<p>Spring Regional Council Meeting 4/14/2010</p><p>Members Present: Rich Vasquez, Stacey Berggren, Mike Marston, Mike Yost, Troy Teeter, Kyle While, Joe Arnold, Trent Friberg, Rob Anderson, Henry Miller, James O’Connell, Kenny Wade & Joel Alsworth. Northwest Regional Council Spring 2010 Meeting Agenda</p><p>WEDNESDAY, April 17 12:00 PM Council Meeting – Lunch - Subway Welcome & Introductions Devotions President’s Report & Vision Secretary’s Report Treasurer’s Report Regional Training Report Quizzing Report Call Conference Report Main Event Report Elect Regional Secretary Third Wave 2011 NYC 2011 PALCON 2010 – Fred Fullerton DLC 2011 Main Event Video Future Dates NNU Update – Mike and Stacey Regional Main Event 5:30 PM Dinner - Jalapeno’s 7:00 PM Council Meeting</p><p>THURSDAY, April 23rd 8:30 AM Breakfast in Sodexho 9:00 AM Devotions Meeting Continued 12:00 PM Lunch – Panda Express Main Event Prep 5:30 PM Dinner </p><p>FRIDAY, April 24th 8:30 AM Breakfast in Sodexho To my fellow council members on the Northwest Regional NYI Council,</p><p>I’m very excited to bring you this report as the NW Region NYI President. Since our last meeting our Region has seen the election of four new district NYI presidents. This is the largest change in leadership in one year that I can remember, and I’ve been on the regional council since 2004. This is an important time of change and we need to help each other as many of us face new roles in leadership. It is important to remember why we do what we do in ministry on the regional level because our ministry affects teens and youth workers at every level, including the local church and district ministries. As we look to the future, we must look at important key elements that will help our ministry at the local, district and regional levels. Whether you were just elected or you have been on this council for a while, these are good things to remember. First, we need to be proactive and diligent in ministry. Our call to ministry is a divine appointment not to be mistaken with any man made desire or hobby. We have to be very professional in ministry as we manage and negotiate the goals and tasks of our ministries. The balancing act of administration and relational ministry can be difficult. Be proactive and step up to your call to ministry and leadership. Credibility and integrity are very important as you work as a pastor. Find and meet with an accountability partner that you can be honest with. Spend time in prayer and make time for your family a priority. Second, we need to establish relationships and build bridges with people without an agenda, Christian and non-Christian alike. Now more than ever we need to be able to invest time and energy in people without the idea of gaining their loyalty or to our district and regional titles. Teens especially, can spot someone trying to befriend them with ulterior motives. Finally, in the first year of your role as district NYI president there are some key decisions that you need to make as you begin your role as DP. We will discuss some of these from the DP guide later in our meeting. I want to also challenge you to try and serve in your role as DP for at least four years. Consistency in leadership is important. As we head toward events like Third Wave 2011, NYC 2011, and Global NYI Convention in 2013, consistency will help each district, and our region as a whole, as we plan and encourage others to attend these events.</p><p>Respectively Submitted,</p><p>Rev. Richard R. Vasquez NW Region NYI President</p><p>Go after a life of love as if your life depended on it — because it does.