ALT Mixed BULLETIN 2 THE ALT Wednesday, May 20, 2020 editor: Christina Lund Madsen MIXED TEAMS [email protected] logistics: Rosalind Hengeveld big data: Joyce Tito MAY 18 - 22, 2020 Alt Mixed II So far the first Alt Mixed Teams has been a great success (though for some more than others...) and especially for the kibitzers. We are happy to announce that the second Alt Mixed Teams is already planned for the week June 1st to 5th. We had lots of interest surrounding the event,PRE-BULLETIN so the field will once again be world class. THE ALT Monday, May 11, 2020 Next week we will have the Alt Invitational V, soeditor: entertainment Christina Lund Madsen is guaranteed for several weeks to [email protected] come. INVITATIONAL logistics: Rosalind Hengeveld MAY 11-15, 2020 big data: Joyce Tito online bridge events organized by bid72, bridge24 & netbridge.online THE ALT INVITATIONAL Today’sPRE-BULLETIN Schedule Round 5 & 6 Important NoticeTHE ALT Monday, May 11, 2020 Wednesdayeditor: Christina May Lund 20Madsen Wednesday May 20 All players MAYshould 11-15, enter 2020 BBO 10 [email protected] INVITATIONAL 10.00 EDT/16.00logistics: Rosalind Hengeveld CET 14.30 EDT/20.30 CET minutes before their matchMAY starts 11-15, 2020 at big data: Joyce Tito online bridge events organized by bid72, bridge24 & netbridge.onlineMangoes - Ferm Mangoes - Donner the latest. Tournamentonline bridgedirector events organized Denis by bid72, bridge24Gupta & netbridge.online- Donner Ferm - Cole Dobrin is waiting for you and will Koeppel- Cole Gupta - Pepsi instruct you where to sit. Meltzer - Pepsi Koeppel - Meltzer THE ALT INVITATIONAL MAY 11-15, 2020 online bridge events organized by bid72, bridge24 & netbridge.online sign up for the newsletter sign up for the newsletter - 1 - No-Lightner double by Christina Lund Madsen Board 2 of the day was an interesting and very good 6♥, but because diamonds split 4-0 was down on a ruff, whereas 6♦ was cold, should any manage to find that con- tract after 1♥-opening and partner having 4-card support. I expected a few lightner doubles, but was disappointed as only 3 tables reached slam, non doubled. Hilda Setton The one table who managed to beat 6♥ were the leading Mangoes: Board 2. E / NS ♠ KQT7532 Morten Bilde - Vinita Gupta made 6♥, ♥ T9 as the defense did not find the ruff after ♦ - North played the ♠2 on partner's ♠A lead ♣ QJ85 (not sure of their methods) but May Sakr ♠ 84 N ♠ 6 - Pepsi managed to find the cold 6♦ as the ♥ Q432 W E ♥ AK765 only pair: ♦ KQ73 S ♦ AJ862 ♣ K62 ♣ A9 WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH ♠ AJ9 Sakr Brink Pepsi Ferm ♥ J8 1♥ Pass ♦ T954 2NT* 4♠ 5♣* Pass ♣ T743 5♦* X XX 5♠ Pass Pass 6♦ All Pass WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH Tebha Francheschetti Grue Setton 1♥ Pass 2NT was at least invitational with hearts. 5♣ was a cuebid, 5♦ cuebid and could 3♣ 3♠ 4♣ Dble be natural, and now North tried a pre- 4♦ 4♠ 6♥ All pass lightner double of 5♦. East redoubled and South bid 5♠. East smelled the void and South led the ♠A and got the ♠10 from tried 6♦, happily passed by his partner. partner. She shifted to the ♦9 and was rewarded when her partner ruffed. +920 and a pure blitz against Team Ferm. - 2 - Results / Ranking RR3 IMPs VPs Mangoes remain undefeated Mangoes - Koeppel 66-28 17.32-2.68 Little more than halfway the field is Meltzer - Gupta 30-48 5.80-14.20 shattered to pieces. The Mangoes Pepsi - Ferm 88-5 20.00-0.00 continue their raid through the ranks, Meltzer, Pepsi and Donner trying to Cole - Donner 23-78 0.91-19.09 keep up. Gupta in 5th have a fair shot at the top 4, whereas the bottom 3 need to rearm and fire at everything RR4 IMPs VPs that moves. Mangoes - Gupta 60-22 17.32-2.68 Koeppel - Ferm 61-47 13.41-6.59 Meltzer - Donner 64-19 18.12-1.88 Pepsi - Cole 34-15 14.39-5.61 Link to results After Round 4 VPs Alt Mixed results 1. MANGOES 62.89 Link to previous Alts & bulletins 2. MELTZER 50.01 Bulletins 3. PEPSI 49.80 4. DONNER 44.73 5. GUPTA 36.45 6. KOEPPEL 27.50 7. FERM 26.37 Follow us on Facebook 8. COLE 22.25 Click the link Rules and regulations The numbers 1 through 4 from the round robin will go to the semifinals. In case of a tie in victory points: 1. the mutual result will decide 2. still equal: the most ’wins’ (BAM-ish) will decide. 