<p> REGULAR MEETING OF THE LOUISVILLE TOWN BOARD December 9, 2015; 7:00PM LOUISVILLE MUNICIPAL BUILDING</p><p>BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: LARRY LEGAULT, SUPERVISOR ROY BESHAW, COUNCILMAN PATRICK CARROLL, COUNCILMAN GAIL SCHNEIDER, COUNCILWOMAN BOARD MEMBER ABSENT: DAN O’KEEFE, COUNCILMAN HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT: VERN FENLONG</p><p>Supervisor Legault called the meeting to order at 7:02pm.</p><p>Supervisor Legault requested a moment of silence in memory of Dan LeFeve.</p><p>A plaque has been completed for Michael Powers for over 21 years of service with the Town. Mike was unable to attend the meeting.</p><p>Moved by Councilwoman Schneider, seconded by Councilman Beshaw and duly carried to accept the November 11, 2015 regular meeting minutes.</p><p>SLC Legislator Lisa Bell attended the meeting and wished everyone a Merry Christmas.</p><p>REPORT FROM RECREATION AND MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR LAVALLEY:</p><p>Everything is going well. </p><p>Councilwoman Schneider and Mr. LaValley will attend the North Country Recreation meeting on January 7 th</p><p>Supervisor Legault discussed the RVRDA open projects with Mr. LaValley and Highway Superintendent Fenlong:</p><p>2014 grant: painting the Community Center Building, sign at Community Center Building, roof over the bbq pit, installation of doors on Community Center Building and repairs to the parking lot- highway work orders should be handed into the office, Kelly Doors should be contacted and told to finish.</p><p>2015 grant: roof for history building, roof on pavilion, installation of fence, and repairs to fire station #1 basement. Highway work orders should be completed; Highway Superintendent Fenlong and Supervisor Legault will meet at the fire station to look at the basement, upstairs and furnace. </p><p>REPORT ON WATER DISTRICT #3 Engineer Burley attended the meeting to review the contract change order for Marcellus and the amendment to the engineer agreement. We have completed and sent in Exhibit C Estimated project cost for the final paperwork. In doing so, some budget numbers need to be adjusted. The change order 2-2 is for the automatic flushers at $18,300.00 and the diver from fixing the intake line $6,930.00. Attorney fees were decreased by $4,900.00 and Administrative Force Account was reduced $2,000.00. These changes will leave $397.00 in the contingency fund. The Board reviewed exhibit C and this will be the closing document –Moved by Councilwoman Schneider, seconded by Councilman Carroll and duly carried to allow Supervisor Legault to sign the exhibit C with an amendment moving $6,930.00 from misc. and adding it to Marcellus as per the change order, Marcellus contract in the amount of $6,930.00. Moved by Councilwoman Schneider, seconded by Councilman Beshaw and duly carried to accept change order #2-2 in the amount of $25,230.00. Moved by Councilman Carroll, seconded by Councilwoman Schneider and duly carried to accept the amendment to the owner-engineer contract #4 in the amount of $5,400.00. REGULAR MEETING OF THE LOUISVILLE TOWN BOARD December 9, 2015; 7:00PM LOUISVILLE MUNICIPAL BUILDING Engineer Burley will follow up with Marcellus concerning John Alexander’s payment for chimney work.</p><p>The two auto-flush hydrants will be installed on CR 39 and the Wallace Road by Marcellus Construction.</p><p>The Sepamatic filters could be sold if we were able to obtain the old RP Adams filters from Tupper Lake and the NYS Health Dept. release was obtained. </p><p>Engineer Burley also told the Board that he was leaving C2AE and will be working for NYPA. Tom Oney will be handling the completion of paperwork for Water District #3.