</p><p>— 1 Corinthians 14:1 (The Message) Motion to accept Henry Miller 2nd by Troy Teeter Motion Passed Unanimously (MPU)</p><p>Devotion Led By Trent-Lectio Divina on 2 Corinthians 9:6-11</p><p>Secretaries Report Updated Contact Sheet: Northwest USA Regional NYI Council 20010-2011 (Spring)</p><p>Regional President (208) 467.8645 Fax PO Box 770769 Richard Vasquez [email protected] Eagle River, AK 99577 Canyon Hill Church of (907) 694-9423 Office the Nazarene [email protected] 903 North Michigan Regional NYI Trainer t Avenue Kenny Wade Caldwell, Idaho 83605- 3852 North Eagle Rd Colorado District NYI 2361 Boise, ID 83713 President (208) 459-7655 Office (208) 463.9587 Home Troy Teeter (208) 249-0520 Cell (208) 375-0322 Office Tower Community (208) 459-4140 Fax (208) 859-1019 Cell Fellowship [email protected] (208) 323-0325 Fax 1800 S Tower Rd [email protected] Aurora, CO 80013 Regional Vice-President (303) 337-9100 Church Call to Ministry Quizzing Director (303) 337-9101 Fax (303) 512-3765 Cell Coordinator Henry Miller [email protected] Trent Friberg 64570 Research Dr. g Centralia Church of the Bend, OR 97701 Nazarene (541) 330-443 Home/Fax st Northwest District NYI 1119 West 1 Street (541) 419-4846 Cell President Centralia, WA 98531 [email protected] (360) 807.0946 Home James O’Connell (360) 736.9981 Office 111 Ski Hill Dr Rocky Mountain Leavenworth, WA 98826 (360) 269.1576 Cell District NYI President (360) 736.9983 Fax (509) 548-5292 Joe Arnold [email protected] studentmin@centralianaz Kalispell Church of the arene.org Nazarene Washington Pacific 1295 Whitefish Stage District NYI President Regional Secretary Road Joel Alsworth Rob Anderson Kalispell, MT 59901 930 E James 2168 Belmont Dr. (406) 755-4179 Office Hood River, OR 97031 Kent, WA 98031 (406) 270-9991 Cell (206) 552-5701 Cell (541) 386-2604 Office [email protected] (503) 313-3106 Cell (253) 854-5587 Fax (253) 852-5144 Office (541) 386-2064 Fax Oregon Pacific District [email protected] [email protected], NYI President [email protected] Kyle White m Lebanon Nazarene Main Event 600 West D Street Coordinator NNU Liaison Lebanon, OR 97355 Mike Marston Regional Treasurer (541) 451-1550 Office Stacey Berggren NNU Asst. Director of (541) 619-8616 Cell Admissions NNU, Director of [email protected] Admissions 623 Holly Street Nampa ID 83686 623 Holly Street Alaska District NYI Nampa, ID 83686 (208) 467.8950 Office President (208) 965.7338 Cell (208) 467.8648 Office Mike Yost (208) 250.8621 Cell (208) 467.8645 Fax [email protected] NNU Student Body 623 Holly St. President Nampa, ID 83686 Grant Miller (360) 903-8559 Cell NNU #2294 [email protected]</p><p>Review of Fall Minutes</p><p>Motion to accept Trent Friberg 2nd by Rob Anderson MPU Treasurers Report</p><p>2010 NW Region NYI Financial Report Income Dues Alaska S850 each Colorado $850.00 Intermountain $850.00 Northwest $850.00 Oregon Pacific $850.00 Rocky Mountain $850.00 Washington Pacific $4,250.00 Quiz Dues Alaska $300 each Colorado $300.00 Intermountain $300.00 Northwest $300.00 Oregon Pacific $300.00 Rocky Mountain $300.00 Washington Pacific $1,500.00 Main Event Alaska Colorado Intermountain Northwest Oregon Pacific Rocky Mountain Washington Pacific $- The Call Alaska Colorado Intermountain Northwest Oregon Pacific Rocky Mountain Washington Pacific $- TOTAL INCOME $5,750.00 </p><p>Expenses Budget # Budget Category Budgeted Regional Operating Budget $9,600.00 Regional Meeting 100 Expenses $2,000.00 </p><p>150 Administration $200.00 Liberty Checks 200 Officer Travel $1,200.00 Trent Friberg - Flight Rich Vasquez - DLC Rich Vasquez - DLC 250 Officer Honorariums $1,600.00 President $1,000.00 Vice President $200.00 Secretary $200.00 Treasurer $200.00 Global NYI 300 Convention / NYC $300.00 350 National Quiz Expenses $2,100.00 General cotn 450 Web Maintenance $200.00 Tim Milburn - Web maintenance 550 Ministry Projects (Paid) $- </p><p>600 Wish List $- 650 Big Picture $1,000.00 Leavenworth COTN Kenny Wade Call Conference Council 700 Registrations $1,000.00 </p><p>800 Call Conference $6,710.00 805 Administration $700.00 </p><p>810 Publications/Advertising $2,200.00 820 Honorariums $2,210.00 830 Facilities $400.00 840 Miscellaneous expenses $1,200.00 850 In/Out Expenses</p><p>900 Main Event $46,850.00 905 Administration $4,800.00 Media Services $700.00 </p><p>Office Help $200.00 </p><p>Event Coordinators $2,400.00 Mike Marston Stacey Berggren Honorariums $1,100.00 </p><p>Incidentals $400.00 Office Depot - supplies Publications / 910 Advertising $6,500.00 Design and Print $4,000.00 Publications Options Printing Tim Milburn (pubs) T-shirts $2,500.00 Advertising that Fitz Mike Bartlett 915 Chapel / Worship $6,500.00 Speaker $2,500.00 Brooklyn Lindsey - Travel Worship $2,200.00 </p><p>Miscellaneous $1,800.00 </p><p>920 Quizzing $1,500.00 </p><p>925 Athletics $2,500.00 