club Assistant team coach Bill TIERNEY</p><p>Outside The Area</p><p>During 2007 the Area Team have travelled outside the North East on numerous occasions. Three visits to Scotland Centre of Excellence located in Edinburgh proved rewarding when our area team were part of high quality mass randori sessions. The randori was organised as part of the final preparations for Great Britain World Championship Team, 50+ top Uk players attended the "by invitation only" training providing excellent randori for the Northern Area senior competitors. In addition to visiting Scotland the team have travelled to Wales for a weekend camp hosted by Neil ADAMS and the Welsh Judo Team. With over 80 competitive Dan grades on the mat the randori allowed our area players to gain more experience helping our area grow stronger and stronger. In October 7 players attended a mass randori weekend held just outside London. Just like the previous trips the training was at a very high level concluding in a small team match between Bath Full Time Judo University/London Budokwai/British Police team & a selected team (including 3 Northern Area Players). Steve Gawthorpe</p><p>This weekend the last area training session of the year was taken by Steve GAWTHORPE at The Lampton Centre, Sunderland. GAWTHORPE’S no nonsense, hard training approach was appreciated by everyone, his newaza instruction was simply excellent. </p><p>GAWTHORPE </p><p>Demonstrates his Newaza Steve Giles </p><p>Steve has asked me to advertise his 2008 championship which is as follows.</p><p>Cumbria Open Sunday 4th May 2008</p><p>3 Star Point Scoring Event.</p><p>Venue: Sands Centre, Hardwick Circus, Carlisle. Cumbria CA1 1JQ</p><p>The following categories apply.</p><p>U10 – U12 & U16 No Bone-locks or strangles Youths Point Scoring Kyu’s 2nd Kyu and Below 1st Kyu and Above Points scoring Masters Points Scoring</p><p>National weights in all categories apply</p><p>Entries available February onwards</p><p>I look forward to all Northern Area Clubs giving their support. Resignations from the Area Committee.</p><p>You are all aware that I have resigned from the area committee to take effect as of the 31st of December.</p><p>At the last management committee meeting, Matthew Snowball Area Chairman for the last 30 years handed in his resignation from the post to take effect from the date of the next Annual General Meeting. It was further agreed at that meeting to bring the AGM forward to Thursday the 7th of February details appear later in the notice. Matt, a 6th Dan has been involved with judo for some 50 years as best he can remember and has been area chairman for 30 of those years. Around about 1998 Matt was honoured with Sport England’s Service to Sport Award for Judo, in recognition then for his contribution to running the area. The role of chairman is very much that of a facilitator, the chairperson helps keep things moving and makes things happen. It happens at home, at meetings, on the phone, by letter and email and it is not always seen by the membership. I firmly believe that it is only if you are seen at events, coaching or are sending mail out on a regular basis that people believe that you are active, and doing your job to the best of your ability. I can assure you that in the years that I have known Matt, as chairman of the area, he maintains a clear head, makes responsible decisions and takes actions in the best interests of the members, much of which are done behind the scenes. Whoever gets your vote to take over his job will have a difficult act to follow and will no doubt realise that there is a lot more to the role’s of the committee than meets the eye.</p><p>I have today, been informed verbally by Jim Mackenzie that he will hand in his resignation at the next Area Committee meeting, scheduled for the 31st of January, and Jim has asked that I add his role to the list of new appointments been sought by the committee for the forthcoming AGM in February. Jim has been a prominent individual in this area now for many years, teaching us all First Aid and Kata as well as doing the Secretary’s role, he has assisted me in my role delivering training courses either as revalidation or as new coaches and has been an asset to the area in many ways. Jim is currently faced with some health problems both himself and other family members and feels that his responsibilities lie with his family at the moment rather than Judo, as things improve he may return with his experience to support the area once again. Although not a committee role Tracy Woods was appointed Assistant Area Director for coaching some 6 years ago and has assisted both myself and Jim Mackenzie in the delivering and assessing of new coaches within the area, Tracy a level 3 coach, has now stood down from that appointment and I thank her for all of the hard work that she put into the administration smooth running of the system and attendance at national meetings and coaching courses to keep up to date and valid.</p><p>Including those roles that were due re-election in May 2008 the following are all of the positions requiring filling at the forthcoming AGM.</p><p>Area Chairman Normally a 3 year post, but will be one year to complete the existing 3 year position. (subject to confirmation at the AGM) Area Secretary 3 year post from date of AGM Area Technical Director 2 Year post from the date of the AGM Director of Examiners Normally a 2 year post, but limited to one year to complete the cycle and allow staggered change of posts. (subject to confirmation at the AGM) Competitions Controller 2 Year Post from the date of the AGM Junior Refereeing Representative 2 Year post from the date of the AGM</p><p>Ronnie Scott Ronnie has come to the forefront of Judo recently within the area and has been acting as a consultant towards getting a new Website up and running for the area alongside Jim Mackenzie. I have come to know Ronnie as well as I know most people within the area and Ronnie has informed me since the news of Matt’s resignation, that he will be standing for election to the Chairman’s Post. I considered staying with the area myself and standing for election to the Chairman’s post following Matt’s resignation, however I have had some time to think long and hard about this and I firmly believe that the time is right to have some new blood on the committee, new ideas, and people who hopefully will meet the challenges of change imposed upon us by the BJA head on.. I have informed Ronnie that I will support his nomination. Dave Francis, currently senior Referee representative has informed me that he is also standing for election to the post of Chairperson, Dave and I have discussed his nomination and he feels that there should be someone in the Chair that is fully aware of the current issues faced by the area and has background knowledge of what has gone on. Steve Giles; has informed me that he is standing for election to the post of Chairman, no other information than that. I wish ALL of them good luck in their bid to gain the chairpersons role.