</p><p>REPORT FROM HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT FENLONG: The NYPA project of finishing and paving the Wilson Hill Road has been completed and the paperwork has been turned in. Supervisor Legault will send a final letter requesting payment.</p><p>The plows are ready. The new truck has arrived- the insurance and registration is being taken care of and it should be on the road this week. The Highway Crew can begin work on fire station #1 remodel as soon as Supervisor Legault and he meet to review the project. Supervisor Legault asked Superintendent Fenlong to look into solar digital traffic controls for CR 39. Are there programs available to help pay for them, what is involved in getting permission from NYS and SLC? </p><p>PUBLIC COMMENT:</p><p>COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS: SLC Board of Legislators, NYSDEC, Kimco Steel, Eric Gustafson, SLC Real Property Tax Service, NYS Dept. of Public safety, DANC, Joanne Cameron, Tia Beaulieu, Elan City, Lisa Orosz, Local Government Task Force, NYPA, State Aid Surplus, Sales Tax Surplus, Nichols Walking trail and map, November Supervisor report and budget adjustments, report from the Code Enforcement Officer and Valley Water Solutions.</p><p>Moved by Councilwoman Schneider, seconded by Councilman Carroll and duly carried to accept the following resolution for Adoption of the St. Lawrence County Multi-Jurisdictional All-Hazard Mitigation Plan: WHEREAS, the Town of Louisville, with assistance from Barton & Loguidice, D.P.C., and St. Lawrence County, has gathered information and prepared the St. Lawrence County Multi-Jurisdictional All-Hazard Mitigation Plan; and WHEREAS, the St. Lawrence County Multi-Jurisdictional All-Hazard Mitigation Plan has been prepared in accordance with the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000; and WHEREAS, the Town of Louisville is a local unit of government that has afforded the citizens an opportunity to comment and provide input in the Plan and the actions in the Plan; and WHEREAS, Town of Louisville has reviewed the Plan and affirms that, with the assistance of St. Lawrence County, the Plan will be updated no less than every five years; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the Town of Louisville adopts the St. Lawrence County Multi-Jurisdictional All-Hazard Mitigation Plan as this jurisdiction’s Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan, and resolves to execute the actions in the Plan.</p><p>NYSDEC performed a routine inspection of the land clearing debris landfill on CR 39 and the transfer station on SH 37 on September 24, 2015. No violations were noted.</p><p>A check in the amount of $164.10 was received from Kimco Steel, Inc. </p><p>Moved by Councilwoman Schneider, seconded by Councilman Beshaw and duly carried not to change the Exemptions/Income Ceiling for 2016 Senior Citizen Real Property Tax Exemption County, Town and City Limits. Our income limit is $20,000.00 REGULAR MEETING OF THE LOUISVILLE TOWN BOARD December 9, 2015; 7:00PM LOUISVILLE MUNICIPAL BUILDING Moved by Supervisor Legault, seconded by Councilman Beshaw and duly carried to dedicate the barbeque pit at the Community Center to Danny LeFeve. Paul Bordeau will make a plaque and we will have a dedication ceremony during the Summer Bash in 2016.</p><p>A public meeting will be held prior to the January Board meeting for the updating of the Water Law. </p><p>Water Clerk Orosz spoke to the SLC Planning Office concerning the NYS Ag and Markets law as it pertains to our water district. How small a lot could be and still claim active farm land status and be relieved of the debt repayment? As per the law, size does not matter- if it is in the Ag District and active farmland- it cannot be charged for debt repayment.