Referees/Trophy's $2,100.00 </p><p>Event Coordinator $200.00 </p><p>Miscellaneous $200.00 </p><p>930 Talent $2,100.00 Judging $1,800.00 </p><p>Event Coordinators $200.00 </p><p>Miscellaneous $100.00 </p><p>935 Activities $6,000.00 Costco - Concessions 940 Intramurals $750.00 </p><p>945 Scholarships $600.00 </p><p>950 Miscellaneous $700.00 Spiritual Direction $500.00 </p><p>Hospitality Room $200.00 Costco - Hospitality Room Cash Box 950 Housing $2,500.00 </p><p>955 Food $12,400.00 Costco - Breakfast 2010 Budget Summary Item Budgeted Spent Administrative Budget totals (to date) $9,600.00 $1,034.72 Main Event totals (w/ food & housing) $46,850.00 The Call totals $6,710.00 Regional Budget Totals (to date) $63,160.00 Main Event Income $- </p><p>Checking / Reserves Balance Summary Checking Balance - share draft $2,000.85 Savings Balance - primary share $1,393.02 Safety Reserves Scholarships $3,600.00 in theory Global NYI Convention $1,200.00 in theory NNU owes us $2,000.00 estimated</p><p>Motion to accept by Troy Teeter 2nd by Kyle White MPU Big Picture Training Report NWR Training Report – Spring Meeting 2010</p><p>I'm stoked to announce the merger between Big Picture Training and Barefoot Training! </p><p>Feb 28-March 2, 2010, BPT trainers met with Chris Folmsbee and the Barefoot Training Team. Chris has served as youth pastor, led various youthworker training initiatives and is now leading Barefoot. We are excited and privileged to have Chris’ able leadership and compelling vision to lead us. </p><p>During our meetings we shared spaces of prayer reflection in Christ as well as conversing through Enroute and Encounter. These seminars will be trained the next two years to be followed by the other trainings listed on BFT's website www.barefoottraining.com</p><p>What does all this mean right now for youth worker training on our region?</p><p>1) Trainer positions on District NYI councils, partnerships, and resources are critical to the mission of guiding youth workers and students in spiritual formation for the mission of God. </p><p>2) The BPT events currently booked online are our last. The BPT seminars will be digitized and become web modules this year offered through Barefoot.</p><p>3) Book Enroute events to host on your districts and BFT will provide the training facilitator.</p><p>4) Once a current Big Picture Team Member hosts, participates, team trains a BFT workshop and, completes the BFT application/evaluation process they will be considered to be a BFT facilitator. Trainings November 2009-April 2010 & Projected: Feb IM Nate Roskam SDMI Tour (complete) April IM Kenny Wade $5 (pending) Summer NW James O Heroic Faith (pending) July NNU Kenny Wade Enroute (pending)</p><p>Projects: -Contact with all BPT team members (emails/phone) -RME2010: Youth Worker Dinner, Spiritual Direction, BFT, FCE -PALCON July 2010: 2 Workshops Prep-Staff Relations & Enroute Training</p><p>← Regional Trainer GOALS April-November 2010 ← 1) Every District booked with an Enroute Training by January 2010 ← 2) Email YouTube Video explaining connection between Barefoot Ministries, Training, NYI, and NPH ← 3) PALCON Prep ← 4) Call Conference Prep ← 5) Third Wave 2011 Prep ← ← Your Regional Barefoot Trainer, </p><p>Kenny Wade Motion to accept by Mike Yost 2nd by Troy Teeter MPU</p><p>Discussion ensued about what the present transitions looks like. One particular question is will training be promoted more widely. Is there a way to communicate an event with people without them having to go to a website. How are they are going to universally promote the events? Dear Directors,</p><p>I am apologizing for reporting back so late after the November meeting with the regional Council. There are two policies that have changed for our region. The regional council felt that we needed to be in line with the general guidelines of all the participants in the Main Event. Here are the basic changes that will begin taking effect as soon as we can implement them:</p><p>1. A teen quizzer will be able to participate in the regional quiz if they are between the ages of 12-18 inclusive at the time of the regional event. The nineteen year old may participate if they are still enrolled in high school. Remember that the general rules for participation for all events at NNU Main Event are grades 7-12 and on NYC years it is limited to grades 8-12.