</p><p>Alan Cawthorne</p><p>The following are short job descriptions of each post so that individuals know what would be expected of them and qualifications needed. Equal opportunities apply therefore these roles are open to anybody who can provide the standards required and are duly voted in at the AGM by the members. All work is voluntary and reasonable out of pocket expenses are paid for travel etc. All members will be CRB checked through head office and should have attended a Child Protection and Good Practice Training course within the last three years. Members performing an active duty running any training courses should hold a current first aid certificate. Chairperson</p><p> To chair Committee meetings and A.G.M’s To oversee the smooth running of the Area Arbitrate between conflicting factions and have the casting vote when the Committee is equally divided. Have a sound understanding of other Committee member’s roles. Represent the Area at the English Areas and Commonwealth Commission meetings. Help individuals to attain their aspirations at all levels. Help the Area achieve its planned strategy policies, through the production and realisation of a 3 year development plan.</p><p>Personal Requirements and qualifications of this role:</p><p> Must hold senior membership of the British Judo Association A good knowledge of Judo and National Initiatives would be advantageous. Needs to have a strong vision of where they see the area going over a three year period and be prepared to lead that change. Should have good communication skills both written and verbal</p><p>Area Secretary</p><p> To attend all committee meetings and AGM and take the minutes of such meeting for retention and distribution as required. To produce newsletters on a needs be basis and send out either by email or post to all clubs and coaches in the area. To send out details of each AGM and minutes of the previous meeting. To be the first contact for any enquiries and letters that will ultimately be dealt with by the management committee To be the contact for all communications with head office To make enquiries regarding disciplinary matters as directed by the area chairperson responding to complaints from members or head office.</p><p>Personal Requirements and qualifications of this role:</p><p> Must have good interpersonal communication skills Must have good verbal and written skills Must have good IT skills</p><p>Director of Examiners</p><p> Plan and administrate all contest gradings held in the Northern Area. Be responsible for completed national grading registry examination forms to be returned to the BJA, and give feed back to examiners who took part. Offer sufficient mat time for Dan grade theory to take place. Be a member of and attend Committee meetings. Train new and revalidate existing Area Examiners. To attend the National Congress of Referees to keep up to date with rule changes. To give a report to the membership at each AGM and contribute to the Annual report issued to head office. To work alongside other committee members for the good of judo when required to do so.</p><p>Personal Requirements and qualifications of this role:</p><p> Must be a Senior member of the BJA Must be a minimum of Area Examiner, and current. Must hold a current First Aid certificate ( Appointed Person in the Workplace) It would be an advantage for this person to be a Senior Examiner. Area Technical Director We can only work on the basis that the original role has now been superseded by the recently appointed Regional Technical Officers. Therefore this job description may change as the role of the new full time paid employees emerges in the new year. To organise and run revalidation events for existing coaches to upgrade them to the new UKCC level of award over the next three years. To provide a wide range of Continuous Personal Development for coaches who wish to specialise in other areas of coaching i.e. visual impaired, teaching special needs, working in schools. To work alongside of the newly appointed Regional Technical Officer helping to organise and deliver coach awards to new coaches under the UKCC award system To work alongside of the newly appointed Director of Examiners and Regional Technical Officer to train and validate existing level 2 coaches to administer and assess young players within the new Technical Grading scheme of Novice to 9th Mon within a club environment. To attend the National Congress for coaching and report back to the committee on changes or events that effect the area. To be a member of the area committee and attend meetings. To give a report to the membership at the AGM To work alongside other committee members for the good of judo when required to do so. To provide information to be used in the annual report submitted to the BJA</p><p>Personal Requirements and qualifications of this role: Must be a senior member of the BJA Must be a competitive 2nd Dan minimum Must already hold their Senior Coach Award (UKCC Level 3) Must hold a current First Aid Certificate ( Appointed Person in the Workplace) Should have good communication skills both written and verbal</p><p>Junior Refereeing Representative To organise and develop young players within the age and grade band of the Junior Refereeing Scheme to encourage participation of volunteers within regional events and promotion within the refereeing structure as part of the transition into senior refereeing. To work alongside of the Competitions Representative to develop young people in a wider range of activities that supplements and supports the volunteer role of Junior Referee. To attend the National Refereeing congress each year and give feedback to the committee. Needs to demonstrate a good working and current knowledge of the Contest Rules and their application. Must meet the standards required to allow the post holder to train and assess young players. Must be a member of the management committee To give a report to the membership at the AGM To work alongside other committee members for the good of judo when required to do so. To provide information to be used in the annual report submitted to the BJA</p><p>Personal Requirements and qualifications of this role:</p><p> Must be a Senior Member of the BJA Must Hold A current first Aid Certificate ( Appointed Person in the workplace) Needs to demonstrate a good working and current knowledge of the Contest Rules and their application. Must meet the standards required to allow the post holder to train and assess young players. Must be a member of the management committee</p><p>Area Representative for Competitions.