</p><p>Moved by Councilwoman Schneider, seconded by Councilman Carroll and duly carried to credit the lot #15.048-1-30.11 owner by William and Patti Shirley because it is active farmland. This credit will be applied to lot #15.048-2-2 owned by William and Patti Shirley that has not been billed for water – this is an accounting error.</p><p>Supervisor Legault presented the St. Lawrence Local Government Task force with a recreation project of a pool with bath house and handicap accessible hot tub to be located at Whalen Park.</p><p>$72,450.00 was received from NYPA for repairing the causeway. The monies were from the sale of the adjoining landowner lots.</p><p>Moved by Councilman Carroll, seconded by Supervisor Legault and duly carried to deposit the excess NYS Aid of $2,405.00 in the General A account.</p><p>Moved by Supervisor Legault, seconded by Councilman Carroll and duly carried to deposit the excess sales tax of $15,619.55 in the General A account.</p><p>A map of the Nichols Pool Walking Trail and facilities is now available. This NYPA property is located just past St. Lawrence Recreation on the right hand side of SH 37. </p><p>Moved by Councilwoman Schneider, seconded by Councilman Carroll and duly carried to make the following budget adjustments:</p><p>A move from: 16204A Building Contractual $ 1,910.00 16204A Building Contractual CC $ 1,732.00 12201A Supervisor Asset $ 2,000.00 13301A Tax Collector Asset $ 1,000.00 19204A Association Dues $ 1,900.00 31204A Constable Cont. $ 1,060.00 35104A Dog Contractual $ 1,004.00 71104A Parks Contractual $ $11,682.0 0 REGULAR MEETING OF THE LOUISVILLE TOWN BOARD December 9, 2015; 7:00PM LOUISVILLE MUNICIPAL BUILDING 1,076.00 </p><p>A move to: 13554A Assessment Cont. $ 265.00 16204A Building Contractual muni $ 1,825.00 16204A Building Contractual museum $ 315.00 71101A Parks Payroll $ 65.00 71401A Recreation Payroll $ 5,430.00 90308A SS $ $11,682.0 3,782.00 0 </p><p>B move from: 80102B Zoning Asset $ 1,000.00 73102B Youth Program Asset $ 400.00 80104B Zoning Contractual $ $ 199.00 1,599.00 </p><p>B move to: 80204B Planning/BOA Thanks $ 1,050.00 90308B SS $ 289.00 90508B Unemployment $ $ 260.00 1,599.00 </p><p>DA move from: 51302DA Asset $ 719.00 90108DA State Retirement $ 4,267.00 90358DA Medicare $ 1,650.00 90508DA Unemployment $ 286.00 97106DA Serial Bonds $ $ 233.00 7,155.00 REGULAR MEETING OF THE LOUISVILLE TOWN BOARD December 9, 2015; 7:00PM LOUISVILLE MUNICIPAL BUILDING</p><p>DA move to: 51304DA Machinery Cont. $ 165.00 90608DA Insurance $ 5,141.00 90308DA SS $ $ 1,849.00 7,155.00 *SS will still show over budget by $538.00 with no overtime figured in. Also Snow Removal will be over $36,285. And Snow Contractual p/r will be over by $14,240 with no overtime. Revenue for rental by other governments is over by $91,000.00.</p><p>SW#1 move from: 83101SW Admin Payroll 2,864.00 83204SW Power & Pumping $ 460.00 83401SW Trans & Dist. Payroll $2,282.00 90108SW State Retirement $1,050.00 90508SW Unemployment $ 127.00 $ 6,783.00</p><p>SW#1 move to: 83104SW Admin Contractual $2,936.00 83304SW Purification Const. $,847.00 $ 6,783.00 **The following will still be over budget: Purification Contractual $310.00, Trans & Dist. Cont. $4,494.00, SS $300.00, and Insurance $16.00. But O&M is over on the revenue side by $40,000.00- parts that are rebilled to the customer are no longer shown as an offset to the expense</p><p>SW2 move from: 83104SW2 Admin Contractual $2,291.00 83401SW2 Trans & Dist. Payroll $ 536.00 83404SW2 Trans & Dist. Cont. $ 958.00 $ 3,785.00 </p><p>SW#2 move to: 83101SW2 Admin Payroll $ 385.00 83204SW2 Power&Pumping C. $ 336.00 83304SW2 Purification Cont. $2,607.00 90108SW2 Retirement $ 357.00 REGULAR MEETING OF THE LOUISVILLE TOWN BOARD December 9, 2015; 7:00PM LOUISVILLE MUNICIPAL BUILDING 90308SW2 SS $ $ 3,785.00 100.00 </p><p>SW3 move from: 83104SW3 Admin Contractual $ $1,491.00 1,491.00 </p><p>SW3 move to: 83304SW3 Purification Cont. $1,391.00 90308SW3 SS $ $ 1,491.00 100.00 </p><p>OLD BUSINESS:</p><p>Councilwoman Schneider would like to be informed when the RVRDA meetings are moved and when the next one will be held.