</p><p>2. In keeping with the philosophy of NYI and our region, we are allowing the guest churches who are participating in the open division to compete for positions on the regional team only during the national tournament years (even number years ). These national tournaments are open to all teams who participate regularly in our local district Nazarene tournaments.</p><p>Note: We would like to limit this 1st year to only the #1 guest church team from their respective districts. At this time we have only two districts bringing guest teams. These two teams would be included in the complete round robin with the district all-stars and church teams. </p><p>Thank you for your support and grace.</p><p>In Christ,</p><p>Henry T. Miller 541-330-1443</p><p>Motion to accept by Trent Friberg 2nd by Kyle White MPU</p><p>Henry will communicate the following with quiz directors and Stacey will update the Regional handbook:</p><p>Quizzing teams competing at Main Event: a) A district all-star team composed of all-star participants selected at the district quiz-off. One team per District. b) A church champion team. This is a local team that won the district competition at the district quiz-off. One team per District. c) An open class. This division (a guest church on your district, a second church team, or a second all-star team) will not be eligible for any NNU scholarship dollars. These teams will be assessed a $50.00 registration fee. Each quizzer and coach will be expected to register and pay the regular Main Event fees. Each team will be expected to participate in chapels as do all quizzers and Main Event participants. The number of teams in this class is not limited. d) The Regional Quiz Director and/or the Regional NYI Council has the authority to make changes / exceptions to the above rules and the quizzing schedule. The Call Conference Report Tabled to Thursday Third Wave 2011 Dear 3rd Wave 2011 Applicant,</p><p>The General NYI is organizing a leadership event January 4-9, 2011*. It is called “Third Wave” and will be held in Bangkok, Thailand. Details can be found at: http://web.nazarene.org/site/PageServer?pagename=Third_Wave_Home</p><p>Third Wave is a global leadership conference for emerging adults ages 19 to 29 who display Christ-centered leadership potential and servant lifestyles. Four participants will be selected from our region by the USA Northwest Regional Council: http://www.nwregionnyi.com/council.html</p><p>Step1: Pray for Jesus’ direction. This is not for everyone or to be entered into lightly. Consult mentors around you. Listen to Christ’s spirit. Be open.</p><p>Step2: Complete the application forms and process. The total cost of the event will be determined at a later date**. Expect travel costs of close to $2000. Creating a fundraising strategy needs to be a high priority if you are sensing Christ’s call toward this journey.</p><p>Step3: Submit your application postmarked or electronically by May 17, 2010. Late or incomplete applications will not be prioritized. </p><p>Step4: Interview times will be scheduled over the phone or online (Skype/iChat). Selected candidates will be notified by June 30, 2010</p><p>Mail, fax, or email applications to: Kenny Wade Third Wave 2011 NWR Fax 208 323 0325 Coordinator [email protected] Boise First Community Center 3852 N Eagle Rd Cell 208 859 1019 Boise, ID 83687 Office 208 375 0322</p><p>If you have any questions please contact me. </p><p>*These are the dates of the actual event. Our dates will vary to accommodate travel time. **Cost of the entire trip is scheduled to be set after April 18, 2010. THIRD WAVE 2011 REGISTRATION FORM</p><p>JANUARY 4-9, 2011 Bangkok, Thailand $400 USD PER PERSON</p><p>NAME ______AGE ____DOB______</p><p>MALE □ FEMALE □ SINGLE □ MARRIED □ </p><p>TSHIRT SIZE- S, M, L, XL, XXL</p><p>SOCIAL SECURTIY OR PASSPORT NUMBER______</p><p>ADDRESS______</p><p>______</p><p>COUNTRY______</p><p>LOCAL CHURCH______</p><p>DISTRICT______</p><p>FIELD___USA/Canada______REGION ___NORTHWEST______</p><p>HOME PHONE ______</p><p>CELL PHONE ______</p><p>EMAIL ______</p><p>PRIMARY LANGUAGE______</p><p>SECONDARY LANGUAGE(S) ______</p><p>INTERESTS/HOBBIES:______</p><p>______</p><p>Third Wave 2011 Applicant Essays:</p><p>In a 300 word, typed and separate essay, please title, and respond to each one of the following:</p><p> Share your spiritual journey with Christ and explain how God is presently working in your life.