3. after that: the team with the highest IMP score on a board will go through The winner of the round robin may choose its opponent between the teams placed 3 and 4. T he captain will mail their choice to [email protected] within an hour after the round robin is finis- hed. If late, then matches will be: 1 versus 4 and 2 versus 3. - 3 - Memory Lane By Mark Horton Too many years ago to remember I wrote At this point I was tempted to contact a Bols Bridge Tip entitled 'Don't be afraid the Editor and ask her to set aside a large to Respond'. It was considered by some to number of pages so that I could write a be avant-garde, but nowadays it is very short treatise on the topic of reverses. much the plat du jour. The latest issue of BeBRIDGE extols its virtues. However, my wife pointed out that it was A typical example occurred on this deal the first time this year it has been warm from the match between Mangoes and enough to have a drink in the garden and Koeppel: so of necessity this report is somewhat attenuated. Board 17. Dealer North. None Vul. In order to indicate its complexity suffice ♠ A Q 5 3 it to say that the high priest of Acol, Eric ♥ A Crowhurst, suggests that it is non-forcing. ♦ K 9 7 On the other hand if you play Blackout ♣ A K 8 7 6 then the sequence 1♣-1♠-2♦-3♦ is game ♠ 9 2 ♠ J 10 forcing and at least a mild slam try. ♥ K 10 4 ♥ Q 9 8 7 5 3 2 ♦ A Q 6 4 ♦ J 10 What I can say with confidence is that ♣ Q J 10 8 ♣ 9 4 there was no sign of anyone blacking out ♠ K 8 7 6 4 on this deal as North jumped to the easy ♥ J 6 game, +450. ♦ 8 5 3 2 ♣ 5 2 Closed Room Open Room WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH Baroni Grossack Bessis Koeppel WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH 1♣ 2♥ Pass Tebha Francheschetti Grue Setton 3♥ 3♠ All Pass 1♣ Pass 1♠ Pass 2♦ Pass 3♦ With his dry 2-7-2-2 East contented Pass 4♠ All Pass himself with overcalling at the two- level, relieving South of the obligation to respond and West raised the ante. When You might open the North hand 2NT, North bid 3♠ (anyone for double?) South's but 1♣ cannot be criticised. When South pessimistic Pass (I like that phrase, remind responded 1♠ North decided to reverse. me to use it more often) resulted in the loss of 6 IMPs. - 4 - THE NEW ONLINE MAGAZINE FOR BRIDGE ADDICTS WHAT'S NEXT? The second issue of BeBRIDGE is a blockbuster, with feature length articles on the impact of COVID-19 and the affinity between Chess and Bridge. We take a trip to the island of Madeira, home of one of the great bridge Festivals, and enjoy the latest monastic tale from the master story-teller, David Bird. Alain Lévy shows you how to improve your opening leads and Philippe Cronier starts a new series. WANT TO SUBSCRIBE? It couldn't be simpler, go on: https://us.lebridgeur.com You can also subscribe by phone at +33 (0)1 42 96 87 34 or by email at [email protected] Once you subscribe to BeBRIDGE, you will be able to access and download your magazine anytime on your computer and tablet. And The Glut Goes On By Martin Cantor The glut of good boards continued in an opening bid. South however seems to Round 3, and once again I was spoiled for have taken it as more for takeout promi- choice of which hands to regale you with sing hearts, and apparently paying scant from the top versus bottom clash between regard to the maxim that you should only Mangoes and Koeppel. I settled on these bid the five level if you expect to make. two for your delectation. Single dummy the diamond slam isn’t Board 6. E / EW entirely hopeless, but it’s much against the odds even before you factor in the likely ♠ J43 bad breaks. ♥ 53 Tebha cashed the ♣A then played the ♠K. ♦ AK42 Setton drew two rounds of trumps with ♣ KQT7 the jack and king then took the losing ♠ KQT98762 N ♠ 5 heart finesse. West cleared trumps to leave ♥ K W E ♥ JT8642 declarer with a further loser in each of ♦ T53 S ♦ 87 hearts and clubs. Three down for -150. ♣ A ♣ J632 ♠ A The auction in the other room was shorter, ♥ AQ97 and although I would have doubled with ♦ QJ96 the North hand, Zach Grossack showed ♣ 9854 that his judgment is better than mine since 5♦ is in fact unbeatable. However, making it is not straightforward, as we WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH saw. Tebha Franceschetti Grue Setton WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH -- -- Pass 1♦ von Arnim Grossack Lorenzini Koeppel 4♠ Dbl Pass 5♥ -- -- Pass 1♦ Pass 6♦ All Pass 4♠ 5♦ Pass Pass Dble All Pass In high level competitive auctions like this a double of 4♠ is generally best played The ♠K lead was followed by two rounds as strongly penalty oriented rather than of trumps ending in hand, then a club up primarily takeout, unlike a double of 4♥ and a third round of trumps from West, which tends to be more takeout-ish with a bringing us to the same position as the focus on spades.
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