</p><p>The letters have been mailed by NYPA landowner abutting property lots. The property owner’s time has expired to complete the sale with NYPA. Councilwoman Schneider is questioning- what now? Is NYPA turning the lots over to the Town- if so when?</p><p>There has been no movement on the Water Street deed.</p><p>Town Clerk Cameron has not completed anything on the ISO rating for the Town of Louisville.</p><p>Supervisor Legault will be speaking to NYPA on Tuesday concerning the funds not reimbursed by them.</p><p>The Wilson Hill Emergency access road is completed – where is the key?</p><p>The St. Lawrence Winter Chill event will be held at Whalen Park in February 13- February 21, 2016.</p><p>The Louisville Fire Department Capital account has been closed. $5,332.94 has been paid to the LVFD and the $0.05 left from interest, November 30th was transferred to the general account.</p><p>NEW BUSINESS:</p><p>Moved by Councilwoman Schneider, seconded by Councilman Carroll and duly carried to transfer $1,500.00 from the Historical Account to the Summer Bash Account per the 2015 budget.</p><p>Moved by Councilman Carroll, seconded by Councilman Beshaw and duly carried to transfer $5,000.00 from the General A account to the Highway DA account per the 2015 budget for plowing- 9901.9 Interfund Transfer.</p><p>Moved by Councilman Carroll, seconded by Councilwoman Schneider and duly carried to transfer $10,000.00 from the General Account to the Community Center Capital Account per the 2015 budget.</p><p>Moved by Councilwoman Schneider, seconded by Supervisor Legault and duly carried to commit $5,000.00 from the Summer Bash account to the 2016 Lake St. Lawrence Winter Chill. REGULAR MEETING OF THE LOUISVILLE TOWN BOARD December 9, 2015; 7:00PM LOUISVILLE MUNICIPAL BUILDING Moved by Councilwoman Schneider seconded by Councilman Beshaw and duly carried to authorize Supervisor Legault to enter into a contract with the Town of Massena and Massena Volunteer Emergency Unit, Inc. for the amount of $7,000.00 for the year 2016.</p><p>Moved by Councilman Schneider, seconded by Councilman Carroll and duly carried to authorize Supervisor Legault to enter into a contract with the Massena Humane Society, Inc. for the amount of $1,500.00 for the year 2016.</p><p>Moved by Councilwoman Schneider, seconded by Councilman Carroll and duly carried to send thank you in the amount of $75.00 each to Board of Appeals, Planning Board, Recreation Board, RVRDA Representative and the Shoreline Stabilization Board if they have served over 6 months on their respective Boards for their service to the Town of Louisville this past year. This totals $1,575.00. </p><p>Board members will arrange to audit the Supervisor, Town Clerk, and Town Court, Recreation Department, Water Department and Tax Collector books before the January Board meeting. </p><p>The Town of Louisville Christmas gathering will be Tuesday December 22nd at noon at the Louisville Town Office. </p><p>Thank you to Councilman Beshaw for his past 4 years of service.</p><p>Moved by Councilwoman Schneider, seconded by Councilman Carroll and duly carried to pay the Code Officer expenses of $410.00. His bill was not received in time to be added to the December abstract.</p><p>REPORT FROM COUNCILMEMBERS:</p><p>Councilwoman Schneider reviewed paperwork from NYSARC concerning some of their services such as mailings and shredding.</p><p>Councilwoman Schneider would like an update on the ALCOA Boat Launch on SH 37.