</p><p> Why is it important for the emerging adults of the church to think and act globally?</p><p> What passage or verse of scripture has been meaningful to you?</p><p> What is the most recent event that has been pivotal in your spiritual journey?</p><p> Five years from now where do you imagine God leading you?</p><p> How would you would raise awareness and help with one of the following: 1. AIDS crisis in Africa 2. Human Trafficking in Asia 3. Creation Care Issues</p><p>Attach essays together and submit with application. MEDICAL / EMERGENCY INFO THIRD WAVE 2011 APPLICANT</p><p>THIRD WAVE 2011 </p><p>Emergency Contact ______Ph______</p><p>Relationship ______</p><p>List the name(s) and dosage(s) of any medications you will be taking while at THIRD WAVE: </p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>List any medications or foods you are allergic to: </p><p>______</p><p>Date of last tetanus shot:______</p><p>List any medical conditions or activity limitations: ______</p><p>______</p><p>Insurance Provider:______</p><p>Policy #:______</p><p>Recommended vaccinations: Hepatitis A, Polio, Typhoid, and Yellow fever. All travelers should be up-to-date on routine immunizations, including Tetanus-diphtheria, Measles, and Chickenpox. Some areas in Thailand are subject to malaria. Before entering these areas persons are advised to consult a doctor or pharmacist to obtain the necessary medication. </p><p>Please submit all information as it appears on your passport. ______</p><p>______Third Wave 2011 Pastoral Reference Page 1</p><p>Applicant Name ______Pastor’s Name ______Church ______Address ______Email ______</p><p>City ______State ______Zip ______</p><p>Please answer the following questions:</p><p>How long have you known the applicant? ______</p><p>In what capacity?______</p><p>Describe the applicant’s spiritual journey:</p><p>In what way is the applicant contributing to ministry locally?</p><p>Please describe the applicant’s leadership skills:</p><p>Describe your view of the applicant’s ability to think globally: Third Wave 2011 Pastoral Reference Page 2</p><p>Please rate the students on the following statements:</p><p>•Student regularly displays leadership skills Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10</p><p>•Student is a positive role model Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10</p><p>•Student routinely displays a Christ-like character Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10</p><p>•Student is involved in ministry Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10</p><p>•Student is able to work well with others Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10</p><p>Would you recommend this applicant to be selected: Yes / No Why or why not?</p><p>Comments:</p><p>Pastor’s Name Title Phone</p><p>Pastor’s Signature Dates Jan 4-9, 2011</p><p>Tentative Budget: Registration fee (includes housing & meals) $400 Travel $1400 Insurance $100 Pre-Trip (food, lodging) $200</p><p>Tentative Cost $2100</p><p>Motion Mike Marston: funds received in the offering at the 2010 Main Event will go toward the student cost of Third Wave. 2nd Troy Teeter Kyle White amended the motion as follows: funds received in the offering at the 2010 Main Event will go toward the student cost of Third Wave, if the offering is greater that $1600 those funds will then be applied to Kenny’s Third Wave cost. 2nd Mike Marston MPU</p><p>2011 Main Event Offering: in looking at this the council has committed to pay $2500 to help bring RP’s from other regions for NYC 2010. The suggestion is that next year, 2011 Main Event offering will be used to help offset this cost.