</p><p>To agree events with clubs and the regional committee placing them on the calendar of events both locally and nationally, ensuring regional events do not clash with national events. To train, develop and assess volunteer competition controllers, timekeepers and other table officials to ensure that events have full cover for the number of mats in use.</p><p> To keep a current register of fully qualified personnel that are available to attend and administer competitions. To run or organise the running of events within the area on behalf of the area or clubs hosting these events. To be a member of the Area committee To report back to the AGM each year on activities and current issues. To provide information to be used in the annual report submitted to the BJA To work alongside of other committee members for the good of judo when required to do so. Personal Requirements and qualifications of this role:</p><p> Must be a Senior Member of the BJA Must Hold A current first Aid Certificate ( Appointed Person in the workplace) Must hold the Nationally recognised standards for that of a competition controller Must meet the standards required to allow the post holder to train and assess volunteers Must be a member of the management committee</p><p>To comply with the requirements of the Area Constitution, 28 days Notice is given of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held as shown on the information sheet attached. Read this and give it some thought. How much would any of us be missed?</p><p>The following poem, “There is no indispensable Man” (Saxon N 1959) gives food for thought.</p><p>Sometime when your feeling important; Sometime when your ego’s in bloom Sometime when you take it for granted You’re the best qualified in the room</p><p>Sometime when you feel that your going Would leave an unfillable hole, Just Follow these simple instructions And see how they humble your soul</p><p>Take a bucket and fill it with water Put your hand in it up to your wrist Pull it out and the hole that’s remaining Is a measure of how much you’ll be missed.</p><p>You can splash all you wish when you enter You may stir up the water galore But stop and you’ll find that in no time It looks quite the same as before</p><p>Sometimes our best is not good enough, sometimes people easily forget, the help and the friendship that’s been given from the very first day that they met.</p><p>We battle and battle relentless And we weary from the day we begun But sooner or later its apparent That some battles just cannot be won.</p><p>The moral of this quaint example Is do just the best that you can Be proud of yourself but remember There is no indispensable man.</p><p>What was the name of the last Three Honorary presidents ? (Northern</p><p>Area) and who is the current Hon President?</p><p>Who was the last Technical Director of Coaching.</p><p>Who was Chairman before Matty Snowball.</p><p>Who is Reuben Davison? You see nobody knows (sorry Reuben)</p><p>You See I could not be Chairman my attitude is all Wrong !!! BRITISH JUDO ASSOCIATION. NORTHERN AREA. NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) Thursday 7 th February 2008</p><p>Please note that due to personal circumstance the area secretary has not got the minutes prepared for distribution at this point in time, from last years event. He will endeavour to have these completed and issued to all clubs prior to the AGM but this will probably be outside the stipulated 28 days notice.</p><p>The Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday 7th February 2008 at the Crowtree Leisure Centre, Sunderland, commencing at 1930 hrs (7.30 pm). Please be there for 1900 hr (7.00 pm) for booking in.</p><p>Who can attend?</p><p>. Any senior licence holder.</p><p>Who can vote?</p><p>. All currently registered clubs have 1 vote that may be used by either the Chairman or Secretary of that club. To qualify for a vote the nominated person must produce his/her current BJA membership and produce the current 2008 Certificate of Membership for that club.</p><p>. A club may nominate another person either from their own club or from another club to attend and vote on their behalf. To qualify for that vote the nominated person must produce his/her own current BJA membership. The current 2008 Certificate of membership for the club being represented and a letter of authority signed by either the Chairman or Secretary of the club being represented.</p><p>. There is only 1 Vote per person for a represented venue and where a Club has two registered venues with the BJA they should have one person per venue to qualify for that vote. Resolutions.</p><p> Any club wishing to put forward resolutions to the AGM should forward them to me in writing by Monday 21st January 2008 seconded by another registered club from within the area Management Committee Positions up for re-election</p><p>See Attached newsletter and Job Descriptions for posts to be open for nomination this year.</p><p> Nominations for the above positions may be sent in advance to reach me no later than the 21st of January 2008 or may be submitted at the AGM and seconded by another registered club.</p><p> This notice of the AGM is only sent out to currently registered clubs as listed by the BJA official notification.</p><p>Jim MacKenzie</p><p>J S Mackenzie Secretary Northern Area Judo Association</p>
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