</p><p>Councilman Beshaw: has spoken to several people concerning rats on SH 56 around the trailer park. Supervisor Legault will follow up with the NYS Health Department. Moved by Councilman Beshaw, seconded by Councilwoman Schneider and duly carried to proceed as soon as possible with the clean-up of garbage at the trailer park on SH 56 so the rat problem is mitigated. </p><p>REPORT FROM TOWN CLERK:</p><p>Nancy Foster inquired as to when the land around the Wilson Hill bulletin Board would be cleared. Supervisor Legault thought that someone from the Association was going to suggest what should be cleared and we would move forward from there. </p><p>Moved by Supervisor Legault seconded by Councilman Beshaw and duly carried to credit Bea Pellegrino the interest for the third quarter water billing. Her check was mailed on October 5th and not posted on our system until November 17th. She had never been late with a payment before. Bea Pellegrino should provide a copy of the check for the file.</p><p>Donna Martin had previously requested the vacant lot next to her house on CR 36 be combined with her house. When it was being completed by the Assessor’s office, it was determined that her bank would not allow the combination because there was a mortgage on one of the properties. Water Clerk Lisa is asking for a special exception to relieve the Martins of the second debt repayment. The Board decided that until Ms. Martin can combine the lots through the proper channels, she must continue to pay the ½ debt repays. REGULAR MEETING OF THE LOUISVILLE TOWN BOARD December 9, 2015; 7:00PM LOUISVILLE MUNICIPAL BUILDING Supervisor Legault will be speaking to Bill Foster concerning Caravan Drive deed over the Christmas break. He will then contact Ms. Levy.</p><p>Councilman O’Keefe is updating the town policies and preparing a binder. Some are being added and others updating. There will be copies in the Board member’s bins throughout the month- so all can be completed at the January organizational meeting. As far as the Drug Testing Policy goes, Supervisor Legault would like Attorney Gustafson to review it and he believes that employees should be tested before working for us. Also, as far as the HAS policy goes- should this be a policy or just a condition of the current health insurance?</p><p>The reserve funds for 2014 were reviewed by the Board. Moved by Councilwoman Schneider, seconded by Councilman Carroll and duly carried to move $16,188.67 from Water District #1 to Water District #1 Reserve for 1/1/2014 – 12/31/2014 billing, 60% of Water District #3 billing for the same period, and a $1,000.00 correction from the 2013 transfer. Also to move $10,859.40 from Water District #2 to Water District #2 Reserves $10,859.40 for 1/1/2014 – 12/31/2014 billing and 40% of Water District #3 billing for the same period. The Board discussed- once the relevy was received in 2016, 2015 reserves can be transferred to their corresponding reserve accounts.</p><p>Moved by Councilwoman Schneider, seconded by Councilman Beshaw and duly carried to recognize the final 2016 relevy of water billings is $98,737.02.</p><p>Justice LeCuyer’s report for the month of October and the financial review in the amount of $1,261.00, Justice LeCuyer’s report for the month of November the amount of $747.00, and Justice Gettman’s October monthly financial review and November report in the amount of $2,502.50 were audited.</p><p>General Voucher #618G-#718G in the amount of$52,439.63, Highway Voucher #342D-#365D in the amount of $67,385.84, Water Voucher #195W-#210W in the amount of $32,431.00, Capital Voucher #61A-#70A in the amount of $8,478.49, H(SW#3 Const.) Vouchers #29H-#30H in the amount of $353.04 and Summer Bash Voucher #28SB-#29SB in the amount of $542.00 were reviewed and ordered paid.</p><p>Moved by Councilman Beshaw, seconded by Councilwoman Schneider and duly carried to adjourn the regular meeting at 9:17pm.</p><p>Respectfully Submitted,</p><p>Joanne Cameron Town Clerk</p>
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