</p><p>Here is the schedule for Third Wave applications: March 16: General NYI Posted Third Wave Website: Third Wave Website</p><p>March 23: Third Wave application emailed out April 18: Third Wave Regional Budget and per person cost set by the Regional Council May 17: Applications due May 17-June 30: Third Wave Coordinator, RP, and Applicant’s DP interview, evaluate, and decided on applicants. June 30: Phone/Online interviews complete Sept 1-Nov 15: Third Wave General Registration Open Jan 4-9, 2011: Third Wave</p><p>NYC 2011 The basic update hinged on cost for NYC for each district. </p><p>All DP’s need to e-mail the contact info for NYC coordinators to Rich by 4/23/2010.</p><p>Meeting adjourned until Thursday Thursday 4/15/10</p><p>Members Present: Rich Vasquez, Stacey Berggren, Mike Marston, Mike Yost, Troy Teeter, Kyle While, Joe Arnold, Trent Friberg, Rob Anderson, Henry Miller, James O’Connell, Kenny Wade & Joel Alsworth.</p><p>Troy Teeter opened with devotions: Matthew 4:17ff. 12 Ordinary Men-McCarther. Call Conference Report: April 15, 2010</p><p>Northwest Regional Council,</p><p>At our spring meeting, we get to look forward to Fall and to begin again our anticipation of our annual Call Conference. With many new members to our council, I’d like to share a little bit about the Call Conference!</p><p>Discussions: Brief Mission/Vision Summary; the Call Conference team: Mike K., Johnny H., Stacey B., Mike M., Kenny W., Trent F.</p><p>Paperwork – I’ve thought about developing an online application system. Does anyone have contacts that could help develop this system?</p><p>Promotion – The best method of promotion for this event is simple: #1) Understand the value of this event. This is time and space and room for students within our youth groups hungry to hear and listen to God’s voice to take time and energy to do just that. If you believe this will happen, as you talk to youth pastors on your district, it will show. Also, know the value of each student having a mentor to walk with them through this event. #2) Begin the conversations. Start talking to the youth pastors on your district about their current sophomore and juniors. Maybe at camp begin asking if they have that new junior or senior that they need to invite and challenge to take this time. You must start the conversation! #3) Help them get there. Begin finding a way for your district to help cover the costs of the Call Conference. The amount the conference costs is far below the value of the experience, but ask your council how you can support your students and their mentors. #4) Show the video. At your senior high camp this summer, show the Call Conference video, which will be produced and distributed by June 1st. Show it and make it available to your youth pastors and your churches. The success of this important event is largely dependent on your promotion of it. Please do not delay. If you have questions, please feel free to give me a call at my office, 360.736.9981, on my cell, 360.269.1576 or email me at the address listed above.</p><p>Funding 2007 2008 2009 Expenses $9850 $9436 $11302 Income $5000 $5840 $6775 Amt. Requested from NNU $4850 $3596 $4527 Should we request a change in the funding structure before it is changed for us? Suggestion: Go to NNU and say, we are wanting to expand this Conference, but don’t want to saddle NNU with a variable request each year that will continue to grow as we develop this event. Can we have NNU cover our costs for A) Publications/Advertising, B) Honoraria for our speakers and C) Facility Charges? This would total $4810 and would not vary according to our numbers. It would then be our job to calculate a fee that will cover our expenses from year to year.</p><p>Your Participation Your role during the week of the Call Conference is critical as well. As District President, you will serve as a discussion leader in a small group. (If you are unable to stay for the Call Conference, you will need to recruit and designate a replacement for yourself. Please communicate this to me early.) In order to lead effectively, you will need to come having read the text I Believe: Exploring the Apostles’ Creed by Alister McGrath. (Find it at amazon.com at http://amzn.to/cdymMl.) It is not too lengthy, but is incredibly powerful. Please do not plan to read this for the first time as you travel to Nampa.</p><p>Thanks for your efforts and for all you do,</p><p>Serving Him, Trent</p><p>Motion to accept Henry Miller 2nd by Kenny Wade MPU</p><p>Discussion ensued around the amount of money that might be requested from NNU to help fund The Call Conference. As NNU invests in The Call Conference it also means that there is the expectation that the Regional Council communicate the event well assuring that student and mentor numbers will be good. </p><p>Kenny made a structural suggestion-having pastors and other table discussion leaders come on Sunday morning has been challenging. Many of the table leaders are busy on Sunday and have to take time off of work to be here. Kenny made the suggestion that the Sunday am meeting be moved to a different time to help accommodate a greater number of pastor and other adult table leaders. </p><p>Trent & Kenny will follow-up on this conversation.</p><p>James brought forward a suggestion that at least one of the discussion tables focus on the process of what to do when you feel called to ministry i.e. when to pursue a local license etc.</p><p>Motion: NW Regional Council will request 5000 that will go to The Call Conference for fixed costs. </p><p>ADJUSTED MOTION via Email – Approved The NW Regional Council will request that NNU contribute $5000/year to go toward the payment of some of the fixed costs of The Call Conference, specifically Administration, Publications/Advertising & Facilities. </p><p>Motion to accept Trent Friberg 2nd by Mike Yost MPU</p><p>Upcoming USA/Canada dates:</p><p>28 June – 3 July 2010 Q2010 Bible Quizzing Tournament – MVNU</p><p>4-9 January 2011 Third Wave Emerging Youth Leader Conference – Bangkok, Thailand</p><p>19-20 February 2011 USA/Canada NYI Council Meeting – Louisville, KY</p><p>21-23 February 2011 USA/Canada NYI District Leadership Conference – Louisville, KY</p><p>5-10 July 2011 USA/Canada NYC 2011 – Louisville, KY Northwest Region Future Dates Call Conference Nov. 12-15, 2009 Nov. 11-14, 2010 Nov. 10-13, 2011 Nov. 8-11, 2012 Nov. 7-10, 2013 Nov. 13-16, 2014 Nov. 12-15, 2015</p><p>Regional Main Event April 16-18, 2010 April 15-17, 2011 April 27-29, 2012 April 26-28, 2013 April 25-27, 2014 April 24-26, 2015</p><p>Regional Council Meeting Dates: Nov. 10th 9 am-15th 3 p.m. April 13-15, 2011-12 pm start Nov. 9-10, 2011-9 am start on the 9th done by 3 p.m. on 13th. April 25-27, 2012-12 pm start Nov. 7-8, 2012-9 am start on the 7th done by 3 p.m. on the 11th . April 24-26, 2013-12 pm start Nov. 6-7, 2013-9 am start on the 6th done by 3 p.m. on the 10th. April 23-25, 2014-12 pm start Nov. 12-13, 2014-9 am start on the 12th done by 3 p.m. on the 16th. April 22-24, 2015-12 pm start Nov. 11-12, 2015-9 am start on the 11th done by 3 p.m. on the 15th.</p><p>Palcon July 27-29, 2010 Fred Fullerton Talked about training opportunities that will be available for youth pastors at the event and those in the Treasure Valley area.</p><p>Barefoot Training: When each district books a training of the course of the next year date please let Kenny Wade and Fred Fullerton know. The university is willing to pay $1000 per district ($1400 for Alaska) to help fund trainings on each district. Once a training is booked and Fred has been notified he will then work out the logistics for getting the money to each district for the training. </p><p>Motion to close meeting: Rich Vasquez 2nd Troy Teeter MPU</p><p>Meeting reconvened Friday 4/16/10</p><p>Members Present: Rich Vasquez, Stacey Berggren, Mike Marston, Mike Yost, Troy Teeter, Kyle While, Joe Arnold, Trent Friberg, Rob Anderson, Henry Miller, James O’Connell, Kenny Wade & Joel Alsworth.</p><p>Honorarium Considerations The discussion centered on determining a set practice in writing to pay out honorariums to the Regional President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.</p><p>Article 2 Section 1 of the Regional Ministry Plan will read: The NW Region NYI officers serve without salary. Financing for the administrative expenses of NW Region NYI officers is allocated as a part of Regional funds. Honoraria will be given to officers after the fall meeting after one complete year of service provided the region’s balance of cash on hand is at least $5000.</p><p>Motion: Mike Yost 2nd: Stacey Berggren MPU</p><p>Meeting adjourned</p>
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